#I’m like 99% sure they won’t do a reunion but oh man I have waited for this day for ten years bye
neilfinnaesthetics · 2 years
Currently clowning because Neil is doing a Fangradio broadcast tomorrow for Split Enz’s 50th Anniversary. It’s not likely he’ll announce anything but omg I’m losing my mind, help!
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lilousmustaches · 4 years
Work this out
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Jake Peralta x Reader
Warnings: Ladies stuff, i won't say anything else to avoid spoilers. 
Notes: Here i am writing again after 3 years.... a total new fandom. I am watching b99 and i'm so addicted, Jake is the only thing in my mind right now and i had to do this. It didn't go as i planned, but i hope it's ok. It's small and english is not my first language. Expect more of Jake x Reader here, it's my first try and voilá. 
Summary: Jake and the reader have a friends with benefits relationship and suddenly she starts to act strange. 
Another work day in NYPD's 99 precinct. It had everything to be another normal day. Well... normal as it can get down there. But it wasn't.
 Immediately when you entered the precinct, Jake turned his head up from his computer to give you a smile and probably a silly joke provoking you. But his smile vanished as soon as he saw you pass everyone with your head down, no good mornings and going somewhere down the hall.
 "Hey" Rosa called looking between Jake and the hall you just disappeared. "What's up with (Y/N)?" 
 "I don't know." Jake responded confused as everybody else in the room. You were a joyful person, always smiling and greeting every single person that worked there. 
 "What have you done Jake?" Amy asked angry assuming it was his fault since everyone knew about yours friends with benefits relationship that has been going on for a while now. 
 "What? Nothing" Jake answered quickly indignant with the assumption. 
 "No, Amy is right Jake." Boyle said getting up of his desk and coming closer. "(Y/N) is acting weird this days, yesterday she didn't even wanted to eat some of my salmon cookies. She loves that. And coming here and not giving my good morning hug? Definitely something's strange." 
 "Boyle is right on that one." Rosa agreed with her arms crossed. 
 "I don't know ok?" Jake answered frustrated with your strange behavior rising his hands in surrender. "(Y/N) didn't went to my place this last weekend, in fact I had barely seen her for the past days. I really have no idea... maybe she's just trying to dump me and trying to make it easier." 
 "Or maybe she's tired of waiting for you to ask her out on a real date and assume her as your girlfriend!" Boyle pointed raising an eyebrow to his friend. "You should tell her how you really feel." 
 "Yeah, haven't you kept her waiting long enough?" Amy agreed. Everybody that met you and Jake knew eventually you were going to stay together. You had the same kind of humor and the same sassy tone. So it wasn't exactly a surprise when in one of the squad's reunions at the bar, you and Jake got hammered and started to talk and laugh closer to each other. Not a long time after that, you both disappeared going straight to his house. "It's has been months since this 'friends with benefits' thing started." 
 "Look guys." Jake said with a frustrated sigh rolling his eyes. "(Y/N) and I have talked about this. She's not ready yet for a relationship, she passed a hard time with that son of a bitch ex of hers. She needs time and I respect that."
 "Oh here she comes." Rosa alerted and quickly everybody went back to their places and pretended to be working. You came out of the files room discussing something with Terry. 
 "Okay (Y/N), we can work on that. Good job." Terry said with a sweet smile going back to his desk, and you to yours. You sat down in silence still not looking around organizing your paperwork, but notice everyone quiet and you could literally feel their stares burning on your skin. 
 "What?" You finally said looking around to your colleagues and everybody tried to disguise murmuring a lot of 'nothing' 'just working'. Everybody unless Jake. He was watching you intensely trying to figure out what was wrong. 
 Your eyes locked for a second and you could see that he was worried, and that broke your heart even more. This wasn't supposed to happen right now. Your heart was beating fast and nervousness took over your body. You quickly turned your attention to your desk again and took your purse pretending to organize something there. 
 "Good morning squad, today..." Captain Holt started to say walking out of his office but stopped in his tracks when looked over your desk and catch the sight of something inside your purse. He looked back and forth you and Jake. "Oh..." 
 "Oh what? What oh?" Jake asked fast doing his classic bite lip when he was anxious, trying to figure out what Holt saw that he didn't. 
 "Hmm" Holt said looking at Jake like he didn't know what to do now. "(Y/N) please come to my office." 
 Jake watched you get up and follow Holt into his office, closing the door behind you and closing the shutters. He strained his eyes shaking his head in denial. Ok, this was how things was going to go? Fine! He was a detective and he was so on for this investigation.
 Jake wanted to stay and see your expression when you got out of Holt's office, but duty called and he had to be on the streets all day. He put everyone on the precinct working on the case '(Y/N)'s secret 0.1', and every minimum suspicious movement, they were oriented to send him a message.
 Charles really took it seriously. 
 Nothing useful thought. Man he was frustrated, he solves all type of cases everyday but he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the women he liked? It was driving him crazy! 
 It has just grown dark when Jake entered back the 99, some people from the night shift was already there and he could only spot Boyle from his friends.
 "Hey Jake! Did you read my messages? Did you find them useful?" 
 "Hmmm... Yeah Charles, of course, thank you." Jake said after pondering the answer in his head although It was no useful at all. Charles told him every single one of your steps through the day, Jake wanted to know if you did something strange not your constant need to pee on that day. "(Y/N) already went home?"
 "Actually no, I just send you a text, didn't you read it?" He asked feeling insulted but continued when saw Jake's face. "Ok, she and Terry are still working on that case but (Y/N) got hot, she said she needed some air. She's on the roof." 
 "Hot? (Y/N) is always cold." He said confused but suddenly something clicked and everything started to fall into place inside his head. "I got go."
 His steps were fast to open the door for the roof and he immediately spotted you looking at the city view. You didn't turn but he knew that you knew it was him. 
 "Hey you." He said softly slowly approaching you until he was by your side. "I was worried today, you know?" 
 "I kind of got that.... Charles followed me into the ladies bathroom three times." You said making you both laugh. "So what it was? Like a secret case that everybody worked? How was it called? '(Y/N)'s secret 0.1?'"
 "What? No. I wouldn't go that obvious." Jake answered laughing nervously. Oh man, you knew him too damn well. "But yeah, was definitely working on that case. I worry about (Y/N). You were pushing me away, you didn't even answered my calls this last weekend. Sure, you could be done with our casual thing or whatever, but I know you. I knew it was not it." 
 "Jake, look..." You said with a sigh but he interrupted you. 
 "I was confused as hell this morning, but suddenly everything clicked. Yesterday you didn't want that weird salmon cookies Charles brings. I adore you but those are nasty as fuck, by the way. You didn't drink coffee when you got here today, you always do that. And not greeting anyone? That means something happened yesterday night that got you worried." Jake said and paused waiting for a reaction, but he took your silence a sign to continue his deduction. "Of course you could be suspecting for a while now, and that's why you have been avoiding me. Captain saw your purse when he got out of his office. He saw your tampons, am I right? Untouched. Your usual period date has already passed, and everybody knows when it is because of how much pain you feel. Usually stays only in paper work those days. Constantly needing to pee. But none of it hit me until Charles said you were feeling hot. You're always cold and asks for my jackets. Those are all symptoms of...." 
