#I’m thinking henry zhoumi or sungmin
Yesung fanfic pt. 3
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You had 2 more panic attacks since the last one, probably about a week and a half apart this time. Both due to the fact you had to go up a ladder onto a narrow flimsy platform and complete a task for work. Which honestly would have been fine, if you weren’t afraid of heights. After mastering the art of working on all the other platforms you figured this one would be easy since it wasn’t as tall as the tallest one.
Anyway, as you had gone up to the top to push the buttons, you couldn’t hold it in and the tears just came out. You were breathing but it was shaky. Trying to calm down enough to do the job, you did the best you could and then got down off the platform. Standing at the bottom of the ladder for a few minutes as you were still trying to calm your breathing and stop shaking so much. A couple employees on the way by asked what happened, you just told them nothing happened. They couldn’t find out about the panic attacks that had plagued you since 4th grade because that would be one more thing for them to use against you in any attempt to get you fired. Since you had been doing another task before the platform, you went back to that. You were shaky and felt a little wobbly while walking and you weren’t able to calm down much until you got done with the shift.
You weren’t going to tell your boyfriend about these, you figure he’d heard enough about them. You didn’t want to bother him with your problems again. You knew he would get tired of hearing about everything wrong with you soon. Then he would start distancing himself from you before finally breaking up with you. You didn’t want that, but you also didn’t want him to miss out on things he wanted to do because of you and your ridiculous reasons. So you kept your word to yourself and kept it from him.
Maybe you should have told him though.
On the day of your weekend date, your boyfriend Yesung showed up about an hour and a half earlier than you agreed on to make sure you two had everything you needed. You locked your house and made your way to his car.
“Are we going on a picnic?”
He turned his head to looked at you, he looked surprised. Like he didn’t think you would know or you spoiled the surprise.
“I’m so sorry if I spoiled the surprise, I saw the basket getting in.”
“Yes, that was the plan. If you don’t want to then we can do something else.”
“NO! …I want to do this with you. If the plan was to go on a picnic then let’s do that. I’ve never been on a real picnic before.”
Yesung smiled as he started his car and headed out of your driveway. You were so cute like this, he wanted to take care of and protect you. You could be so vulnerable even though you were also very emotionally and mentally strong. He loved you so much, more than you would ever know.
45 minutes later he starts to slow down near what looks like a rundown country back road, then he turns down it. You weren’t familiar with the area, so you just looked out the window to see if there were any different landmarks or flowers or anything. Sadly the outside looked pretty plain.
Why would he bring me here? Is there something special hidden here?
Yesung slowed to a stop and parked in a small gravel parking area. He turned to look at you, and seeing that you seemed to be distracted he gently put his hand on yours. Startled, you jumped a little.
“I didn’t know you would jump. Are you afraid of me?”
“No, I was just a little distracted, that’s all.
Yesung looked at you with so much love in his eyes, you knew you didn’t deserve him. He held both of your hands in his, squeezing them.
“If you don’t want to do this today, or you want to do something else then you need to let me know, ok? We can do this a different day or you can pick an activity you’d like instead of this. There is a picnic but there’s more to it. I don’t want to push you because I know it makes you uncomfortable but there is a certain amount of time we have for this and once we get out of the car and start this we can’t come back until it’s time to go. So are you sure you’re ok with this?”
He looks at you, patiently waiting for your answer. His hands are so warm, gently rubbing his fingers back and forth over your knuckles. You really want to do this with him, even though you aren’t sure why he’s suddenly acting like this. He looks at you again and opens his mouth to say something else.
“I’ll be here with you the whole time, and if you want to hold my hand or squeeze my arm then go ahead. I hope this isn’t scary for you because it’s something I’ve really wanted to do.”
“Is it ok if I say I’ll try? I want to see what this is and I want to do fun things with you. I know it will be scary at first but I’ll get better at it, right?”
“That’s perfectly fine. Now should we start?”
You nodded. Grabbing your sweater and your little purse, you stepped out of his car onto the gravel. Glad you wore flat sandals, the gravel is a bit uneven. He gets out his door and walks around to the other side and reaches out for your hand. You let Yesung hold it, you’re nervous but also a little excited. This is your first real date with your boyfriend and you want it to go well, you want to have fun.
The gravel pathway ends in a few minutes to reveal a large grassy field. It’s a little dry, but not enough to start a fire, which was great to you because you were absolutely terrified of fires and anything that could start or cause them.
Yesung looks at you a few times to see how you’re doing, checking your face and gestures for any signs of nervousness or some panic attack/anxiety symptoms he had read up on. He was hoping you would be ok with this but he wanted to help as much as he could in case you started to panic. He wanted to be the best and only (if things went his way) boyfriend you would ever have.
As you start getting closer to your destination before you have your picnic, you get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. You feel like you’re going to be sick, so you open your mouth to take some deep breaths, telling yourself it’s fine, you’ll be ok. Sometimes to overcome a fear, you have to go towards it and deal with it in person. That was a simple thought you had told yourself before and it had always helped. The minute you saw all the balloons laying around you felt your heart skyrocket into your throat. You stopped suddenly, unknowingly worrying Yesung.
“Are you ok? Do you need to do something else?”
You tried to calm yourself by taking more deep breaths. Then you turned to him, “it’s ok, I think I’ll be fine. I’m just afraid of heights. I’ve dealt with high places at work a few times, it should be fine.”
You said that, yet you didn’t move any closer. Yesung held your hand a little tighter, trying to comfort you again. You hated being like this, holding him back from so many things. And you were nothing to look at either, like he could have any idol, model, actress he wanted. You were just disappointing him.
Yesung starts walking again, lightly pulling your hand behind him. He smiles at you, and again he promises to be there right next to you the whole time. You take one more deep breath and follow after him. You want to get over this and if he can help you, you’re going to let him. You stop in front of one of the balloons getting ready to take off and Yesung gets in first.
“Grab my hand and hold tight, ok?” He extended his hand towards you to help you into the balloon-since it was already off the ground a little. You looked at him with glassy eyes, the tears of fright threatening to come out.
‘It’s ok, he said he’ll be right here. If I need to get back down I’ll tell him and we’ll go back down. That’s how it works. I’ll be fine. Just get in and spend time with your boyfriend. Just do it!’
Before you could think anything else you close your eyes tight and grab his hand. Yesung grabs your hand with both of his and he pulls you up into the balloon. You still have your eyes closed after you get in, so he puts his hand on your shoulder gently.
“You can open your eyes now, we’re in the balloon.”
You tighten your grip on his hand and slowly open your eyes, first the right eye and then the left. You are surprised at the view in front of you. Yesung picked the perfect time of day to see the sunset.
“It’s beautiful! I’ve never seen the sky so pretty like this before. Thank you for planning this, Yesung. I love it!”
He was happy to see you enjoying this. He was also hoping it would last for a while, like until the end of your date. You still had your hand in his, holding onto it like you thought he was going to disappear from your side.
“If you want to let go, you can. Not that I want you to, but maybe to give your hand a little break?”
“Oh, s-sorry about that. I’m still kinda nervous.”
Yesung turned to you, slowly shaking his head while he carefully put one hand on either side of your face. Gently holding your head, looking at you like you were the most precious person in the world to him, he brings his face closer to yours.
“Please stop telling me you’re sorry, and you have no reason to be nervous. You’re a strong woman, right? And you have me with you, I promise you’ll be fine. Ok?”
You went to look down at your feet but he stopped you. “And stop looking down, please. I know how you feel, I really do. But stop putting yourself down, and look at me. If you only look at me the whole time we’re up here to help calm your nerves then do that. Please believe me, you are a wonderful person and your past does not define you. Anything that happened to you before we met, forget about it.” He leaned a little closer and lightly kissed your forehead.
You just nodded at his request. “Ok, I’ll try.”
Yesung smiled again, kissing your forehead a second time. “There we go, that’s my brave girl.”
You felt he was overdoing it but you were up here for him. Hoping this would help you with your fear of heights was the only thought in your head. Then you noticed the balloon was going higher, almost to the point you could see the mountain tops clearly. Your stomach churned, suddenly gripping Yesungs’ forearm. You started shaking and you felt like you had something caught in your throat, like it was blocking your airway.
You tried to move his arm a little. To get his attention. You needed the balloon to go back down now, the sooner the better. You didn’t want to have a panic attack during your first date.
“Yesung..” your voice came out almost a whisper; he didn’t hear you.
Putting more effort into your grip and moving his arm a little more, you tried again. “Yesung, please. I need to go back down now. Please.”
This time he looked at you, concern was all over his face. He turned towards you, leaning in.
“Are you ok? Why do you need to go back down? What happened?”
“I-I’m starting to have one of those, those things I told you I get sometimes. I don’t want to ruin our date and it’s really cool that I finally got to do this but I’m too high up and I need to go back down now. Please. I don’t want to cause an issue up here.”
Yesung looked disappointed, but you think he understood. He turned to the man controlling the balloon and asked him if the balloon could be let back down now. The man acted angry, something about he paid for a certain time slot or paid a certain amount and there’s still time left. You could hear him telling the guy he’d make it up to him somehow, but that you needed to go back down, you had something else to do now. He apologized to the man, and finally the guy started adjusting the balloon so it would go back down.
‘It’s ok, you’ll be back on the ground in a bit. Just hold on.’
You could see the balloon starting to get lower and you got excited to be on the ground again. This also meant you could start your picnic. And you couldn’t wait for that.
