#I’m in love with obey me isekais rn i stg
Chapter 1: And A Very Happy Birthday To You
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Wish Upon A Star is an Obey Me series where the player, AKA Yuki, is transported into the world of Obey Me on their 18th birthday.
• OC (they’re very heavily based on MC with some creative liberties taken on my part, I just couldn’t bare to make an entire series using you/your pronouns, sorry)
• They/Them pronouns, no mention of physical gender/privates lmao
• Mentions of main character being 18
• Bad parental figures
• Isekai AU
A/N: Hayy~ Idk what came over me but I suddenly had motivation after months of not having a single drop… Anyways, I’ve been working on birthday content for Asmo and will be posting several things for my darling tmrrw<3 Also, do you like the banner I made for this series? Idk if it’s bad or not, but I like it, so that must count for something, right? (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
The young teen sat at their kitchen counter, smiling softly as they listened to their favorite characters sing their praises and happy birthday wishes. ‘Finally,’ they thought as they stuck a single candle into their chocolate cupcake with bright blue frosting. It wasn’t a fancy cupcake, just one they had bought for a few dollars from a local convenience store, but it meant the world.
Tonight, at exactly 12:00 AM, Yuki would blow out the candle and wish themselves a happy 18th birthday.
Today was the day Yuki would finally be rid of it all. They would finally be able to move out of the dump they called a home, or rather, their mother called a home. Yuki’s mother had never really been with them. They lived together sure, but they rarely saw each other. Yuki’s mother was unemployed and partied all night long on most nights. She depended solely on Yuki’s meager earnings from their job as a cashier at Burger Queen.
Yuki sighed and turned towards their phone, the dim light and soft music coming from the speakers brought a wave of comfort over them, pulling them back from their thoughts.
They glanced at the time quickly before lighting their candle and blowing it out, their light breath a soft whisper of hope amidst the ashes of heart break and betrayal the world Yuki lived in was littered with.
“I wish that I had a harem of demons, just like in Obey Me,” Yuki muttered under their breath, a sigh that was intended to be a small laugh but ended up coming out as a dejected moan escaping their lips.
In an act of desperation, Yuki pushed themself up and off of the barstool they were planted on, cupcake in tow, before unceremoniously tossing it into the open lidded trash can. ‘There goes my hopes and dreams,’ Yuki thought to themself before grabbing their device and trudging back to their room.
“Lucifer,” a voice muttered, echoing through the large chamber where they stood.
“Hm,” the silver haired man hummed in acknowledgement.
“It’s their birthday today,” rang out the voice.
“I’m aware.”
A short silence overtook the two before Lucifer spoke again, “You don’t think this will be overwhelming for them, Diavolo?”
Lucifer heard a chuckle from the red haired demon, followed by the tapping of footsteps on the hard tile. “Worried about them, are you?” He asked, “How very unlike the Avatar of Pride.”
Lucifer hummed yet again, his voice bounced off the large hall in a low purr, “Humans are fickle creatures. I wouldn’t want to send them into shock,” he said bluntly.
“Of course. You’re not the only one who cares for them, you know?”
“Yes, I know.”
Diavolo smirked and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder before looking out onto the lake from the window they were stood in front of. “They say that a star falls every time a human makes a wish,” he started, and a bright light shot across the sky, illuminating the water and causing ripples to shine within it. It was so bright it could almost serve as the Devildom’s own personal sun. “The brighter it is, the stronger the human’s desire.”
Lucifer thought for a moment before turning to lock eyes with the red haired demon, “Why are you saying this?”
“Because that star was Yuki’s.”
Yuki plopped down on their bed, their head resting briskly onto their pillow. They opened their phone yet again and were met with the soft purr of their favorite boy’s voice as the game loaded, and they let out a sigh of relief. The corners of their lips curled up into a smirk before they let themselves close their eyes.
Listening to the title music always made them so sleepy… And Lucifer’s voice certainly wasn’t helping. They held their phone to their chest, letting the soft tune lull them to sleep.
Beep Beep Beep
Yuki woke up with a start as their alarm blared right in their face. They quickly moved to shut it up, wiping the stream of stray drool from their chin before checking the time: 7:50 AM. Oh shit. They were late to school! Yuki jumped out of bed, scrambling to find some clothes to wear. They settled on a comfy oversized shirt and some baggy sweat pants. They really didn’t feel like dressing up today… Not that they ever did.