 "Hit me Sherlock." You said and waited for his right answer.
 "You're pregnant." Jake said finally, his face softening. "It is mine?" He asks feeling insecure but he changed his mind when saw your face. "Dumb question. Shouldn't say that. Of course it's mine."
 "I'm so sorry Jake, I just didn't know how to say it. You're right in everything, I started suspecting since last Friday but only took the test yesterday." You said starting to feel tears in your eyes. "And yes, Captain Holt found out in seconds. I just begged him not to tell you."
 "Traitor" Jake said furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm just confused on how that happened? We always use condoms." 
 "I was thinking that too, until I remembered that night on Gina's birthday that we got really drunk and had sex on the bar's bathroom." You said and he agreed, both smiling at the memory quickly coming back to the moment. "I am so scared. We're not even together and I..." 
 "Wait, that's what is troubling you?" Jake said feeling his hands shaking and his heart beating incredibly fast. "(Y/N) I like you ok? For a long time now. I just didn't think you were ready yet for a relationship, I was respecting your time. But oh god, I'm so in love with you it hurts. Of course it's not the perfect scenario, but we gonna make this work, I won't leave you to take care of this baby alone."
 He said sincerely looking in your eyes and you nodded feeling some tears starting to fall down, you hugged him tight feeling his strong grip on you. Jake kissed your forehead, rubbing your back to calm you down. 
 "I'm in love with you too Jake, so much, I want this to work out." You said softly into his neck. 
 "It will." He said giving a slow chaste kiss. You stayed hugged for a few minutes but suddenly he gasped and started to hyperventilate. "Holy shit! I'm going to be a dad. What if i can not be a good dad because mine abandoned me when I was little? I'm going to be a dad." 
 "Hey" You said to drag his attention back to you, watching his wide eyes staring at the horizon. You knew it was your time to calm him down. "You're going to be a great dad. You are already proving this to me by not letting me be alone. We will work this out remember?" 
 "Yeah..." He sighed feeling calmer looking into your eyes. "We will work this out."
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fennbirn-fandom · 7 years
Okay I know this is a lot but reading this guy’s thoughts gives you all the feels of reading the book all over again and it is amazing (x)
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1. Okay first of all I am SO excited it’s starting back at Greavesdrake 2. Love this little poison bitch 3. “These are only a bit of fun.” I am living 4. I cannot wait for this reunion omg I can’t wait for ANYTHING
5. Book one Katharine vs. book two Katharine:
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6. Fifty bucks says Thomas and Michael don’t make it to book three 7. Maybe it would be easier if Joseph didn’t make it to book three 8. Omg that’s right if Arsinoe wins as a poisoner then the poisoners will want to claim her as their own dang there is so much going on 9. I LOVE THIS BOOK 10. Wait did they never kiss in the first book 11. Are you kidding me Joseph and Mirabella shacked up in a seaside cavern and the real royal couple is out here willing to die for each other without ever having locked lips?? 12. Ew imagine someone spit on you I would scream 13. “Next time it won’t be spit. Next time it’ll be a knife!” LMAO WHAT 14. Can you IMAGINE 15. They’re already going to fight I can’t believe this 16. I love Bree 17. I’m screaming Kat just enjoys RUNNING PEOPLE DOWN in her free time 18. WHO IS THIS GIRL 19. Black marble and spitting gargoyles is such an aesthetic 20. I lied the GODDESS STONE is an aesthetic 21. Omg she’s referring to herself as “us” this is amazing 22. Luke/Hank 2020
25. I love that every single character is like “Well I don’t WANT to kill them, but also I myself do not want to die, so,”
26. Except for Jules she would absolutely kill a man
27. Do I love or hate Madrigal? I just don’t know 28. WHAT 29. Omggg I love this I love Jules 30. Wait DROWN HER these people are so DRAMATIC 31. I want to know more about every single gift 32. They’re gonna fight!! 33. They’re gonna fight!!!!!!! 34. Mirabella the bear isn’t there just KILL HER
35. Ok if these girls didn’t have such a flair for drama I guarantee this war would already be over
36. “Mirabella has found her nerve.” Yes she has 37. Lmao jokes she still won’t kill her 38. Like… just do it!!! Just kill her!!!!!!!!!! 39. WELP now you CAN’T because there’s a BEAR 40. Katharine is insane THAT’S FUN 41. You know I’ve always wanted to learn how to throw knives 42. Omg Pietyr?! 43. Jk 44. I don’t know Nicolas but I love him 45. Don’t you DARE throw my queen off a cliff 46. “He doesn’t smell like the last one.” Billy the last one was dead 47. BILLY’S GOING TO THE WESTWOODS 48. Honesty, the DRAMA 49. “Because I saw you first,” ugh I love them
50. I can’t believe I’m only a quarter of the way through this book I need a nap
51. Ugh why doesn’t anyone love Mirabella 52. Don’t worry I love you Mirabella
53. PREGNANT 54. SHE’S PREGNANT 55. Oh my god 56. Thomas and Michael are here someone get the death cannon ready 57. AHHH 58. What did I say 59. “At least they were cousins,” Katharine PLEASE 60. I want a buddy-cop spinoff where Natalia and Luca fight crime 61. Aw okay at least Mira has a friend Billy is nice
62. “Where is your bear?” “WELL HE’S NOT IN MY POCKET.”
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63. I love Billy Chatworth, Worst Cook on Fennbirn Island ™
64. Nicolas lmao wtf 65. WHO IS THIS GUY 66. PIIIIIEEEETTTYYYYYRRRRR 67. “But you will never have me again.” Bye I just screamed 68. You know I think I’d want the war gift it’s so vague and powerful
69. “It only gives you powers over weapons,” you say 70. “ANYTHING CAN BE A WEAPON,” I scream in response
71. I love Katharineeeeeeee 72. Omg wait and Rho can’t publicly help Mirabella 73. So much is happening 74. Oh my god 75. Yeah curse the queens THIS SEEMS LIKE A GOOD IDEA 76. Can’t wait for this one to go wrong 77. “What’s this gonna do btw?” “Oh lmao idk” Super 78. Oh my god 79. Ohhhhh my god 80. Here we GO 81. Can I just say again that I love Nicolas the psychopath 82. Pietyr is going to slap him 83. “This is your life. Don’t tell me to stay out of it.” 84. Imagine this book from Braddock’s POV 85. Omg just KISS ALREADY
86. This is all VERY High School Musical 2
87. Imagine a plot twist that reveals Billy as the true naturalist queen 88. “I’ll love you for as long as I live.” Oh no 89. Everyone is ready for surprise murder but I’m watching Hairspray as I read this and it’s creating quite the interesting mood 90. Lmao I love Katharine and Nicolas!!! What little psychopaths!!!!!! 91. I love Katharine!!!!!!!!!!!! 92. This is amazing 93. I LOVE DRAMA 94. “But that is not fair!” Mira, buddy, pal, 95. SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE ENTIRE FESTIVAL LMAO NO!!! 96. JULLIENNE MILONE!!!!! 97. HOW IS THERE STILL MORE THAN HALF THE BOOK LEFT 98. This girl is literally being HUNTED 99. Omg please Braddock go go go follow her 100. Mirabella NO!!!! 101. Omg omg omg omgggggg 102. I’M SO STRESSED 103. Sidenote I love Mirabella and Arsinoe together 104. WHAT 105. WHAT!!!!!!! 106. JULES 107. JULES IS HERE 108. JULES!!!!! 109. LMAO THEY STOLE HER HORSE I’M SCREAMING 110. Oh my god Katharine no don’t SAY THAT
111. Honestly I don’t super remember Bree from the first book but would I die for her now? Absolutely
112. I’m so stressed 113. THEY WENT TO CARAGH 114. Lol TBH makes it sound like a jewelry commercial 115. “They went to Caragh!” Madrigal will cry, clutching her diamonds 116. “Until they were six, they were mine.” 117. Um @ the Young Queens WHERE ARE YOU 118. Mirabella/Billy 2020 119. Lmao yo I am so freaking excited for Arsinoe to make her dramatic return 120. I’m just thinking about it!! Ah!!!! 121. A DUEL 122. This is madness I need a break and a nap and a snack immediately 123. Katharine!!!!! You can’t just THROW BACK a cup of poison!! Honestly!!!
