#I’m sorry I’ll post wordgirl soon
benanazauce · 1 year
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welcome home fanart!!1!1!1!!1!!!!1!!1!
so I’ve been seeing welcome home a lot and recently got on the website. I think it’s really interesting and I love the art! so I drew barnaby and wally because my hands were itching woouulllghhhhhhwoughgwiujh
I think I like barnaby the most because he reminds me of all my stuffed toys mushed into one and also makes puns and jokes (and pie!)
I also drew a more horror-ish version below the cut, so if you don’t like that kind of stuff you don’t have to click it! don’t worry there’s no gore or anything it’s just very slightly unsettling (I think, I don’t draw horror very much at all and I’m not sure how to either honestly 💀)
I hope you like the art! credits to @partycoffin for these silly dudes, love them and their art so much!
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stardewey · 1 year
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I posted 516 times in 2022
That's 331 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (8%)
475 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 162 of my posts in 2022
#shit post - 20 posts
#wordgirl - 15 posts
#shit repost - 6 posts
#gotham - 6 posts
#oswald cobblepot - 5 posts
#spooky month - 5 posts
#bob velseb - 5 posts
#ow - 4 posts
#spooky month art - 4 posts
#overwatch 2 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 74 characters
#the collector is basically if moondrop and sundrop’s personalities swapped
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ms. Teavee: What is your biggest weakness?
Willy Wonka : I can be uncooperative.
Ms. Teavee : Okay, can you give me an example?
Willy Wonka: No.
Mr. Salt Mr. Wonka was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Willy Wonka: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Mr. Salt: Mr. Wonka, you ate a chair.
Mr. Salt: Mr. Beauregarde, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Mr. Beauregarde: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Mr. Salt: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Ms. Teavee.
Charlie Bucket: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
Mike Teavee: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
Charlie Bucket, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Ms. Bucket: You did WHAT–
Willy Wonka: William Snakepeare
31 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Normal I don’t like Yandere stuff
My Favorite Employee is an exception
( I made some art for it, though I used two oc I made for Spooky Month- the one in mask is named Jacob and the employee is named Delilah )
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See the full post
38 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
I love Stu so much ❤️
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I used Vicky to romance him when I originally played it
I love this stoner gargoyle
53 notes - Posted December 14, 2022
Otto Octavius x reader
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Sometimes love can start from the little things, sometimes they start by bumping into someone. This was simply started because a joke about saltwater.
Otto struggled as he tried to untie his robotic tentacles. He sighed as it didn't help much, it might've even made it tighter against him. He narrowed his eyes at two people, Spiderman... he was also known as Peter Parker, but it wasn't the one he knows and a person by the name of Y/N.
He of course was displeased by Peter, but he didn't mind the other's company as much.
“Y/N, I'm gonna need to check up on something, so stay here with Dr. Octopus, okay?” Peter had said.
Dr. Octopus?
Really? Otto thought the child could've just called him by the name... he had already told him his name anyway!
“Oh, sorry about him! He likes to joke, umm... thirsty?” Y/N had asked. Was she actually trying to be nice to him? He wasn't sure very much sure.
“Umm... I suppose so”
“Okay, do want fresh or saltwater?” Y/N tried to joke, but the joke didn't seem to land on him well by the look on his face.
“O-Oh.. sorry- since your an octopus... nevermind. Fresh it is then.”They went into a near by kitchen and started to fill a cup with some fresh water from the tap, she even added a little bit of ice.
Otto actually kind of felt.. bad? He didn't mean to upset them, maybe he should apologize? Y/N soon came back with the water, he had drank the water before starting,
“Sorry-” The doctor had began, “I didn't mean to well... upset you.”
“Don't worry, I wasn't thinking when I made the joke.” Y/N chuckled out. This was strange.. were the doctor and Peter's friend getting along? Were they even…in love? Yes, it wasn't to hard to see. Luckily, once he is back to himself again, they won't have to hide their love from themselves or anyone else.
Hopefully you liked that! This was my first ever fanfic, so I’m pretty sure there are mistakes
I’ll be posting this on Wattpad, deviantart, and Commaful.
Wattpad and Commaful username is stardewey
Deviantart username is Stardewwy
75 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So Bob Velseb, but It’s Cold Outside?
No one?
I guess I will, others can join though lmao
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See the full post
90 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
You simps ( For Bob Velseb and Otto Octavius )
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wordupcomics · 4 years
When Wordgirl retired was there a goodbye type thing with the villains.?
(I’d imagine that she would’nt want them to know her real self of course )
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Sorry for delayed response!
I’m gonna answer these together because both answers involve me talking a little about the AVA and it just made sense to combine them.
Before beginning, in case you haven’t seen any posts where I mention the AVA (which is likely because I don’t think I’ve brought it up in a while), the AVA stands for the Anti Villains Association. It was created by Tobey and Dr. Two Brains after them and a few other villains went good. Part of its creation was from the other ex villains agreeing that their old meetings with the other villains were fun and that they missed them, but mostly it was created as like a villain AA meeting, where they could talk about their struggles going good and how sometimes it’s hard for them to choose right over wrong. It’s a fun little support group that is still very active at the actual events of Word Up.
