#Aurora’s daughter is with their son
chronically-unlucky · 7 months
Listen all I’m saying is it’s weird that Adam would name his kingdom after Princess Aurora that’s all. Like I get they couldn’t use France but AURAdon? Could’ve been Belladon after his wife and as a reference to the plant which is used for headaches like how “Auradon” was created to get rid of the headache of dealing with villains
(Belladonna is primarily a poison though which still works because the Isle of the Lost was a bad thing to make since the people there are forced to live in squalor even if they were not directly villainous I.e. the sidekicks and offspring)
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olithetalker · 7 months
Speculation: Why many people find Ben Florian unlikeable
Okay so just for the record, this is essentially an analysis post on the Disney series - Descendants. Specifically on the character of Ben Florian, but more so about the reception of his character and why I think people have responded to him the way they have. Gonna be fairly longish so yeah. Anyways, hope you enjoy! :)
Pretty much ever since I first saw Descendants, I have been a huge fan of Ben. (Which is no secret if you've read my blog ;)). I think Mitchell Hope did a fantastic job with the character, and his performance really drove it home.
So it's always been quite... Confusing to me that so many people don't like his character. Tumblr isn't too anti Ben, but on YouTube videos and on TikTok, a lot of analysis around him is typically quite negative. The charms of the character that I see and that really make the series for me, really don't work on everyone. And that's something I've found very hard to understand.
But as of a conversation I have had with @hannahhook7744.. I had an epiphany. As to why this character just seems to be a breeze of annoyance to many. And I think the answer lies in tropes and expectations.
First let's talk a bit about another character, a fan favourite - Audrey Rose.
What role does the character of Audrey Rose play in feelings of spite toward Ben?
I think most dislike for Ben stems from the story of his ex girlfriend -Audrey. We get shown it to some extent in the first movie, but it's much more explicit in the third.
In Descendants 1, Ben and Audrey were together. And while under the influence of a love spell cast on him by protagonist Mal Bertha, he performs a love song to Mal in front of the entire school. Naturally humiliating Audrey and breaking her heart.
After the performance, Mal and Ben start dating each other, much to Audrey's understandable anger.
The movie ends with Ben and Mal happy together and everyone is delighted about it yada yada. And then we get an entire sequel where Audrey does not make a appearance.
It's then in Descendants 3 that she makes a comeback. We see that she and Ben have been friends since childhood, and that she's still hung up on him.
Then, again publicly, Ben proposes to Mal. Mal happily agrees and everyone is delighted, except of course, Audrey. She is further heartbroken by this.
The devastation Audrey feels from losing Ben to a girl who literally enchanted him, causes her to have a emotionally moving breakdown in her bedroom, singing "Queen of Mean", a song about heartbreak from rejection.... At least that's what it's about at first.
It then turns into a song of vengeance. Audrey swears revenge on Mal and Ben for the ordeal she has been put through. She takes Malificient's sceptre from the Auradon Museum, and it changes her look, style of talking etc etc. She's a new person. A person hellbent on getting even with the two people who are (intentionally or not) responsible for her heartbreak.
And that's where we enter - the tropes.
The Tropes
The kind of character arc Audrey has had is pretty common. A girl gets her heart broken by a guy. Maybe he cheats on her. Maybe he breaks up with her in a unfair manner (like in this case). And the girl decides to get even with the guy and the "other girl" who has taken her place in his life.
Except... Here's the thing.
Most of the time in this story archetype, the guy really is a heartbreaking douchey thob.
I mean think of any time you've seen this storyline other than Descendants. When is the guy who has dismissed the girl ever really portrayed in a decent light?
In this specific situation, it's not that simple. Yes, Ben did break up with Audrey by publicly humiliating her. And yes, that's extremely brutal. But he didn't choose to. He was acting under a mind controlling love spell.
But nonetheless, this is probably the only instance where the guy breaking the girl's heart like that genuinely was not his fault. It's pretty odd to get a situation where the guy cheating on the girl really didn't willingly do anything wrong. But nonetheless that's what this is.
Ultimately 9 times out of 10, the role Ben plays in this archetype storyline really is of the bad guy. And so it is very compelling to see this the same way. To overlook how at least as far as the break up incident itself, Ben was not at fault, and just see him as the jerk who hurt Audrey.
Audrey's story is also relatable to real life stories too
Another thing which sadly does not go in Ben's favour either, is that this kind of story isn't just found in fiction. Art reflects life, and what Audrey is unfortunate to experience, for the most part, is all too real.
Many people are unfortunate to get hurt by their partners in real life through things like cheating, or just something involving a "other girl/woman". And the pain from this.... Is not forgettable.
And so I think a revenge fantasy of hurting the unfaithful person and their new consort is very common.
Add onto that that lines Audrey speaks in D3 are written to be relatable and impactful. ("There's nothing to lose when you're lonely and friendless, I won't let another person take advantage of me, the anger burns my skin third degree, now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea etc)
I think with that, it's all too easy for victims of these sort of situations to project their own case onto Audrey's. To see Ben the same way they see the guy who hurt them. And in some cases, to see Mal as how they see their homewrecker, and perhaps want to see her get hurt by Audrey too.
And in real life, there is no love spell that makes people cheat against their will, like there was for Ben. People in reality who do the thing that Ben did really are responsible for their hurtful actions.
So ultimately, the sorts of real life people Ben is being associated to by viewers, aren't particularly decent.
Also, the revelation that Ben and Audrey are childhood friends just exaggerates all these feelings. The people who have been hurt by partners who actually had significant meaning to them are the ones who will naturally relate to Audrey most. And again, project their own experiences onto this girl and the people in her life.
The mistake Ben DID make; wrong but taken out of proportion
Ultimately, while what Spell!Ben did is the sort of thing that gets done all the time irl, it is also pretty evident that as I keep saying; he wasn't in control of himself when he did it. So for many people, even the ones who can relate to Audrey, that fact will be acknowledged.
But the truth is, there is a mistake Ben made. After the love spell was lifted, Ben never went to see Audrey to comfort her after what happened. No doubt that inaction would have fuelled the already existing heartbreak. I mean if Ben had had a word with her, maybe he could have given her closure and made her feel better. But he didn't.
There is no justification for this. Ben was in the wrong for this failure.
But it should also be considered that Ben isn't a 40 year old man who has just left his wife of 10 years. He is a teenager. He is still developing in terms of maturity.
Communication, especially about difficult topics, isn't something teenagers are the best at. I mean if Ben were to approach Audrey, we can tell that it would have clearly been very understandably awkward for him (again, not an excuse, but a point to consider). I mean, if you had just done something so awful to your childhood friend/ex girlfriend, regardless of whether or not it was your fault, approaching someone who you'd expect is probably very angry about it is quite unnerving.
But none of these factors would be considered by a lot of audience members, and for understandable reason:
Because of the tropes, expectations and their personal experiences, they are pre set to see Ben in a negative light. So the thing he WAS wrong for, they understandably will find it harder to empathize with and see from his perspective.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Dr Jiminy part 3;
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Summary; in which Jiminy Cricket has a show like Dr Phil that also does parentity testing. Trigger warning; child abuse, guns, death threats, and a broken marriage. Swearing. Part 1 can be found here and part 2 can be found here. Requested by @idontliketomatoesleavemealone and @cleverqueenchild . Hope you enjoy.
Dr Jiminy: Hello, all my crickets. Today we have two very special guests. Mulan.....and SHANG!
*Mulan and Shang enter from behind the curtains and take a seat on the couch*
Dr Jiminy *shakes their hands* How ya doing Shang? Mulan. Lovely to see you again. Now it's come to my understanding that you want to do a DNA test on your youngest, Lonnie?
Shang: That's right.
Mulan *nods*
Dr Jiminy: May I ask why that is? You both seem rather calm about this considering most people only come for DNA tests when the topic of cheating is involved.
Mulan: Oh no, we're not here because he thinks I cheated.
Shang: Which, for the record, I don't believe.
Dr Jiminy: oh?
Mulan: Yeah, we're actually here because we want to shut down the rumors and weirdness around people not believing that Shang is Lonnie's father.
Dr Jiminy: O-oh. *mutters* Well, that's a new one. *speaks up* Well, I have the results right here in this envelope. Are you ready?
Shang *grumbles* as ready as I'll ever be.
Mulan: More ready than I have ever been for anything else in my entire life.
*picture of Lonnie in her pjs in the kitchen, smiling pops up*
Dr Jiminy *opens the envelope * In the case of 16 year old, Li Lan-Lei (Lonnie), Shang.... you.. ARE THE FATHER!
Shang: I KNEW IT!
Crowd: OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!
Crowd *looks sheepish*
Dr Jiminy: Lady Tremaine, is it true that when you found out your grandson, Anthony, was dating Harriet, you called him a moron and her a hussy?
Lady Tremaine: It is and I would do it AGAIN!
*crowd gasps*
Harriet* runs out from behind stage* SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU BITCH!
Dr Jiminy: Uh oh. SECURITY!
Harriet *lunges*
Anthony *back stage, mortified and covering Dizzy's eyes* Note to self, never invite grandmother to Holiday gatherings.
Dr Jiminy: Now, Queen Aurora. King Philip. What do you have to say against the accusations that have been leveled against you by your daughter?
Philip, defensive: Okay, so we weren't the most attentive parents but we aren't neglective!
Aurora, quiet: Neglective is a rather strong word for it.
Dr Jiminy: Then what would you call *checks notes* only seeing your daughter during holidays and big royal events?
Philip *dryly* Being a busy royal.
Crowd *starts booing*
Philip *stands up* WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME? I'M RIGHT!
Aurora: She was with family!
Dr Jiminy *looking disappointed* that doesn't make you any less neglective for not playing a bigger part in her life. She's your only child.
Crowd *booing louder and start throwing things*
Dr Jiminy: Mr Clayton. Is it true that you shot at your son six times last month?
William Clayton: He's being a baby! It was only 3!I wouldn't waste that much amo on him in a month.
Clay *yelling from behind stage* You shot at me six times in one day once!
William's sister, Lady Waltham, busts out from behind the curtains: YOU WHAT?! I'LL KILL YOU!
William: oh shit *bolts*
Dr Jiminy: Oh dear.
Cash Clayton, 10: Should we stop her? Could we even stop her?
Wilson 'Will' Clayton, 12: I'll take that as a no...
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hypnos333 · 4 months
His little Fawn’s
Alastor x Wife! Reader
Synopsis: You yourself is a doe and gave birth to twins with another or more baby’s on the way
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You were laying in both yours and Alastors bed both in undergarments as you wrapped yourself around your husband. Luckily after your free time he bathed you with roses and scented french vanilla so you wouldn’t feel dirty once awoken.
You noticed him slowly awakening “Good morning beloved, how did you sleep?” You ask cheerfully as you touch his ears stroking one of them making him let out a soft sigh before nuzzling into your neck where bite marks and hickeys were everywhere on you.
He slowly rubbed your stomach as the now showing the baby bump, “I slept wonderfully My dear, how about you-” That’s when you both hear tiny footsteps slamming your door open.
“Mama!!!” Your three year old son exclaimed jumping on the bed to hug you but before he could Alastor held him before your son could do any harm to you or the baby. “Now Now Aydin we wouldn’t want to hurt your mother or your siblings” Alastor scolded with a smile making Aydin pout before making grabby arms at you as he was close to tears
“Aww my sweet baby” You cooed at your son as you gently took him away from Alastor before cuddling him and rocking back n forth.
“Papa, Mama?” Your daughter called out as she rubbed her eyes tiredly, Alastor smiled at her before picking her up as she laid her head on his shoulder still wanting to sleep
“Hello my little fawn, how did you sleep?” Alastor asked his daughter as she yawned.
“It was good papa!” She said cheerfully before glancing at you holding Aydin as he drifts to sleep. “How did you sleep mama?” you daughter asked as she was settled next to you so Alastor can go make breakfast for you and the babies.
“I slept good my little Aurora” You answered her before kissing her cheek.
Both your babies cuddled against you can see they have his hair type but your eyes and white freckles but also his sharp teeth. They also still have ears and a tail of course, They don’t have their uncontrollable smile yet but you could tell it’s coming soon.
And Soon they will have their own powers to control.
“Here you are my doe” Alastor said placing a tray with Pancakes and Jasmine tea, You thanked him with a kiss on his lips before he woke up the kids to go eat breakfast.
You both watched them as they rushed to go eat as you chuckled, “What seems to be funny my dear?” Alastor asked smirking at you.
“They really are your Fawns, You three are just so similar in different ways but get bored easily and cause mischief” You explained as he smiled at you softly before taking your hand then kissing each of your knuckles.
“thank you for gifting me with this and our fawns My Doe” He said genuinely as he finally kiss your lips slowly.
“Of course My love, I love you to hell and back and Any day these fawns will be part of this lovely family” You spoke gently as he smiles in excitement.
“Yes and i’m sure Aurora and Aydin would be great brothers and sisters to their new siblings” Alastor added as kissed you baby bump.
Oh he just couldn’t wait till this family is expanded
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part-time-pixie · 6 months
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more next gen au doodles (afterglow) !! ✨ introducing Aurora Couffaine, Luka's daughter, and how she feels about Adrienette's son, Lei (+ Maurice art bc I love him hehe)
idk why they have beef, I just really like clichés (she's also not a villain really, I think they just play in different teams or something dfgdf)
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changbunnies · 6 months
Aurora (18+)
♡ Pairing: Prince!Felix x Duke's Daughter!Reader
♡ Genre: light angst, fluff, arranged marriage au, royalty au, historical au, one sided pining to eventual mutual pining, slow burn-ish ??, eventual smut
♡ Word Count: 21.8k
♡ Summary: Y/N, a duke’s daughter in the southern territories of Miroh, is promised to crown prince Felix in the north in the hopes that the dueling territories will reach peace. Yet, despite how much she initially loathes the idea of being married and away from her family, she can’t help but fall in love with the prince she was promised to.
♡ Warnings: outdated traditions and views on women to suit the setting, felix is nothing but sweet but it takes the reader time to trust him, attempted cheating (not from reader or felix, you'll see), 1 mention of having children, kind of possesive felix? but not too much, i think that's it but lmk if i missed something!
♡ Smut Warnings (contains spoilers): felix calls reader "my love" (yes this needs a warning), so much kissing!! so many "i love you's!!" (a changbunnies smut staple), reader and felix are virgins, nipple play, oral (f + m receiving), handjob, unprotected piv, multiple orgasms, creampie
♡ Notes: you can also read the story on my ao3 where it is divded into chapters here, and if you're interested you can also check out my fic rec and feedback blog @stray-dreams
♡ Disclaimer: please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people.
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You knew well the day would come where you would be married off to a family looking to expand their power. You knew that you would have to leave behind all things you found familiar and comfortable to live in your husband’s estate. You knew that your responsibilities as a nobleman’s daughter would catch up with you sooner rather than later. And despite knowing all these things in your mind, your heart had not felt prepared for the reality of your fate in the slightest. 
Your night was spent in a grand ceremony of music and laughter as two families, one yours and the other your now husband’s, as well as commoners from all over the bustling town you would now call home, celebrated your new union. You were now Lee Y/N, wife to the northern king’s one and only son, Felix. And while there was high likelihood that Felix would not sit on the throne for decades, the choice of who would become his wife was still something that had to be decided with the utmost care in the event that an unexpected tragedy befell his father. 
Though you were not a princess, you were the eldest daughter of a grand duke. You were raised in elegance and novelty that most would never have the privilege of living in. You were also graceful, well mannered, and adored by your father’s people in the south, which was something the king valued when seeking out the ideal partner for his only heir. And with your union to the prince now solidified, the country was ever closer to a more unified and prosperous existence. 
The ceremony itself consisted of fake smiles you had long practiced from a young age; a mask of joy and grace to hide your inner tumultuous feelings. When the celebrations had come to a close, and the time came to bid your farewells to your family as they made the long journey back home to the south, you did your best to hold back the tears and see them off with a smile. You played the role you had been taught by your elders well, giving polite words of parting to the commoners who made it the ceremony and maintaining an elegant air around the royal family that you were now a part of. 
Felix let out a relieved sigh when the last of the guests departed, turning to you, his now wife, with a gentle smile afterwards. “Shall we retire for the night as well?” he asks as he holds out his arm, clearly offering it to be linked with yours. You accept the offer easily, deciding that if anyone saw you reject your husband on such an offer it would reflect badly on your family’s manners. The last thing you needed were rumors to circulate about your parents ‘not raising you right.’ 
“I hope you’re not too ill at ease,” he says as you exit the ballroom together, “meeting your betrothed on the same day as your ceremony is quite a shock.” He’s certainly not wrong about that; it was easily the greatest shock of your life. In fact, you spent much of your month-long journey to the northern lands in denial, utterly convinced it must be a falsehood, or some manner of prolonged bad dream you would surely wake from. 
Only on your arrival in the morning, when you had finally seen the royal castle with your own eyes and met your suitor and his family face to face, did your reality smack you squarely in the face. The truth of things could no longer be rejected; you were going to be married this evening whether you wished it so or not. You were left with no choice but to conform in that very moment, to accept your fate for what it is. 
“Yes, it took me no small measure of adjustment, but I am grateful that you and your family have spared no effort in accomodating me.” You offered a kind word- after all, it was no lie that his family were much kinder people than you had expected them to be. Once you reached the age of maturity, your family received countless marital requests from various suitors, many of whom were vile men beneath a mask of sincerity. You had watched your cousins marry into many such families, and found yourself dreading the day it would happen to you as well. 
While it was undoubtedly unfortunate that you were forced into a marriage, the fact that Felix and his family seemed to hold genuine kindness in their hearts made you quite lucky. However, your luck being better than most did not mean you were happy about any of this. Sure, the fact that you weren’t wed to a boorish man who felt the need to treat you like an object was a good thing, but that didn’t change that the freedom of choice was stripped away from you. 
You should feel relief that Felix seems to be a sweet person, or some sort of joy that your new family is seemingly considerate and caring, but you don’t. What you feel instead is.. Well, you aren’t quite sure what name to put to the feeling, though dread felt the closest. Yes, you felt a looming dread over knowing that this was your life now, and you were never, and will never, be given a choice for something different. 
“If there is anything at all I can do to help you in this transition, I ask that you do not hesitate to tell me.” Felix’s voice, while still much deeper than you had anticipated it to be, was soft and kind as he made the offer. You could feel a hint of guilt for not appreciating such a thing as much you knew you should- he’s obviously trying his hardest to be kind to you, and despite that you’re just.. Unhappy. There was no other way to put it. 
“I will, thank you,” you reply in your perfectly rehearsed well-mannered tone. You may hate the situation you’re in, but you won’t take it out on him. After all, he likely didn’t have a choice in this matter either, and he’s been nothing but sweet and accommodating to you thus far. As much as the rebellious part of your brain wishes to kick and scream and throw a tantrum, you don’t want to do anything that would hurt or reflect badly on your new husband. 
“This is my- well, our, room,” He says as you approach two large, ornate doors, decorated with a wood carving of the royal family’s emblem standing proudly in the center: two soldiers mirroring each other with swords raised skyward, and a beautiful, intricately drawn phoenix beholden in the center. “We can enter if you wish, but I do not intend to force you to lie with me when you are not yet comfortable being next to me.” 
“Truly? Is such a thing alright?” You nearly exclaim, unable to disguise the surprise in your voice at his statement. Felix smiles in the same sweet manner he has all night as he answers, “Of course! I know it’s.. Customary for newlyweds to lie together right away, but I have no desire to force you into an uncomfortable situation. And well.. I do hope that we’ll share a bed in the future, but I am more than willing to wait until you are ready.” 
You felt truly taken aback as you stared at him. Sad to say, you half expected his tune to change once the two of you were alone. You'd heard many awful tales of men who are sweet and doting in the eye of the public, but change the moment they are behind closed doors, their true natures and selfish desires exposing themselves once there is no one they have to impress or keep up appearances for. And also sad to say, it wouldn't have surprised you if the crown prince was one of those awful men; men in positions of power love to flaunt and make use of it, flashing their wealth and their status and forcing those beneath them into submission. You were lucky that in your father's lands in the south, you had enough status to prevent those men from harming you explicitly. 
But here you were, in a forgein land, married to a man who was second only to his father, the king, a man who held substantial power over you in every regard now that you were wed, and he was giving you the freedom of choice. And then there was the statement that followed- he wants to lie with you, would likely be pleased if you did so this very night, but is willing to wait until you want to of your own regard. It's possible he is simply a smooth talker, years of diplomatic lessons and high social status turning him into a charasmatic liar, an effortless charmer. 
