#I’m not saying that king Adam has some kind of deal with queen Leah but
chronically-unlucky · 11 months
Listen all I’m saying is it’s weird that Adam would name his kingdom after Princess Aurora that’s all. Like I get they couldn’t use France but AURAdon? Could’ve been Belladon after his wife and as a reference to the plant which is used for headaches like how “Auradon” was created to get rid of the headache of dealing with villains
(Belladonna is primarily a poison though which still works because the Isle of the Lost was a bad thing to make since the people there are forced to live in squalor even if they were not directly villainous I.e. the sidekicks and offspring)
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bright-molina · 7 years
One Last Time (Part Four)
Summary: You and Ben were the most talked about couple in Auradon. You were a princess, daughter of Cinderella and he was the future king, son of Belle. You were inseparable. That is until a new quartet came into town. After that you were still the most talked about, only this time it was for a very different reason. Everyone’s favorite couple quickly became the most scandalous news anyone had heard in years.
// So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home //
// I’d take it all back just to have you //
Characters:  Ben, Chad, Audrey, Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, fem!reader (daughter of Charming and Cinderella)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3757
A/N: This isn’t the end! I think there’s gonna be maybe two more parts if things go according to plan....
Part One (x) Part Two (x) Part Three (x) 
@purelittleblueberry @stevebuchananparker267
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“I can’t believe he kissed you” Audrey whispered in shock. The two of you were standing side by side, ready to greet all the parents for Family Day.
“Shh!” You turned around so no one else would be able to see you talking. “No one else can know. The last thing I need is everyone talking again, they only just calmed down”
“Everyone ready?” Ben’s voice sounded from behind you. He looked at you for a few seconds before looking away. You sighed before taking your place beside Audrey.
A wide smile was masterfully plastered your face as you stood beside Ben, arm linked in his, both of you waving at everyone around you having just finished with the song. You decided you had been standing there long enough and slipped your arm away. Before you had a chance to walk away from the scene he stopped you.
“We need to talk,” He said, voice serious.
“There’s nothing to talk about” You insisted your eyes landed on where Evie and Mal were clapping and Jay and Carlos were raiding the chocolate fountain. “Excuse me” You said, taking your hand back forcefully. You smiled as you sent Mal and Evie a small wave before walking back to Chad, both of you leaving to find your parents.
“Evie!” You called as you weaved your way through where everyone was playing croquet, your mother in tow. Evie looked at you from where she was talking to Belle and smiled. “I wanted you to meet my mother. Mom this is Evie. She’s the one making my dress for coronation”
“Y/N has showed me pictures. you designed it yourself?” Your mother asked with a kind smile on her face.
“It’s not a big deal, really” A small blush appeared on Evie’s cheeks under the attention.
“Nonsense, the dress is gorgeous! And I’m positive it will be even more so in person,” She gave her even more reassurance.
“It means alot coming from you,” Evie smiled, speaking confidently again. “Your designs have always been an inspiration of mine”
You smiled, listening as your mother and Evie started talking easily.
“Y/N,” You looked at the queen when she said your name. You let her pull you a couple feet away. “Forgive me if it’s a bit personal,” You had a strong feeling you knew what she was going to ask. “But why exactly are you and Ben not together anymore? Everything was going so well”
You hesitated as you tried to think of what to tell her. Finally you settled on something as close to the truth as possible. “I thought so too,” You told her, the concerned look on her face falling and replaced with one of realization. “You’d have to ask Ben that question” You saw the way she glanced from Ben to Mal and how she started putting things together. “Mal’s great though,” You interrupted her thought process before she could come to her own conclusion. “We’re pretty good friends. I think you should definitely give her a chance” You pretended to not notice her look of surprise. Instead you turned your attention back to Mal only to see her talking to Audrey’s grandmother. Your face paled slightly and you started walking away. “Excuse me for a moment”
Audrey seemed to notice the same thing you did and she reached them before you could. “Grammy I don’t think you want to be talking to this girl” Audrey ignored the look you sent her. It was then that you knew it wouldn’t turn out well for anyone. You reached Mal and stood at her side. Mal was surprised by the action but didn’t protest as you put yourself between her and Queen Leah. “Unless you feel like taking another hundred year nap”
“What?” Audrey’s grandmother looked at Mal before realizing who she was. Or who she thought she was. “You!” She screamed, catching everyone’s attention. You sent Mal a reassuring glance, hoping to calm everyone down. You were too hopeful. “How are you here? And how have you stayed so young”
Chad walked over to where you were and stood behind Audrey and her grandmother. A silent conversation passed between the two of you. You were begging him to stop but he had had enough of them.
