#I’m gonna make….sooooo MUCH dumb sh-t
animationismycomfort · 7 months
sooooo…..if I made three well known families in the sims 4 get together through the parents would y’all be mad
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EPISODE 14: I really wish there’s a montage or collage of all the dumb sh*t I’ve said in this game - Dane
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I’m just Abi-Maria this game huh except I made it to the final episode
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*24 hours later*
well. the jig might be up gals i just. really have the feeling it’s me tonight. like it just feels definitively over. i’ve started to be less paranoid about dan stabbing me in the back and more about ruthie having an idol. we have to vote her bc it means a better shot at all of us in ftc but like i’d feel SAFER voting lachie since he definitely doesn’t have an idol. me getting idoled out would be hilarious in a karmic way but like also. i would cry a lot. so let’s hope i’m just being paranoid. i’m so close and i wanna win so fucking badly that i’m legit gonna be heartbroken if it’s me tonight (:
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Okay so I have had TONS of things to do today, I had to ring the Salvation Army bell, decorate a golf cart for Christmas while my mom gave an interview about a blink and you miss it parade my town has every year AND my school kids go swimming every other week and today I agreed to get in with them and BOY am I exhausted and ready to call it a night. I just want to search for the idol, find it and get my ass to sleep. Okay so Dan is talking to me now and he, Lachie and I are going to vote together but for who... I'm not so sure!
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i hate writing rops. i just feel like i come off so fake even when im not trying to be. i'll start writing things and then i'll be like "god this bitch," and erase the whole thing.  the personality disorder really jumped out
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So I just realized that after I idol’d out Linus and we voted out Ryan in the live night, John AKA Joe started a Snapchat streak with me and after I voted him out he ended it 💀💀💀💀
Sooooo lmao since the cast was announced I knew I was never going to win this game but I have had a blast playing it. These games are truly meant to be played for fun and this was fun BECAUSE I knew I wasn’t going to win. I instead made a challenge for myself and said “find people you trust and get all of them to the end,” and Me, Dan, and Asya are almost at final 3 and I couldn’t be happier! It was almost like a challenge lmaooo like getting to the end by yourself? That’s reasonably easy, you just have to line yourself up for ONE person to get to the end. But getting you and your 2 closest allies to the final 3? That shit is STRESSFUL like any of us could’ve gotten voted out at any moment and we nearly did! Thanks for the fun game uwu xo 
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I can’t fucking believe I made the final 4. I really felt like I positioned myself really well in this game and now my hard work might ACTUALLY pay off. Being so loyal in this game has scared me honestly. I don’t know who I am anymore. I do fear my game isn’t as flashy as Asya and Dane, but literally when have I been on the radar? If you want to call it using meat shields, I guess you can, but that doesn’t make me a floater. I was actively keeping targets in front of me by using others to protect me. Amanda died for me, Ruthie died for me. Like I literally was at risk and then they let their side know I wasn’t a threat. It’s literally genius. Idk maybe I’m being too big headed, but I truly feel like I played a stellar game. Getting to FTC would mean the absolute world to me and I really pray for a f3 and not a f2. I just really need to look back and be prepared for questioning. Asya is very articulate and her Rites of Passage really spoke to how well she played. I personally just don’t like using them to talk about my game, it’s more of an honoring thing for those who played. We have enough time at FTC to ramble about how we played the game. I’m not looking forward to endurance tonight. I have won endurance before, but I’m so worried if Lachie wins. I’m hoping and praying Asya will be willing to vote Dane out, but objectively she’d be better off killing me and going to the end with Lachie and Dane. I’m worried. I NEEEEEEED to win.
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i’m so fucking nervous for this endurance :’) i’m already bad at pressure cookers but my gout flaring up this past two days sure doesn’t help ! i really would love to win bc a bitch can only trust HERSELF but i might have to cop out as soon as lachie does when the pain gets too intense. i just have to pray dane and dan don’t leave me to duke it out with him. probability of me crying on camera? high oh yeah also i survived the f5 vote lol
*After endurance*
FTC BABY !!!! i actually made f3 with my f3 alliance... wildt. my whole body hurts and i won’t be standing again for the foreseeable future but it was Worth It. will make another confessional tmrw when i’m not sleepy.
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I really wish there’s a montage or collage of all the dumb shit I’ve said in this game
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writing talking points for my opening speech and everything feels wrong like i just. i know what i want to say but when i say it out loud i feel like an asshole. i think it's because i'm used to going into these things sure that i'm playing for 2nd or 3rd place, but as of right now, i really believe this is my game to win. and saying that makes me feel like The Worst bc its not like dan or dane played badly, i actually think dane really underestimates himself. i just feel like i've worked so fucking hard to get here, scrambling to make things happen on every single vote, building numbers from nothing, busting my ass in every challenge, even the ones i knew i couldn't win. this is one of, if not THE best game i've ever played and i just !! want validation for that i guess. but i don't know how to say that in a way that sounds self assured and confident but not like.. douchey. on the other hand, i've played the loyal game all along. i helped get dan and dane and myself to this point, but now it's every man for themselves so like. lets go ig
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Honestly I hated Asyas opening statement. It was a lot of stuff I did with her??? I think I’m really gonna roast her at FTC now. Like the girl acts like she did all the work voting out glo but I used my relationship with Dane and Linus to get them to trust me. She sounded so cocky and confident about her position but I truly believe she wouldn’t be here without her idols and myself. I’m just worried the jury is going to see her as the mastermind when I literally was there with her for every move, Dane too.... I need to really think because who knew people would become real snakes in the grass at f3...
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So final tribal tribal council is tonight and I’m so anxious lmaooooo. If it were people that like aren’t rude then I wouldn’t be, but a lot of our cast members tend to be very petty so I have a gut feeling they’re going to make personal remarks. I’m happy to answer any gameplay questions though! I think i have played a pretty well game considering I started out on the outside of a large majority alliance. I snuck my way into people’s trust where they may not usually trust me and it helped me get further. I stayed lowkey with making small moves which would benefit my future like voting out Pippa and Glo and making big moves like voting out RTP and idol’ing out Linus. I used the fact that the cast hates me to keep around as an easy beat and overall I’m really proud of my game no matter what anyone says tonight or the result of the votes. Thank you hosts for casting me it was fun xo
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WHEW ftc is over and I feel okay? Asya probably won, but honestly her performance was very impressive. She really sold her game and I need to give credit where credit is due. 
 However, I really think I sold my game. There’s not much else I can say. The production value was lower, but it was just as effective. I feel like I’m on cloud mine right now just because I can say I DIDNT FUCKING FLOP A TS SEASON.
 I made two incredible friends that I plan on talking to long after this and I’m just blessed for this opportunity. Whatever happens, I need to be happy with the result and know in my heart of hearts that I played the very best game I could. Also, Isaac smells.
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