Was it in his true character to treat women with such consideration, or were you an exception until he got you where he wanted you? Did he sincerely view you are more than an object to be had, or was he going to play the long game, waiting until the moment you lower your guard and become comfortable to strike? Regardless of the answer, you feel truly thankful in the moment. You've had a whirlwind of emotions today, and not needing to immediately lie with your new husband takes an immense weight of your weary shoulders. You're happy to have the space to decompress alone in your own private space offered to you. 
“The maid’s have prepared a room for you further down the hall. Shall I take you?” he asks, the sweet smile having not at all faded. You hesitate a moment before you nod, not wishing to offend him should you appear too eager or if this part of a game he wishes to play, using your vulnerability as a pawn. “Yes, please.” “Very well,” he replies as he leads you further past the room that you are supposed to share together. The walk down the hall is rather quick, ending just a few yards away from your starting point. “I hope you don’t mind, I wanted your room to be in proximity to mine in case you have need of me,” he clarifies as you approach the door to what will be your bedroom for the foreseeable future. 
“Truthfully, it’s more than I was expecting. I appreciate it,” you smile your first genuine one of the night, truly relieved to not have to share a bed with a relative stranger right away, and to have the space you need to process what your life will be like from this night onward. Felix unlinks your joined arms and opens the door for you to enter, his apparant kindness unfaltering. 
The moment you step inside your new room, you are in awe. Even for what is likely a small guest room, it’s still much larger than your bedroom back at your family’s modest estate. The furniture is well crafted and beautifully adorned in gentle blue and white shades. In the corner of the room, you see that your belongings from home have been neatly placed, with essentials on top and personal comforts at the bottom. This surprised you most of all; not only was he kind enough to prepare a separate room for you, but he had all your belongings brought here ahead of time, as if he already knew this would be your answer. 
Behind you, Felix stands in the doorway, having not followed you into the room. He wore an expression of anxious anticipation, waiting to hear what you thought of where you’d be sleeping. He was as patient as he possibly could be, hoping silently that whatever opinion you held would be positive. He truly wanted you to feel safe and comfortable here, so that one day you could grow to have a genuine connection with him. 
When you turned back towards him, your soft smile made the anxiety welling within his breast wash away in an instant. “It’s to your liking?” he asks, and you respond with a nod. “It’s lovely, thank you.” Truthfully, you felt another tinge of guilt for doubting his pure intentions just moments prior. The way relief instantly washed over his face was a clear indicator that he was truly trying his best to make you comfortable. 
“Ah, I’m relieved to hear that!” Felix holds his hand over his heart, as if it had just been racing in his chest; and to be fair, perhaps it was- he did seem genuinely considerate in all his actions, and he must’ve been nervous up to this point. “Before I go, should I call some maids to help you remove your gown? It looks rather intricate, so..” Felix’s observation wasn’t wrong; getting your wedding gown on early this afternoon required the help of your mother, sister, and many others, and you didn’t feel you’d be able to remove everything on your own. 
So, you gave your approval to receive the maid’s help, and Felix nods, “I’ll alert them quickly so you can get your rest soon. Knights will also be posted in front of your room at all times starting now, and maids will come to your room routinely, so please notify them if anything is needed urgently.” He was about to turn to leave but stops, hesitantly meeting your eyes one last time before he departs. “Uhm- good night, I’ll see you tomorrow.” His smile was bashful, and you found his subtle, soft change in demeanor oddly endearing. While you were still very much uneasy about being in this place, and had your issues with being married, it’d be a lie to say that Felix’s earnest efforts to make you happy and comfortable weren’t helpful, and that maybe with him as your husband, you could be happy someday. 
You groan as you are wrestled from sleep by a quick succession of knocks on your door; not urgent in any way, but loud enough to rouse you out of the pleasant dream you were having. Groggily, you stand from your bed, rubbing your eyes as you step toward the door. You open it slowly, and come to see Felix standing before you with a tray of various foods in hand. “I’m sorry to wake you, but I brought you breakfast. May I come in?” 
You nod and step to the side to allow him entry, letting your assigned guards close the door behind him. “The maids said they couldn’t wake you, so I decided to give it a try at my first available moment,” he explains as he sets the tray down on your bed. “I’m still unsure of your preferences, so I got a little of everything. I hope there’s something here you enjoy.” 
It has been just a few weeks since you officially became a member of the royal family and Felix’s wife, but you still often found yourself being taken aback by just how thoughtful and earnest he was towards you. He seemed to have even the little things in mind when trying to accommodate you, and you often found yourself unsure on how to react to such kindness. In the end, you settle for a simple thank you as you climb back to your spot in bed to eat under the comfort of the blanket. 
“When you’re finished, I would like to take you on a tour of the castle if you’re not opposed. I believe getting familiar with your surroundings will aid in your adjustment,” he says, watching you carefully for any change in expression. It is true that since your arrival, you’ve spent most of your time holed up in your room, not coming out unless there was need for it. 
And though you were perfectly content to continue to do so, you could understand how it would become a problem, not just for Felix but for yourself as well. You can’t spend the rest of your days hiding away in your guest room, and you won’t adjust to your new life any easier if you don’t at least try to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. 
Besides all that, Felix has been incredibly sweet and patient thus far. You owe it to him to try, at the very least. His face lights up when you give your agreement, an earnest delight painting his face. You weren’t sure why he was so eager to offer you comfort, or why he always seemed so happy when you returned his smiles, but that pleasant quality of his was undeniably helpful in easing the ache in your heart. 
"I still have some things to take care of with my father before we begin, so take your time finishing your breakfast and getting ready. I'll be back later," he continues to smile as he stands, seemingly excited about what the afternoon will hold for you (and he is excited! There is so much to show you, and he hopes you love everything the castle has to offer.)
Your maids enter the room shortly after Felix departs, ready to help you with whatever you may need, and to begin tidying up once you've finished eating. You're not sure how long Felix will be, so you follow his advice to take your time, leisurely eating your breakfast and making small talk with the maids as you do. You were nervous to speak with them your first few days here, unsure of what sort of dynamic they had with the royal family, but you all warmed up to eachother rather quickly. They were kind, playful but still professional, and the ones around your age were especially excitable when it came to the prospect of gossip and dressing up. 
Even when you weren't interjecting into conversation, you enjoyed listening to them talk about romance, what they think of the working men in town, what dresses they plan to buy with their savings and what they'll do when they have a free night to spend out. You especially liked to listen to them talk about Felix; some of them had been here for years, and they knew much about him that you hadn't come to learn yet. It seemed that he'd always been sweet and kind, gentle and shy as a boy, but grew more confident with age and experience. Despite that, according to them, there were still many times where you could catch him becoming pink in the face and shyness bloomed over it the way it had when he was still small. 
It made you curious- what did Felix look like when he was shy? You were sure he must be beautiful; you're not blind after all, you can clearly see that the man you married is handsome beyond what words could describe. Being against an arranged marriage is completely seperate from recognizing that the man you were promised to looks like he was sculpted straight from God's own hands. But it takes more than beauty for you to have feelings for someone, and that's why you liked hearing the tales of his youth, moments that reflected that the Felix you met is the genuine him, no tricks and no falsehoods. And maybe one day, you would see him be shy, and seeing it would spark feelings in your gut that you hadn't felt since the time you were a child with your first crush. 
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“Are you ready to begin the tour?” Felix smiles brightly as he holds out his arm for you the same way he had on the night of your marriage. You had just finished taming your hair and tying half of it behind you with a ribbon when he arrived back at your room, free of whatever his duties were and ready to dedicate the rest of his afternoon to you. When you first stepped out, Felix’s timid stare didn’t go unnoticed by the maids, who insisted on helping you despite being told you were capable of getting ready on your own. 
You chose a simple, muted yellow gown with white trim accents to wear from the clothes you brought with you from home. It was one of your favorite dresses to wear casually as it was light, airy, and easy to walk in. You had no plans to do anything extravagant, but your assigned maids insisted on you wearing at least some jewelry, so you let them place a pearl necklace on you with dainty earrings to match. 
And so, the maids secretly beamed with delight at Felix’s reaction to your appearance (though it wasn’t their added accessories that caught his attention in the first place; it was simply you.) “I’m ready, thank you,” you say as you accept his invitation to link your arms together. Felix shifts his gaze from you to the maids, giving them instructions to finish tidying your room while the two of you are out. They bow politely, getting straight to work on cleaning as you step out of your room, and you can hear their soft delighted giggles even as you are led down the hall. 
The tour started about as you expected, with Felix leading you from room to room and stating simple facts such as “this where my older sister and her husband sleep’ or ‘this is the hall where your family will stay when they next visit’ and so on. Typically, daughters move out of their family homes upon being wed, their entire purpose to give their husband’s family a successful lineage and ideal heir, but you suppose a special exception is made when you’re part of the royal family; you wonder how different your life would be if the expectation to leave your family behind wasn’t placed upon you from birth. 
He has a younger sister as well, one who has yet to be wed and who you met only briefly, but you wonder if she’ll be allowed to live in the castle as well when her time comes, if her husband’s family will have guest rooms just as yours will, and if she’ll have the luxury to stay in the place she’s familiar and comfortable for her entire life. You know his sisters aren’t much different from you; women often don’t have freedom of choice, and you especially doubt the princesses ever get a say in what comes next for them (even if the king and queen are caring people), but at least they still have their home, and their family right there with them. 
You were envious of that; you missed your home and your family so much. Would there ever be a day where you could see the place you grew up in again? How much older would your family be the next time you saw them? Your younger sister, who was still small and naive- how different would she be? How much taller, how much more mature? It saddened you to think about, and you had to consciously make an effort to not think about it any further, and focus instead on the things Felix was showing to you. 
He skips past the dining hall and ballroom since you’ve already become well acquainted with them from the wedding ceremony, and instead brings you to the royal library as your next stop. It was an understatement to say it was gorgeous, but you could find no words to do it justice. It was the largest library you’d ever seen, equipped with grand staircases and beautiful handcrafted spandrels carved into the arches. The bookshelves reached up the ceilings and covered every wall, apart from the back section where large ornate windows filtered in sunlight from the gardens outside (which Felix assured you that you’d be seeing soon.) 
“This is incredible, I’ve never seen such an impressive library!” you practically beam, unable to hide your excitement at the impressive collection of books. You’ve always been a fan of literature, spending countless hours losing yourself in fantasy worlds and star-crossed romances. “I could spend all my days here and still not read everything,” you muse with a smile as you wind your way through various bookshelves, taking note of every title that peaks your interest. 
“With such an extensive collection, there’s bound to be something that suits your tastes,” he says with a smile of his own as he follows you through the winding path of bookcases, “feel free to grab anything you’d like! You are allowed to take from the library as you please.” Oh, you intend on doing just that. You suppose you should start with just a few for now though; the library isn’t going anywhere after all, and neither are you. 
It takes some time, but you eventually decide on a handful books to bring back to your room first, mostly fantasy romance titles (because how can you resist the call of your favorite genre?) Felix, who had been watching fondly as you made your selections, quickly instructs a nearby maid to bring your selections back to your room before asking if you’re ready for the tour of the castle to resume. 
In much higher spirits than when you began, you happily link your arms with Felix again, eager to see what else the castle has to offer you. There’s not much more for you to see on the inside; you’re briefly shown the knight’s barracks and the maid’s quarters, as well as the informal living space his family prefers to relax together in when they have the time. (It’s still extremely elegant and beautiful for an “informal” space, but you digress- they’re royalty, after all.) 
He leads you to the gardens next, which until now you had only seen briefly from the windows, and wow, is it more stunning when actually in front of you than you ever would have believed. All the flowers and hedges are well maintained and vibrant in color, a cobblestone path laid before you and winding around the garden carefully, lattice fence work protecting the flowers in the back and maintaining the border. 
There’s ponds littered about, the cleanest and bluest you’d ever seen, the fish inside clearly visible even at a distance. In the center lies a beautiful marble fountain, with large, meticulously detailed sculptures of what you assume to be a goddess to adorn the surroundings. It’s all utterly breathtaking, beyond anything you’d ever seen at home in the south. As you reach the end of the cobblestone path, there lies an iron wrought gazebo with matching seating and a table beneath, right in the center. 
Felix unlinks your arms and steps up first, holding his hand out to you to accept as you proceed carefully up the few steps up to the gazebo. He pulls a chair out for you, smiling when you accept the seat and then takes his own seat directly across from you. There’s still a chill in the air, as spring has only just begun to set in the north, but the sunlight that filters through the iron keeps you sufficiently warm.
“Would you like some tea? You must be tired after all the walking we’ve done,” Felix asks after he’s gotten more comfortable in his seat, the iron cold at first but warming up quickly due to his own body heat. “That’d be lovely,” you answer sincerely, and he smiles again, looking around quickly for any nearby attendants he can call to assist the two of you. Within minutes you are provided with fresh tea, as well as a handful of biscuit style cookies, and you thank the maids for their quick work as warmly as you can.
“It’s been so long since I last walked the entirety of the castle grounds, I’d forgotten how tiring it is,” Felix sighs after he takes a sip of his tea, seemingly unphased by the high temperature of it. You on the other hand are snacking on the cookies you’d been provided as you wait for the tea to cool, having no desire to scorch your tongue and potentially embarrass yourself in front of your husband. 
“Yes, I can’t imagine doing it daily. The maids certainly have their work cut out for them,” you empathize, truly hoping they feel appreciated for all the work they’ve done for you thus far, and have done for what you imagine to be decades for some of them. You didn’t have much help on your family’s estate back home, but it was much less grand in comparison to the splendor of the castle you now live in. 
The moments that follow are serene; you listen to Felix talk about various things pertaining to the castle as you sip your tea, including stories of how he used to get lost as a child and always needed someone's help to get back to where he needed to be. You laughed once, when he told you about a time he got stuck in a utility closet and cried until he was discovered by a maid, who had to spend several minutes calming him down before carrying him back to his room. 
It was a cute story, and you couldn’t help but giggle from how he dramatically explained the darkness that encompassed him and how terrified 7 year old Felix was at that moment. You were worried for a moment after that it’d seem like you were laughing at him and not with him, but the way he smiled at you after he heard your laugh told you he was perfectly happy with your reaction. 
It was the first time he heard you laugh since you arrived- genuinely laugh, and he liked it. It made him feel warm, and gave him hope that you were finally starting to feel comfortable around him. He’d never hurt you, and he hoped that as you grew closer to him, you could genuinely love him one day. That’s all he wants really; to love the person he’s married to, and be loved in return. 
He’s seen it happen before; his parents, whose marriage was decided long before he was born but was the truest form of love he’d ever seen, and with his older sister, who was against her marriage at first but came to be truly in love with the man she was promised to. He wanted that to, to love and be loved with all his heart, to have something special and all his own with the woman he was promised to. And he'd work hard, do everything he could to show you that he was someone worthy to give your heart to. 
You stayed in the gardens for some time, simply talking and enjoying the scenery until the sun began to shift behind the trees. The shade brought a deeper chill with it, a slight shiver crawling over your skin each time the wind blew. “Let’s go back inside, there’s still something I want to show you,” Felix suggests upon seeing the way your body tensed from the chill creeping over you. You easily accept the offer, letting him lead you out of the gardens and back to the castle.
Warmth immediately spreads through you when you’re back inside the castle’s walls, body releasing its cold tension as you let Felix guide you to where he wants to go next, your arm linked in his as is coming to be your norm. You come to a now familiar hall- the one with your bedrooms, and Felix stops in front of the doors to his room, the one you will one day share in the future. “Your room..?” you ask, looking at him inquisitively. 
“I’m not asking you to move in yet, just to see it, if that’s okay with you,” he explains his intentions, ensuring that he means you no harm by inviting you into the private space. Felix has given you no reason to mistrust him at all, and while there is some slight hesitancy due to your own fears, you agree easier than you expected yourself to. He’s trustworthy, you think; he’s a gentleman through and through, and he’s shown you more than once how considerate and respectful he is, so.. Why not? 
The royal knights guarding his room open the doors for you at Felix’s signal, and the two of you step inside together, letting the guards close the door behind you to offer you privacy (not that you necessarily need it at the moment.) His room is similar to yours, with much of the same features, but much larger in scale and with items you imagine are specific to Felix’s own tastes. His furniture holds the same blue and white tones as yours, but with the additions of a lovely yellow, reminiscent of the sun shining in an almost clear sky. 
He has a fireplace, only slightly larger than the one in your room, and you can tell even from a distance that his attached bath is very grand in both appearance and size. The biggest difference from your own room however has to be the piano sitting in the corner of his room, large and spectacular in its handcrafted design. You cautiously step closer to it, carefully running your hand over the sleekly painted black wood, fingertips tracing over the gold leaf accents. 
“This is beautiful,” you say, turning back to look at him when you’re done admiring the beauty of what you can only assume is his personal piano, “do you play?” “I learned as a boy,” he answers with a beaming smile full of pride as he takes a seat in front of the keys, “I haven’t had much time to play recently, but it’s one of my favorite things to do. I always feel the happiest when I’m playing.”
He motions for you to take a seat on the nearby chaise, so you do, sitting comfortably against the soft cushion. “Would you like to hear a song?” he asks, a bit nervous but eager to show you what he can do after years of diligent practice. “I’d love that,” you reply, his infectious joy causing you to smile as well. You watch as he turns his attention to the keys in front of him, his face changing as he closes his eyes, the smile you had become accustomed to seeing fading as he prepared to focus. 
The song starts soft and slow, and while you didn’t recognize the melody, you found it entrancing and indescribably beautiful and serene. You watched and listened in awe as he continued, his eyes still closed and body swaying along with the melody he was playing. His ability to play without looking at the keys or sheet music amazed you, and attested to the fact that this is indeed something he loves to do. 
You clapped when he finished the song, and his expression immediately returned to the vibrant smile he often held. “That was beautiful Felix! You’re really talented,” you praise him earnestly, truly moved by his talent. “Oh, no, anyone who has played as long as I have can do that,” he insists despite the light blush crawling on his features from your compliment. 
“You’re being modest,” you say, hoping he recognizes that you truly mean it, and aren’t just saying so to be kind or polite. You’ve seen a fair amount of people play the piano in your time attending balls and banquets, but saw no one as talented and clearly passionate as Prince Felix. Maybe it was because he wasn’t used to being so openly complimented, or the fact that he had never played in front of anyone but his family, but he found that the praise affected him in a way he couldn’t have anticipated. 
No, it was because it was you specifically complimenting him that made his face flush and heart beat just the tiniest bit faster. Was it strange to hope to hear you compliment him more in the future? Maybe one day you’d compliment his appearance; tell him he was handsome, or beautiful, or cute even. He’d be happy with any of them, as long as they were from you. He'll tell you too- how beautiful you are when you smile, your excitement over your books cute, your very presence endearing. He knows it's too soon to call his feelings love, because how do you fall in love with a stranger in only a few weeks time? But he's certain that one day, maybe not too far off from today, it will be love, and the warmth and joy he feels whenever you look at him will expand tenfold, beyond anything he's ever experienced before now. 
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Since the first time you’d entered Felix’s room and he’d played the piano for you, it had become routine for you to spend most of your days there with him, listening to him calmly play melodies while you silently read your books. It was nice listening to him play while you were reading; it felt like it added a special ambience, and helped you get even further lost in the tales written on the page. 
Sometimes you’d even notice him watching you read from your peripheral, smiling to himself for just a moment before he turned his attention back to the keys. When his fingers grew tired, you’d start to read aloud, oftentimes at his own request. Felix explained that he liked listening to you read, and you imagined that the feeling was similar to how you felt listening to him play piano.
Relaxing, comfortable, serene; that’s how the two of you felt listening to the other. Honestly, you were embarrassed to do so at first; after all, the book you were reading at the time had to do with with a woman in a magical fantasy land falling in love with an elf, and you would’ve been extremely embarrassed if he laughed at the concept or shamed you for your taste in literature. 
However, you found that he listened to you intently, like the tale you were reading from the pages was of the utmost importance for him to hear. He’d ask follow up questions when you were further in the book than he last heard, often asking what happened next and if the characters had overcome whatever trial they had been facing yet.  
Felix remembered all the details of what you read to him- the setting, the character’s names, what their thoughts and feelings were at the point you’d read them to him. It impressed you, as well made you feel warm and a little fuzzy. It showed how much he genuinely cared, that he listened to you and cared about the things you care about, that he wanted to know what you like beyond a superficial level. 
