#I’m starting to enjoy a bit too much the Zay-Lucas dynamic
licenselesswriter · 5 years
From November to June CH5
March 17, 2018
She knew exactly what that taste was. It was the taste of defeat. Riley looked at her mother with pleading in her eyes. Topanga just caresses her hair and put a soft kiss on her forehead.
- I knew this was a mistake - Riley softly said with a depressing tone coming from her throat - Everyone's here, Farkle and his parents, Zay and his sisters, Lucas' Mom, Uncle Josh, and Marianne, everyone's here except for Maya - she says looking at the floor.
- Well, it is your fault - Topanga replied.
- Really Mom? Now? - Riley asks back.
Topanga just smiles at her and hugs her dearly before putting a kiss on her forehead - Don't worry dear, she will come - she replies.
- How do you know? - Riley asks this time, really concerned about losing her best friend for not being mature enough.
- I have someone on the case right now - she answers and kisses her forehead again - Now go get ready, you have guests and you're still on pajamas - she adds and sends her daughter to her room.
A few blocks away, Lucas just saw rejection and tiredness in front of him.
- No - Maya says and close door on Lucas' face.
- What do you mean with no? - Lucas asks from outside.
- I mean "I'm using that word to express the negative of an alternative, choice or possibility" - Maya replies.
From the other side of the door, Lucas just smiles - Harper is gonna be so proud of you when I tell her this - he says and then looks inside one of his pockets for a certain key - Can at least have a chance to give you the choices? - Lucas asks this time.
- Why? - Maya answers back - It's not like I'm gonna change my mind about it - she continues, until she felt how the door start to open - Are you seriously forcing your way into my house? - she asks him, leaning against the door.
- I have a key, it's not forcing - he adds pushing delicately - Please Maya, let me in - Lucas says.
- Fine - she replies - But stop pushing - she adds, and Lucas indeed stops pushing. She slowly opens the door and let him in - So? - she says crossing her arms.
- So - he replies and sits on her couch - We're going to the St. Patrick Party - he adds.
Maya just rolls her eyes and walk back to her room.
Lucas rolls his eyes too - Maya, please - he says while he gets up from the couch - Can't you be the bigger person here? - he asks.
- This is not a matter of being the bigger person "Best Song Ever" this is about a damn apology she refuses to give - she replies.
Lucas wasn't able to reply; he knew she was right - What about Mrs. Matthews? Or Mr. Matthews, or Auggie? - he tries to argue.
- Who send you here? - she asks back.
For a second, he was a bit hesitant to answer - Mrs. Matthews - he finally replies.
- Why not Riley? - Maya asks this time - You and I, we both know the answer to that question - she says and closes her room door again.
Lucas stood there in her hall - Maya, are you gonna force me to play dirty? - he asks.
- I'm forcing you to understand my point of view - Maya replies from her room.
- Fine - he says - I'm leaving, but I will come back, mark my words - he threatened her.
- You always came back, no matter how much I push away your huckleberry ass - Maya says and laugh.
- My pleasure Ma'am - he jokes and leave her apartment.
Around 1 hour later, Maya heard how the front door unlocks and fastly opens - Huckleberry? - Maya asks, only to be surprised when she saw a long-haired brunette on Zay's shoulder.
- Heads up - Zay says and throws a paper bag to Maya, who fastly catches it.
She wasn't able to suppress the smile of watching her best friend being carried over a shoulder - Did you seriously carry her back here on your shoulder? - she asks.
Zay just put Riley down - Not really, it was for a dramatic purpose - he answers and then walks out the apartment - You both need to talk and I need food, hopefully, Lukey is getting me a chicken roll - he adds before leaving the blonde and the brunette alone.
They just stood there in complete silence, until Maya finally breaks it - Was it fun? - she asks.
Riley smiled - Yeah, it was - she replies.
They both stay silent again. Maya walks to the couch and opens the bag Zay throws at her, finding some dinner rolls inside.
- Maya - Riley calls her best friend.
- Yeah? - Maya replies before shoving a dinner roll in her mouth.
- I want to apologize - she says and walks in front of Maya.
- This is gonna be fun - Maya says, more to herself than to Riley - About what exactly you want to apologize Riley? Because I can give you a list - she adds, trying not to sound too mean.
- I... I deserve that - Riley softly says, feeling a knot on her throat - First, I want to apologize for leaving you in your time of need - she says and Maya finally looks at her best friend.
- When I needed you the most, you decided that I was a selfish slut who didn't care enough about you, to tell you that I was pregnant, remember that little jewel? - Maya asks, letting go a bit of her anger.
- Maya, I'm honestly don't know what was wrong with me at that moment, and then I just let the time go, and I end up in a loop where I was too afraid to apologize for things, I did wrong - she says, almost like a justification.
- Let me ask you something - Maya says to Riley and gives her the paper bag - How many times I’ve had sex? - she asks.
Riley looked at Maya dumfounded - I... I Don't know the answer to that - she answers, failing to retain more her tears.
- Riley, if at some moment we want to keep being friends, the first thing you need to do is not theorize about what I do, just asks me, and for fuck's sake, mature, it's not that hard, even I did it - she says and hugs her crying best friend - And for the record, the answer to that question is 2, I just had to be stupid, irresponsible and had really bad timing - she adds, making Riley laugh in the middle of her crying.
After good 10 minutes, Riley calms herself a bit - I'm sorry - she says to Maya.
- Don't worry Honey - Maya says and helps her get on her feet - Besides, green has never been your color, I'm glad we're back to our usual purple - she adds.
Riley just blushes a bit, knowing that Maya was right - I guess I’m still a bit too crazy about him - she says and looked directly into Maya's eyes - Will you be my best friend again? - she asks.
Maya just looks at her - I never stopped being your best friend Honey, it’s just that you needed a lesson, and people learn best from pain than strawberries - she adds and kiss Riley's forehead in the same way Topanga does.
- From where you learn that Maya the white? - Riley asks, drying her tears on her best friend's shirt.
- Imagine Dragons - Maya lies before hiding it with a little chuckle.
 While that was happening, outside Maya's building, Zay was just angry. Of course, that angry disappear when he saw his best friend shows up.
- Heads up - Lucas says and throws him a roll.
- Finally - Zay says and shove half of the roll in his mouth.
- You're disgusting - Lucas says taking a normal bite of his roll.
- Yeah, but you Love me - Zay replies.
- As a friend - Lucas says.
- Really? directly into the friendzone? - Zay asks and finishes his roll - Don't worry, I already know who steal that little Texan heart - he says joking.
Lucas just felt his face burn - I hate you - he says and gives him another roll.
- No, you don't - Zay replies with a smile.
- Do you think they finished upstairs? - Lucas asks, trying to avoid what his best friend tried to imply.
- Don't know, Pippi Longstocking said pretty harsh things - Zay answers - Hope this time she had her mouth connected to her heart and not to her ass - he comments.
- Unnecessary - Lucas replies judging Zay's words.
- You weren't there, so don't you dare to judge me when I'm right - Zay defends himself.
- Ok, calm down - Lucas says lifting his hands in surrender, being interrupted by his phone. He checks on the text - They will be down in 10, Riley is helping Maya get dress - he says.
- Are they good? - Zay asks.
- What do you think? - Lucas asks back, showing him the picture Maya and Riley send to him, of them giving him the finger.
Zay just laughs really hard at his best friend.
 A few minutes later, Maya was the first to shows up, and Lucas felt like his heart just did a moonsault.
- Ohhhh, I like that - Zay says looking at Maya, who did a spin for him.
- What's going on "Best song ever"? Cat got your tongue? - Maya asks Lucas while Zay tries his best to not interrupt the moment.
- No, it's just... - Lucas tried to say, but he keeps choking - You look glowing Maya - he finally says.
Zay just looks how Maya blush a bit before smiling deviously. She was gonna mess with him, Zay thought to himself.
- Thanks "Best song ever" - she says and walks closer to Lucas, only to grab one of his cheeks - That almost sound like a flirt, better luck next time - she adds before opening one of the backdoors and get inside his car.
Lucas just closes his eyes and deny with a small move - Don't you dare - he warns Zay.
- I wouldn't - Zay replies before taking the shotgun seat.
Seconds later Riley came down and takes a seat next to Maya inside the car.
Lucas gets in and drives them back to the Matthews home.
When they arrived, Maya asks Riley to give her a second before getting in.
- Is everything good? - Lucas asks her.
- Just needed a minute "Sweet Creature" - Maya replies.
- "Sweet Creature"? Wasn't I "Best song ever"? - Lucas asks half-joke, half-serious.
- You were - Maya answers and then put a kiss on his cheek - but it seems more appropriate since you just bring me home - she adds before walking inside the Matthews home.
Lucas just stood there.
For 15 minutes.
Until Zay came out looking for him.
- I'm in trouble - he says to his best friend.
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wellhellsbelles · 4 years
would you like to ever do a riarkle enemies to lovers fic? because i've seen only like 2 enemies to lovers riarkle fics and i think it'd be really cool to see them in a different dynamic
yes i would and i loved every minute of writing this. it’s based VERY LOOSELY on my experience as a hostess in the popular chain italian restaurant we all know and love
anyway, enjoy!!
ao3 link or read below
Riley doesn’t intend on making any enemies when she starts working at the restaurant.
 It just sort of . . . happens.
She’d like to think she has the supposed “Big Five” personality traits on lockdown—she’s a very agreeable person, incredibly open with others, positively extroverted, astute in conscientiousness, and her neuroticism . . .
Well, she could maybe stand to work on it a bit, but can she be calm? Absolutely.
There’s just something about Farkle Minkus that makes her want to drive a spork into her leg, though.
It’s a weird sort of dichotomy they form together, despite not being too different from one another. They hold the same sort of power in the restaurant—she’s a host, he’s a busser, and they both get paid minimum wage. While she guides the guests around the restaurant, he cleans up tables and spills, and there should be no reason for the animosity that they harbor for another.
If you ask Riley, she’d chalk it up to her first busy night at the restaurant. The night had bogged her down as she ran around the restaurant, seating guests and refilling anything they needed if she happened to be passing by them. At one point, she’d been asked to help bus tables—something she knew she’d be awful at—and he’d strolled up to her while she was trying to pick up plates, taking them from her grasp forcefully.
“Look, if you’re going to help, then actually do something useful. You’re moving about as slow as a turtle and it’s infuriating,” he had grumbled to her. “Why don’t you go be a good host and greet people with a fake smile and annoying personality?”
Yeah, that’d cinch the nail in the coffin for anyone, she assumes.
How dare he say she had an annoying personality! She was a freakin’ charm to have around, and most of the people working at the restaurant already got along with her. Why was it so hard for him to accept that fact?
Riley didn’t wish to dwell on it, so she didn’t. But she did make enemies with Farkle that night, point blank.
 “Hey Minkus, mind bussing those tables I asked you to bus twenty minutes ago?” Riley calls into the headset. She’d been fed up with another busy night, and Farkle’s attitude was not cutting it for her. She nearly startled when he rounded the corner, though, his permanent look of disdain greeting her.
“You know, bussers don’t just clean tables. In fact, they actually have to listen when managers ask them to do other tasks around the restaurant,” he says, adjusting the sleeves of his black button-up that he had pushed up his forearms.
“And you know I need tables, yeah? We’re on a wait,” Riley argues back. He gives her one last glare before disappearing back into the dining rooms, and Riley hears someone whistle behind her back.
“You know you egg him on just as much as he does you, right?” Maya, one of the servers who’s quickly become her best friend at the restaurant, tells her, leaning against the host stand. Riley shakes her head.
“Not true. He started it, anyway!”
“And you can’t let bygones be bygones?”
“Why on earth should I do that?” Riley asks, incredulous. Maya shrugs.
“I dunno. Besides the fact that the two of you have undeniable chemistry? Or similar personalities? Or the same friend groups around here?”
“What do you mean ‘undeniable chemistry’? We hate each other!” Riley exclaims.
“We often harbor love under the guise of hatred,” Maya states, earning her a disgusted expression from Riley.
“Don’t you have tables to serve?”
“After your boyfriend cleans them up, yeah.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!!” Riley shouts after her friend as she leaves, the sound of chuckling fading off around the corner.
 “So Zay calls out and you’re the only person who can fill his role as a host tonight?” Riley asks Farkle, exasperated. It’s a little strange to see him sans apron, standing at the host stand like he’s the same level as her.
He’s not.
“Imagine, being ungrateful that someone was able to pick up his shift so you wouldn’t be on your own. Are you always this disagreeable in the morning or is that just how you are normally?” he counters.
Riley moves to continue their argument, but guests wander up to the host stand, so she drops it for the sake of doing the job she’s being paid for. She insists on seating them in the system and then guiding them to their table, sure that Farkle will mess it up somehow. When she returns, he’s got a smug grin on his face that causes her blood to boil.
“What’s the face for?” she prods.
