#I’m pretty proud of Galactix tho
sketchyallstar · 3 years
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Pencil sketches of the latest two characters to join the Mystechs, my OC superhero team. I’m not sure how well this will turn out if I ink and color it, so I’ll post this here just in case I ruin it in the future.
Lionheart (Leopoldo Salvatore Aloisio, or just Leo for short) is the youngest son of infamous Italian mafia boss Stefano Thiago Aloisio. The family rose to power thanks in part to a heroic ancestor, a man gifted with divine powers from an otherworldly patron. This patron continued granting descendants of the hero with powers, but eventually stopped one day. In an act of hubris, a descendant of the hero pledged themselves to a more dark patron, demonic in nature. It’s this demonic patron that the Aloisio family now pledges servitude to. Except for young Leo. You see, he was chosen by that divine patron that had chosen his ancestors before him, and the rest of the family couldn’t have that so he had to flee Italy and come to America. Leo uses his powers of healing to make enough money to get by on the streets until he comes into contact with the Mystechs, a ragtag trio of vigilantes.
Galactix is the first sentient result of Kyarus the Blackguard’s experiments with human DNA. Effectively, she is his clone, with some of her body being templated from human body parts. Half human, half Tethrogg. Since Kyarus blew up his home planet, he and Galactix (whom he named Vera) are what remains of the Tethroggian race, as far as Vera is aware. She is his second in command, essentially his daughter though they have a less than familial relationship. Kyarus expects excellence and anything less could get her scrapped, just another failed experiment. So when she’s handed the reigns for the hostile takeover of Earth starting with America, she is determined to not let him down. That is, until resistance pops up unexpectedly. Effective resistance, which was not part of the plan. These “Mystechs” or whatever they call themselves will pay for their insolence, Galactix will make sure of it.
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