Yuki noted the bus pulling up at the stop across the road before they grabbed for their favorite ring, picked up their bag, and made off for the door.
“Mammon! Get up dumbass, we’re gonna be late!” Shouted an exasperated sloth who always hitched a ride with his older brother since he was unable to take a drivers test for himself since he fell asleep every time, along with a certain glutton that rode with them as-well because Mammon never failed to have snacks nestled in between the seat cushions of his car.
“Okay, okay!” Mammon shouted through the loud pounding on his door. He picked up his DDD, glancing at the time: 7:50 AM. Shit.
Mammon scrambled to throw his uniform on, grumbling angrily as he struggled to get all the complicated buttons and straps settled comfortably on his body before he grabbed his bag and headed out the door.
Yuki sighed as they sat down on the bus, close to the front so they didn’t have to deal with anyone unsavory. They always liked to grind Obey Me in the mornings, and it was hard when they had other people making fun of them for playing a silly dating game.
They tapped the screen idly, grinning at Lucifer’s grumbles about ‘not being a morning demon.’
They dragged an apple from the gift menu to give him, mirroring his soft smile upon receiving the treat.
“Hey, mind if I sit here?”
Yuki could feel a migraine coming on from the question. They really didn’t have the energy for this today.
“Uh, sure,” they answered, picking their bag up off the seat next to them and placing it on the floor before glancing back at their screen at the blushing Lucifer eagerly awaiting more pets and gifts. Yuki heard the shuffle of the other person sitting next to them, and they could feel unease plague their emotions as they felt themself being stared at.
“So, Lucifer’s your favorite?” The voice asked, effectively pulling Yuki out of their trance. Their eyes stayed fixed on Lucifer as the surprise guest ended, and they watched the screen fade back into the game’s Home Screen.
“Oh, uhm. I guess you could say that,” they answered, “I didn’t know anyone who went to this school played Obey Me.”
“Ah, my apologies. I don’t actually play the game myself, I just happen to know Lucifer personally.”
Yuki looked up, flabbergasted at the strange response. They locked eyes with the person and studied his brown eyes. That with his pale skin and white hair, mixed with the black vest and undershirt with a cream colored jacket to top everything off.
“Woah,” they muttered, almost inaudibly. “So you don’t play the game, and yet you’re still a cosplayer?” They remarked skeptically.
“Cosplayer? Oh, this,” the all too obvious Solomon ‘cosplayer’ hummed. “I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t a cosplay,” He grinned mischievously.
“Sure, sure. Man, you even have the poses down,” Yuki said, completely in awe of the detail on the ‘costume.’
Solomon glanced at his hand that Yuki was staring at which was in the air in a wave.
“Whenever Sol does that pose in game, I always think he wants a high-five,” Yuki giggled, looking back fondly on the memories of tapping Solomon’s hand lovingly.
“Sol? What a cute nickname. I have to say I’m honored to receive one from you, Yuki,” Solomon said with a smile.
“…Huh?” Yuki blinked at him before glancing outside of the bus for a moment, attempting to make sense of this situation. “Sorry, how do you know my name?”
Solomon chuckled lightly before answering, “It’s merely something I picked up in passing.”
“Oh. Okay…?” Yuki looked down at their phone screen again, noting Lucifer’s pouty face. ‘Are you neglecting me on purpose so I’ll pine for you?’ It read, and Yuki immediately felt bad for leaving him for so long. They tapped his shoulder softly and his pout turned into his normal resting face as he prattled on about Diavolo. ‘Typical,’ they thought.
“He’s rather cute on the little screen like that,” Solomon noted, “He looks so vulnerable standing there.”
‘Oh right, this guy’s still here,’ Yuki thought annoyedly.
“Mind if I tap him?” The sorcerer asked with a grin. Truth be told, Yuki didn’t really like other people to touch their stuff, but it was just one tap, right?
“Oh, uh.. Sure?” They answered.
Solomon reached over and lightly poked Lucifer on the shoulder, just as Yuki had done earlier.
Just as he had done that Lucifer’s head fell and his eyebrows furrowed, as he prattled on about how untrustworthy Solomon is.
Yuki held in a laugh at the message, glancing over at Solomon to see his reaction.
Classically, he looked rather taken aback, unsure what to think about it.
“Seems he isn’t very fond of you, huh?” Yuki laughed, and Solomon merely glared playfully at the teen.
‘Maybe this guy isn’t so bad after all…?’
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