So let’s start with the goodbye to the villain/ex villains. (Most villains had gone good by the point she retired and the few that were left went good shortly after she retired because they didn’t want to be villains if Wordgirl wasn’t the hero) I’d imagine she did stop by and talk to every villain and ex villain, for their sake of course, because with Tobey being in the AVA she was still going to see them all, all the time, but they wouldn’t know it was her because she would just be Becky. I can also picture Tobey using his connection to Wordgirl and the AVA to set up a goodbye party for her hosted by the AVA.
The question of “closure” is tricky, as it depends on what we define as having closure and how do I explain some things without giving away too many spoilers.
Two Brains remained someone she could talk to personally. In an upcoming Word Up story entitled “Everything Changes” (which is basically just a bunch of flashbacks to explain some key details...and at least in terms of writing is 3 times longer than the other Word Up stories I have written) she’s gets help from him regarding Huggy’s absence. When he helps her there’s a line he says to reassure her she can trust him to be someone to talk to that I think everyone will love. I won’t reveal it for spoilers but yeah.
There’s also a detail Becky reveals in Everything Changes that tells a lot about Becky’s current relationship with not just Two Brains, it a few other former villains as well. Again I won’t reveal now for spoilers, but it’s also in Everything Changes and it is revealed before all the flashbacks during an argument she has with Bob.
Note these are not like huge plot twist spoilers. The first one is a spoiler because hearing the line now would kinda take away from the scene, and the second is a spoilers for comedic reasons. There are lines in each of the stories before Everything Changes (Return to Fair City (current story) and New Beginnings) that are kinda funny at first glance, but become funnier after the little detail Becky reveals is known. I just like that they are funny in two different ways depending on how much you know and I think I’m gonna keep it that way.
Other potential examples of Becky having closure include the fact that Two Brains is very close to the family. He has come over for dinner many times, and used to babysit Theo. He would babysit Julie but she has a personal mission to touch the mouse brain so he’s a little scared to be alone with her 😂😂😂. (Two Brains is Julie’s favorite former villain)
Thank you for your questions! I’ll get to the other one soon!
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mx-ishikawa · 5 years
first self-insert story I’m posting to this blog! starring Dr Two-Brains of Wordgirl fame, because I've been quite fond of him lately... actually, fond is an understatement. XD" so I wrote this little meet-cute fanfic that was intentionally written to be cheesy (get it? haha). I tried to keep it true to the spirit of the show, while also telling it as if it was something that happened just the other day, if that makes sense. there's like, maybe five total swear words in this, so small warning for that. also, considering the context of the show, you might wanna keep watch for the words "encounter" and "infatuated". just saying. ;P
           It was just another beautiful day in the city. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and somebody was running out of the next building over screaming, but apparently that last bit was normal around here. I was just making my way over to the grocery store for, well, some groceries. I had really only been in there once before, but it seemed like such a nice little grocery store, reminiscent of the local supermarket I used to work in back home.
           I had just recently moved to Fair City a couple weeks ago after getting accepted into the art school there. It was fairly cheap and had a wide range of programs to choose from, so I was thrilled to go there. Being a couple thousand miles away from my old home didn’t bother me in the least bit. Heck, I was glad to get away. But I didn’t realize how crazy this city could get until I moved there. The place was getting constantly pillaged by a wide array of villains, some with weird powers, some with giant robots, and some who were just looking for trouble, and people let a little kid and her monkey handle all of that?? But, Wordgirl is an alien, and a very smart kid with a good head on her shoulders, so she seems like she can handle it. I was lucky enough to briefly encounter her about a week before, and the kid’s got spunk, I’ll tell you that. Not to mention Huggyface is an adorable sidekick. Yes, the city may have been safe in her hands, but little did I know the mess I was about to get myself into…
           I entered the store and looked around, trying to remember where everything was. I was probably gonna have to go through every aisle in order to find what I needed, because my memory is TERRIBLE. I pulled out my miniature notebook from my pocket, let’s see, what do I need—oop, that’s not my grocery list, that’s my villain encounter list! I turned the page, nope, that’s a bunch of phone numbers, another page, still not it, that’s school information, another page, oh there it is! Let’s see here… coffee, bread, cheese, soda, chips… I squinted at the last bit of scribbles. Goshdarnit, I can’t even read my own handwriting! What the heck is THAT?? Oh well. I made my way through the maze of aisles, trying to navigate to my needed items. It didn’t take me long for me to find the coffee, thankfully—but I also found a leak in the ceiling! I turned to the man that I recognized as the manager of the store; thankfully he was nearby.
           “Uh, excuse me, sir,” I said, waiting until he turned his head to me before continuing, “but, um, it looks like there’s a leak in the ceiling right up there, cuz there’s like, there’s a puddle down here, so uhh…” I trailed off after pointing in the respective directions. The manager immediately perked up.
           “Ah! Excellent eye! We could use perceptive people like you around here! You’re hired!”
