#Two-Player Game is my sister’s fav song btw
oldschool-analog · 5 months
Don’t you just love how Two-Player Game not only highlights the strengths of Jeremy and Michael’s friendship but also the weaknesses of it. Like yeah, it’s a very nice duet in which we see how strong their bond is, but we also see how when Jeremy expresses his desire to not be a loser to Michael, Michael’s way of reassuring him is to tell him to just “wait it out,” essentially. Wait for them to go to college where they’ll be considered cool by their peers. Also telling him how yeah, they may be losers, but at least they have each other (in the lyrics “you’re just a nothing in this high school scheme/but it’s no big cuz you and I are a team.”).
And this is fine, I do think that Michael is genuinely a very good friend to Jeremy and was just trying to reassure him in the same way he likely reassures himself. The thing is that Jeremy doesn’t *want* to wait until college. He’s felt this way for a long time (since middle school began) and he’s tired of waiting years just to be able to feel good about himself. This is important because it leads directly into a big reason as to why Jeremy is so willing to choose the Squip over Michael: because where Michael failed to make him feel better about his future, the Squip succeeded. This probably doesn’t make much sense but I just had to yap about this I love this song so much I love them so much they’re so great I love them
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So I was tagged by @aitanact to do this a while ago but I am bad at doing things in a timely manner so. Yeah. (Thanks for tagging me btw!)
1. Drink: water
 2. Phone call: my mom
 3. Text message: also my mom (I think this says a lot about my social life, or rather lack of)
 4. Song you listened to: I’m listening to Two Player Game rn, probably to nobody’s surprise
 5. Time you cried: I teared up like 20 minutes ago does that count
 6. Dated someone twice: no
 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
 8. Lost someone special: do my dogs count if so yes
 9. Been cheated on: no
 10. Been depressed: no
 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no 3 favorite colors:
 12. Yellow (Idk about rn but this used to be my strong fav so…)
 13. Lilac/lavender (but actually like all purples
 14. Teal/aquamarine
15. Fallen out of love: no
 16. Laughed until you cried: several times
 17. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
 18. Met someone who changed you: no
 19. Found out who your friends are: yes
 20. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
 21. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have Facebook so…
 22. Do you have any pets: not currently
 23. Do you want to change your name: no I like my name
 24. What did you do for your last birthday: oh my god so my birthday was on Super Bowl Sunday so my dad wanted to throw a super bowl party and I was like sure ok we can do my party another day (I didn’t rlly care) so I spent the night watching the super bowl and being slightly unnerved about this guy who got really drunk so that was interesting but hey the patriots won and that made my dad happy so not too bad overall
 25. What time did you wake up: I was woken up at like 5:30 bc we had to fly back home
 26. What were you doing at midnight last night: scrolling through tumblr
 27. Name something you can’t wait for: for me to figure things out and gain motivation to do things I guess
 28. When was the last time you saw your mom: I see her right now we’re still in the car
 29. What are you listening to right now: MICHAEL IN THE BATHROOM, MICHAEL IN THE BATHROOM AT A PARTY
 30. Have you ever talked to someone named tom: uhhh idk I don’t think so?
 31. Something that is getting on your nerves: nothing rn my sisters are thankfully leaving me alone for once
 32. Most visited website: gmail or YouTube (it would be Tumblr but I’m never off mobile so idk if that counts)
 33. Hair color: dark brown
34. Short or long hair: long
 35. Do you have a crush on someone: I’m not completely sure…
 36. What do you like about yourself: uhh I guess I like that I try to be kind to people? Making other people happy is such a nice feeling
 37. Any piercings: no 
 38. Blood type: idk I’m too lazy to ask
 39. Nickname: no nicknames 🔪🔪🔪
 40. Relationship status: single
 41. Zodiac: aquarius
 42. Pronouns: she/her
 43. Favorite tv show: uhh I don’t watch much tv but Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of Evil I guess?
 44. Tattoos: no
 45. Right or left handed: right
 46. Surgery: no
 47. Sport: does mario kart 8 count
 48. Vacation: I just got back (and I’m not even completely home yet) from Cape Cod, Massachusetts
 49. Pair of trainers: that’s sneakers right? I had to check by lifting up my foot haha but apparently they’re adidas
 50. Eating: I just ate Hershey’s kisses
 51. Drinking: nothing rn
 52. I’m about to: idk either go back to tumblr or draw something probably. I’m not sure yet. 
 53. Waiting for: many things including inspiration and the new season of miraculous ladybug
 54. Want: lots of books, a nice art style, motivation so I can get even better grades this year and actually do something with my life, Trump to not be president anymore, no discrimination
 55. Get married: maybe
 56. Career: uhh I think I want to write fiction ya books but idk how that’s gonna pan out so…we’ll see. 
 57. Hugs or kisses: hugs
 58. Lips or eyes: eyes
 59. Short or taller: this means for other people right? If so I don’t care
 60. Older or younger: also don’t care but assuming we’re talking about relationships not too much of either
 61. Nice Arms or nice stomach: again don’t care
 62. Hookup or relationship: relationship
 63. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant probably I get really nervous about being in trouble
 64. Kissed a stranger: no
 65. Drank hard liquor: no. I’m 15 I haven’t drank any kind of alcohol
 67. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have either
 68. Turned someone down: for a date to a dance at camp yeah it was awkward I basically avoided the guy instead of giving a real answer
 69. Sex on the first date: no. Again, I’m 15 and haven’t had either sex or a first date. 70. Had your heart broken: no
 71. Been arrested: no
 72. Cried when someone died: I cried when my dogs died
 73. Fallen for a friend: maybe? Probably? Again it’s complicated
 74. Yourself: ehhhhhhh
 75. Miracles: no not really
 76. Love at first sight: not really I think you have to know them to love them. You can think someone’s pretty at first sight but I don’t think love at first sight is a thing
 77. Santa claus: no. Kinda wish I did but no.
 78. Kiss on the first date: sure if people want to kiss on the first date go for it
 79. Angels: no
 80. Eye color: brown
 81. Favorite movie(s): well I LOVE tangled. I love pretty much all Disney but. Tangled. I also love the Harry Potter movies.
Anyways I tag @anneonomus @we-found-wonderland1989 @hoiimkawaii if they want to and anyone who follows me and wants to do this. Seriously even if we don’t talk I’d like to know about the people who follow me! Feel free to mention me and say I tagged you I’ll check it out!
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