#I’m not gonna change my stance on spam likers like come on
evansbby · 1 year
Tumblr used to be so fun now you guys just block and complain people for every small thing like I truly love your work but u always ask for interaction and then even though u get it, you complain that it’s not enough (while you ignore the MANY reblogs you have) or just don’t even bother replying and it gets ignored. I’m not saying we’re entitled to your time like that and that we HAVE to have a response, but if you’re going to make such a big deal and ask for something it would be kind to spend more time acknowledging how people actually come through instead of asking for more and making it seem like no one tried to in the first place?
Wtf all I said was that I block spam likers. Those who know me, know how appreciative I am of everyone else. I literally say it all the time, almost every time I answer an ask that’s praising my work. I of course cannot reply to every single ask and reblog, that’s impossible. But you’re acting like I’m complaining when all I said was that I block people who spam like 18282929 posts in a row. If me saying that makes this blog less fun for you, PLEASE unfollow me. I insist.
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