           “I—I wasn’t—" Actually, I could use a job, but this felt too informal; I didn’t even fill out an application! “I was just trying to help y—AAHHH !!”
           I cringed as the stack of pickle jars I unwittingly backed into fell to the floor with the nerve-wracking sound of breaking glass.
           “Oh my god, I am so sorry!” I immediately panicked.
           “Aw, I just put those up!” the manager yelled. “You’re fired!”
           “Oh dear…” I shifted my eyes, debating on running away from the mess I caused and never coming back, but my manners got the better of me. “At least let me help you!”
           “Well alright then,” the manager said. “I’ll handle the glass, here’s some paper towels.” He handed me a roll of paper towels that he seemingly pulled out of nowhere, and we immediately got to work. He quickly grabbed a bucket for the glass, and I worked on mopping up the pickle juice. Soon enough, I felt someone else’s presence.
           “Here, let me help, too,” a familiar, high-pitched voice said. I didn’t quite realize who it was until I happened to look up mid-sentence.
           “Aw, that’s alright, you don’t have to—ey, Becky!”
           Becky Botsford is a very smart and sweet fifth-grader that I met the other day when her art class took a field trip to my campus. If I may brag, she seemed rather infatuated with the cartoon-style art I was doing, and expressed her envy of her best friend’s art skills. So I introduced her to some artist tips and tricks. I taught her the old lines and shapes technique, which is probably the oldest one in the book, but it really works, and the two of us felt most comfortable around each other during the time her class was there. I could’ve sworn she looked familiar, but she insisted that we had never seen each other before, so that was probably my brain playing tricks on me. How funny of her to show up again; I was just starting to miss the kid.
           “Hey Light,” she said, grabbing a paper towel to clean the juice. “How’s everything going?”
           “Besides being a clumsy moron who knocks over stacks of pickle jars, life’s been good I suppose.” I chuckled nervously, which earned a giggle from Becky in response.
           “Aww, don’t say that, it happens to the best of us,” she said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done similar things while trying to stop a crimi—I mean stop Bob from eating all the food.” Her pet monkey, Bob, squeaked in apparent disapproval. I laughed a little at the animal.
           “Hey, at least you have an excuse,” I said, “I’m just a klutz.”
           “Well, you’re not the only one,” she reassured. 
           “Thanks for lending a hand, young lady!” the manager praised as he began plucking pickles off the floor.
           “Yeah, thanks for helping out, Becky,” I added, scratching the back of my neck.
           “Oh, it’s no problem,” she insisted. She then got a little closer, as if she were about to share a secret. “Anything to get away from my mom’s coconut craze,” she mumbled. 
           I chortled. “Coconut craze?”
           “Ugh, coconuts are on sale this week and my mom keeps obsessing over them!” Becky groaned exasperatedly. “She’s infatuated with them! Like, what are we going to do with so many coconuts?!” Bob squeaked again just then, to which Becky said, “You got that right, Bob.”
           “I know how you feel, kid. My dad’s the same way with his chili. I swear to god, every time I turned around he’d be making that stupid chili even though he knew darn well my mom and I both don’t like it! He’s especially terrible with it in the wintertime, like jeez.”
           “Parents, right?” 
           “I hear ya.”
           We shared a laugh as the last of the mess was cleaned. “Phew, got that out of the way,” I said. “Anyway thanks again for helping me with that. Are you sure we didn’t encounter each other out on the street or something before the other day?” I was sure my brain was just tricking me into thinking Becky was a familiar face, but I pressed it one more time in jest. Becky giggled.
           “Nope, I’m sure you never saw me before.”
           “Encounter?” the store manager suddenly butted in. “Is that some new type of material I’ve never heard of? I could really use a new kitchen counter.”
           “No sir, it doesn’t have anything to do with kitchen counters,” Becky began. “To encounter someone or something means to meet with or bump into them, usually unexpectedly. Like how Light here and I happened to run into each other in the store at the same time. We encountered each other.”
           “Yeah!” I agreed. “Or how I’ve encountered several villains since I’ve moved here, so I made a list of all the known villains in the city and put a check mark by each one I’ve met!”
           “Wait, you have a list of villains you’ve encountered?” Becky asked. Bob squeaked in confusion.
           “Yep I do! So far, I’ve ran into The Butcher, Mr Big, Amazing Rope Guy, Tobey’s robots, a couple of Lady Redundant Woman’s copies, and I met Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy twice. He seems so nice, I can’t see how he could be evil.” 
           “Wow, sounds like you’re having a crazy time here,” Becky said. 
           “Yeah, but I like crazy, so this is awesome!”
           “Becky~! Bob~!” a jolly female voice suddenly called from a couple aisles away. “Come check out all these wonderful coconuts!” I wheezed in amusement.
           “I’m guessing that’s your mom?”
           “Yes,” Becky said flatly. “Guess I should get going,” she sighed. “But hey, hopefully we can see each other around again sometime!”
           “Yeah, see you around, kid!”
