#I’m still brainstorming a ton of stuff atm
cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Still thinking about the original story of mine (which I still don’t have a name for, and I’m still plotting stuff) that I’ve had for a while, and I wanna mention the other characters that haven’t been brought up yet.
They’re all more of side characters, and don’t fall into the same category/group (villain, hero, etc), since they’re all a bit different.
Side Characters:
Remnant: They/Them/Themself.
A robot who was originally a villain—someone who used to work alongside Fennec before its original defeat, but ended up leaving all of that behind. Everything about them... including choices, for example, seems a little ambiguous.
A ghost of an old friend constantly follows Remnant—which only they can see and hear.
Otto: No Pronouns.
A recently Human-turned-Cyborg that was forced into joining and assisting Fennec and the others. First, Otto was simply kept there- but an idea arrived, and Otto was mind-controlled, being forced to actually help.
Nearly nobody was ever close to Otto/really knew of Otto, except for Remnant—who soon discovers just what exactly happened to their friend.
Ash: Any Pronouns.
A human that happens to be related to Cleo—although nobody ever really sees them much, as Ash is much too nervous, despite very much wanting to help out—while simultaneously being secretive and having his own plans.
Cleo, alongside the others, don’t know what Ash is trying to do—Cleo just hopes that it’s nothing bad.
Saturn: She/Her/Herself, It/It’s/Itself.
A human, who befriended Remnant a long time ago—who also happens to be the only person who can hear and see her. Despite this, Saturn repeatedly makes attempts for others to see her.
It sticks with Remnant, not really planning on leaving.
J: She/Her/Herself.
A Cyborg that tries to keep watch of everything that’s being done—by Tricks and their group, and everyone else who plays a part. Only Otto knows of her—when J accidentally got caught—but the others were never informed, and J never got caught again.
J just... really isn’t sure what she’s going to do.
Arrow: He/Him/Himself.
A robot that, originally, had been accompanying J, but one day went missing—he hasn’t been able to find his way back to J, and J hasn’t been able to find him...
Arrow doesn’t know what happened—he knows someone messed with him, and now he’s malfunctioning rather badly—now, he’s been attempting to find J, while trying to fix himself, or even find Tricks and the others—surely J would be there, too.
Though... everything’s easier said than done.
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roleplayfinder · 10 months
/// he him, 20, 20+ only, queer bipoc ///
—🖤 hey! my name is sluuze, and i’m here in hopes of finding someone to write League of Legends stuff with! specifically heartsteel/music vers ngl—the brainrot is so strong. but first, please keep these in mind!:
important to note (ooc): i will be sporadic with rp replies bc “my brain doesn’t fucking work” (adhd), life is inane, etc (ooc interaction is simpler—i love chatting n rp talk ooc!!). i also usually default at novella, but for reasons as mentioned above, i can only provide shortform to semi-lit atm </3 i am also still very new to LoL and am still getting a grasp on the lore. so pls, go easy on me 💀
overall pls be patient and understanding, and i will be for you as well ofc!
here are the characters im looking to write! muses: aphelios, yone, ekko, ezreal, hwei, (kinda sorta maybe) kayn
and here are the pairings im hoping to write stuff for—bold is who i would prefer to write! ships: settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel willing to try different pairings with aphelios, yone, and hwei! (mxm only pls)
verses: og verse/runeterra (settphel) spiritblossom vers (settphel) heartsteel/“music vers” (settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel) if you have any ideas please do tell me!! i’m totally down to hear out other ideas and or brainstorm something together (:
writing style:
3rd person, usually novella but for the time being shortform to semi-lit length
exclusively writing on discord with a private server for our rp
love having multiple threads
love having full investment—tons of headcanons for our characters and the pairings, discussing other potential scenarios for them, playlists, etc etc. just getting real immersed and hyped for our characters n rp!
looking for:
nsfw involvement is a must/highly preferred !
being open to dark themes: gritty settings, action/violence, depressing/dark situations/elements, deaddove to an extent. [absolutely NO “proship” type shit] we will discuss limits of course!!