“Well, if I didn’t have one it’d be quite disturbing, frankly,” he snarks back. Riley would throw things at him, if she didn’t have to keep her cool for the sake of the job.
“What’s the face for?” she tries again, this time more forcefully.
“I like that you won’t let me do anything. I could make your job ten times easier by seating tables for you, but you insist on taking care of everything. Are you really that stubborn?”
“Kettle meet pot,” she huffs, turning away from him with arms crossed and nose stuck high in the air. He simply laughs and the two of them return to silence soon after, refusing to engage any further in conversation for the rest of their shifts.
 The restaurant holds a potluck for Thanksgiving two days before the actual holiday. It’s a tradition set by the general manager that a lot of people enjoy engaging in, and after further convincing from Maya, Riley decides to attend. Besides, Lucas is going to be there, and she may have the smallest, tiniest of crushes on him.
Whatever. Doesn’t matter.
Riley does prepare a dish at the behest of Maya (Maya could probably goad her into anything at this point, really). She wants to do macaroni and cheese, but when she hears that Darby is going to she attempts to figure something else out, but Maya reassures her.
“Darby makes it from the box,” she explains, “And it’s always the worst. I love her, but she finds a way to ruin even the simplest of foods.”
“So it’s really okay if I make macaroni and cheese? My grandma really does have an awesome recipe for it . . .”
“Riley,” Maya says, stern, “I think I speak for everyone when I say please, for the love of god make that mac. We need quality mac this year for once.”
She doesn’t work that day, so Maya tells her she’ll pick her up right before the potluck. Riley sleeps in and then spends the rest of her hours preparing the macaroni and cheese fresh, spending a little bit of the extra time for showering, dressing, and maybe putting on a little bit of makeup.
Riley pulls the dish out of the oven with a minute to spare, grabbing a box to hold it in so it doesn’t burn her and the rest of her things, heading out the door when she receives a message from Maya telling her that she’s waiting outside. She pulls together all her things and makes a mad dash for the door, joining her friend inside the car so that they can drive off to their workplace.
Riley has to admit she’s a bit nervous—she’s been working there only a couple of months, and while she does get along with everyone, she knows she’s still new, still not quite a perfect fit in this little carefully constructed family. She hopes that this will aid to ease her anxiety and make her feel a little more solidified in their group and that she’ll just have a good time in general. This job . . . she’s grown to care for it, more than she’d care to admit.
They pull up outside the restaurant and Riley jumps out once they’ve parked, grabbing her macaroni and cheese and tailing behind Maya once she’s retrieved her own dessert from the back seat of the car. The doors click as they lock and the two of them walk inside, Maya with confidence and Riley a tad skittish behind her. They greet the two hosts manning the front, having to miss out on the celebration for a moment, and then head towards the back dining room where their party is taking place.
“Maya! Riley! Glad you two could join us,” their general manager Jon greets them. “You two can go ahead and set your food down at the tables over there and we’ll get ready to eat in a few minutes.”
They nod and do as they’re told, Riley splitting off from Maya to set her food on the table closest to her while Maya sets her dish down on the dessert table. She waits to take cue from Maya, embarrassed to be tailing her like a dog, but shakes the feeling as Maya takes a seat at one of the booths. Riley joins her, realizing one moment too late that Maya’s chatting up Farkle Minkus of all people.
“You bring anything for us, Minkus?” Maya asks, engaging him in conversation. Farkle snorts.
“God no. The last thing we need is me exploding a kitchen from my poor cooking skills. There’s a reason I’m a busser and not on the line.”
“Don’t you have a cook or something rich people can afford who can do things for you?” Maya snarks.
“Would you laugh if I say yes?” Farkle sighs, earning him a cackle from Maya.
Riley tries to restrain her curiosity, but it’s already been piqued—if Farkle is rich, then why is he working as a busser at a chain restaurant?
Whatever. Riley doesn’t care.
She spends the rest of Maya and Farkle’s conversation on the outside listening in, not really wanting to participate in conversation with Farkle because he’s, well, Farkle. Maya seems to respect her feelings, not pestering her to join, and for that Riley is thankful. She just waits in her seat patiently, ready for the eating portion of their get-together to start. Unfortunately, she has to wait another fifteen minutes for that, but half-way through she gets distracted because of Lucas’ appearance, trying her best to work up the courage to talk to him. He’s still in his work uniform—black button-up and black work pants, the sleeves rolled up mid-forearm—and it shouldn’t work for him but it does.
Right as she finally rises from her seat, deciding that she will talk to him, their general manager announces that it’s time for them to eat. He pulls them all into a quick little prayer before allowing people to start grabbing food, and by then Lucas is caught up in his own conversation with the people he’s friends with at work. Riley sighs, giving up as she joins Maya and Farkle at the buffet line their manager put together. She piles the food on her plate and then sits back down at their little booth, uncharacteristically quiet as Maya and Farkle sit back down.
“Okay, I swear to you that Yogi’s changed the recipe for this green bean casserole. It actually tastes good this year,” Maya says.
“I’ll take your word for it. I don’t do mushrooms,” Farkle tells her, wrinkling his nose at it.
“Do you not like mushrooms either, Riley?” Maya asks her, finally inviting her in to start talking. Riley shakes her head.
“No, I just don’t really like green bean casserole.”
“Holy shit,” Farkle interjects through a mouthful of food, “Darby’s really stepped it up with the macaroni and cheese. This stuff tastes like heaven.”
Riley stops, her mouth dropping open in surprise at his words. Maya’s mouth turns upwards into a brilliant, shit-eating grin that Riley just wants to wipe off her face but knows she can’t. It’s too late; the damage is done.
“That’s because Darby didn’t make it,” Maya tells him, the excitement unrestrained in her voice, “Riley did.”
Farkle registers her words, his chewing slowing down as realization dawns on his face. She half-expects him to spit it out, to retract his statement or do something else drastic, but he doesn’t. He swallows the mouthful of macaroni and cheese, sets his fork down, and meeting Riley’s gaze says, “This is really, really fantastic macaroni and cheese, Riley. Some of the best I’ve ever had. Good job.”
Riley will admit, she didn’t think Farkle would be the one to extend the olive branch between the two of them, but he does it all the same. She recognizes that her response to him will make or break the situation, but she’s not one to drop a compliment, especially one that has her blushing furiously. She can’t control it, not really, and she definitely can’t control the bashful smile that graces her face, so what the hell.
“Thanks, Farkle. I’m glad you enjoy it,” she tells him sincerely, her words startling him, too. But then he beams a grin back and Riley knows she can no longer be mad at him, not after that.
Friendship with Farkle after Thanksgiving is practically flawless. Riley doesn’t want to tell Maya she’s right because Maya will hold it over her for the rest of forever, but Riley and Farkle really do have a lot in common. He makes it easy to be his friend, so much so that she forgets she was ever mad at him and that she didn’t like him at all. They spend a good portion of their day complaining about someone or something from work and when they aren’t talking about that, they’re talking about outer space or their favorite tv shows or just anything.
It’s kind of ridiculous, but then again, Riley absolutely loves it. It makes working at least ten times easier now that they get along, but if anyone notices it, they don’t mention it aloud. The restaurant moves on with its day as if nothing has changed, but Riley is privy to the shift.
Regardless, their friendship is still brand new, still hanging on by a tumultuous thread. It’s something Riley can’t quite define, but it feels like the foundations are still shaky, like there’s something else that rests in the air between them when their conversations reach a lull during a slow day.
Maya voices her opinion on the subject after Riley mentions it while they’re getting ready for a costume party Sarah’s holding (“Halloween in December,” Sarah tells Riley, “It’s kinda my thing.”) Maya’s finished putting on her sexy ringmaster costume and has moved onto applying her makeup while Riley tries to wrangle and curl her hair into submission.
“It’s because you like him,” Maya tells her, working on her winged eyeliner with Bobby Fisher-like intensity.
“What? No I don’t,” Riley insists. “Farkle and I just became friends.”
“And this is supposed to deter my opinion on that? I already told you before that you had undeniable chemistry. But now you two actually get along, so now you can’t hide it.”
Riley has half a mind to make Maya mess up her eyeliner, but she’s not cruel. She’ll just remain disgruntled about the matter for the rest of the night.
Maya helps Riley with the rest of her angel costume after her hair is curled completely, and once they’ve pulled Riley’s wings on, they grab their things and leave Maya’s house. Maya drives them to the party and when they pull up, Riley has to admit that while she knew a lot of people were going to attend the party, she didn’t know this many people would be here. Cars line the empty space around Sarah’s place and partygoers are already hanging out on the lawn, enjoying themselves as the music blasts from inside the house.
Riley feels a nervous energy course within her as they walk up the sidewalk to the house. She’s excited for the party, she really is, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t anxious about it, too. All of that washes away the moment she and Maya step inside, their friends greeting them happily and complimenting their costumes.
“Oh my god, you guys finally made it!” Zay exclaims, a wide grin on his face. “Those costumes are dope as hell!”
“Thanks, of course they are,” Maya says, winking at him slyly. “But what are you supposed to be?”
Zay flashes his teeth, revealing a set of pointed fangs on the top and bottom.
“Teen Wolf!”
“That is both lame and fantastic,” Maya laughs, then turns to search the room. “Farkle here yet?”
“Yeah, last I saw he was playing beer pong with Lucas and couple of others. Why don’t you two get some drinks and then we’ll head that way,” he suggests. Maya nods and they follow him to what Riley supposes is the kitchen. He mixes them up a couple of drinks and hands them off to them, chuckling when Riley sniffs hers and scrunches her nose in disgust.
“Jeez, how much alcohol did you put in this, Zay?” she asks.
“Enough. Now drink up and let’s go, Matthews!”
She sighs and gives in, stealing a sip as they make their way to where Farkle and Lucas are. She almost gags at the pungent liquor smell again but drinks it anyway. It’s a good thing, too, because when they find the supposed beer pong tournament, it’s not Lucas who has her heart racing.
“Maya,” Farkle greets her when he spots her, but when his gaze lands on Riley, he practically beams. “Riley! I’m so glad you could make it!”
Words seem to fail Riley right now. She’s not sure why she’s feeling so off but seeing Farkle dressed as gladiator has sent her off-kilter. He looks so damn good in his costume and she starts debating whether or not she should abandon the drink Zay gave her altogether if it’s making her act like this.
“Hey, Farkle, good to see you, too,” she finally manages awkwardly, huffing in embarrassment before backing her drink like there’s no tomorrow. So much for abandoning it.
“Whoa,” Maya gasps, rushing over to Riley’s side, “What are you doing?! I thought you told me earlier you were going to take it easy.”
“I lied. Wanna make me another drink? I’m gonna need it,” she insists, ushering Maya back to the kitchen. As soon as they’ve made it, Maya shakes Riley off of her, glaring at her.
“What the hell was that about?!” she yells. Riley opens her mouth to say something, but then closes it again as she goes through the five stages of grief in her mind. After a moment of silence and Maya waving her hand sporadically in Riley’s face to bring her back to earth, she says,
“I couldn’t be there anymore. I need more alcohol if I’m going to get through this night.”
“I don’t get why you’re acting like this? You were fine until we—” Maya pauses, then realization dawns on her face, “Oh!”
“Holy shit, you don’t wanna go back there because you think Farkle looks hot in his costume. This is hilarious.”
“No it’s not! I don’t have feelings for him, I just think he looks . . . really good,” Riley tries, but Maya’s already grinning like an idiot.
“Now we have to get back there. I’m going to try so hard to set the two of you up it’s not even funny.”
“I don’t need your help! I don’t wanna be set up!” Riley exclaims, but it’s too late. Her decision has been made.
“I’ll make you a drink and then I’m gonna get you alone with Farkle. It’s gonna be fantastic.”
Riley groans, knowing she’s fighting a losing battle.
She does loosen up a bit after she’s finished off the second drink, but that doesn’t mean she’s gonna give into her friend’s plan.
And Maya does follow up on her promise despite Riley’s every effort to make it hard for them to be alone—after many failed attempts, she forces them in a spin the bottle circle. Riley only agrees to it because she’s borderline drunk and doesn’t care about a quick kiss with anyone, but when she finds out that whoever the bottle lands on is sent to the closet for seven minutes in heaven, she tries to run.
But it’s too late.
Maya’s spinning skills are off the charts, the bottle ends landing between Riley and Farkle. Everyone whoops and hollers at them except for Riley and Farkle themselves, but they still go follow the rules begrudgingly, allowing themselves to be shoved into a closet for everyone else’s entertainment.
“Go get ‘em, tiger!” Maya’s muffled yell erupts from beyond the closed door. Riley sighs.
“You know we don’t have to do anything in here, right?” Farkle tells her. “I’m not gonna force you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“Really?” Riley asks, spinning to turn and look at him, but that ends up being a mistake. She’d misjudged just how small the closet was, and she ends up pressed against him, his arms gripping her biceps when she stumbles a bit from the alcohol.