           Becky quickly jogged over to the aisle her mom must’ve been in. I still couldn’t shake the sense of familiarity from her, but maybe it was the start of a sibling-like affection towards the kid. I glanced back down at my grocery list, realizing I still had no idea where everything was at, and cautiously turned back to the manager.
           “Uh hey, uhhh, I know I just made a mess a couple minutes ago, but I’m still new here, and I don’t remember where anything is at, except for this coffee here, so uhh, could you help me out here please?” I showed him my grocery list.
           “Why certainly!” he said. “The bread is right over in the next aisle to your right, the chips are aaaaall the way over on the other side of the store, the soda’s right by there, I can’t help you with whatever that is at the bottom of your list, oh, and the cheese is right down the aisle next to the meat! Asiago is on sale, and flying off the shelves fast, so grab it before it’s gone!”
           “Alright! I’ll try to remember all of that! Thanks!”
           “My pleasure!” the manager said before I made my way down the aisle to the cheese. They had a really nice cheese selection the last time I was here, and I wanted to try some of that asiago. So I took a good long look at all the cheeses when I got to them. Oh yeah, they’ve still got all kinds of cheeses… cheddar, havarti, gouda, muenster, mozzarella… oh jeez, there’s only one asiago left… hmmm, should I take it? Or should I wait until they have more of it later and let someone else have this? I squinted at the price. Jesus, this stuff is expensive, even on sale. No wonder it’s all but gone. I shifted my eyes again, trying to sort out my mental conflict. I always felt guilty for taking the last of something… but hell, I’d been here for two weeks and I’d been proving myself to be an independent adult just fine, I deserved to splurge and treat myself!
           “Aw fuck it! I’m taking this ch—AHH!” I jumped and cut myself off as another hand joined mine in reaching for the cheese. 
           “Whoa there!” a somewhat raspy male voice yelled, sounding just as surprised as mine.
           “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were trying to—” I cut myself off again, this time with a sharp gasp, as I looked up and saw just who was competing with me for the cheese. This man was tall and slender, and donned scientist attire. He was incredibly pale, with messy white hair, piercing red eyes, pink-tinted cheeks, and a few crooked, silvery whiskers protruding from around his subtly twitching nose. But what tipped me off was the small, exposed, slightly pulsating brain nestled within the white hairs on his head. I took a step back, slightly fearful.
           “Y—y-you… y-you’re… you’re d-d—Doctor Two-Brains!”
           “Yep, that’s me,” he stated proudly, shooting me a wicked smirk. He put one hand on his hip and began casually twirling what I assumed to be one of his ray guns with his other hand. “I gotta say, I wasn’t expecting any competition.”
           “Heh, neither was I,” I said, suddenly feeling flustered. “I mean, I guess I always run the risk if I’m anywhere near cheese, but I had no idea you’d be here today!” I perked up as I remembered something. “Oh, I gotta add you to my villain encounter list!”
           Two-Brains blinked in confusion. “Your what-now?”
           “My list of all the villains I’ve met so far! Most of them are pretty nice for villains, but Tobey’s got quite the attitude problem. Kid’s too young to be having a God complex.”
           Suddenly, Two-Brains bust out laughing.
           “Oh my goodness,” he wheezed. “Tobey—God compl—ahahaha!” He clutched his sides as he doubled over, shoulders shaking. “Did you hear that, henchmen?” He elbowed the bigger henchman, who simply exchanged confused looks with the smaller one. “Oh that is rich!”
           I laughed a little myself, mainly at how amused this supposedly evil scientist was at my throwaway comment. “Well, I’m glad you got a kick out of that, haha.” I could’ve sworn Two-Brains wiped a tear from his eye just then.
           “Oh man, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. You’re quite the comedian.”
           “Haha, well thanks, I try…”
           Suddenly, as his laughter died down, our eyes locked. A sensation akin to that of a tiny electrical current coursed through me as he stared into my soul. His eyes were so mesmerizing. It’s not very often you see such a lovely ruby shade. It was hard to tear myself away from them, but soon enough I felt nervous maintaining eye contact, so my eyes discreetly wandered to other parts of his face. I noticed his smooth, pale complexion. His rosy cheeks. His fluffy hair. His nice jaw structure, not too sharp but not too baby-faced either. Then his cute, pink lips. In that moment I was worried he noticed me gawking, so I looked back into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes, framed by long lashes. I gulped as the truth sunk in.
           Oh no. He’s gorgeous.
           I was finally snapped out of my trance when Two-Brains cleared his throat. I shook my head, damn, I probably creeped him out by now.
           “So,” he began, casually leaning his arm against the shelves, “you’re new here, huh?”
           I sputtered in shock. “H-h-how did you know?!” Two-Brains chuckled at my reaction.
           “Well, for one thing, people who are from around here don’t have a ‘villain encounter list’. Also, I come to this grocery store a lot, so I know who else comes here, and you’re definitely not a familiar face. Besides, I think I would’ve noticed you before.” If I’m not mistaken, he winked at me right then. I blushed.
