#I’m exhausted yall every time I say ANYTHING I have to defend my life to anons
evansbby · 9 months
Tumblr used to be so fun now you guys just block and complain people for every small thing like I truly love your work but u always ask for interaction and then even though u get it, you complain that it’s not enough (while you ignore the MANY reblogs you have) or just don’t even bother replying and it gets ignored. I’m not saying we’re entitled to your time like that and that we HAVE to have a response, but if you’re going to make such a big deal and ask for something it would be kind to spend more time acknowledging how people actually come through instead of asking for more and making it seem like no one tried to in the first place?
Wtf all I said was that I block spam likers. Those who know me, know how appreciative I am of everyone else. I literally say it all the time, almost every time I answer an ask that’s praising my work. I of course cannot reply to every single ask and reblog, that’s impossible. But you’re acting like I’m complaining when all I said was that I block people who spam like 18282929 posts in a row. If me saying that makes this blog less fun for you, PLEASE unfollow me. I insist.
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artsoupsoupart · 2 years
Okay but the fact that athenagrantnash isn’t even an activist is reason enough not to defend her. I’m not saying to send her death threats because that’s equally as bad, but not only has she done things not worth defending, but she hasn’t even done something that makes her worth defending.
I mentioned activists bc y’all truly expect regular people to speak up every single time some injustice happens and that’s unhealthy. We’d never shut up and enjoy the blessings we do have in life if we’re constantly talking about the negative. Even activists have a right to be quiet on some topics. ESPECIALLY if they don’t know about what’s going on. Since the end of s5 she has constantly said she’s over 911. She got some asks about Taylor and about the show and because she wanted to answer them she did, and y’all still used even that against the fact that she didn’t want to speak up about the homophobia happening in the fandom.
I’m black. And i RARELY speak up about the injustices that actually happen in real life. Because it’s exhausting and that’s not my calling. I try to get out as much info as possible and to read and keep myself informed but no one HAS to. Especially in fandom, that’s supposed to be an escape from the bs we deal w irl. And just because they did before doesn’t mean they have to again. That’s just a hard truth yall have got to accept.
Also, she’s literally not done anything besides have opposing opinions on the value of characters on a tv show. No fr. Go back and READ FOR YOURSELF instead of being in your gc and regurgitating what your fave fandom friend says to you. Actually take a moment to THINK FOR YOURSELF. Fr. Go back and actually read bc i have been for this entire time that she’s been harassed and it’s really unnecessary every single time.
I have been consistently talking, IN DEPTH mind you, with agn for probably 2 years now. I mean we have had some looooooong convos about a variety of things. I AM ONE OF THE PPL SHE COMES TO for insight on a lot of things that yall have demonized her for pointing out. There is so much to defend because SHE ASKS for multiple points of view. She talks to people to figure out how to BE better. She literally has used her voice to speak up for ME, someone who is arguably exceedingly marginalized (re: black, woman, lesbian)
You don’t have to like her. You really really don’t. You don’t have to like anyone on this planet but yourself tbh. But y’all spam her inbox (and others’) with such vitriolic hate and don’t even give her even a modicum of respect. And that’s fucked up. And you know it’s fucked up or else you wouldn’t be on anon. You would actually talk to her like respectable human beings. But you don’t even try to do that. Y’all never do. Regarding anyone who opposes you in even the slightest way.
Now, considering the Supreme Court just made one of the worst decisions regarding bodily autonomy in the country (and subsequently the very state) that I live in, I’m gonna drop this fandom drama simply because THERE ARE FAR BETTER THINGS TO BE LOUD ABOUT THAN YOUR DISDAIN FOR A STRANGER ON THE INTERNET AND HER OPINIONS ON FICTIONAL CHARACTERS AND STORYLINES.
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walkerwords · 3 years
“To Feel Better” Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader
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Request from Anonymous: for your requests i saw a prompt where it was person A finding excuses to hold person B's hand such as my hands are cold will you warm them for me I think that would be cute with Daryl. 
Word Count: 1859
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “Cardigan” by Taylor Swift
Note: I love fluff requests yall! This one is set during the time our survivors are looking for shelter after the fall of the farm!
When the farm fell, nobody knew what they were doing. 
Herschel and Rick were doing their best to keep some sort of order within the group, but they could only do so much once the cold set in and the food became more scarce. Then after losing some people during the invasion of Walkers and Shane’s attempt at a coup, pieces felt as if they were being broken off.