Whatever words Farkle wanted to say have since died on his lips, if his comically large eyes were anything to go by. Riley knows she’s gone though when she finds herself lost in the stormy gray irises of his, her brain actually entertaining the thought of kissing him.
It wouldn’t be so bad if I did, right? her brain asks her.
Right, her heart agrees.
Testing a theory, Riley’s hands rise to rest gently against Farkle’s cheeks. His breath stutters as soon as her fingers grace his skin, and she knows there’s no going back when she glances at his mouth before leaning in.
This is such a bad idea, she tells herself, But I don’t think I care enough to stop it.
Right when mouth is only centimeters away from Farkle’s, close enough that she can feel his breath ghosting her lips, the closet door swings open. Farkle and Riley jump apart, and whatever spell befell her has washed away, leaving confusion in its wake.
“Alright you two, get out so the rest of us can have some fun!” someone shouts. Riley nods and ditches Farkle, grabbing Maya by the arm and tugging her outside urgently.
“What the hell, Riley?” Maya grumbles as soon as they stop in what Riley deems is a quiet area.
“I think I have a crush on Farkle. I have a crush on Farkle, don’t I?” Riley asks.
“No shit,” Maya says, rolling her eyes, “You kind of made that abundantly clear tonight. But after all that hard work I went through you didn’t even follow through!”
“How can you tell?” Riley frowns.
“Because your lipstick is still perfectly fine, red as can be. If you kissed him, it’d be smudged and all over his mouth. Plus, I don’t really think Farkle would’ve survived it. I think he’d probably need to sit down for the next century in order to process it all.”
“You’re the worst,” Riley whines. Maya pats her shoulders sympathetically.
“I know, Sunshine. I know.”
 Riley’s never been one to know how to act around crushes, but her crush on Farkle has rendered her absolutely neurotic. She still talks to him, of course, but she has a harder time starting conversations. What would he even want to talk about? Does he even want to talk with her?
It’s Riley’s favorite pastime, going into the land of overthinking. She excels at it a little too well.
After two weeks of utter turmoil and downright awkward interactions with Farkle, she thinks that maybe she’s just eternally hopeless. Whatever she might feel for Farkle doesn’t matter, because she can’t even figure out how to just be around him. She may as well just quit while she’s ahead and just give up on the hopes of ever being near him again.
Unfortunately, she doesn’t get that option.
Her manager suggests one morning that Farkle help her unload the boxes of wine they just got in, and when Farkle asks if she wants help, she says yes. Normally, she’s used to unloading it all on her own, but the thought of spending quality time with him is just too tempting to pass up and her brain is just dumb dumb dumb.
The restaurant is quiet as they unload each case of wine, save for the never-ending music selection on repeat with eight versions of the same five songs. But it’s nice, sharing a moment with him where they don’t have to talk about anything, just stock wine in the coolers.
Nice, of course, up until their fingers brush up against one another’s, sending electricity coursing straight through Riley’s system. She wonders if he feels it, too, but she doesn’t have to worry any longer when his gaze finally meets hers, the shock apparent on his face. They endure a long moment of silence until Riley can bear it no more, the words falling out of her mouth unbidden.
“Farkle, I really really like you. As in like like you,” Riley blurts.
“Oh thank god,” he breathes before pulling her in for a kiss.
It shouldn’t be great kiss, by all means—they’re both kneeling behind the host stand, the cooler doors open and bottles of wine still waiting to be stocked while a jazzy version of Wonderwall plays in the background. But that doesn’t matter to Riley; she’s with Farkle and they’re kissing and she never wants this moment to end.
It does, though.
“Ahem,” a voice clears their throat, causing Riley and Farkle to split. She has an oh shit moment when she thinks it might be their manager who’s caught them kissing while on the clock, but then it’s even worse when Riley realizes who it is.
“Oh. Hey, Maya,” Farkle greets her sheepishly, earning him a cackle from Maya.
“This is fantastic! I love being right!” she shouts.
Riley buries her head in Farkle’s shoulder in embarrassment, but she smiles secretly—
She loves that Maya was right, too.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “Birds of a Feather” [ 1.10 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
IT TAKES TWO – A duet assignment allows for blooming partnerships to flourish. Angela must decide whether or not to leave Adams behind as fate offers her a second chance at her dreams. Isadora spends time with her starlet mother.
62 Minutes (16K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← The Miserables ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ Before the Storm → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
We’re following ANGELA MOORE, making her way through a narrow and winding backstage area. As she goes, guides point her in the right direction to make it to center stage. As she walks out into the bright lights, her appearance becomes more clear – polished, in a nice dress and character shoes, hair up and out of her face. Back to passing for one of the students in her class, rather than the teacher running it.
Across the way in the audience, a panel of two or three strangers ask her to introduce herself. She gives us the spiel, and then they instruct her to begin whenever she’s ready.
She takes a breath, holding it for a moment. Then she breaks into a dazzling show business smile, launching into her audition.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “All I Do Is Dream Of You” as performed by Singin’ In the Rain Original Movie Cast  || Performed by Angela Moore
As the song unfolds, Angela jumps from stage to audition hall to studio, running between multiple auditions. This is how she spent her weeks while the rest of the school was stressing over the musical, exerting herself in a completely different fashion.
Still, the sequence is boppy, with quirky dancing and all the charm of a starlet-to-be. It’s clear that all that talent the sophomore class is bursting with now, Angela once had it too. In fact, she still does, she’s just attempting to figure out how to get it back at center stage.
Coming to the end of the number, Angela hits her final mark. She’s breathing hard, still grinning so brightly she could blind them. Every panelist gives her the same removed, unpromising statement: “We’ll let you know.”
And she simply has to take it. Angela nods, peppering thank yous as she makes her exit.
Cue title sequence.
Focus on the AAAC, which has been quite busy since Les Mis wrapped. Their latest post is a submission featuring a photo of Riley and Charlie during the rehearsal process, taken by the professional photographer documenting the dress rehearsal. It’s a charming photo of the two of them laughing, and the caption indicates that such chemistry onstage may mean that their love affair is continuing offstage as well…
ZAY BABINEAUX is looking at the page on his phone, obviously not convinced by the post and a little bit perturbed by it. He switches to messages and pulls open his thread with Charlie, starting a text about it. Then he hesitates, deleting it and starting over.
It’s clear from looking at their texts that they’ve had a drastic change in rapport in the last couple of weeks. As Zay scrolls back up a bit to look, it’s clear – they used to be exchanging multiple texts a day and having pretty full conversations. Now, it’s short responses from Charlie if at all, and the last two texts Zay sent have gone unanswered.
Zay is evidently frustrated by this development. Mostly, he doesn’t know what he did to cause it. He shuts off his phone, getting up to finish getting ready and forgetting it for now.
That’s not the only update our favorite Confessions page has made recently. Scrolling past the one featuring Riley and Charlie, another couple of posts have been made about Lucas with increasingly harsh sentiments. The rhetoric is getting more hateful the more posts about him that get made. Although it still seems as though they’re coming from the same obvious suspect, RILEY MATTHEWS seems worried as she reads it that morning.
She jumps to her messages as well, sharing a similar debate to Zay as she weighs whether or not to text Lucas about it. The difference, however, is that Riley and Lucas’s conversational thread is far more active than Zay and Charlie’s has been the last couple of weeks. Sure, the content is sort of weird – if Lucas asking her what her favorite kind of bread is at like 2AM followed by a detailed wall of text response from Riley rambling about the scones this bakery in Soho makes is any indication – but it’s consistent.
Riley opts for the more casual approach, sending along a greeting with a meme follow-up. Keeping it light and breezy. As she heads out…
Shawn, pre-lap: This must be love, huh?
Now that she’s back from her audition cycle, SHAWN HUNTER and Angela are spending a leisurely morning together before school. Angela drops some pancakes onto his plate, and it’s clear the aforementioned comment was directed towards the food.
Shawn: I mean, I truly think there’s never been a romance more true than a man and his pancakes.
Angela: Uh-huh, just enjoy them while you can. That’s the only thing I’m capable of cooking, so don’t get used to it.
Shawn takes a bite, smiling at her and pinching her rib playfully. The two of them lean against the counters and eat, discussing how her auditions went and if she’s ready to go back to AAA. She honestly is ready to step back into normalcy for a bit, and doesn’t seem all that optimistic about her audition prospects. Shawn assures her that there’s no way they couldn’t love her, to which Angela pulls him into a quick kiss.
Angela: Egh, someone tastes like syrup.
Shawn: You say that like it’s a bad thing. [ after another kiss ] You know, Cory keeps complaining about how I’m never over for breakfast anymore. I might have some tough decisions to make.
Angela: [ another kiss ] Well, you can’t do that with Cory, can you?
Shawn: Well, I could, but I don’t think we’d have the dynamic that we do if that were the case.
Before they can get too caught up in each other, Angela reminds him that they need to figure out what the assignment for this week is going to be. With the chaos of her auditions and the musical taking precedence, it feels like they’ve fallen behind.
Shawn makes an offhand comment about it’s a shame they can’t show a movie like every other teacher, and that seems to spark an idea in Angela. She gives him an excited look as she finishes her pancakes, refusing to tell him anymore while her mouth is stuffed.
JACK HUNTER is meeting with ERIC MATTHEWS, explaining the full detail of information he got from Marly about the AAAC and how it operates. From what he understands, the moderator is definitely within the sophomore class as Marly was able to help him decidedly determine the rest of the school doesn’t seem to engage or follow it all that much.
Eric nods along, before asking what exactly he has to do with that. Although it’s not his first choice, Jack needs him to assist him in creating a psychological profile to track down who is running this account. If they can figure out who is behind it, they can get rid of it from the root. Who better to craft a psychological framework than the school psychologist and most connected faculty member on staff?
Eric feigns flattery, to which Jack rolls his eyes. But it’s true that Eric is the best person for the job, and he immediately launches into starting to piece together key traits.
Eric: I think our biggest core motivation here has to be a lack of control. People who do things like this, they like the decision-making nature of it since it puts other people’s feelings in their hands. The entire class is at their fingertips. They’re the center of attention, yet completely absolved of guilt or responsibility. That’s addictive for an adolescent who might feel as though they’ve never had a sense of control.
Unfortunately, that descriptor fits many students in the sophomore class, so they’re going to need to do more digging. In the meantime, Eric suggests that Jack sit down with the class gossips and see if he can get any additional intel out of them.
Riley is at her locker, keeping an eye out for students passing through the halls. She lights up when she spots LUCAS FRIAR, shutting her locker and jogging down the hallway to catch up to him. She slides up next to him as casually as she can manage, greeting him and starting up a tentative conversation with him.
Their morning chat is interrupted when DAVE WILLIAMS comes running up to them, claiming that they need to come to the booth ASAP. A major bomb has just dropped. Lucas and Riley exchange an apprehensive look before jogging after him.
Lucas enters the booth first, Riley right on his heels. They find ISADORA DE LA CRUZ seated in Lucas’s usual chair in a daze, ASHER GARCIA and JADE BEAMON attempting to get her to talk about it. DYLAN ORLANDO is sipping another juice box, there for support as well but mainly staying out of the way.
Lucas jumps into action, telling the rest of them to scram in so many words. The other three leave, Riley hesitating by the door and uncertain if that includes her or not. When Lucas glances over his shoulder and nods for her to come over impatiently, she gets the message and quickly scrambles over to join the two of them.
Once it’s down to the three of them, Riley and Lucas are able to get Isadora to speak. She explains, still in shock, that her mother will be staying in town for the next few days and essentially intends to spend time with her. This reveal elicits mixed reactions.
Riley: Oh, that’s great!
Lucas: That’s bullshit.
Lucas and Riley pause, locking eyes and uncertain how to proceed. Riley clears her throat, tilting her head at Isadora.
Riley: How are you feeling about it, Isa?
That’s just the problem – she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know how to feel about it. It’s evident that Isadora is just as conflicted as their initial reactions. Lucas points out that considering Valerie sort of sprung this on her, she has full rights to take her time and decide what she wants to do about it on her own timetable. If Valerie really is determined to make a connection – which he sort of doubts – then she’ll be willing to wait.
Placated for now, Isadora accepts this. Riley asks her to let her know if she needs anything.
As Riley and Lucas descend from the booth, the others ask if Isadora is okay. Lucas assures them she is, but that they shouldn’t ask questions and just treat her as they always do. That fiasco aside, Dave turns his curiosity on Riley and highlights the latest post that the AAAC made about her and Charlie. So, are they an item, or what?
Riley is surprised by the question, and blankly responds in denial. But her delivery is less convincing than it could be with her shock, so Dave doesn’t look all that sold. Lucas tells Dave to stop reading the stupid page for the fifteen-hundredth time, but in this case his harsh tone sort of makes it seem as though he cares more than he is letting on.
Either way, Riley is growing increasingly tired of this Instagram.