           “Pfft, as if.” I smiled but waved my hand in dismissal. “No one ever notices me. Not without forgetting about me immediately after.”
           Two-Brains snapped into an upright position. “You’re kidding.”
           “Nope. I was always the weird kid that got left behind…” I rubbed my arm, suddenly feeling insecure. I wasn’t anybody, yet here I was, thinking I could talk to a guy like Two-Brains. What was I doing wasting his time?
           “Gee, that’s awful.” The doctor’s voice softened.
           I shrugged. “It’s alright. I’m used to it by now.”
           “Still, it’s a shame. But let’s not talk about that!” His voice quickly returned to its regular pitch as he plucked a block of cheese from the shelves and immediately tore into it. “So what’s your name?”
           “My name? Oh, well uhh… you can just call me Light. I don’t really like going by my real name anymore.”
           “Yeah me neither,” Two-Brains deadpanned, taking another bite of his cheese. “It just isn’t who I am anymore.”
           “Exactly!” I snapped my fingers. “Like, no offense to my dad, since he picked out my name, but I needed a new identity with my fresh new start.”
           “My mom picked out my name.” Two-Brains shrugged. “Safe to say, I’m not her sweet little boy anymore.”
           “I bet,” I chuckled.
           “So why Light?” he questioned, carelessly tossing the now-empty cheese wrapper behind him and taking another block. “You got some special glowing power or something?”
           “Oh no, not at all, it’s just, the word was in my internet username, so people started calling me that and it kinda grew on me. Doesn’t really mean anything, although ‘light’ was my first word as a baby, sooo I guess that counts as something, haha.”
           “Interesting…” he pondered the thought as he munched on the cheese.
           “Hey boss,” the smaller of his henchmen interjected, “are we actually gonna steal this cheese, or…”
           “Uh, yeah, start loading it up in the cart.” He waved his hand in a “get going” motion.
           “But wasn’t the plan to threaten everyone with this big ray machine?” The henchman gestured to a very large contraption behind them. I took a step back in shock.
           “Uh, whoa.” How did I miss that big honkin’ thing?!
           “Change of plans, we’re not gonna cause a scene, we’re just gonna take the cheese and leave,” Two-Brains answered. “But fire up the ray in case Wordgirl comes around.”
           “Gee, I hate to get in the way of your, uh, cheese heist,” I awkwardly shuffled my feet. “I know you’re infatuated with the stuff.”
           “Aw, you’re not in my way,” Two-Brains cooed, “why do you think I’m changing my plans?”
           “Uhhhh, becaaauuuse… I don’t know.”
           He chuckled, leaning against the shelves again as his henchmen loaded up the cheese behind him. “You’re a little dense, aren’t you?”
           “Um, honestly, yeah, I’m really not that smart,” I sheepishly admitted, rubbing the back of my neck.
           “Hm. You guys know what I’m doing, right henchmen?” He craned his head in their direction.
           “Uhh, not exactly,” the smaller admitted. Two-Brains facepalmed.
           “Oh, you’ll all figure it out soon enough.” It seemed like the statement was directed at all of us, but he turned back to me to say it. Suddenly he was gazing at me with those eyes. My heart skipped a beat. I looked at him, then at the cheese, then the henchmen, and back to him. A crazy idea formed in my brain.
           “You know… I could buy this cheese for you.” Oh god, why did I say that?! I’m broke as hell! I can’t afford all that cheese!
           “Well aren’t you a sweetheart~” he crooned, taking a few steps closer to me. I felt my face heat up. Sweetheart? Such a word never usually struck a chord in me, but for some reason, the way he said it sent shivers down my spine. He leaned in, giving me a sweet smile, before his expression turned more malicious. “But I want to steal this cheese. Ahahahaha!” He tilted his head back and let out an evil laugh. I laughed as well, but it was more out of embarrassment.
           “Right, of course. I’m not entirely sure why I said that. Pretty soon I’ll be offering to buy Mr Big a hypnotism kit.”
           Two-Brains’ wicked cackling quickly turned into a giggle fit. Guess I tickled his funny bone again.
           “She’s at it again, boys!” he giggled. “Hypnotism—pffahaha!” He put a hand over his mouth at he attempted to stifle his laughter. I blushed. Good lord, this man was adorable. “As if he isn’t rich enough to buy all the hypnotism stuff he wants!” He shook his head as he calmed himself down. “Where did you learn to be so humorous?”
           I shrugged. “I dunno, my family? I come from a long line of goofballs.”
           He giggled again. “Well hey, the world needs more charming goofballs like you.” He made a finger gun motion with one of his hands, and I sputtered again.
           “Me?? Charming??! Haha, that’s… I think you’re the charming one around here.”
           “Well, I do what I can,” he said in a proud voice. He winked before continuing. “But I think you’re not giving yourself enough credit. You need to have some confidence in yourself!” He reached over and clasped my shoulder, making my face turn red.
           “Pfft, easier said than done, Doc.”
