#I’m not advocating that we like ignore the main traits of either disorder
kidrat · 7 months
We need to end the ‘loud/obnoxious character getting headcanoned as adhd and the quiet/nervous one getting headcanoned as autistic’ industrial complex
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The Root of all Rifles (a right leaning perspective on gun regulations)
As a country, whether republican or Democrat, whether conservative or liberal, we more often than not bring into question the lethality of a weapon, the accountability of a 50 cal, and the restrictions that should be applied to rifles. But when is it that the people of America will begin to question the accountability of humanity as a whole, how long shall it be before we as a people begin to question the credibility of the contemptible hands more malicious then the metal mesh of gunpowder we so fear, and how they cock lock and pull the trigger. Looking to tighter gun restrictions as a permanent means to remedy gun violence is a foolhardy and naïve way to stop said gun violence , yet looking to remediate the mental state of our country’s people, can possibly provide a lucrative solution. Few people attempt to wonder as to why for a good 3 quarters of the 20th century, this nation was devoid of any form of school violence all together. After all my father had a 12 gauge at age 10 and never did he go to arms against his peers. So... i implore you all as my peers, to allow me the right to play devils advocate to this assembly of inquiry. Due to the plethora of sources which I’ve pondered through, I’ve come to the solid conclusion that the key to stopping gun violence is a mental one. Please take my words lightly for this is all hypothetical,  a mere proposal of ideas. The first decent chunk of evidence comes from the personal accounts of the shooters themselves and a common trait exhibited amongst them all, mental imbalance and a general tendency of sociopathy.  Each and every killer had either turmoil in their lives driving them to a broken mental state or a mental disorder. This observation now leads to another question, are the mental institutions doing their job to the best of their ability? NO. The main problem lies within the current state of mental institutions in our country, when carter in 1980 federalized the country’s psych wards, closing down half the facilities used to accommodate them as well as resorting to lazy medication to treat the mentally ill. Such medication has adverse affects to what is desired, spiraling their user deeper into madness rather than quelling it, as shown by the state of the columbine shooters as accounted by family members. What I propose is to remedy this is attempt to remove assault rifles from the market until the mental facilities of this country can be reverted form this ramshackle state its in now. Allow guns to then return back into the hands of the populace once we can garuntee the safety of school environments. But for me to say gun violence is truncated and consolidated in a school environment would be mind numbingly arrogant of me to claim.
The second factor which plays more into the effectiveness of these mass killings rather than the root cause is which gun should, or in this case shouldn’t be criticized, the Assault rifle. When in a close quarters school environment the Assault rifle is the worst possible option for crowd control and mass murder due to its cumbersome frame and weight, high velocity and recoil, inability to effectively spray and pray, and low magazine count which all prove to work against a gun in a situation which works as a horrific real life shooting gallery. Compare this oafish contraption with the likes of a shotgun which has 12x the projectiles per each shot, the same fire rate (considering your firing the rifle to compensate for recoil), and is designed for close range environments, practically doubling if not tripling the kill count. But both mobile slaughterhouses pale in comparison to the 9mm. Light, accurate, small, with low recoil and a high mag count, these minuscule weapons become dwarfed by their kill counts. A sidearm’s low caliber rounds still can easily rend and tear human flesh, especially considering the average teenager or child doesn’t walk about with full body armor. the lighter composition, smaller size, and lower caliber make these guns far more controllable, portable, and efficient when compared with assault rifles. The statistics of past accounts echo my observations. Columbine which was conducted with shotguns and pistols outranks sandy, in which a rifle was used, in fatalities. And considering that the victims of sandy hook were children instead of teenagers, if a rifle performed in an environment with teenagers it would perform even worse. In other words, the weapon currently under fire by the bulletstorm of political controversy, the AR15, doesn’t even deserve the bad reputation it’s garnered over the years.
I have a proposal to remedy this Volatile situation as well. For this I tend to look at the state of Switzerland and their gun laws. De to a mandatory military service and skeet shooting culture, 70% of households have fully automatic rifles yet how many deaths by guns do they have? 47. Now this may be because Switzerland has 3 million compared to our 126, yet I think it’s more than that. Switzerland’s arsenal of weapons acts as a deterrent against anyone wishing to take to gun violence, does shooting up a school or breaking and entering seem viable when your victim may be armed with a good pack of 5.56 nato rounds? I don’t think so. Not only that but the negative connotation which many people associate with firearms in America has been converted into something positive in Switzerland, shooting is Switzerland’s main sport  and is a cultural icon for them, just as it was for us in days of old. Also we can’t put stricter laws on guns and not expect people to acquire them through indecent means. Through the black market, the dark web, as well as 3D pronting, anyone with a base level intellect can acquire a gun with the right connections.
Finally, I’d like to remind you all that some of us live in mollycoddled rich or well off towns where nothing much ever happens. We are utterly blind to the hellscape of the reality that lays outside our county borders, some of haven’t learned how it works in the streets, some of don’t know the dead of Detroit, nor the killers of Compton. In other words I and some of you haven’t lived through these harrowing experiences, so I think we should take our ignorance to mind and understand that there are people who need these guns, they really do need protection. The multifaceted issue of street violence which has plagued society from its very inception cannot be solved by something comparatively trivial like gun laws. I’m certainly not in support of the 50 year old execs down running the NRA, but I do believe that we the people are ignoring the real issue at hand , but the real question I pose is how do we forge our Switzerland, how do we alienate no one  yet satisfy everyone, and how do we unite “us” under “U.S.”
This article is a testimony to test humanity, a proposition of peace, and a rally cry which rings louder and more resolute than a brass casing! May our great nation craft a compromise which holds more steadfast than the steel wielded by soldiers.
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