unknown-lifeform · 2 years
Sometimes I get randomly hit by the thought of how Angeal’s character is just straight up heartbreaking. Like the more you think about his whole life the more fucked up it becomes
We all remember how he grew up very poor, but like we never really mention how he was poor to the point of stealing apples to eat. He had almost nothing. A kid with a too big sword his dead father left behind and nothing else. Shinra was one hell of a propaganda machine, but aside from that, Shinra would actually feed their troops three meals a day and what not. Angeal had his own honor and ambitions plus Genesis’s ambitions on the side to push him, but like how much of a push was the idea that the army might have actually been a step up from what he had in Banora?
Now we all like to laugh at good old mother hen Angeal, but again. That’s kinda fucked. Because we’re talking about someone who joined the army in his early teens, and was already a commander by the time he was twenty or so. This is a kid who has had to become obscenely responsible when he was obscenely young, because he was literally responsible of other people’s lives when he was still a teenager. Not just subordinates, but his friends too. Genesis was always a self destructive mess, Angeal had every responsibility in the world and his idiot reckless buddy too. And then Zack! Angeal was raising a teenager when he was just barely not a teenager himself
Also the poor thing and the mother hen thing also tie together. Use brings wear, tear, and rust, that’s funny too, but Angeal had nothing in his childhood. Just the Buster Sword. It’s one of the few memories of his father, and in itself that would be enough to justify him not ever wanting to ruin it. But also there weren’t many guarantees that if he had gotten the sword damaged as a child he would have the money to do any kind of maintenance on it
You can’t tell me this man wasn’t powered by anxiety for most of his life. He disguised it well surely but Angeal’s inner monologue had to be a constant stream of everything that could go wrong and how to remain in control of a situation and how to protect the few things (people) he had and keep your best friend leashed and keep your pupil leashed and be a good commander and a good SOLDIER and-
Of course he ended up suicidal when CC went down! It wasn’t just the DNA thing, although discovering he wasn’t human had to already be a massive blow. Everything was going down fucking hill and he could do nothing to stop it. Genesis went out of control, Angeal himself had no guarantee he wouldn’t also start falling apart soon, and defecting meant abandoning Zack, who was Angeal’s reponsibility, so another source of guilt. Plus the father he probably had some level of idolization for turned out to not be his father after all, and his own mother killed herself when things started going down
It’s just. His whole life did more than fall apart. Trying to make the situation better was the only thing Angeal could have done for most of his life and now he couldn’t. Even admitting that he could accept himself whether human or monster, that’s only one issue. He failed. At least he did in his opinion, and it doesn’t matter if he had been asked far more than anyone his age should have. Dying was easier at that point than fixing everything
This guy was such a weirdo!! Guy who carries around a sword that weighs as much as he does but never uses it and makes dry jokes and has that terrible teenage boy stubble despite being twenty!!! He’s the responsible one because he’s got enough trauma for an entire town and his friend group includes a literature obsessed pyromaniac, a walking ice block with his own trauma pile, and a human golden retriever
This man deserved so much and needed as much therapy as Genesis and Sephiroth but all he could do was being the therapy for everyone else and in the end he just fucking crumbled
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thegirlintheweeds · 3 years
Listening to Evermore and bursting into tears when Tay’s voice is so soft and sings “You were there” 
Anyone esle?
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kitty-bandit · 7 years
TFW you hear the perfect song for your OTP and you start to cry.
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caelumartistlain · 8 years
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 so canonically we know that he was given to Lupa at 2 years old. (fabulous parenting there Beryl) 
 It take 5 years for you to advance from a Centurion to a senate seat and then you can graduate to praetor. (This is assuming that Jase made it to that rank quickly)  Looking at that and the fact that Jase is a year younger than Percy, we know that he is roughly around 15-17 (15 Mark of Athena, Perce is 16, said by Annabeth) 
 Ages 2-9 he was with Lupa (JESUS KID YOU HAD NO CHILDHOOD!!! Can you imagine him venturing out to find Camp Jupiter and scaring himself shitless at seeing cars. THERE SO MUCH NOISE!! SOMEONE HELP THIS CHILD!!) 
 9-14 Had to be his Roman Legion days (Quickly rose to Centurion and senate seat) 
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hushedhippie · 9 years
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Today was pretty good; I hung with him during A lunch and he's so funny and sweet🙈
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1nspir3-s0m3body · 9 years
They've become my delicate fairy baby...
