#I’m literally in the bar blogging about rvb
cerayanay · 5 months
Do you guys think it hurt Tucker deeply when Felix got an energy sword? Like, he literally says it’s a part of him, a part of his manhood. Then he bonds with Felix on such a deep level. He basically uses him as a replacement Wash, who was a replacement Epsilon, who was a replacement Alpha. And suddenly, the thing that made Tucker unique, the thing that made Tucker feel confident as a soldier , the thing that gave him Junior and made him an ambassador and made him step up and apart from the rest of the blood gulch crew,
Is suddenly something Felix has. And doesn’t even care about beyond besides it looks cool. Felix is better than him in every single way, just like tex wash Carolina ECETRA are better in every other way. Except at least Tucker has his sword. You know, the prophesied “key”.
You know, until Felix has one
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