cool with t4t and/or trans male character headcanons and such like that (ok with erp involvement also)!
overall lookin for someone who's just as inane for this shit as i am <3
/// i think that’s all? if you’re interested hmu on discord “@ sluuze”!! ///
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canonrpfinder · 10 months
/// he him, 20, 20+ only, queer bipoc ///
—🖤 hey! my name is sluuze, and i’m here in hopes of finding someone to write League of Legends stuff with! specifically heartsteel/music vers ngl—the brainrot is so strong. but first, please keep these in mind!:
important to note (ooc): i will be sporadic with rp replies bc “my brain doesn’t fucking work” (adhd), life is inane, etc (ooc interaction is simpler—i love chatting n rp talk ooc!!). i also usually default at novella, but for reasons as mentioned above, i can only provide shortform to semi-lit atm </3 i am also still very new to LoL and am still getting a grasp on the lore. so pls, go easy on me 💀
overall pls be patient and understanding, and i will be for you as well ofc!
here are the characters im looking to write! muses: aphelios, yone, ekko, ezreal, hwei, (kinda sorta maybe) kayn
and here are the pairings im hoping to write stuff for—bold is who i would prefer to write! ships: settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel willing to try different pairings with aphelios, yone, and hwei! (mxm only pls)
verses: og verse/runeterra (settphel) spiritblossom vers (settphel) heartsteel/“music vers” (settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel) if you have any ideas please do tell me!! i’m totally down to hear out other ideas and or brainstorm something together (:
writing style:
3rd person, usually novella but for the time being shortform to semi-lit length
exclusively writing on discord with a private server for our rp
love having multiple threads
love having full investment—tons of headcanons for our characters and the pairings, discussing other potential scenarios for them, playlists, etc etc. just getting real immersed and hyped for our characters n rp!
looking for:
nsfw involvement is a must/highly preferred !
being open to dark themes: gritty settings, action/violence, depressing/dark situations/elements, etc. we will discuss limits of course!!
cool with t4t and/or trans male character headcanons and such like that (ok with erp involvement also)!
overall lookin for someone who's just as inane for this shit as i am <3
/// i think that’s all? if you’re interested hmu on discord “@ sluuze”!! ///
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findroleplay · 10 months
/// he him, 20, 20+ only, queer bipoc ///
—🖤 hey! my name is sluuze, and i’m here in hopes of finding someone to write League of Legends stuff with! specifically heartsteel/music vers ngl—the brainrot is so strong. but first, please keep these in mind!:
important to note (ooc): i will be sporadic with rp replies bc “my brain doesn’t fucking work” (adhd), life is inane, etc (ooc interaction is simpler—i love chatting n rp talk ooc!!). i also usually default at novella, but for reasons as mentioned above, i can only provide shortform to semi-lit atm </3 i am also still very new to LoL and am still getting a grasp on the lore. so pls, go easy on me 💀
overall pls be patient and understanding, and i will be for you as well ofc!
here are the characters im looking to write! muses: aphelios, yone, ekko, ezreal, hwei, (kinda sorta maybe) kayn
and here are the pairings im hoping to write stuff for—bold is who i would prefer to write! ships: settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel willing to try different pairings with aphelios, yone, and hwei! (mxm only pls)
verses: og verse/runeterra (settphel) spiritblossom vers (settphel) heartsteel/“music vers” (settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel) if you have any ideas please do tell me!! i’m totally down to hear out other ideas and or brainstorm something together (:
writing style:
3rd person, usually novella but for the time being shortform to semi-lit length
exclusively writing on discord with a private server for our rp
love having multiple threads
love having full investment—tons of headcanons for our characters and the pairings, discussing other potential scenarios for them, playlists, etc etc. just getting real immersed and hyped for our characters n rp!
looking for:
nsfw involvement is a must/highly preferred !
being open to dark themes: gritty settings, action/violence, depressing/dark situations/elements, deaddove to an extent. [absolutely NO “proship” type shit] we will discuss limits of course!!
cool with t4t and/or trans male character headcanons and such like that (ok with erp involvement also)!