“Queen Leah,” You said, bringing everyone’s attention to you. “It’s okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal” For a few seconds everything stood still. That is until Ben walked over, taking Mal’s hand and moving her behind him.
“Don’t you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?” Ben asked. Queen Leah watched his every move, the way he stood closer to Mal than he did you. The gap between you and him spoke volumes to her. She had always loved having you over and the fact that Ben now favored this girl over you, a true princess, sent her over the edge.
“A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?” She spoke before turning to Fairy Godmother who had failed to ease the situation. “You remember don’t you? The poison apples and the spells” She looked over to Ben’s parents, both of who seemed to agree with her at the moment. “Spells,” She shook her head. Jay, Evie, and Carlos were now standing on the other side of Mal. “My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all” She turned back towards Fairy Godmother.  “You mustn't trust her”
Mal tried reaching for Queen Leah before she could walk away. “I'm so so-”
“Stay away from her!” Chad stepped in between Mal and Audrey’s grandmother. His glare was harsher than you had ever seen it.
“Chad, stop it” Your glare was just as cold. There was a time and place for this argument but it wasn’t there, not in front of some of the most important people in the kingdom.
“Don’t do this, Chad” Ben stepped forward so he was standing next to you. Lonnie and Doug were now standing on the other side of Audrey, having picked their side.
“What?” Chad scoffed. He was done with Ben too. “They were raised by their parents Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? You’ve seen what they’ve done! How they hurt the person who used to be everything to you. Who, by the way, has been more than patient with them and you won’t even give her the time of day anymore!” Chad was screaming and you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him. Even you couldn’t deny that he had a point. Despite how angry Chad was he still looked at you. He could see the way your anger faded and how suddenly the sadness he hated seeing on you took over. He pulled you towards him before he continued and you simply let him hold you close protectively. His glare shifted and he looked directly at Mal. “You stole another girls boyfriend. My sister’s boyfriend. I’ve held back until now only because Y/N wanted me to but I’m done okay”
“Hey-” Ben tried to stop Chad but failed.  
“You enjoy hurting people” He said as he turned to Jay. You tugged on the sleeve of his jacket, trying to make him look at you. He wouldn’t. “And you,” He turned towards Evie next. “You're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater”
“Chad, stop. Please!” You shouted over everyone else’s shouting.
“Mirror mirror in my hand who’s the biggest jerk in the land” Evie glared as she showed Chad the mirror, showing him a reflection of himself.  
“What,” You watched as he swatted the mirror out of Evie’s hand. “C’mon”
“Back off Chad! Alright?” Jay was gripping the collar of Chad’s shirt. You didn’t have a chance to stop any of them before Evie sprayed something in Chad’s face making him fall into some sort of sleep.
“Chad!” You screamed as you tried to keep him from falling to the floor completely. You could hear the commotion all around you as Audrey, Doug, and Lonnie helped you lower him to the floor. You could vaguely see Ben pull Jay away from the scene. “Chad c’mon” You tried again, panicking when he wouldn’t budge.
“Evie did something to Chad” Lonnie said when more people started checking to see what happened.
“C’mon Mal” You heard Evie say. You looked up to find them both looking at you already. They didn’t say anything and instead ran off along with Jay and Carlos.
“C’mon Chad” Doug tried again. This time Chad sat up with a gasp, all of you sighing in relief.
“You’re such an idiot” You scolded him, wrapping your arms around him nonetheless. Doug helped him off the floor and he and Lonnie checked to make sure he was fine. You looked at where Evie’s mirror was still on the floor and slowly walked over to pick it up.
“I feared something like this would happen” You could hear King Adam telling Ben.
“This isn’t their fault” Ben tried telling them. You watched as they both looked at him, very clearly disappointed.
“No, son. It's yours” He told him before walking away along with Belle. You saw him look in Chad’s direction, Audrey scoffing and shaking her head as they walked past him. He turned to look at Lonnie and Doug, both of them looking away from him and following Audrey inside. You were the last one he turned to look at. You took a single step towards him, not a single emotion on your face.
“I know it wasn’t completely their fault,” You said after a few seconds. “But you could’ve handled that better” That was the last thing you said before leaving him alone to deal with the mess.
You were sitting at the edge of one of the tables outside, fiddling with the food in front of you but not actually eating it. You were silent as everyone else talked about what had happened that weekend. You watched silently as Ben walked over to Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay, telling them again to forget about what happened. You avoided the look he sent you as he walked past, everyone else at the table following your example. Doug was the one to approach their table, walking straight towards Evie.