Angela presents the assignment for the week to the class – classic musicals on film! As she explains, sometimes your show business start may not be in live theater, and there is certainly boundless overlap these days between the film industry and the theatre. What better example is there than Singin’ in the Rain, the original movie musical and one of the greatest of all time.
Despite how enthusiastically she conveys the lesson, the class is decidedly unimpressed. FARKLE MINKUS asks if they threw this assignment together last minute, which Angela scoffs at in spite of the truth. MAYA HART states that the assignment might be more exciting if there were more contemporary options, which NICK YOGI immediately follows up on by stating what they’re all thinking.
Yogi: High School Musical!
Zay goes on to list a dozen others – Chicago, RENT, Legally Blonde – but Shawn and Angela aren’t hearing it. They’re like you’re gonna watch Singin’ in the Rain and you’re gonna like it! Stop arguing with us, we’re the teachers! NOW GO EAT YOUR LUNCH!
Jack meets with SARAH CARLSON and DARBY WINTERS individually, the known school gossips. As he chats with them, they give him lots of random tidbits of tea that aren’t really all that helpful, but perhaps in some way could be a lead in his mystery if he spins it the right way. It’s difficult to tell what is actually substantial and worth digging into and what isn’t.
Feeling as though he’s veering towards a dead end, Jack plaintively compiles the information from both interrogations before trying to deduce his next move.
Maya is planning out moves of her own, discussing her plans of how to make reparations with people over her misbehavior during Les Mis. She laments how exhausting it is to clean up the damage from a diva meltdown, which Farkle knowingly seconds.
Zay points out that the two of them are just levels of dramatic all their own, which prompts Maya to ask him why he’s even bothering to sit with them. Shouldn’t he be sitting with Charlie, aren’t they best friends now or whatever? Where the hell even is Charlie…
Where, indeed. The group of them scan the cafeteria for their missing friend until Zay spots him at the other end of the room, already heading out. He gets to his feet and goes after him, Farkle and Maya exchanging curious looks as to what might be going on with them.
Zay calls after Charlie as he pushes out of the cafeteria doors, jogging to catch up to him. Charlie quickly searches for exits but realizes it would look worse to run, spinning and feigning friendliness as Zay approaches. Still, it’s clear that he’s weirdly nervous around him now.
Zay tries to spark a casual conversation like before, but Charlie searches for an excuse and escapes the chat. Zay watches him go, shaking his head and trying to figure out what the hell went wrong.
Jack is pacing the floor of Eric’s office, complaining about the lack of useful intel from Darby and Sarah. He points out that Eric’s brilliant suggestion just wasted his time, but Eric calmly states that he never guaranteed they’d have much to offer. They’re teenage girls, not central intelligence agents. Jack rolls his eyes, placing his hands on his hips with a huff.
Angela storms in, evidently also wanting to vent. She hesitates when she sees Jack already present, wondering if she should come back later. They wave her off, inviting her in while Jack backs off further into the space and tries to regain his composure.
She launches into the conflict she’s having with the students over the weekly assignment, asking Eric for advice as to where this obviously perfect lesson plan could’ve gone wrong. He thinks on it before stating that the students might have a point, that Singin’ in the Rain might just be too distant for them in this decade. Jack and Angela both stick up for the film, stating in unison that it’s a classic. Angela glances at him, surprised.
Jack: What? I’m the principal of an arts school, I obviously have some appreciation for the basic foundation of the institution.
Eric agrees that it’s one of the greats, but this generation doesn’t care about that. You can make them care, but you have to sugarcoat it with something they’re already familiar with. In that regard, High School Musical isn’t a bad suggestion. If you spin the whole lesson as two dissimilar products that have more in common than you think, you can make both work.
Suddenly, an idea seems to strike Eric. He claims that if they twist the narrative well enough, they may actually be able to use this lesson to their advantage in narrowing down the moderator of the AAAC. It’ll also give the students a well-needed challenge, if that’s what they’re so interested in getting. Angela and Jack lean in, more than intrigued.
The class has returned from lunch, bubbling with curiosity at the way Angela and Shawn have welcomed them back. They gesture them towards the audience while they stand on stage, a bowl with all their names between them. Dave says what we’re all thinking.
Dave: Oh my God, is this The Hunger Games? Are we getting Reaped? Is this how it ends?
Farkle: Why on Earth would we be doing that?
Dave: Don’t push me, Minki! If we get in that arena I WON’T HESITATE!
Once they’ve managed to calm Dave down, focus turns to their teachers. Shawn admits that perhaps their thinking on the original assignment was too narrow, and they’re willing to extend an olive branch to shake things up. Angela goes on to explain that they have agreed to allow High School Musical to also be studied – which the class responds to enthusiastically – only in return a new challenge will be added to the concept. Now, this assignment will be a duet.
Isadora hastily claims that she wants to work with Lucas, a statement that surprises nobody. Riley, seated a couple rows in front of them with Zay, does her best to hide her disappointment. However, Shawn states that they figured she would say that, in fact they know that each of them are probably already picking their best friend to master this assignment in their heads.
Shawn: And that’s too easy.
Angela: No, we’re letting fate determine the partners for this project. And may this be, as one might say, the “start of something new.”
The class chatters excitedly in response, most of them intrigued by this premise mainly because of the theatricality. Yogi nods approvingly at their use of a HSM quote. Thus, a fun little sequence ensues of Shawn and Angela announcing the duos, each alternating between picking names out of the bowl.
The first pair to be announced is Asher… and Dylan. They cheer and jump to their feet, hugging. Everyone else rolls their eyes or claps sarcastically.
Nate: Riiiiiiiigged.
Angela pulls Charlie’s name… followed by Shawn picking Zay. This seems to please Zay, who turns to find Charlie in the seats. Charlie’s expression conveys mild panic before he manages to pull it together, giving Zay a tight smile. He might have another aneurysm.
Next up for Angela is Lucas. Everyone is more than interested to see who is going to get this cruel sentence, Farkle crossing his fingers and muttering “please not me” under his breath. But no. Shawn pulls Riley from the bowl, sparing Farkle a premature death.
Riley straightens up and smiles, excitedly looking over her shoulder to lock eyes with him. Lucas is already smirking, meeting her gaze and offering her a casual nod. When she turns away, however, he does a subtle little fist pump to himself. So he’s not nearly as aloof as he seems.
Isadora is paired with Nate, and this seems like a relief to her. At least it’s someone she’s friends with and can work with. He offers her a fist bump which she accepts, although she does not do the “explosion” motion he does afterwards.
Angela pulls Farkle, followed by Shawn choosing Maya. There’s a tense beat as everyone waits to see if they throw another tantrum like “Under Pressure,” but in sharp contrast they actually respond diplomatically to such a partnering.
Farkle: At least there’ll be no mystery as to who will give the best performance.
Lucas, blithely: Will you ever shut up? Just wondering.
The other chosen duos are Yogi & Haley, Chai & Wyatt, Dave & Yindra, Nigel & Jade, Sarah & Jeff, and Darby & Clarissa. Shawn and Angela dismiss them all to meet with their partners, and start getting to work!
Riley floats over to join Lucas, giving Isadora a smile as she goes to meet with Nate. Riley ask how he wants to tackle the assignment and when they should get together to work on it outside of class – she vaguely insinuates going over to one another’s places and Lucas vehemently rejects that idea. Before she can take his refusal the wrong way, he searches for a way to cover.
Lucas: I only – we can just meet here. Easier that way. I’m usually around anyway.
Riley: … right. Totally, for sure.
Jack convenes with Eric and Angela, trying to decide how to best utilize the time they have with everyone all mixed up. According to Eric’s plan, he’ll have sit downs with each student to “check in” with them, then report back to Jack anything that seems worth investigating so they can start piecing together potential prime suspects.
Angela claims she and Shawn can help come information dump. Jack questions if she has the time to spare and she assures him she does, in fact she could definitely use the distraction rather than just waiting around to hear back from all those auditions. Or, more likely, never hear back at all. So the time consumption and brain teaser is more than welcome.
Thus, Eric gears up to launch into his first set of thinly veiled interrogations.
The next sequence passes by in a montage, each highlighted student occupying the chair opposite Eric as he casually engages them in conversation about how they’re feeling about their duet partner and the assignment.
Nigel takes the chair first, rather blasé about the whole thing.
Nigel: I mean, my costume is bound to be killer. That’s one good thing about working with Jade. Although she doesn’t talk much. I kind of feel like I’m working with a mute.
Eric: Well, have you tried… chatting with her?
Nigel: Oh, yeah, but she usually just says something brief or laughs awkwardly before focusing back on the sewing machine. But it’s no biggie, she’s nice. And since she doesn’t perform, I might actually get to sing a solo for once.
Isadora has taken the mantle, beating Eric to the punch before he can even get in a greeting.
Isadora: You and I both know you don’t care about this assignment. You just want to try and see what we all might let slip about the AAAC.
Eric: Well, now, I wouldn’t say –
Isadora: It’s fine, I understand. It’s getting messier by the day, so you’re desperate. But I don’t have time for this, so I’ll make it quick. I don’t know who it is, but I’m sure it’s a performer so when you find out who it is, can you tell me so I can kick their ass?
Eric: You’re positive it’s a performer?
Isadora: It’s not me. It’s not Lucas. Nate doesn’t have a smartphone. Jeff hasn’t used Instagram since seventh grade. Asher and Jade are too nice, and do you really think Dylan and Dave could mastermind something like this? I rest my case.
Farkle, similarly, is also onto Eric’s whole scheme. Contrary to Isadora, he claims he’s on board. He has his suspicions about Maya, and he is going to use this assignment to do some digging on their starlet Blonde Beauty. He’ll be sure to keep him updated. Eric is like… right. For sure.
Jade is uncertain in the chair across from Eric, stating that she’s not sure what she’s supposed to be talking to him about. Eric tells her she can say anything she feels like expressing about the assignment. Like, Nigel. How is working with him going?
Jade: Nigel is nice. I think we’ll be fine? He also has a very nice neck ratio.
Eric: Neck… neck ratio?
Jade: Yeah. It’s the ratio between a person’s neck length compared to their shoulder width. Some people have really long necks, you know? Or barely a neck at all. But Nigel’s is perfect. It’s proportionate. Complements his swimmer’s body, I know because he and Dave were both on swim team last year at the community center. [ a beat ] I’m stating all of this purely from a costumer’s perspective –
Eric: Uh huh.
Ironically, Maya tells him the same thing as Farkle. She states that she’s always had her hunch that Farkle was behind the stupid page, and even with some of the posts that have been made about him in the past he’s the only person batshit insane enough to allow negative posts about him to see the light of day just to keep up a grander operation.
Maya: I mean, in some ways I get it. Any publicity is good publicity, so I can appreciate the level of scheming that goes into such an elaborate ruse. You have to respect it, in some ways.
Eric: You do?
Kind of making herself seem just as batty, but Maya doesn’t think anything of it. She assures Eric that she’ll keep him in the loop, and he just lets it be. Smarter to let them keep an eye on each other than try to hold either diva back from a set goal.
Riley and Isadora are hanging out in the back section of the auditorium by the booth, waiting around for Lucas to show up. Isadora once again expresses her hesitation in hanging out with her mom, but after giving it some thought she thinks she may want to give it a shot. Given that she’s seriously considering it at all, she figures that’s a sign enough.
Riley is all for it, stating that there’s absolutely no harm in giving Valerie a chance and seeing where things go. What’s the worst that could happen? However, the two of them agree that she should probably not mention the experiment to Lucas. At least not yet.
Maya spots them on her way out to meet with Farkle, doubling back and stating that she’s glad she caught them both. She apologizes again for her behavior during the musical, reiterating that she doesn’t want to be a diva at the expense of her fellow ladies. She offers her assistance in both of their projects in whatever way they should need it as repayment.
Maya: Especially you, Riles. Since you’re with Lucas and everything… well, good luck with that. I’m here if you need to be saved.
A bit rude, but the sentiment is there. Both of them say they’ll keep the offer in mind, although Isadora doesn’t expect she’ll need it. She and Nate work well together, and there’s not much distracting her from the assignment at present. Once she gets this outing with her mother out of the way and she inevitably abandons her again, then she’ll have plenty of time to work on it.
Maya arrives at the dance studio where Farkle is already set up, flipping through song books of both SitR and HSM. The two of them agree that the concept of their assignment is quite simple – there’s an obvious number basically built for the two of them, and they’ll knock it out of the park. So no worries there. Instead, Farkle offers his apartment to rehearse since there’s more stuff for them to do there while they’re not practicing.
Maya is a bit hesitant, but she can’t pass up this invitation into his space if she intends to properly investigate him. So she agrees.
Zay is in the practice room, obviously waiting for Charlie. He runs through some old routines to pass the time, until finally a message comes through on his phone. He slides over to the piano bench to grab it, reading it quickly.
It’s from Charlie, claiming that something came up and he has to change their plans. There’s an apology attached, but it’s brief. Zay sighs in frustration, gathering his things. He heads out alone, obviously wounded by the dismissal.