overall lookin for someone who's just as inane for this shit as i am <3
/// i think that’s all? if you’re interested hmu on discord “@ sluuze”!! ///
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findyourrp · 10 months
/// he him, 20, 20+ only, queer bipoc ///
—🖤 hey! my name is sluuze, and i’m here in hopes of finding someone to write League of Legends stuff with! specifically heartsteel/music vers ngl—the brainrot is so strong. but first, please keep these in mind!:
important to note (ooc): i will be sporadic with rp replies bc “my brain doesn’t fucking work” (adhd), life is inane, etc (ooc interaction is simpler—i love chatting n rp talk ooc!!). i also usually default at novella, but for reasons as mentioned above, i can only provide shortform to semi-lit atm </3 i am also still very new to LoL and am still getting a grasp on the lore. so pls, go easy on me 💀
overall pls be patient and understanding, and i will be for you as well ofc!
here are the characters im looking to write! muses: aphelios, yone, ekko, ezreal, hwei, (kinda sorta maybe) kayn
and here are the pairings im hoping to write stuff for—bold is who i would prefer to write! ships: settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel willing to try different pairings with aphelios, yone, and hwei! (mxm only pls)
verses: og verse/runeterra (settphel) spiritblossom vers (settphel) heartsteel/“music vers” (settphel, ezko, kayone, kaynphel) if you have any ideas please do tell me!! i’m totally down to hear out other ideas and or brainstorm something together (:
writing style:
3rd person, usually novella but for the time being shortform to semi-lit length
exclusively writing on discord with a private server for our rp
love having multiple threads
love having full investment—tons of headcanons for our characters and the pairings, discussing other potential scenarios for them, playlists, etc etc. just getting real immersed and hyped for our characters n rp!
looking for:
nsfw involvement is a must/highly preferred !
being open to dark themes: gritty settings, action/violence, depressing/dark situations/elements, deaddove to an extent. [absolutely NO “proship” type shit] we will discuss limits of course!!
cool with t4t and/or trans male character headcanons and such like that (ok with erp involvement also)!
overall lookin for someone who's just as inane for this shit as i am <3
/// i think that’s all? if you’re interested hmu on discord “@ sluuze”!! ///
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seraphiixa · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥  This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tumblr media
My muse is: canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless 
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world? YES-ISH / NO
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL
How strictly do you follow canon?
Very strictly. I prefer to follow the canon setting and world in an effort to maintain as much plausibility of my OC as possible. If they contradict the world I’m putting them in, then that’s unfair to the other canon and OC muses I write with.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.
Lyra is the stern Marine that you can play your wild pirate off of. Your villain can terrorize her, and your hero can show her that pirates aren’t all that bad. Your junior Marine can learn something from her, your senior Marine can deal with her being set in her ways. She also has (in my opinion) a neat Devil Fruit, is down for some sword-fighting, and if you’re interested in shipping, we could have a very fun slow-burn as your muse breaks down her professional walls and gets to the person under the uniform. She is also older than most muses and can provide a mentor-figure for them. Lyra also has a shitty reputation in the Marines but used to be the golden child of Absolute Justice.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
I think the first thing that may turn people off is her Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, since there seems to be a lot of those in the fandom even though they’re more rare than Logia in canon. So she has an overpowered Devil Fruit, I acknowledge that. She’s also a Marine and that inherently brings in conflict, and although conflict is what pushes plot, not everyone wants that in rp. She’s also older at thirty-seven years old, so the kidlet muses (age 18-25) won’t have anything in common with her and are either going to learn from her or be annoyed/ignored/not taken seriously by her.
What inspired you to rp your muse?
Ton o’ stuff. I’ve answered this in other posts a lot. 
What keeps your inspiration going?
