#I’ve really gotta make my own tag for these yappathons huh
oldschool-analog · 4 months
Don’t you just love how Two-Player Game not only highlights the strengths of Jeremy and Michael’s friendship but also the weaknesses of it. Like yeah, it’s a very nice duet in which we see how strong their bond is, but we also see how when Jeremy expresses his desire to not be a loser to Michael, Michael’s way of reassuring him is to tell him to just “wait it out,” essentially. Wait for them to go to college where they’ll be considered cool by their peers. Also telling him how yeah, they may be losers, but at least they have each other (in the lyrics “you’re just a nothing in this high school scheme/but it’s no big cuz you and I are a team.”).
And this is fine, I do think that Michael is genuinely a very good friend to Jeremy and was just trying to reassure him in the same way he likely reassures himself. The thing is that Jeremy doesn’t *want* to wait until college. He’s felt this way for a long time (since middle school began) and he’s tired of waiting years just to be able to feel good about himself. This is important because it leads directly into a big reason as to why Jeremy is so willing to choose the Squip over Michael: because where Michael failed to make him feel better about his future, the Squip succeeded. This probably doesn’t make much sense but I just had to yap about this I love this song so much I love them so much they’re so great I love them
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