124. “You cannot kill,” she says, causing me to GASP, “what is already dead.”
126. I can’t decide if I want Katharine, Pietyr, and Nicolas to all destroy each other or if they are the toxic, murderous OT3 of my dreams 127. The venn diagram of those two things may just be a circle
128. KAT JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THE CHALLENGE 129. Omg she’s throwing a TANTRUM I’m living 130. “I will hold a ball the night before,” This is my ideal dark gothic aesthetic
131. “What if the Goddess is on her side?” “It does not matter. They are on mine.”
132. Why do I picture Madrigal exactly as Alice Cooper from Riverdale 133. She’s going to help Mirabella!!! She’s going to help Mirabella!!!!!!! 134. I’m serious can I vote for Mirabella and Billy on the ticket in 2020 135. Oh my god no 136. No no no I refuse to believe they have their hooks in him 137. THEY CANNOT HAVE THEIR HOOKS IN BILLY 138. He’s a horrible cook he would never fit in with the feast-loving Arrons 139. I love Mirabella
140. Oh my god Katharine 141. Oh my goddddd 142. LMAO WHAT THE F#&K 143. “We have not been your Katharine since you threw me down the Breccia Domain.” WHAT THE F#&KKK!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!?! 144. HE’S GOING BACK TO THE BRECCIA DOMAIN!!
145. Meanwhile, Arsinoe, on a mule, 146. Just looking at the names of the chapters left is stressing me out 147. NAT IS SLEEPING WITH BILLY’S DAD I just CHOKED
149. Oh thank god their hooks are not in Billy yet 150. Omg omg Jules is at the ball here we go here we GO it’s happening
151. “Before Katharine and her suitor take their place amid the Arrons, dazzling in their snakes and scorpions, Katharine cocks her head at Mirabella and winks. Nicolas smiles at Billy and discreetly spits onto the floor.” I’m just obsessed with this entire snippet
152. Oh Joseph honey no go home 153. ARSINOE!! 154. “Dancing with my sister,” Oh my god 155. This is what I LIVE FOR 156. “I am not afraid. I am angry.” 157. “I may be the weakest, but I am a queen, through and through.” 158. Oh my god
160. “They are tired of it.” I SCREAMED
161. Oh my godddd he’s going in 162. HE’S GOING IN THE BRECCIA DOMAIN 163. Oh my god 164. Oh my g o d d d 165. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 166. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 167. Oh my GOD WHAT A SCENE I SHOULD NOT HAVE READ THIS AT NIGHT!!!
168. Pepper………… 169. Of all the characters I love… I would be ok with Rho dying at any time 170. @ Kendare just fyi 171. Oh my god they pulled it off HOW 172. Of course Arsinoe is thinking of food though 173. F#&k f#&k f#&k here we go 174. I am horrified for what Katharine’s reign of terror would mean 175. Tag yourself I’m the priestess weeping as she fastens Mirabella’s dress 176. Ugh Kat 177. Ok she’s horrifying but she’s also amazing this arena entrance is everything 178. THERE THEY ARE!!!!! 179. “Yes, me again.” JULES FOR QUEEN 180. SHE KNOWS THAT ARSINOE REMEMBERS HER 181. Omg I’m so emotional 182. JULES!!! “She punches the first in the eye and knocks back another three.”
183. “I’m sorry you thought I was dead.” “I’m sorry I agreed to marry your sister.”
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184. Oh no Luca no don’t 185. A concept: Madrigal slapping Natalia Arron 186. “Or perhaps there were more sides to a woman than he had ever understood.” Lol oh Billy you simple boy 187. Ugh it was WILLIAM 188. Omg the throwbacks to the very first chapter of the first book I’m dying 189. A tattooed crown they are NOT f#&king around 190. NICOLAS MARTEL 191. “Arsinoe has been banging her head against the stone wall for what seems like hours. But there is no way to tell for sure.” Me in class
195. AND THERE’S A WEDDING 196. Ew Nicolas I changed my mind I don’t love him not one bit 197. “Though perhaps this is what he truly is underneath. Angry, and ugly, and small.” Aren’t all men 198. Oh my god 199. THIS WAS NOT A FIGHT I WAS EXPECTING 200. Ohhhhhh my god 201. YES RHO 202. I lied Kendare thank you for this fierce and wonderful gift of a character 203. “Roll him up in a rug,” LMAO 204. “After all, Mirabella’s first tears were real, before she looked down and realized that Arsinoe was grinning.” I can’t I love them so much 205. Omg wait if Natalia… what does that mean for her deal with Luca?! 206. “Oh!” I LIED I WANT A MIRABELLA/ARSINOE BUDDY-COP SPINOFF 207. God bless Joseph taking responsibility for his actions 208. “How I love you, Jules.” I’m so emo 209. ARSINOE!!!!! 210. Ew someone please kill Nicolas already 211. “… So hard that she hears a crack. That must be good,” I’m dying 212. I LOVE MIRABELLA 213. I WANT HER TO BURN THE ENTIRE CITY DOWN 214. Oh god Joseph 215. THE WARRIORS 216. Oh my god 217. Oh my god oh my goddddd what 218. That is BRUTAL 219. What a way to go, my man
220. “I failed you once. I betrayed you once. But I will not again.”
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221. “I’m fine,” Joseph says, CLEARLY LYING 222. Oh my god Genevieve 223. THIS IS SUCH A DYSFUNCTIONAL TRIO 224. AND NOW THEY KNOW EVERYONE HAS ESCAPED 225. Oh my god so much is happening 226. Pietyr is the one true king someone bring him the Iron Throne or whatever the f#&k they have on this cursed and twisted island 227. “It is just that she will be the last.” 228. Omg they’re gonna GOOOO 229. Third time’s the charm, maybe??