New plots to explore! I love plotting! I’ll take a plotted out thread designed to enhance or create a relationship of some sort between our muses than winging it any day.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you do your character justice? YES / NO
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO 
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO 
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
Sure. If anyone has any ideas on how to improve my portrayal of a character I created entirely on my own, it’s welcome, I just think it’s unlikely. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
Always. I love answering asks that make me brainstorm Lyra.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
It’s hard to disagree with a headcanon of an OC, but for a canon character, I’d like to know why --- specifically, I’d like to know if there is direct canon information that contradicts the headcanon. Otherwise, it’s just opinion.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I’d take it fine. Not everyone is going to like your character or how you write. Sometimes you and another person are just not destined to be writing partners; it happens.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
That’s fine. I would suggest that they stop wasting their energy hating an OC, though, and just unfollow or not read threads that they’re not a part of. They’ll be happier if they do. Honestly, if anyone ever dislikes anything that you write, it’s their own fault for reading stuff that they’re not involved in. My threads are between me and the other writer, and no one else. If you choose to read it, that’s on you, not me.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
Sure, why not.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
Yes. I’m okay with just about anything. No triggers, no limits, fiction is fiction and muse is not the mun, and all that. I have very few ‘rules’ and outside of that, I’m just here for a good time. If anything bothers me or doesn’t add up in our threads, I’ll just reach out and have a conversation with you about it. It’s not a big deal.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
➸  Tagger: none. i stole it from @tenyxshx​.
➸ Tagging: @chillin-at-partys-bar. @godlivesonthemoon. @museabyss​ (croco). @luazasvogel. @puiiet. @xdiez. @worldsmostdangerous.
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opepin · 7 years
august: week four
21: i woke up at 8:30 am and then did 30 minutes of hiit and it killed me LOL. my body felt up for it though and there was a bunch of sweating. i showered and then ate breakfast and woke kevin up. we both wfh’d today because we wanted to see the eclipse together :) plus, dave would be out until wednesday. i ordered my nike free tr7s from zappos and then i did some internet errands and started to go over some training stuff for tomorrow. x_x; it was a really chill day because everyone was too preoccupied with the solar eclipse haha. i got off a really short stand up and then kevin and i brought our leftovers outside to eat. we had the lobster and garlic bread for lunch outside in the courtyard while watching the eclipse. it was nice :) then we cleaned up and went back in. i think i was mainly distracted when i got back. i started feeling pretty crappy in the stomach area and i felt nauseous after a while too. ugh, these period symptoms got me going crazy this week. i laid down for a while and did my best to get through a call that phil led, which wasn’t too bad. then i did some window shopping on reformation clothing’s website and kevin helped me decide against buying a new dress LOL.
i had to try on my dress with my heels to restrain myself from buying another dress. when i felt a bit better, i worked out my legs and kevin went to cook. i showered and then watched agents of shield while kevin did his thang in the kitchen. he made taiwanese beef noodle soup because i have been craving it and i needed some tender lovin’ from soups for my stomach. i ate a lot today tbh, but i think i worked out enough to balance out the calories. i didn’t feel like i overate though? lol. idk. we watched more agents of shield and then i got a really bad tension headache. i laid there while watching another episode before calling it quits and brushing my teeth and washing the dishes. i hopped into bed and just ko’d because my head really hurt. i went to sleep at around 12:30 am.
22: i woke up at 8 am and just went on instagram to get to the eggie clothing launch. i was upset to find out that the one shirt i really wanted was sold out of smalls already :( so i decided not to get anything. lol this choice haunted me for the rest of the morning and afternoon T_T i should have gotten an xsmall. anyway, i spent 20 minutes on that in the morning and then did a low impact workout so i don’t kill my body from doing too many hiit workouts. then i showered, ate breakfast, and kevin left for work and then i hopped on the first call of the day. it was just me and a client and it went really well. she was super understanding! then i did some emailing and more regretting LOL. ugh, i need that black blazer and eggie tee and the try again tee in blush -- i guess i have to wait now. i also made another uniqlo order because the jeans i wanted were on sale and i tossed in 2 mock neck ribbed crops tops in there for only $3.80 each ;D lol sigh.
my second meeting of the day was rescheduled for tomorrow so i took this time to reassess my work stuff and do some internet errands. i watched agents of shield while working and then hopped on the third call of the day and right after, went on stand up that lasted an hour... haha... i continued watching agents of shield and then did a 40 minute back / arm workout. i showered and then chilled for the rest of the evening. it’s nice getting things done early. kevin came back from climbing, i washed the dishes, and he made dan dan noodles. we watched more agents of shield and then he went to game and i watched another episode. lol, i feel like i can’t trust anyone in that show anymore T_T i called it a night at 11 pm. i brushed my teeth and ko’d in bed at around 11:30 am. zzzz.