“Listen Evie I wanna talk about what happened. I just-”
“Doug!” Chad interrupted their conversation but both of them ignored him. You turned your attention towards Jane and Audrey who were both whispering about something. The two of them agreed on one thing. You had been the one most affected by the villain kids coming to Auradon and yet you were the one who was most tolerant of them. That didn’t sit right with the two of them, two of your closest friends. And so they took matters into their own hands. After Doug sat down at the table dejectedly the two of them walked over.
“How long does she think that’s gonna last?” Audrey smirked easily as they stood by their table. “Mal is just the bad girl infatuation”
“Yeah” Jane shrugged, leaning down towards Mal. “I mean he’s never gonna make a villain a queen” The two of them laughed together and you shoved your tray away from you before talking to them.
“What the hell was that?” You said, both of their amused smiles fading.
“We’re trying to help, sweetie” Audrey told you.
“Help who!” You huffed. “I already told you-” You were cut off by Jane screaming. When you looked over her hair was the same as it had been before Mal fixed it for her. You shook your head, exasperated with all of them, as the rest of the girls laughed.
“There’s a lot more where that came from” Mal said from where she was standing.
“Excuse me, who do you think you are?” Audrey’s glare returned.
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Mal spat out before flipping through her spell book. You watched as everyone else ran from them in a flash. You were the only one left, each of the four of them staring you down. It was as if they were daring you to make a move. You didn’t hesitate though. Instead you picked up your bag and pulled Evie’s mirror out. You walked towards them and set it down on the table gently.
“I found this after you guys left. Figured you’d want it back” You said to them. You could feel the looks they were all giving you. They were still weary, especially since they had gotten into a fight with your brother of all people. You were understanding though and they should’ve expected as much. Finally Mal spoke.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked you as she crossed her arms. “I get that at the beginning you and Ben were a thing so that explains that. But there’s no reason you should still be this nice to us unless you were getting something out of this. So why?”
You didn’t flinch. Instead you smiled faintly, pulling your bag closer to you. “I told you already,” You looked around at each of them before speaking again. “If you really wanted to you could be different.” You glanced at each of them once more before you shrugged your shoulders. “Guess we’ll see, right?”
“Princess Y/N!”
You were smiling kindly as you walked in front of all the cameras recording everything and taking pictures. It was finally the day of Ben’s coronation and the entire kingdom was buzzing with excitement. Evie was walking alongside you, Jay and Carlos both following close behind. They had each found you separately later the day before. You had listened to them tell you about their lives on the Isle and they told you why they loved Auradon so much and why it felt the way it did when everyone was so against them. You told them what they needed to hear, that you believed in them. And sometimes that was all someone needed to change.
“Don’t you just look beautiful!” Snow White smiled as you stepped next to her.
“Thank you,” You said easily. “I have a good friend to thank for my dress. Her names Evie” You held your hand out and Evie took it with a smile, stepping into the frame of the camera.
“Your dress is just stunning, both of yours” Snow White smiled at the two of you.
You answered her questions with ease and you made a point to bring up the fact that you were there alongside Evie, Jay, and Carlos, all of whom you told her were close friends of yours. People trusted you, it was part of not only who you were but who your parents were as well. And you knew that they would listen to you.
Evie smiled, picking up on what you were doing. And then she caught sight of the carriage that Ben and Mal were in. She was the one to pull you along that time. Surely Mal would’ve given him the antidote for the love spell by now. And she knew you had to be there.
“This is really good” Ben nodded as he ate the cupcake Mal had given him.
“Do you, uh, feel okay?” She asked, watching as he finished the treat laced with the anti love potion.
“Definitely” Ben said easily as he closed the box once more.
“Would you say that you’re still in--That you have--strong feelings for me?” Mal struggled to find the right words.
Ben was silent for a couple seconds as he finished chewing. “I’m not sure. Let’s give the anti love potion a few seconds to kick in” He told her easily. Mal nodded once before her eyes widened, realizing what he had just said.
“You knew!” She gasped. Ben laughed before nodding again. “Since when?”
“The Enchanted Lake” He admitted to her. Mal’s expression slowly fell when she put the pieces together.
“But what about Y/N?” She was more scared in that moment than she ever had been. Hurting you was the last thing she wanted to do. And now she had no excuse.