230. I’m telling you Jules and Pietyr are going to have to duel and that will decide who the true ruler of Fennbirn Island will be
231. Jules will obliterate him and I will be sad for approximately thirty seconds and then extremely happy for my new queen
232. Aw I loved Madrigal in this book 233. I LOVE THIS LIL’ MOTLEY CREW 234. Lmao I wonder how long Genevieve will last now. What will she do 235. “Then she looks back at the sea and the confrontation that is about to take place there.” I’m so scared for my lil’ motley crew!!! 236. FINALLY!!!! THE KISS!!! 237. Omg come on Mirabella come onnnnn
238. Oh no 239. Oh no Joseph 240. … Oh my god? 241. Oh my god did they do it??? 242. THEY DID IT 243. Oh n o
244. JULES NO!!!
245. WHAT THE F#&K, MAN 246. … I’m telling you she needs to be queen 247. Oh my god 248. I can’t believe they… made it 249. Oh my g o d
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the-pontiac-bandit · 7 years
all the way home i’ll be warm
so, thanks to @jakelovesamy for the prompt, and to her and @elsaclack for all of the help!! i’m only including the prompt because it seems important that y’all all know that this started as a creepy cabin drabble. (title is from “let it snow” bc yes i Obviously wrote a christmas fic in mid-june) 
99. “We’re in an abandoned lodge in the middle of nowhere. Sure, you’re totally right, nothing bad could ever happen here.”
Jake Peralta has never enjoyed the outdoors. Sure, that one Cub Scouts camping trip in first grade was pretty fun, but that was mostly because his dad was Assistant Scoutmaster that year, and Jake got to stay up until the sun started to rise, making s’mores with Charlie Daniels and his brother. Adult Jake Peralta prefers snow plows, massage chairs, modern insulation, and easy-access delivery food.
Which makes the fact that he agreed to spend Christmas in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York with his new wife’s family a remarkable testament to just how much he loves said new wife.
Of course, the Santiagos are a remarkably awesome bunch of people. Victor warmed up to him - finally - when Jake told the Santiagos about his intentions to marry Amy. He showed them the ring, and Victor decided that anyone who had managed to save up that much money with a credit score below 200 was plenty tenacious enough to be a Santiago. Her brothers, meanwhile, had warmed to him as soon as they learned how much he loved basketball and good cop movies (Luis once told him that there were so many Santiago brothers it wasn’t even that noticeable when they picked up a few extra along the way. Jake had never felt more thrilled to be so entirely a part of something).
Even with all that awesome, being snowed in with all of the Santiagos in an eight-bedroom “cabin” (it’s definitely way too large for that title, and yet still somehow too small for all seven brothers, their spouses, and the kids) for four days over Christmas was not his idea of a dream vacation. Jake has no idea exactly how many nieces and nephews he now has, but he knows that there are at least twenty children that made it to the cabin ranging from scarily-new infants to surly teenagers, and they all call him Tio Jake with an excitement that warms his heart.
That many kids with that few bedrooms, though, means that someone is always sleeping somewhere strange. Usually on the floor. Definitely at a weird time of day. And Jake definitely almost steps on them on his way to the kitchen for more Cheetos (Manny brought a seemingly endless supply - he keeps pulling more from his car every time the boys finish a bag. Jake is eternally grateful).
Amy always seems to know who’s sleeping where (she also knows all of their names, of course, because she’s a perfect aunt who filled up their entire trunk with personalized gifts for each child and all her brothers, leaving Jake with a much better understanding of why they couldn’t afford Paris).
There is a constant hum of noise in the cabin. On the first day, which Jake obnoxiously calls Christmas Eve-Eve to anyone who will listen, everyone is in and out - exploring the nearby town, enjoying the fresh air, playing games of soccer on frozen ground that gives Jake a bruise on his hip when he tries to bicycle kick for the winning point. All in all, a great first day.
Then, that night, the snow starts to fall. At first, it’s some flurries. Just enough snow to be romantic - when it falls, it’s light and fresh, and Jake’s been to the country before, but just rarely enough that seeing fresh, fluffy snow surrounding him is a novelty. The Santiagos, who grew up with a huge backyard and spent their winters rolling around in snow that no dogs had peed in, were less impressed, and thought he was insane for wanting to spend that much time in the woods in the snow at night.
But then Amy walked outside with Jake in her heaviest parka, and they stood together and watched it fall, illuminated by the faded light coming out of the cabin, where the Santiagos were playing the largest game of Apples to Apples he’d ever seen. Everything was perfect, and just a little bit magical, and when he leaned down to kiss her, he could see the snowflakes that had settled on her eyelashes.
Jake is thoroughly enjoying the feel of her lips against his, even if that’s the only skin-to-skin contact available with all the layers, even though the pom pom on top of his hat is slowly pulling the entire garment forward to cover his eyes, but it ends when Amy decides her hands are freezing - even in their wool mittens - and tells him very pointedly that if he likes what her hands were going to do later, he’d best go inside and save them from frostbite. After that, he moves very quickly back towards the fire the Santiagos lit in the living room (carefully guarded by the oldest cousin, college freshman Anna, to prevent any accidental burns to the five year-old twins racing past).
Everything is perfect until the next morning, Christmas Eve, when he wakes up to nearly two feet of snow on the ground outside. Of course nothing is plowed and of course their cars are buried and of course there are somehow now nearly forty people stuck in what used to feel like a very large “cabin” and Jake’s thinking everyone should have just gotten hotel rooms in the city instead, no matter how pretty the untouched snow is.
Jake and Amy are up ridiculously early, thanks to the wails of the baby that radiate from the room they share walls with. Jake gently pushes Amy back to sleep when she starts to get up to go take care of her niece - she never lets herself sleep, and she’s been absolutely exhausted lately. She deserves this.
So Jake finds himself in the kitchen with Luis, Manny, and Joel, sitting in flannel pajama pants and overlarge matching t-shirts (Joel designed Family Reunion 2018 shirts. Jake never wants to take his off). Children are playing quietly around him - all of them are aware that moms, dads, and older siblings are trying to sleep, and they’re Santiagos, so of course they’re complying. Jake’s enjoying his Frosted Flakes (also courtesy of Manny), and reveling in the early morning quiet (at least, compared to Santiagos at full volume), compounded by the thick coat of snow on the ground outside.
It’s Luis who breaks the comfortable silence, clearing his throat and shifting in his seat. His daughter Lucia, just barely three months old, is cradled in his arm, and he’s clutching a steaming cup of black coffee for dear life with the other hand.
“Man, thank God she fell back asleep. Sometimes she just won’t stop crying in the mornings, and I can’t exactly take her outside in this weather. Would’ve been a fun wakeup call for everyone.”
Joel shoots a pointed look at his little brother, just fourteen months older than Amy. “But it’s so worth it. I remember when the twins were that little - a handful, but the best gift I could have asked for.” His gaze rests squarely on Jake, looking inquisitive, and Jake squirms a little bit under the intense stare.
Manny jumps in shockingly quickly to support his brother. “Yeah, Sarah and I only got married a year ago, but we’re already talking about it - we just can’t wait to have some of our own. What about you, Jake? Any kids in your future?”
Jake laughs a little, feeling a bit uncomfortable but brushing it off - brothers must talk like this all the time. “Oh, I’d say they’re definitely somewhere down the line, but definitely not anytime soon. There’s a life calendar hanging above our bed that says no kids until Amy’s a lieutenant, at least.”