Whenever night came however, you retreated back to your own room, promising you’d return the next day. Maybe it was silly to not officially move into the bedroom you were meant to share when you had begun to spend most of your days there, but you simply weren’t ready to yet. You’d grown to trust Felix quite a bit, but sleeping next to him still seemed a step too far out of your comfort zone. 
You also worried it’d send him the wrong message- you didn’t want him to think anything would come of you sharing a bed just yet. You just found his presence comforting, and that was all. You knew, since the very day you first came here, that he hoped the two of you would share his room when you were ready, but you didn’t want to unintentionally give him something he thought was more than it was supposed to be. 
It seemed so.. Intimate, much more than you had ever been with someone. You liked him, and you trusted him, that much was true- but enough to share a bed? It was nerve-wracking to think about, and while you knew it would happen someday, there was no need to rush it along; especially not when he was giving you the freedom and space to tackle your marriage on your own terms. 
But on nights like tonight, when your heart was heavy and tears pricked the corner of your eyes, you wondered if you should’ve just moved in with Felix already. It was only a matter of time before the warm weather brought rain with it, and alongside the downpour came thunderstorms. You weren’t sure what time of night it was when the crash of thunder woke you from your sleep, but as the grogginess faded and the sound sat with you, your heart ached terribly. 
You didn’t hate thunderstorms- in fact, you didn’t mind them at all, usually finding them quite pleasant to watch and listen to. It was your sister that hated them, who’d crawl into your bed every time one struck, trembling hands rousing you from your deep slumber and clinging to you the moment you awoke and offered her a place next to you. And each time a thunderstorm rolled through, you couldn't help but think about her, sadness encroaching over you without any means to stop it. 
What was the weather like back home, you wondered? Had spring's rain been gentle to her so far or were the storms as prevalant there as they were here? Would your sister suffer through it alone now that you weren’t there to comfort her? Your parents were kind, but you weren’t entirely sure they’d allow her to crawl into bed with them, or to hold her close as she cried the way you always had. 
How much of the remainder of her childhood would you come to miss? In just a few years time, she’ll be a woman the same as you, married into a new family and away from the last of her comforts. You don’t hate where you are now, nor do you hate Felix or the family you now call your own, but you miss the people you grew up with, and your little sister most of all. 
You miss holding her hand, hugging her when she’s scared, wiping away her tears when she’s sad or frightened. You miss guiding her through the lessons you once took, helping her to understand and offering the help you didn’t have then due to being the oldest. You miss giggling together when sharing stories, how cute she looked when happily accepting and showcasing your hand-me-down dresses that were now hers. 
Before you knew it, tears rolled down your cheeks, the ache in your chest unable to be ignored or pushed aside any longer. It was as if all the sadness you’d been harboring surfaced all at once, and the moment one tear fell, another followed, and another, until you were openly sobbing, unable to control or stop it from happening. 
You thought again of Felix, who was just a short trip down the hall from you. Would it be alright to go see him? You promised you’d go to him if you needed something, and well.. You could use some comfort, if you were being honest with yourself. If you lit some candles and tried to read to distract your mind, all you’d effectively do is blur the pages and stain them with your tears, unable to focus on the words in front of you as your mind swirled and processed all your emotions. 
Felix, while still relatively new to you and finding his place in your life, is your family now. Who else can you approach with your melancholy if not him? He’s sweet- he’ll comfort you, he’ll listen to you, he’ll be patient and considerate. In the nearly 2 months since you’d first arrived, he’s always shown you just how gentle of a person he is. And he always seemed genuine when expressing his desire to share his life with you, and be someone you could trust and rely on. 
You take a few deep breaths to steady yourself, wiping the tears from your face as you rise from your bed. Your night guards seem surprised when the doors to your room open and you emerge from them, but ultimately they say nothing, letting you walk down the hall without interruption and closing your doors for you. 
Felix’s guards, who recognize you even in the dim light of the candles on the walls as his wife, acknowledge you with a brief, professional nod when you stop in front of the doors. You hesitate there for a moment, wondering if this is really okay or if you should abandon this idea and turn back to your room, but his guards, who mistake your hesitance as you waiting for them to open the doors, do so as quietly as they can, motioning for you to go ahead and step inside the room. 
Well, there’s no going back now that they’ve opened the doors for you, so you quietly step inside, thanking them softly and letting them pull the large doors shut behind you. The room is dark, the light that would normally pour in from the moon being obscured by the dark rain clouds that hang in the sky. His candles are all responsibly blown out, but your eyes are adjusted to the darkness enough to find your way to his bed regardless. 
You swallow, hand trembling as you reach out to him, shaking him gently and mirroring the actions your sister used to take when she woke you up at night. He groans sleepily, voice deep and gravely as he stirs awake, eyes slowly drawing open, wearily looking for the source of what woke him. Felix sees you standing above him, but it takes his sleep-addled brain a moment to process the sight, half wondering if his weary eyes are playing a trick on him. 
But no, it really is you, looking at him with sad eyes and a quivering bottom lip, and he can feel the tremble in your hand that rests on his shoulder now that he’s fully conscious. He sits up quickly, concern painting his face as he gives you his undivided attention. “Y/N, what’s the matter? Has something happened?” Your voice wavers as you try to tell him, I’m sad, I’m lonely, I miss everyone from home, but it doesn’t fully come out, the words dying in your throat as tears well in your eyes again. 
He opens his arms to you and you crumble into them, burying your head in his chest as you allow yourself to cry. He sympathetically whispers your name, careful as he wraps his arms around you in a hug, conscious of where he allows his hands to rest. He doesn’t know what's wrong, what has brought you to such tears, but he’s glad you came to him with them. It would’ve saddened Felix to later learn that you suffered in your room alone when he would’ve gladly done whatever he could for you. 
And then he hears it- the crack of thunder, lightning illuminating the room for a brief moment before you’re sheathed again in darkness. Was that the problem? Were you frightened? You weren’t of course, but he didn’t know that, and he comforted you through your sobbing as if you were. “It’s okay, you’re safe, I’m here with you,” he told you, his voice a deep whisper, holding you just a bit together whenever lightning struck, fully believing the problem was that you were afraid. 
Despite the misconception, you were comforted all the same. This was exactly what you were hoping for, what you needed to hear. The storm eventually recedes, as does your sobbing, the room becoming ever so slightly more illuminated as the rain clouds pass onward. He can see your face more clearly now when you look at him again, can see how wet and shiny your cheeks have become from fallen tears, but you also appear calmer, your lip trembling much less and breaths less shaky. 
“Are you feeling alright?” he asks softly, carefully, and it is now you become hyper aware of the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, of your head resting against his chest, of the sound of his heartbeat in your ears. You relax your fingers, which you realize were clutching his sleep shirt quite hard, the fabric having become harshly wrinkled from your grasp. He loosens his arms to let you lift yourself away from him, watching silently as you wipe your face clean. 
You hesitate to meet his gaze- not because you feel embarrassed over your outpouring of your emotions, but conscious of how close you just were, and how natural it felt to have his arms around you. Maybe the fact that it felt so right is a testament of how close you’ve grown in the time you've been here, and how comfortable he makes you feel. “I’m sorry for waking you,” you mutter quietly now that you’ve found your voice again; you know his duties leave him tired, so there’s a tinge of guilt you feel for interrupting his rest. 
“Don’t say that, I’m glad you woke me,” he assures you, and he’d reach out and hug you tight again if he knew he could. You believe him- you know how earnest and sincere Felix is, and that he cares about you; maybe not in the way a husband cares about his wife, but cares nonetheless. You should be honest too, clarify why you were really crying so he doesn’t grow to think you’re genuinely afraid of thunderstorms. 
“I, uh- I’m not afraid of storms, that’s not why I was crying. Well, it was, but not because I was frightened,” you explain, and Felix looks a bit puzzled, but nods anyways, listening carefully to what you tell him. You tell him everything- how your sister was afraid of them, how you spent many dark nights easing her fears, and how your tears were born from how much you miss her, and your family as a whole. 
His heart breaks for you, truly, it does. He assumed you missed your family, he took notice of how close you were to them on the night of your ceremony, but there was no way he could’ve known how deep your pain was. And really, he can’t imagine what it’s like to be in your situation. What if it was him who had to separate from his parents and siblings to live somewhere new? Would he be able to handle it with as much acceptance and grace as you have? 
You never complained about anything, even when you were saddened. You treated everyone around you kindly, never spoke ill of anyone or about your circumstances, and that’s when he realizes you have much more inner strength than he’d known. There’s a small prick of guilt he feels for taking you away from your family, but even if it wasn’t him that you married, it still would’ve happened to you someday.
He wishes he knew what he could say or do to comfort you the best; there was nothing that could completely take the ache away, of that he was sure, but if he could make it better somehow then he’d do whatever he could. You can see the gears turning in his brain, can see him struggle with finding the words to say, unsure if what he’d done for you thus far was good enough. 
And there’s a new dilemma brewing in your mind- what do you do now that you’re calm? Do you just.. leave? Go back to your solitude and spend the rest of the night alone? If you’re being honest with yourself, you don’t entirely want to go back to your room. Maybe it was time for you to finally move in with Felix, and share the room, share the bed, as you were meant to. It’s a strange feeling you don’t entirely recognize and know what to do with; you just know that you want to stay here, with him, and feel his arms around you again. 
Maybe it’s simply because he’s all you have here; which isn’t entirely true, but it is how you feel. Do you have a family here? Yes, the royal family is your family now too. Do you have friends here? Yes, you’ve grown quite close to your maids and other staff you interact with. But are you comfortable enough to be vulnerable in front of them, or to share your feelings of loneliness and homesickness? No, and in that regard, Felix is all you have. 
Felix is your companion in this lonely place, the person who makes your days brighter and bearable through the melancholy, the one who ebbs away your sadness and replaces it with warmth. And you spend all your days with him, next to him, talking to him, sharing everything, including silence. Would it be so bad to allow yourself this comfort? To finally take a step forward and move into the room you were meant to share? 
There’s a part of you that’s scared to take that step, afraid to confront what your desire to be close to him means, unsure how to unravel and make sense of the complexities of your thoughts. But there is an undeniable truth- Felix is your husband, and that would likely never change. So even if you don’t love him, wasn’t it okay to be close to him regardless? He makes you smile, he makes you laugh with his stories and jokes, he plays the piano for you and listens to you so intently, he makes you feel warm and fuzzy; and he told you he wants you to be here.
Maybe he doesn’t love you yet, but he’s expressed that he wants to, that he hopes the two of you will look at each other fondly and live happily. And maybe you don’t love him yet, but that doesn’t mean that the day you do is far off. You look at him, take in the compassion and concern he holds for you, allow the feeling of warmth to seep into your pores; you may not be in love with him, but you do still have love for him. Isn’t that enough? 
“Felix, if it’s alright.. Can I-,” you pause a moment, shy apprehension prickling your skin, but you collect yourself enough to continue, “I want to stay. Here, with you.” You can see even in the low light how his eyes widen, though it’s hard to decipher whether or not his surprise is pleasant, but you hope it is given how he’s expressed his hopes for the future. “A-Are you sure?” he asks, not at all against the idea, just surprised by your admission.
“I don’t want to be alone again, at least not tonight,” you explain, hoping he understands, “And I don’t have to move in completely if you’re not ready for me to, but.. I spend all my days here with you anyways, so.. I want to, if that’s okay.” Felix’s heart is racing, his face growing pinker by the second, and he feels lucky you’re making this confession in the darkness, where you can’t easily tell how obvious his blush is. 
“Of course you can stay,” he says, shifting more to the side to allow you the space you need to get comfortable under his thick blanket. He’s stiff when he first lies down next to you, unsure of whether or not it was okay to touch you, whether or not you’d even like it if something as simple as his arm being pressed against yours was alright with you. He already knew he was undeniably attracted to you, but he’d never do something if you were uncomfortable, or touch you without explicit permission, even if the touch was meant to be comforting as opposed to romantic.
But you reach out to him first, softly ask him to hug you again, and he’s more than happy to oblige your request. You can hear the rapid beat of his heart as you move in close, and you wonder if he’s nervous; you are too, to be fair. You’ve never lied this close to a man before, or let one hold you in his arms the way you let Felix, never shared a bed with anyone but family. But you want this, and despite the nerves that come with doing something so new to you, you’re happy, comfortable. 
Felix’s heart begins to slow the longer you lie together, as does yours, and the exhaustion that comes with crying, as well as being woken in the middle of the night, takes hold over you. You fall asleep first, though Felix is not far behind you, the soft sound of your even breaths akin to a lullaby in his fatigued state. You’re warm, comfortable, safe; you may not have all the things that were once familiar to you, but you have Felix, a person who radiates kindness and compassion, a person who despite everything, makes you happy. 
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There’s part of you that wonders if sharing a room with Felix was a decision made too hastily; not because he did anything wrong, but because it came with unforeseen challenges. What was the challenge? Dressing, undressing, bathing to name a few. He was always respectful, kept his back turned to you whilst you were changing or kept himself away from the attached bath if you were in it, and you likewise never peeked towards him when the opposite occurred. 
You certainly didn’t regret your decision- after all, you spent all your days with Felix, so it only made sense to spend your nights with him too now that you felt comfortable enough. But there was a certain timidness that came with undressing in the presence of a man, even if said man wasn’t looking and had his gaze fixed to the wall until you were finished. You wondered though, wouldn’t there come a day where he was allowed to look? 
The thought of Felix someday looking at your exposed, bare skin made an unfamiliar feeling well in your gut- one that was entirely foreign to you, but not at all unpleasant. Butterflies, perhaps? You’d read about the sensation in your novels, the characters often expressing how seeing the one they love made their stomach react in ways strange and new. And as explained in the countless romances you read, your heart would race when he held your gaze after you emerged from the bath, your face would flush whenever his touch lingered for longer than what you would consider typical of a friendly relationship. 
It was no exaggeration to say that sharing a room with Felix brought you even closer than before, and once you got past your initial shyness, the weeks that followed were some of the most pleasant you’d had. You settled into a nice routine, sharing breakfast before he had to depart to attend to his royal duties, while you spent the rest of your morning and early afternoon perusing the library shelves for your next read or sitting out in the gardens, sometimes reading in the warm light of the sun, sometimes simply enjoying the scenery around you. 
You’d reunite at dinner time, sometimes sharing that time with family in the dining hall and other times eating in the privacy and comfort of your room. Felix would often insist that you bathe first, ever a gentleman to you, but on days he seemed particularly worn out and exhausted you would do your best to convince him he needed one more than you, encouraged him to relax and let the hot water soothe away any aches. 
No matter the order of the bath, your nights would end the same; you’d spend the last few hours of your day listening to Felix play the piano as you read, oftentimes reading your literature aloud once he grew tired and joined you where you sat, whether that be the chaise facing the piano, the sofa across from the fireplace, or simply the bed. On the nights he was extra tired, his eyes would grow heavy and close as you read to him, and when you gently told him he was falling asleep, he’d mumble that he was still listening, urging you to continue. 
It was endearing, and there was a certain joy you felt in lulling him to sleep with your softly spoken words, knowing that even as the comfort seeped into his bones and urged him to rest, all he wanted was to listen to you. You liked to think it even helped him, hoping that you brought him as much solace as he brought you, hoping that you alleviated and dispelled any troubles simply by being there for him the way he was for you. 
Tonight was another such day; the changing of the season brought with it longer, warmer days, and often the sun wouldn’t begin to sink until you were already well into your nightly routine. The moon had just begun to emerge when Felix settled down on the sofa next to you, making sure he lit the candles before he sat as darkness began to settle in. It was a bit of a challenge at times to read in the dim, wavering light of the candles, but you’d grown used to it in your time as a novel enjoyer, and you welcomed the cozy atmosphere the candlelight brought. 
He listened to you intently at first, but the more you spoke the words from the pages, with your steady, soft and even pace, the more sleep called to him, and it became a struggle for his eyes to remain open. His head rested against the back of the sofa, the cushion acting as a pillow for his weary body. Your softly spoken words, along with the low light the candles brought to the room, were enough to call him to sleep much faster than he’d otherwise expect.
You pause when you notice his eyes have completely closed, not sure if he’s still listening with his eyes shut, or is indeed asleep as you suspect. But when he makes no reaction to your pause, you are certain sleep has taken him, and you smile as you quietly close your book. You set it down on the nearby table, wondering if you should try and wake him, request him to move to the bed, or if it’d be better to bring over a blanket and let him be. 
You look at him, quietly taking in the sight of his sleeping form. Felix is beautiful, even whilst sleeping, and you wonder if he knows that. His eyelashes are long, his freckles a unique and expansive constellation, his parted lips and honeyed skin almost entracing to look at, begging to be admired by all who look. And admire him you did, in quiet moments like this, where everything was serene, in the space belonging only to the two of you, a space where you are the only ones who exist. 
Carefully, you reach out to him, gently tapping on his shoulder until he stirs. “Felix,” you call softly, and he barely opens his eyes, letting out a small, groggy ‘hmm?’ in response. “You fell asleep,” you tell him quietly, voice almost a whisper, “let’s go to bed.” He hums his agreement, which due to his deep, sleepy voice sounds more like a grumble. You rise from the sofa first, offering a hand for stability if he needs it. 
He falls to the bed with a grunt, barely managing to pull the blankets up over his shoulders, and you can’t help but giggle at the display. You work your way around the room before you join him, blowing out the candles until the room’s only illumination comes from the moonlight peaking through the window curtains. You’re not quite as tired as Felix, but you settle into bed regardless, knowing that once you’re under the blankets and comfortably next to him, sleep won’t be all that far behind. 
Felix has been working extra hard lately, preparing for an upcoming ball to celebrate the summer solstice. Apparently they hold it annually, as well as one for the winter solstice, but you had arrived at winter’s end and after that celebration had already concluded. It keeps the spirits of the commoners high, gives them an event to look forward to, and gives them a chance to mingle with those from other, father towns who come in to join the celebration of the season. 
That’s not its only purpose however; it also gives the royal family a chance to meet with other officials and people of high standing beyond that of just letters, and ensure that they continue to have a prosperous, mutually beneficial relationship. Dukes, barons, soldiers who have returned from war-torn fields- it’s important for the king, and by extension Felix, to know where they stand with all of them. 
Of course, you were no stranger to lessons in diplomacy, but you’re sure there is much more Felix has to keep in mind than simply being diplomatic. There’s a lot that goes into the politics of the kingdom, and you can’t imagine the weight that falls on his shoulders, knowing that one day he’ll inherit the responsibility of deciding the future of everyone within his territory. It’s also possible that someday, your knowledge from growing up in the south will be a vital asset to him, and that he’ll seek your input on how to govern the farthest reaches of the kingdom.
You sigh a little, moving in closer to Felix. It’s best not to stress yourself out with thoughts about governing the kingdom, or about the upcoming ball; it’ll be your first ball as a married couple in the public eye, and there’s a separate set of nerves that come along with that. You wonder how much like a couple you should act; should you stay glued to his side, act lovey-dovey for the duration of the night, or would that be unseemly for royalty to do? 
It’s possible there’s no need for you to appear in love- after all, it’s no secret that arranged marriages can be loveless. But still, you think it’d be beneficial for the people to see you genuinely care for Felix- it could set a positive example, and show that the north and south have no need to fight against each other. You think if you just act natural, and don’t put too much thought and effort into “proving” you love Felix, then the people will see your honest feelings come through.  And besides, you told yourself you wouldn't worry about such things now that you were in bed, so your only priority should be going to sleep. 
Felix’s arm rests around your waist, which is normal for you now. After the first night, when he hugged you until you fell asleep, it felt nice to wake up with his arm still there, holding you close. He apologized the next morning when you woke up, worried that he may have made you uncomfortable, though he didn’t have control of where his arm lied once he’d fallen deeply into sleep. You assured him though that it was perfectly fine- in fact, it was comfortable, and you enjoyed the closeness after feeling so lonely. 
It became a natural part of how you slept, his arm always around you, sometimes loosely, and other times strongly keeping you close. Now was one such time you were held loosely, his arm limp with sleep but you didn’t mind; it gives you the ability to easily adjust your position turning so that his hand was against your back and your head could rest close to his chest. Your movement rouses him slightly, and he instinctively holds you tighter.
You whisper an apology for unintentionally waking him with your movement, not entirely sure that he’s even alert enough to truly hear you, but you say it regardless. You guess he does hear you, because he mumbles a response, though it’s not entirely decipherable. “..ove you.” “Hmm?” you hum in question, glancing up to look at him, but it’s no use- he’s back to sleep within seconds, as if he was never awoken at all. Oh well, it likely wasn’t anything important, probably just dreamy ramblings of a tired mind, or an acceptance of your apology. Maybe tomorrow you can ask him if he dreamt anything pleasant, or if you appeared to him in your dreams the same way he had begun to in yours. 
