harukirai · 1 year
Wow, I didn't know that about Terra! I'm surprised they were so upfront about that! Maybe her girlfriend was supposed to be Daryl, or they were going to make Locke into a woman who was going to be her girlfriend, kind of like Terra was originally supposed to be a male character. It seems like the idea was reworked for Fang and Vanille's relationship in XIII. (Also Lightning seems like a lesbian.) Thanks for the reply, I'm so pleased!
Also had a similar thought, but for the love of god the only optional/implied- scrapped girlfriend i found is celes(in that one time terra played with the thought of falling in love and flirt with celes only to reject the idea of love) which is with the other guy in the end, im replaying it in english its my next game after finishing 5(which i dont have much of left of).also yeah it feels like the scrapped concept was rewritten into 13! Thats why i was so happy with the inclusion(and yeah i restarted playing 13 in english for the first time and lightning does sound kimda gay, which id preffer than the hope implication that this game have for some reason in jp. Like i love hope, he grew to be a fine man only to be put back into a child in lightning returns which for the love of god i cant stand, let the kid grow, have his relationship with lightning be maternal& non romantic please my personal headcanon is that lightning is a mother figure to hope and hope brings her softer sides, as in what babies, kitten and puppies bring out of pple and for some reason pple really do ship them and im livid. Pretty sure there's no official love interest for claire cause in the toriyama's eyes she is his wife, no man can have her thats why the only pple she is soft for is serah and hope is no threat for Toriyama)
Also im stuck in the sahz vanille segment in the forest when you change weather i hate the bosses idk why but my adult brain is somehow worse in the game then i was before(like dont get me wrong i did get stuck allot but usually in the summon fights or like later game fights idk if the xbox version is bugging on me but im seriously stuck and thats what sparked my replay of the series )
(played it on pc before so idk what i did or is the steam version easier but i wanna get to fang already and im stuck even though i looked at tutorials ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
*also just jumped to xiii-2 to replay that one on english as well(the whole xiii trilogy i experienced back in the day in japanese i think my original version was on ps3, but i lent most of my collection when my first ps3 died so ill get that back only when my cousin will visit next)
So im cringing at some of the differences there too. But on funny note i think its hilarious that vanille and fang had an Australian accent, cause in japanese its okinawan i think and the implication are hilarious. Especially on fang it sounds just 100% like she had a huge lesbian vibe in japanese as well and text wise more so but i cant her va in english did such a great job im in tears like most of the cast sounds good in the first game but the 2nd in english 8s evan whackier than the jp and havent gotten to lightning returns yet but i cant wait to see that one dog scene in english, but yeah sorry for gushing i really love thise games and its hard to find pple who played them let alone acknowledge the gays in the games especially in the western sides of the internet (like besidesa handful of actual queer players who actually got far enough in the games & few dudes who just love vannile and fang cause they are fetishizing the lesbians & ignoring the whole lot of representation the games gave us through the years- which is the problem with subtleity cause like in ffvx it was straight out changed in localization cause oh no the guys will be pissed if manly-man macho m'gee over here is fancying the glasses twink 'god forbid' ತ⁠_⁠ತ)
I just really love those game and dont get me wrong in not looking at it in queer centric goggles all the time or thats all i wanna talk about but when i finally find pple to talk about the games with usually after a while when the subject comes and im gushing about how i love fang & vanille /gladio& ignis or even now with 16's terredion pple outside of the very small queer internet bubble is usually get all pissy about it and bitter(which is shocking to happen now in 2023 but its more centered around the 'im not homophobe but not everything is about that) when dude chill all i was talking about is that hey thats the 3rd gay dragoon in a row. (Ignis is kinda a dragoon too, since his moveset with lance equipped is very similar to Arenea)
But yeah not the point so imagin my surprise actually talking about ffxiii queer reps and suddenly most ofy notes is from xiii focused blogs i was sure long dead/new ones ive never seen before.
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jessjustplay · 9 months
Ranking the 15 Video Games I Finished in 2023
December 20, 2023
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I had a good gaming year! I played a lot of good games, new games, and replayed some old favorites. I'm going to include them in all in this list. However, I am not ranking the Nancy Drew games because they don't have any RPG elements so it does not seem logical to rate them against other RPGs. Still, I love the Nancy Drew games very much and am excited to play more of them in 2024! (God Willing.)
Click on the titles to read related blog posts.
