#I’m going with the mask was the cybernetic but it eventually healed under there cause eyes are capabale of healing
Does Arcann’s left eye (or ear) work??? It’s mentioned once that he “lost his eye” and that he was fitted with a cybernetic but he still has his eye later on
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realfuurikuuri · 4 years
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary: 
MissingArm!AU: When escaping the cave, it wasn't his tail that got crushed. In exchange for his innocence, he gained a sordid past. The Pure Heart Valley seemed like a good place to escape. To start a new life with a new family to forge a new identity. However, when the past rears its ugly head Mao Mao's forced to step up or be put down.
AN:  Finally back at the end of the century. The reason for no uploads on either the MMHOPH Headcanon blog (it's on Tumblr, go check it out) or on fanfics is because Persona 5 Roya came out and I finished that on Monday at 140 hours. Don't expect things to get to active too soon either, cause finals are next week. Regardless, let things get back to the usual. In keeping with Persona 5 Royal let's make today's song recommendation Beneath The Mask - Persona 5. Follow @spookylovesboba on Twitter and Tumblr and I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Direct AO3 Link: XXX
Mao Mao breathed in the fresh morning air. It was good to be outside again. Even if it was just to drop Adorabat off at school. He waved goodbye to her as she went inside, but he didn’t leave right away. He still felt terrible. It hurt to walk, and he couldn't lean too far on either side thanks to the hole. Camillie gave antibiotics and painkillers, alongside an extensive list of their side effects. The painkillers made his insides feel like cold porridge, and the antibiotics made his stomach feel weird. Nausea they caused together was unbelievable.
Nausea made it hard to remember if the school always had three students. He wasn’t sure, but he put aside his suspicion. It was probably another side effect. It was probably amongst Camille’s list of warnings; he couldn't know for sure.  It was way too early for any of this. It was too early for Mao Mao and certainly too early for Badgerclops. He was still asleep, and still drooling on his shoulder.
Mao Mao poked him until he woke up. “Huh, I was paying attention to the movie,” he yawned.
“It’s not movie night. We’re dropping off Adorabat.”
“Oh! Bye,” Badgerclops said waving.
“You’re at nothing, she’s already inside.”
“Oh. Well, that’s good, let's get you back to HQ.”
“What? You should stay in bed, off of your feet, doctor’s orders.”
“Yeah, but I want to go out to do something. Let’s get a pizza.”
“Doctor also said no solid foods.”
“Smoothies then.”
Mao Mao revved the engine making Badgerclops tightly grab onto his waist. “You sure you don’t want me to fly,” Badgerclops asked.
“It’ll be fine.”
“A sick man with one arm shouldn’t be driving anything.”
“I said it’ll be fine.”
Mao Mao pulled back the accelerator, letting the Aerocycle fly off. Badgerclops may have had a point, but he wasn’t let anything stop him from enjoying his day.
* * *
Mao Mao was still stubborn as all hell. Not even a trip to the hospital would change that. He and Mao Mao went from one end of town to the other, walking the streets looking for one place that served smoothies. He told Mao Mao more than once that the only food places were Muffin’s Bakery and the convenience store. Watching him Mao Mao hobble around would be funny if he hadn’t nearly died less than a weak ago.
“Hey, Mao Mao!”
Badgerclops had the small man tucked under like a football before he knew what was happening.
“Badgerclops, I am asking politely, but firmly to put me down before someone -and I mean you- gets hurt.”
“Awww, Is da wittle baby who just got outta the hospital mad.”
Mao Mao didn’t appreciate the humor. He wiggled like a worm and gnawed on his right hand, which probably would’ve hurt if it wasn’t made of metal, so Badgerclops just kind of ignored it. He walked through the narrow alleys towards Muffin’s bakery at the town square. He thought Mao Mao would stop eventually, but if Mao Mao was anything it was stupid. And also stubborn. Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! It was like a toddler using a teething ring. What was kind of funny at first became annoying, and now was just kind of gross to watch.
“You have to stop that before you hurt your teeth, and you and I both know that I don’t know how to schedule a dentist appointment,” Badgerclops said.
“I will when you put me…,” Mao Mao slowly fell silent as they entered the large open plaza of the town square.
“Hey, Badgerclops. What is that?”
“That’s the blob monster.”
Badgerclops flinched. Mao Mao slipped from his grasp ready to split his head on the pavement, but a cat’s gonna do what a cat's gonna do. He righted himself in the air to land on his feet. A much worse choice. Mao Mao’s eyes went wide from the pain before he fell down on all fours.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry.”
Badgerclops went to pick him up, but he was waved off. “The blob. The blob. Tell me about the blob.”
