#I’m still mad about MK11
lightningelite · 1 year
If the leaks are true & Homelander, Omni Man, & Peacekeeper are gonna be in the new MK as the first DLC Cyrax, Sektor, & Smoke better be in the base roster or we’re gonna have a major malfunction
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donsgraveyard · 7 months
Gimme your Kabal headcanons 🫵
(pretty please)
Eye eye captain (also I’m sorry but I’m doing these based off mk9 Kabs cause boooo mk11 Kabal booo)
These might be kinda boring so I’m sorry I just don’t have that many thoughts about Kabal 💔
Kabal is Latino, but he’s not sure where from cause he was adopted by his moms and they aren’t too sure who his family was beforehand. He just hasn’t taken the time to take a dna test or anything so he still wonders sometimes
he has crazy resting bitch face and always looks mad but when you approach him he acts all nice and asks how you are doing and everything
his love language is quality time and he just loves to hang around the people he’s closest too. Clings to their side and chats with them for hours or just being in their company is good enough because it makes him feel secure
Kabs only friend for a long, long time was Stryker… since middle school they’ve been super tight and always stuck together. After Kabs got involved in crime they drifted a little bit especially since Kurt went to policing school. They reconnected after Stryker was forced to arrest Kabs and Kabs begged him for help trying to get him out of the BD which Kurt obviously did. Then Kurt got him to go into the force with him. (This can be romantic or platonic)
Even though Kabs eventually gets burned and gains super speed, he’s still blown away and baffled by the shit he sees in MK and is like “gughhrrr what is going on………” like all the time
He’s a fan of race cars and watching competitive racing… when he was a kid he had all those toy cars and race car bed sheets… he loves racing and like the kid in him was so excited when he got super speed
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I’m just gonna make one last post about this since i think some people were wondering, but I think the main reason I Do Not vibe with mk12 Raiden is the simple fact that they stripped him of pretty much all recognizable iconography (that and the timeline rebooting is gonna fuck up like everyone’s backstories and subsequently a lot of their general characterization/development—but that’s a post for another time). Like sure they had the bare minimum level of decency to make their Japanese thunder god character actually look undeniable asian (for what… the third time in 30 years?) i’m not mad he’s not white, quite the contrary, it’s just his character model/outfit is soooooo fucking bland and uninteresting he doesn’t even read as Raiden.
Like in mk11 mortal Raiden’s outfit still had some cloud motifs sewn into the fabric, and the gold trim—y’know just some basic good character design to help set him apart from a glance and impart some ideas on what his whole deal is—now I can take my glasses off while looking at the trailer and for all I know that’s Kung Lao 2.
Hell from what we’ve seen so far they didn’t even let him keep his damn staff…
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bihansthot · 11 months
Sol I have been crying for like 5 hours now. I’m mad that in mk Kuai Liang might be scorpion and when thinking about mk11 he was in a wonderful place like everyone loved him respected him or wanted him on their side. So now this is a different timeline and he is kinda far away from what he used to be (hypothetically) “what is yours will eventually come to you” but let’s make it in a more dramatic way, together maybe? Few parts, scenes from both mk11 and mk1. To be honest I can’t even tell you what it is completely cause I’m still crying over the little scenario I created in my head lol
I think we’re all mad Kuai Liang might be Scorpion now, I know I am but I’m mad for personal reasons. Mostly because my dear best friend and sister-in-law (fictionally) has essentially lost her husband and I’ve lost my brother-in-law and now in his place is potentially the man who murdered my husband and we’re all supposed to act like this is cool??? Like Boon, your eyebrows and I need to talk for a minute. This is shit for Scorpion fans too because like where the fuck is Hanzo? They lost their man too and don’t even get me started on the poor subscorp shippers. I’m also aggravated because I have in the past written for the entirety of the Lin Kuei, like does this mean I have to include him now too? Like I’m not sure how I feel about that personally, on the one rational hand I know this isn’t the same Scorpion who robbed me of my happily ever after but like I’m an Aries, we hold grudges until the end of time and mine isn’t going anywhere anytime soon but I feel pressured to include him. I’m just so not handling this well. I’m very sorry you’ve been crying for five hours though, I’m sending you lots of hugs and love 💕
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evasivaardilosa · 11 months
I ended up going back to mkm btw
Like, I won’t be able to play mk1 for a while, like I said before, but they will probably? add some characters from it to mkm at some point. And I will have a better chance of grabbing them if I am playing again, right? That was my whole reasoning
And a thing I kinda like in mkm is being able to play with the mkx and mk11 looks both in the same game
Anyway, I am so mad. Back when I last played mkm, I would make my mental wishlists for what cards they could add. And I thought, wouldn’t it be cool if they added some of the fun what if skins from kombat league that I will take ages to unlock on console, like those Saurian ones? And they did it. They added the Saurian ones specifically. Right when I wasn’t playing anymore! How dare they?
At least during this time I opened the game a couple of times, mostly when I got a notification of a gift. I got a MK11 Fujin from one of those gifts recently
Right now I am playing but taking it easy. I don’t need to focus too much on faction wars anymore since I got the seemingly exclusive cards already. I still should fuse them at some point but it doesn’t feel as urgent as it used to. I know faction wars and the special towers are the best ways to get diamond cards but I already have the ones I wanted the most. I will get back to this stuff some day but right now, when I have forgotten a bunch about how this game even worked, this makes me feel better. Less overwhelmed. I am mostly focusing on leveling up the cards I do have. It’s fun. Once I’m done I will get back to expanding my collection, getting stronger, etc.
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evasivaardilosa · 1 year
I decided to play mk11 again for the first time in a while today. I barely remembered how to throw a punch. I switched characters a bit, but Noob was the only one I managed to actually win anything with - makes sense, since he was always my main, and he’s easy to play. But even with him it was a struggle, damn it, I remembered that I used to beat co op towers and meteor towers last time I played. How did I lose all of that??
Then I checked kustomize and realized: I had a big powerful variation that I used for that stuff. With lucky blows and luckality. And healing. And armor. And it was not the variation I was insisting on playing today. Switched to that, and like magic I beat the co op towers
I am so mad!!
Couldn’t get past the gauntlet stage I am stuck at since back then though. Did manage to finish some tutorials I was missing, but Baraka and Jade keep being stupidly hard to me. I think there are another two that I didn’t finish but I am still feeling ridiculous for the amount of time I spent today on those two. Also I wanted to progress on character towers but I needed to do one more brutality to unlock the next stage of Frost’s, and on Noob’s I’m stuck on a boss fight against Subscorp in which they are ending my ass and I had to pay a fee for it! Didn’t try this one with the op variation yet though
But mostly I am just trying to pick up my plan to unlock all the kosmetics. I was rereading some guides I saved back then and figured out I should focus on test your luck - I thought I should go with the meteors but fuck the timed thing the meteors have - but first I have to get back some of what I had learned about regular playing. The gauntlet seems impossible to finish even now, and I don’t know how to even start the character towers of like everyone but my top 5. A bunch of the characters I don’t play often have a lot of stuff that you can get from regular random rewards, but the krypt is giving me nothing, the shrine is giving me nothing, I remembered why I stopped playing this stupid game- Test your luck. If I can get in shape to do it, I think it may be the best place to unlock what I’m missing.
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