Andrea had been someone who you trusted wholeheartedly. You had been with her and her sister, Amy, since the beginning. Andrea had protected you both, but in the end it had been Amy who befell the fate of the new world. Her death still followed you around and you knew that it had haunted her sister for a while as well. If anything, it had made Andrea harder and more resilient. Still, she kept her eyes on you and you knew that if it came down to it, you would protect her with everything you had. That remained true until you saw her go down on the farm and never saw her reemerge from the horde as Daryl pulled you on to the back of his bike and took off down the dirt path. 
Now it was only a matter of time before someone else was lost. With the larger herds moving North all the time, the group had to keep moving and there wasn’t any time to rest for more than a couple of days. With Lori being pregnant, it was definitely causing more issues. You were exhausted, Shane was dead, Rick was keeping something a secret, and Carl was growing up before your eyes. It was too much, too fast. 
Winter was coming and going, the weather never staying the same in the South. You had been used to that your entire life, but without constant shelter or warm meals, every time the temperature dropped even a fraction, stress levels skyrocketed within the group and it was starting to get to you. Daryl, someone you had grown closer to since the farm, had tried to keep your spirits up the best he could, but there was only so much he could do. 
It was late one night when you found yourself alone on watch. Rick and Maggie had found a house that was far enough from the road with working locks and insulated enough to offer warmth. Nobody dared light a fire in case the Living decided to poke around, but it was better than sleeping in another field with one eye open. 
You were rubbing a stray bullet between your fingers as you saw on a bench just in front of the house when Daryl approached, the gun that housed said bullet was in your other hand. “I got watch,” he said, taking a seat next to you. 
“I’m fine,” you said, keeping your eyes on the dark wall of trees before you. 
“Ya need sleep,” he argued, but you remained still.
“I said, I’m fine,” you repeated. 
“Ya, that’s what ya always say,” he said. It was silent then as he sat next to you. Daryl knew when not to push you and this was definitely one of those times. If there was one person who could sit in complete silence and say more with just their body language it was you and Daryl appreciated that after hours of constant noise from the rest of the group. 
It was after a while that Daryl finally realized what you kept playing with in your hand. He recognized it as a gun that was once shoved in his face when he had first arrived at the quarry with Merle. “That Walsh’s gun?” he asked, nodding his head toward the pistol. You nodded, turning over the weapon in your hand. He wasn’t sure where you had found it, but he could tell that you had cleaned it up. “You thinkin’ about him?” 
“I don’t know what happened,” you finally said. “He was so strong…”
“Even the most level-headed people can get corrupted by this world,” Daryl said and you thought it was one of the most profound things he had ever said. Then again, you figured that Daryl was incredibly bright and he just didn’t let people see that side of him. 
“I thought he’d be one of the last people standing,” you admitted. 
“Didn’t realize you were that close,” Daryl said with a frown. 
“He saved my life,” you said with a shrug, remembering back to all the times Shane had pulled a Walker off of you when you were distracted. “He always looked out for Amy, too. Look, he wasn’t a great man, I know that, but I owed him enough. I was hoping he’d make it at least a few more years.”
“I get that,” Daryl said with a sigh, running a hand through his messy hair. You had noticed that it was getting longer, especially on the sides. 
“Sorry,” you said, “I know you hated him.” 
“I didn’t trust him,” Daryl clarified. 
“Fair enough.” 
You sat back into silence then. Your ears were scanning for the familiar groans of the Dead or the subtle footprints of the Living, but so far, nothing had approached the newest nest for the group. You were definitely missing the RV on the more treacherous nights.
Daryl was quiet before he looked over at you. You could see his face out of the corner of your eye, but you tried your hardest to ignore him. You knew Daryl had been looking out for you for a while. Or rather he had been watching you and you knew he was worried, but you couldn’t bring yourself to take any extra steps towards him. No matter how much you wanted it. 
“You know,” you began, breaking the silence, “I wanted to study old bones and all that.” 
“So, an anthropologist?” Daryl said. You looked over at him with shock on your face and he clocked it immediately. “What, I watched the History Channel,” he defended, causing you to laugh. 
“Yeah, Daryl, just like that,” you said. “I wanted to know how humanity began, but I’m only seeing what we’ve become,” you said as you stared at a Walker corpse that Maggie had downed a few hours before. 
Your hand began to twitch then, a nervous habit you had developed as a teenager. It always exposed everything that you were too afraid to say. There was something about the way your body always knew what was wrong before your mind did. You figured it was something to do with the survival instincts that had kicked in the night they dropped fire on Atlanta and other major cities. 
Daryl noticed your hand instantly. “You’re doing it again,” he said quietly. 
“Nervous habit,” you said, clenching your fist, trying to quiet your nerves. “It used to drive my mom crazy.”