Your temporarily calm state was brutally interrupted when you started to hear something popping. Like popcorn, but louder. Your head whipped around to see where the noise was coming from. You saw Yesung talking to the man again, asking him what happened. The man just kept shaking his head, and you got worried. Was the balloon going to have a crash landing? Were you going to make it?
Soon after the popping had started you saw sparks fly. You grabbed the side of the basket as hard as you could to try steadying yourself. You were shaking now more than you had on the platform, you were so scared. Sparks create fire, fire can damage so many things and cause accidents. Your thoughts spiraled down into the depths of worry and tragedy, and soon there was a loud bang. Looking up at where the sparks had been, you saw a fire. There was a fire in the hot air balloon you were in. You were terrified, you had to get down, away from the fire. But you couldn’t move. All you could do was stare in horror at the fire.
You tried to get away, tried to back away from the fire but you couldn’t. At this point you were just pressing yourself into the side of the basket. Your thoughts were irrational now, frantically trying to figure out how to get away. Yesung was trying to help the man with the balloon mechanisms to get back down onto the ground and find a way to extinguish the fire. Unfortunately he was so focused on other things that he didn’t see you panicking.
‘If I jump off the side of the basket and curl up into a tiny ball, I should be able to make it. Right?’
You, someone afraid of dying since you were a child, was actually considering risking your life to get away from a fire. Ironic, isn’t it? In the midst of your thoughts you heard an even louder bang, so you turned to see what it was. The fire had almost doubled in size, and you could see the two men frantically trying to fix things. You could only see the fire, and the next loud bang you heard, your hands went over your ears and you just screamed.
You had ruined the first date with your boyfriend. You didn’t want to, and you didn’t mean to. He wasn’t going to want to finish the date when you got down (if you got down) and he would probably break up with you soon after. You didn’t want them to see you crying so you bent your head down-your forehead touching your knees- and you cried. You cried and sniffled and sobbed, you thought you were going to die because they hadn’t figured out the problems yet.
They finally got the balloon back onto the ground, and some of the others who had been on the ground after their trips rushed over to help with extinguishing the fire. Yesung looked around for you before he saw you on the floor of the basket. You looked like you were sleeping. But based on how you were acting earlier, you had probably passed out or blacked out from the stress and the fear. Carefully walking over to you, he picked you up bridal style like he did once before and carried you out of the balloon.
He thanked people for their offers of helping him help carry you but he politely declined. They walked away and he continued to carry you back to his car. Fumbling to retrieve his keys from his pocket, he realized he would have to set you down for a bit. Yesung sighed. You were sleeping so peacefully, he didn’t want to disturb you.
“I’m sorry, princess. I have to put you down for a little bit to get my keys out. I’m going to put your feet on the ground and lean your body on mine, ok?”
He slowly put you back onto the ground and propped your body against his. He knew you probably didn’t hear him, but he still wanted to let you know so you didn’t get scared. You were so fragile, he felt bad for you. But he was also glad you two had met, because now he could take care of you.
He got his keys out and unlocked the back door, gently sitting you down on the back seat. He quietly closed the door and walked around to the other side, pulling out his phone in the process.
He called the only person in the group he could trust right now.
“Hey, Leeteuk. I have a favor to ask.”
“Oh? Is that you, Yesung? What’s going on?”
“This needs to stay a secret,ok? Remember when I told you about my girlfriend? The very shy one? We had an incident on our date and I want to be in the back with her, but then I can’t drive her home. Can you come over here and drive us back please? Oh, and she had said she wanted to meet Shindong too so could you bring him along? Maybe he can sit in the back with her until she wakes up. Just don’t tell the other members yet. And don’t tell the company either, please.”
“Alright, I can do that. You’re lucky, we just got done with our fanmeet, so we can probably sneak out. I’ll grab Shindong and tell him something to get him out.”
“Thank you so much. I owe you big time.”
Yesung hung up his call and sent Leeteuk his location, then got into the back with you. He leaned you over onto himself and put your head on his chest, since he remembered that helped you relax last time. He slowly ran his hand through your hair, whispering sweet things that you couldn’t hear.
“You’re ok now, honey. I said I would be with you the whole time and I was. I’m so sorry we couldn’t get you down sooner, and I will regret that forever. You didn’t ruin the date though, alright? The ballon did. It’s all the balloon’s fault. I called my friends and they’ll be here soon to help me take you home ok? And we can put the picnic stuff away for now and have it when you feel better. I’m sorry I didn’t know fire and heights were so scary for you, I’ll make sure to ask about your fears the next time I plan a date for us. You think we’re going to break up because of this but I told you before, that won’t happen. So don’t think about things like that, alright?”
Leeteuk and Shindong showed up in about 15-20 minutes from the time Yesung called them, and after explaining to them what happened they helped him. Yesung handed Leeteuk his car keys and Leeteuk got in the driver’s seat. Yesung got into the back on the left, telling Shindong to go to the other door and help him move you into the middle. So you had your head on Shindongs’ lap (on top of a pillow), and Yesung was holding your hand so you didn’t freak out when you woke up.
You could feel yourself moving in a vehicle of some sort and you jerked. You couldn’t remember what happened, the details were fuzzy and missing. You remember being in the balloon with Yesung, and then there was the popping and the fire. Did he send you home in a taxi? Where was he? What are you resting your head on that’s so fluffy? You opened your eyes and saw the roof of a car, felt someone holding your hand. You were still shocked from what had happened so instead of gently holding you felt like they were holding you down. You tried to move your hand away, starting to thrash about in the vehicle.
“Honey, it’s ok. It’s me, I’m right here.”
Your teary eyes blurred your vision but you saw Yesung. You tried to sit up but he stopped you.
“You’ve been through a lot, today. Just rest.”
“Yesung? If you’re back here with me, who’s driving?”
Leeteuk turned around quickly since he was at a traffic light to introduce himself.
“Hello young lady. My name is Leeteuk. I’m the leader of Super Junior, your boyfriend’s group. And you’re currently laying on Mr.Fluff himself-Shindong.
You jumped up immediately. You didn’t want members of the renowned K-pop boy group Super Junior to see you like this.
“I-I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble.”
Then you started to say something else when Yesung interrupted you.
“We aren’t breaking up ok? It wasn’t your fault. The balloon should have been checked out before it ever got used today. That should always be done: checking to make sure everything works properly and that everything is where it should be. He should have known that. You know I’m not leaving you, you know that. You’re too fragile and someone needs to be there for you. We can continue the picnic another time, and I think you should take a break from work. Just come stay with me for a little bit, take your mind off of things.”
“No, I can’t do that! I don’t want to bother you, you’re so busy with group activities and stuff. And I would just be a burden if I was there with you. Maybe I can just admit myself to the hospital and they can watch me. That would-“
“I’m not going to have someone else taking care of my darling because they might say or do something to hurt you, whether they’re aware of it or not. You’re fine, I promise you are not a burden, alright. Now take it easy, ok? Lay back down on Mr.Fluff.”
“I know I’m a bit bigger than you but I actually take offense to that,” Shindong responded, grabbing his chest in fake pain.
That made you chuckle a little, but you were still worried. You weren’t ready to live with someone even if it was just temporary. That was a big step and you didn’t want your relationship to go downhill. Then your thoughts were interrupted again.
“You know, it really wouldn’t hurt for you to get a change of scenery, and Yesung is a very caring gentleman. I’m sure he doesn’t think of you as a burden, and whatever you have going on-school or work- I’m sure you can just ask them for time off, maybe tell them you just need a break. You’ll figure it out, and if Yesung would like, Shindong or I can help you two every once in a while as well. Don’t you agree, Fluffball?”
Shindong sighed. “I thought I already told you what NOT to call me? But I agree, I’d be more than happy to help you, y/n.”
“Shindong, she’s MY girlfriend. Remember that! Don’t make me hit you with my sandals again.”
This conversation, different as it was, did help you feel a little better. You could feel your body starting to relax again, the tension from the events earlier gradually dissipating. Maybe staying with your boyfriend for a few days wouldn’t be so bad. You would just need to put some clothes and a few other things in your backpack, and make arrangements with work (you were not contacting ‘hr’ though. That thing is a bitch).
“I guess I can try it. Can you come visit sometime?” You asked Shindong, turning to him for his answer.
“I can, but only if Yesung here is ok with it. It is his house.”
“As long as you let me know beforehand and you don’t upset my special fragile princess, then ok.”
Shindong looked disgusted at this new nickname, and you turned beet red. You could hear Leeteuk in the front seat talking about how much Yesung had changed since meeting you, all these new words and phrases coming out of his mouth. It might be ok after all. Let’s just see how things play out, shall we?
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
in celebration of zhoumi’s starry night being released,
buckle in kids, here’s the crash course to super junior M (cue airhorns)
SJM (M standing for Mandarin) was formed in 2008, and was SM’s first group to directly target the Chinese(-speaking) market. Similar to the way other Korean artists had made debuts in Japan and released Japanese content, SM wanted to do the same but in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese-speaking markets. (yum capitalism)
If Super Junior’s original rotating/graduation concept was the predecessor to NCT, Super Junior M was the precursor to SM’s younger Chinese-facing groups, EXO-M and WayV. The key difference I’d point out is that SJM is perhaps the most intentionally multilingual in terms of their track releases; they always record a Korean version of their mini album title track, and Perfection also had a Japanese version. Meanwhile, EXO-M was separate from EXO-K at the beginning because they had two distinct groups of 6 promoting the same song in two different languages, while WayV only (so far) releases in Mandarin (barring the English version of Love Talk).
The original lineup consisted of Hangeng, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Henry. After Hangeng left SJ/SM, they added in Eunhyuk and Sungmin to round the group out to 8 members.