Luis starts to laugh, but he’s quickly silenced by Joel, nearly thirteen years his senior, elbowing him in the side. He swallows his giggles, looking furtively at Jake, but their new brother-in-law hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.
They talk about their kids for a while, and Jake explains the elaborate color-coding system that Amy devised to pack for this four-day vacation. Then the boys give Jake, whose past experience with Christmas has been iffy and mostly related to Santa Claus, the lowdown on the innumerable Santiago family Christmas traditions.
The calm lasts until nearly 7:30, when Isabel Santiago emerges from the master bedroom, Victor looking a little sheepish at her heels. Jake had quickly learned at his first family event with the Santiagos that for all his commanding presence, Victor Santiago is constantly a little cowed and a little quiet when his wife is around. Isabel is furious that anyone let her sleep this late when there are grandbabies to feed and snowball fights to be had and children to catch up with. Jake quickly vacates the kitchen, knowing full well that any cooking done in his presence will quickly devolve into spilled batter and (somehow inevitably) explosions.
Back in his room, he decides to brush his teeth and hair and make some pretense to his new family that he’s less messy than this. His toiletries are stored carefully in the bathroom, in a nice case Amy got him to replace the messy gallon-Ziploc that never quite dried that he previously relied on. Everything is perfectly packed, and he knows exactly where it is. But when he tries the door, it’s locked.
“Amy,” he calls softly, not wanting her brothers to hear them through the frustratingly thin walls (seriously, how did Amy do this for eighteen years?).
“Jake? What do you need?” Amy’s voice is terse, barely audible. The shower isn’t running, so Jake decides she must be using the bathroom. He tries the handle again, wondering if it was just stuck, but nope - still locked.
Amy’s voice comes through the door again. “Can it wait, babe?”
He sighs. “Yeah.”
Then two minutes pass. Then three. The toilet never flushes, and he can smell French toast being fried in the kitchen all the way from their tiny bedroom in the back.
“Babe? I just need my toothbrush.”
“Just two more minutes, Jake. Please.” Her voice is tense, stressed, and a little hoarse, and he’s not entirely sure why.
“This is taking forever,” he whines. Then, a pause. “Babe, are you,” he brings his voice down to a whisper, “pooping?”
There’s a cough, then few seconds of silence from inside the bathroom. Then, a relieved sigh. “Yes, Jake. I’m pooping.”
“Amy, I’ve seen you poop before. Let me in.”
“How on earth am I going to do that?”
And he waits patiently until - finally - he hears a toilet flush, and she lets him in. The bathroom smells a little musty, reminding him somehow of their bathroom the week they both had the stomach flu. Her face is a flushed, and her eyes are a bit wild, darting around the way that they do when she’s stressed or anxious. Before he has time to question it or make sure she’s okay, though, he hears Manny call from just inside the door to their room that breakfast is ready and everyone else is eating. Amy replies that they’re coming, so Jake pours some toothpaste in his mouth, swallows quickly, and follows his wife (he’ll never get tired of thinking that) out the door.
All of the Santiagos are gathered around every flat surface in the living area of the cabin, each with a steaming pile of French toast, bacon, and strawberries. All of the weirdness of this morning is forgotten as he plops on the couch next to Luis with his own plate, leaving a corner of the couch for Amy. The pair immediately start discussing the Knicks’ playoff prospects with a few Santiago nephews sitting on the floor nearby (Jake’s pretty sure their names are Robert and Matty, but he can't be entirely sure. Everyone looks alike - those Santiago genes are strong.)
He’s so busy trying to convince his new family that the Knicks will win tomorrow by a full 70 points that he doesn't notice that Amy spends most of the meal taking deep breaths and leaves her French toast, her favorite breakfast, almost entirely untouched.
As soon as the conversation lulls, the sound in the room transitioning from lively conversation to quiet groans of sated contentment, Amy jumps up to start collecting plates. Her mother quickly follows, as she always does. They wave off all help (although not much is offered - everyone is far too full to move) from brothers and spouses, and even from Jake, and mother and daughter bustle off to the kitchen together.
Moms and dads, startled by the sudden lack of a syrup-covered plate in their lap, jolt to alertness, rushing to scrub powdered sugar, syrup, and orange juice off the faces of their children before they can ruin the furniture in the rented cabin. In the midst of the sudden reinstatement of chaos, Joel’s wife Mari stares at Jake, catching and holding his eyes. Then, seemingly unintentionally, her gaze shifts from him to the still-open kitchen door, out of which the clinking sounds of dishware being washed are emerging over the tumult of voices in the living room.
He gets the message (he thinks - that was a pretty weird look) and gets up to help his wife in the kitchen. He’s happy to go help anyway - after all, he has nothing to do to help clean up the plethora of nieces and nephews surrounding him, and he likes to be useful.
He’s stopped dead in his tracks at the door to the kitchen, though. Isabel Santiago is giving him a terrifying glare that is - like Amy’s - eerily reminiscent of that of a middle school librarian. It stops him in his tracks, and somehow, he knows to stay there. But instead of abandoning the room, going back to play with Robert and Matty, the eight year-olds who informed him during breakfast that he’s the coolest uncle they know, he backs away and sneaks behind the door, watching through the crack between the hinges, so that Mrs. Santiago doesn’t know he’s there.
Amy is gesticulating wildly at her mother, clearly frantic. When her hands reach up to start twisting her hair, though, her mom grabs them gently, says something, and pulls her only daughter into a hug. He can’t make out what’s being said over the din of the room behind him, but the cadence sounds distinctly like Spanish, so he knows he wouldn’t be able to follow even if everyone else would just shut up.
He’s relieved, though, to see Amy’s shoulders relax into her mother’s arms. He’s not sure what’s wrong, but clearly her mother has it under control. The sight of Amy’s breath steadying, her hands relaxing, calms him - whatever it is clearly can't be that bad.
And he's right. He’d returned to his room to change out of pajama pants (although this is the perfect kind of day for a pajama-jammy-jam) when Amy walks in, hugging him from behind and pressing her face into his shoulder.
He lets her stay that way for a few seconds, before pulling her arms just loose enough that he can turn around in her grip and properly hug her back. They stay that way, uninterrupted and holding each other close, for far longer than they should be able to, what with every single child in the house barging into their room at all hours to get some one-on-one time with their favorite aunt.
Finally, she pulls back, placing a quick peck on his lips before opening the top drawer of the dresser to find jeans and a sweater (before Amy, Jake didn't even know you could unpack on vacation, so he takes a second to marvel at the fact that he doesn't even have the opportunity to wreck the organization of their shared suitcase).
“So...you're okay?” he asks, a little tentatively.
Her back stiffens when he asks, and she freezes, one pants leg on, the other leg in the air. Then, in just a second, she's back to normal. In a carefully measured voice, she replies, “Yeah, babe, I’m fine. Why wouldn't I be?”
“I saw you talking to your mom, and you looked pretty upset.”
“Oh, that!” she replies, just a little too quickly. “I forgot the present for Mateo, and I didn’t know what to do, but my mom had an extra, so we’re giving him that!”
