#I’m interested to see how/if they continue this motif through to mill or nines solo
junjiya · 2 years
undergrOund idOl: the symbolism behind the phone booths
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since the beginning of the underground idol series, there has been once piece of symbolism that has been used consistently, from begin to because. that symbol being the use of phone booths. my theory is that phone booths are meant to symbolise unsureness and confinement. the phone booths are used to represent each characters journey and state of mind in relation to their relationship
I’d like to thank @designeryeob coming up with the initial interpretation and helping me flesh it out!! <33
#1: begin
there are two uses of the phone booth in begin, one where yoojung is alone, and the other where kyubin joins him
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when yoojung is alone at the phone booth, he is shown loitering in and out of it almost casually, playing with the cranes he has folded for kyubin. the casual nature of yoojung’s solo phone booth shots suggests that he could be thinking of this “relationship” as a game, something fun and flirty. he goes in and out of the booth suggesting his undecidedness, he doesn’t know if he should continue this relationship as something fun or if he should commit to it. him playing with the crane is also significant, as the paper cranes have been shown to represent a wish or desire for love. he is also shown examining it and toying with it in his hands, through this action he is metaphorically “toying” with the idea of a relationship, occasionally inspecting it to properly consider what committing would mean.
the context of the phone booth changes when a drunken kyubin stumbles into it. the significance of kyubin being drunk is also important, him stumbling into the phone booth also shows his unsureness about the relationship. this drunken action shows a thoughtless impulsiveness, the desire to be with yoojung but not fully thought through, it comes out of nowhere and we can see this through yoojung’s startled body language
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the final shot of kyubin and yoojung in the phone booth shows the moment yoojung decides to help kyubin back to his apartment.
he holds kyubin in his arms and looks off into the distance after taking one last look at the sight before him. he almost has this “oh fuck” look on his face, he realises his feelings and the gravity of them. maybe through this he also sees kyubin’s feelings?
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I think it’s important to point out that the phone booth symbol is only used in begin, and not in be free when the relationship has started. the contrast of only having this symbol of unsureness in one mv as opposed to be mine + because shows the stability and confidence in yoojung and kyubin’s relationship rather than junji and rie’s.
#2: be mine
the use of the phone booth is continued into be mine, but with a different result
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we first see the phone booth in the scene where junji initiates a relationship with rie. right off the bat, junji runs straight past the booth to talk to rie. he barely acknowledges it’s pressence. this shows how immediately confident and sure he is of himself and his feelings for rie. the concept of uncertainty isn’t even an option for him
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the crescendo of the song also takes place in front of a phone booth. junji triumphantly belts his high note as he throws his body back, clenching his fists proudly as if he has finally won at something. this is such a proud moment and junji expresses so much emotion here. the booth is also out of focus in the background. this could be reading into it a bit too much but even the way junji faces the booth as he sings, it’s almost like he’s laughing in the face of the concept of unsureness
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the last time we see the phone booth in be mine is when junji surprises rie as he’s inside. junji smiles at rie from the outside, once again he is seen completely separate from the booth. he knocks on the window coyly to catch rie’s attention. rie on the other hand, is completely inside the booth. rie being on the phone could also be seen as him being so wrapped up in his unsureness that the outside world, the world that is free from this fear, becomes drowned out
this is the only time someone is shown inside a phone booth during be mine, the fact that it’s rie is definitely foreshadowing for his continued indecision in because
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so yea! those are my thoughts. the only time the booth appears again in because is during rie’s solo singing shots. I don’t think this has much significance as we’re seeing rie the idol confidently singing these lyrics rather than rie the character. I think it’s also an interesting detail that during his solo singing shots in the booth we can see junji in the background through the window of the café. I don’t think that means anything but I thought it was cute
hope you enjoyed!
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