Farkle is giving Maya the tour of his home, the latter floored by the sheer volume of space the Minkus clan owns. She reaches out to play around with the custom-made refreshment dispensaries bookending the kitchen, before getting distracted by the amazing view of their main living area. The far wall is made entirely of windows, letting in a ton of natural light and boasting a gorgeous view of the city far below them.
Maya: I have no idea how you can live here. I think my head would explode. Especially with this view.
Farkle: Eh, after the fifth or so replacement head you get used to it. Oh, if we get bored we can go bowling later.
Maya: Ooh, totally. I know this great place in Chinatown –
Farkle: No, like, here. We can go bowling here.
Maya obviously has choice words to say about that, but their conversation is interrupted when JENNIFER MINKUS returns home with URI MINKUS and EZRA MINKUS. Both of the boys are stunned to see another person in the house with their loner older brother – let alone a girl. And a pretty girl!
Jennifer seems surprised as well, but more thrilled than anything else. She eagerly makes a point of introducing herself to Maya, jumping into hostess mode and asking if there’s anything she can get her. As Maya points out, seems like they have everything they could possibly want already. She doesn’t know what she could begin to ask for.
Ezra is all over that potential new friend business, darting over and throwing himself all over Maya. He launches into a dozen little facts about himself and states that Farkle is his favorite brother, so if Maya likes him too then he knows they’ll be friends. Maya seems slightly embarrassed by this notion, laughing nervously. Farkle gets Ezra to back off, telling him that they need to practice so he needs to buzz off for a hot minute.
Once Ezra is out of their hair, Jennifer insists that Maya stay for dinner. Stuart won’t be able to join them, unfortunately, but they’d be happy to have her. Farkle eyes her curiously, wondering if she’ll accept the invitation. She asks what they’re planning on having, and the response is something fancy, delicious, and far better than the microwave meal she’d make at home.
Maya: Hell yeah, I’m in. Can I take some to go?
Riley and Lucas are attempting to decide what the hell to do with their duet. They don’t even know which film to pick, as Lucas has never seen High School Musical nor Singin’. Riley is definitely a bit like… who even are you, and in an effort to actually get a grasp on him as a human being she asks to see his phone and look through his music. He hands it over, not exactly hiding anything.
Riley: This is so… depressing. This is like, all Fall Out Boy. Are you okay?
Lucas, deadpan: I’m trying to make myself go deaf, so. The louder the better.
Riley insists that she’s going to broaden his musical palette, but first they need to figure out this project. It’s more difficult than usual since him performing is well out of the question, so she’s feeling stuck.
CHAI FRESCO and WYATT LIVINGSTON show up, kicking the two of them out on the basis that they need to set up their lighting for their number. Lucas asks Chai if they got approval from Jeff, to which she rolls her eyes but presents a sheet of paper with Jeff’s express written consent for her to operate the lighting board on that day.
With no other arguments, they get up to leave. As they’re heading out, Wyatt asks Lucas offhandedly if he’s enjoying his treatment on the confessions page lately. Lucas states it’s funny that he thinks he’s braindead enough to follow the page at all, but Riley takes the comment closer to heart. She doesn’t like the sound of it, nor the way Wyatt so smugly said it. Something to investigate later…
Isadora meets with VALERIE DE LA CRUZ at the diner, sitting opposite one another at one of the window booths. Valerie is clearly elated to be spending time with her, despite sticking out like a sore thumb in her designer clothes amidst the plainness of the dive. She explains that she’s only got a few days in town before she has to fly back for a film shoot, but she’s so grateful they’re able to find some time together.
Valerie eagerly asks Isadora about her time at AAA, what her favorite classes are, and what it was like to perform in the musical. She hardly gives her the chance to respond, getting way ahead of herself and chattering about Isadora’s future in the industry. She even theorizes on where she could go to college – maybe in LA! – and how she can help coach her in performing if she’s closer to Hollywood.
Isadora, overwhelmed, cuts her off and claims that the musical was a one-time thing. Not the rest of her life or her true calling. Sorry to disappoint. Valerie is uncertain how to proceed in the conversation from there, offering a weak smile.
KATY HART brings their food over, happily greeting Isadora and asking her how school is going. Valerie pointedly waits for Isadora to introduce her, the latter doing so after a moment’s hesitation. Katy shakes Valerie’s hand enthusiastically, applauding her work and stating she’s a big fan before turning her focus back to Isadora. She saw her in Les Mis, and thought she did an excellent job. Valerie clearly feels a bit out of place, considering how familiar Isadora and Katy are with one another.
The four educators are assembled at Jack’s, eating a late dinner and going over the profile as they attempt to rule out potential suspects. They’ve turned the ordeal into quite the investigative operation, the traits and profile written up on the whiteboard while they pin up photos of the sophomore class or put them in the discard pile. They’re also going through each student record, looking for additional evidence.
Some student files are far heftier than others. Shawn is idly flipping through Lucas’s, by far the thickest of the bunch.
Shawn: Damn, I didn’t know he did that… kind of impressive –
Jack: Do I need to explain to you why this troubles me, or can you figure it out for yourself?
In the midst of this, Angela gets a call on her cell. She excuses herself and darts into the kitchen to answer, while Eric redirects the attention of the Hunters. He claims that the current class assignment is actually perfect, because it allows them to see who seems to fall out of step with others. “Birds of a feather flock together,” and the one who isn’t falling into line might just be their next clue.
Angela disrupts the brain trust, stumbling back into the room with a look of shock on her face. Shawn jumps to his feet and immediately asks if everything is alright, before she breathlessly announces that she’s gotten a callback. She’s gotten a callback for one of the Off-Broadway productions! The mood of the room instantly brightens, all of them gathering to congratulate her. Jack runs into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of champagne, popping it open and pouring the four of them a glass to celebrate.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Good Morning” as performed by Singin’ In the Rain Original Movie Cast  || Performed by Angela Moore, Jack Hunter, and Eric Matthews
After Shawn states that this feels like a lucky night, Eric corrects him and points out that it’s already morning as they’ve been working past midnight. It’s a brand new day, and seemingly a lucky one so far. Angela launches them into “Good Morning,” she, Eric, and Jack singing and dancing around his apartment.
Shawn doesn’t participate, but he’s fond as he watches them goof around together. It’s definitely charming, there’s no doubt about that.
Isadora is on her way to the auditorium when she gets a new text from Valerie. She claims she had a wonderful time yesterday, and wonders if they could do something else today? Whatever Isadora wants, something she’s passionate about or would want Valerie to see. Isadora is stunned, definitely not anticipating that there would be a second outing.
She tries to grab Lucas as he passes by in a flurry, obviously heading somewhere with purpose. He claims he doesn’t have time to stop so if she can keep up she can talk, so she jogs to match pace. She first asks where the hell he’s going that’s so important, but he weirdly dodges the question and instead turns the tables back on her since she said she needed to talk.
Isadora relents, getting into the problem and admitting that she met with her mom. Lucas assumes this is the problem in it of itself.
Lucas: You did what? Well, what did you think would happen? We know she’s not worth your time.
Isadora: No, that’s not – it actually wasn’t that bad. The thing is that she weirdly wants to hang out again, and I –
She doesn’t manage to get much out of the conversation with him, as she gets distracted by Nate when he catches her and asks what they’re planning to do with their assignment. Lucas slips out of her grasp, leaving the point moot for now. If she’s being honest with herself, in this particular scenario he probably wouldn’t have been much help anyway.
Outside the black box, Riley chats with Zay. He’s venting about how Charlie cancelled their rehearsal, and he doesn’t want to fail this assignment if he’s going to insist on being so weird about things. Especially since to him, it feels like it came out of nowhere. Riley offers him sympathy, but she doesn’t have any brilliant solutions. She wonders if maybe the continued posts about the two of them are making him act weird, as she knows it’s definitely starting to bother her.
As Zay heads off to class, Lucas swoops in and falls into step with Riley. He hands her a paper bag without much explanation, and when she opens it she finds her favorite pastry from the shop she rambled about in text the other day. She’s stunned.
Riley: Oh my God, what? You didn’t need to get me this.
Lucas: I was in the neighborhood. Anyway. Okay. See you later.
He disappears just as quickly as he appeared, leaving Riley a bit whiplashed. She glances over her shoulder and watches him go, her surprise shifting into fondness with a breathless scoff. She takes a bite of the scone, unable to hold back her smile.
Eric is working through his next round of check-ins, the sequence unfolding the same as the previous one. YINDRA AMINO is the first one in the hot seat, commenting on how much drama there is at the school. She wishes everyone would just talk to one another about their shit rather than bitching behind each other’s backs. It’s not a bad point, but it’s also somewhat similar to the sentiment that the AAAC promotes. Eric takes a note of that.
Charlie is sort of out of it during his meeting. He doesn’t have much to say, and he really doesn’t have anything he wants to share about Zay. Sensing there’s something else going on, Eric asks if he’s doing okay. This snaps Charlie out of it, prompting him to rebuild his charming facade. Totally fine, all good here!
Clarissa seems pretty content with how the school year is unfolding. She doesn’t mind working with Darby, she’s mostly nice, but she talks a lot and it can be a bit overwhelming. She also never stops talking about the AAAC as if every single bulletin it posts is a hot take.
Clarissa: Like, is Charlie potentially dating Riley really all that interesting? It’s totally obvious that she’s into Lucas.
Eric: Seriously? You think so?
Clarissa: I mean, that’s just my opinion. But yeah. Lord knows why, but she definitely likes Friar.
Eric takes a note on that, but more for personal reasons than in pursuit of mystery-solving. When Yogi takes the hot seat, he turns the tables back on Eric.
Yogi: How are you doing, Mister Eric, sir? Are you having a good April? No one asks you that very often, do they?
Eric, touched: … no, no they don’t, Yogi. I’m doing pretty well. Thank you so much.
Farkle is at his locker, taking notes in a small journal about all the things he “observed” about Maya as if he’s some great detective. They’re all silly, and not useful at all. When Maya approaches it startles him, and he tosses the notebook haphazardly into his locker before shutting it with a flourish. When he attempts to compensate with a casual air and reclines against his locker, Maya eyes him as if she’s even more convinced of his insanity than ever.
She asks him if he’s ready for their performance today. Farkle admittedly forgot they arrogantly scheduled themselves early, but he’s like yeah. For sure. That’s fine. Let’s do it, then, chop chop. Their conversation is permeated with an oddly suspicious tone, the two narrowing their eyes at one another until they march off to go do the damn thing.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Bop To The Top” as performed by High School Musical Original Cast  || Performed by Maya Hart & Farkle Minkus
The duo performs the song basically written for the two of them, and while their vocals are perfect as expected there’s something off about the performance. They’re constantly eyeing one another and pushing the other into the spotlight rather than struggling for it themselves. It’s more reflective of their current undercover missions they think they’re pulling off than an actual collaborative duet.
It’s weird, to say the least. The reactions of their classmates make that very clear. Zay squints, evidently trying to figure out what the hell broke between the two of them. Lucas and Riley aren’t paying any attention, passing notes to one another. Dave and Yogi are enjoying it though, dancing in their seats.
When they wrap, the hesitation before the class applauds is telling. Maya and Farkle exchange a look, knowing they blew what should have been a simple win for them both. Angela approaches them tentatively, trying to figure out what the hell happened just now.
Angela: … you all want to try that again at the end of the week?
Maya / Farkle: Yes, please.
Isadora is with Nate at lunch, Asher and Dylan running through potential performance ideas in the background. Whatever they’re planning, it seems to include quite a bit of over-the-top movement. Either that, or that’s just the way Dylan dances.
Isadora details how she can’t hang around long for rehearsals, as she thinks she’s going to be having more meetings with her mother. Nate is more than understanding, telling her to take whatever time she needs as they’ve got the schematics down for their concept. They just need someone to perform it. Isadora states that she’s already taken Maya up on her offer to step in where necessary, and this seems to be the line in the sand for Nate.
Nate: I am not working with Miss Prima Donna. And did you see the way she bombed today? Nuh uh. No way.
Isadora: Oh, okay. That’s fine. You’ll have to practice 24/7 then, but if you’re good with that, then sure.
Nate: Good with what? Practice what?
Isadora: The dance. If you don’t want Maya to do it, you’ll have to. I could probably ask Zay to give you some lessons… when are you free?
Nate: … Broadway Barbie can stay.
Isadora: That’s what I thought.
All that aside, Nate wishes Isadora luck with her mom. He knows it’s a lot to process, so the crew is definitely here for her if she needs it. She continues to hold her chin up and shoulder on alone, but she tells him she appreciates the sentiment.
As Maya emerges from the dressing room, Farkle informs her that they’re going to have to change their rehearsal plans now that they’ve been granted a second chance. His parents have a major business meeting at their place, so that’s a no-go. He sort of invites himself over to Maya’s, which she refutes at first, trying to come up with an excuse. But she’s not quick enough, and it just makes her look like she’s got something to hide.