There was a ton of controversy surrounding the addition of Zhoumi and Henry, because they were not part of the original 12-13 members (RIP kyuhyun for not being part of Twins/Knockout LMAO) that made up Super Junior. K-ELFs were worried that adding new members would take the spotlight away from current members and hurt the group as a whole. This “conflict” was handled very poorly, which lead to SM drawing a line between Super Junior and Super Junior M membership. Zhoumi and Henry were officially confirmed to be SJM-only members, and would never promote with SJ proper.
Video/track list for the uninitiated, and for those looking for a trip down memory lane (I’ve mostly picked live performances bc the MVs and lyric vids are fairly easy to find) below the cut!
SJM’s discography mostly falls into two easily distinguishable buckets: the SJ funky sound (think Sorry Sorry, Bonamana, Mr. Simple, Sexy Free & Single), and (Chinese) ballads.
I was also noticing while compiling their signature songs that SJM’s lyric content is generally heavily centered around love and relationships
Super Girl
You’re my super girl, I’m your super man
He can’t see your beauty, the magic hidden behind your ordinary appearance
I’d do anything for you
If he says he likes you, he would wait on you even if he’s busy
(TLDR SJM said dump your subpar man who doesn’t give you the time of day)
Their OG title track that made me fall in love with them go feral in 2008 - it’s a bop. This video also gives us leader/center Hangeng.
(this is also the song Donghae was singing during that one clip where suju pretends to forget how super clap goes)
If you watch the MV, you get SNSD’s Jessica making a cameo appearance in the house party scenes.
It won’t do to be too rushed, love with shatter under (brute) force It won’t do to go too slow, so I’ll move at your speed
Just for you, I constantly give and I give Is it right for me to love you like this?
My heart keeps pounding, I want to see you My heart keeps pounding, I like you My heart keeps pounding, it’s all you My heart keeps pounding, I love you
Tell me you miss me Tell me you love me
I really have to thank Perfection for giving us the longest all-English rap in Super Junior history...even if the SM English is quite c r i n g e (it didn’t hit me till recently that Suju’s love for singing “boom” and “clap” started with Perfection)
something about this title track also makes me go feral (is it minor key? is it the ending verse/breakdown?)
My cold front breaks down for you All of my (facial) expressions reveal the way I worship you
Even if I’m covered in scars, I won’t mind if it’s for you
Maybe you think I’m too crazy (yeah you can call me crazy) In fact, I also agree with this (but I can’t stop loving you)
I specifically picked this performance because it’s the only one where they switched it up and sung the Korean verses with the Chinese chorus (VALID! because honestly...if you look up any of the Korean versions of their songs...they are very obviously subpar because the flow of the phonemes is clunky)
The general gist of the lyrics is a “cheer up, you can power through” message that’s fairly similar to Mr. Simple
The latest hit from SJM, all the way back from 2014, because SJM literally has not had a comeback since before Label SJ was an entity.
Even though it’s not my favorite track, Swing is important bc it was the first comeback they had a slew of Korean promos for (music shows, radio slots, variety show appearances), and they also placed first in China’s first ever music show broadcast.
Blue Tomorrow
By tomorrow, you will have left my side By tomorrow, I’ll be wishing on shooting stars alone Just like the ending of a movie
SJM also released a decent number of very on-brand love ballads. Blue Tomorrow is that lovely bittersweet breakup ballad you didn’t know you needed.
My Love for You
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, baby I’d give you whatever you’d want Wipe away your tears, the sky would never be dark I’d be by your side everyday
An A+ sappy ballad, 10/10 would listen to again (i’ve run out of video embeds so i’ll leave it to you to find)
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ifonlysj · 4 years
suju au not not really; donghae & hyukjae get into a car accident and share a fever dream/coma where everything goes "right" for suju:
heechul doesn't get his leg injured in the car accident, kangin doesn't own a car because he is traumatised from what happened to heechul, teuk/shin/hyuk/kyu don't get into a car accident. kyu's father never has to fear that his son might lose his voice or his life. hankyung doesn't leave because he's unhappy with SM, SM makes sure to let ELFs know that zhoumi and henry are part of suju but will not change the original lineup or suju, kibum goes on hiatus from making music with suju to focus on his acting but doesn't actually leave suju... sungmin gets married after his military discharge. henry opens a studio under label sj, zhoumi releases his new music, d&e comebacks are frequent, and super junior goes well
and then they wake up.
and hyukjae asks for shindong, then comfortably asks for hankyung's opinion during the planning for beyond the super show and just hears absolute deafening silence. donghae endures pokes from someone sitting on his bed before yelling "stop it, kibum!" the entire room remains silent and donghae pushes himself up only to realise he's moved out of the dorm a long time ago. it's his mother, who came to stay with him for a bit, looking down worriedly at him. and he wants hyukjae, but hyukjae moved out from their estate to go live with kyuhyun. when leeteuk and heechul avoid each other at the next suju meet up, donghae asks where is hankyung to patch up the rift between the two and the entire table goes silent. when ryeowook uses informal language towards hyukjae, and hyukjae says: "don't do that, kibum will get mad", laughing, turning to kibum, who's not there. when donghae orders food for thirteen (because zhoumi and hankyung are quarantined in china) during a company briefing and has to pretend he ordered extra just for the staff. when hyukjae laces his fingers around donghae's and squeezes just lightly, sharing a look that just says simply, "i know." when d&e are asked about collaborating with henry and they forget he's left.
when hyukjae is working and replanning his concerts because SS8 got cancelled and he wants to do more beyond stages. when he asks shindong if he planned out the formations well enough and shindong just stops and. breathes. and shindong says, not unkindly, "you're planning for too many members." when hyukjae runs through his setlists with his staff and they ask if he's alright when he tears up at the beginning of the song "twins". when he sees heechul calling (labelled "best friend heechul" on his phone) and he just can't bear it and he just turns his phone over and lies back in bed and wants to sleep for a long time. when he's hosting on weekly idol and KRY come to promote their new album and he asks "who envies your new album the most?" and yesung fires back with "who do you think?" and before he can stop himself, hyukjae says "kangin" and kwanghee laughs way too loudly, fake and cheerful and hyukjae's smile slides off his face. "i'm sorry" he says, voice trembling and they cut the cameras to give him a break. when they have to do the v-live and hyukjae puts out a hand to stroke yesung's head because he loves his hyung, and yesung brushes him off as a joke and hyukjae forgets and his face drops.
hyukjae doesn't want to forget. he doesn't want to remember. he wishes he never got into that accident.
when donghae turns up at the suju dorms with nothing, just holding his phone, and tumbles into hyukjae's bed like they're still sixteen and trainees and tired and cramped and there's leeteuk snoring softly in the corner with his mouth wide open, shindong curled up on the bunk above them, heechul in His Space with siwon and hankyung on either side of him, bolsters separating them and yet heechul's fingers are touching hankyung's (just barely), sungmin and kangin sleeping back to back, refusing to face each other even while asleep and kibum and ryeowook tucked together, which they will blatantly deny the next morning, and kyuhyun sleeping on the floor, exhausted. and yesung, sitting against the wall with his legs crossed, reading a book and looking up, narrowing his eyes at the both of them and bringing a finger up to his lips to shush them.
and donghae wants what he can't have.
that shit. that shit fcked me up inside so i just gotta share~
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beserkerjewel · 4 years
i also feel like suju seem like the type of people to 100% get petty if they didn’t like Who sungmin was marrying either. most of suju never really stand up for anyone like zhoumi/super junior m? i think donghae still interacts but the rest of them don’t seem to
Yeah that’s true! Some of them (Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Heechul) have senses of humour that border on shady and just plain mean so that makes sense! Which is stupid and high school level nonsense because I feel like most adults wouldn’t be behaving like this over a marriage that is none of their business anyway!
I try not to be bitter abut them not interacting with Zhou Mi publicly because I don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes and don’t like to make assumptions like that (that’s what people who hate Kibum for no reason act like and I hate it), but sometimes it nags at me no matter how much I hate it. I’m glad Donghae interacts with him, and I know Yesung and Siwon do, too, so that’s good! I have no idea about Henry, though, tbh.
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shownuslaugh · 6 years
Buy It
Series: Super Junior 14th Member AU
Pairing: Minnie/Siwon
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             “Oppa!” Minnie jumps up, wrapping her arms around Siwon’s neck as he swings her around and around. She giggles and holds tighter when he tries to put her down.
             “You’re happy,” he tells her with a smile.
             “I am.”
             “Care to tell me why?”
             Minnie glances up, biting her bottom lip with an adorable expression on her face. “Maybe.”
             “Is it about our sub unit?”
             “Maaaayb-” Minnie lets go of Siwon, her feet connecting with the neatly tiled floor. “Hey, wait, how did you know?”
             Siwon has to hide his laugh at her annoyed expression. “I was told as soon as I stepped foot in SM… plus, Shindong is excited because they asked him to produce the album.”
             Minnie’s gasp is as real as it is dramatic. “REALLY?! Aw, why didn’t they tell me?”
             “Probably because they knew you would scream in their faces.”
             “Huh? Oh!” Minnie rubs Siwon’s ear in apology and whispers sweetly about how she didn’t mean it. “Sorry. I got excited.”
             “It’s okay.”
             Minnie pats his cheek one time, tracing her thumb over his cheekbone. She’s happy to see him back and healthy. She’s happy the group is one step closer to being whole again. She’s happy to have her company behind her, supporting her. She’s happy.