           His brows curved upward as he patted my shoulder. “Aw, I’m sure you’ll get it someday, sweetheart.” I let out a strangled noise that sounded like a cross between a choke and a lovestruck sigh. Dammit, there’s that word again. I’m pretty sure my entire face looked like a tomato at that point. Then I noticed he was gazing at me again. I nearly lost my breath as a realization formed in my brain.
           Wait, holy shit, is he flirting with me??! No, that’s crazy. There’s no way a guy like him would really wanna flirt with ME! Besides, he’s a villain, he probably flirts with everyone… but he’s like, being genuinely nice to me too. Could it be?
           “Heheh, you know,” I began, “you’re also pretty nice, for a villain. I mean, we just met like, five minutes ago, and you’re already treating me better than most of the people I knew for years ever did.”
           “Hey, I may be evil, but I’m not completely heartless!” My breath hitched as his arm snaked around my shoulders. “Say, could I take a look at that little villain list of yours?”
           “Oh yeah, sure! I really gotta add you to it now!” I pulled my notebook out of my pocket and handed it to him. In response, he pulled out a pen.
           “I think I’ll add myself onto here.” Two-Brains clicked the pen and began scribbling into the notebook. Then his henchmen butted in again.
           “Alright boss, the cheese is all loaded up… should we go?”
           “Bring everything to the van, boys! I’ll catch up with you two in a minute.”
           I opened my mouth to tell him how honored I felt that he was setting aside his time for little old me, but suddenly, I heard a familiar whoosh noise and an even more familiar voice.
           “The only thing you’ll be catching up to is jail, Doctor Two-Brains!”
           “Wordgirl!” Two-Brains assumed a defensive stance. He glowered as he realized she was blocking the henchmen’s path. “No surprise you’d show up eventually.”
           “Well, that big ray machine was pretty hard to miss.” Wordgirl vaguely gestured to the large contraption Two-Brains had somehow rolled into the store.
           “Impressive, isn’t it?” Two-Brains said smugly. “Just feast your eyes on what it does!”
           “Wait a minute, uhh… is she with you?” she gestured to me before he could press any buttons on the machine. I shuffled awkwardly, suddenly very aware of being in between a spunky superhero and a cute supervillain.
           “Oh, her?” he pointed his thumb at me. “This is Light, and uh, she’s only with me if she wants to be.” He threw his arm around me and winked again, a sly smirk playing at his lips. I sputtered yet again.
           “Aw, gee, I’d love to, but um, I kinda gotta keep my record clean, heheh.”
           “Shame. I’d love for you work with me.” My face reddened and I opened my mouth, but he pulled away before I could respond. “Now, back to my marvelous machine—”
           “Let me guess, it turns things into cheese?” Wordgirl crossed her arms, apparently unamused by Two-Brains’ ploy. Huggy made a noise that sounded like a groan.
           “No!... Maybe… okay, fine, yeah, it does!”
           “No surprise.” She was clearly not impressed.
           “Hey!” I butted in. “Figuring out how to turn things into cheese couldn’t have been easy for Two-Brains! Like, that’s altering entire chemical compositions here! And since he’s figured that out, I don’t really blame him for using it over and over. It’s impressive if you ask me.”
           “Thank you!” Two-Brains exhaled, throwing his arms up. “See? She gets it.”
           “Well hey, I know if I had machines that could turn stuff into cheese, I wouldn’t have any stuff left!” This statement caused Two-Brains to laugh yet again.
           “I know, I don’t have much left either, haha.”
           “Right? And honestly, I don’t blame you for stealing cheese, either.”
           “Oh boy, she’s as infatuated as he is,” Wordgirl offhandedly remarked to Huggy.
           “What can I say? It’s darn good stuff,” I said, stealing a gaze at Two-Brains. Huggy made some chirping noises, and Wordgirl craned her head towards the simian sidekick on her shoulder; he seemed to be asking her something.
           “Oh, well I’m glad you asked,” she answered cheerily. “To be infatuated with something means to be very passionate about it, and love it a lot! Like how I’m infatuated with words! Or how Doctor Two-Brains is infatuated with cheese.” She pointed towards him, and Huggy squeaked in understanding. “Or how Light there appears infatuated with Doctor Two-Brains.”
           I nearly choked.
           “Whoa whoa hold up what??! I—wha—”
           Wordgirl stiffened as she realized her mistake. “Oh my goodn— I am SO sorry! I just—”
           “What gives you that idea?? Hahahaha…” My nervous titter made it clear that I knew exactly where she got that idea from. Why did I always make things so damn obvious? I’m like an open book. I thought maybe I was doing an okay job at concealing my little crush, but even the kid was able to see right through me!
           “Well I was kinda… just trying to define ‘infatuated’, haha.” She sheepishly folded her arms behind her back, trying to make herself smaller. “Sorry about that.”
           “Well hey uh, defining words is your job, right?”
           “That and protecting the city by fighting cr—AAAHK!”
           Wordgirl shrieked as she was suddenly whacked out of her midair hover and onto the floor by a sticky, yellowish substance. Two-Brains’ wicked cackling filled the aisle.
