#I'd legit take sick leave and go home but guess who's too fucked to drive right now?
nny11writes · 1 year
was being haunted so I drew a fucked up looking catra to get it out
then I drew an even more fucked up melog and stared at it until I realized I tried to draw a pony by default, then I leaned into it and made a monstrosity
You’re honor...
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I love them.
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multifandomwriter18 · 4 years
Ironhide x reader imagine ~ TF1
~Ironhide was legit my very first crush. Then he died in Dark of the moon so then I kinda was like ‘bee is kind of cute.’ Therefore that led to becoming madly in love with Bumblebee. Anyways enjoy!~
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You see being a teenager and figuring out your GMC truck isn't just a truck but an alien robot it kinda fucks your head up.
Normally you don't see a 17 year old going out on a full out alien war but hey that's just your crazy life right?
After the first war you became really good friends with Sam but sadly he had moved on with Mikaela which was cool since you had Ironhide to hang out with you.
Throughout your time with him, he had taught you a lot. Mostly about guns and bad ass missions he went on back on Cybertron which you didn't mind cause who wouldn't want to hear cool as stories about giant alien robots kicking ass?!
Tonight you were gonna pick up (name) for you and his movie date. Of course you were excited. You had always had a crush on him every since you two little kids.
The school bell takes you away from your thoughts and you grabbed your binders and you head out it (class) class.
You see (name) leaning against your locker as you smiled at him. "Hey, (name) how was class?" He asked as he chuckled. "It was good I guess. (Class) is (class)." You replied as you tucked a lock of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.
He smiled as he leaned down and kissed your cheek. "You see tonight ."
You blushed but nodded as you watched him leave. You sigh dreamily at him as you then opened your locker and grabbed your (colour and size) backpack.
You closed your locker and head out to of the school to the parking lot where Hide was parked at.
As you get to the parking lot you see a few girls making cow eyes at Hide. Heat swept through your cheeks.
Wha-what the heck is going?!
You felt angry and jealous. What?! Me jealous?!
Without anymore hesitation, feeling sick to your stomach watching the girls touch his hold you snapped.
"Hey!" They turn to look at you as you stormed at them. "Get your hands of him-my truck!" You spat as the girls side stepped as they looked at you.
"This is your truck?" The blonde one asked as you rolled your (e/c) colour eyes. "Damn right, now get your hands away from him-m-my truck!" You snapped as you stuttered the last part.
"Chill out weirdo we were just checkout the truck."
Your face went a dark shade of red. "Well I don't want you doing that again-and don't ever touch him-my truck!"
The girls whispered to each other as you glared at him, ignoring the warmth of his hood underneath your touch.
The girls walked away as you let out a shaky breath. You step away from Hide for a moment, wondering what the hell just had happened.
"You ok kid?" Hide asked through the radio as I nodded, throwing my bag onto the passenger seat before getting into the driver's side.
"So what are we gonna do tonight kid?"
You chuckled nervously, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "Oh um..well I have a..a date.." You mumble as Hide instantly pressed on the brakes nearly smashing your face against the steering wheel.
"Ironhide what the-"
"A what?!"
You worked down a swallow as you shifted in the seat. "A date..like when two humans go out together." You replied as he snorted in disgust. "Hide what the hell is wrong with you?"
He didn't reply. He started up again and drove you home.
:later that night:
As you got ready you couldn't get Ironhide out of your head.
Why did he act like that?
You shook your head side to side trying to get Hide out of your head. You then added some makeup to your face.
A little bit of coverup. Mascara and eye liner. You then went to your closet and pulled out a pair of (colour) jeans, a (colour) t-shirt and your (colour) jean jacket.
You pulled on ankle socks and your (colour) Vans. You grabbed your purse, phone and wallet. You brushed your hair and left it down.
You take in a deep breath before heading down the stairs and giving your parents a quick kiss on their cheeks. "I want you home at 11 o'clock and don't be late." Your father stated sternly as you nodded.
"Yes ok. Bye!" You run out the door and to the driveway and hopped in the driver side and Ironhide grumbled something before starting up and the radio played one of your favourite songs.
"I want to hold you when I'm not suppose to. When I'm lying next to someone else. Your stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it. I could do it all again. I know I'd go back to you!" You sang out as you hummed the rest of the lyrics as you pulled into (name's) driveway and he steps out from his porch.
As he went to open the passenger door it wouldn't budge. "Hey um..(y/n) the doors locked." You raised a brow as you clicked the unlock button but it locked again.
You rolled your (e/c) eyes before you leaned over and opened the door. "Sorry (name) my truck can sometimes be stupid."
