#I’ve been looking a lot at pre-raphaelite paintings and all the knights look so in pain it’s hilarious
chromaherder · 1 year
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Something lighthearted and something Dramatic (TM) :^)
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luned · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @morgalefay to do some Arthurian questions! Thank you so much, darling - and can I just say your blog is beautiful! ♥
What is your favourite Arthurian film and/or series and why?
There haven't been enough! My favourite Arthurian film (and in my top 3 films in general!) is Prince Valiant - the 1997 version. It's obviously about Valiant and not focused on Arthur's story, but I think it counts :) I adore it, probably mostly for sentimental reasons, I know it's a pretty lame movie, but I think it was the first film I saw that got me into Arthuriana and the medieval era when I was a very young child, it seemed so romantic and endearing and it will always be in my top 3 movies of all time. Plus the soundtrack is beautiful (god it took so long to find it online but I can't live without it on my writing playlist... just listen to Rainy Night and you'll hear my heart). I also love the Camelot musical film with Richard Harris (oh he is just perfection, and Lancelot is hilariously perfect). As for TV series, again, I haven't watched many. I do love the Merlin 1998 TV movie/series, again for childhood sentimental reasons but also because it was great! Camelot was all right. Could've been so much better given the amazing cast (apart from a huge Arthur miscast but that's another discussion)
least favourite Arthurian film and TV show?
I can't say there are any I dislike, mostly because there are so few out there! I haven't yet watched the new Guy Ritchie movie but I have the suspicion I would be putting that as my answer here, it just doesn't look like my sort of thing and it was a massive let down seeing the trailer.
Favourite Pre-Raphaelite painting?
I have to pick only one?! :( Well, I know it's later but The Accolade is my favourite painting of all time. Or anything by Waterhouse.
if you could have any writer in the world (both alive and dead) pen an arthurian book, who would it be?
Shakespeare! Shakespeare!!!! A thousand times Shakespeare! Oh I would die to read and hear an Arthurian play written by Shakespeare.
has Arthuriana affected your life in any way? (work, studies, spending a lot of money on books etc. For example, I am currently working on my MA thesis which is about Arthuriana in theatre)
It certainly made me fall in love with epic romances, chivalry and the medieval setting at a very young age, which has stayed with me all my life and influenced me as a writer (I probably wouldn't be as passionate about writing as I am now had I never fallen in love with fantasy through discovering the Arthurian legends a young age) and also influenced me generally as a person, in being a hopeless romantic who dreams of knights and forest trysts and romantic adventure. Also, it's always been a dream to write an Arthurian novel series. And do an MA in Arthurian Studies in nearby Wales. One day for both!
by the way; have you ever read or seen any Arthurian play? do you have any recommendations?
Unfortunately I have not! If only Shakespeare had actually written an Arthurian play!
State an unpopular opinion
Within Arthuriana? I absolutely loathe futuristic or modern day AUs. The idea of Merlin and Arthur meeting in a coffee shop makes me want to scream. It's not that it is bad writing or wrong in any way, people can write whatever they want, but for me my heart belongs in castles and forests and with knights wielding swords, not in Starbucks drinking coffee. Sorry.
What’s the most obscure Arthurian book you’ve ever read?
I haven't really read any obscure ones. I've barely even read all the popular ones. They're all on my to-read list, but some of the novels I have read have been bad and boring so it kind of put me off trying many more.
What are your favourite events and/or aspects of the legends? (pulling sword from stone, Badon, Camlann etc)
The good times, when knights are adventuring and saving maidens. Gawain's quests are among my favourites. In the dream world, Camlann does not happen. Ever.
your favourite knight?
My husband Mordred ♥ But Gawain comes a close second
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