             “Oppa… do you think if I ask nicely… maybe they’ll give Sungmin a feature on our comeback?” Minnie looks so hopeful when she speaks that it breaks Siwon’s heart. They both know that won’t happen. But still. A girl can dream.
             Siwon shakes his head. “You know they won’t.”
             She looks down at the ground forlornly. “This whole mess is ridiculous.”
             “I know.”
             “Sungmin should be back by now.”
             “He should.”
             Minnie looks up, a fire in her eyes and a smile on her face. “Oppa, I’ve been saving up and everyone knows you’re basically made of cash. We should buy the company!”
             Siwon laughs. Loudly. Directly in Minnie’s face. “What?”
             “You heard me! We’ll buy SM and then Sungmin will have to come back! And we’ll bring everyone else back too! Kangin, Henry, Zhoumi, Ki-”
             Siwon curses under his breath. “This is what I get for leaving you unsupervised, isn’t it? Jimin, we can’t just buy the company.”
             Minnie shrugs. “Why not? We started our own label.”
             “That’s different.”
             “You really don’t understand how business works, do you?”
             “Nope!” Minnie grins happily. “Oppa, come on! Let’s do it!”
             “Pretty please?”
             “I’ll help you get back together with SJ!”
             Siwon pauses, then says, “no.”
             Minnie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. The action pushes up her breasts, giving Siwon more than an eyeful. He blocks the view with his hand, giving her an exasperated sigh.
             “That might work on the other members, but not me.”
             She stomps her foot and uncrosses her arms. “Fine. But when the company’s mine you’re the first one I’m kicking out.”
             “Of course I am.”
             “I mean it!”
             Minnie grabs his arm suddenly, looking up at him with big, Bambi eyes. “I’ve really missed you.”
             “I’m not buying you the company for your birthday either.”
             “Damn it!”
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kpoppwriter · 6 years
Can you tell me about the member of Super Junior? They've got me interested
Alright so I don’t know everything about SuJu but here’s what I know just to give you a general sense of each member but first, the basics ~Max
-They are a bunch of chaotic old men that act like 5-year-olds but that’s why we love them. Been around since 2006 and still going strong
Ok so the members:
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-Real name: Park Jungsoo
-Born: July 1st, 1983 (grandpa)
-Leader of SuJu
-Constantly MCs everything
-My Bias
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-Real name: Kim Heechul aka universe big star Kim Heechul
-Born July 10th, 1983 (second oldest but acts like the youngest)
-who doesn't know who Heechul is tho
-Ladies man but people think he’s gay too
-King of girl group dances
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-Real name: Han Geng
-Born: February 4th, 1984
-First Chinese kpop idol
-Left SM in 2010 cuz they’re a bitch
-No longer with SuJu but has a solo career in China
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-Real Name: Kim Jongwoon
-Born: August 24th, 1984
-wow vocals
-Has a solo career, Jungwoo was in an MV before he debuted
- I saw someone compare his temperament to one of an angsty teen
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- Real name: Kim Youngwoon
-Born: January 17th, 1985
-One locked the members in a room together
-He has 2 DUIs (2009 and 2016)
-That’s why he hasn’t been promoting with SuJu (still apart of the group)
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-Real name: Shin Donghee
-Born: September 28th, 1985
-Underrated dancer in SuJu
-Very funny
-Directs MVs and Super Shows
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-Real name: Lee Sungmin
-Born: January 1st, 1986
-First member to get married
-Cinnamon roll
-Has a TikTok and he’s adorable
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-Real name: Lee Hyukjae
-Born: April 4th, 1986
-Main dancer of SuJu
-In love with Donghae
-Let Yesung live plz stop teasing him
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-Real name: Lee Donghae
-Born: October 15th, 1986
-Soft boiiiiiiiii
-Is emotional and cries
-Everyone in SuJu loves him fite me
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-Real name: Choi Siwon aka zADDY
-Born: April 7th, 1986 but his birthday was recorded February 10th, 1987
-CEO Siwon
-Loves the members so much
-Acts and volunteers, he’s amazing
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-Real name: Kim Ryeowook
-Born: June 21st, 1987
-He’s a Gemini can’t trust Geminis (I’m a Gemini)
-smol but fiesty
-do not trust
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-Real name: Kim Kibum (no not Key from SHINee)
-Born: August 21st, 1987
-mysteriously left the group to pursue acting
-signed with Clover Company earlier this year as an actor
-idk much about him sorry
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-Real name: Cho Kyuhyun
-Born: February 3rd, 1988
-Original Evil Maknae
-Doing military service rn
-Beautiful voice listen to his solo stuff
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-Real name: Zhou Mi
-Born: April 19th, 1986
-Chinese member
-so pretty
-Listen to ‘What’s Your Number’ issa bop
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-Real name: Henry Lau
-Born: October 11th, 1989
-Chinese Canadian
-Really good at violin
-left SM this year 
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the-subject-delta · 5 years
Before School Comeback Movie
I’m doing a movie for my old ass boy group Before School. So I need ‘idol’ sims to be in the movie with them. I’ll list the song/artists/description of why i need this role filled or who i plan on doing. if you need to you can message me.
The members are as followed with the actual member they replace. 
Current Members [Promoting together for the new album]
Daeho = Leeteuk = married
JU = Heechul
Kyung = Yseung
Boseung = Shindong = fiance
Jeon = Eunhyuk = dating
Seon = Donghae = dating
TYoung = Siwon
Yejun = Ryeowook 
Inactive Members [Might join later/did past promotions]
Duri = Kangin = scandal/taking a break
Min-Su = Sungmin = Got married/started a family
Si-U = Kyuhyun = Taking a break
Past Members [Left for reasons]
Jiwoo = Hangeng = Got Married
Iseul = ZhouMi = Actor
Byeong = Kibum = Scandal
Adrian = Henry = Left the Company/Scandal
What/Who I need
I need wives for Min-Su, Jiwoo, Daeho. The wives for Min-Su and Jiwoo will only be shown in a photo. I also need a fiance for Boseung. Daeho’s & Boseung’s will be featured in the movie. The wives can be famous or not I’ll only need the two for photos and Daeho’s wife might be shown again later I don’t know yet.
I need girlfriends for some of the guys too but that’s just whoever telling me that it’s okay to use your sim as a girlfriend.
CLUB No. 1 (feat. Lee Yeonhee) = need a girl
Oops!! (feat. f(x)) = need a small group of girls and one soloist
Lo Siento (Feat.KARD) = need two girls
1-4-3 I love you (feat. Amber) = need one girl
Butterfly (Feat. Seulgi) = Need one girl
爱上你 (Loving You) (feat. f(Victoria)) = Monarch has this one covered i think.
If you don’t care about which of your ‘idol’ sims 
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k-pop-imagines · 6 years
A super junior reaction where their gf has to do aegyo to get to laugh or get their hearrate up but she feels really cringey doing it even tho she's good thanks!
There you go, Anon! We included all members except for Sungmin (we explained it a few days ago) and Kibum because we sadly don’t know him very well and were afraid of portraying him incorrectly. We hope you understand. 
These are fairly short because of the large amount of members but we hope you still enjoy!
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As soon as you hesitantly start acting cute, he acts cocky.“Is that all you’ve got?” He tries to keep his cool demeanor but his heart is betraying him as it soon starts beating a lot faster than usual. The MCs call him out on it but he has an excuse prepared.“Hey, we just did a dance battle! Of course, my heart is still racing, I’m not a young man anymore!” Heechul loves teasing you about it, knowing that you felt awkward doing it but he’d never admit that he actually enjoyed it a lot.
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He acts like he’s not affected by your aegyo at all even though his heart rate is proving the opposite. His eyes are void of any emotions as he watches you closely, simply to tease and make it even more difficult for you. Shindong wouldn’t let you win that easily.Yet, after a while, he breaks down, admitting that you did well and he was honestly struggling to keep a straight face so that you didn’t feel too embarrassed about the whole situation.
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Our favorite anchovy is extremely confident at first, thinking that he would surely be able to resist your adorable charms. “Bring it on!” he says as he braces himself. His confidence quickly subsides as soon as you start acting cute, he fails around three seconds after the game begins. He hides his face in embarrassment as a blush creeps on his face. Eunhyuk has a hard time believing that he lost so easily but it makes you feel a lot better about your aegyo. 
(other members under the cut)
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His heart already starts beating fast before the game even begins. Apparently, Donghae isn’t even trying to win or hide how much he’s looking forward to it, he’s simply smiling like an idiot. When you do your aegyo for him, he cheers you on, knowing that it must be hard for you. His heart is racing and he’s laughing contently which the other members call him out on, complaining that he’s not putting in any effort. He probably starts tearing up from both laughing and being embarrassed.
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His heartbeat is going crazy but he doesn’t want to admit that it’s because of you, he desperately tries finding excuses. He starts laughing awkwardly to hide how much he’s enjoying it, saying that he’s making fun of you because it’s making him cringe. His words cause you to pout in annoyance, making you look even more adorable, so he quickly apologizes but the members start yelling at him for making you feel bad. 
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This poor guy just can’t keep calm at all, seeing you act so adorable simply makes him weak. He’s a blushing and giggling mess, he can’t hide that it’s both enjoyable and embarrassing to him. Ultimately, it would most likely make you flustered as well, Ryeowook just looks so cute that you can’t help but abort the mission. There is no way you could keep going but since his heart starting beating like crazy, both of you lose the game. 