He chuckled before getting in and you drive off to the movies. During the drive he reached out and you both held hands as your other hand rested on the steering wheel.
Ironhide thankfully didn't act up anymore. Part of you felt guilty for calling Hide stupid. He wasn't stupid. He meant a lot to you but sometimes he could get on your nerves.
Once you pull up to the movie theatre you find a parking spot and both you and (name) get out and in hand in hand walk to the front doors.
As you look over your shoulder, staring at Hide one last time. Why do I feel like I'm making a mistake?
:after the movie:
You pull up to his house and you smiled at him. Through out the movie you felt at ease.
Happy even. (Name) made you giggle a lot as he would put his arm around you or kiss your cheek.
He made you feel bubbly and just-God you could swoon over him, but part of you didn't feel right.
You had non-stopped thought about Hide. All you could think about was him and how you got jealous of those girls.
You thought about him getting jealous over you and (name).
"I had fun (y/n) I really did.."
You smiled as you looked at him. Your (e/c) eyes met his dark (e/c) ones.
Slowly you both leaned towards each other. You could feel the warmth of his breath against your lips. Just before (name) could kiss you, Ironhide jerked the seat forward and backwards ruining the moment.
"I'm so sorry! I don't-my truck has some issues but-"
He cut you off with a soft kiss on the cheek. "It's ok (y/n), see you tomorrow."
You blushed but nodded as he smiled at you once more before heading out and to his house.
You then kicked the radio. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you do that?!" You snapped at Hide, instantly regretting it.
Of course he didn't response so without another word you put him in drive and pulled out of (name's) driveway and down the road.
"I can't believe you right now! First you try to lock (name) out. Then you nearly throw him off the seat! What the fuck!" You yelled angrily as you clenched hard on the steering wheel.
Suddenly the truck jerks and you nearly hit face first on the steering wheel.
"CAUSE I LIKE YOU!" He snarled through the com-link throwing you off big time.
He likes me? You thought as your heart was beating out of your chest.
Ironhide pulled to the side off the road and his hologram appeared on the passenger side seat.
His hologram form was an eye full. The large body figure-muscle and all. His hair was jet black that kinda looks like a purple-silver in the faint moon light.
He wore dark jeans, a grey t-shirt that might you say cling onto his biceps. His eyes were a strikingly electric blue.
His skin was dark-like the colour of creamy coffee. Around his arms he had jet black tattoos-Cybertonian tattoos. He didn't look at me, he let out a faint sigh as he leaned over.
"Look, I hated the fact that you had that damn kid in here with you-and you didn't like those human girls checking out my alt mode.."
"Why the hell are you bringing this up now?" You hissed as more heat swept through your (skin colour) cheeks. "Why does it bother us so much if we are near or with other people?" He added on as you lowered my gaze.
"Maybe cause we're just that special?"
He groaned, dragging his hands down his face before grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him.
"God your so difficult."
"Hey-what I'm-MPH!"
In moment his lips collied with yours. Your (e/c) eyes widened at the sudden action but slowly you began to relax in his kiss.
His lips were warm and soft. Fitting perfectly against yours. You mimicked the movement of his lips for a while until he finally pulled away.
You both were out of breath, your faces both red and you couldn't help but stare at him in shock.
"Look-I don't know what I'm doing-or how to react to these emotions that I feel towards you but I know what I feel towards you is real. I like the feeling of it and if you don't-"
"-I like you too." You stuttered out as you cut him off from his sentence. You saw him tense up and his whole interior of his alt mode begin I heat up making you bite your lip at the sudden warmth.
"You do?" He asked, finally breaking he silence as you nodded, meeting his gaze.
"Yes I do."
He smirked a little as he pulled you towards him. Your face heated up a bit more. "In that case I would like to kiss you again but also ask you formally like you humans do it on earth. Will you be my girlfriend-or as we say it on Cyberton..will you be my Sparkmate?"
You smiled as you nodded eagerly. "Yes! Yes I say yes to it all." You replied cheerfully as Ironhide cupped your face and kissed you hard on the mouth.
You never had been kissed like this before. It was exhilarating! A kiss that made you want more and more.
You both broke the kiss and he smiled at you. You face flushed as you looked away.
"What are you smiling at?"
"You have two minutes before it hits 11 o'clock (nickname)"
You (e/c) eyes widened as you looked at the radio clock. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!"
You hopped off his lap and I to the driver's seat and sped down the road.
What a night eh?
Hello my little Sweetparks!
I hope you all are enjoying my imagines so far! Any thoughts of the new one shot?💗
More updates are still to come so stay tuned for more! Or please don’t be afraid to request anything! I’ll gladly take your requests!!!
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