#I’m still working on collecting tons of tutorials from tiktok and one day I wanna make a big ol link post
pastelpaperplanes · 1 year
Howdy! I’ve been following you for 2 or 3 years (started on Instagram then moved here) and your art is always so crisp and clean. Have any secrets to share on how to post pieces at such high quality? I use procreate too but you’ve seemed to mastered it.
THATS SO LONG OMG HIIII ty ty for all the support 😭🙏💕💕 you must be one of the OGs!
and oh boy what a compliment haha, I’ve definitely learned a thing of two over the years but I swear I am still learning new tricks everyday 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
happy to help 😤💪✨first and foremost, I think the most important part of getting your art to look less pixelated boils down to what canvas size you’re using! I do my best to finish my canvases off at 1400x1400 at the very minimum! The larger it is, the more smooth the piece looks—but as of course the larger it is, the less layers you’re able to add :/ I do wish procreate allowed for a greater range but oh well, do your best to keep those layers organized so you can mash em down later✨
I almost always start off each piece using the built-in Screen Size canvas option when starting a new piece (I don’t even toggle with the DPI, which if I remember correctly, is just set to 150 for that canvas) and then I adjust the sizing as needed
here’s a few finishing touches I like to give my pieces to make them look more crisp!
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Another thing to note! Take advantage of the noise brush and the noise effect Procreate has! (Noise effect is found under the Magic Wand tool and I believe that the brush lives originally in the pre-set Materials brush pack) Just a bit of noise added to your background can often help the characters stand out from it as well 👍✨
Also! I’ve recently started shading things like the soft curves of muscle or rounded parts of metal using the noise brush to erase to make things look more blended/add some variation to my cel shading
There’s still tons of things I want to try out on procreate as well! I think that for as cheap of an app as it is, there’s a lot of potential to be unlocked and it’s just a matter of finding the right people to show you some tricks
I’ll link a few tiktoks as well that could help out or just add some fun tricks to the art process oml they’re sm better at explaining/showing than I ever could!!
Double Compliments coloring
Art Window Effect
Procreate Gradient Maps in Action
Procreate Perspective Grids
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