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The evil maknae is truly living up to his nickname. His face is showing absolutely no emotion and his heart rate isn’t changing at all, making you question your abilities. The MCs call him out on it, asking why he’s not reacting when his girlfriend is doing so well but he just teases you by saying that he doesn’t think it’s that good. He then proceeds to act cute as well, it might not be that good but it’s still making you flustered and allows him to turn the whole thing around. 
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The leader is smiling the whole time but mostly because he’s proud of himself and you’re miserably failing. He’s secretly enjoying this game a lot, however, his heart rate is not changing, at all. Thanks to his years of variety show experience, Leeteuk is great at keeping his cool and staying relaxed. “Ahh, that was really difficult,” he says after you finish, acknowledging that you did extremely well and he had a hard time stopping his heart from exploding. 
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He’s really embarrassed. He tries to keep a straight face but the heartbeat monitor rats him out, ruining his image. Siwon tries to hide his blushing cheeks, laughing off the embarrassment. In the end, he praises you, saying that you did really well and admitting his defeat. After the show, he’ll let you know that he really enjoyed it and loved seeing you like this, asking you to do it again sometime, giving you a bit more confidence. 
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This man has too much pride to admit that he likes seeing you do aegyo a lot. He manages to keep a straight face and stop his heart from beating faster just because of that. However, the corners of his mouth keep twitching upwards slightly, it’s barely noticeable but you realize that he’s actually struggling, giving you a boost of confidence. Kangin would never admit that you were giving him a hard time, though.
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That dork is trying to stay cool and confident, acting like your aegyo disgusts him, but his heart completely betrays him. Henry keeps trying to find excuses, not wanting to admit that you made him weak like that, saying that the device to check his heart beat must be broken or malfunctioning, which obviously no one believes. But he keeps denying that he enjoys your act, no matter what the others say.
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He tried, he tried really hard not to let it show but his heart rate did go up a little bit. When the MCs started making fun of him for it, Zhoumi tried coming up with a sassy reply but he simply stuttered, not being able to concentrate because of your cuteness. He proceeds to look for a hiding spot, not wanting to show his blushing cheeks which makes you jump in celebration.
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He’s relaxed, his body free of any tension as he watches you do your aegyo. When his heart keeps beating at a normal pace, you quickly get frustrated but finish nevertheless. The MCs jokingly say that he must have just been acting really well because they couldn’t resist your charms to which Hangeng replies that that was actually the case. He admits that he really had a hard time trying not to smile because it was truly adorable. 
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mingyus-noona · 6 years
My niece renames Kpop groups
**With my notes, because sometimes they’re needed to make sense of what’s going through her mind. She definitely repeats things, so there are a few people with the same name (but that already happens in Kpop, so it fits) or part of the same name, even within the same group. Twice has two members named Pool in my niece’s version. She also asked several times afterward if the name she said was Korean lol. She switches between saying random sounds and objects after I asked her to do shorter names so I could write them down and to say actual names, so she started naming objects. FIRST UP: Some Highlights: Big Bang Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Twice Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush (f)x Luna: Kiss the Beach A.C.E. Wow: Sunny Side Animal Got7 Jinyoung: Trashcan Monsta X Minhyuk: Skeleton Winner Taehyun: Bedroom Mamamoo Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose 24k Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words 2PM Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Block B P.O.: Drinking Boyfriend Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion BTOB Sungjae: I’m lemoned out B.I.G. Benji: Logo Beast Junhyung: I want Treasure And then she kind of just gave some names to other idols: Shinee Key>>B1A4 Gongchan Astro Sanha>> Block B Kyung Some of the names she chose weren’t that bad and I could actually see them as idol names, given that some are a little odd: Big Bang G Dragon: Song K Monsta X Shownu: Zucka Za Red Velvet Wendy: A-talk Red Velvet Yeri: Boxy A.cian Seulgi: Taeko The full list: BTS: Jin: Chun-gu [this is a character from the Lion Guard] Suga: Chung-who J-hope: Kissy [she said like a Hershey Kiss] RM: Huggy Jimin: Hat [Jimin was wearing a hat] V: Hershey Kiss Jungkook: Lovey Lovey
EXO: Xiumin: I Pig Luhan: Passa Pass a Suey Butt Kris: A Koosa Koosa Wah Suho: Eye Coo Soak Lay: Paper Paper Color Snow [there was snow in the picture] Baekhyun: So Kay Chen: Coal Kah Kushe Chanyeok: Hairy Hair Hair D.O.: Kissy Kissy So Tao: Silly Butt Eye Kai: Koko is a Bobby a So Su Sehun: Koko Ih Ih E A Chacha
Seventeen: S.coups: Steppy Jeonghan: Coosy Joshua: Here We Go Again Jun: Phoney Hoshi: Grass [grass in the picture] Wonwoo: Cuppy Closewa Woozi: Laying Down in Grass [grass in this picture too] DK: Sleepy Sleepy Slook Mingyu: Wordy Cosa The8: Icy Koos Seungkwan: Standy Call Vernon: Heart [she saw a gif of him holding a cut-out heart] Dino: Coosy Got (funny that this goes with Jeonghan's name: Coosy Got is the equivalent of Dino being Jeonghan's aegi 😂)
Got7: Mark: Silly JB: Silly Butt Soup Jackson: Mouthy Kahs Jinyoung: Trashcan Youngjae: Rotten Fish Filled with Trashcan [and not the other way around] BamBam: Pirate Kite Yugyeom: Eye Lip [she was trying to say eyelid lol]
Astro: MJ: Huh? JinJin: Kooka Wappu Deh Eunwoo: Sorry Moonbin: Fan Rocky: Light Sanha: Koosa
Monsta X: Wonho: Eye Sooka Soak a Soaka Shownu: Zucka Za Minhyuk: Skeleton Kihyun: Soaka Soaka a Bassa Hyungwon: So Bae Jooheon: Cossa Cossa Oh Bae Doo Doo Wah I.M.: Kiss the Go Bae Soap Ooh Wah
Winner: Yoon: Table Jinu: Bottle Hoony: Ice Water Minho: Floor Taehyun: Bedroom
Pentagon: Jinho: High Hui: Low Hongseok: Right E'Dawn: Left [creative, huh?] Shinwon: Koos Yeo One: Took Yanan: Keet Yuto: Keep Kino: Eye Wooseok: Love [if there was another member, she definitely would have named him You because the last three would be that Eye Love You gesture people show kids]
Blackpink: Jennie: Kussah Jisoo: Kass Bwi Bway Rose: Bob Wah Lisa: Toosedah
(f)x: Victoria: Pizza Amber: Kayswah Luna: Kiss the Beach [I don’t know if it’s what she said, but it sounded like it and I asked her and she said yes] Krystal: A Kassa Wah Sulli: Jees
Mamamoo: Solar: Peesagwa Moonbyul: Blah Blah Blah Wheein: Bowl Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose [I think she was trying to sing nursery rhymes and then saw the rose in the picture]
Girls’ Generation: Taeyeon: Um, I don’t know Sunny: I don’t saw Tiffany: Dress [she had a dress on] Hyohyeon: Plug Yuri: Spoon Sooyoung: Call Yuna: Blah Blah Blah, I get it Seohyun: Hairy Jessica: Hug Kiss
Big Bang: G Dragon: Song K T.O.P.: Cooshy Coosh [close enough to kush, and we all know what he was caught with lol] Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Daesung: Hairy Hair Coso Seungri: Jerry Sook [this just sounds like someone’s American name]
Red Velvet: Irene: The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town Seulgi: The horn on the bus goes bing bing bing, bing bing bing, bing bing bing, the horn on the bus goes bing bing bing all through the town Wendy: A-talk Joy: Bubblegum Yeri: Boxy
I.O.I.: Nayoung: Hi Goodbye Chungha: The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again Sejeong: Light Cult [I found out later she tried to say lightbulb, but this is funnier] Chaeyeon: Good Bye Bye Kyulkyung: Toe Sohye: Hair Yeonjung: Bobobo Yoojung: Smiley Face Mina: Hershey Kiss Smiley Doyeon: I don’t know Suh Somi: Wall
Twice: Jihyo: Pool Nayeon: Water Jeongyeon: Fill Momo: Up Sana: Pool Mina: Pineapple [she was holding one in the picture] Dahyun: Flower Flower Chaeyoung: Happy Happy the Hop Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush [nursery rhymes again] [you can tell in this one that she was swimming at the time since she said pool water fill up lol]
Super Junior: Leeteuk: Polka Dot Heechul: Triangle Yesung: Square Kangin: Rectangle Shindong: Heart Sungmin: Circle Eunhyuk: Splash [she was in the pool] Siwon: Fly [she saw a bee] Donghae: Umbrella [same] Ryeowook: Porch [we were on the porch] Khyuhyun: Butterfly Zhoumi: I see butterfly, I like butterfly [she likes butterflies] Henry: I love you Hangeng: Coo Say Kibum: Bubbly a Way So Eh
24K: Cory: Emmy E [her nickname is Emmy] Kisu: Boolooloo Jeunguk: Ma Ba Ba Ba Ba Changsun:  Chair Jinhong: Pooly Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Hongseob: Sun-who Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words Sungoh: Woo-ah Hui: Vacation [she was pretending we were on vacation] Daeil: Flamingo Seokjun: Water Water Byungho: Snow
2PM: Jun. K: Fish Nichkhun: Bird Taecyeon: Heart Lovey Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Junho: I We Oh We Chansung: I love bathing suits all day long in the pool [she really likes swimming] Jay Park: Ha Ha Ha
2AM: Jo Kwon: 444 Wa Changmin: Florida [she knows it’s a place that’s hot lol] Seulong: Sunny Wa Jinwoon: Wha’s that?
