#I’m ruining Leorio for the crazies lol
cocogum · 2 years
Leorio is NOT CANONICALLY bisexual.
It is 100% CANONICALLY CONFIRMED that Leorio is NOT bisexual. This is not a theory nor a headcanon. This is a fact.
This also goes for every other sexuality from the lgbtq+ community that has ever been attributed to Leorio. I’m simply talking about the bisexuality flag since it’s the most popular one that has ever been ascribed to him.
Despite what others may think, this Leorio situation is a bigger problem than it may seem. Some fans have decided to fully believe at the bottom of their hearts that their headcanons are facts. This is never a good thing and due to their assumptions, they have voluntarily spread disinformation in the HxH community that Leorio is part of the lgbtq+ community.
Leorio Paladiknight is a major character in the HxH universe who strives to become a doctor to heal those who cannot afford to pay for their injuries. His down-to-earth attitude and honest reactions are what makes him relatable to the audience and in addition to his saddening backstory, this has helped him receive more love from fans and made them understand his decision better for wanting to become a healer.
His immense popularity has led people to create headcanons to extend his character even further than the anime and manga have let on.
However, despite the huge amount of love and appreciation for the future doctor, a distinct headcanon attributed to him by the fandom turned into something more than just what should’ve been considered a simple headcanon.
This specific headcanon that many fans have come to accept as a fact and not just a headcanon anymore is the fact that Leorio is a true bisexual.
Now, there is nothing wrong with headcanoning a character from any source of media as a member of the lgbtq+ community.
Many have repeatedly done this to characters they especially took interest in for the sole reason of creating new ideas and concepts for this said character. This practice is also put into use so that the headcanon creator may feel comfortable or related to their favourite character in some way shape or form.
But as much as making headcanons can be fun and harmless at first, they may turn out to become a bother and obvious disinformations if the user in question takes it too far.
We have this same situation happening in this case here.
Throughout the HxH fandom, you’ll come to find out a repeated Leorio sexuality headcanon. By only barely scratching the surface, you’ll know that fans often like to portray Leorio as a bisexual man and not a straight one.
The problem, in this case, is NOT the fact that these fans have considered him to be bisexual. Lots of them are aware that he is not what they truly claim him to be and understand the difference between his canon self and his fanon self.
Unfortunately, some don’t understand the difference.
In this big group of fans, two types of people fully believe that he is canonically bisexual and will not stand that claim down under any circumstances.
The first is the delusional one.
They are stubborn people to a painful degree and will most likely call you a homophobe if you try to explain to them that the doctor in training is not a bisexual person regardless if you yourself are part of the lgbtq+ community or not.
The second is the major and popular one, the ignorant one.
They are aware that the headcanon they are presenting is just a headcanon but they will also at the same time consider their headcanon to be a canon possibility and state how there is no actual evidence that Leorio is straight OR bisexual. They will say this by choosing to phrase it in a convincing matter so that they can make anyone think that their headcanon has a chance of becoming a possibility.
Which is why you’ll come to find out now that these two types of fans are completely wrong no matter if they do these kinds of practices willingly or unconsciously.
Throughout the whole story, here are the only moments of pervert Leorio we have come to witness with our very own eyes.
And it just so happens that all those moments where he acted like a literal simp were targeted at women and women only.
1) He’s mainly based on an already straight character from Togashi’s past work Yu Yu Hakusho named Kazuma Kuwabara.
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2) As soon as we first get to see him at the beginning of the hunter exam arc, he was reading what looked like a playboy magazine which is a type of publication mainly targeted at men to display the female body as erotic.
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3) In the Trick Tower, the second he sees the female prisoner named Leroute taking off her cloak, he gives a surprised expression in addition to a blush implying that he’s attracted to the convicted woman.
