#I'd also be less annoyed if he were actually writing an article. but no
e77y · 26 days
Guy from my student newspaper just emailed me to ask what hot-button legislative issues young people are concerned with so he can ask a local politician about it??? At a political internship interview???? In this deep red county????????? I am the WRONG guy to ask buddy
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x04
There's no way he didn't time that, my dude was deadass waiting at his locker until she walked past so he could annoy her😭😭
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AND to show off his jacket, that's adorable🥹
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(Their progression is just so---, from this to "I would love to hear about it." POETIC CINEMA😭)
Clark showing his jacket to everyone stoppppp🥹🥹 Somebody tell him it looks good please
Lex I think you should find a less weird way to make amends, no offense👀 Yeaaahhhh I knew that would be Clark's reaction😬
Let the madness begin
"I finally understand why it never worked with Clark." ohgod "I wasn't devoted to him." OHGOD
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Nothing was going to stop Lois from writing that article after they provoked her like that, she's coming for their asses
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"Just got my headline." SEEEE (also Lois you're so cool date me pls)
I'm not ready for the next scene
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Clark wants to unexist so bad right now😭
LMAOOOOOO Clark I'm so sorry💀💀
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"The problem is, I'm not over Lana yet. Sometimes I think I never will be."
I know something that you don't😌😏
"Oh sweetheart. There's somebody out there for you. I know it."
I love that Clark is going to her for advice about this stuff😭😭
Lana got like 10 times more adorable this season wtf😭
Clark thinking she came to watch him practice, I hate to tell you this but she's dating your coach bestie💀💀
this is peak comedy actually I'm cackling PLEASEEEE
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I'm really feeling Clark's pain this episode for some reason
Clark and Lois teaming up is the content I love and deserve😌😌
no because if she looked at me like that I'd be on one fucking knee immediately LOIS CHILL😭
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I'm squealing omg look at themmmmm
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I just love the way he says her name don't ask me why
plskasjsks they're comedians
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she's so adorable I can't😭😭
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Lois being super grossed out, same bestie, same💀
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Clark I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I really am💀 The way he immediately runs to hide behind Chloe and Lois💀💀💀
"She was attacked by a crazy plumber." The way Clark just moves on from that statement LMAOOOO
"Oh, nice, Clark. You know you only have one thing to do." "Me? You're closer to the door." "Okay, so it's automatically my fault?"
full on married to each other years before they even start dating🤡🤡
His face journeys when she drags him are everything😌
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"When you were in the loft, you told me to stay away from your girl. Who were you talking about?"
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they know my weakness, they know it so well😭😭
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I'm so glad Clark and Chloe are being upfront about how they feel
"But don't worry, I'll visit." "Is that a promise or a threat?" *short pause for eye sex* *shoulder punch to defuse the tension* "See you around, Smallville"
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their episode endings are the best bc I'm just smiling like an idiot (trying not to think about the fact that she won't be there for the next 4 episodes or sth😭)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
@ivory-coronet I've kept playing TotK and oh my god do you want to hear literally every thought out of my head on the topic?
First I love all the little newspaper quests they're silly but they're fun and it's pretty nice going everywhere doing random shit that in like a third of cases are just the Yiga trying to fuck with you. I'd say Penn is useless but actually I think we're splitting the work pretty well: I do all the fieldwork and he writes the articles and gives them to Traysi! Great partnership. I just need the Gerudo Stable and I'll be done, but Ihope you can do stuff with him once the questline is over.
Also I can't help but notice you have way more of an impact on the world in a way? The NPCs remember you, they know who you are more often, I saw the two horse researchers and since I'd already talked to Malanya I got to tell the one who was interested in him that he did indeed exist, it's really really cool. And the rebuilding quests!! The Rito Village bridge! The Lookout Landing mini-stable!! The monster-control crew stuff!!! I really feel like I'm not just doing random sidequests for a reward but that I'm actually contributing to the world and the world knows it.