And I just have this overwhelming to always take care of them. I just wanna make sure they're okay.
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thegirlintheweeds · 4 years
Manic hit me deep.
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clueless-gay · 9 years
Man the latest chapter of the HSAU was intense.
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redheads-not-warheads · 10 years
Give me a long kiss goodnight, and everything will be alright. Tell me that I won't feel a thing, so give me novacaine. 
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going-ghast · 10 years
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Kiss it all better...
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likefreedominspring · 10 years
what. spoilers under the cut.
so. I havent been on tumblr yet to see the reaction of everyoneee, but WHATTTTTT WUT whagttvdskfhvdhjlfkc
like i dont understand so much just happened like i love mary and then i hate her more than anything and oh gosh sherlock and john and then wait what. and then john is the best most human person ever because he forgives her and then they gonnna go solve this thangggg but then dang it all goes wrong and SHERLOCK WHYYYYY
guh and the theme and like abksjhedfbleiarfdcnhelfhbd
gdfhdbjhfskjsfhjl itsgoingtobesolongbeforewegetanotherepisode HELPPPPPPPP
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huaricane · 11 years
I always try to look on the bright side of things, but sometimes I'm just afraid. Afraid that I won't amount to much. Afraid that I'll disappoint the people I look up to. Afraid that I'll lose my friends. Afraid that I won't fall in love. Afraid that my dreams won't come true. Just afraid. I just wish there were some way for me to know that it'll all be okay, and not have to be afraid anymore.
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christiankillage-blog · 11 years
I finished the series.... Heroes fandom... help?
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kakumeikiwi · 11 years
I think that the True Ending for Mercedes in Odin Sphere contains one of the most powerful moments I've ever come across in gaming.
If you'll recall, when Armageddon begins, the seas begin to rise, and all hell breaks loose.  King Onyx of the fire kingdom realizes that he must move his people in order to save them.  And in a total dick move, he moves upon Ringford, the forest kingdom, burning it to the ground.  After all, the prophecies say that his kingdom will be stopped by the World Tree, so what better way to stop that from happening than by burning all of the world's trees?
At this point, Mercedes finds herself all alone--before she even knew what was happening, her kingdom burned and her people perished while defending it.  And soon after that, Mercedes finds Ingway, the man she'd loved, dead.  Despite being queen, she was powerless to stop any of it.
And then Onyx finds her.  With the world burning, there is nothing to stop him, and he need only destroy this tiny, distraught fairy--a fairy who has nothing left, nobody to protect, no reason to live anymore, and who is well aware of all of these facts.  His victory is all but ensured.
Yet, Mercedes fights on.  In itself, this is pretty awesome.  She knows she has virtually no chance of winning, but she still takes him on.  It's truly a testament to her growth, to become such a courageous, dutiful young queen.
She doesn't end up winning the battle, not without being mortally wounded herself.  She manages to defeat Onyx, much to his own bewilderment.  But as far as she is concerned, she failed.  She failed to protect her kingdom and her people.  She failed her mother.  She failed to be a proper queen.
It's so hard to watch Mercedes despair during this scene.  We as the player watched her grow throughout the game.  We watched her grow as she dealt with her mother's death, her cousin's betrayal, her new-found duties as queen, and eventually her victory in the war against Odin.  She starts as a spoiled little brat, but developed into a powerful leader that her mother could have been proud of.  And I was proud of her too, as silly as that sounds.  So to see Mercedes in such a state of anguish over her own "uselessness", for her to be unable to recognize all that she's done... It's unbelievably painful.
As all fairies must do, Mercedes must reveal her true name before she dies.  And she does.
I can't even explain how awesome it felt when she revealed her name.  As I said, this was one of the most powerful moments I've come across in gaming.  It affirmed the exact opposite of what she thought about herself--she was not only useful, but she was exactly what the world needed.  The prophecies themselves stated that Mercedes would save the world from fire.  She was anything but useless.  She was the World Tree!
I only wished that Mercedes could know it before she died.  I wanted so badly to be able to reach through the screen and grab her, tell her that she wasn't useless, that she was everything that she wanted to be and more.  
But no.  She died believing that she had failed, that her own life ended without meaning.
Even so, it meant so much to me to hear her true name.
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