However during their brawl, when Leroute bets on whether she’s a man or a woman, Leorio immediately starts to stress and looks at the woman in a rather confused matter wondering why she would bet that when it is obvious she’s a female. This reaction also gives us the fact that Leorio was hoping she was a female and NOT a man but as soon as she tells him that if he guesses her gender wrong, he may “examine” her to be sure she was telling the truth, Leorio immediately starts to lie and wanted to assume she was a man just so he could find an excuse to grope her feminine parts.
The important part about this scene was that he fully knew that the answer was obviously female but still took the trap even when he knew he would lose time for his team because of his perversion.
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If Leorio was bisexual, he would have seen no problem guessing her gender and would have immediately told the truth without wasting any time or would have still wanted to grope Leroute no matter if she was a man or a woman.
4) At Yorknew City, Leorio was planning an arm wrestling scam to gain some quick cash for profit. When the first female challenger who just so happens to be a phantom troupe member by the name of Shizuku wishes to arm wrestle Gon, Leorio persistently tries asking Shizuku her personal infos which would usually be asked when a person is interested in another person.
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If Leorio was bisexual, he would’ve done the same thing to a man who he found equally attractive by pestering him with the same questions.
5) During the Election arc, he confessed right at the microphone that he invited girls over to his place and was having fun while Gon and Killua were out risking their lives.
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If Leorio was bisexual, he would’ve said ‘people’ or ‘guys and girls’ or anything else that implied both genders but he only mentioned girls meaning he’s officially confirmed to be straight.
Many of those disinforming fans would make you believe that these specific moments you are seeing of Leorio are only the ones you, the viewer, are seeing which means that he might also be doing the same thing with men while we’re not looking.
This is an obvious lie since this way of thinking can be solved with only one sentence: If many scenes of the same type of behaviour are aimed at ONLY ONE specific gender, then chances are, this means that this lewd behaviour is only specifically restricted to ONE gender. Which is in this case, the female.
However, there is one so called ‘explanation’ that they seem to like to use to prove their case and this one comes from the second group of people of fans who’d do anything to claim he’s anything but straight: they would make you believe that since Togashi hasn’t confirmed from his mouth that Leorio is straight, there is no proof that he is one therefore he may be bisexual.
This is also an obvious lie because this way of thinking is what people call “the appeal to ignorance”.
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To ignore the clues that make up the answer and instead wait for the solution from the source is what you call an appeal to ignorance.
Leorio is painfully obviously straight.
All the given clues answer it for us.
There is no need to overcomplicate oneself and believe that we have to ask the direct source for the exact explanation when the story has already given it to us.
Plenty of shows and movies had situations that solved a question from their fans without needing to confirm it from the creator.
But, in HxH, plenty do have a problem understanding what they’re seeing and choose to ignore the obvious signs to disinform people and make them think as they do for the sake of “diversity”.
Nevertheless, this should not stop you from making headcanons to characters you like.
Whether they’re from HxH or any other shows/animes/movies the possibilities are endless and no one can tell you to stop.
The unlimited creativity and potential your ideas can have is immeasurable compared to the negative comments people can make about them. You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you don’t believe you have the critical right to say that what you believe in is the right thing to do when fully knowing that that is further from the actual truth.
At the end of the day, Leorio Paladiknight is a bold and loyal man who deeply cares for his friends and would do so much for them.
Ever since his closest friend Pietro died due to a debilitating illness, this taught the man to never leave a life behind no matter if that individual doesn’t care about theirs or not.
He cares for his friends as well as their well-being and doesn’t want to lose them like how he easily lost his first.
That is one of his deepest fears.
To lose someone he loves when there could have been a chance of saving them.
This explains his worries for Kurapika and his clear frustration towards the fact that he could’ve helped Gon and Killua in his own way during the ant extermination.
He will not give up and will not care if he looks relentless or hot-headed to the general public because of his constant worries for his reckless buddies.
In the end, Leorio is a perverted moron who simply cares for his friends’ well beings and we love it for him.
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