A.C.E.: Jun: Rolly Uh Gaygay Donghun: Bubble Bubble Floating in the Pool Wow: Sunny Side Animal Kim Byeongkwan: Haha Chan: Muh Muh Muh [she said this to the tune of Got7′s Just Right, as in ma ma ma ma ma]
A.cian: Jungsang: Pot Hyukjin: Dah Sanghyeon: D Jin.O: Ma UTae: Me Seulgi: Taeko Chanhee: Susu Waya Crooge: Highway Hidden: O Lo-J: Heh Heh Heh Sehee: I’m a PoPoPuh [she was being cute naming one person Dah and the next D (like daddy) and then Ma/Me (mommy)]
B1A4: Jinyoung: Pee CNU: Facey Bath Sandeul: Buh Baro: Goo goo Ga ga Gongchan: Key [she has no idea who he is]
B.A.P.: Yongguk: I love you E Ah Himchan: Helicopter [there was one outside] Daehyun: Plane Youngjae: Bathing Suit Jongup: Iwosa Zelo: Incredibles [she is into the movie right now]
Block B: Zico: Little Taeil: Bump Bump Bump B-bomb: Aisle Jaehyo:  Bubble Bubble Wawa U-Kwon: Boo Boo Kyung: Sanha [as in from Astro] P.O.: Drinking
Boyfriend: Donghyun: Bath Hyunseong: Water Jeongmin: Poggy Youngmin: Eggy Eggy Ah Gaygay Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion [I have no idea with this one] Minwoo: Armpit [the names carry over from Block B to Boyfriend: as in Drinking Bath Water]
Boys Republic: Onejunn: Mall Bah Sunwoo: Star Sungjun: Eggy Eggy Gosowah Minsu: San Hahaha [I got her to remember her “boyfriend” Sanha’s (from Astro) name by saying it sounds like San haha] Suwoong: I love you for the time
BTOB: Eunkwang: Here we go again Minhyuk: Dirty Changsub: Clean Hyunsik: Paper Peniel: Couples 2 Ilhoon: Water Out [someone let water out of the pool] Sungjae: I’m lemoned out [no idea?]
B.I.G.: J-Hoon: Incredibles I Benji: Logo Gunmin: I Woo-eh Minpyo: Robot Heedo: Sun tea Gah [my sister just made some sun tea] [Incredibles I Logo: I told you that’s her movie right now]
Beast: Doojoon: Treasure [we were playing pirate/buried treasure earlier and she agreed to name these if I gave her more stuff to use for the treasure lol] Junhyung: I want Treasure Yoseob: Sangha Kikwang: Em Look [I told her this right before] Dongwoon: I don’t know [she couldn’t think of any more names] Hyunseung: Okay [I told her this was the last one]
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hyohaehyuk · 6 years
whatever dude. you dont even fucking know me. so stop acting like you do i'm starting to get really done with people like you. According to you i am the fake elf here but at least is not me that are bully others and being too much pressed about others opinions. suju would be so sad knowing that people like you are their fans
DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR SHITTY LIFE (bc apparently my own is more interessent than your) and leave me alone. i was not searching for your approval to be an elf or not, to stay or leave the fandom.
Is funny seeing the hipocrisy that you and many others elf are more concerned with my opinion about suju music than actually trying to doing something for suju members like henry, zhoumi and sungmin. probably you are even one of the xxxxxx out (i would not be so surprised seeing that you are even bullying me and that is all i see this fandom do it since the beginning: bullying members, bullying others elf, bullying non-elf)
this will be my last post about it. but just to you know is not just suju music that is drive me away from them anymore, more and more is pathetic and bitter people like you that dont accept others opinions bc “we all have to blindly like what oppas release” that drives me away. 
I'm not feeling welcomed in this fandom anymore so yap congratulations you may end up having what you want. elf are getting in same (or even worse) level of toxiness than a**y fandom right now so shame on you
i will let you read this to re-think your shitty attitude to others and apologize to me. if you dont, then after one day i will block you bc i am sick of bullies like you and i am not obligated to have to deal with you
Block is what you should had do if you didn't like of a opinion. you didnt have any need to comment on the post. you cleary are pressed and bored so you wanted to fight with others
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
Super Junior Reaction when you are 10 years younger then them and receive criticism / hate
For anon
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So since Leeteuk is the eldest and is used to having a lot of criticism and hate fall on his shoulders as the leader, he would understand your feelings. He would know what it would feel like to be judged for something you just couldn’t help. Yeah you were ten years younger then him, but both of you were adults. He would continually tell you to just ignore them and concentrate on your relationship with him because that was more important then a bunch of people’s horrible comments.
‘Just look at me, not the damn comments. I love you Y/N and that isn’t going to change over a few opinions.’
‘I don’t want this to affect your career though, Teuk.’
‘You are worth more then my career, my love, and I will fight for us.’
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Okay so we know that Heechul is somewhat in the news like every three months due to his sexuality, so he would know how to help you deal with this. The sassy member would of course try and fight back verbally and tell you that just because you are young, it doesn’t mean that you mean any less to him.  He would hold you in his arms when he found you crying in the bedroom and calm you down with his sweet words and kisses on your head.
‘So what if you are young? I don’t look my age either so people have not right to judge!’
‘That’s not the point, Chul…they hate me with you.’
‘And my point is that I don’t give a shit about their thoughts because you are all I think about anyway.’
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Yesung would be upset that you were upset. He would not like the way the negative comments would be affecting you. You were beautiful and flawless to him, but seeing your frowning face was nothing like your bubbly self. He would try and comfort you with some silly turtle comedy or make one of his many derp faces (just him imitating Siwon, really). You appreciated his efforts and couldn’t help but smile when he was just looking plain ass silly now.
‘You look like a fool, Yesung.’
‘But it made you smile, didn’t it?! Jagi forget about the stupid comments and just focus on my face!’
‘That handsome amazing face of yours…thank you.’
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With the current situation of Kangin, he knew what it felt to be judged for every little thing now. He would notice how you were less happy, always wanting to stay inside and not go out over the weekend let alone go out for dinner with him. He would tell you to stop reading the bad comments but would still find you attached to your phone once again and torturing yourself over some peoples stupid criticism.
‘I’m going to take that phone away if you don’t stop hurting yourself.’
‘I can’t help is, Kangin…they hate me.’
‘But I love you so forget them!’
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Shindong knew the moment that he made his relationship public with you, that you would get some backlash. But he never imagined it would get to this extent. Even though he said you shouldn’t worry about it, he was worried for you more. Worried about you receiving all this criticism and hate because of something as simple as your age. He would come home and find you sitting by the window with your phone lighting up with a new comment every second. He would switch it off and pull you into his arms.
‘It’s okay, I am here…let it all out baby.’
‘I can’t do this anymore, Dong…’
‘I know but can you try a little harder just for me…just for us?’
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The soft soul that is Sungmin, he would be very hurt about all the hatred that was coming your way. He would also check your SNS to see the comments and would cringe when he read all the harsh words. People judging you and saying you were only with him for money and fame, and once you got it, you would just dump him. That comment stung the most to you and made you honestly just want to end it with Sungmin. You loved him enough to know that this was not healthy for either of you.
‘I want to break up, Minnie.’
‘I know, but I cannot allow that. You mean the world to me and I will do everything in it to protect you and keep you safe.’
‘But Min-‘
‘Shhh…come here. Let me just hold you.’
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Hyuk would be furious with this hatred. He would go straight to SM and demand that those who are harassing you should be dealt with legally. You would hear about this and go and confront him. You were sad and angry about what everyone was saying toward you but you didn’t like it that Eunhyuk was putting his head on the line for you. Hyuk would not care what you thought because your safety was all he wanted to have.
‘Stop trying to stop me!’
‘You are going overboard! They hate me, don’t make them start hating you to, Hyuk.’
‘I don’t like the ones I love being hurt, baby. Just let me help because I am not letting go off you anytime soon.’
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Gentleman Zhoumi would not like the words being sprawled on both yours and his SNS. He wouldn’t be as vocal and straight forward as Eunhyuk, but he would like for it to be handled. He knew what it felt like to be criticised due to being Chinese but age was really going overboard for him. He didn’t understand why people just couldn’t stay out of your business. He knew this was affecting you because you didn’t come over as often nor did you want to attend events with him that was something social.
‘Please just come out, the awards will be fun Y/N’
‘And face more judgement? No thank you Mi.’
‘I don’t care what they think, I just want you to be there on this important occasion because you are special to me.’
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Donghae would be like Sungmin, he would be offended as well by all the hate you were receiving. The dancer was always known to be soft hearted so it wouldn’t be a surprise when he got really upset over the harsh letters that the fans were getting delivered to you. You would be sitting at home and reading yet another note, tears streaming down your face as the person pointed out all of your flaws and reasons why you shouldn’t be with Donghae.
‘Stop reading them.’
‘I can’t help it, they just coming on a daily basis.’
‘Then how about I send you flowers instead. They more beautiful and suit you more then these harsh words that speak no truth!’
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Siwonnie would be like Eunhyuk, he would want legal action taken right away! If the company wasn’t going to allow it then he would do it personally. He was getting tired of receiving late night calls, letters and shoutings from outside his apartment. He just couldn’t understand why people were so obsessed with your age. He knew that you were still very young but he still loved you regardless. Sitting in the lounge, you just sat in darkness before Siwon arrived home.
‘Stop thinking about it.’
‘It’s hard when we get evening serenades every night, Siwon!’
‘Well then how about we go and have a relaxing bath, help get your mind of it?’