           “Oh, did I forget to mention that my ray machine also shoots sticky nacho cheese? Bwahahahaha! Thanks for helping me escape, Light! Haha!”
           I froze as I realized that I had accidentally distracted Wordgirl long enough for Two-Brains to trap her in a nacho cheese cocoon. It must’ve been super strong cheese, too, for as much as Wordgirl struggled, she couldn’t break free, even with her superstrength.
           “Oops,” I mumbled. Two-Brains started making his way out of the store, with his henchmen rolling the ray machine away, but something made me panic.
           “Wait!” I cried, lunging forward and reaching my hand out towards him. Two-Brains simply looked over his shoulder with a quizzical expression. “I uhh… this is kinda… this is probably a longshot, with how… I mean you’re such a well-known villain so you’re probably busy a lot but… do you think we could like… I dunno… hang out some time, or something?”
           Two-Brains blinked once, as if in disbelief, before a sly smirk etched his face. “Way ahead of ya, sister.” With that, he winked, made a finger gun gesture, and waltzed away, but not before tossing something at me. I fumbled it for a moment, but I did manage to catch it somehow. I looked down, and saw it was—asiago cheese. The last of the asiago cheese. He let me have that?? I stared in front of myself in silence for a second or ten, trying to figure out if that entire interaction really happened. But I was cut from my thoughts when I realized Wordgirl and Captain Huggyface were still struggling to break free from the cocoon that was partially my fault they got into in the first place.
           “Oh. My. God. I am. SO. Sorry!” I panicked. “I swear, I did NOT mean to do that!”
           “It’s alright, nothing I haven’t been though before,” Wordgirl said. “Besides, this one is kind of on me.” Suddenly, with a grunt and a burst of strength, she burst free from her cocoon of cheese. “Ah, that’s better. Now off to find Doctor Two-Brains. I’m not about to let him get away from me again!”
           “Yeah, sorry again about accidentally aiding him… also, this is gonna sound crazy, but you remind me of someone.”
           “Oh?” Wordgirl raised an eyebrow. “Well, people have said I look like a young Dana Hill.” I laughed a little.
           “That could be it. But I feel like I know you from somewhere outside of superheroism… it’s probably just my brain being weird on me again though, haha.”
           “Probably. Also, it’s great that you and Two-Brains are getting along, but he is a supervillain, so just… be careful around him, okay?”
           “I gotcha, kiddo. He seemed really nice to me, but if he ever tries to pull something, I know who to call.” I gave Wordgirl a finger gun motion. “Anyway, I better let you get back to your business.”
           “Thanks. Now come on Huggy, let’s go get Doctor Two-Brains! Word up!” And with that, she sped away. It was then I remember the last thing Two-Brains said before he left. Way ahead of ya, sister… what exactly did he mean by that? I picked up my little notebook that had fallen onto the floor and flipped to my villain encounter list. When I looked by his name, I almost dropped the thing in shock. Not only was there a nice little signature, but written beside it was a seven-digit number, with the words “call me” and a wink face. Holy shit.
           “He gave me his number…” I whispered in shock. As it sank in, a grin slowly crept onto my face until I’m pretty sure it was ear-to-ear. “I GOT HIS NUMBER!!!”
           “Nice!” a random person from somewhere inside the store shouted.
           “Thanks!” I shouted back. I just could not believe it! Man, I really came in this store for groceries and ended up with a cute mad scientist’s phone number and Cupid’s arrow impaling my chest, huh?
           How cheesy.
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ifbrd · 5 years
Episode Commentary for Wordgirl “Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout”
As requested by an anon, I’m going to do an Episode Commentary (that’s what I’m gonna call them, they need a name so I know what to title the post and have people know what the heck it is) of the WordGirl episode “Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout”
I’m going to apologize in advance for the number of times I say “also” “can we just take a moment to appreciate” “I love that...”  and “Me”
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Look at Two Brains Drawings! <3
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Me as a villain
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This is something I love about this show; they have realistic conversations. This is absolutely a slip-up someone would make if they were having an off day. I make stupid mistakes like this all day every day XD This honestly isn’t my favorite example of this, but it’s a good one none-the-less.
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Let’s just take a moment to appreciate this very important image of Huggy doing what he does best and rarely gets to do anymore since coming to Earth.
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Hey! Wait a minute! 
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Well Dr. Two Brains, clearly it works on doubled brained citizens too!
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Huggy approves of this crash-land
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I have nothing to say about this, it’s just a good bit of dialogue and it must have its moment to shine.
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…I have got to start setting reminders for myself like this. Also, I love that she looks at her boots and nods like “yes, yes they are” as if she wasn’t the person who said that in the first place.
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And thus, begins an entire episode of Huggy being annoyed and disapproving.
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Okay, I’m pretty sure the line was “Change it back” but thanks for trying, I guess. Anyway, I lowkey love this brief tantrum she throws. It reminds us she’s still a kid. She’s a kid taking on adult responsibilities, and moments like this remind us that she’s not perfect, sometimes she just wants to do something for herself and she will still get upset when things go wrong.
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I took this screenshot for no other reason than to prove that the line was “Change it back!”