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You were well into the solstice ball, sighing as you stood off to the side of all the dancing, feeling exhausted from everything you were experiencing. You thought your wedding was tiring, but this was somehow even worse; when you got married to Felix, only locals to the town were welcome inside the castle to witness it and celebrate, otherwise chaos could ensue. But with the solstice ball, any and everyone was welcome, and with that came a myriad of people for you to meet and communicate with. 
Most who attended were eager to see the prince’s wife, curious about what sort of woman he’d married, and you couldn’t help but be anxious about what opinion they’d hold of you after seeing you in the flesh. Honestly, you wanted to make a good impression; you’d be saddened if you were unliked by those who would one day be your people alongside Felix. Your father was someone who governed with compassion, and the royal family were much the same, and you hoped they could see you held the same values. 
Still, it was tiring to portray your best self for hours without end, and you took the opportunity for a break at the first moment you could. You stayed at Felix’s side for the first hour of the evening before going your separate ways, him mingling with various men of high status while you traveled the ballroom floor, introducing yourself to as many people as you could. There were still many people for you to meet and talk with, but hopefully they’d understand your need to take a moment for yourself. 
You sipped on some water, your throat thankful for the soothing liquid, having become quite parched from all the talking you’d done. You also looked yourself over briefly in one of the ballroom’s mirrors, making sure everything about your appearance was still neatly in place; you had went out to town with Felix to get a new dress, and it arrived mere days before the ball, just in time. 
You expressed that you were worried about your appearance, the dresses you’d brought from home being expensive and beautiful, sure, but still falling short when compared to the lavish gowns his sisters and mother wore. Felix, who didn’t entirely realize he was speaking his thoughts aloud, said you’d look beautiful in anything, and both of your faces went red, before he coughed awkwardly and quickly changed the subject, saying that they could simply buy you a new dress if you’d needed it. 
You did also consider borrowing a gown from his older sister, but he insisted that was nonsense when they were more than capable of buying something specifically for you, and so you’d agreed to go out to town with him, going to a seamstress well-respected and trusted by the royal family. It was your first outing since your arrival, not because anything necessarily stopped you from leaving if you wanted to, but simply because it required the coordination and cooperation of the royal guard accompanying you, and really, you had no need to leave until then. 
After the seamstress’ daughter took your measurements, and you answered various questions pertaining to color and style, as well as looking over and feeling various samples of fabric, you were free to leave, with the promise that once your dress was ready, her daughter would bring it to the castle, along with an alteration kit if any adjustments were needed. Before returning to the castle, Felix brought you to a jeweler, and you also passed a bookstore, where you couldn’t help but notice your favorite novel was on display.
Felix asked about it when you noticed your subtle pause to look, asked if you wanted to go inside and look around, or buy the copy of your favorite novel that was on display, but you told him there was no need. After all, you still had your very well-loved copy at home (which, while beginning to fall apart, was still perfectly readable and sentimental to you), and countless books in the library you still had interest in before feeling the need to purchase any new ones. 
All that to say, your night on the town was well spent, and you were thankful how well your gown and jewelry came together, and you truly felt good about your appearance tonight. Your maids also dutifully perfected your hair and makeup, and even hours into the night, you found no imperfection with either. Felix also went red in the face when he first saw your completed look, much to the delight of your maids, who had to suppress their gleeful giggles; it seemed they loved when Felix looked at you with awe. 
You allow an attending maid to take your water from your hands when you are finished with it, thanking them with sincere politeness. You give yourself another moment to collect yourself before returning to the main ballroom floor, careful not to bump into those dancing as you make your way through the crowd of people. You hoped to locate Felix, and see whether or not he’s still caught up in whatever political talk he was having when you last brushed past him. 
Instead, you hear a familiar voice questioningly call your name, and you pause, stopping to look around for the source. It couldn’t be.. could it? “Christopher!” you gasp, met with the sight of a boy, now man, you hadn't seen in nearly 3 years, “What are you doing here?” “Didn’t you know? My station is just a few towns over,” he explains with a smile. Honestly, you were completely shocked. Your fathers were close friends, and though Chris was a few years older than you, you’d spent a lot of time together due to the close relationship of your fathers, both personal and professional. 
While your father is a duke, Chris’ was a very well-respected knight, who earned the title of baron due to his unwavering loyalty and dedication to serving your father, having sworn his fealty to him many years ago, before you were even born. Chris had similar ambitions as his father, and dedicated himself to training from a young age, always expressing that one day he’d serve the royal family. Coincidentally, he was also your first, and only, childhood crush. 
And truly, you didn’t know that he lived in a relatively short proximity to the town you now called home. Upon meeting the requirements to join the royal guard, he was sent north to receive further orders, and you’d lost contact with him not long afterwards, with the only news you’d learned being that he married a year after moving from the town you both grew up in- an arranged marriage, same as you. 
His wife, as far as you were aware, was a local girl whose family offered a significant dowry to be married to such a well-respected and honorable family. You wondered more than once if he was happy, and if your father ever considered Chris as a potential husband to you, but in recent times you stopped lingering on such thoughts completely. Your situation was set in stone, and you didn’t bother entertaining thoughts on what-if’s and could-be’s now that you too were married. 
“I didn’t! But it’s nice to see you again, I didn’t expect to see a familiar face,” you tell him sincerely; disregarding the childhood feelings you once held for him, it truly is nice to see a friend from home again. “I was surprised when I heard you were the one Prince Felix married, and so I had to take this chance to see you again, and see the truth of it for myself.” You giggle a little, imagine what Chris must’ve looked like when he learned his childhood friend had married someone so important. 
“I was surprised too, believe me. I never anticipated marrying into the royal family,” you say, smiling as you speak. Though there were hardships that came with being relocated and away from family, now that you were growing accustomed to your life here, you actually found it pleasant. And you really enjoyed Felix’s presence, and while you were initially upset about your marriage, you had truly begun to view it as a good thing in the recent weeks. 
“Did your wife come too? It’d be lovely to meet her,” you ask as a follow up, hoping she was somewhere nearby. “Mm, she’s here somewhere,” he replies, much more dismissive about the topic than you’d expect him to be. It makes you want to ask if his relationship with her is bad, but perhaps that’s not appropriate to ask given the circumstances. “Would you like to dance?” he asks, quickly shifting focus, and you hesitate, a slight frown forming on your face. 
Normally, you wouldn’t be opposed to sharing a dance with a friend, but the circumstances surrounding your lives have changed substantially since you were last in contact. You’re both married, and even if it meant nothing beyond friendship for either of you, there was an image that needed to be upheld at all times, especially in the eyes of the public. And you couldn’t help but think about what his wife, or Felix, would think if they saw you dancing with each other. 
Felix knew Chris by name alone from times you talked about home, but there was no way for him to know what he looked like. And in turn, you don’t know if Chris’ wife knows who you even are, if you’d be crossing a boundary in your respective relationships without even knowing it. Further still, the thought of Felix seeing you in the arms of another and being upset, or even jealous, is enough to deter you from making that decision. 
You’re trying to form something real with Felix despite the circumstances that brought you together, and you won’t do anything to hinder that. You want him to know that you respect your marriage, and that you won’t put his feelings in jeopardy by entertaining the advances of other men. Not that you think Chris means anything by his request, but still- better to be safe about these things than sorry. 
It’s strange though; you already knew you like Felix quite a lot, and care about his feelings, but there’s something beyond that, that makes you want to abide by the sanctity of your marriage. Technically speaking, you only have to be a devoted wife in public. It’s no secret that those in arranged marriages have concubines and secret affairs. If you truly wanted to, you could do the same, but you have no wish to do so. 
Is it loyalty? Love? All you really understand is that you never want to do anything to break Felix’s heart. You also don’t know if he even has enough romantic interest in you to be jealous in the first place, but either way, that’s not an emotion you want to cause him to feel. Some may be happy to see their betrothed jealous, but you’re not that kind of woman; instead, you’d feel rather guilty and apologetic. 
You glance across the crowd, spotting Felix still mingling with his father and other men of high status, completely unaware of the situation you’ve found yourself in. Hopefully, you can return to his side soon, once you're done catching up with Chris. “I’m afraid I can’t,” you finally say, hoping he understands your need to politely turn him down. “What a shame,” he sighs a bit, his hand reaching out to you and settling on your arm, near your shoulder, “You look beautiful tonight. I would’ve loved to share a dance with you, as adults.” 
“O-Oh, thank you,” you mutter, taken aback by the words that left him. The Chris you knew was never so forward, nor did he ever openly compliment you. If you’re being honest, you’re not entirely sure how to respond; this was a situation your younger self would have dreamed of, but now you just feel.. odd. “I’ve always thought you were beautiful, even when we were kids. I never imagined this where life would take us, but.. If it’s your public image that worries you, maybe I could seek you out later, and we could have some alone time?” he continues seamlessly, as if this is a sentence he’s practiced in his head over and over again. 
Again, this is something your younger self would’ve been ecstatic about, even prayed for, but now you just feel.. uncomfortable. You don’t feel flattered by his compliment, nor do you like the implication of his statement, and you recoil away from the hand that lingers uncomfortably on your arm. “We can't do that,” you say firmly, doing your utmost to make it clear you have no desire to partake in a scandalous relationship with him. You liked him once, but you were a kid then, and what you feel now for Felix is much more grounded in reality than the puppy love you had for Chris. 
“Why not?” he asks, looking at you with eyes that would’ve once made you melt. And there is genuine hurt there, which you do feel sorry about, but you simply don’t return the sentiment he seems to have. “We're both married. Shouldn't you be loyal to your wife?” you counter; even if your marriage to Felix isn’t born of “real” love, you have no interest in infidelity, nor do you want to be the reason Chris is unfaithful in his marriage.
“I don't love her, I never have. And though I moved of my own volition, I always wondered what would’ve happened if I stayed behind, and expressed my desires to make you mine. But what of you? Do you love your husband?” His words, his question, make you swallow, unsure how best to respond. You liked him once, that much is true, but you like Felix more. What you have with him.. You value it, deeply. 
It’s easy for a 14 year old to say they’re in love with their crush when they’ve never experienced what real, adult love feels like. There are times, even now, when you’re unsure of what the beating of your heart truly means, but there is one thing that you know for certain- you love Felix, much, much more sincerely than you ever loved Christopher. The difference between loving him, and being in love with him, make little difference in this case. 
Though, the more you’ve thought about it, the more you’ve come to think that maybe you are really, actually in love with him. You wouldn’t desire him if you didn’t, wouldn’t be up at night wondering what it would feel like to kiss him, or what kind of father he’d be to the children you’d one day have. You wouldn’t feel a void in your chest at the thought of no longer being by his side, even deeper than the one you’d felt upon moving away from home. 
And if there is anything your time reading romance novels has taught you, it’s that love is more than temporary butterflies and racing of the heart. Love is more than excitement, than desire, than the heat of his touch on your body; Love, real love, is the comfort you feel in his presence. The safety, the hours spent together talking or relaxing, even in the comfortable silence you share during a meal- that is love.  
When you can’t imagine your life without him in it, when even the mundane sounds fun as long as it’s with him, when you still feel warm and fuzzy in his presence even after the butterflies have passed, that is love. Now that you’ve come to know what life is like when Felix is next to you, holding you, sleeping with you, sharing his voice and his talents with you, you never want to know what the absence of him would feel like. All of that is to say, you think you’ve had your answer all along; You don’t just love Felix. You’re in love with Felix. 
“If I must tell you.. I do. I love Felix, truly. He’s a wonderful man,” you answer honestly, and Chris holds a deep frown. It must feel unfair- that’s how you felt about your circumstances at first. There’s no way for you to know how long he had feelings for you, but you were able to move on, while he clearly hadn’t. And truthfully, you feel sorry for him; none of this is his fault, but still.. You can’t change how you feel. 
“Surely you don’t mean that,” Chris says, a bit desperate, and again, your heart twists. You do mean it, unfortunately for him. And you have no intention of letting him think he has a chance to change your mind, when quite frankly, he doesn’t. Unbeknownst to you, Felix would glance your way whenever he was able to, always wanting to make sure you were handling yourself well.
It was your first solstice ball after all, and he imagined it could be overwhelming and tiring for you to mingle with so many people you had never met before. He just wanted to keep an eye on you, make sure you weren’t getting burnt out from the countless interactions with others. And that’s when he sees it- a man he doesn’t know, his hand lingering on your arm, and you, looking up at him with a troubled expression on your face. 
The look of discomfort you hold as the man continues to speak, hand still on you despite how you recoil.. He can’t help but clench his fists, a foreign sort of distaste bubbling within his veins. He can see your expression change as you speak- still uncomfortable, but not quite distressed. Sad, maybe? Perhaps this guy was being forward with you, and you were trying your best to look sympathetic as you gently turn him down. 
“If you’ll excuse me, there’s something I must attend to,” Felix says politely as he bows towards his father and his peers, not lingering to answer questions, though he really should if he doesn’t want to appear rude. He approaches you with haste, though still careful to not appear in too much of a hurry or frantic- he doesn’t want those around him to suspect something is amiss. The man’s hand is thankfully no longer on you, he realizes as he comes closer- it’d be terribly unbecoming of someone of his status to cause a scene.
“There you are, my love! I was looking everywhere for you,” Felix says with a smile as he approaches you, wrapping you in his arms as if the other man doesn’t exist at all. Your face reddens, heart picking up; my love, he called you my love! You’re aware this is likely only happening because he spotted you and was able to perceive how you felt, but still, your heart reacts to the words nonetheless. 
“Who’s this?” Felix asks as he turns his attention to the man in front of you, his hand resting on your waist in a motion that you’d easily be able to interpret as defensive, possessive. “O-Oh, uhm- this is Christopher. Do you remember what I told you, about how we grew up together due to our fathers being good friends? We ran into each other, and were just catching up,” you explain, and Chris, not wanting to make a fool of himself, easily goes along with your words. 
“Oh, how lovely. It's a pleasure to meet an old friend of yours,” Felix smiles jovially, extending a hand out to Chris. He accepts it, and the two politely shake hands, with Chris feeling a degree of shame and embarrassment. This definitely isn’t his finest hour; but maybe now that you’ve firmly rejected him, he can try to find happiness in his own life, love in his own marriage. 
“My deepest apologies for interrupting your reunion, but I thought it was time my wife and I shared a dance,” he says to Chris before looking back at you with a smile, and it’s so utterly charming that you practically feel your legs turn to jelly, “Shall we, my love?” God, your face must look so red right now. But after the few seconds it takes to finish processing, you gladly accept, offering a timid smile.
Felix bows politely to Chris before he leads you away by the waist, your heart still racing as you follow his lead. Away from the crowd of people, he stops and turns to you, the natural charisma he held melting away the moment your eyes meet. “Are you alright? I’m- I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all, I just..” You smile softly, and shake your head; I liked it, I want to hear you call me ‘my love’ again, I want you to keep wrapping your arms around me and holding me by the waist you want to say, but don't. Instead you carefully lean up, placing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you Felix.” 
His face grows red, his hand reaching up to his face, fingertips lingering over the spot you kissed him. He smiles cutely, shy and sweet, heart pounding even from something so small. He’s infatuated with you, after all, and any affection from you is enough to make his body react. “Why don't we really go have that dance?” you ask with a smile, holding your hand out for him to take. You shared a dance when you first married of course, as is customary, but this one would be different; as opposed to a dance between newlyweds with no love between them, now you could say you were dancing with the only man you’d ever sincerely loved.
“Of course, my love,” he replies as he takes your hand in his, leading you to the center of the ballroom floor, both of you bashfully smiling and giddy with affection for the other. You do your best to ignore the stares of others around you, most of them just eager to see the display of love from the newest royal couple in front of them, and keep your focus entirely on Felix. You can’t help but notice the way his eyes linger on his lips before he shifts his attention back to your eyes, his cheeks dusted a pretty shade of pink contrasted against his freckles. 
You really want him to kiss you, if you’re being honest, but you don’t think it’d be entirely wise to share your first kiss with the eyes of the entire ballroom on you. Maybe, if either of you can conjure your bravery later on, you can kiss in the privacy of your shared room, free to indulge in the feeling of each other for as long as you wish too. Though, perhaps you should stop thinking such thoughts for the moment, lest Felix realizes you’re blushing way too hard. For now, you'll just enjoy the moment you're sharing with him, knowing now, with all your heart, that your love for him is true.
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The remainder of your night continued without incident, sharing a few more dances with Felix before you separated again to continue mingling. You saw Christopher again briefly, where he apologized for his behavior and then brought you over to meet his wife. She really seemed like a sweet girl, and you hoped that Chris would be more open to the idea of loving her now that there were no “what-ifs” keeping him held back. She also seemed quite genuinely infatuated with him, which you couldn’t blame her for- Chris was strikingly handsome, and you might have still held similar feelings for him if it wasn’t for Felix. 
When the ball came to a close, you were eager to get back to your room and get your aching feet out of the heels you’d worn to match your gown, as well as get the heavy, dangly earrings off your ears. You insist that Felix bathe first, as it will take you quite some time to remove all your accessories, get your hair down from the way it was styled, and out of your intricate gown (not as intricate as your wedding gown, of course, but still enough that you wouldn’t be able to remove it swiftly.) 
He didn’t take all that long in the bath, spending just enough time to wash up and effectively dry off, entering your room after he’s changed into his sleep clothes. He respectfully keeps his eyes away from you until he’s sat comfortably away from where you are at the vanity, your dress off and left only in your undergarments. You were brushing out your hair, making sure it was completely tamed and smoothed down to make washing easier before you enter the bath. 
You take a quick glance at Felix before you enter the attached bath, his back turned to you as he nervously fiddles with his thumbs. You soak in the tub for some time, letting the hot water soothe you until it turns cooler, now comfortably warm as you take time washing your hair and body. Normally you wouldn’t take such a long time in the bath, but it was just so relaxing after the long day you’ve had, and you indulged in the comfort it offered you before you got out to dry off and slip on fresh clothes. 
You half expected for Felix to be in bed already, but when you step out you see that he was waiting up for you, sitting atop the blankets of your bed, back against the headboard. “Sorry I took so long, you didn’t have to wait for me,” you say as you step to your designated side of the bed, mirroring his position against the headboard. “Well, I didn’t want to go straight to bed without having some down time with you,” he explains a bit timidly, and you smile, finding him endlessly sweet. 
The light in the room is low, the only candles lit now being the ones closest to your bed. He sits up straighter, turning to you with a nervous disposition, and you watch him curiously, wondering what’s on his mind to make him look at you in such a way. “Listen, before we go to bed, I, uh- I actually have something for you,” Felix says, meeting your gaze timidly. 
“Really? What is it?” you ask, having not expected to receive anything so suddenly. Well, sudden to you, but Felix had actually been planning this for quite some time. He steadies his nerves and turns to his nightstand, opening the drawer and digging through it until he finds what he needs- a book. You recognize it instantly when it’s in front of you; it’s a new, almost pristine copy of the book you told him was your favorite, the one you insisted you didn’t need when you stopped to look at it the day you were out together. 
“When did you get this?” you ask in surprise, carefully taking it in your hands and ghosting your fingers over the cover. “The same night you saw it, I asked a guard to discreetly purchase it for you,” he explains with a soft, sheepish smile, hoping you’re pleased. “There’s something else,” he says, and you glance up at him in even further surprise. Gently, he takes the book from your hands, opening it to a specific page. 
“I.. before giving it to you, I wanted to read it, understand for myself why it's your favorite. So.. I did, and there’s a part that really resonates with me, and.. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to read it to you,” he explains, and your heart stirs, thumping wildly in your chest. How is he so considerate and perfect? You almost can’t believe it, and you don't even know how he found the time to read it without you knowing, but you can ask him about it later. For now, you're much more interested in the fact that he not only read your favorite novel, but wants to share a part he loved with you, a part that spoke to him, and wants you to listen to him read it in his beautiful, deep voice. 
He swallows, takes a breath, hands trembling a bit as he holds the book open and looks down at the page in front of him. You watch him with full attention, somehow feeling just as nervous; you don’t know what he intends to read, and as you yourself have read this story countless times, it’s hard to imagine which specific part he’d like the most- there were just so many possibilities and moments you loved to try and guess. But then he starts, and immediately, you feel your heart positively melt. 