Jake’s pretty sure that he remembers writing Mateo’s gift tag himself, is almost certain it’s sitting near the side of the pile in their trunk, but he knows better than to argue. If Amy says it’s not there, then it’s definitely not there.
And then they hear Victor calling for them to come help decorate the Christmas tree that Diego drove up from New Jersey for the cabin, so instead of protesting, he grabs her as her head pops through the crew neck of her sweater (her softest one, which makes it by far his favorite) and plants a firm kiss on her lips. She laughs through it, wiggling away and protesting that we can’t do this, Jake, my dad might be coming in!
But then, when they hear her father’s footsteps fade into the background, she turns around and surprises him with a quick kiss before walking off, expecting him to follow. He does, but only after spending a few seconds marveling that the woman walking off with a new bounce in her step and a swing in her shiny ponytail is married to him.
Jake emerges into the crowded living room only a few steps behind his wife to happily discover that most of the younger children have been sent outside to play and release some energy. This means that the living room, while still loud - thanks to the room full of Santiagos, whose grasp of volume control is iffy at best - is full of the hum of polite conversation, rather than the screams of children trying to play tag between the boxes of ornaments, provided by Isabel.
When everyone sees them enter, though, the conversation comes to an abrupt halt. All eyes are trained on Jake and Amy, standing a few feet apart at the front of the room. Isabel starts to get up, takes a deep breath to say something, and then Amy shakes her head. It’s almost imperceptible, and if her ponytail wasn’t quite so bouncy, Jake wouldn’t have seen it at all.
Immediately, conversation resumes, as though nothing had ever happened, leaving Jake to wonder if he was imagining everything. Still standing in front of everyone, he leans in and whispers the question to Amy, who just shrugs in response - as if to say my family’s weird - deal with it.
So he does. He finds Luis sitting and untangling Christmas lights with Alex, their oldest brother. Alex looks up as Jake sits down, and a smile lights up his face as he claps Jake on the back.
“Congratulations, budd--” Alex is cut off abruptly from a sharp elbow from Luis that Jake definitely did not imagine.
Both men are looking at him warily, looking a little nervous for reasons that Jake can’t even begin to parse. They're silent for 10 seconds, and then 10 more, just watching him expectantly.
Then finally, with a relieved sigh, Luis breaks the silence. “Anyway, Jake, wanna give this string a shot? We can't get this knot out to save our lives.”
So Jake takes the lights they hold out for him and gets to work, doing his best to forget about the weird way that Alex had been staring at him.
Thankfully, untangling the lights turns out to be so consuming that he does manage to put his weird morning out of his mind for a little while. He has no idea how lights could have gotten this bad, until Alex explains that his kids used them as a rope for a hostage situation game that summer and put them away themselves. He’s a little impressed, honestly - figuring out how to untangle these lights might be a harder puzzle than any he's managed to solve with the NYPD.
Finally, though, he is able to hand Victor, who is taking meticulous instructions from Isabel about where the lights should be strung, a perfectly untangled strand of Christmas lights to add to the tree. The children are called back in to add ornaments to the now-lit tree (which stands taller than the trees Jake’s managed to squeeze into any of his apartments). The stomping of boots on the front mat sounds like a herd of elephants entering the house, and it lasts for what feels like an eternity as more and more kids traipse through, tracking an unbelievable amount of snow through the living room on their way to put up their coats.
His job done, Jake moves to the couch and squeezes into the impossibly small space left between Amy and the arm of the couch. Amy, laughing at the noises he makes as he tries to force his butt into the few available inches, gets up, settling on his lap as soon as he sits down.
Her head comes to rest against his shoulder as the kids reemerge, loud and ready to decorate. They watch the tree slowly acquire character via the addition of all sorts of ornaments - from fancy gold family heirlooms that only nineteen year-old Anna and her brother Sam can touch, hung high at the top of the tree, to paper drawings strung with yarn that two year-old Eliza drapes proudly on the bottom branches, balancing tentatively on chubby legs.
Amy slowly snuggles closer as they watch the scene unfold, so that her legs are folded on the couch (she may or may not give Luis, sitting next to them and playing with Lucia, a small kick as she pulls them up, just in case he’s done something today to deserve it), and Jake wraps his arms around her. Two of the thirteen year-olds are making faces at them and pretending to vomit in the corner, but Amy just laughs and plants a kiss on Jake’s cheek to bother her nephews.
Jake notices, when the tree is about halfway done and a few of the brothers are getting up to help their kids even out the ornament distribution (Jake has long-since discovered that Amy comes by her OCD honestly), that Isabel Santiago is watching him closely. She seems to have fixated on his arms, draped lazily over his wife’s (her daughter’s) abdomen. He can't read her expression, despite all his years of detective work, but he sits up straighter, trying to match the professionalism of Joel and his wife, sitting in the opposite corner of the room and gently holding hands in separate chairs.
As he shifts, though, Amy groans her objection, nuzzling her face deeper into his chest. That's when he realizes his wife is half-asleep. So instead, he settles back, deciding Mrs. Santiago must have been looking at something else - a quick glance confirms that she’s now talking to Diego’s wife animatedly about Christmas Eve dinner plans.
Finally, the tree is done. Isabel brings out sandwiches for everyone (Jake has no idea when she had time to make them. He’s at least 80% sure his mother-in-law is magical.), and lunch is finished in 10 minutes flat.
By this time, it's mid-afternoon, and there’s just a few hours until Christmas Eve dinner preparation begins in earnest. Matty and Robert beg their fathers for a snowball fight, and they agree eagerly, and before Jake really realizes what happened, everyone is getting up to go find coats and enjoy the hour or two of true daylight remaining.
Jake wakes Amy up (she claims drowsily that she’s been awake the whole time, thank you very much), and as they get up, Manny and Luis wander over to ask if Jake and Amy will be joining. Jake accepts enthusiastically, but Amy shakes her head.
“I don't think a snowball fight is up my alley today,” Amy apologizes with a yawn.
“Right! Because of the--” Manny starts, and then shuts his mouth so hard his teeth clack.
Amy gives him her special death glare, usually reserved for Charles when he starts talking in meticulous detail about her reproductive system.
Luis just laughs and drags Manny away, but Jake doesn't miss the excited hug Manny and Luis exchange when they think they're out of sight. Things are starting to get undeniably weird, Jake decides, furrowing his brow.
Amy is leading Jake back to their room when they find Isabel herself standing in their path. “Amy, could I borrow Jake for a moment? I need help with something, and your brothers are useless.”
Amy tries to glare at her mother, telling her silently to back off. But Isabel glares right back, and all of a sudden, Jake feels like he’s watching Amy look into a trick mirror at a fair - every mannerism is identical.
To no one’s surprise, Isabel wins, and Amy drops Jake’s hand, throwing one last concerned look over her shoulder as she continues to their room. Amy may have her mother’s glare, but her mother has an extra 37 years of practice.
Isabel starts to walk towards the kitchen, perhaps the only empty room in the house, and Jake follows automatically.
When they get there, she closes the door and turns slowly towards Jake. Slowly, carefully, she says, “You know, Amy loves you. A lot.”