“Let me finish,” Ben began explaining. “At the Enchanted Lake things started coming back. Memories and everything. Mainly of Y/N. But they would fade as quick as they came. And later that night I went to go see her. I didn’t know I was going to her dorm at the time but when I got there it was like something was telling me what to do. And I kissed her. After she kicked me out that’s when it all came back to me. The last thing I remembered clearly was right before the game when I ate one of the cookies you made. Evie had seen it all and she told me everything. About the whole plan to steal the wand that your parents gave you and the love spell and everything”
‘True love’s kiss,” Mal shook her head slightly. “Guess it really does work every time” She sat back in her seat, more relaxed than she had been the entire time they had been there. “Wait but why didn’t you say anything before?”
“Cause I knew how it would look,” Ben shrugged as the carriage stopped. “It wasn’t exactly easy on Y/N. And it wasn’t easy for you guys to pull off either. I figured we could just kind of...drift apart after the coronation. Figure something out. And I trust you guys to make the right decision today” He looked out towards the crowd waiting for them, at everyone who was screaming and cheering. He sighed once again before offering Mal his hand. “I guess we should get this over with then?”
“Finally” Mal nodded and the two of them exited the carriage.
You were standing beside Audrey, both of you watching the coronation with your arms linked together. Fairy Godmother took the wand in her hands and was about to bless Ben when all of a sudden someone snatched it out of her hands.
“Child what are you doing!” Fairy Godmother screamed as she reached for the wand.
“If you won’t make me beautiful I’ll do it myself!” Jane yelled. Lightning went shooting out of the wand and in all directions. Eventually the person who wrestled it out of her hands was Mal.
“Mal give me the wand” Ben walked towards her cautiously. You looked up towards the balcony only to see that Jay, Evie, and Carlos had disappeared.
“Stand back!” Mal shouted as she held the wand out. You stood frozen in place as you watched the scene unfold.
“It’s okay”
“Ben I said stand back!”
“I told you so!” Audrey didn’t miss her chance. You pulled her back towards you when Mal pointed the wand in your direction. The rest of the quartet appeared and they all stood behind her.
“You really want to do this?” Ben asked as he looked back and forth between each of them.
“We have no choice Ben. Our parents-”
“Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours” He told them. A few seconds of silence passed between them and Mal finally sighed, the wand dropping to her side.  
“I think I want to be good” She said.
“You are good”
“How do you know that!”
“Because he believes in you,” You stepped forward slowly, ignoring both Chad and Audrey trying to keep you back. “And I believe in you too” Mal was the only one who hadn’t gone to see you the day before. She made sure to send a message with Evie though. But there you were standing right in front of her despite the fact that she had the most powerful artifact in her hands. “What do you believe, Mal?”
“I believe,” She took in a shaky breath before sighing. “That we are not our parents,” She shook her head and looked at Jay. “Stealing things doesn't make you happy, tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy” Slowly everyone else started relaxing. She looked at Carlos next, “And you scratching dude’s belly makes you happy, who would’ve thought” She laughed before turning towards Evie. “And Evie you do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart,” She looked down and when she looked back up she looked straight at you. “And I don’t want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. I like having friends,” Next thing you knew Mal was standing right in front of you. “I like having you as a friend, Y/N” You laughed lightly and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so sorry” She spoked soft enough so only you could hear her. When you pulled away you shook your head softly.
“It’s okay”
The moment was cut short when a green mist filled up the room. It was Maleficent. Immediately she looked around and her gaze focused on Mal. You felt someone take your hand, pulling you out of harm’s way. When you looked at who it was you saw Ben. It surprised you but you said nothing. Instead you watched as Mal and her mother argued back and forth for a bit. Mal was refusing to give her the wand.
“Wand me,” Maleficent held her hand out for the wand and instead she tossed it to Fairy Godmother. You heard people screaming as Maleficent raised her scepter. And then everything around you stopped.
When you and everyone else came to Maleficent was gone, a small lizard in her place. What surprised you the most though was when Audrey walked up to Mal. You watched the two of them cautiously, a smile breaking onto your face when they each curtsied politely. Mal then walked back over to you while Fairy Godmother finished the coronation.
“So, uh, I have kind of a funny story to tell you,” Mal leaned closer to you, trying to be as silent as possible through the ceremony. “But if I tell you, you have to promise not to hate me forever”
You laughed lightly before pausing. Both of you watched as they announced Ben as the new King of Auradon. You were shocked when he looked straight at you with a small smile. He walked down the aisle with the crown on his head and you sighed before looking at Mal again.
“You said you had a story?”
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