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Nothing gets past these two
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Do I detect saltiness in that cheese? That was me trying to be clever. (OMG I have Word set to read stuff out loud so I can catch mistakes easier, and idk why but when it said this sentence I LOST IT) Also “often uninvited”—implying that there were a few instances where he did invite her.
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It’s funny because it’s not the weirdest threat I’ve heard on this show.
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You don’t know Wordgirl...at all...
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Huggy’s annoyed, but at least he has snacks.
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Me doing my homework
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We all know Pretty Princess is supposed to represent WordGirl in this episode but let’s acknowledge that the horse is clearly supposed to be Huggy—disapproving of the plan, giving her annoyed looks the entire time, but ultimately doing nothing to stop her from procrastinating.
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lol poor Huggy
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Amazing, done-before-but-I’ll-never-get-tired-of-hearing-it joke aside, I”m convinced that Huggy already knew what procrastinate means, he just wanted her to define it so she’d realize she’s doing it.
Plan failed.
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When I said Pretty Princess was me doing my homework, I meant it.
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WordGirl was me watching the Gravity Falls finale. Huggy was my brother watching me watch the Gravity Falls finale.
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TBH I just wanted a good shot of this room, but can we appreciate the light coming from the window? Like I feel that there’s no reason to put that much detail into the lighting and they did it anyway. Also, I want to see this window on the outside of the ship.
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What’s the butterfly room like? Why is there a butterfly room? Why have we never seen this butterfly room because I really want to see the butterfly room!
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Me when someone in my family brings home Oreos
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Who wants to play spot the episodic easter egg!
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This is it. this is my favorite Two Brains line.
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Huggy’s been annoyed with her the entire episode because he knew this very thing could happen. He could say “I told you!” he could leap into action, but instead he’s like “I’ve got one last pretzel, just let me finish it…”
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Sorry, I didn’t mean to have all this hoo-ha in the screenshot. I thought about retaking it…but you can see the things I want to point out alright so maybe later. I lowkey want to do a separate post on this. Anyway, this is clearly Huggy’s stuff, and the two things I want to point out are the framed picture of Huggy and an unknown superhero on the left, and various pictures and documents on a bulletin board to the right. I wish we had clearer pictures, I’d love to examine them more, but the framed one does certainly imply that Huggy has worked with or at least met other superheroes aside from WordGirl. I’d also really love to know what those documents are.
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Villains traipsing through his ship warrants almost no reaction, but you touch his stuff and suddenly you’re messing with the devil!
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I love that he’s still willing to take over her hideout just because the henchmen love it, despite the fact that they “haven’t been too helpful”
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I’ve got a couple of things to say here: 1. In the second picture: Strike a pose Two Brains! 2. I gotta rant because this is honestly scary to me. He doesn’t remember writing a book. It takes him a second to realize he wrote it, and it probably was seeing his old name that triggered it. He doesn’t recognize the title. Who forgets they wrote a book?? Writing a book is a lloooooooonng process that takes months to years, it takes up a good chunk of your life, there’s no way you’d just forget it. The mouse brain has more control than we’ve realized, it's controlling his memories. That’s literally the only explanation for just blanking out on writing an entire damn book. It took me months to write a children’s book and he basically wrote an entire textbook! That’s not something you’re gonna bust out in a weekend and forget about!
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Another rant! She got most of her superhero knowledge from Steven’s book. Not from Huggy like I’d always assumed. I still stand by the idea that Huggy gave her a solid foundation of training to start with, and she learned more on her own through books like these and personal wisdom and experience. But she got most of her knowledge and tactics not from her own superhero based culture, but from a book by a guy who never was (that we know of) and isn’t a superhero himself. She got more wisdom from some guy observing superheroes than her own heritage. This pretty much confirms that Steven was extremely popular in the superhero community, for him to be able to observe and probably interview for reference that many heroes to get that much knowledge.
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They made a movie on his book! I wanna see this movie! It’d be like the Krusty Krab training video episode of Spongebob!
And apparently, it was better than the book..
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If you listen closely, you can hear the screaming of every Steven Boxleitner fan
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Okay sound started to get a little off from the captions at the end here but bear with me.
First of all, have some fabulous concentrating-Dr.-Two-Brains images! Secondly, he’s in WordGirl’s hideout, he should be on high alert, and hearing WordGirl scream “NOW HUGGY!” causes no reaction. He doesn’t even flinch.
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It took several tries to get this image, but it was totally worth it!!!
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Huggy is validated by The Narrator. I love when The Narrator steps in XD
And Two Brains just glaring at everyone XD
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Yet again, Huggy doesn’t approve, yet doesn’t do anything about it and participates in the activity. And boy oh boy would I love to see our disembodied narrator try to play Ping-Pong!
That’s all for this episode! The next one I’m doing is Robot Monkey Showdown! I have no idea when that will be up…but I’m hoping very soon, but I gotta crop all the pictures, (or maybe I won’t? would that be a crime? It would significantly cut down on time...) then type out my comments, then put it all into tumblr.
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