"Taeryn stares at her, his fingertips ghosting her skin, his eyes transfixed in her stare, her gaze swallowing him whole. And he knows, as his fingers brush her hair softly out of her face, as her cheeks burn and breath hitches with his gentle touch, that he loves her. 
He loves her as naturally as he breathes air; to love her is effortless, as easy as it is to simply be. He loves her for as many reasons as there are stars in the sky- countless, never ending. She engulfs him, enraptures him, a moth unable to resist her bright, beckoning flame. 
And he knows, from the way every synapse in his brain fires when their lips meet, how his blood burns in his veins simply from her touch, that there is no greater feeling beyond this. To be lost in her is God's greatest gift, and he will thank Him for the rest of his days, because what else could compare to the pure bliss of loving with all that you are, and being loved in return?”
The words that you already found so beautiful sound even more so coming from him, and you can’t help but suck in a breath as you listen to him speak the words written on the page, as if he’s mirroring the character, feeling the very same emotion. He closes the book slowly, and your heart races when his eyes meet yours again. What should you say? It was beautiful? Thank you? That doesn’t feel like nearly enough to describe how you feel or how much you appreciate this gesture. 
Felix carefully sets the book to the side, his palms beginning to clam up as he looks at you. He planned this for a specific reason, but now that he’s met with the most critical moment of all, his mouth feels dry, and his chest tightens as his heart accelerates. He wants to tell you he loves you, and maybe he’s been reading the signs all wrong, but he thinks you love him too, he hopes you do. 
Maybe your affection for him doesn’t go past platonic, which he would learn to accept with time, but it would truly break his heart if you didn’t feel the same. So he hopes, he prays, with all his heart, that when he tells you how he feels, you’ll reciprocate. You can tell what he wants to say, even with your lack of romantic experience, it’s obvious; no one commits to a gesture so thoughtful and romantic without the intent to become something greater. Given your time reading romance, that’s something you feel confident enough to say- Felix loves you. And you love him too. 
So you meet him halfway, inching ever so slightly closer to him, looking him in the eyes as you do. His eyes dart from your eyes to your lips and then back again, his breath beginning to go uneven. Felix looks at you, eyes full of love, awe, and wonder, and not wasting another breath, he kisses you, his hands reaching to your face, holding it in his hands. It’s chaste and careful, your eyes remaining closed for several seconds after he’s pulled away, your body buzzing with elation. 
“I- I didn’t get to tell you earlier, but you looked so beautiful today and I-” he swallows, nervous to continue, but pushing through it the best he could, “I wanted to tell you, wanted to kiss you, and I.. love you.” It feels as if a million butterflies are in your stomach, light and erratic in their movement, their excitement unable to be contained. “I love you too,” you admit, breathy and soft, inching a bit closer, and he does the same, until your bodies are only centimeters apart. “Is it okay to.. I want to kiss you again,” he asks, desperately awaiting your approval. You grant him it easily, and his lips are on you again within seconds. 
One of his hands remains on your face, cupping it gently, while the other moves to your waist, arm wrapping around carefully, keeping you close. The foreign feelings you’d never experienced that were in all the literature you read- you feel them now, intense and overwhelming, your senses knowing nothing other than Felix. What is it that novels usually compare it to? Sparks flying? This was beyond simple sparks- it was like fireworks, bright, beautiful, bursting in your blood and filling you with warmth. 
The kisses you share are slow, measured and careful, and you never separate for long, your lips always finding each other again within seconds. Felix is breathless when he finally pulls away for longer than a few seconds, his forehead resting against yours, his dark eyes looking straight into yours, countless emotions swimming in them. “I want.. can I be honest?” he asks and you swallow, whispering a soft ‘yes’ that you hope doesn't sound too nervous. 
“I.. want you, really, really badly but.. truth be told, I'm nervous,” he expresses sincerely, his cheeks growing a deep shade of pink, traveling all the way up to the tips of his ears. Your face, already flushed from kissing, grows impossibly hotter from his admission. He wants you.. Like wants you, wants you? You want him too, having spent multiple sleepless nights wondering what it would be like to have each other, body and soul. 
“It's alright, I am too,” you tell him honestly. “Are you?” he can't help but ask; not because he doubts you, but rather wanting the affirmation that he isn't the only one with a heart racing out of control. You nod, seeking out his hand and intertwining your fingers. “I am. But I want you too.” God, he almost feels light headed; he can't believe the moment he's secretly dreamed of countless times is actually happening. His face is hot, his blood burns, his heart thumps loudly in his chest, and you want him, you want him, you want him. He takes a breath, does his best to steel his nerves before he speaks again, “We'll go slow, so please tell me if it becomes too much.”
You nod, giving his hand a squeeze, meant to convey that you understand and will do as he requested if you begin to feel overwhelmed. “I love you,” Felix whispers against your lips before he captures them in another kiss, needier this time, more urgent and impassioned. You can't help but let out a noise of surprise at first, but you easily melt into the kiss, eyes closing as you meet his passion with fervor of your own. 
His kisses are slow, just as before, but they feel more purposeful, sensual, and when you feel his tongue against your lips, begging to be let in, you easily oblige the request, opening your mouth for him and allowing his tongue to run across yours. Your stomach flips, the feeling of his tongue curiously exploring and rubbing around yours making you dizzy; you never knew kissing could feel this good.
It's so intimate to share your breath with someone, and you feel your body react in ways entirely new, but pleasant. You spend several minutes just like this; kissing over and over, letting his tongue draw circles around yours, only pulling away when one of you desperately needs a breath. 
“Can I touch you?” Felix asks once he's pulled away again, and the question, along with the deep, breathy baritone of his voice, makes a shiver run down your spine as butterflies once again flutter in your stomach. “Yes,” you breathe, perhaps sounding a bit more eager than you would've wished, but really, you shouldn't feel embarrassed when he wants you just as bad as you want him. 
Again, his lips are on you, but this time he allows his hands to carefully roam your body, gentle and slow in their exploration. Even though he's simply touching you over your clothes, you react to his touch as if bare, whimpering into his mouth when he palms your breasts with both hands and gently squeezes. 
It's easy for his thumbs to find your hardened nipples through the fabric of your nightgown, and again you let a soft sound of pleasure pass your lips. Felix pulls away to look at you, flushed, breathless, and so, so pretty; he's never felt more blessed in his entire life than he does right now. He watches you bite your lip when his thumbs pass over your nipples again, doing your best to suppress what you perceive to be an embarrassing noise. 
“Is it alright if I take this off you?” he asks, stilling the movement of his hands as he waits for your answer. “O-Only if you take your clothes off too,” you answer shyly, and he smiles timidly, finding your request more than fair. “Of course, my love. Whatever you want.” Felix stands from the bed, slowly pulling his sleep shirt up and over his head, likely feeling that you'll be more comfortable if he's the one who's exposed first. And God, you can't believe the physique he'd been hiding underneath all this time; his lean body much more toned than you could've even imagined. 
He feels shy under your attentive gaze, but he continues nonetheless, taking the waistband of his pants into his fingers and pulling them down his legs. His erection, of course, doesn't go unnoticed by you, and you can't help but stare at the obvious tent it creates in his underwear. You've never seen one before, and you're infinitely curious what his looks like, but there's no need to rush to find out; you have all night together. 
Swallowing down the shyness your stare makes him feel, he returns to the bed, sitting directly in front of you. You start to lift up your gown, but he stops you, replacing your hands with his own- after all, he asked if he could be the one to take it off you. You allow him to lift it up to your shoulders before you help him take it all the way off, paying no mind to where on the floor it lands once it has been tossed aside. 
The shy part of you makes you want to cover your breasts and avoid his gaze, but the other part can't help but indulge in the mesmerized twinkle held in Felix’s eyes. “So beautiful,” you hear him say under his breath, his hands now making contact with your skin without a barrier. You look down, taking in the sight of his hands holding and squeezing your breasts. 
Your body shudders when his thumbs once again rub over you nipples, and he loves watching the way your face changes, how your brows furrow and you bite your lip, the way you gasp when he takes your nipples between his fingers, how your eyes close and head falls back when he carefully rubs and pinches them. 
He kisses you when you lift your head again, but he doesn't linger there for nearly as long as before; instead, he begins to trail kisses down your jaw, to your neck. The kisses make you shiver, and you tilt your head to the side, allowing him easier access to your heated skin. He carefully guides you back as he kisses all over your skin, so that you fall back against the bed, head not quite making it to the pillows, but you don’t particularly care.
He takes his time, leaving hot, open mouthed kisses over the expanse of your neck, his slow descent to your collarbone and the top of your chest nearly driving you crazy with want. Your breath hitches when he kisses one of your nipples before letting his tongue come out to lick it, lips closing gently around it.
He gives your other nipple equal attention once he's satisfied with his stimulation of the first one he devoted his attention to, and then slowly trails kisses down your body, below your ribs and over your stomach. You feel almost delirious with anticipation, and you half wonder if he's only going slow to drive you crazy (he isn't, of course, but you're becoming much too needy to recognize that.)
Felix caresses your legs, placing kisses over your thighs, as well as just over your panties. There's an obvious wet spot, which you can't help but feel embarrassed by once you've seen that he's noticed. You can't help it- this is easily the most aroused you've been in your entire life. “Want me to take them off?” he asks, and you nod eagerly, covering your face in embarrassment when he chuckles at you. 
“You're so cute when you're shy,” he says, and you let out a whine; why does he have to say it with such a sinfully attractive voice? Your reactions boost his confidence, helping to alleviate some of the nerves he'd felt when you first began. And you really are so, so cute right now; it simultaneously further endears him to you and makes his cock throb. 
“I'm going to take them off now,” he warns since you aren't looking at him, and he wants you to be completely aware of what actions he takes. You peek through your fingers, nervously anticipating what his reaction to your exposed sex will be. He slowly pulls your underwear down your legs, and you take a deep breath before you part your legs for him to see you fully. 
Fuck, you're perfect. There is nothing in the world that could've prepared him for the sight of your glistening heat. He swallows and licks his lips, looking back at you before taking any further action. “Do you need to stop?” he asks, not wanting to push you too far if you aren't ready for this. Truthfully, you are overwhelmed- but in the best way possible, and you definitely don't want to stop here. 
“No, want more,” you admit, trying your best not to stutter or mumble so he hears you clearly. “Tell me if you change your mind?” he says, more like a question than a statement, and you nod, assuring him you will if you feel the need to. He lowers himself so his head is between your legs, and the sight of him there alone is positively dizzying. 
You hear him comment under his breath about how wet you are as his fingers rub through your folds, which does no favors for your racing heart. He then carefully spreads you apart with two fingers, and again, you see him swallow and lick his lips. Fuck, he has to taste you, needs to find out if you're just as sweet as he imagines you to be. 
Everything is so new to both of you, and Felix doesn’t entirely know what he’s doing, but instinct drives him forward. You gasp and shudder when his tongue makes contact with your dripping heat, slowly but greedily licking up all you offer him. When his tongue finds your clit (a pleasant accident on Felix’s part given his unfamiliarity with the female body), the pleasured noise that involuntarily escapes you tells him he should focus his attention there. 
“Feels good?” he asks before he licks again; he’s sure he knows the answer, but he still wants to hear you say it anyways. You nod quickly, another embarrassingly loud moan leaving your lips when his tongue swirls around your most sensitive spot. You’ve pleasured yourself before, in private moments with your own fingers, but nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to how Felix’s tongue feels. 
His lips wrap around your clit, as if kissing it, his tongue alternating between long, flat licks, quick flicks, and swirling around it, and you’re positively seeing stars, eyes rolling back as your head falls back against the mattress. You cover your mouth with your hand, your other hand desperately clutching at the sheets beneath you, legs trembling and thighs unconsciously closing around Felix’s head. 
You feel it, the familiar heat pooling deep in your stomach, your muffled moans quickly turning to desperate whines and whimpers as he drives you closer and closer to sweet release. You can tell however, that your orgasm will be much more intense than any you had ever given yourself, and it scares and excites you in equal measure. But fuck, even muffled, your noises sound so unbelievably sweet in his hears, and he wants to hear them louder, clearer. 
“Take your hand away, my love, I want to hear you,” he separates from your heat long enough to tell you, and you whine, this time in embarrassment, as you lift your head up to look at him. A mistake, in hindsight- the sight you’re met with being more erotic than your heart can handle. His mouth and chin glisten with your juices, the sweat lingering on his brow making his hair stick to his forehead in a way that makes your heart want to give out- he’s just so.. alluring.
“But, the guards,” you try, and he shakes his head, not at all deterred by the fact that they stand outside your bedroom doors. “Don’t care,” he says simply, and you can tell he’s completely serious. There aren’t many things Felix is selfish about in his life, but this, you- he’ll be as selfish as he pleases. “They’re just for me, right? So I don’t care if they hear them, because you’re mine, and they know that too. So please, let me hear you.” 
Oh, wow. How can you deny him after hearing that? With a shy nod, you agree to not cover your mouth anymore, and he smiles, pleased with your response, and quickly gets back to work between your legs. It’s insane how quickly your release builds back up, as if there was never a pause to begin with, and a curse leaves you between your loud, whiny moans and whimpers. Felix has never heard you curse before, but he has to admit he likes how it sounds coming from you, and knowing he has caused you to become debauched enough to do so without being conscious of it. 
Before you know it, you’re seeing white, releasing all over his face as your body jolts and trembles, back arching from the bed as he continues to stimulate you through it. You eventually whine and push his head away from you, becoming overstimulated from all the attention his tongue continued to give you after your orgasm. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before he moves up your body, connecting his lips with yours again, and the taste of yourself lingering on him and his tongue makes your head spin. 
Your hands reach for his underwear, trying to pull down the fabric and spring his cock free; it’s a much more forward and desperate act than you ever imagined yourself doing, but you’re so hungry for him that you can no longer think about being demure. You just want him, more than you’ve ever wanted anything in all your years on this earth. Felix takes the hint, not that it’s even subtle enough to be a ‘hint,’ and makes quick work of taking off his underwear. 
The sight of his cock leaves you speechless, breathless; do they all look so simultaneously hot and pretty, or is it just because it belongs to Felix? “Can I..?” you ask, not entirely sure what you’re asking to do- you just know you want to make him feel as good as he made you feel. God, yes, please, Felix thinks, but he just nods with a slightly shy smile, shifting his weight off you and laying on his side next to you. 
You lay on your side as well, pressing a kiss to his lips as your hand reaches for his cock, fingers curiously running along his length, feeling every vein and ridge. Felix releases a shuddery breath against your mouth, your fingers feeling so different from his own, small and soft, but so, so good. Your touch is intoxicating, and his body jolts when you rub your thumb over the tip, spreading his pre-cum all over it. 
A soft groan escapes him when you enclose your fingers around his length, fingers not quite able to wrap completely around and meet your thumb, but it’s more than enough to have Felix feeling good when you start slowly moving your fist up to the tip and then back down. Eventually, as your fingers spread more and more of his pre-cum, his length becomes slick, and it becomes easier for you to pick up your pace, swallowing all the low groans he emits with your mouth.
But you can’t help but think- it felt so good when Felix used his tongue on you, so wouldn’t the same be true for him? Isn’t it worth trying? He opens his eyes when you take your hand away, watching curiously and with bated breath as you gently push him back by the shoulder, having him lay flat on his back as you move to lie comfortably against his legs, his cock a mere inches away from your face. 
He lifts himself up to watch you, supporting his weight with his forearms, breath quickening as you take him in your hand again, sticking your tongue out to curiously lick the tip. The taste of his pre-cum is unlike anything you’ve ever had, and while you don’t think there is anything you could compare it to, it’s not unpleasant. You look up at Felix through your lashes, and God, the sight of you, so pretty and perfect, with his cock in your hand and tongue licking away at him, is enough to drive him crazy. 
Would he fit inside your mouth? How good would it make him feel? Driven by curiosity and desire, you open your mouth, your tongue caressing the underside of his cock as you start to sink your head down on him, and the shaky, breathy groan he lets out in response makes your heart skip a beat and core throb. You keep your eyes on him, watching as his head falls back, his adam’s apple bob up and down, the way his stomach contracts the more you pleasure him. 
The sounds that escape him encourage you to keep trying your best to take more of him in your mouth, retreating just a bit when you’ve taken enough of him to cause yourself to gag. Felix has to make a conscious effort to not buck his hips up and drive himself further down your throat, lest he hurt you or make you gag again, but fuck, it feels unlike anything he’s ever felt before. He knows for a fact he’s going to cum if he lets you keep going much longer, and so, with a shaky breath, he asks you to stop.
You pull off of him the moment he asks, looking at him curiously; you knew he was feeling good, so why did he want you to stop? He sits up completely, capturing your lips in a kiss lest you worry about how well you did for him; you were perfect, you’ll always be perfect, and even if he’s at times too shy to convey that with words, he’ll make sure you know with his actions. “I want to be inside you,” he tells you, lips still close enough to yours to easily kiss you again, to feel your breath against your skin, “do you want that too? Do you want me?” 
God, yes, you want him so fucking bad. Are you nervous? Of course you are, you’ve never been so intimate with someone before, but there’s no one in this world you would rather give yourself to than Felix. You want to be connected to him, physically, mentally, in all ways conceivable. He’s the one for you, the love of your life, the most perfect man you’d ever known, so there’s not a single doubt in your mind, or your heart, that he’s the one you want to do this with, and that you want to do it now.
“Yes,” you kiss him, “I want you,” another kiss, “so bad,” and another. He’s elated to hear you say it, his relief and joy going beyond words. He would’ve waited for you, of course he would’ve, but he can’t deny how much he craves being inside you, making love to you, pouring all his love and affection into you. He loves you so, so much, and it’s reflected even in his most carnal of desires. It’s more than sex, it’s more than simply wanting to feel good; to be with you intimately is the greatest display of love you could ever share.
He lies you down carefully, making sure your head actually makes it to the pillows this time, and he situates himself between your legs, hands rubbing over your hips and thighs as he leaves another lingering kiss to your reddened lips. His hand comes between your legs, and he finds your hole with his fingers, wanting to make sure he knew where to aim his cock. You’re still so wet and warm, and the fact that he’s this close to being inside you feels like a blissful dream. 
Taking his cock in his hand and lining it up, he looks at you, wanting to make sure one last time that you want him to keep going. “Are you ready?” he asks and you nod, completely, 100% positive you want him inside you. “Yes, I'm ready, please put it in,” you practically beg, and that’s all Felix needs to hear to continue. He starts to push in slowly, watching your face carefully for any discomfort or pain, stopping when he hears you let out a small hiss. 
“Are you okay? Do you need to stop?” Felix asks, using all of his self control to make sure he takes good care of you, and makes your first times as comfortable as possible. “I-I’m okay, just keep going slow,” you tell him and he nods, seeking out one of your hands and intertwining your fingers. “Squeeze if you need to, okay? I won’t do anything to hurt you, my love, tell me to stop and I will.” You smile, already knowing he’d do his utmost best to make you feel safe, loved, and comfortable. 
It stings a bit, but it doesn’t necessarily hurt- and Felix’s soothing words, touch, and kisses do wonders in lessening the discomfort you initially felt. Felix clenches his teeth once he’s fully sheathed inside your heat, your warm, wet walls tightly enveloping him making him almost overwhelmed from how good it feels. He thought your mouth was amazing, but this- God, it’s better than anything he could’ve ever imagined. 
You can see how much effort he’s pouring into staying still until you're ready for him to move- clenched jaw, furrowed brows, sweat dripping from his brow from concentration. Contrary to what he expected, he’s the one squeezing your hand, trying desperately to ground himself and not lose control of his body, to succumb to his senses. He’s breathing heavily, forehead once again pressing against yours, but you don’t mind in the slightest. 
You love how close he is, how full of him you feel, how the sting and discomfort slowly dissolves away, leaving nothing but the desire to feel him move inside you. “You can move, I’m ready,” you whisper, and carefully, slowly, he pulls out to the tip before pressing back in one gentle, fluid motion. “It’s okay? Doesn’t hurt?” he asks and you shake your head, timidly smiling at him. “Feels good, keep going,” you tell him, and he easily obliges, wanting nothing more than to lose himself in the feeling of you.
He can’t help but groan, even with the slow pace he’s setting he just feels so good, and the way you look up at him doesn’t do him any favors. Your pretty eyes, your flushed face, the way your hair has messily fallen around you, the way you clench with every sound that tumbles from his lips, letting him know how much you like hearing him- everything, literally everything about you, about this moment, is a blessing to him. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, causing him to push in deeper, and his eyes roll back, head falling forward into your shoulder as another groan leaves him. He gradually starts to pick up his pace, always making sure you’re comfortable and enjoying it before he goes faster, experimenting with angles to find what feels best for you, because everything is already good for him. 
