#I’m sry for butchering the @s I couldn’t think of anything better
obikinetic · 2 years
Day 20: Bluff
Inspired by you be the tightrope, baby i'll be the safety net by @tennessoui
“Oh!” Padmé, at least, recovers much faster than Richard had. “I didn’t know you were still together.”
“Neither of us has social media,” Obi-Wan responds airily. “Why post about your life when you can just live it?”
Anakin turns to shoot him a look, one thick eyebrow raised in disbelief. Obi-Wan has an Instagram and Twitter account just to talk about books, as well as an Instagram for their cat.
Oh, alright. Quinlan’s cat that Obi-Wan gets to cat-sit sometimes.
When I read this fic weeks ago I felt so lovesick and jealous of them that I had a mild breakdown and cried. And then when I went to scan it again today for reference? BOOM, tears again. I cannot stress this enough: I. Want. What. They. Have.
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Textless version under the cut!
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