23: i woke up pretty energized but i checked my phone and happened to check my chase account and i got charged a service fee -__-” so i had to deal with that later on in the morning. first thing’s first though -- i did a kickboxing workout, showered, and ate breakfast. then i hopped on the train and the man sitting next to me reeked of smoke and body odor T____T it was the most unpleasant train ride to work that i’ve ever experienced... i got to work at around 9:30 am and then went into a telephone booth to figure out this darn chase thing. the customer representative was not helpful at all so i sent chase a secure message asking for a first time fee waiver. then i talked to dave about the eclipse and started prepping for my prep call with phil, ahha. my call went really well. we got a lot of work done and i feel more confident of doing training on my own now. well, we only got through one section of it but we’ll schedule more time later.
it was a very quiet day but i bumped into cait in the kitchen and talked with her for a bit. joe came in the afternoon and we talked for a bit. we got on stand up and after that, i finished my work (had to erase some templates to make more space) and then packed up and walked to kevin. we met on the bridge and walked to south station and went home. we had a small argument about accessing saving account money with atm cards and/or debit cards. i got mad because i hate it when he’s right because he thinks he’s right all the time. -__-” we both turned out to be right and kevin kept teasing me which made me even angrier. so we talked about it when we got home and then i took like an hour nap in the bed with kevin while he read and/or gamed. then he went for a run and i did my oblique workout. i showered first and then chilled for the rest of the day. kevin made eggs and chives and this new green bean recipe for dinner. we watched agents of shield and then kevin went to game and i watched a bit more before going to sleep. zzzz. it was nice coming home early and just cuddling with kevin (:
24: this was the first time in a while where i turned off my alarm and ko’d right away. luckily, i only woke up 15 minutes later and then i got up and did my low-impact workout for the morning. i took my time getting to work resulting in me getting there later than usual, but i let dave know and i skyped him on the train to ask for more work to do. i started working on a journey map and creating a few icons :) i changed into glasses again today to gauge how comfortable my eyes are with the computer again and wearing them constantly. my prescription is high so i’m still getting used to it. dave had to step out for a bit and then i bumped into a bug that byron had to fix himself so i tried walking to uniqlo with my glasses during this “break” but walked back because my eyes felt really tired and it was too bright outside with too many moving people.... oh, also i felt bad for using about an hour’s worth of work time to walk there while dave was dealing with something.
so i walked back and then worked on the map some more. byron fixed it fairly quickly! dave got back before 4 pm so it’s a good thing i didn’t leave for long. my eyes felt tired so i took my glasses off for a bit and rested them. i’ll walk to uniqlo after work and take my time; kevin won’t be back until 8 pm because he’s climbing today so i’ll have enough time to get my stuff, go back home, exercise, and get the chicken thighs in the oven. ;D there was only one hour left of work and i just had questions for dave so i did internet errands while dave finished a call. i talked with dave, made some changes, and then i was basically done for the day. i walked over to faneuil hall by memory and without my gps because my phone was at like 10% when i left the office. i picked up my order and tried on the items in the changing room. i took a while because i needed opinions on whether to keep the two shirts i got as well as the boyfriend slim fit jeans i got from uniqlo. i got two ‘yes’es from michelle and vivian so then i walked to downtown crossing and commuted home. i got back at like 6:40 pm.
i got my shipping box for my macbook pro trade-in as well as my new nike free tr 7s; tbh, i was kind of underwhelmed. :( i think it’s because there were too many color ways that were pretty nice but none that i loved. i went with the black / lava glow / anthracite color way, which i think is the nicest one that isn’t too girly. anyway, i was a bit rushed because i opened my packages, put my macbook in the box, tried on my shoes, ate a snack because i was pretty hungry, seasoned and put the chicken thighs into the oven, washed rice (and apparently forgot to hit cook Dx), put away and washed the dishes, and clean up all the boxes we have in the apartment. we have a ton of boxes in our apartment right now and we haven’t even begun moving LOL.