He knows he’s found the right angle when you let out a loud gasp, followed by a moan when he thrusts again, and again, your hand tightly squeezing his, though he knows it’s purely because of the pleasure, and not at all because he’s hurting you or you need him to stop. You curse under your breath again, your nails starting to dig into the flesh under his knuckles, your other hand clutching once again at the sheets beneath you. 
“Feels good? Tell me, tell me it feels good,” Felix practically begs in your ear, his deep voice growing higher in pitch as he drives himself closer to release, his groans turning into desperate sounding whines. “So good, fuck, love you so much, feels so good,” you babble, and Felix whines louder, hips stuttering as he continues fucking into you. He intended for this moment to be sweet and sensual until the end, but he really didn’t anticipate how your walls around his cock would drain him of his composure. 
You don’t seem to mind in the slightest however- in fact, you seem to be enjoying the moment just as much as him, your legs starting to tremble as your second orgasm looms closer and your moans and whines grow in volume. He crashes his lips into yours, your kisses turning much less romantic than before, having devolved into a messy, desperate display of tongue and teeth. It’s a different sort of display of passion, but it is passion all the same, and you couldn’t ask for anything better than this; Felix is perfect in everything he does, and this is no exception. 
You can feel his cock twitching and throbbing, and you know he must be close; so you keep your legs tightly wrapped around him, making sure that when his cum shoots inside you, it’ll be as deep as it can get. Feeling close yourself, and wanting to cum with him, you bring your free hand to your clit, rubbing it in the quick circles you know feels best for you. Within seconds, you’re cumming around his cock, and the way you squeeze and clench around him is enough to send him straight into his, his cum shooting out in long spurts, filling you to the brim. 
You’re both breathless, hearts racing and bodies hot, and after collecting his breath, Felix kisses you again, not messy or desperate as just moment priors, but full of love, truly the happiest he has ever been. He doesn’t pull out of you until he feels himself start to soften, and he mutters for you to wait there for a moment and stay still as he rushes to the attached bathroom for a tissue to clean you up.
You wince a little, a bit tender and sensitive from all the attention you received, but Felix is gentle and careful, as he is with everything when it comes to you. When he’s done, you make your way under the blankets, shifting over to your side of the bed, waiting for him to blow out the candles and settle in next to you. Should you both get dressed? Maybe, but neither of you particularly want to- there’s something special and intimate in staying just as you are now, bare in each other's arms. 
He holds you close, as he always does, kissing the top of your head, and smiling when you look up at him from where your head lies against his chest. “I love you so much,” he tells you and you smile too, pecking him on the lips and hugging him tight. “I love you too,” you whisper as you close your eyes, exhaustion quickly settling over you. You never imagined how happy you would one day become the day you became Felix’s wife, and now you know that it was actually a blessing in disguise, something you didn’t know you needed. 
From the moment he first saw you, Felix knew you were the one, instantly enamored with you. He hoped with all his heart his marriage was one he could be happy in, that his wife would be someone he could truly love, and you answered his prayers from the very moment you entered his life. He doesn’t want to say it was love at first sight, but somehow, he just knew- you were perfect, the one he was destined to be with and love with all his heart, his soulmate. 
It sounds like a cliche he’d find in one of your romance novels, but it’s genuinely how he feels. No one in this world would ever compare to you, and he’d forever be grateful to his parents, your parents, and even God himself, for putting you on this earth at the same time as him, and allowing you to be his wife. He wishes he had words stronger than “I love you,” or that he knew how to articulate himself in a way that would explain the depths of how he feels, but he supposes those simple words will have to do. He loves you, and there has never been anything he's been more certain of than that. 
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Apple Seed 5: The Name Game
Buckle up, Buttercups. We got another long one here.
Charlie: (beginning to waddle from the cantaloupe sized bump in her belly as she makes her way towards her office) Ugh... This thing is starting to weigh a ton, and we're barely halfway there!
Vaggie: (walking with Charlie and holding her hand while rubbing her lower back) I know, babe. I know. Good news, though. You're not puking every morning and evening anymore.
Charlie: You have a good point. (enters the office and sits in her plush chair. She tries to lean over to untie her shoes but winces in discomfort, both from the baby belly pinching and how the heels are constricting on her sore hooves) *whiiiiiiiine* Vaaaaggiiiiieeeeee~
Vaggie: I gotcha, babe. Relax. (kneels down and removes the heels, watching amusingly as the hooves flex and spread in absolute glee from being freed, before sitting cross-legged on the floor and gently rubbing the soreness out of each hoof from tip to calf)
Charlie: (melts into her chair as the soreness and stiff muscles relax, tears instantly springing to her eyes) You- *sniff* You're an amazing wife, Vaggie. I don't *sniff-sniff* deserve you.
Vaggie: (rolls her eyes fondly as she continues massaging Charlie's hooves) So you say every day, hun. I'm just trying to take as much stress and ache away from you as possible.
Charlie: I say it every day because it's true...
-Pleasant silence spreads through the room-
Charlie: I have about an hour before I have to do anything.
Vaggie: (slightly perks up) Oh?~
Charlie: (wiggles excitedly) We haven't talked about baby names yet! Can we think of some now?
Vaggie: (not where her mind was going) Oh....
Charlie: Yeah! We should think of a couple to have on hand! Since we don't know the sex yet, can I-
Vaggie: Choose the girl names while I pick possible boy names?
Charlie: *gasp* How did you know?!
Vaggie: I watch you sketch names into your little baby notebook every night, babe. It's not rocket science. But, sure. I'm game. Do you want to throw a few out and the other can agree or disagree on the name?
Charlie: Yes! Okay! Me first! Rhiannon!
Vaggie: Rhiannon?
Charlie: Mm-hmm!!! And if she wants to go by a nickname like me, She can call herself Ria!
Vaggie: I guess that's alright.
Charlie: What about you?
Vaggie: Me? I don't know. I haven't thought of anything. I'm not exactly the creative type.
Charlie: Come on, Vaggie. I know you can come up with something!
Vaggie: Okay... Uh... CJ?
Charlie: CJ?
Vaggie: (blushes) Ya know... Charlie Junior?
Charlie: (big puppy eyes) Awwwww.... You want to name him after me? You're so sweet, Vaggie~ But pass. Not a fan of naming kids like that. Having you moan my name during sex would be ruined forever.
Vaggie: That's fair. (works a nasty knot out of Charlie's left calf muscle) You're turn.
Charlie: Lucy or Lily? Oh! Lucily!!!
Vaggie: After your parents?
Charlie: (nods relentlessly) Mm-hmm! My relationship with my dad has gotten a lot better since the war with the Exorcists. I think it'd be sweet.
Vaggie: You know he would cry worse than the baby when they arrive if we did that, right?
Charlie: Babe, I'M going to be crying worse than the baby when they arrive. What's your point?
Vaggie: (sarcastically) Ah, yes. The Morningstar theatrics. How could I have forgotten. (stands up, pulls a second chair over, and sits next to Charlie - gently stroking her hand over the taught skin of her belly) We're gonna have to get you new shirts and pants soon. I'm surprised we haven't had to yet.
Charlie: (groans) Don't remind me! I'm getting fat! ...Aurora?
Vaggie: Not fat, maternal. And not naming a daughter after the most useless Disney Princess. Next..... Santiago? Call him Diego for short?
Charlie: *gasp* How dare you?! Princess Aurora is.... she's..... okay, you got me there. You want to name our son after a saint? And how about Calista? Cali for short?
Vaggie: Ouph... never mind. Scratch that one..... So we go from Salvadorian to Greek names? That one's not so bad. I'm for Cali or Lucy. Rhiannon is on the fence.
Charlie: Okay, possible girl names. Check! You need to come up with one more boy name.
Vaggie: Hmmmm..... (drums her fingers gently against Charlie's belly)
Charlie: (giggles) Vaggie, that tickles.
Vaggie: (smiles) Sorry, hun. Let me see.... Well.... I'm not fully versed in the Bible or anything, but if we wanted to keep the motif of naming them after your folks. How about Samael?
Charlie: Samael? What does that have to do with my parents or the Bible?
Vaggie: Wasn't your dad's name Samael when he was in heaven? He only changed it to Lucifer after he fell???
Charlie: I.... I actually have no idea.
Vaggie: Well, we can name him Samael and call him Sammy for short? It won't be as confusing as calling him Lucifer, and I'm sure your dad will be over the moon having the baby be named after him anyway.
Charlie: (giggles again and swats Vaggie's hand off her belly) Vaggie, stop it! I said that tickles.
Vaggie: .....I didn't do anything.
Charlie: Huh?
Baby: (flutters again)
Charlie: *GASP* (holds her belly) VAGGIE, HOLY SHIT, THE BABY KICKED!!!!
Vaggie: What?! (plasters her hands to Charlie's belly)
Vaggie: Nothing....
Charlie: Hmmmm.... (mental lightbulb turns on) Say the name again!
Vaggie: Samael?
Baby: (little flutter)
Vaggie: ............Sammy?
Baby: (big flutters)
Charlie: (crying quiet happy tears) Okay... Sammy... We got a name. We'll just think of a boy and girl version when they're born.
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reysdriver · 1 year
Meteor Shower | R.B.
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Your family goes out to watch the Perseids meteor shower — dad!regulus x mom!reader fluff
warnings: none :)
words: 0.7k
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Every year you could, you and Regulus tried to get the family to see the Perseids meteor shower. It was always fun. You laid out a picnic blanket in the backyard, brought some snacks, and just watched the night sky. The kids would always try to count the meteors, leaving you and Regulus to just relax and cuddle; a rarity with three kids. 
Right now, Regulus was in the backyard laying out the blanket and charming the area so the bugs wouldn’t bother you, while you were inside prepping the kids. 
Ascella had her hands lifted in the air so you could slide the nightgown over her body. Once it was on her and her arms were in the sleeves, you tickled her side, causing her to giggle wildly. You loved the sound of her laughter; you would listen to it all day if you could. 
But you stopped tickling your daughter when you saw Aurora and Perseus standing in the doorway, both dressed in their pyjamas too. They both wore matching grins that didn’t fade, even when they spoke. 
“We’re ready, Mum!” Perseus, your oldest, announced for the both of them. 
You put on an exaggerated face and tone for their entertainment as you spoke. “You are! And you all look so cute in those jammies of yours!” Propping little Ascella on your hip, you stood up and gestured towards the stairs. “Now, let’s go get some snacks ready for tonight and then we can show your dad just how adorable you all are!”
You walked your three kids down the stairs and to your kitchen, where the two oldest immediately started looking through cupboards and suggesting their favourite foods. 
“Can we have chocolate frogs?” Perseus asked.
You shook your head. “Not outside, they’ll all jump away, honey.”
“Mummy, what about jelly slugs?” Aurora asked, holding up the bag as if you wouldn’t recognize the sweets by name alone. 
“Put them on the table. Maybe bring two bags because I know we all like those.”
She did an excited little dance before grabbing a second bag and placing it on your kitchen table. Both kids kept going, taking turns asking about bringing their favourite foods outside. Still answering to their suggestions, you sat your toddler up on the counter so you could cut up fruit for everyone. 
Quickly after, the sound of the back door opening and everyone’s head turned to see your husband coming in.
Perseus and Aurora ran to Regulus like he had been gone for days even though he had just been outside for as long as it took the kids to get ready for bed. 
“Can we go outside and look at the sky now, Dad?” Perseus asked him excitedly. 
He picked up Ascella and gave her nose a boop. “Well, we all want to go out together, right? So, it depends if your mum is done cutting up all this fruit for you.” He took a step closer to you and kissed your hair. “Do you want any help, mon ange?”
You shook your head and fed him an apple slice, then gave one to the little girl in his arms as well. “I’m all done here. Shall we go?”
He nodded, then handed some food to each child to take outside to the picnic blanket he’d set up earlier. You all sat down and you encouraged the kids to lie down so they could see the sky better. 
Aurora and Perseus got into a competition to see who could count more meteors almost immediately after going outside, and you and Regulus smiled at each other the moment they started pointing at the sky and counting how they always did. 
“You know, your name comes from the same place as these meteors get their name from.” Regulus said to your son. 
Perseus looked as if he wanted to roll his eyes. “I know, Dad, you tell me every year.” He was right. You’ve told him seven years in a row, and you’d keep telling him for as long as this family tradition continues.  
“Just making sure you remembered.” Your husband chuckled, putting Ascella on the ground and cuddling with you. 
“And we’ll make sure you remember next year too.” You added, eliciting a groan from Perseus but a laugh from the rest of the family.
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
first father day for our boys!
Note: it's dad!driver, which we all love!
Charles Leclerc
"We don't want to wake up papa, right, my love?", you asked your son as you took him out of his bed, changing his diaper in the changing table, "and now you're going to tuck into mama's chest while I make us some breakfast", you wrapped him in the sling, grabbing your utensils and starting your baking.
When you had everything ready, you put it in a tray, balancing the tray and your son, "see? Papa drives really fast cars, but can he do what mama's doing? I don't think so, mon ange", you kissed the top of his head, walking inside the bedroom and seeing your shirtless husband resting his back against the headboard, "seems papa is not going to be surprised as he is up already", you scrunched your nose, setting the tray down on the bed so you could unwrap Hervé so he could go to Charles, "happy father's day, my love", you said as Hervé snuggled on his chest.
"Aren't you happy today?", Charles cooed as his son smiled up at him, "I really want to spend the day in bed with my two favourite people, if that's okay", your husband suggested, "and I smell some delicious pancakes, which is more the reason to stay inside", he smiled.
Sitting next to him, you snuggled to his side, the both of you looking at your baby boy, "you're the best papa, Charles, and we are both so lucky to have you in our lives", you whispered, rubbing your nose on his bicep, "I'm the lucky one, Y/N".
George Russell
"Hey, little love", George croaked out as Olivia crawled up to him, her hands going up to his face as she tapped his stubbly cheek, "isn't this a great morning greeting, hm? Seeing your gorgeous face right in the morning", your husband straightened up, propping himself against the pillows so he could sit Olivia on his lap.
"Mummy is doing something downstairs, isn't she? She always goes all out for these celebrations, and we love that very much, but she also loves to do those things alone, she likes having control over it", he smiled as his daughter grabbed his cheeks, "they're not as squishy as yours, buy they'll do apparently", he managed to say as Olivia pulled and pushed.
After waiting a little bit, George out on a t-shirt and walked downstairs with Olivia on his hip, finding his wife in her pyjamas, writing a card, "hello, handsome. Me and Liv are you a card", you smiled as you showed him the abstract drawing, "very artsy, that's for sure. So we are having breakfast and then going to my parents'?", he recalled, "yes. Your mother just texted me saying the surprise for your father if going in full swing, he doesn't suspect a thing", you smiled.
"Sounds like grandpa is going to love his surprise then", George cheered to Olivia, "all of the kids and grandkids in the same place".
Mick Schumacher
"When mama said she was surprising papa, she didn't account for you walking me up, did she?", Mick said as Aurora fussed in her cot beside the bed, making him pick her up so he coiled changed her diaper and grab her bottle, "she forgets that your our alarm clock these days", he chuckled as he walked downstairs, wanting to make it easier for you and not having you carry anything upstairs.
Pierre Gasly
"She's baking that cake I really like, isn't she? I bet you told her I was craving it, and that was our secret, miss Rora", he chuckled, crossing the corner and seeing Angie greet him excitedly before he heard your voice, "I knew you were up the minute Angie left me in the kitchen. This little bug was supposed to keep sleeping so you would be surprised", you pouted, hugging your husband's torso and kissing your daughter's cheek.
"I can go back upstairs if you want me to act surprised", Mick pointed to the stairs, "I'll just jump and pretend I didn't know you were baking my favourite, I'll even let out a small scr-", he chuckled out as you started tickling his stomach, "I'm perfectly fine with eating here. I have my girls, all three of them", he said as Angie laid by his feet, "best father's day ever".
"This is where papa used to race", Pierre spoke to Alexandre as he looked curiously around the track. Since his brothers also wanted to spend a fun father's day wirh their kids, who were a good bit older than your son, he rented out the karting track so they could spend their day together.
Lance Stroll
"And you will too one day, if that's something you'd like to do, join your cousins for races and battle for the first place", Pierre continued, "we might have to wait a while, I'm sure mama will wrap you in bubble wrap the minute you say something about karting and I'm going to be the one to hear about it the first time you have so much of a scratch".
"They're the duo you always imagined they would be, hm?", your sister in-law Charlotte said as you sat down at the tables, sipping on your coffees, "he's my son, and I know he loves me as I love him, but as soon as Pierre gets back or as soon as he sees him, it's gars competing with my husband for his attention", you smiled, "the fact that they're lookalikes also helps the whole thing, it's Pierre and his mini him, and he loves every second of it".
"I don't know if I ever told you, but when you were pregnant, he was so worried he wasn't going to be a good father because of his schedule, that you and Alexandre would resent him sooner rather than later. We told him he was so wrong, there was no way that would happen", Charlotte noted, "and it's true, look at him", you pointed at your husband who was adjusting Alexandre in a go kart with him as the baby sat on his lap, "the best papa".
"When mummy and I found out we were expecting you, I think that was one of the best days of my life", Lance told the little baby resting in his arms, big brown eyes looking up at his own and hanging on to every word he was saying, "the other ones are probably when I won my first race, when mummy and I started dating, and when we got married. The day you were born, though, that was another level of happiness and a bunch of other emotions", Lance gulped, "you made me a father, Addy, and I hope I'm doing my best because you and mummy deserve the world, the moon and the stars, and I'm trying to get them for you", he said as he snuggled her further into the blanket and on his chest.
The night was beautiful, nice temperature and clear sky so you could see the stars, shining beautifully. The plans weren't big, but neither of you liked big plans. A cabin for the weekend and the perfect environment to just chill out and enjoy family time.
"Here's your mug", you called, holding the two steaming mugs with tea and setting your husband's in the arm of the big garden sofa, "we're you two having a chat?", you asked, kissing Lance's lips and Addalynn's head, "is it a chat if it's just me doing the talking? Little miss is not very keen on sharing her opinion", he chuckled.
"She loves listening to you, I think she's fine with just that", you smiled, taking a sip from your mug and snuggling up to him, "did you like your first father's day, love?", you wondered, "I loved it, I spent it with my favourite girls, doing my favourite things", he smiled back, "there's nowhere o would rather be", he said before kissing your forehead.
Daniel Ricciardo
Daniel had been the one to make the plans for his first father's days: a picnic in the garden with his wife and daughter. They ate croissants they had baked in the morning and shared giggles and silly faces whilst enjoying the sun.
"I'm going to make a flower bracelet for you, little one", he explained as he gathered the flowers, "this is going to be a present for you, even though it will never come close to the best present I ever got from mummy, which is you, by the way, in case daddy wasn't clear", he chuckled, "so we begin with this one here, and we thread it through here", he kept showing her as you took in the sight.