When Farkle posits that very question, Maya stammers before caving and stating they can work at her place. So he’s gotten his in…
Riley and Lucas’s practice has hit a snag again, the two of them now stuck in Cory’s classroom as the auditorium is occupied with people who actually know what the hell they’re doing for their project. There’s absolutely no creative energy in the space, and for Riley, it kind of feels like being surrounded by the reminder of her parent’s impending divorce.
Lucas isn’t getting very far either, a poorly drawn series of sketches of the divas fleeing various horror-movie-esque scenarios all he has to show for their hour of work. That decides it, then. Riley leaps to her feet and gestures him up. They’re getting a change of scenery.
Charlie and Zay finally have their first meeting as partners. Charlie sort of apologizes for blowing him off earlier in the week, but it’s weak in its delivery. Zay disregards it, shrugging it off and claiming he’s still glad they got partnered.
Charlie: For real?
Zay: Yeah. I mean, I know there’s no better match as far as dancing, and we’re guaranteed to blow everyone else out of the water. Especially given how Maya and Farkle really stepped in it.
Charlie: Yeah, that was weird, right?
Zay: Also, I don’t know… gives us the chance to hang out. I like that.
[ Charlie can’t help but smile, even with his bouts of hysteria. He dips his head down, lightly pressing the keys on the piano. ]
Zay: Also, to be honest, I kind of got the feeling you were avoiding me.
[ Charlie slams on the keys accidentally, straightening up. ]
Charlie: What? No. I’m not – that’s… ha ha. That’s silly…
Zay raises an eyebrow at him, Charlie clearing his throat and averting his gaze again. Zay changes the subject, stating that whatever he’s got going on, they can just forget about it. They should focus on what they’re both good at. The assignment is going to be simple, so let’s just knock it out of the park.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Moses” as performed by Singin’ In the Rain Original Movie Cast  || Performed by Zay Babineaux & Charlie Gardner
Thus, transition into their rendition of “Moses.” Zay is right, as it’s clear that both of them are at the top of their game when dancing – even more so when it’s together. They’ve never had a duet partner quite like the other.
The number continues from its early stages in the studio to the stage, where they’re performing it for the class. The tap dancing is next level yet seemingly effortless, and the two play off one another extremely well. The whole class is into it, cheering along and clapping at particularly impressive moves. They’ve even got the attention of Riley and Lucas, the former grinning proudly while the latter is obviously trying to figure out how anyone manages to do those things with their body and not kill themselves in the process.
They end the performance back to back, an homage to the original. When the class breaks into applause and they drop their stage stance, they double high-five and clasp hands. For just a second, Charlie allows himself to enjoy the thrill of a good performance with a friend rather than descending into panic. It’s the happiest and most natural he’s seemed in weeks.
Isadora and Valerie are seated in the cozy chairs by the window at Svorski’s, discussing the classic film noir movie they just saw together at the vintage theater a couple blocks over. It seems like it may be something that actually connects them, as Isadora is excited rambling on about the cinematography and directing while Valerie is able to comment proficiently on the performances. How these all come together, both of them can discuss. It’s clear when Isadora is talking about film, she really lights up.
Riley and Lucas’s search for a change of pace has taken them to Central Park, Riley leading the way as they enjoy the fresh air. The two of them also manage to actually carry on a conversation, sharing an easy rapport and their share of playful banter. Something across the way catches Riley’s attention, eagerly gesturing Lucas along behind her as she jogs across the sidewalk.
A few other groups of students are messing around on the outdoor court, but an open hoop and spare basketball seem to be just waiting for the two of them to take advantage of them. Inspired, Riley goes and scoops it off the asphalt, suggesting that maybe getting energized will help them with their creative problem-solving.
Lucas doesn’t seem the least bit convinced, asking if Riley even knows how to play. She raises her eyebrows at him, questioning whether or not he’s scared of getting beat by a girl. She fakes him out by pretending to toss the ball at him, laughing when he flinches and raises his hands protectively.
Now she’s just being incendiary for the sake of it. Lucas hesitates, then takes her up on the challenge. He follows her with a shake of his head as she dribbles out onto the court.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Getcha Head In The Game” as performed by High School Musical Original Cast  || Performed by Asher Garcia (feat. AAA Sophomore Techies)
The perhaps sole musical tribute to basketball underscores Riley and Lucas’s 1:1 game, also the subject of Asher and Dylan’s project.
Intercut with their game, Asher takes the stage in a workout jersey and sort of half dances around with the basketball. Dylan and the rest of the techie boys act as his teammates, and while the performance itself isn’t all that impressive and sharing screen time it’s Asher’s vocals that are the star of the production. He can clearly sing, even if he never gets to actually do it.
Suffice to say, neither Riley nor Lucas are star athletes. She’s a klutz, and he hasn’t played sports since like fifth grade. It’s mostly just the two of them shuffling around each other and trying to grab the ball. But it’s fun, it’s a distraction, and it loosens them up around one another. Lucas calls Riley on her fouls for traveling like five times, and she’s constantly backing up against him on the basis of “blocking.” Lucas peels his dark sweater over his head so he’s down to his white tee, and in some ways that’s kind of break through all its own.
When Asher gets to the belting bridge (“My head’s in the game, but my heart’s in the song. She makes this feel so right…”), the ball is back in Lucas’s hands. Riley raises her eyebrows at him, basically daring him to try and get a shot past her. This level of playful comfort is new for him, and it feels like he’s playing more than one dangerous game with her.
But he goes on anyway. The two of them continue to play the game as the dance break unfolds, growing more and more physically comfortable around one another and willing to get a little rough to get the rock. Eventually they fully give up on actually playing the game the way it’s intended, more so just roughing around with one another. Riley keeps cracking up, and Lucas hasn’t smiled so much consecutively throughout the entire season.
When they get to the end of the sequence, they’ve switched gears to trying to just get one successful shot through the hoop. They manage this with Lucas grabbing Riley by the waist and essentially lifting her towards the basket, finally scoring a basket. Woo!
Maya leads the way into the small studio apartment, not bothering to wait up for Farkle and his predictably shocked reaction. He was aware she was on scholarship, but he had no idea what that actually entailed. Considering how glamorously she keeps her appearance, getting the full picture of how strained her finances are is a whammy.
Before he can comment one way or another, Katy emerges from the bathroom as she finishes dressing for another shift at the diner. Maya begrudgingly introduces her to Farkle, but Katy is more than happy to meet one of Maya’s friends. She expresses how much she enjoyed his performance in Les Mis, to which he’s grateful. All in all, he’s easily charmed by Miss Hart before she flutters off to work.
Farkle states that he had no idea the cool waitress at Chubbie’s was her mom. Maya sort of shrugs it off, pushing the fact that they should really get to rehearsing rather than spending any more time lingering on the status of her family wallet.
Lucas is crashed on the asphalt, Riley collapsing into a sitting position next to him after retrieving water from her backpack. She offers the bottle to him, which he initially refuses, but when she insists on the basis of staying hydrated he accepts it. He sits up on his elbow and they pass the water back and forth, agreeing that while the game was fun and a good distraction, it didn’t exactly fix their creative dilemmas.
Riley sighs, lamenting how it’s not as though they both don’t have skills to bring to the table. When Lucas makes a face she reiterates the statement, emphasizing that both of them have something to offer, they just can’t figure out a way to unify them into a production that highlights both.
Lucas, cynical as always, subtly posits that maybe some things just aren’t meant to work together. He’s referring to the assignment, but the other implications of the statement go without saying. Riley clearly wants to disagree, but Lucas’s phone ringing disrupts the conversation.
He expresses confusion when he states that it’s Asher, fully sitting up and answering the call. Riley listens curiously, attempting to catch whatever she can from the other end of the line. It’s evident that Asher is calling out of concern, and Lucas has to tell him to slow down and start over given that he’s talking so fast. He climbs to his feet, pacing as he attempts to figure out what the hell Asher is saying.
When he hangs up, Riley asks if everything is okay. Lucas shrugs, nonchalantly explaining that apparently the AAAC has really had a hyperfixation on him the past couple of days. Asher saw it and was worried about him seeing it, so he wanted to check in. Whatever.
Riley: What? What do you mean the page has a hyperfixation?
Lucas: I don’t know, I don’t check it. Guess people have lots to say about me.
Riley: That’s horrible. We should do something –
Lucas: I mean, I already knew they hated me. Now they’re just saying it anonymously online. If it makes them feel better to talk shit like cowards, that’s their choice.
Lucas can act as dismissive as he wants, but Riley isn’t sold. She frowns, the gears in her head already turning a mile a minute.
Farkle is seated in the chair by the window, looking out at the lights and scenery of an evening in her neighborhood. Maya rejoins him a minute later, handing him a mug of cinnamon hot chocolate and claiming he better enjoy it, because it’s the only speciality dish they have here at the casa de Hart. He thanks her, taking a sip of it and assuring her it’ll do.
As they settle in, Farkle states that he likes her apartment. Their conversation walks a similar line to their exchange in GM Money, Farkle comparing the cozy and warm simplicity of her space to the vast and empty excess of his. He asks her why she works so hard to keep it a secret, and Maya states that she doesn’t want anyone to discount her or treat her differently. She works hard to make it clear she’s there because she deserves it, and she doesn’t want anyone getting the idea that she earns anything because of charity.
Farkle assures her that he won’t do that to her. He’ll be just as obnoxious and competitive as always. Maya rolls her eyes, nudging him lightly with her elbow. He promises her that he won’t say anything if she doesn’t want people to know, but if she chose to share it and anyone gave her shit, he’d come to her defense. She’s the only one actually challenging him, after all, so no one else exactly has the wherewithal to say anything.
It’s a true moment of friendship for the two of them, finally coloring their understanding of one another with something more human. Something true. Farkle offers his mug in mock cheers, Maya clinking hers against his before they both take a sip.
Valerie and Isadora arrive at her expensive luxury hotel, calling it a night. Surprising Isadora, Valerie expresses that she wants to meet her foster family. Maybe she could come over for dinner? In the next couple of nights? Isadora is uncertain, but she tentatively agrees.
Lucas walks Riley home, the latter insisting that he didn’t have to walk all this way. He claims he wanted to, and the least he could do would be to make sure she gets home safely.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Singin’ In The Rain” as performed by Singin’ In The Rain Original Movie Cast  || Performed by Farkle Minkus
As the opening tones of the classic Gene Kelly track fade in, Riley and Lucas exchange their goodbyes. The moment is reminiscent of Don and Kathy’s farewell in the film before the big title number, only we know Lucas isn’t going to be the one breaking into song.
Riley: Be careful getting home, okay? It kind of looks like it’s going to rain.
Lucas: Oh, fitting. Didn’t realize the universe was theatrical too.
Riley: [ tilting her head ] You can come in, if you need to. I mean, my dad might have a heart attack, but –
Lucas: No, no, it’s fine. I’ll survive. But I’m not dancing. I’m not Gene Kelly.
Riley: Ooh, very good. It’s almost as if you’ve been paying attention this week.
Lucas: Yeah, well, I have a pretty good partner. So.
The moment lingers between them, Riley unable to hold back her soft smile.
Lucas: Goodnight, Riley. See you tomorrow.
Riley: Goodnight, Lucas.
Riley hesitates, taking one last look at him before she steps into the building. True to her word, a light rain begins to fall just as she disappears. Lucas looks up towards the sky, shaking his head in disbelief.
The rain has increased to a steady downpour as Farkle departs Maya’s for the night. He doubles back under the awning of the building for a moment, but his mood is so pleasant that he decides he doesn’t much care. Lucas may not be a Gene Kelly, but Farkle certainly is.
Thus, he launches into the song, light and upbeat from how his friendship has developed with his former arch rival. He dances around the city in the rain, paying true tribute to the film that started this whole lesson in the first place. Ah, classic…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Singin’ In The Rain” as performed by Mint Royale || Instrumental
Jamming to a remixed rendition of the tune Farkle just finished slaying, Maya performs the dance routine for Nate and Isadora’s techie spectacle. The lights and effects are super cool, and Maya’s skill for movement really pulls the whole concept together.
As they’re giving group notes, Wyatt says something shady about how Isadora didn’t seem to do much to contribute to the project. Lucas snaps back that he doesn’t seem to do much as a human being, but he’s hardly perturbed by the comment. No, in fact, Wyatt is having a grand time this week given how horribly the AAAC is treating Lucas, which he once again alludes to.
Eric is down to his closing rounds of interrogations. Nate kicks us off, seemingly relatively chill about the whole assignment despite what’s going on with Isadora.
Nate: I kind of had to do all the shit, but it’s not a biggie. I totally get it, you know? Your bio mom coming back into your life, let alone a famous one… that’s tough, man. Makes me grateful for my boring, normal ma.