On the topic of the Wind Temple: it was great, you were right it didn't feel like an annoying dungeon! More like a traditional dungeon but not annoying like they usually are to me. It took me uuuh humiliatingly long to realise you had to use Tulin's gusts of wind on the turbines even though the Sage just straight up tells you to do that lol. The Sages stuff is incredible and I'm absolutely delighted by the fact that I've done a quarter of what was the main quest in BotW but I still don't know what's going to happen at the end of the game. In BotW you just knew where the final boss was and how things would more or less go from the end of the tutorial but here I'm still kind of at a loss. Like there's the Sages but there's also the Depths and the ruins in Kakariko! That said one of my friends who's also playing it said he stumbled upon the Mastersword and the final boss at random just exploring so uh. That must have been weird.
Plus on the topic of the Rito I need to be insane about this to as many people as possible because I was a Revalink kinda girl and I won't forget my roots: when Tulin gets the Great Eagle Bow after the temple... Babe that's MY bow!!! Give it to me it's MINE!!! It does 3x28 damage and it has a great design!!! I got it by beating the dungeon and saving your village almost alone last time!!!! I knew Revali and I wam/am a Champion too!!!!!! IT'S MY BOW GIVE IT BAAACK!!! Make your OWN bow Tulin!!!!! No for real I would be so happy to make a new group for the Sages and Link and make some fabric we can all wear and he can put it on his own bow someone made for him/helped him make but you gotta hand that back baby it's mine!!!!!!
Also I've been to see the Zoras as well and I'm at the entrance of the temple but not there yet so I won't say anything about the dungeon itself but 1) god Sidon.... dreamy sigh. Also 2) Yona isn't that ugly people are just mean. She's great she's sweet and she grew on me real fast. And 3) I really do not care about Finley's appearance relating to her quest in BotW I think it's some fun background stuff but I'm disappointed they didn't give her an older model like they did for Kass' kids. Like she's been waiting for that growth spurt for years now Nintendo just let her gain a few inches!!
Anyway what I want to talk about is the way they handled BotW's existence & a little bit its themes, which I personally think is the biggest flaw of the game. No mention of the Divine Beasts no mention of the towers or the shrines there's some stuff about the Calamity but it's rare I'm sooo mad like I was there for all of it!!! Why are you not saying anything!!!! We can't be forgetting history like three-five years after it happened!! I know they didn't want new players to the franchise to be lost but it's offensive Purah doesn't mention Sheikah tech when explaining the towers it's offensive the Zora chest armour's description just goes 'made by a Zora princess for her future husband' like the Zora princess in question wasn't Link's childhood best friend and he wasn't supposed to be the future husband it's offensive there's no mention of Revali anywhere except the landing is still called Revali's Landing when he had extremely similar powers to Tulin and Teba spent his childhood talking about the legendary champion to him and he has his damn bow in his back!!!!!! I'm so mad!!!! Why Nintendo why!!!
And when I said themes I meant that I'm sad the Sages are all descendants of the original Sages. Cause see the new champions all occupied the same roles as the old champions (greatest Rito warrior, Zora royalty, Gerudo chief, Goron boss (to be)) but while the others all were descendants of the OGs Teba wasn't. It said something about the characters and their villages and what they all valued. And now we're totally forgetting Revali when he's relatively recent (100 years compared to like 5 000) and had similar powers because "what if the player hasn't played BotW". Honestly it made me feel like the shitty 180 the Star Wars sequels pulled with Rey where the message was that whoever her family was didn't matter because she got to decide her own path and - oh wait no her grandpa was Palpatine it was always meant to be fuck off. Like none of them need to be related to the OG Sages but if Sidon or Riju are it's at least coherent with the fact their tribes (?) both seem to have a hereditary thing going on with their leadership. But Tulin really doesn't!! The Ritos don't work like that!! The point was hard work!!! I'm so mad about this one. Note that I don't say anything about Daruk and Yunobo because Yunobo is sweet but Daruk's personality is flatter than a sheet of paper in BotW, especially compared to AoC. I guess at least Mipha's statue is still there and they namedrop her once really badly :)))
Anway I also went to the Depths because I need that camera and it caused me worse stress than walking around Central Hyrule at the start of BotW. So. Not hyped to have to go there more.