Jake, feeling almost as nervous as when he asked them for their blessing to marry Amy, replies with the first dumb quip that comes to mind: “I’d hope so - we've been married for six months  now!”
Isabel chuckles a little at that, seeming to loosen up. "I know. And we're all happy to have you as a part of the family," she reaches up touch his shoulder, her expression turning back to something more serious. "I know Amy likes to take care of herself. She's been like that her whole life - she didn't even want our help as a toddler learning to walk, which didn't go down well. There was the whole puddle incident," Isabel gets a far off look in her eyes for a few seconds before focussing back in on Jake, who has a host of questions about the phrase puddle incident. "I know she likes to take care of herself, but you're taking care of her too, right? We all need a little taking care of sometimes."
"Of course! We take care of each other - when she lets me," Jake shrugs, like it's obvious.
"Thank you," Isabel smiles a warm smile. "I knew I could trust you, Jake. I'm just reminded how lucky I am at times like these, that all my babies grew up and made such perfect families themselves. All these grandbabies!" Isabel gestures around as if there are grandbabies escaping from every crevice of the house (in fairness, they definitely are).
"They're all pretty special," Jake agrees, remembering the chorus of Tio Jake. No two words any adult (except for Amy) could say would make his heart feel so full.
"All so unique, and so precious." Isabel adds. And I just wanted to tell you how thrilled we all are that you all could be here with us this Christmas - I know it was hard to get off work, but it’s good for Amy to be with family, especially this year.”
Jake has already started to spew words about how of course they were thrilled to be here and it was never a question that they'd find a way to make it and they love seeing everyone. And then her last words register, and he pauses, his mind swirling as he looks for any explanation for what she might mean.
"What do you mean this year? Is-" he lowers his voice "is someone sick? Does Amy know?"
"No one's sick," she chuckles softly, "but Amy has been feeling a little under the weather. There's a special tea I have, it used to help me when...I mean, it helps with the nausea. I'll get you some to take up to her." Isabel starts for the cupboards, rifling around in the ones above her head. Jake isn't sure she can even see in there.
"Do you need any help?" He offers, but just then Isabel produces a lilac box and nods approvingly at it.
The tea takes five minutes to make, but Jake's distracted for most of it by Matty, who comes in with a hacky sack, which Jake can't say no to. The kid is surprisingly good, and Jake’s out-of-practice, leading to more than one miss and several repetitions of the phrase, “Aw! I boofed it!”
Isabel finally hands Jake a steaming cup of tea, which he carefully starts to carry back to Amy.
"Make sure she's getting enough sleep, too!" Isabel says as Jake starts turn away.
"Uh...I will, I guess?"  
She laughs at his confusion, ruffles his hair (she has to reach up on her tip toes to do it), and hands him a cookie (Jake has no idea where she got it, but Isabel always has cookies. Jake loves her dearly for it).
With that, Jake knows he’s been dismissed. He walks out of the kitchen much faster than he should with the tea, carrying the cookie in his mouth.
When he finally navigates his way towards the glorified closet that he and Amy are sharing this Christmas, he throws open the door dramatically, startling Amy, who’s sitting on the bed wrapping a plain white box in red-and-green patterned wrapping paper (Jake remembers her packing the extra wrapping paper over his strenuous objections about the fact that there are no more gifts to wrap and there’s no possible way that she’s forgotten a gift for anyone - she even had one for Alex’s new puppy.)
“Babe,” Jake says frantically, his mouth still full of cookie, “I think your family is trying to kill us!”
“What?” Jake rarely catches Amy off guard anymore - she knows him almost as well as she knows herself. But he can see clearly that he’s surprised her with this.
“D’you think your brothers are still mad at you for that time you busted their party?” Jake is busy running through a list of every possible reason they could be on a Santiago hit list, but he’s discovering the list is pretty short.
“No way - I was nine!”
“Maybe it’s just me! Maybe they know 145 isn't a good credit score! Ames, what if they discovered I don't have a favorite font?”
At that, Amy gets up off the bed and walks over to him. “Babe, they already know that. And you do have a favorite font - it’s the title font from the Die Hard poster, remember? Everything’s totally normal - nothing bad’s gonna happen.”
The statement was clearly supposed to make him relax, and she turns around to find his coat for him so that he can go outside and join in the snowball fight, but Jake isn't satisfied. Then he notices that the peals of laughter he’s hearing are coming from outside, rather than inside, the house, and he realizes that they must be totally alone inside. The knowledge that they're alone in a snowed-in cabin adds an extra sense of eeriness to the afternoon light filtering through the clouds.
“Babe, we’re in an abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere. Suuure, you’re totally right, nothing bad could ever happen here.”
Abandoning the search for his coat, Amy grabs him by one hand and drags him back to sit down on the bed with her. “First of all, the cabin isn't abandoned - everyone is, like, ten feet outside the front door. Second, we’re on family vacation - you've been watching way too much true crime if you think someone’s trying to kill us. So what’s bugging you?”
Jake pauses for a moment, takes a deep breath, and then lets everything out in a rush. “Your mom just pulled me aside to make sure I knew to take care of you because you love me and everyone keeps staring at me and Manny congratulated me and I don't know why and you were even being weird about pooping this morning and they’re definitely up to something really freaky, babe!”
And then he’s cut off by Amy’s laughter. She’s fallen backwards on the bed and is clutching her stomach as deep belly laughs escape into the still air of the cabin. Jake just glares at her - he can’t believe she’d be laughing about something this serious! They’re in an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods (she can’t convince him otherwise) and their lives are on the line!
Finally, slowly, Amy catches her breath. When she’s gotten herself under control enough to speak again, she says the last thing he’d ever expect: “Want an early Christmas present?”
In shock, Jake replies, “Babe! Now is not the time for early Christmas presents! Now’s the time to dig out the car!”
“Jake.” She gives him The Look, the one that means that he’s being ridiculous and he needs to stop and listen. “Open the gift.” And she hands him the mostly-wrapped box that has been sitting forgotten on their pillow.
Still uttering half-hearted protests, he tears at the wrapping paper to expose the plain white box inside (what can he say? He’s a sucker for gifts). It looks vaguely like a box a tie might come in, and he looks up at her. “Santiago, clothes aren’t gonna fix the fact that something creepy is definitely coming.”
“Keep opening, Peralta.”
So he does. When he takes off the top, he looks up at her. She waits patiently for him to look down, to actually register what’s inside the box. When he finally does, his jaw drops as some still-unidentified emotion bubbles up in his stomach.
Because lying inside the box is a positive pregnancy test.
“I took it this morning, when you were with Manny and Luis and I’d woken up to throw up again and Mari bought it for me yesterday when they went into town and I was gonna give it to you first thing tomorrow morning but you’re in the middle of a weird...Jake?”
The sound of his name jerks him out of his reverie. Slowly, he looks up at his wife, a grin painted across his face from ear to ear (he’s pretty sure no one could wipe off this grin - not even the still-possibly-murderous Santiagos playing outside). Then, he’s tackling her back into the pillows at the head of the bed, being careful of her abdomen while their laughter mingles and fills the still-silent cabin.