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Wook would be devastated to hear that you were receiving so much hate. But what he would be most sad about was that you kept this away from him. Even though Ryeowook didn’t use social networking that often, he was still pretty clued up. When he came across multiple articles about the issue, he now knew why he would find you crying some late evenings. When he asked you why, you would lie to him and he would of course fall for them but not tonight.
‘Why are you hiding this from me? So what if you are younger then me, I don’t care!’
‘I know you don’t but they do and it is my stupid issue.’
‘And you are important to me, so thus this is my issue as well jagi…I hate seeing you suffer.’
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Kyuhyun would walk straight into the house, see you sitting at the dining room table with your head in your hands. He would walk pass you to the wine cellar, grab the best bottle he had and along with some glasses before coming to sit by you. He knew you had been having a hard time for the past few months, and he knew that wine fixed everything (well according to him), regardless of the circumstance. He would pour the wine, make you look at him so he could wipe your tears and place a kiss on your forehead.
‘Forget them.’
‘I try but they just keep coming back, Kyu.’
‘Well forget about them now and just focus on me. Focus on the love and attention I am giving you because that is more important then some peoples irrelevant opinion.’
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Just like Zhoumi, Henry would be similar due to being Canadian and Chinese at the same time. He would be practicing his violin on his day off at home, hearing the door slam he knew that it was another crappy day. He would find you in the bedroom, plastered across the bed and just dead quiet. He knew that the hatred was starting to become more hostile as the days went by. You had wanted to go back to your home country on numerous occasions, thinking they would then just forget about you but Henry said he would never allow you to be so far away. So distant from him.
‘I’m really considering moving back, Henry.’
‘And break my heart? If that is the way you wish to go, then I will leave with you. I can’t stand not being with you, Y/N. You are my world and will do everything in my power to make sure that you remain in it.’
‘Sentimental Mochi saves the day…’
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Okay so I believe Hangeng would be a mixture of Siwon and Sungmin because the Chinaman has a very strong and intimidating demure, but also a soft and sensitive side. Your constant tears would eventually be his down fall. Every drop shed, he would die a little inside to a point when he was walking in the streets with you and someone shouted a very cruel and harsh comment. Within seconds he snapped and told the person off before walking off with you.
‘Next time I will do worse then just verbally lash out!’
‘Calm down, they are gone.’
‘I’m sorry you had to see that side of me…it just makes me so angry when you are treated horribly for nothing!’
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So Kimmy Kibum would not like your sad atmosphere. His smile would always brighten up your mood, but today it had failed because everyone else had finally succeeded in crushing your spirits. Everyday you would try and keep your head held high but today you had reached your limit. You were done! Charging home, you went straight to the bedroom to pack your bag. You needed to get out of here and just live on a deserted island or something. Just a place away from all this negative energy.
‘I hope you packing for a romantic weekend away.’
‘More like a permanent vact….wait what?’
‘I got us a hotel on Jeju island for the weekend. I can see you are suffering hard with this and I want to help. Will you let me do that, babe?’
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bathalyon · 7 years
Super Junior’s Members Google History!
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I thought about this for a while, and try to make it, so... here it goes! 
✉ This is an OT15, so prepare the feels. ✉ Gifs are not mine.
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- How to be the center of attention.. - Do girls like old men? - Cheap white Nike shoes - How to tame 12 ducklings
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- Is it a crime if I’m beautiful? - Gfriend Dance practice video mirrored - Hair product for men - Asuka in red leather jacket fan art
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- how to deal with psychotic friend - chinese dumpling recipe easy for many servings - how to pronounce ‘shibal’ correctly - savage comebacks to heechul’s sarcasm
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- how to make your turtle purr - what else feels like philtrum when you touch it? - what kind of haircut makes your head looks small? - yesung fancam
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- how to make people trust you, again... - does kangin looks like shindong? - how to lose weight without exercise - can i pay dinner with my golden bracelets?
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- cheap camera equipment - cheap refrigerator - how to get people to stop asking me about their fortune - basic girlgroup dance exercise
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- do they still think married man a cutie? - nunchuks modern trick - why isn’t SM hasn’t make solo album for Sungmin Super Junior? - free bunny filter and font
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- gums treatment - how to convince your mom to realize her son is more handsome than siwon - why does it’s hard to move on from your dead puppy? - music that fits poppin’ dance throughout history
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- why do i see dwarf everywhere? - is it a good thing to look like kangta and siwon? - does SM hates me? - Super Junior-M Zhoumi being hero on talkshow compilation
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- Donghae (not the sea) - how to adopt Jeno from NCT as your son - why does everyone think i’m stupid? - how to stop yourself from tearing up...
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- 100 most handsome men in the world - siwon handsome memes - i like doin’ skinship with weird guys, does it weird? - how to buy SM?
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- can i get taller on age of 30? - can i get giraffe as a pet? - how to say no to high-five, nicely - cooking ware store near military camp
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- Kibum (NOT SHINEE) - specs and high-school backpacks - why do i surrounded by idiots? - does heechul considers me as his baby?
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- starcraft tournament with big prize - how to beat master of satan - which one is the right pronunciation, is it ‘closer’ or ‘KLOJEURR’ - kyuhyun eyes appreciation
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- how to convince ppl i’m not a pervert - other ways to become Lee Sooman nephew except marrying Sunny - weird australian music instruments to learn - henry neck-slice compilation
Aaaaaannnnddd... that’s it, Thank you!
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
i’m new to suju ( i started stanning them last year) so i don’t know much about them. what’s sjm?
buckle in kids, here’s the crash course to super junior M ( 📢 cue airhorns 📢 ) 
(but seriously thank you for entertaining my desire to literally never shut up about the group of talented idiots that have been part of my life for 12? years)
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SJM (M standing for Mandarin) was formed in 2008, and was SM’s first group to directly target the Chinese(-speaking) market. Similar to the way other Korean artists had made debuts in Japan and released Japanese content, SM wanted to do the same but in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese-speaking markets. (yum capitalism)
If Super Junior’s original rotating/graduation concept was the predecessor to NCT, Super Junior M was the precursor to SM’s younger Chinese-facing groups, EXO-M and WayV. The key difference I’d point out is that SJM is perhaps the most intentionally multilingual in terms of their track releases; they always record a Korean version of their mini album title track, and Perfection also had a Japanese version. Meanwhile, EXO-M was separate from EXO-K at the beginning because they had two distinct groups of 6 promoting the same song in two different languages, while WayV only (so far) releases in Mandarin (barring the English version of Love Talk).
The original lineup consisted of Hangeng, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Henry. After Hangeng left SJ/SM, they added in Eunhyuk and Sungmin to round the group out to 8 members.
There was a ton of controversy surrounding the addition of Zhoumi and Henry, because they were not part of the original 12-13 members (RIP kyuhyun for not being part of Twins/Knockout LMAO) that made up Super Junior. K-ELFs/OT13s were worried that adding new members would take the spotlight away from current members and hurt the group as a whole. This “conflict” was handled very poorly, which lead to SM drawing a line between Super Junior and Super Junior M membership. Zhoumi and Henry were officially confirmed to be SJM-only members, and would never promote with SJ proper.
I’ve always been OT15 - just because members came later doesn’t mean that the team doesn’t love them any less.
They’re all adults and capable of making lineup decisions themselves, so I honestly don’t know why “fans” get so worked up about individual members and whether they should or shouldn’t be in the group and etc. The ELF fandom can honestly be a shit show in that respect. Cue substitute-leader!Eunhyuk angrily scolding ELFs (and urging present supportive ELFs to record this ment and share online) during SS6 for their disrespectful behavior towards Henry and Zhoumi during their solo stages.
like literally in 2020 all I am asking for is to let Zhoumi come out of the basement and make music with his family g o d
Video/track list for the uninitiated, and for those looking for a trip down memory lane (I’ve mostly picked live performances bc the MVs and lyric vids are fairly easy to find):
SJM’s discography mostly falls into two easily distinguishable buckets: the SJ funky sound (think Sorry Sorry, Bonamana, Mr. Simple, Sexy Free & Single), and (Chinese) ballads.
Super Girl
You’re my super girl, I’m your super man
He can’t see your beauty, the magic hidden behind your ordinary appearance
I’d do anything for you
If he says he likes you, he would wait on you even if he’s busy
(TLDR SJM said dump your subpar man who doesn’t give you the time of day)
Their OG title track that made me fall in love with them go feral in 2008 - it’s a bop. This video also gives us leader/center Hangeng.
(this is also the same song Donghae was singing during that one clip where suju pretends to forget how super clap goes)
If you watch the MV, you get SNSD’s Jessica making a cameo appearance in the house party scenes.
It won’t do to be too rushed, love with shatter under (brute) force It won’t do to go too slow, so I’ll move at your speed
Just for you, I constantly give and I give Is it right for me to love you like this?
My heart keeps pounding, I want to see you My heart keeps pounding, I like you My heart keeps pounding, it’s all you My heart keeps pounding, I love you
Tell me you miss me Tell me you love me
I really have to thank Perfection for giving us the longest all-English rap in Super Junior history...even if the SM English is quite c r i n g e (it didn’t hit me till recently that Suju’s love for singing “boom” and “clap” started with Perfection)
something about this title track also makes me go feral (is it minor key? is it the ending verse/breakdown?)