well, i managed that and then kevin got back home from climbing, showered, and i went straight into doing a free weight butt workout, which i love! it burns so good lolol. then i showered while the rice actually cooked and kevin and i ate dinner while watching agents of shield. he went to game and i continued watching. i stayed up until 1 am for some reason -- it felt like a weekend. i ended up going to bed at the same time as kevin, which happens rarely. :P he wants to do other things instead of just watching tv together so we’re gonna brainstorm what we can do. i think it’d be fun to game with each other, but also scary territory because most of the time, i’m a sore loser @_@; we’ll see!
25: it was a nice day to wfh. i woke up pretty sore so i just did some hip hop cardio in the morning. then i ate breakfast and showered. kevin left for work and i did some errands. i re-ordered my new nikes in a 7.5 because the 7s seem a bit too tight. then i started making wireframes for a new feature in ux360 while watching agents of shield! i finished the second season and the next one seems a bit weird... i got on a client call with dave and phil and then worked some more before stand up. i am very happy with my prototype right now and i spent more time adding in more functionality to it in axure (: ahhh, so much fun! after work, i ate a scallion bun as a snack and some chips while watching youtube videos. hm, i think what’s plaguing my mind right now is when eggie is going to restock the items i want LOL. i think i am in a fashion phase right now @_@; i did my workout, kevin got back home, and then we played a trivia game together. then i went to shower while kevin made dinner. we had a really late dinner because we played that game...lol oops. we didn’t watch anything while eating because we were starving. then kevin went on a run and i watched an episode of shield on my ipad before going to sleep... it was a nice start to the week. 
26: i woke up at 10 am and just took it easy this morning. kevin and i looked for coop games on steam and i did some internet errands. i ended up watching the rest of the digimon tri series that i forgot to watch. there’s still part 5 that’s not out yet, but now i’m excited. kevin gamed and then we meal planned and went grocery shopping. we stopped at kam man and bj’s and also got my car washed :) lol we’re still noobs at going to car washes. we got back home and then put everything away and started going through the games that kevin bought on steam. we played a lot of overcooked -- we both really liked it. then we started cooking dinner. kevin cooked the ribeye on the cast iron skillet and i made garlic mashed potatoes :) we ate dinner while watching agents of shield and then after digesting, i did my 45 minute workout. kevin tried getting me to play portal knights at like 12 am after he showered but i was so tired and i got grumpy because the set up took so long. i was tired and ko’d before 2 am. x__x; it was a pretty productive day though, and kevin’s idea of playing coop games together seems like it’s going well.
27: i woke up earlier than kevin again to clean the kitchen and bathroom. kevin did wake up earlier today though. we ate breakfast and after i put the fleece blankets in the wash, we went straight to gaming. we started playing the other coop games that kevin purchased yesterday. we gave portal knights another chance but it was meh. out of the ones that we played, we really liked ibb & obb and battleblock theater from this batch. then we went to get our thai massage! the massage was just ok today because a different person massaged me and she was either too gentle or too hard. i did get walked on though :O afterward, i started washing our clothes and then we ate lunch outside. then we continued to play games. i legit started crying while laughing while playing ibb & obb. i’m really bad at jumping but it was so funny. kevin asked what was wrong with me LOL. we stopped gaming at around 6 or 7 pm and kevin cooked off the last piece of steak while i did a 60 minute kickboxing routine. he ate while i worked out and then i went to shower and ate while watching agents of shield. kevin washed the dishes and then watched with me for a bit. i folded the clothes and stuff and then we continued gaming. we ended the night playing overcooked and battleblock theater until 11:30 pm. i went to sleep at like 12:30 am or something because i was still really excited about all the games we played together <3 hehe, it was a good idea to do this. it was a great weekend :)
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