Their legs are tangled and his arms are wrapped around her and her hands are combing through his hair and he’s never felt this disgustingly, blatantly happy in his life. “Santiago...You’re really pregnant?” he asks, awe saturating every word.
She nods in response, a smile growing quickly on her face. “You’re really happy about it?” she asks.
In response, he shifts forward and kisses her firmly. It’s far from their most graceful kiss - their teeth keep clacking because neither of them can stop smiling long enough to kiss the other properly. Jake doesn’t mind, though, because he’s too distracted by the pure, unadulterated joy that’s radiating up from his chest and out through his face and out through his fingers and the very tips of his toes.
Finally he pulls back. “Yeah,” he answers with a laugh. “I guess I’m pretty happy about it.”
She hits his shoulder lightly, rolling her eyes at her dumb husband that she loves so much. And he’s too busy thinking about the fact that Amy’s pregnant and all of the possibilities that that fact brings to even pretend it hurt. Instead, he shifts one hand slightly, gently, so that it comes to rest just over her belly button.
“You know, you can’t feel him kick yet.”
“I know! And him? It’s obviously a girl that we’re obviously naming Nakatomi!”
“Jake, Santiagos have boys. Always. Trust me, this kid is a boy.” She sounds so sure, but he can’t stop himself from giggling (he might never be able to stop giggling because he doesn’t think happiness this strong will ever wear off. It’s pulsing steadily next to his heart, filling him with the same warmth he felt when he saw Amy do the Double Tuck in her white dress as she walked down the aisle).
“Ames, they had you.”
She’s opening her mouth to retort, but the mention of the Santiagos reminds Jake how this whole conversation started in the first place. “Babe, this is all very exciting and everything, but it has nothing to do with why your family was acting so weird. Either you need to explain or we need to get the hell out of this creepy cabin. Something definitely just creaked and we’re the only ones inside!”
“Jake...that was you. You just moved and the bed creaked. And, to answer your other question, my family...might have known.” She sounds a little sheepish, but mostly she just sounds blissfully happy.
Jake looks at her in obviously fake indignation. “Amy! You told your family before you told me?”
“In fairness to me, my mom actually is the one who told me!”
Jake looks at her a little incredulously. “Babe. Come on. You keep track of everything to the hour. There’s no way you didn’t know about this.”
“I’m serious! I was a little late and pretty tired and nauseous, but didn’t think anything of it. My mom took one look at me and pulled me aside and told me. She’s had so many kids she just knows, Jake. Joel and Alex and my dad figured it out on their own, too - they’ve seen my mom have so many kids it takes them, like, half a second to pick out a pregnant woman. Between the four of them, things...got around pretty quickly. They’re all pretty horrible at keeping secrets.”
“No kidding.” Jake thinks back to the millions of weird looks that he’d forced himself to disregard and the dozen weird conversations he’d had since yesterday morning.
“They just get really excited about new grandkids, and they couldn’t wait for you to be excited, too.” Her voice is soft, as is her smile, and her hand has drifted towards his cheek.
“Trust me. I am.” He leans in to kiss her, a proper one this time. And it’s amazing and fireworks are exploding behind his eyelids and he hasn’t been this truly happy in...maybe ever and she’s rolling him over to straddle him and her hands are finding the buttons on his shirt, but then, a small voice is shouting outside their (thankfully closed) door to come outside. With a startled laugh, they break apart, jumping up impressively quickly to seated positions on opposite sides of the bed. Amy shouts back at her niece that they’ll be out in just a sec, and she begins searching for the coats and boots that they’d thrown off so hastily last night while Jake frantically buttons his shirt.
“There’s really no way we can get out of going outside?” Jake asks, a little disappointed.
“Remember when you were so excited for the snowball fight?” Amy retorts, a huge grin cracking across her face.
“Yeah, but now there are better things to do!”
And with that, Amy hands her husband his coat and boots, grabs his hand, and drags him to the front door. They emerge with his arm over her shoulder and her arm around his waist (she’ll say she just needs to be kept warm, but really she just can’t stay away from him). They watch on the side for a while, and at first, everyone leaves them alone (or at least, no one throws snowballs at them).
Jake’s so busy looking down at his wife, who’s positively radiant, that he doesn’t notice the sappy grins being thrown their way by every single adult in the clearing.
They stay that way, blissfully unaware of the screaming children and the happy smiles from Mr. and Mrs. Santiago and the high fives Manny and Luis are throwing each other because their baby sister is having a baby, for quite a while.
And then Joel ruins it. “Ay! Peralta! Stop making eyes at your wife and get in here!” And then a large snowball hits Jake’s face.
Jake roars with laughter as he bends down to start making his own ammo, but he’s slow - certainly unused to the speed at which Santiagos can form snowballs. He’s getting pelted from all sides, and the kids have joined in, and one dumped a pile of snow down his back while he bent down to make another snowball and he’s going down.
And then Amy throws a snowball. It hits Joel square in the face, and he backs up, sputtering. Manny starts to charge, but he’s gotten a heaping pile of snow to the face before he can get anywhere near her (she’d shifted while everyone was distracted, placing herself strategically behind her parents and using them as a human shield that none of her brothers could touch). One by one, the Santiago brothers and their spouses go down, their children getting distracted by the prospect of tackling their own parents into the snow. Jake’s more than a little impressed with her accuracy - now he knows why her aim with a gun is so good.
And then he’s able to stand up, brushing the snow off his jacket and shaking it out of his hair but mostly looking at Amy, who’s all sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks as she gives her dad a high five. And then Victor Santiago is pulling his daughter into the tightest hug Jake’s ever seen and if he’s not mistaken a tear is leaking out of his eye (no - he must be mistaken - that’s definitely just melting snow) and Amy’s laughing a little and he can see her lips moving, reminding them that it’s still early and they’re not even supposed to know, but none of it seems to resonate because then her mom’s joined in the hug and Luis has found Jake watching all of this unfold.
“Congrats, man.” He pulls Jake into a quick hug, clapping him on the back before he releases him.
“Thanks,” Jake says, and he’s surprised to hear his voice crack a little bit on the word.
“Yes! I finally got to say it!” Luis shouts so loudly that Jake falls back down into the snow, startled.
Later that night, after the Christmas Eve dinner that was so amazing Jake may never need to eat again and the midnight mass that they all had to traipse through the snowy woods to get to, Jake and Amy finally get to lie down, limbs tangled as she rests her head against his chest. She’s in her flannel pajama pants and his academy sweatshirt, and he’s wearing her family’s reunion t-shirt, and he’s maybe never been more in love.
His wife is already three-quarters asleep - it’s almost midnight, and pregnancy has made her constantly, painfully exhausted. But through the thin walls, the sounds of her siblings putting out presents from Santa drift in, and he can’t help but smile. He’s pretty sure it’s Luis who stubs his toe and lets out a string of Spanish curses, and he’s guessing it’s Alex who shuts him up so abruptly. He laughs a little bit, quietly, and Amy shifts against him.
“Next year, that’ll be us, babe.”
She grins up at him, her eyes heavy lidded and her hair already a little mussed in its ponytail. “Can’t wait.”
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