Daniel was the best father to your little girl. There wasn't a moment where he didn't give his all for her, always there at her every need and encouraging her whenever she braved through in her explorer adventures, "That's right, that goes in your wrist. Clever girl!", he cooed, kissing her chubby cheeks.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Wheats about lance as a dad
*DJ Kahlid voice* ANOTHER ONE
Lance is a girl dad, fucking fight me on this
He's the one to have all girls and always shows them off
A reporter ever asked if he'd have a son and deadass goes...I do my oldest
Aka Alien Stroll aka Eliza Stroll
Eliza the carbon copy of her father who would whip your ass so dman hard you'd think your dead
Lance likes to joke with his girls that Eliza was the son, she hates it but secretly loves it too
He's got 5 daughters all ranging from 17 to 3
Lance is the ultimate girl dad who dresses up whenever they want and have teaparties with the stuffed animals
Okay but in order of children theres; Eliza the oldest aka Alien stroll
then the 2nd who is silent but will raise hell; Aurora
the 3rd who loves F1 more than her whole family and is attached to the hip of her Uncle Estie; Quinn
the 4th who at the age of 6 has got each stroll men wrapped around her finger and Lawerence swears she's getting everything; Sienna
and then the youngest, who is the quiet one and the moment she sees her Uncle Fernando is never leaving his side; Phoebe
Lance keeps a picture of all his girls in his helmet
the fia didn't like it but told them to fuck off and that he's keeping the picture
Lance and Eliza are the quiet ones, but get them going they're sassy as hell and make the same faces
Aurora who at the age of 15 is in F3 and dominating and Lance takes every chance he can to promote her
Lance and Quinn share their same nerdy behavior with each other and for her birthday wore a special helmet since he had to race that day
Sienna is a daddy's girl who if she even looks at something it hers without even asking
He spoils all his girls equally but Sienna still allows Lance to baby her
and Phoebe who is the quiet one never cries gets to sit with her daddy during press meetings
Lance loves his girls so much, that he just can't but talk about them
supports everything they do, even if they want to race
Eliza who wants to work in the management positions of F1 gets to go shadow any she wants (secretly is Christians favorite but he'd never admit that)
Lance will bring them up without anyone asking went on a whole rant about his babies when a poor reporter asked how the family was
now has a time limit on how long he can talk about the girls
if they don't have school they're with him
Quinn once got in an accident and Lance was held back from betting the shit out of the little fucker who caused the accident
Eliza is close with Charles Leclercs boy whose a year older
told charles to keep his son away from his daughter (which didn't work)
Lance who will drop anything even racing if his girls need him
He's a dotting father who will give the world to his daughters
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amxrany · 9 months
While Silver is in the darkness, he then sees Lilia's old memories. The first one is of Lilia visiting Wild Rose Castle after a peace treaty was made, this takes place 300 to 400 years after the events of Meleanor's death
While walking through the abandoned castle, Lilia hears a cry in the throne room. He rushes there to find a baby, and not just any baby IT'S BABY SILVER WHICH REVEALS THE FIRST CG IN THE GAME 🥹
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Of course Lilia wondering why the hell is there a baby in the abandoned castle uses his Unique Magic on it. Thus revealing his UM "Far Cry Cradle", this allows him to see the past memories of someone who gets hit with the spell. This is how he finds out that the baby is actually the son of the Knight of Dawn and Princess Leah, while the war was happening 3 fairies blessed the baby by making him sleep through the war, even if it will last 10 to 100 years (well it went beyond 100 years). Once the little prince finds someone who loves him (or in other words true love), he will awaken from slumber; AND IT WAS LILIA WHO APPEARED WHICH CAUSED BABY SILVER TO WAKE UP WHICH IM JUST AAAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭
We can't forget that present time Silver is watching all of this happen, and noticed Lilia having mixed feelings about the whole thing. He (Lilia) tries to kill the baby after finding out he was the child of the enemy, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Lilia then asks himself if he can even love a human being? After losing his loved ones to them, and everything that happened. Which causes Silver to scream at Lilia that he doesn't deserve love (STOP SILVER IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT)
Lilia then tells baby Silver that the day he finds him will be his birthday (which is May 15th), and blesses him. This explains why Silver has silver hair despite being born blonde. Lilia also names the baby Silver because of the moon that shines through the night, which serves as a light to light up the path
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We then move to another flashback, now this time it features Malleus. We see the cottage that present time Silver grew up in (which is like the cottage from the movie)
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While Lilia is singing a lullaby to baby Silver (the same one Meleanor sang to egg Malleus), Malleus comes in cuz he overheard from the fairies that Lilia found a human. Then Malleus proceeds to call baby Silver A NAKED MONKEY CREATURE NAHHH 💀🤚
We also have to remember that Lilia didn't know shit about taking care of a human, much more a baby, so he visits Baul's daughter and son-in-law (Sebek's Mother and Father) for advice. Lilia then tells Malleus he's going out to get baby supplies and leaves Malleus with Silver, but Malleus is afraid that he might destroy Silver if he holds him (aww that's cute 🥹) but Lilia still leaves him behind regardless
Baby Silver wakes up to Malleus and starts crying and Malleus is now wondering if lullabies can help put it (yes he referred to the baby as "it") to sleep. He then hums to the baby the only lullaby he knows, which is the same lullaby is mother sang to him (I forgot to mention that whoops). This is the same lullaby Malleus sang when he placed the sleeping curse on everyone in part 3. Baby Silver falls asleep to it and Malleus is relieved, hoping for Lilia to come back soon but also wonders where he heard that lullaby before
We then see more flashbacks of Silver growing up, from his first time walking and his first words (which is "Dada/Father")(Edit: got this wrong by accident sorry guys). We also learn more about faes from here as well, it takes 30 years for a fae child to learn how to walk, but for the case of Malleus it took him 20 years to have a 2 legged form
Malleus then asked Lilia why he decided to take the baby in and Lilia respond that Malleus's father, Leverne said that Fae and Human should learn more about each other, thus learning a language that humans can understand. Lilia wants to learn how to love humans through Silver, but Malleus is like "but what if you can't", he replies with "let's not jump to conclusions"
STOP YOUNGER SILVER CALLS LILIA "TOTO" MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THIS. WE ALSO FIND OUT THAT THE ACORN BRACELET WAS SILVER'S GIFT TO LILIA (since it symbolizes living a long and healthy life). He (Younger Silver) also says "I love you Toto!" (Guys what if this my last straw 😭). One more memory we see is Silver running away from home after finding out him and Lilia aren't related (in reference to his 1st birthday card)
Back to present time Silver, he thinks that he doesn't deserve to be called Lilia's son because his true origins is that of the son of the Knight of Dawn, this causes him to take on his biological father's form and General Lilia appears before him, saying he's the enemy (BUT IT'S ALL NOT REAL)
Thus a battle between the two begins, until present time Lilia suddenly appears; telling Silver to stand up and stay alive 😭
This end Silver's segment of the story, but we can't forget about Sebek, Yuu and Grim
Next: Part 5
Previous: Part 3
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pablitogavii · 1 year
reader being rlly clingy with gavi and not letting go of him plssss
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"Welcome home hijo!" Belen said and you rushed out of his room when you heard that he finally arrived earning the biggest smile from him as he looked up at you.
"Cuidadosa, amor!" he said while you ran down the stairs hugging him tightly as he raised you up twirling you around.
"I got you some cool gifts from Tokyo.." Pablo spoke but you weren't letting him go just glad he was finally home with you. During the last few weeks you both were super busy and didn't get much time to spend together, and that certainly affected you.
"I want to see those presents!" Aurora said and Belen grabbed his suitcase seeing that he wanted to stay alone with you.
"Let's give them some time.." woman said leaving with her husband and daughter into the living room while you were still hugging Pablo now crying softly into his shoulder.
"Shh amorcito..I'm right here preciosa. Did my girl miss me that much, huh??" he said kissing the top of your head lovingly and you nodded kissing his neck softly while taking in his strong musk.
"Nice to see someone was more excited about me and less about the presents.." he made a joke hoping to make you laugh but you just kept latching onto him nodding your head while sniffling lightly.
"I missed you so much.." you finally spoke and he nodded grabbing your thighs and raising you up while kissing the top of your head again walking upstairs into his room.
"I missed you as well princesa...I hate sleeping without you" he said while you two laid down cuddled up together and you could finally relax having him back home. It felt like it was ages since you last spent time like this at home together.
"Me too..um how was Japan?" you said and he told you fun stories about his time with Iniesta, his family and the rest of the team. You were glad he got to see one of his ídolos and win the last friendly match of the season but you were even more happy that he was finally back home to you.
"How about we go downstairs and I show you the gifts I got you? Huh bombon?" he said about to move but you latched onto him not wanting to let go which made him smile and nod his head carrying you downstairs bridal style.
His family smiled at the two of you knowing how much you've missed him constantly asking when he will be home. They loved you for their son since he was never loved and cared about by anyone but them before.
"Can you pass me that white bag Rora?" Pablo said when he sat down with you on his lap and she placed it onto your lap as you looked at Pablo who smiled wide and nodded his head.
"Open it, linda" he said and you blushed that he was complimenting you in front of his family and when you opened the bag you saw the beautiful cotton beach cover up. You told him that you needed one and he remembered and got it from you all the way from Japan..this boy was something special.
"Do you like it?" he said and you nodded kissing his lips quickly while looking at the beautiful set.
"It's beautiful! Thank you Pablito!" you said and Rora smirked at her brother who rolled his eyes at her knowing that he only allowed you to call him that now. As much as he hated the nickname, coming from your lips it sounded perfect!
"We can have a pool day today, so you can try it on?" he said but you pouted laying your head on his shoulder not really wanting to do anything but be with him today. You needed to recharge your batteries and just be as near as him as possible.
"Maybe another time, hijo? She was waiting to be with you for so long.." his mom said and Pablos smiled kissing the top of your head lovingly before excising himself and carrying you back to bed.
"Tu eres tan preciosa, mi princesita linda.." Pablo said while playing with your hair softly while you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling touching his chest and feeling his even heartbeats.
"Pablito?" you said suddenly and he looked down at you absolutely in love how small you look in his arms right now.
"Hm?" he said as you slowly looked up at him with big eyes which made him want to kiss you so badly but he was patient to hear what you wanted to say.
"I'm sorry I'm clingy today..I just missed you..a lot" you say and he smiled shaking his head and placing his lips onto yours lovingly.
"Amor, I don't mind it...it's nice to feel needed like this..te amo muchisimo princesa" he said and you smiled kissing his lips a few times happily.
"Yo te amo!" you said into the kiss before getting confortable again and enjoying comfortable silence with the love of your life <333
Hope you like it :))
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justmeinadaze · 10 months
We're a Family Part 19 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Dads Steddie X Mom Fem Reader, SMUT, delicious smut between the boys and then da boys and reader, spanking (they like it :)), slight overstimulation, dirty talk, FLUFF, they love their kids and reader loves her little family, ANGST, Spicy Dylan is back to test slightly over protective Stevie, Steve talks about his high School days, I think that's it.
Word Count: 4363
“Mama? Can you say mama, my love?” James giggles and kicks his feet as you hold him up under his arms. “Oh my goodness. Look at that cute smile.”
“Mommy, can I have a snack?”
“Go ask your father. If he’s cool with it so am I.”
Aurora rises to her feet and scurries quickly to the kitchen. “Dad! Mommy said I could have a snack.”
“You know I can hear right? You three aren’t hidden behind a wall or in another room?” Your daughter covers her mouth as she laughs and Steve lifts her into his arms as he heads to the fridge to get her something to munch on. 
“Even if he was in another room, your dads are superheroes. They hear and see everything.” You playfully widen your eyes making her laugh harder. 
“Don’t laugh, Ro. It’s true. I’m like Batman, the greatest detective in the world!”
As he heads towards the living room, Dylan quickly bangs down the stairs and heads for the front door. 
“Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?”, you shout.
“My friend’s invited me over for a movie.”
“Not even gonna ask?”
“Mom, may I—”
“Yes, you may. Go on.”
He grins as he heads for the door before Steve stops him again. 
“Hey, what time were you going to be home? I was thinking, maybe, you, me, and Eddie could play a game or something.”
“Um, I’m not sure but I’ll text you guys and let you know!”
The man sighs as he comes over to the couch and plops his body down next to yours. 
“Don’t take it personally.”, you softly smile as you rub his shoulders. “He’s a teenager. It’s what they do.”
“I know. I just feel like we haven’t got to spend time with him in a while especially with just us you know?”
“Without these adorable attachments?” James grins as he wiggles out of your hold to replace his sister’s spot on Steve’s lap after she slides to the floor. “God, he looks so much like you. I don’t think either of these children got my genes.”
“Yeah they did. James say ‘I have mama’s nose and cute chubby cheeks.’” As he pinches the baby’s face you lightly smack his shoulder as they laugh. 
“Steve, baby, we know where he is. I checked with Noah’s mom. Come to bed.”
“Y/N, this isn’t ok. He said he would let us know when he would come home. Not only did he not do that but he’s not answering his phone.”
You glanced at Eddie who gestured with his head for you two to go into the bedroom. 
“Ok. If you need anything…”
“I love you.” He smiles at both of you as he continues fiddling with his fingers. 
“Am I being too lenient about this? Noah’s mom said he was there.”
“He has a point, sweetheart. As someone who snuck out a lot and did terrible things”, Eddie chuckles. “I at least left a note telling Wayne where I’d be. He was always terrified Lynn was going to kidnap me or something so if I was even a little bit late he would panic.”
“My sister and I always said we were going to someone’s house but then went to a party. “
When you and Eddie laid down the clock by your bed said 9:30pm. Without Steve and now being worried about Dylan, you stayed awake with the metalhead casually talking in the dark. At 1am, the alarm beeped as your son stumbled in. 
“Shit is right, kid. Where have you been?”
You both listened as they spoke, Steve sounding much more agitated then when you left him. 
“I told you. I was at my friend’s house watching a movie.”
“Lose the tone, Dylan. You said you would text us what time you were coming home and then you didn’t respond to any of our calls or messages. What if something happened to you?! We would have no idea.”
“But nothing did, dad, alright? I’m fine and I’m home. Can I go to bed now?”
“No, you can’t because you are in a lot of trouble. I can smell you from here. What were you really doing?”
“Ugh! I was at a friend’s house! How many times do I have to say it?!”
“Until you tell me the truth, Dylan!” You started to get out of bed but Eddie reached for her arm to keep you in place. “Fine. You want to be stubborn. That’s ok. You’re grounded. No phone, no tv, no friends house. You’ll stay here all summer for all I care until you want to be honest with me!”
“Don’t get mad at me because I’m not spending as much time with you guys anymore, Steve!”
The metalhead promptly released his grip and you marched towards the living. 
“You. Bedroom. Now! You better be awake when I get up there and don’t even think about stomping or slamming doors. If you wake up either one of your siblings you’re staying up with them.”
He huffed as he did what you commanded. As soon as he was out of sight, you turned to find Eddie with his arms wrapped around Steve from behind as he rested his cheek on his back. 
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, I’m, um, I’m fine. I’m sorry if we woke you up.”
“Aw, that’s cute. You think we went to sleep.” Steve smiles at his husband’s joke as he wraps his own arms on his.
“Honey, you know he didn’t mean that, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m fine, guys. Really.” 
Your eyes glance upstairs as you listen to Dylan vomiting. “Well, he’s going to be learning a lot tonight. Lesson one, drinking CAN fucking suck. Eddie, do you mind helping me get him in bed?”
When you two find him, he’s fast asleep by the toilet. Eddie carefully lifts him into his arms, carries him into his room, and places him on his bed. 
“He’ll be okay, right?”
“Were you at his age?”, you ask as you take off your son’s shoes and socks.
“Ma’am, you can’t prove I was drinking in my adolescence.” He grins when you laugh. “Hey, um, go check on Steve. I’ll take care of the rest here.”
As you entered your bedroom, you found Steve sitting on the edge of the bed staring into the void of the carpet. 
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah, baby, he’s fine.” You sit beside him and tenderly run your fingers through his hair. 
“It’s not what he said exactly but, goddamn Y/N, hearing him say my name again hurt a lot more than I thought it would.”
Pulling him into your arms, you tugged him down against the pillows and held him till he fell asleep. When Eddie didn’t come back, you tiptoed out of the room, and up the stairs to find him asleep on the floor by Dylan’s bed. Your heart shattered for them both as you covered him with a blanket, checked on your other two little ones, and headed back to bed. 
You son slugged down the stairs early the next morning finding Steve in the kitchen as he bounced James around while feeding him. 
“Hey, take this. It will help with the headache.” Dylan sighed as he took the medicine and quickly chugged down the glass of water like he had been thirsty for days. “You’re going to want to drink a lot more of that through the day. Hangovers are never fun.”
“Do you know why dad is asleep by my bed?”
“Hm…I imagine he was worried about you. We all were.” 
“I’m sorry I scared you guys. I was at Noah’s but his parents left to have dinner together so…”
“Soooo…you and your friends raided the liquor cabinet?” Dylan nods as he rests his head against the counter making Steve chuckle. “Yeah, I did that a few times. It was easier for me because my parents weren’t home 99% of the time. People would come over and party at my house.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“It was…until I realized I hated the people I was hanging out with and was just trying to impress them.” Dylan shifted his gaze to look up at him. “Plus, the hangovers the morning after were a pain in the ass when I was supposed to be paying attention at school.”
“Why are you being so nice to me? I yelled at you and called you by your name.”
Steve sighs as he shifts James around in his arms. “Yeah, you did but, Dylan, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re my son and I love you. Nothing you do or say will change that, kid.” The boy wraps his arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. “That being said, it was nice knowing you because as soon as your mom wakes up she’s probably going to kill you.”
The baby tries to tug on Dylan’s hair causing the boy to wince as he lightly grabs his wrist. 
“James, dude, you have to stop with the hair pulling.”
“For real. It freaking hurts, doesn’t it?”, Eddie yawns as he descends the stairs with Aurora in tow. “Why are you up, weirdo? When I was young and stupid, I slept till like 4 in the afternoon.”
Steve chuckles as Dylan cringes at the volume of his voice. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.”, he whispers loudly. “Are you hungover? Drink a little too much last night?”
“Wha Dylan drink?”, Ro asks turning to look at her brother as her father narrows his eyes at Eddie.
“Nothing, honey. Dylan just had too much soda with his friends.”
“Nice recovery, Steven.”
“Is anyone hungry? I know it’s a bit early but since everyone is up.”
“Wha ‘bout mommy?”
“Let’s let mommy sleep a little more.”
You smiled from your place by the bedroom door where you had been eavesdropping, climbing back into bed so Eddie and Steve could spend some alone time with their kids. You listened to the sounds of your little family giggling and talking as they made some breakfast. It was a stark contrast to the silence you heard every morning almost 15 years ago when you were married to Charlie. Even after Dylan was born, when he woke up he crawled into bed with you, waiting for you to open your eyes to make food while he watched cartoons. 
After a while, the living room went quiet and as you stepped out to check on them, you found everyone had fallen asleep again. Both men were laying with their heads on opposite sides of the couch using the arm rests as pillows. James was curled up on Eddie’s bare chest as his father’s palm was holding him securely on his back. Aurora was on Steve’s left side while Dylan was on his right. Both kids had their heads on his chest while he had his arms wrapped around them. You quietly snuck a few pictures before beginning your day.
“Hey mom.”
Dylan laughed at your joke as he turned his attention back to Steve’s BMW. “Dad said cleaning his car would be a good punishment until you thought of something better. To be fair, it’s pretty awful. There’s like a never-ending supply of cheerios all over the backseat.”
“Yeah, your sister loves to snack. She gets that from Eddie. You think this car is bad, you should clean his van.” Your son shakes his head in fear making you giggle. “Naw, I think Steve came up with a good one last night. No phone, games, or going to friend’s houses for…a week. I was going to say two but we’ll chalk cleaning the car towards good behavior.”
He nods, grinning in your direction. “I don’t how good it is. I can’t seem to get this spot off.”
Tilting your head, you move closer to where he was pointing before he suddenly turned the hose in your direction causing you to gasp. 
“Oh, there we go. I got it.”
“You butthead.” You both playfully chase after each other as you try to wrestle the hose from his hand. 
“Hey! I see a lot of water but none of it landing on my car.”, Steve chuckles as he shouts at you two from the porch. Aurora giggles as she runs towards you both on the ground. 
“Sorry, baby, Dylan is an awful car washer. He keeps missing places.”
“Y/N, don’t you dare.”
“Don’t I dare what? I don’t even have to hose.” Hugging your daughter, you duck as Dylan shoots water towards Steve making Eddie cackle beside him. 
“I have a baby! He is my white flag.”
Steve marches down into the yard and easily snags the hose from his son, spraying all three of you as you run in playful panic. James laughs as he claps his hands getting the man’s attention. 
“Steven, I have a child.”
“Uh huh.”
Eddie tries to use the baby to block parts of his body making him giggle as he makes grabby hands towards you. As he leans away from his father to fall into your open arms, Steve takes the opportunity to drench him causing Aurora to point and laugh as his long hair falls comically over his face. 
“Am I joke to you, Ro?”
“Yes, daddy!”
The six of you remain outside and have fun together till the sun begins to set. 
“Ok! Please, try to eliminate as much dripping on our floor as possible. Dylan you run upstairs and shower. Rara and James, you come to our bathroom. Shoes on the porch, please and thank you.”
“Hey mom?”
“Hey kid?”
Dylan smiles at your response as you come into his room and take a seat on his gaming chair.
“I really am sorry…about everything.”
“I know.” You meet his grin with one of your own. “Baby, you’re a teenager. You’re going to fuck up. You think the three of us didn’t?”
“Yeah, dad told me about the Harrington parties.”
“It’s funny. You would expect it flipped with Eddie having parties but that man told me he snuck out to hang out with his friends and play D & D. He’s actually the good boy of our group when I think about it.”, you giggle.
