#I'll be drawin random sometimes
redbowkid-27 4 months
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Yuh fnf doodle for tonight literally 2 in the morning
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noelbobby 8 months
Y'know, in a way I feel weird about sellin' me art, always have, but the abstracts especially. I mean, I sometimes feel weird even sharin' that stuff (I'll put the art in question 'ere so it makes sense, all this stuff 'as been previously uploaded 'ere on its own).
Like, the most obvious one is Insecurity. It's a non-literal representation of my own insecurity.
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But, even beyond such an obvious one, there's a bit of me, a moment of my existence that I can see when lookin' at every piece of abstract art I've done.
Even Z, a thing I made mostly t' look pretty an' was so immaterial to me that I gave it a random letter as a title.
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Or somethin' that was simply me 'aving fun like A Joyous Dance with a Mouse.
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I guess, in a way, this isn't new. All my art is from specifics, my Humans are created through the million small factors and whims I feel while generatin' the names an' the many I 'ave during the drawin' process too.
Like, I make a lotta deliberate choices in me NoelBobby Humans. Choices nobody else knows. Take... Jane Ledbetter.
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I made many choices with Jane, as I do for all my Humans. Her skin, her hair, her outfit and even that little scar at her mouth. A million small choices combined to make this specific woman.
Or the choices I made drawing A Tree and a Cloud.
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The colours, the way I drew the leaves and the cloud, the blue that's some sort of body of water. Many choices in this image. I could go on, but I think it's clear every choice of mine in everything I create is from the same thing that makes me abstracts.
Still, it feels different when it's abstract, I dunno 'ow. The non-literalness makes it feel more personal for some reason? I dunno.
Well, if I'm gonna get anywhere, if I'm gonna satisfy the government's need that I 'ave a job, I s'pose I 'ave t' deal wi' these feelin's. Felt good t' write this out. Should I really post this? Eh, may as well. Maybe someone else'll understand.
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honeys-bnbdc 3 years
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Fankids post featuring my nameless fanchild fer [REDACTED] along with vanillapoisons(on instagram) jurrasicshipping kid Vela(the pigtails gal)
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ink-on-the-brink 2 years
Tips for writing accents
I made a list for these a while ago but I had to update a bunch of stuff recently so I thought I'd post it.
Accents below are: southern, Scottish, German, French, Russian, Boston and Australian
Note: these tips are only found through my personal expirence and research (which is always fairly limited) so if anything's weird I apologize
Southern accent
When writing anything ending in ing ALWAYS remove the g and replace it with a '
Ex: I was sitin' watchin' my game.
Replace to (not too or two) with ta
Ex: "Trying ta work is hard. Too hard"
When they have a strong accent, replace long I's with 'Ah'
Ex: "Ah was silent and Ah hated mah life"
Note: try not to change long I's in the middle of words (such as silent). Even if it is how it sounds in real life it just makes it too hard to read
Exception: You can change the long I sound in the middle of a word if it is a name.
Contractions everywhere. Ain't, can't, don't, all of them. Use them all. Use them when you're not supposed to! Such as with its, of and than. Instead of its write s' infront of a word, insted of of write 'a at the end of a word and instead of than write 'n at the end of a wod.
Ex: "s'rather nice outside'a town. Rather stay here'n inside"
Exception: any word ending with an a can be left alone when it comes to adding 'a at the end. So so you don't have to put kinda'a. You can just leave it as kinda. Same with 'n and words like than.
Dad is called pa and mom is usually maw
Ex: "mah maw and pa are at home right now"
Replace you with ya
Ex: "ya seem to be havin' trouble"
A southern accent is rather lazy, but not written in stone. Usually when a charecter gets upset their accent might get stronger but in the case of a southern accent it actually tends to get a bit weaker. The points it gets weakest at are wherever you have them speaking with the most emphasis.
Ex: 'ya are the lowest'a the low' would change to 'you are the lowest of the low'
Exception: ALWAYS follow the ing rule. Always. No matter what.
Howdy and Y'all are still very much used all the time. Y'all is how to address any group of two or more people and howdy is how to say hi 87% of the time.
Terms of endearment are used rather flipently. Sweetheart, darling, bo, partner, you get it. So unless they're being serious(and sometimes even then), it's good to use these terms. Also southerners use these terms even when they're being mean. Sweetheart (derogatory)
Any time you're making comparisons or exaggerations use stranger terms that stay with a southern theme.
Note: exaggerations tend to be turned into comparisons.
Ex: 'Thats thing's huge!" And 'That looks like crap'
turn to
'That thing's bigger'n a tornado in a cornfield!' And 'That looks worse'n a chicken in a fox house'
Mom and dad are maw and da
Write me instead of my
'me da was a great man'
Instead of you write ye (for emphasis) or yeh (when relaxed). Also write yer instead of your.
Ex: "yeh've never seen me hair before?" Or "ye better keep yer damn trap shut boyo"
Follows the same ing rule as a sothern accent. Always get rid of the g and replace it with '
Ex: "We were drawing, writing and singing"
turns to
"We were drawin', writin' and singin'"
Men are lads and woman are lasses
"The lads and lasses are dancin'"
Little turns to wee
Ex: "she was a wee lass" or "just a wee bit more"
When you have anything with a 't contraction, keep the from half of the word and replace the 't with nnae
Ex: "can't, don't and isn't" turn into "cannae, donnae and isnnae"
Note: 'going to' also applied to this rule as gonnae
When ow is at the end of a sentence and it makes and oh sound, replace it with a.