“You don’t talk about her anymore,” Daryl noticed. Turning to look at him, you furrowed your brow. “It’s just, ya used to talk about her at the quarry with Amy and Andrea a lot,” he said with a shrug. 
“Guess I haven’t been in the mood to be sentimental lately,” you said. 
“I get that,” he said as he continued to watch the slight tremor in your palms. “My mom died before all this,” he said  and you were surprised to hear him say anything about his family. Besides Merle, Daryl never mentioned anything about his past. At least, not to you. 
“I’m sorry,” you said. 
“I’m just glad ya know, that she didn’t have to see all this shit,” he said and you knew what he was talking about. In an odd way, anyone who had died before the outbreak lucked out. Nobody deserved to see the new horrors of the world and nobody deserved to be fighting tooth and nail just to survive. Lifting your head to the sky, you watched as a single star shot across the darkness before it disappeared again in the plethora of stars and scattered moonlight. 
“Odd, isn’t it?” you asked. 
“That because the world is dark, we finally see the stars. Living in cities always hid them,” you said with a sigh. 
“Yeah,” Daryl said, following your gaze. 
“ ‘Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars’,” you quoted with ease.
“Tolkien, huh?” Daryl said, recognizing the words. 
“Look at you,” you teased and Daryl rolled his eyes. 
“I read,” Daryl defended and you raised your hands in surrender. The movement then sparked something in Daryl as he caught your hand in his and held it gently. Your hands stilled from the warmth and firm grip of the archer’s hands. You were sitting in silence as he began to rub his thumbs along the nerves and muscles in your hands. 
Daryl was silent as he caressed your hand, taking his time to soothe your anxieties away. “You are gonna be okay,” he whispered, his focus on his task. 
“How do you know?” you whispered back. 
“Because ya ain’t one to let this world beat ya,” Daryl said simply. You took a minute for that to sink in and you knew that he was right. If anything, you were not going to give up so that the dying world took you with it. You knew that death was inevitable, but you also knew that you had come too far already to start to give up now. “Do you know the story of the man who fought off three bears and lived?” Daryl asked suddenly. 
Looking over at him, you raised your brows. “What?” Daryl nodded. 
“Yeah, the crazy son of a bitch jumped into a bear enclosure at a zoo to test if he could survive the worst possible thing,” he said. “Fought them all off with his hands and a tree branch. Nobody thought a person could do that and he did. Only came out of there with a broken hand.” 
“Is there a moral to this story?” you asked. Daryl turned your hand over in his, tracing the lines on your palm. 
“Don’t try to fight bears unless you’re high on pretty hardcore shit because he had to have been, right?” Daryl said easily and you couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of your chest. Daryl gave you a smile then and you realized what he was doing. 
“Was that story even true?” you asked. 
“Nah,” Daryl said. “Does it matter, though?” 
“Not at all,” you whispered, wrapping your other hand around the joined ones between you. Moving closer to him, you leaned into him, feeling his body heat. “Thanks.” 
Daryl gently lifted your hand to his face and pressed a kiss to the back of it in a very rare act of tenderness. His lips lingered on your skin for just a second before relaxing further into you.
“Anytime,” he murmured as you sank into comfortable silence and watched for the enemy that was sure enough to break through your newfound bubble of peace. However, you knew that when that happened, the man by your side would be the one to jump into the fray and wrestle with a few bears of his own. 
TAGS: @thanossexual​ @felicisimor​ @moonstuffsteve​ @lucillethings​ @stark-dreams​ 
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artvmvs · 6 years
Ena mexri 100. Dhladh ola :)
damn y u do this
(btw they kinda got mixed up bc i am dumb sorrry)
The meaning behind my url:  idk. just stardust but star is in greek. idek.
A picture of me: im useless and idk how to put the picture on this place specifically, ask me separately if you do want one
How many tattoos i have and what they are: im a minor so none yet, but I’d like some in the future!
