#I'M THINKING of that tik tok audio that's like 'i'll have the steak... smothered with onions... and...'
theloveinc · 5 months
imagine no quirk free loader touya getting ready in ur cute little bedroom sitting at ur vanity.. yeah 🫶🏾
It's sweet because nothing in your room looks like anything that would suit him, nor like anything he'd enjoy being surrounded by. White sheets, satin pillows, bright lamps to illuminate every corner... aside from not really liking to look at himself under such unforgiving lights (meaning his scars are visible and the pores of his skin, open), the aesthetic itself is just all wrong.
Everything about Dabi is... hard, and dark; he's always dressed in leather and canvas, stiff, workers' materials and dirty shoes meant to last (unlike your more delicate garments, needing to be washed on delicate, under cold, and then air-dryed to top it all off)
Yet, he doesn't seemed bothered by the white marble of your vanity, nor sitting on your pale pink, velour-upholstered stool. He's grumpy and kicks up a fuss about waiting for you to get dressed, but he's surprisingly not... impatient, at least, not impatient enough to actually stop waiting for you.
(He entertains himself mostly by making faces at himself in the mirror: sticking out his tongue, pulling down his eyes, pushing up his nose trying to get your attention ... and he purs like a cat when it works and you come over to brush his eyebrows with your little makeup spoolies or coat his waterline with dark, liquid eyeliner, maybe even get your lipgloss all over his lips when you kiss him... which he licks off and is surprised it's sweet.
you tell him it's blueberry flavor for your favorite blueberry boy and he can't stop himself from grinning like a little boy)
Yes, your friends definitely poke a little bit of fun at you for your broke boyfriend; Dabi picks you up from your brunch date with them and embarrassingly eats up everyone's leftovers before they have a chance to ask for a box ... but you honestly think (aside from the way he finished your best friend's mimosa and licked the runny egg off another's plate) he's actually not half bad <3
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