#I’m sorry I love him very much this is a locus stan account
groovycrusadeperson · 7 years
Because I’m exactly this petty and done with the Tony standom -
“1) So you just selectively fucking forgot that little morbid slideshow...”
That little morbid slideshow…where the Avengers stopped an alien invasion and then Hydra from killing what…2 million people? The slideshow where literally the only calamity that can be blamed on the Avengers is Ultron and that is squarely on Tony Stark and Bruce Banner? 
The slideshow that has literally nothing to do with the fact that Charlie Spencer’s mother held Tony Stark, and only Tony Sark, responsible for her son’s death but he went to the Avengers and blithely blamed them all for it as if they hadn’t told him that Ultron was a bad idea? As if the blame were equally distributed somehow for that boy’s death?
“2) ...Maybe if captain asshole actually shared his information instead of waiting until he was literally about to steal a plane...”
Tell me…what exactly was it about the airport that turned Tony’s brain to mush so that he was unable to listen to “Captain Assshole” at that point? What great stress was he undergoing here that he was unable to listen to reason? 
Because Natasha could. So why couldn’t Tony? And why couldn’t he, after he’d found out about the five WS, approach the UN instead of fucking off all on his own? If Ross was the UN sanctioned authority dealing with the Avengers then why did Tony, after harping about oversight and accountability, blatantly violate Ross’ orders by going to Siberia? Why didn’t he turn himself in to prove how accountable he is instead of concealing his crime afterwards? He was very willing to turn TeamCap in after all.
“3) Wow. Bucky straight up killed his fucking mom and you want to reduce that to “manpain”? seriously? Jesus” 
Wow…Tony, in his right mind,  straight up tried to kill Bucky and refused to stop at any point though he knew that Bucky was brainwashed and therefore innocent of Tony’s mother’s murder 25 years ago and you’re trying to defend that? Jesus.
“4)  IM SCREAMING what lethal weapon??  Holy shit are you for real??...”
…hey do you understand what a kill mode is? Do you understand that a weapon which has a kill-mode can in fact kill people and is therefore lethal? Do you understand that?  
“5)  Steve Rogers. - Never actually apologizes for not telling Tony about his parents... and considering that whole letter was basically steve jerking himself off to how great he is...”     
“I’m sorry I hurt you. I thought I was protecting you but now I see that I was only protecting myself” just means “I’m sorry for that action because it hurt you. I have actually no excuse because while I was fooling myself into thinking it was the right thing to do, turns out it was just selfish. No excuses” 
The rest of the letter is Steve telling Tony that as far as the Accords are concerned he understands where Tony is coming from and him trying to explain to Tony where he’s coming from.
All of this other bullshit your woobifier fandom just read into that letter all on your own because you love fapping to all the imagined slights and persecution your fave is facing.
And considering he just attempted to murder Steve’s closest friend, that letter was more than he deserved even if Steve had actually lied instead of just being in denial himself as is canon.
“Tony Starks entire fucking character revolves around responsibility...Can you watch a fucking Iron Man movie for once in your goddamn life? Just once?”
Have you ever tried watching anything after IM1-3 for once in your goddamn life? Just once? There are these three movies called Iron Man and Friends: AoU, Iron Man and Friends: CW and Iron Man and Child: SMH where all Tony Stark does is shirk responsibility.
They include such gems as – “that was never my life”, “how about I mess with this dangerous alien weapon I know nothing about and create AI”, “how about I sign these accords that in no way address the reparations due to Sokovia from me or hold me accountable for Ultron or literally anything because I have now retired”, “how about I kidnap this minor and smuggle him into a different continent to participate in a potentially dangerous situation”, “how about I go against the Accords and other existing laws in general and enter a country unauthorized”, “how about I never mention it to anyone” and also “how about I blatantly go against the law and invite this minor to be part of a special task force that he cannot legally consent to being part of”.  So much responsibility and accountability.
The only time he ever says “my fault” to the team is when he’s trying to manipulate someone into doing something or giving him something (first the team and then Sam). But he never really seems to do anything productive about things being his fault or change his behaviour.
“...one of the above urls is literally @teameveryonebutironman and you think that they have anything unbiased or worthy to say”
Do you really think that you, an especially rabid Tony stan from what I’ve seen of you so far, really have locus to dismiss anyone’s opinions on grounds of bias? Really?
Oh also, you know what’s actually gross? Refusing to listen when people are trying to tell you why shipping a pairing solely based on racist headcanons and stereotypes is shitty. And dismissing their concerns just because you so desperately want see your woobified fave get coddled and cossetted by a King who actually has better things to do and better people to give a shit about. That’s gross. Not someone shitting on your overexposed fave.      
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