Jeff has even less to offer about Sarah, except that all she does is gossip. Haley talks about how weird Yogi is, like, just in general, before switching gears to how odd Charlie has been acting all week. He didn’t even talk to her at lunch, so now she’s worried that she’s ruining her chance with him that she’s been banking on for like two years.
Haley: Like, I don’t know, I thought we had a good thing going. But now I’m getting the feeling he might be into someone else?
Dave is antsy when it rolls around to him, as Isadora told him about how this whole check-in process is meant to help track down the moderator of the Instagram. He’s honestly the last person that should’ve been given this information.
Dave: Oh my God, do you think Yindra is running AAAC? Am I partners with a delinquent?
Eric: The page isn’t a criminal offense, Dave.
Dave: Just tell me. Am I fraternizing with a felon? Just let me down easy.
Dylan and Asher are there together, Eric gently asking if the two of them have done anything without the other in the last year and a half. They don’t acknowledge the query, instead taking the opportunity of meeting with him to express their concern over how harsh the Instagram has turned on Lucas in the last week.
And the page speaks for itself, as we see while they continue their meeting. Riley finally checks it herself, disturbed by what she discovers. True to what she’s heard, the posts have essentially become a dogpile on Lucas, everyone empowered by the constant negativity of the last few posts to say whatever the hell they please about him.
Asher: We know he says he doesn’t care, and he doesn’t really check it anyway, but everyone keeps talking about it.
Dylan: That shit messes with you, no matter how tough you are.
Riley is obviously livid. She marches off, heading to her own check-in with Eric.
She continues on the same train as Asher and Dylan, showing Eric the state of the page so he can see it for himself. She highlights how it’s simply become a trash session, and Lucas became the target because one person had a personal vendetta and made it their mission to get everyone else in on the game too.
She’s nearly choked up as she reiterates the fact that she went through her own period of bullying just last year, and it’s impossible not to care about it. Lucas can claim he’s indifferent, or that he’s not seeing it. But she’s seeing it, and she cares, and she wants something done about it. She wants something done about all of it.
Riley: I know he’s not the easiest person to deal with. He’s abrasive, and sarcastic, and puts such an effort into being aloof it’s basically like he’s exerting more energy than if he just operated like a normal human being. But he’s also clever, and… surprisingly sweet, and fiercely loyal.
[ Eric can’t look at the posts anymore, dispirited. He shakes his head, putting her phone back on the desk. ]
Riley: I know he’s a lot, but… he’s a good person. He’s good, and he doesn’t deserve this.
Eric takes in this speech, raising his eyebrows.
Eric: Wow, Clarissa was so right.
Riley: What?
Eric: Nothing.
He hears her, and he claims they’re doing everything they can to get this page taken care of. He circles back to what she meant when she said someone had a personal vendetta. Riley states that Wyatt has had it out for Lucas ever since the fight, and he’s been gleefully reminding Lucas about the page basically all week like he would know more than anybody what’s on there. She’s certain he’s enjoying it. Eric definitely takes this note…
Still emotional, Riley confronts Charlie after running into him in the hall. She pulls him aside, starting to talk about the posts concerning them on the AAAC. Charlie grows flustered and defensive, shying away from her grasp and asking what makes her think he would know anything about who posted them. She claims she doesn’t care about that – what bothers her is that he’s not doing anything to refute the rumors, and that’s a problem too. If they were really friends, as he keeps saying they are, he would do something about it.
She leaves him to ruminate on it, storming off. Charlie blinks, obviously unprepared for such a direct confrontation.
The class is watching the conclusion of Singin’ in the Rain, lights dimmed and “You Are My Lucky Star” filling the classroom. While Farkle, Maya, and Zay are engrossed in the film as expected, Dylan has dozed off in the back of class. Dave and Asher are picking at him, doodling on his arms and laughing over how he literally can’t stay awake during a movie to save his life.
Asher: Every single time.
Isadora and Lucas are paying attention, the former much more subtly engaged than the latter. Riley isn’t paying much attention at all, unintentionally spending more time watching Lucas next to her.
As the film wraps, Shawn hits the lights and takes the center of the room. Taking over for Angela as she’s off at her callback, he pulls the class into a discussion about what parallels exist between this film and High School Musical.
Dave: There’s music?
Shawn: Excellent observation, Dave. Spot on.
Zay gets the ball rolling on a more serious take, pointing out that both films share the central premise of shaking up the status quo. Farkle elaborates, explaining that there’s cases of identity crisis in both. Shawn agrees, honing in on one of the key themes not only to the films but also to what their class might be experiencing right now – not everyone is as clear cut or boxed in as they appear, and perhaps what is in front of the curtain isn’t the full story or true reality.
School is dismissed for the afternoon, students filtering out of the building. Zay finishes up a chat with Yindra by the black box, the two of them exchanging their usual handshake before she bounces. He’s about to head out as well, but something catches his attention.
Across the hall, Charlie is hanging at his locker and chatting animatedly with Haley, Clarissa, and Yogi. For a second Zay thinks about joining them, but something makes him hesitate. Charlie seems so comfortable, lively, his usual upbeat tenor – far from how he’s been behaving around him lately.
Zay absorbs this, the realization stinging. All the more because they seemed to be clicking so well, and he has no idea what he did wrong. Isolating himself somehow, yet again.
He backs off, heading in the other direction.
Valerie has joined the Van Hersching clan for dinner, a majority of the foster family assembled. KAREN VAN HERSCHING and STEPHEN VAN HERSCHING (50s) are trying their best to impress her, being overly accommodating and far from natural. It’s not every day you have a celebrity over for supper, after all.
Most of the younger siblings, like JULIAN NORTH (12) and AVA MORGENSTERN (10) keep asking Valerie inane and invasive questions. Isadora can tell she’s not exactly comfortable, and the whole situation feels like a train wreck she can’t look away from. The distaste reaches its full strength when TESSA CHAN (14) excitedly flutters back into the room with her boombox, begging for the opportunity to perform her dance routine to one of Valerie’s greatest hits.
Although Valerie doesn’t decline, Isadora can’t take it anymore. She gets to her feet without excusing herself, marching out in an embarrassed flurry. Valerie hurriedly gets up to follow her out, after thanking the Van Herschings for a lovely evening.
Isadora is making her way towards the steps to escape when Valerie catches up, asking her where she’s going and why she stormed out. Isadora tells her to drop the act, that she could see how uncomfortable she was in there and how she clearly doesn’t like what she’s seeing. She wanted things to be easy, for everything to just fall into place, but it’s not. This is the way things really are, regardless how much glossy Hollywood shine she wants to throw on it.
Isadora: This obviously wasn’t what you were expecting. And I can’t blame you for that, because how could you possibly know what to expect with absolutely zero perception to start? You should just go back to Los Angeles and forget it. Go back to the spotlight where you belong, and leave me here where I belong. In the dust.
Valerie is hurt, but she gets the message. She bids her goodnight, stepping out into the night with nothing more to say. Isadora stands on the steps for a moment, screwing her eyes shut and piecing herself back together.
It’s more difficult, this time around. Now that she’s gotten a taste of a good time with her mother, it’s going to be that much harder to retrain herself to live otherwise.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “When There Was Me And You” as performed by High School Musical Original Cast || Performed by Isadora De La Cruz
Isadora kicks off this solo ballad to heartbreak on the steps, making her way back up through the foster home as she retreats to her room. She delivers it with all the gusto that Gabriella did in the original rendition, only the sting of disappointment that she’s feeling goes far deeper than your first high school crush.
She makes back into her own space, the walls of her emotionally resilient facade beginning to crumble. She got her hopes up and saw them dashed, just like Lucas warned her would happen.
As the song comes to an end, she crawls into bed and pulls the covers over her head, willing herself to disappear. She shuts the light off, hiding in the darkness.
Farkle is working at the kitchen table on homework while Jennifer types away on her laptop, doing family budgeting. She eyes Farkle as he works, finding a way to broach the topic of his sudden new friendship. She explains how much she likes Maya, how she seems to be well-suited to him. She’s a spitfire, that much is for sure.
She digs – as only a Jewish mother can – about whether or not Farkle and Maya are like that, which Farkle adamantly refutes.
Farkle, disgusted: I am with Maya? You mean do I like her? I’d sooner woo the raccoon that lives in the attic.
Jennifer is amused by his blatant rejection – and clearly doesn’t quite buy it – but either way she claims she’s happy. She’s so happy to finally meet one of his friends, and see him getting along so well with them. She knows AAA is cutthroat, so it’s simply… nice.
She asks if he thinks Maya will come around to visit more often, because she’s more than welcome. Farkle hesitates, contemplating the question. Then, he smiles.
Farkle: Yeah… yeah, I think she will.
Charlie is at his locker, hiding behind the door as he types on his phone. He’s crafting a message to AAA Confessions, requesting that the recent posts about him and Riley be taken down. Although this sentiment seems noble, it’s visible that there have been previous messages exchanged between him and the account. Curiouser and curiouser…
He impatiently waits for a response, glancing both ways down the hall as the typing bubble appears on the other end. When it responds, it’s statement is simple at first – it’s a no can do. No posts are to be removed once posted, a risk of which he should already be aware.
Then the account follows up again with a slightly cheekier message. “It’s toothpaste, Charlie. It’s not going back in the tube. That’s the way the princely cookie crumbles…”
Charlie frowns, huffing before slamming his locker shut.
Farkle is in the auditorium alone, going over dance moves and meandering away his lunch hour. He jumps when the hall door slams open, Isadora storming into the audience. He watches as she marches up to the booth without a word, poking her head inside. When she pulls back, frustrated, he opts to speak up.
Farkle: Jackass isn’t in there. If that’s who you’re looking for. Believe me, I wouldn’t be here if he were.
Isadora: Well, where is he, then?
Farkle: Rehearsing with Riley, I’d assume. Considering I have no clue what the two of them could possibly pull together, I’m guessing they need all the time they can get –
Isadora: God, why can’t anyone just be WHERE THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE?
Isadora lets out an angry groan, stomping her way down the steps. Farkle advises her to take a chill pill and she turns her frustration on him instead.
Isadora: Coming from you? That’s –
Farkle: Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before.
Farkle settles down on the edge of the stage, asking her what the hell she’s so riled up about. Normally she wouldn’t give him the time of day, but the emotions are so overwhelming at this point that she doesn’t know where else to put them. So she blurts them out, lamenting how everything is changing and no one is acting the way they’re supposed to and she just wants everything to stop. She just wants things to go back to the way they’re meant to be.
After a moment, Farkle ventures a comforting speech. He claims he’s not trying to sound like a theater nerd, before launching into how what she’s going through is kind of exactly the whole point of High School Musical. She wants things to stay the same, to stick to the status quo (Isadora rolls her eyes), but maybe the status quo isn’t the way they’re meant to be. She has to try to be open to change, or else they’re never going to know either way.
Farkle: I get it, believe me, I do. When the whole revolution was going on and then we had to do all your positions, I hated that feeling of not knowing how to handle things or be the undisputed best. I mean, really hated it, like I wanted to strangle the way of the world as I knew it in my ironclad grip until it wouldn’t ever try to shift on me again.
Isadora: Does this vaguely psychotic monologue have… a point?
Farkle: But even with all that, the class has actually sort of come together, and that’s made my life easier too. I actually can say I have friends now rather than rivals, which who knows how long that’s going to last, but it’s nicer than before. I shudder to admit it, but sometimes you have to relinquish that control and certainty that you know best and just let the universe… I don’t know. Do its thing.
Despite how it’s not what she wanted to hear, the conversation actually does have a calming effect on Isadora. She thanks him, hesitantly, clearly unnatural for the two of them. It’s probably the first nice conversation they’ve ever exchanged.
Riley and Lucas are back in Cory’s classroom after school, nearing their last chance to pull something together between them. Riley is pacing the floor, nearly rambling about potential ideas but constantly second-guessing them or vetoing them before Lucas can even comment. She expresses her frustration over how difficult this turned out to be. She can’t help but think about what Lucas said about some things just not being meant to go together.
She glances at Lucas, seated on top of one of the desks and gazing at the floor, lost in thought. God, she doesn’t want him to be right.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Stage Is Set” as performed by Singin’ In The Rain Original Movie Cast || Instrumental
Suddenly, Lucas speaks. He murmurs something about how maybe they’re just not looking at the assignment from the right perspective. When Riley asks what he means, he lifts his head, obviously thinking.
Then, the ghost of a smirk passes over his face. He locks eyes with her, hopping off the desk and instructing her to follow him.
Lucas leads the way into the auditorium, darkened after the last rehearsal of the day. He claims that they haven’t had the chance to actually work in the proper setting. Their scene unfolds in an homage to Singin’ in the Rain, mimicking the exchange between Don and Kathy as he sets the stage for “You Were Meant For Me.”
Although Lucas is nowhere near as smooth as Don Lockwood, it’s evident from how he navigates the stage and starts piecing together a design that he has a natural knack for it. Even if he doesn’t consider it a talent himself, his eye for production and the technical side of things is impossible to ignore. It shines as he walks Riley through their potential set-up, so enthralled with the puzzle of it that he leads her along by the hand without thinking about it.