My cold front breaks down for you All of my (facial) expressions reveal the way I worship you
Even if I’m covered in scars, I won’t mind if it’s for you
Maybe you think I’m too crazy (yeah you can call me crazy) In fact, I also agree with this (but I can’t stop loving you)
I specifically picked this performance because it’s the only one where they switched it up and sung the Korean verses with the Chinese chorus (VALID! because honestly...if you look up any of the Korean versions of their songs...they are very obviously subpar because the flow of the phonemes is clunky)
The general gist of the lyrics is a “cheer up, you can power through” message that’s fairly similar to Mr. Simple
The latest hit from SJM, all the way back from 2014, because SJM literally has not had a comeback since before Label SJ was an entity.
Even though it’s not my favorite track, Swing is important bc it was the first comeback they had a slew of Korean promos for (music shows, radio slots, variety show appearances), and they also placed first in China’s first ever music show broadcast.
Blue Tomorrow
By tomorrow, you will have left my side By tomorrow, I’ll be wishing on shooting stars alone Just like the ending of a movie
SJM also released a decent number of very on-brand love ballads. Blue Tomorrow is that lovely bittersweet breakup ballad you didn’t know you needed.
My Love for You
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, baby I’d give you whatever you’d want Wipe away your tears, the sky would never be dark I’d be by your side everyday
An A+ sappy ballad, 10/10 would listen to again (i’ve run out of video embeds so i’ll leave it to you to find)
🙏 But yeah! I’m gonna continue holding out for an SJM comeback in 2020. 🙏
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brits2287 · 7 years
Super Junior Reaction-Calling them daddy (18+)
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So basically there has been a request for this for every band that we do reactions for so here it is.  I’m sorry it took so long there are a lot of members to write for.  Here you go!---Admin B   (Has anyone seen admin M?)
I don’t own these gifs
Leeteuk:  You and him had been chilling just hanging out in his apartment when you decided to have a little fun with your Oppa.  You would throw it casually into the sentence you were saying but he heard it right away.  He’d flip you over so hes on top showing you his cute dimple.
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Heechul:  You were certain your shy, yet bubbly Oppa wouldn’t mind you saying that word to him.  After dinner you would call him that to see his reaction.  He would turn savage, in a good way, and make you his for the rest of the night.
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Yesung:  Since your boyfriend was always sweet and cute and adorable to you, you figured he wouldn’t know what to do when you called him that.  So when you called him daddy, he was kind of confused so instead of being savage he was cute and loving, just like normal.
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Kangin:  He would be be confused once you called him that word as you’ve never said that to him before.  So he would ask what you wanted from that word before he did anything.  Once you told him, he’d do his best to make sure you got what you wanted.
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Shindong:  He would be happy that you said that word to him after you said you maybe one day would.  At first he would make fun of you for finally saying to him.  Then, he’d make your fantasy come true.
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Sungmin:  Weirdly enough Oppa had been wanting you to call him that word for a long time but he had never told you about it.  Once you found out from the other members you would corner him in his bedroom making his wish come true, and yours as well.
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Eunhyuk:  You’ve actually called him that word before and knowing that it works on him you couldn’t wait to use it on him again when he got back from touring.  When he came into the room after months you called him that making him surprised at the moment but then he’d pick you up and press you against the wall for an awesome night.
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Donghae:  Being the sweet and charming boyfriend that he is, he actually hasn’t heard you say that word to him, but when you did, he would tell you that you don’t need to call him that for him to be yours.  He’d give you sweet kisses while he told you that you were his.
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Siwon:  He was already waiting for you when you got home and you called him that word, he was happy to make your fantasy come true.  He would pick you up and carry you into his bedroom for the night.
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Ryeowook:  Thinking that your boyfriend was was too sweet and conservative to like being called that, you never said it to him.  One night when you two were kissing you accidently let it slip.  He didn’t show much sign of a reaction at first but then put you on his desk for some more fun.
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Kyuhyun:  Being that you hadn’t dated him for long you decided you wanted to try it out just for fun.  Once you did say it, he would be confused.  He didn’t think that you would ever say that to him.  He just ignored it but tried to give you a fun night.
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Zhoumi:  He told you that he would be down for anything that you wanted.  When you suggested that you both try something new he was down.  When you called him that name, he turned into a different person giving you a night you won’t forget.
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Henry:  Even thought he is funny and qwirky, he wouldn’t miss the chance to make your wishes come true.  Instead of being all dark and mysterious he would find some way to make his funny personality shine through as he made you happy the entire night.
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***I don’t own any of these gifs, all credit to their owners*** **Request box is open.** *Don’t forget to click “Follow” for more reactions and scenarios*
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riversonfire · 7 years
About Sungmin and the division among ELFs
There’s been a lot of anti-Sungmin sentiment lately and I for one had no idea why there was hate for him to begin with. “Are K-ELF angry bc their bias got married??” I think that’s the most common reaction among I-ELF but that of course isn’t it. What bothers me the most is the divide between Korean & International ELF tbh. Each side calling the other stupid/ignorant bc “they don’t get it but they think they know everything” is very unfair. BOTH sides need understanding. Do research, try to hear what the other side is saying rather than judging them based on a couple of angry/hateful comments.
I did. I looked up posts from K-ELF on “reasons why Sungmin will never regain Korean fans” and read them. And you know what? I GAINED UNDERSTANDING. I finally get why K-ELF feel betrayed. But you know what else? I ultimately still support Sungmin (just FYI he’s not even my bias in SuJu so don’t go there).
I agree that the timing for his wedding was extremely poor especially considering what had happened with Leeteuk’s family & also the SS6 tour & the album promotion period. It was a selfish move to push on with the wedding. It just was. Also, him using bodyguards during fanmeetings to basically bully fans from bringing up the topic- very wrong. And denying the rumors to Korean fans but admitting it to others- also not cool. Plus, forcing his then gf’s nickname onto others via his new signature was kinda lame.
Even though I sympathize with K-ELF on those points, I still choose to support Sungmin & his wife bc at the end of the day, I feel like it was just a really unfortunate confluence of events, bad timing & yes, a tablespoon of selfishness (really like a cup if we’re keeping to cooking ratios but you get the point). They wanted to get married on the one year anniversary of their first meeting and he didn’t want to put it off bc he was enlisting 3 months later. They really wanted to be married. I can’t hate on him/them for that. Yes, it came at the expense of a couple of things- namely the inconvenience of his group but I don’t believe that means he doesn’t care about Suju anymore. He made a choice for himself and his love and put it ahead of the group. Priorities change in life, but again, it doesn’t signify that he has stopped caring about the members or the fans.
But- and I really want to emphasize this point- if the guys can move on from it, why shouldn’t we as fans? I’m not saying they’re all over it- it may well remain a sore point within the group- but to go so far as to assume that they want him out is going too far. By going against Sungmin and his participation with the comeback later this year, you are hurting the group as a whole. Losing Hangeng & Kibum was hard enough at the time, but now you expect them to expel him from the group almost 12 years into this thing (plus Kangin but that’s another topic for another day)? No. I also want to add that my main contention with the anti-Sungmin K-ELF and really with ALL fans in the world who feel like he/they/ANY idols owe their career to them (the fans). I disagree. Fan support is crucial & necessary but to say that “THEY OWE US” is going over the top imo. Just as the idols aren’t entitled to any fan support, we as fans are not entitled to access into the idols’ lives.
For the sake of full disclosure, I think most I-ELF are miffed by K-ELF, not just because of this mess but also from the Henry-ZhouMi disaster from way back when. They were not welcomed (to put it very politely) and found support from the international fans. It still breaks my heart to hear them talk about how they were THIS close to quitting bc of the backlash against them joining. Hell, to this day, a number of ELF still don’t acknowledge them as a part of Super Junior. As Heechul once said, “if you can’t support all 15 members, then what kind of ELF are you?”
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jinhogwarts · 7 years
Tag game~
I was tagged by @amazing-rin thank you!
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag people
FIRSTS  First group you listened to? DBSK First solo artist you listened to? idk, probably Boa??? or Lee Hyori or Rain lol it was a long time ago I can’t actually remember ;; but I guess Boa because I started from sm artists First group to actually know their names? DBSK but I confused them for like a year lol First bias ever? Probably Jaejoong??? though I was waaaaay more into suju when I got into them so maybe Siwon (lol yeah he was my bias before Heechul XD) First song to make you emotional? I honestly can’t remember
TOP 3 Top 3 fave male groups? Super Junior Pentagon Seventeen / Monsta X (really can’t choose between them) Top 3 female groups? Cosmic Girls Sistar Girls’ Generation (also Mamamoo) Top 3 solo artists? Kyuhyun I was gonna say everyone else from suju but.. let’s go with Hyuna Hyorin Top 3 fave songs of all time? This is so hard kvnfdpjavona I’m gonna say only title songs bc it’s easier Sorry Sorry - Super Junior Tri-Angle - DBSK ft. Boa & TRAX Hot Times - SM The Ballad (wow sm trash much???????? lol yup I am I totally am) Top 3 biases? Heechul The others keep changing but for now... Jinho Hyuna + Hyorin (can’t choose between them) Top 3 fandoms you’re a part of? aaaa Technically ELF though I hate k-elfs a lot =///// (at least the ones who are anti Henry&Zhoumi and Sungmin&Kangin) Universe Ujung Top 3 choreographies? idk Jungle Game - SF9 (I know it’s not a title song but look up the choreography it’s insane) Spy - Super Junior Pretty U - Seventeen
ULTIMATE Ultimate bias group? Super Junior Ultimate male bias? Heechul the one and only Ultimate female bias? Hyuna / Hyorin I’m gonna tag @wgpopcorn @lefantasy idk I’m too lazy as usual to think of who to tag vkadnpvdoi
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