There that's it I think but if you have more stuff to chat about don't hesitate to answer or to hit me up 👀 👀👀
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
Clover, I'd love to hear more about FRS 118 Life on Mars - or Maybe Not! It's supposed to be available again this spring and is by far my favorite FRS topic of all the interesting options
Response from Clover:
Ayyy cool! Yeah so firstly the title of this seminar “Life on Mars” can be a bit deceiving because the seminar is only very briefly about Mars. In truth, the course focuses more generally on scientific journalism. You’ll be taught by two awesome professors— Michael Lemonick and Ed Turner. Mike is a science journalist who has written for many big name publications, and Ed is a professor of astrophysics who also has had experience with the media side of science. It’s a really interesting combination, as they both have different yet extremely interesting backgrounds, have lots to share and teach, they don’t always agree with one another coming from the science vs. media sides, etc.
You come to learn through this seminar that there’s a lot that goes into science writing. You’ve got the pressure to make readers interested in your writing, but you also run the risk of exaggerating to the point of lying; you want to get news of novel cancer treatments out to the world, but don’t want to spark false hope... This honestly is only a tiny part of the complexities we talk about, but the general idea is there is so much that goes into science journalism that doesn’t always meet the eye— unless you know to look for it! Also, it covers science journalism about climate change, AI, space (where Mars ties in!), medicine, etc., divided into 4 big chunks over the semester— so it touches on all kinds of scientific topics!
Cool features of the course include really neat visitors coming to the class (we had journalists from Science, the head ‘storyteller’ from JPL, etc.) and snacks for every class. Workload is relatively low to medium level, depending on how much you want out of the course. There are tri-weekly topics, and each week you get sent 1) a list of article links to read and 2) a weekly science journal. Each week someone from the class will have to lead a discussion on #2– one week that’ll be you. The articles from #1 are not necessarily all discussed, but they follow a sub-topic of the tri-weekly theme and you spend a good chunk (~half) of class talking about them.
As for other assignments, we got 6 writing assignments throughout the semester. They ranged from 1 page journal articles (write something from a provided press release) to a fast turn-around article (we turned in our stories by midnight that class day) and even a feature story (longer article, I think 1000 words). For all but the fast-turn around, you get 1-2 weeks to work on the assignment. Definitely mangaeable. Mike grades the papers, and he can be blunt with his comments. But if you take the time to read through them (they are very detailed haha), you’ll find that you can improve on those parts of your writing and genuinely get better with time.
Final part of the course is the research paper, which is more of an academic, writing-sem-type paper comparing different journal coverage just like you do in class. Longer than other assignments, but for sure manageable.
The overall grade breakdown I believe comes out to be mostly participation in seminar (which is easy enough to do if you even just read half of the articles assigned and the weekly news one), ~6% each for your writing assignments, and then the rest is final project stuff and your grade for the weekly discussion you lead. They are nice graders for all of the participation stuff in my opinion, and even if you don’t talk all the time it doesn’t matter so long as when you do contribute, it’s valuable.
I have to say that the class is only as engaging as you make it, as it’s so heavy on discussion. Some weeks I didn’t read all the articles, which made it easier for my workload, but I didn’t gain as much from that class and it was more stressful worrying about discussing an article I hadn’t looked at. Additionally, Mike and Ed spend a good bit of time talking to you all and sharing stories from their experiences. I thought they were all really cool, relevant, real-world stories, but I guess that could be subjective. Does make for a less strenuous class even if stories aren’t your favorite thing.
I know this was probably more than you were looking for, so I’m sorry if it’s annoying to sift through for the parts you actually wanted to know about. I just thought I’d put all my info on the class down in one post for anyone else looking into taking FRS 118. If you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask.
TLDR: highly recommend! Low stress, great professors, interesting material! I have become a better consumer of science news because of this seminar! :)
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