Last time i cried and why: ..no idea. Probably an arguement but I don’t remember, I’m more of a silent suffering kinda gal
Piercings i have: I am currently stretching my ears and I want a helix or an industrial, ik i don’t have many but I think they’re really cool
Favorite band: don’t make me choose
Biggest turn offs: dunno. does this mean generally pet peeves or nah,, 
Biggest turn ons: uhm i am a child!!! neck bites tho  we’re not diving deeper
Age: 16 
Ideas of a perfect date: something chill and not formal like maybe exploring the city or watching movies together at home or cinema idk, something exciting 
Life goal: bold of you to assume i have any goals for the future
Piercings i want: as i said, right now helix or industrial
Relationship status: single :))
Favorite movie: i currently like heathers and the imitation game but i really gotta watch new stuff I just never get around to it
A fact about my life: i didn’t think I would live to 2018, or at least whole (due to an unfortunate series of events) , but here i am binch  y’all have to tolerate me now!! sucks to be you
Phobia: fish and insects freak me out because they’re tiny n I don’t want them near me bc they are fast little shits and also I could literally touch them and they’d die and it freaks me out. or at least that’s what i use to justify me acting like a little bitch
Middle name: dont have one
Height: 165cm or as the ‘muricans like to call it  5'4 i think
Are you a virgin?: yes
What’s your shoe size?: um?? in greece we use different sizing i think? so in greece im a 37  but i looked it up and im a 6.5 in us and a 4.5 in the uk im VERY confused but basically smol
What’s your sexual orientation? i currently identify as a lesbian
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? i,,have,,,, drank beer once,,
Someone you miss: @221b-unicornstreet​ and people i cant tag
What’s one thing you regret?: not defending myself enough,,? I certainly have done many regrettable things but they’ve already happened now.. so
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: uhm BRYAN DECHART bitch i know im a lesbian but let me have this bc he is actually attractive and this is what came to mind rn so shut
Favorite ice cream?: i like vanilla flavour  dONT make that joke 
One insecurity: nose. spine.
What my last text message says: ‘’because it can mean either’’ im very interesting 
Have you ever taken a picture naked? nope
Have you ever painted your room? i want to
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? nYES
Have you ever slept naked? i think? in my?? underwear?? but not completely 
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? i,,yes
Have you ever had a crush? kinda
Have you ever been dumped? yes
Have you ever stole money from a friend? no???
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? i dont think so
Have you ever been in a fist fight? nope im weak LMAO you’d probably kill me by pushing me tbh
Have you ever snuck out of your house?  i’ve snuck into a house when i was six, i know im very cool.
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yeah
Have you ever been arrested? nope
Have you ever made out with a stranger? IVE NEVER MADE OUT WITH ANYONE DONT
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? met?? up?? a date?? kinda ,, (regrets)
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? idrk
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? nah fam
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? if by more fun you mean cry myself directly back to sleep then yes, every week from grade 4-7 but now i dont have the ability to miss school for so many days,, still do tho, but less frequently 
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes
Have you ever seen someone die? no
Have you ever been on a plane? yup
Have you ever kissed a picture?,, i mean i was made to kiss pictures in church thanks mom!!
Have you ever slept in until 3? i do that every day in summer
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? i do miss someone now as ive said
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yeah
Have you ever made a snow angel? yess
Have you ever played dress up? i think
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? probably when i was younger
Have you ever been lonely? hasnt everyone at some point tbh? but  not a frequent occurrence, at all
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? yes, from exhaustion
Have you ever been to a club? …unfortunately, 0/10 would NEVER do it again
Have you ever felt an earthquake? yeah, i live in greece dude of course i have
Have you ever touched a snake? not really… which is sad
Have you ever ran a red light? i dont drive
Have you ever been suspended from school? nope 
Have you ever had detention? i was made to sit in a corner once dgkdhfkg we don’t have detentions
Have you ever been in a car accident? no
Have you ever hated the way you look? always fam
Have you ever witnessed a crime? no i dont think
Have you ever pole danced? HH NO
Have you ever been lost? sorta
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? if you count athens then yeah, if you count the islands which i dont see why you wouldnt then no
Have you ever felt like dying? i’ve felt like i was dying and i’ve felt like i wanted to die both buddy
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? i guess uwu
Have you ever sang karaoke? hell NO
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? probably a bunch of times and on a daily basis, i live to disappoint 
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yES
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? no?
Have you ever kissed in the rain? nope
Have you ever sang in the shower? always
Have you ever made out in a park? nope
Have you ever dream that you married someone? i think i have
Have you ever glued your hand to something? nope
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? ,,no
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? ,,nO
Have you ever been a cheerleader? nope
Have you ever sat on a roof top? yesh
Have you ever brush your teeth? ,,, YES??
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? SCARY MOVIES SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHT OUT OF ME AND I KNOW ITS STUPID DONT BULLY ME
Have you ever played chicken? no
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? i’ve been pushed into the ocean with all my clothes on and some money too
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? on tumblr where the magic happens yes because yall havent seen my face
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Have you ever been easily amused? on the not so frequent occasion i get in that mood i laugh at absolutely everything
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yyess love that
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? n o
Have you ever cheated on a test? yup yuup
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? always
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? what does that mean
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. i cried when i realised im gay because i thought i want going to hell (im an atheist now)
Top 5 (insert subject): top 5 what anon
Tattoos i want: havent really settled on anything but i’ll design it myself so…
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