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#15 Not Ranked - Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
#14 Not Ranked - Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel
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#13 - The Legend of Dragoon
#12 - Trinity Trigger
#11 - Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
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#10 - Final Fantasy III (3D)
#9 - Rune Factory 5
#8 - Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
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#7 - Chrono Trigger
#6 - I am Setsuna
#5 - Kena: Bridge of Spirits
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#4 - Tales of Zestiria
#3 - Final Fantasy XIII-2
#2 - Star Ocean First Departure R
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#1 - Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition
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endlesscacophony · 2 years
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Do you ever just think about how Serah deserves better than Snow?
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
Top 5 Video Games (no idea if that's been asked/answered before ^_^')!
Okay, first of all, thanks for the ask! And it hasn't been asked before, I think I've barely gotten any asks from ask games. Not exactly sure if I’m supposed to explain my choices, but I did, so this is a bit long.
I should start by saying that I don't have a list of my favorite videogames ready, so it is possible I may just be blanking on a few games that I love, and my favorites change from time to time, so next time I’m asked this it may be different. Anyway, after thinking for a while, this is what I came up with:
If FGO counts, then that’s probably #3 here, but I’m hyperfixating on that and it’s mobile, so I’ll just say it doesn’t.
1.Kingdom Hearts 2
What can I say? The combat is so good, the story too, I love all the characters and how they're all integrated and the disney worlds and the fights with organization xiii.
It took Kingdom Hearts 1, which is already great and expanded on it so much, introducing nobodies and Roxas and the Organization. Did I already mention the combat? Well it's good.
And if you need a challenge, it can still be challenging! Like, I consider myself pretty skilled since I've beaten a Dark Souls game or two, and I struggled for a while trying to get to the end of a level 1 playthrough.
I just love KH so much, and I feel like gameplay-wise KH2 is the pinnacle of the series. I can say more, but I won't. One last thing, actually being able to fight against roxas in Final Mix? So good!
2.Tales of Vesperia
My first Tales game, and if you've looked at my url, you may be able to see it's really close to me. There's so much I love about this game. The combat is amazing, while I'm fine that the series went away from this combat, I've always really missed it.
And the story, god the story. I know there may be some complaints about it falling short in the end, but I'd argue it's still fantastic.
Yuri's continued journey of choosing his own justice and what he believes for the good of the world, when compared to Duke choosing what he believes is Justice, killing all humans, for the good of the world? Just great.
And his journey and conflict with Flynn over the course of the game? Walking different paths but towards the same goal? Flynn trying to fix the knights from within and Yuri doing his part from the shadows? So good!
It has Rita, my second favorite Tales character, who I am pretty sure is Neurodivergent. And just a strong cast all around.
A bit of this could be nostalgia due to it being the first Tales game I fully completed, but I still love it.
3.Tales of the Abyss
I think this was the second Tales game I played, but I dropped it and didn’t properly get into a Tales game until my next one, Vesperia. Anyways, I appreciate this for its story over anything else.
Like, it tells a really good story, with how Luke is manipulated by Van and responsible for such devastation and how that jumpstarts his much-needed chatacter development, and how he doesn’t instantly get better. You can see him really trying, but it takes him a while to really get things.
Also, Jade is great. And the story it told, where Van finds out the score will lead humanity to its end and that it must be destroyed, or else they will hang onto the score until their last moments, like as a villain, he’s not exactly wrong, even if his methods definitely are.
And that final fight between Luke and Asch, with “Meaning of Birth” playing in the background, it really gets to me. And thinking about the ending, where either Asch or Luke are gone forever, is really bittersweet.
That said, wasn’t the biggest fan of its gameplay, never could figure out how to properly use the FoF.
Man, I need to replay Abyss. It’d be nice if they did a remake.
4.Super Paper Mario
(Thought about putting other Tales games up here, but two is probably enough)
The story is fantastic, like for a Mario game, which usually don't have story at all, to tell a story about someone trying to destroy the world because he's lost the one thing he's cared about in the world, only to find out after it's too late that she is still alive and well?
Like, it's so much more than I would expect from a Mario game. And while I prefer the combat of PM:ttyd and PM64, it's actually not that bad. Also, Dimentio is a fantastic twist villain to come in at the end and doom everything.
5.Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
I've always loved the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. I think the gameplay is neat and the story isn't that bad either. I will always remember Grovyle for his sacrifice. Really though, the story is good.
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