He turns away as he gets to setting up the lights from the wings, Riley commenting that maybe just dancing would be enough. She hasn’t exactly gotten to do much dancing this year like she had hoped. Lucas offhandedly agrees, finishing up and spinning around to face her.
The moment he actually looks at her–center stage, beautifully lit, exuding excitement and stage presence, he’s speechless. True to the SitR dedication…
Lucas: You sure look nice in moonlight, Riley.
Now that they’re in the proper setting with a semblance of an idea figured out, Riley states, does he still believe it’s not meant to be? Is there no possible way this duet is going to work out?
Lucas, softly: Guess we’ll find out.
And that they will. That they will…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “You Were Meant For Me” as performed by Singin’ In The Rain Original Movie Cast  || Performed by Riley Matthews (feat. Maya Hart)
Taking her up on her earlier offer, Maya covers the Gene Kelly vocals for their assignment. But she’s far from the focus of the production – no, that lays securely with Riley, who performs a ballet solo to the music of the track. It’s a true showcase of her ability when she’s given the chance to take it at her own pace, and she’s downright darling in her soft lavender dress.
So where does Lucas fit into all this? Well, the secondary star to the performance is lighting design, which responds and moves with Riley and the music almost as if it’s dancing, too. The lights are her duet partner, and Lucas is taking special care to operate them perfectly from the booth. It’s truly an effort combining both of their abilities, creating a delicate spectacle quite unlike anything AAA has seen before. Angela and Shawn are particularly impressed.
As the number draws to a close and the focus returns to Riley once again, poised on stage, practically shimmering in the stage lights, we’re thrown to Lucas in the booth. Although he was concentrating for a duration of the performance, it’s in this moment that he allows himself to relax. He lets out an exhale, completely fixated on Riley so far away.
Front and center stage, exactly where he thinks she belongs.
Farkle passes by Eric’s office before stopping, poking his head in with a curt knock. Eric greets him and asks if he wants to step inside, but Farkle turns him down. He’s just heading off to lunch with Maya, so he can’t stay long. Eric comments that their collaboration must not have gone too horribly, then.
That’s actually what Farkle wants to talk to him about. He informs him that he no longer holds suspicions that Maya is running the AAAC. His assumptions, it seems, were incorrect.
Farkle: Hey, just like the movies from class. How about that.
Eric: How about that.
Eric thanks Farkle for letting him know, sending him on his way. Turning back to his paperwork, we see that Maya was hardly one of their prime suspects at this point anyway. No, they’ve narrowed down their likely culprits to just four – Yindra, Chai, Wyatt… and Farkle himself.
Charlie emerges from the dressing room to head towards the auditorium, catching Zay heading in from the main hall. He blinks out of his daze and tries to catch up to him, but Zay marches past him without a word.
Charlie chases after him into the wings, asking what gives. Zay whips around and turns the same question back to him, obviously floored that Charlie has the gall to act like the indignant one of the two of them. Considering his behavior all week, Charlie doubles back and tries to begin explaining that he’s just been distracted because of some… things he’s had to take care of, alluding to his battle with the AAAC.
But Zay’s not buying that. His behavior has been cold towards him basically since Les Mis, and he’s sick of taking a backseat or being dismissed when it’s evident Charlie is his usual handy-dandy self when he’s hanging out with other people.
Zay: If it’s such an effort to like… exist when you hang out with me, then you can save yourself the trouble, okay? Don’t overexert yourself.
Charlie: That’s not true. You have no idea how far from the truth –
Zay doesn’t want to hear it. He starts to walk away but then doubles back, lamenting how much the situation sucks. It sucks, because he thought they had a good friendship going. They had something real, but he supposes that’s how things happen. This world is full of mirages, and the curtain always has to fall eventually. Whatever.
Charlie is stung, obviously regretful for having hurt his feelings when that was never his intention. As he’s heading towards the seats, Wyatt makes commentary on their little spat from where he could see it sitting with Yogi and Nigel.
Yogi: You couldn’t even hear what they were saying.
Charlie: Yeah, maybe you could mind your own business for once, Wyatt.
Wyatt: That’s hilarious, coming from you. Whatever you two were saying, it clearly wasn’t exactly a wanted conversation.
Nigel: Just give it a rest.
Wyatt: I’m just saying, you gotta watch what you say. Words are toothpaste, they can’t go back in the tube.
As Charlie is walking away, something about that statement gets to him. He frowns, warning bells going off in his head. It’s just a tad too familiar…
Isadora makes her way through the house to answer the door, Julian calling over his shoulder that it’s for her. She makes some offhand commentary about how Lucas knows he doesn’t have to wait for her to come inside – but it’s not Lucas standing out on their front steps.
Isadora freezes as Valerie smiles at her from the doorway. She asks if she has a moment to spare.
Valerie and Isadora sit out on the front steps, the former not wanting to leave without a proper goodbye. She assures Isadora that despite what she may believe, she had a wonderful time with her this week. All of their time was worth it. Isadora doesn’t quite believe it, but it’s clear that Valerie means every word.
She states that she’d love to watch one of Isadora’s short films one day. Isadora lifts her head from staring at the sidewalk, eyes wide.
Isadora: I never told you about that.
Valerie: Do you think you had to? Darling, the way your face lit up when you got to talking about the cinematography and directorial choices from that ancient film we saw the other day, you didn’t have to say anything else. I may be a classic Hollywood bimbo, but I’m no ditz. I do have eyes, at least.
Isadora clarifies, hurriedly, that she doesn’t think Valerie is a bimbo. Or a ditz. And she does appreciate that she took the time to come out and see her, but… she just isn’t sure she’s what Valerie wants her to be. She enjoyed performing in Les Mis, and she’s open to the possibility of more singing in the future – maybe – but filmmaking is her passion. Her dream has always been to be a director, and that’s just who she is.
Valerie emphasizes that whoever she feels she is, that’s all she wants her to be. And she’ll do whatever she can to help.
Valerie: In fact, as soon as I get back I’ll see if I can set up a meeting for you with one of my friends, Stevie. Spielberg? You’ve probably seen a couple of his films.
Isadora, blankly: Uh… yeah. I have.
Isadora tries to say that Valerie doesn’t need to do anything for her, but she’s happy to. She’s in full momager mode, ready to help her daughter’s career take off in her industry as well. Isadora is flattered but also embarrassed as any teenager would be, and there’s a charm to that.
There just may be hope for this dynamic yet…
Shawn comes in through the front door, already rattling off some thoughts he had on the train ride over about what their next assignment could be. He also had some thoughts for next year, so it’s clear he’s planning ahead for the two of them. However, he stops cold when he finds Angela standing in the kitchen, seemingly in shock.
He runs over and puts his bag down, assuming that something is wrong. She’s got tears glossing her eyes, but they’re not necessarily negative – it’s complicated. When he asks her what’s going on, she explains that she got her first return call from one of her callbacks. Based on her reaction, Shawn assumes the worst.
Shawn, soberly: … no?
[ There’s a beat. Then, with a watery smile, Angela shakes her head. ]
Angela: I got an offer.
This seems like amazing news. She did it! Shawn pulls her into a hug, asking her if she’s going to take it. Oh, she has to take it, doesn’t she? Angela tells him to hold on a second. She hasn’t explained the full offer.
She states that the offer came from one of the touring companies. So it’s a part – and a great one, at that – but it means traveling. It means uprooting herself and leaving. It means, given how long the tour is, potentially saying goodbye.
Shawn absorbs this. He doesn’t know how to react, now matching her emotion. Angela doesn’t know how to react, really, either.
Suddenly, she has a major decision to make.
Charlie is seated across from Eric, letting him know about the weird parallels between his conversation with Wyatt and things he’s… observed on the AAAC. He claims it could just be a coincidence, but he thought Eric should know. He thanks him, and immediately moves to pass the information on to Jack…
… who brings in Chai for a chat, Wyatt’s project partner for the week. Chai comments that it definitely seems as though the AAAC has gotten more reckless as of late, so she wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with that. He’s pretty pissed off all the time, ever since he got his clock cleaned for saying stuff about Isadora.
Chai: Like look, I get it, people talk shit all the time. Petty stuff is whatever, you know? Like do I care if someone makes some dumb post about me and my split ends – which, not true – because they’re jealous or having a rough week or whatever? Not really. But some of the stuff he says… it’s like, you don’t say that, you know? You have to have personal boundaries. Know the rules to the game, and all that. Be smart.
By the end of their conversation, all signs really do seem to point to Wyatt as the next step in the mystery. Whether or not he’s the operator is still up for debate, but he clearly has involvement one way or another, and it’s time to get to the bottom of it.
Isadora enters the auditorium, still searching for the chance to catch up with Lucas. They’ve been out of each other’s orbit for what feels like the entire week, and it feels weird to not have him in her corner. She heads towards the stage, calling out for him.
He responds from somewhere above, informing her that he’s up in the catwalk. She takes the spiral staircase behind the prop loft gate to join him, suddenly traipsing dozens of feet above the stage below.
It’s a totally different view from so high above. Lucas is crouched on the main walk as promised, just finishing up adjusting one of the lights. Isadora makes some nonchalant commentary about how this is one of her favorite places in the auditorium, how she should spend time up here more often. Feels easier to breathe, so high above everything else.
The two of them settle on the base of the catwalk, Isadora’s legs dangling over the edge. Lucas props his elbows on his knees, settled in the silence for a moment.
Isadora: [ not looking at him ] Been kind of a weird week.
Lucas: Yeah.
Isadora: … not bad, though.
Lucas: No. No, not bad…
It’s clear that both of them have a dozen things they could say, lots of things they’re itching to say – but for whatever reason they’re suddenly shy. Like although they know could say anything to each other, there are now things they want to keep to themselves. Have something that is solely theirs to ruminate over.
Despite not having seen them herself, Isadora does check in with him about what conspired on the AAAC this week. She knows he claims he doesn’t care, but she wants him to be honest with her. Is he okay?
Lucas claims it’s fine, in complete honesty he didn’t even really notice. It’s all just the usual bullshit from the other side of the divide, and he doesn’t have energy to spare on it. Besides, he hardly had time to think about it. Too much other stuff distracting him this week.
Still, even for everything they won’t say, both of them know how the other spent the week. At least, the general concept.
Lucas: How’s your mom?
Isadora: [ after a moment of thought ] She’s alright. How’s Riley?
Lucas: [ fiddling with the light, not looking at her ] … she’s alright.
From the light smile on his face, Isadora can tell that’s an understatement. But she’s not going to push the issue for now. For now, she just wants to enjoy the comfort and peace being so high above it all – and in the company of her best friend.
Let the universe do its thing, or whatever.
The class is assembled for the end of the week, and the change in the atmosphere is palpable. They’re actually sitting as a full class rather than in their pseudo-segmented sides. The conversation is light and jovial, such a stark contrast to how the beginning of the year was.
Angela makes her way into the auditorium, glimpsing them from the wings. It hits her that if she takes this new opportunity, all of this might change. She may actually be leaving them behind.
She marches onward, pulling herself together as only an actress can and gathering their attention front and center. She applauds them for how they’ve handled the assignment, taking the challenge in stride and even challenging her to be better in the process. And they have come such a long way since the beginning of the year – all they have to do is look around.
Maya, Zay, and Farkle exchange looks, seated in the same seats they were at the beginning of the year but far better friends than before. Riley and Lucas are seated together, and with that the gap between the techies and the performers has become non-existent. She wants them all to remember this feeling, of how easy it is to break the status quo – the class groans somewhat at that one – before inviting them up for the final number of the week. And she knows they know the words, so they better belt it out considering they insisted on it…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “We’re All In This Together” as performed by High School Musical Original Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomores
Angela isn’t wrong when she claims there’s no way these Generation Z kids don’t know this number. It’s a fun, goofy, energetic party on the stage as they bring the house down with this classic, finally a semblance of balance between performer and techie taking the stage. Some of that energy from 1.08 is present in the jam session, that’s for sure.
Charlie leads the school chant dance break, Asher and Jeff his main back up. All of our main players take a line or two for solos, but others do as well – Yindra, Nigel, Chai, Clarissa. Nigel dances with Jade, and it looks like she’s about to pass out.
As the last chorus kicks off, Riley even manages to pull Lucas into the revelry. Still with an eye roll, mind you, but no longer is he self-isolated to the sidelines. And the full class brings it on home with a flourish, breaking into laughter and in high spirits.
Still, one factor is noticeably absent…
As the class rounds out the number, Wyatt remains seated in the front office. Jack emerges from his office, giving him a look and gesturing him into his office. Without a word, Wyatt rises and passes by him to enter the room.
As Jack closes the door behind him, we hang on that moment of uncertainty. Yes, this mystery may just very well be narrowing to its conclusion…
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