Ex: "window, elbow and arrow" turn into "winda, elba and arra"
And, of course, there are a lot of random Scottish words and specific expression. The one's I have I'll list here, but I'm sure there is a LOT more.
Yer bums out the winda - you're not making sense
Backy - smoke, tobacco
Ball bag - insult
Bonnie - lovely, beautiful, sweet
Balloon - idiot
Bairn - child
Boggin - dirty
Crabbit - grumpy
Daftie - light insult
Bowfing - heavy insult, ugly
Steamin - drunk
Mink - gross person
Numpty - idiot (light insult)
Skelp - to hit lightly
W sounds are replaced with v sounds
Ex: "we are one team" turns to "ve are vone team"
Th sounds are replaced by z sounda
Ex: "that thing over there" turns to "zat zing over zere"
When at the beginning of a word, s sounds turn to sh sounds
Ex: "seashells are super small" turns to "sheashells are shuper shmall"
Y sounds turn to J sounds
Ex: "you know you like New York" turns to "jou know jou like New Jork"
Again Th sounds turn to z sounds
Ex: "that thing over there" turns to "zat zing over zere"
H sounds are silent and thus are replaced with '
Ex: "her hair is highlighted" turn to "'er 'air is 'ighlighted"
Note: there are still h's in the sentence but they are already silent so you shouldn't remove them.
Small i sounds should be replaced by an ee sound
Ex: "the little man had kittens and kicks" turns to "the leetle man had keetens and keecks"
Similar to a German accent, the w sounds are replaced by v sounds
Ex: "we are one team" turns to "ve are vone team"
Boston accent
Th sounds are replaced by d sounds
Ex: "that thing over there" turns to "dat ding over dere"
Another repeat of the ing rule, however this can be ignored liberally. So you can use it all the time, none of the time or only half the time and it still remains the same.
Ex: "We were drawin', writin' and singin'"
Another use of lot of contractions, however you don't want to make any new ones up here. Just use them whenever there's a chance to.
Ex:"I will not, but why can I not?" Turns to "I won't but why can't I?"
An Australian accent is mostly just slang words so if you're trying to write this I suggest you just look up a bunch of those words and use them. However I still have a few basic rules.
Long I sounds are replaced with oi.
Ex: "I think nice people are liars" turns to "Oi think noice people are loiars"
Note: when it comes to y's that make a long I sound, just put an o in front of the y
Ex: "why is it my time to cry" turns to "whoy is it moy toime ta croy"
Replace to (not too or two) with ta
Ex: "Troying ta work is hard. Too hard"
The ing rule is back. Replace that g with a '. And again, it can be used liberally. Sometimes, all the time or none of the time. Just depending on how thick the accent is.
Ex: "We were drawin', wroitin' and singin'"
And that's it! I hope this was able to help a few of you since having it all written down most defiantly helps me.
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ewwwabug 2 years
hi im pela im adult, disabled intersex bi and aroace
I don't like telling random people from the Internet about my illnesses, just know that I use my art to cope with pain
about my content: I am finger artist. I draw in Ibis paint x (I use phone to draw) and ms paint (I use touchpad to draw) also I make games sometimes with my ocs... I dream of creating something more normal and playable some day
I draw some weird shit, gore/creepy, just ugly art, my content may be triggering and suggestive sometimes but I'll never draw lolisho, feral nsfw, hate speech and rpf
minors dni - any adult game fanart (like adult visual novels ect). block if you are minor
nsft - me drawin poarn. i dont draw it much and dont post fulls here but still block if you are minor. warning: i dont tag as nsft my drawings of naked ppl if it doesnt mean anything sexual (for example breastfeeding) if you dont want to see nudity at all block the tag "nudity" as well
loveless biker boys - my finished novel
wild biker boys or wild loveless biker boys - another finished novel
rival biker boys - game I'm planning
the bloody cultist - in development :] dev blog, demo
777verse - other ocs of my au
brothers time - my brother ocs
me myself i - art of pelapaul
pela talks unfortunately - textpost/shitpost
about fan content:
im ok with: drawing my characters (actually I don't mind any kind of creativity, whether it's drawing or something else);
making au's, headcanons (no radqueer headcanons please) ect;
making fan lbb/wbb/rbb ocs; this may help!!!
kinning my characters (why not?);
drawing/writing nsfw stuff with my adult characters;
shipping my characters (and shipping your characters with mine! I don't mind nsfw stuff as well, but please don't do this if you are a minor!);
using my art for profile pic (with ocs) or something like that (you don't have to credit me).
im not ok with: drawing/writing nsfw of my minor characters (you don't know my characters yet who are minors, but I will definitely introduce you to all my characters!) or making nsfw stuff of your minor characters with mine... sorry it makes me uncomfortable;
classic stuff like tracing/plagiarism/stealing ocs/ect im ok with inspo tho;
creating merch with my characters without my permission and making money on my art.
my other blog @ewww777 (reblog stuff)
other socials: insta vk sfw twitter nsfw twitter telegram (nsfw)
my dni: - i block people who are i think are mean or stupid or dangerous like maps/zoosads, homophobic, ableist ect i block freely
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