“Cool it. Camille  high-blood pressure would give you a stroke.”
Mao Mao took a second to gather himself, clenching his fist before letting it all go. “All. Alright. The blob. What is the blob?”
“You should do that more often. You’re a very tense person,” Badgerclops teased.
“The blob.”
“Right, uh, the blob is a blob. Its big, gooey, kidnaps villagers-”
Mao Mao inhaled sharply and he tapped his foot.
“-it’s not all that bad. They’re unharmed, just a little confined. It hasn’t even taken anyone important.”
“Sheriffs? Is that you?”
Mao Mao and Badgerclops leaned forward, craning their necks and squinting their eyes. It was hard to see at first, Badgerclops had to open his cybernetic eye to actually see that King Snugglemagne was now a hostage. Mao Mao rubbed his temples why Badgerclops cursed fate for always making him look like a fool.
“Sheriff! It's utterly dreadful. Could you hurry and get me out? I’d certainly rather you didn’t forgo saving me like last time.”
“I’ve never done anything like that. I do my job, and I do it very well, thank you very much.”
“You did nothing when I was trapped in a net by that ruffian that looked a lot like you.”
For a second, Mao Mao raised a non-existent eyebrow, but his fur stiffened and he reached for his sword.
Aw shit.
Badgerclops stepped in front of the cat. “Let’s slow down. He didn’t mean to insult your son.”
“Don’t worry. I’m just cutting him out,” he said,” if I take a little off the top, oh well.”
He raised his sword up. Badgerclops quickly grabbed the blade before he could bring it down. “No, I mean they blob fights back if you attack it.”
“How do you know?”
“I kicked the blob once and it fought back. It gave me a nasty bruise.”
Mao Mao looked Badgerclops up and down,” where’s the bruise?”
“It was at the beginning of the week. It healed.”
Mao Mao started Badgerclops in the eye with frigid intensity before he sheathed his sword. Thank fuck he believed it.
“So, what do we do,” Mao Mao asked.
“Get lunch?”
Mao Mao nodded in agreement. “Sure. Let’s go.”
“Excuse me? Still stuck! Help!
He and Mao Mao tuned out the king. They turned around and began to walk away.
* * *
“Jellybeans aren’t lunch.”
“Then do you want a milkshake?”
“You know I’m lactose-intolerant.”
“Then hush-up and eat ya’ beans.”
Mao Mao grumbled, doing as he was told. He and Badgerclops sat on the bench just outside the gas station. Muffin’s Bakery was the first, but considering Muffin’s was trapped in the blob (and the broken storefront) it wasn’t open. The gas station was the second choice. It didn’t really offer food. Just the usual cheap snacks, and milkshakes for some reason. The blob had tagged along for what it was worth. Unfortunately, it had to carry most of the kingdom with it.
“Are you going to save me,” the king asked.
“We’ll get to it eventually,” Badgerclops held the drink in front of Mao Mao,” got you a milkshake.”
“I told you I can’t drink milkshakes.”
“Is it like cobbler? A hero's code thing? I won't tell anyone if you do.”
“No! It's ‘cause I’m not a kitten. Adult cats are all lactose intolerant.”
“Can Jǐngtì still drink milk or has it gone the way of the dodo? Might invite him here some time.”
The last part was said quietly, an absent thought that wandered out, nonetheless, Mao Mao’s ears perked up.
“Why would you invite Jǐngtì?”
Badgerclops awkwardly cleared his throat before speaking. “He helped me fix up HQ a bit.”
Mao Mao didn’t say anything. He pressed his fingers together. Thumb to index, thumb to middle, thumb to ring, thumb to pinky in calming repetition.
“Oh, and while we were cleaning we found this.”
Badgerclops pulled out a golden finger. It took Mao Mao a second to realize what it was. How did that happen? Did he do that? Oh shit, he probably did. He had to stop himself from snatching his father’s finger away.
“You know what this is,” Badgerclops asked.
“Think so.” Why did he say that?
“Are you gonna tell me?”
Mao Mao bit his tongue before he could let the name slip out.
“You want it back," Badgerclops asked.
“Yes, please.” Mao Mao wasted no time tucking the finger in his belt when it was handed back.
“So, do you remember what happened?” Badgerclops started.
“What happened when?”
When I was away.”
“You don’t? You don’t remember what happened, how you got those wounds, who visited you? None of that?”
“I was pretty wasted and these drugs aren't helping my head, so what were we talking about before this?”
He could catch Badgerclops grimace at the rough change of subject, but Badgerclops was kind enough to oblige. “Something about Jǐngtì and milkshakes? You think he could drink milk?”
Mao Mao paused to think for a second,”...he might. He’s always had some… issues.”