“Oh, you and Aunt Kierra weren’t choir girls?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” Your son laughs at you as he leans back against his headboard. “What I’m trying to say is like Steve said… we love you.”
“Yeah…I hurt his feelings though right?”
You twirl in his chair as you carefully thing out your answer to his question. 
“Do you remember when we were in the apartment and you had gotten in trouble at school for fighting? You were so angry; I remember when Steve came over you shouted at him like I had never heard before. After talking to you, you cried in his arms. When you went into your room, all he could talk about was how worried he was about you. He didn’t care that you yelled at him. Eddie didn’t care that you said he couldn’t scold you because he wasn’t your dad. They just wanted you to be ok.”
“They still have that picture you drew them to.” Dylan grins as you both giggle. “Well, Eddie has the original. Steve has a photocopied version in his desk at school along with that little box you made him for his birthday when we were neighbors.”
“What do you have?”
“Good lord, my desk is littered with things you and Ro have done. As soon as James starts getting creative, I’m going to need a bigger office!”
“Excuse me!”, you jokingly holler when you find the boys making out in your bed. “Cool, don’t wait for me or anything.”
“Payback for when you were pregnant with Aurora.”, Steve accuses as his finger reaches out to boop your nose as Eddie continues sucking on his neck.
“That was almost five years ago, Steve Harrington. I need you to let it go.”
He grins as his eyes flutter closed and he groans as the other man grinds his waist against him. 
“Fuck me. Come here, baby.”
“No, you two keep going. I told you I don’t mind you guys being intimate.” Eddie lifted off Steve’s shirt before discarding his own, mewling as he ran his fingers through his chest hair and up towards his jaw so he could bring his lips back to his own. “And I definitely don’t mind watching.”
Getting lost in each other again, Steve tugs on his husband’s sweats and the metalhead removes them, yanking the other boy’s down along the way. As he crawls back up the length of his body, Steve takes a hold of him and flips Eddie on to his back. A heavy moan leaves his lips as Steve rubs his cock against along his own. 
“Yeah? Do you like when I do that? When I grind my messy dick on yours.” Eddie responds with an open mouth kiss making Steve chuckle as he lightly pulls away. “Answer me, baby. Please. I want to hear it.”
“Feels…feels so good.”, he panted as his palms gently ran up and down the man’s back to his ass. “Don’t stop.” Steve’s head fell as he sucked on the metalhead’s neck, grinding his hips harder against his as Eddie’s eyes rolled back. “Fuck. I-I need you to ride my cock, sweetheart. Please.”
Steve nodded as he shuffled back onto his knees and turned his attention to you.
“Come here, honey. I need your help.”
As you crawled closer to them, he playfully pushed you over so he could yank off your pants and panties while Eddie lifted off your shirt. After light heartedly punching his arm and readjusting yourself, you both tilted down to lick the metalhead’s length. You took care of his tip, flicking your tongue along his slit and lubricating him with as much spit as you could while Steve played and wrapped his mouth around the boy’s balls. 
“Jesus! You both are going to fucking kill me.”
The other man came off him with a loud smack, grabbing your face as he sloppily kissed your lips. “Don’t cum yet ok?” You whined, feeling desperate for relief. It didn’t help when his hand came down to spank your ass causing Eddie to groan as a heavy pant of need escaped you. “Ok?”
“Ok, I’ll wait.”
You moved out of the way to give them space and Steve hastily positioned himself over Eddie, gripping his cock in his hand, and slowly lowered himself on to it.
“Fuck me, baby. I’ll never get over—mmm—how tight you are. Th-that’s it, Steve. Take what’s yours.”
The man bounced and grinded on top of him, his eyes closed and mouth open in ecstasy. Licking his palm, Eddie began stroking his cock and you quickly rose to your knees to cover his mouth as Steve’s moan bordered to a shout.
“Sorry. Feels so good.”
“Don’t be sorry, Steve.”, you cooed as you kissed his shoulder. “Trust me, I know how amazing his cock feels.”
“When we’re done, baby, we’re both going to fuck you so fucking hard. We love you so much, Y/N.”
“Focus on him right now, honey.”
Eddie pulled himself up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around Steve as he roughly thrust up into him. Steve clung to the man’s hair as ran his lips along his chest to his neck. 
“Cum, baby. Come on, my good boy. Cum.”, Eddie panted repeating his words over and over until the other man mewled and his release hit his tummy. “Good boy. Fuck, you are so fucking hot when you shudder like that on my dick.” He couldn’t help but smile when he heard you whimpering at his words. “You hear that? She likes the way I talk to you. Jesus…imagine how wet she fucking is right now.”
Steve began to subtly grind down, meeting the metalhead’s thrusts making Eddie groan as he looked up to meet his eyes before he grits his teeth and came inside of him.
Eddie falls back against the mattress, breathing heavily as his body gleams with sweat. The other boy kissed up his chest as he reached for a tissue to clean of his tummy before glancing towards you.
“There’s no rush. I can wait.” Your other husband looked your way as well when he heard how small your voice sounded. 
“Are you okay, princess?”
They grinned when you nodded your head and opened your legs to display your dripping cunt.
“Fuck me…”, Steve sighed as he crawled towards you while Eddie rolled onto his stomach and slid closer to you. “Look at her getting all hot and bothered.” His forehead leaned against yours while Eddie rested his on your shoulder. They were both still panting slighting which made you whine again as you rubbed your thighs together. 
Their fingers effortlessly slipped through your folds and moaned as Steve slid two of his digits inside of you while Eddie pressed circles into your clit. 
“You like watching him fuck me? Stretch me open? He feels so good inside of me, Y/N, I swear to God.”
“St-Steve, please.”
“What, baby? What do you need from, Stevie?”
“Faster.”, you answer breathlessly as your head falls back. Their lips latch on to your neck as both men do what you ask causing your eyes to roll as you feel the coil wind. 
“You like the way I talk to him? He really does look fucking handsome when he cums. You look sexy to, princess. The way you moan drive me crazy.”
You quickly shove your face into his shoulder to smother the scream that wants to break loose as you cum on their fingers.
Steve grips your waist and spins around onto his back, placing you near his hips. 
“Put it in, honey.”
“Are you sure? You both just came—”
Pinching your cheeks, he brings your lips down to his own, kissing you with a need you hadn’t felt from them in a while.
“I don’t care, Y/N. I want to feel you, baby.” Reaching between you both, he hisses as you slowly guide him into your entrance. “Goddamn it…”
You can see it all over his face. Steve was trying so desperately to control himself as he waited for Eddie. He was still slightly overstimulated and that contact just made him want to fuck you hard till he came again. The sight had you clenching tighter to him and in return his fingers pressed harder into your skin. 
Eddie’s own fingers startled you as he gathered some of the slick between your legs and pumped his cock a few times before gradually pushing into your ass. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”, the man behind you groaned as he took hold of your shoulder. Pulling himself back till just the tip was inside you, he slammed back in pushing you forward making Steve grunt at the sensation. 
They both took over, thrusting into you with purpose as you tried to suppress the urge to scream. Eddie’s palm came down a few times on your ass causing both you and Steve to let out a needy whimper. Leaning on to your back, his hand came around to lightly grab your throat as his fingers turned your head towards him. 
“Our beautiful girl, baby. Look at those gorgeous fucked out eyes. Do we—mmm—do we feel good, Y/N?”
Eddie chuckles when he looks down at his husband’s scrunched up face. “I love when he gets like this. Look what your pussy does to him.”, he whispers as he turns your head again. 
“I’m gonna—”
“You gonna cum, sweetheart? Ok, let us take care of you.”
Collapsing forward, Steve’s arms wrapped around you as they both pumped their hips at a harder pace. Panting in his ear, you trembled as you came. The man underneath you followed, grunting you felt him let go inside of you. With a couple more rough thrusts, Eddie gasped as he filled you up, slowly pulling out and falling to your sides. 
“Are…are you two dead?”
You shook as Steve laughed, gently lifting your head so he could look at your tear-soaked face.
“Are you ok, honey?” 
“Yeah. Just…felt good.”
“We need to learn new words besides good.”
“Jesus, Y/N. Look at Mr. Teacher over here.”, Eddie sasses as he sticks out his tongue at the man. “Come on, my loves. We need to get clean.” As everyone stood to head for the tub, the metalhead tugged your arm forcing you to stop. “Shit, sweetheart. I didn’t realize I hit you so hard.”
Turning to look in the mirror, you notice the growing red mark that was developing where he had spanked you. 
“Oh, you really didn’t, baby. I swear. I would have told you if you were.” You quickly kissed his lips before climbing into the warm water and curling up around them. 
“So, I heard a rumor that the Harrington’s house was the place to be back in your high school days.”
Steve smirked in your direction as you and Eddie beamed over at him. 
“Yeah, for a while. I had some falling outs with some people I thought were my friends. As Munson loves to tell people, I used to be asshole.”
“What made you change?”
“A girl. She made me realize I didn’t like who I was with them.”, he grins. “Not to say that’s the same with Dylan. He and Noah are good kids.”
“The people he used to hang out with were assholes like him. Whatever happened to Tommy anyway?”
“I don’t fucking know.” Eddie splashes water in his direction and Steve does the same. “How is Dylan?”
“He feels bad for hurting your feelings.”
“Naw, he didn’t hurt my feelings. That’s my kid, ya know? He can call me whatever he wants but he’s stuck with us.”
Your hand reached out to gently run through his hair. 
“Your dad is a fucking idiot. You’re a good man, Steve Harrington.” You lean back and kiss the other boy’s cheek. “You to, Eddie Munson.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @strangerfreak
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair @actuallyspencerreid
@moviefreak1205 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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teawinx · 9 months
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Back with more Descendants redesigns Namely two news ones
Augustus and Briar
Augustus, canon name Anthony, is the son of Anastasia and the Baker. He currently works as Beau's squire/tutor/government assigned best friend. As the son of a redeemed villain, he is considered an outcast among his peers, and it appears everyone is expecting him to turn out ultimately evil. He takes his job very seriously and wants to prove both himself and his mother as good people. He befriends Evie during the "movie" and helps her get ready for an upcoming ball. He is well aware that it is going to be a test for her, and that everyone is expecting her to fail and label irredeemably evil, so does his utmost to train her to be ladylike.
Briar, canon name Audrey, is the daughter of Aurora and Phillip. She is the princess of her parent's kingdom and the fiancée of Prince Beau, with the goal of their marriage being the union of their two kingdoms. She is rather vain and self-centered, unaware of problems around her. While not completely malicious, she is in need of some humbling. She feels pressured to be an ideal fairy-tale princess, fit for her prince, but she finds this more and more difficult each day. She is in love with Beau, and is beyond hurt when he suddenly publicly breaks up their engagement and professes his love for Mal. After the love spell is broken, Beau doesn't go to see Briar, and it appears he never cared for her at all. And she's angry.
Tried doing a design for Jane too but maaaan was it UGLY. Like really not good, needs a lot of work lol.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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THE CHILD MONTAGE … head canons
pairing : ateez x f!reader
genre : headcanon, fluff, dad!ateez, husband!ateez
warnings : mentions of planned and unplanned pregnancies, not wanting to be a parent, toxic fans, mentions of premature birth
a list of the ateez kids and random headcanons about them.
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kim saemi (born 2027) and kim narae (born 2029)
saemi was definitely a surprise to you and hongjoong
the two of you had JUST got back together after breaking off your fake relationship you had going for years 🫣
hongjoong absolutely adores saemi and was excited when he found out you were pregnant
when saemi was born, she literally was the light of his world
he cried when he first held her at the hospital
calls her his “little aurora”
you and hongjoong actually planned for narae and the other members teased him
saemi was actually really excited to have a little sibling
when narae was born and you and hongjoong were spending time taking care of her plus hongjoong had to get ready for ateez’s comeback
saemi started resenting everyone and was worried that you and hongjoong were forgetting about her
especially hongjoong, like she was heartbroken when he didn���t show up to her school play because of work
she really asked him “am i not your aurora anymore?”
but even after that bump in the road, saemi still really loves her sister
saemi loves fashion and loves matching with hongjoong, she also really loves dressing narae up and choosing her outfits
hongjoong also lets her pick out his outfits
hongjoong sometimes takes narae to the studio while you’re at work and saemi is at school
he loves letting her play with the piano in his studio because it makes her giggle
like saemi, hongjoong calls narae his “little treasure”
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park hyemi and hyewon (born 2026) and park jaehwa (born 2029)
wooyoung teased him by telling him he copied him since he had twin girls first
you and seonghwa were surprised at the fact that you were pregnant with twins
even if the twins were a surprise, seonghwa adores them so much
definitely spoils them and you often scold him for how much he tends to do it
the girls have sort of similar personalities
but hyemi is a little more friendly and sociable than compared to hyewon
hyemi was also more excited to have another sibling while hyewon wasn’t
hyewon despite still being somewhat outgoing was afraid that you and seonghwa were going to forget about her in favor of the new baby and hyemi
hyewon is definitely a mommy’s girl while hyemi is a daddy’s girl
seonghwa has actually always struggled with having a relationship with hyewon as she would prefer to spend time with you
hyemi actually told seonghwa and you about her sister’s fear of being forgotten when jaehwa is born
of course seonghwa and you talk to your daughter and reassure her that it’s impossible to forget her
when jaehwa is born, the girls immediately try to make him their doll
they definitely make him play them when he’s old enough to
jaehwa is definitely a little more shy than compared to his sisters
like the spitting image of seonghwa especially in the eyes
you call him your “starry boy” because looks at everything with stars in his eyes
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jeong taeyong (born 2019) and jeong taerim (born 2030)
taeyong was born to yunho and his ex
yunho and the other members basically raised him
yunho actually didn’t tell you about taeyong when you first started going out
you found out from dispatch that yunho had a son and felt… hurt that he didn’t trust you
kq kind of made you guys break up in order to do some control on the situation
you didn’t met taeyong until after you and yunho had gotten back together
taeyong literally adores you and you adore him
he called you mom without thinking and you cried because you never thought that would happen
him and lily (your dog) are like best friends and often cause shenanigans together when taeyong is at your apartment
taerim was planned after you and yunho had been married for like five years
you both wanted to make sure taeyong would be okay with it and he was actually really excited
he absolutely adores taerim and is always helping you and yunho the best an eleven year old can
taerim is literally the apple of yunho’s eye like he absolutely adores her and loves seeing taeyong and taerim together
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kang aeri (born 2030)
the last ateez baby to be born
you and yeosang planned for baby aeri
like you made sure you were prepared as you could be for when she was born
yeosang was worried about being a good dad especially since he watched his members become dads
would compare himself to them and think that he was doing a bad job
this honestly drove a rift between the two of you because yeosang would just… avoid going home
this left you with aeri by yourself while you also had a fashion line to run and design
the guys eventually notice how yeosang has changed and talk to him and he goes home to find you sleeping on the couch with aeri in her swing asleep next to you
yeosang absolutely loves his daughter
like once he gains confidence in his parenting, he starts showing her off a lot more to the members
you even designed a whole line inspired by aeri and yeosang which was like a father and daughter line
even as a baby, aeri is quiet which mimics yeosang’s more quieter side
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choi raim (born 2024)
you and san didn’t necessarily plan for a child but decided that if you got pregnant then it would be okay
san was definitely more ready as he’s always wanted to be a dad
you were worried about if you would be a good mom but san always made sure to reassure you
san definitely became a semi-housedad when raim was born so you could work
san, like the other members, adores his daughter and will literally do anything for her
she has him wrapped around her finger
she loves going to work with him
raim actually cries if san is gone for too many days and HATES it when he goes on tour
san almost thought of quitting being an idol in order to be with raim more
but you managed to convince him not to because being an idol was his dream
when takes raim to schedules everyone absolutely loves her
she once told you both that she wanted to be an idol like san but he’s currently trying to convince her to do something else
san often calls her his “pretty butterfly”
she definitely shows him off like a trophy dad to the other kids at school
loves when he comes to pick her up and when there’s something that involves parents because then she gets to show him off
he feels proud knowing that raim talks about him to her classmates
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song moongyu (born 2028)
you didn’t want to tell mingi, but you never actually wanted to be a mom
you were scared and tried to put off telling him for as long as you could
mingi was hurt that you didn’t tell him and kept it from him
but then you tell him why you didn’t tell him and he felt bad for basically yelling at you
when moongyu was born, mingi was over the moon and cried when he felt held him
actually he cried when he heard moongyu cry right after you gave birth
loves dressing him up and likes having matching outfits
like hongjoong, mingi likes taking moongyu to the studio and definitely has a few songs dedicated to both you and moongyu
moongyu is definitely a little more outgoing than you and mingi
you often wonder where he gets his personality from and you somehow blame wooyoung
moongyu also really likes to draw and to watch you draw when you work
after he was born you made a little mini webtoon dedicated to moongyu called “baby moon comes home”
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jung mikyung and mihyeon (born 2025)
were definitely a surprise especially since ateez and your group were doing so well
you actually thought wooyoung was going to breakup with you when you told him you were pregnant
like he didn’t say anything and basically ran away leaving you by yourself
wooyoung was definitely worried about his and your careers
when your company announced you were pregnant, a lot of toxic fans wanted you to leave the group and even protested outside the company
thankfully you didn’t have to leave the group, but did eventually go on hiatus
no one knew who the father was and assumed it was a non-celebrity but then wooyoung announced that he was going to be a dad
he loves his two daughters and was surprised when you both found out you were having twins
mikyung and mihyeon are definitely like night and day
mikyung is exactly like wooyoung with how outgoing and sociable she is
while mihyeon is similar to you and more quiet and reserved
HOWEVER it’s funny because mikyung loves spending time with you while mihyeon enjoys being with wooyoung
wooyoung joked that it was like opposites attract or something because he was also attracted to you and your calm persona
they both LOVE dance though and you both love dancing with them
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choi jihoon (born 2028)
you told jongho you were pregnant through a song
told him you made a new song and wanted his opinion on it
the two of you were considered newlyweds having only gotten married like six months before you got pregnant
but you both were excited nonetheless
the boys were surprised that their baby was having a baby
jihoon was born prematurely which at first scared you both but the others helped support you guys
when he was born, jongho was so amazed at how tiny he was
jihoon loves listening to jongho sing which is something he says he gets from you
jongho use to sing you to sleep when you were pregnant and couldn’t sleep, so jihoon must have heard him singing to you
jongho often has to sing jihoon to sleep but only at bedtime
you and jongho made a whole album of jongho just singing lullabies for jihoon to listen to
he calls him his “gummy bear” because jihoon has that same gummy smile as jongho
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buggybambi · 3 months
How do you think Carmy's mom would react to meeting you (in any AU)?
great question i'd love to tell you my thoughts
willow and aurora's mom, aka bedtime kisses au (reader is a journalist in this au pre-kids) - i can view her being kind of hesitant. carmen is her baby boy, she's not sure any woman will be good enough for him. you and him met while you were a journalist, and she just doesn't think that's a suitable career. "the news is so messy." she'd comment as you sit down for dinner with her. once you and carmen get married have willow, i think she warms up a little. she'd criticize your timing of having your daughter, naturally, but she sees how much you care for her son. regardless she still doesn't accept you?? it's like a passive aggressive thing in my mind
richie's younger sister, aka "i dont have a name for this au" - okay, i've said this before, donna does not like the fact that you (richie's younger sister) and carmen (her son) are dating. mikey and richie were close, and she thinks you're obsessed with her family for dating her dead son's brother. "you can't be serious.." is the literal thing she says when carmen makes mention of you and him dating. he wants you two to meet, but he always warns you: it won't end well. so you and him attend few events together (he'll still go to family dinners and bring you along, and she behaves *up until certain parts of the evening depending on varying factors like alcohol, conversation, the guest list, etc* for the most part) but you don't go to certain family gatherings with him. i imagine donna likes to do something for mikey's birthday and you stay away from that. you comfort carm and richie, of course, but you stay away from that.
adoptive mom!reader, aka my sadie bug au - i think this is one where donna does like you. carmy taking in mikey's daughter was a huge topic in the family for a long time (with few family members supporting it because they don't think carm's a good enough caretaker to take sadie in), but as soon as you come along? they love you. she tells you she appreciates you treating her grandchild with such care, and thanks you for bringing a smile to her son's face. "mikey would just love you." she tells you often, and you thank her everytime. "you raised wonderful children, mrs. berzatto, i'm just happy that sadie and carmy are happy."
if i missed any please lmk! i think this is all of them<3
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