“I don't mean to pry, but do you mind if I ask why?”
“No it's fine, but uh...what I mean is… well, you know how kittens can’t regulate their body temperature?”
“I did not know that, but continue.”
“Well, that’s supposed to go away by like, age 4, but Jǐngtì still can’t do it. It's fine since it's summer, but I’ll probably give him a coat when it starts getting cold.”
“Seems like a double-edged sword. Can’t stay warm, but can still enjoy cheese.”
“Yeah, the doctor’s say it because he’s a hybrid. Certain genes just don’t mix. He also has an issue with his eyes-”
Mao Mao cut himself short. Why was he being so open about all of this? Was it also the medicine?
“You good,” Badgerclops.
“Yeah, I think I’m fine. Where was I?”
“Something about his eyes.”
“Right, Jǐngtì’s pupils are larger than normal, so he can see really well in the dark, but he squints during the day or in a decently-lit room.”
“That’s one reason to wear sunglasses indoors.”
Mao Mao chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“I checked on him while you were away. He’s holding up well. He even helped me fix HQ.”
Mao Mao twiddled his tail through his fingers,”...I’m sorry.”
“What? No, no, it's fine-”
“No, I mean it. I shouldn’t have caused you so much trouble.” Mao Mao choked up.
“I- I shouldn’t’ve-”
Badgerclops placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. ”If you ever feel… down again, just know I’ll be there to help you get back on your feet. Don’t be afraid to ask.”
Mao Mao closed in for a hug. He sniffled but managed to wipe the tear from his eye. “Yeah, thanks…I’m feeling better already.”
“Yes this all very touching,” Snugglemane interjected,” but I still don’t see you trying to help me.”
“Oh be quiet,” Mao Mao said, flicking a pink jelly-bean at the king. The shot missed its mark by a decent margin, helplessly bouncing off the blob.
“Geez, if I was the broad side of a barn that might’ve almost hit me,” the king retorted.
Mao Mao harrumphed and waved the king off. He wasn’t in the mood for jackassery. Even if it was coming from the guy that paid him. He was tired of eating jelly beans, so he began throwing them at the trashcan. It wasn’t too different from flicking a paper football. Although, jelly beans were much harder to aim. Badgerclops nudged him, holding out as his hand as they both began to take aim. Everything was going fine if you ignored Snugglemagne. Eventually, Mao Mao got tired of the nagging and flicked a bean at him.
“Stop that,” Snugglemagne whined.
Instead of stopping Mao and Badgerclops chuckled like Beavis and Butthead. At least they were chuckling until Mao Mao caught something out the corner of his eye. He shoved Badgerclops aside before throwing himself back as something smashed through the bench with comet-like fury.
Badgerclops coughed out,” what the hell was that,” as the dust cleared.
When everything settled, Snugglemane was face down in the dirt. Everything fell silent. Badgerclops inhaled sharply; Mao Mao began to laugh.
Badgerclops shot him a glare. Mao Mao quickly cleared his throat,” must be the medicine,” he mumbled.
Badgerclops was really proving himself because his eyes softened after a second. “Do you have any idea what happened?”
“I threw food at it, so it threw ‘food’ at me?”
“That… actually makes sense.”
“So, what do you want me to keep throwing jelly beans at them? It might get the rest of the kingdom?”
Badgerclops placed two fingers to Snugglemagne’s pulse before giving him a thumbs up. Mao Mao couldn’t lie to himself. It was kind of cathartic to watch the blob chuck Sweetipies a 100 MPH.  With every toss the blog got smaller and smaller. When the last one was free the blob sorta imploded. It bubbled up before shrinking down with a disturbing noise and spreading goo everywhere.
“What the hell just happened?”
“It got too small thus it lost structural stability and collapsed.”
“I don’t know what any of that means, but I do know that everything worked out in the end.”
“Someone’s going to have to clean all this goo.”
“And it won’t be us,” Mao Mao said,” c’mon we have to pick up Adorabat from school.
* * *
They were only slightly late when picking up Adorabat from school. The rest of the children -or maybe they weren’t actually children Mao Mao honestly couldn’t tell- poured out from the school. She hopped down the steps before flying over.
“Mao Mao! Mao Mao!”Adorabat said as she zipped around them.
Badgerclops metal arm extended out and held the child in place. “Woah, there little buddy. What’s gotten you up?”
“The teacher says we’re going to be doing a play!”
“Really? That sounds nice.”
“The teacher says it’ll be next week. You’ll come, right?”
“Sure. Sounds fun.”
Adorabat slipped out of Badgerclops’ grip, flying an inch from Mao Mao’s face. “You promise?”
“I promise,” Mao Mao chuckled, patting her head.
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