#I'll be over here being sentimental af
roalinda · 1 year
Prongsfoot microfic entry for April @prongsfoot-microfic
2. Chosen
(+ March 11 , Similar)
James was in the kitchen reading a muggle cookbook intently when the doorbell rang. 
He stiffened. They were not expecting a guest, not now at least. It was too soon. He peered into the corridor, checking the huge Pendulum clock. There was a shooting star between the shining constellations, one that was as crimson as Mars. Despite the clock belonging to Sirius with his vast astronomical knowledge, James was educated enough to sense that their guest was young and passionate. 
"I'll get it," Sirius called dismissively, as if it was Halloween and he was going to hand out candy to the kids next door. 
James shuddered. He didn't like Halloween…not at all.
What he didn't expect was Sirius entering the kitchen with a tall young man who had red hair and freckles and was a bit dazed. If he had another kid with Lily, they would have probably ended up looking like that.
His voice was boyish, no older than twenty. James felt his chest tighten with grief, bitter memories running through his head, stinging like ice burn.  
"Not quite, but close enough. I am James, Harry's father," he smiled or at least tried to. It was awkward, introducing himself to someone nearly as young as himself like that. Not everyone had a son who was seventeen at twenty one. 
Thankfully, Sirius, the ever political Black, took over. "James, this is Fred, Fred Weasley. Fred, this is James Potter, Harry's father and my best friend." He introduced James formally.
"Fuck, did George prank me into drinking some weird potion?" Fred murmured, frowning slightly. "That should be it…."
James glanced at Sirius and he sighed, sympathetically. "You are not pranked," he whispered softly and put a mug of coffee in front of him, trying to soothe Fred's nerves and James couldn't help but to fall in love with him, once again, once more. Despite his arrogance, Sirius had a soft heart made of pure golden marshmallow. 
"You are dead."
"What…wait…huh…I have to get Georgie…" babbled Fred frantically, suddenly remembering the battle. He had been fighting in one of the secret passageways along with George, why had he ended up here? 
"What's this…Sirius, is that really you?" gasped Fred with a sudden grasp on reality, fear evident in his eyes.
Funny how Sirius' now handsome and haughty face was more shocking than being dead to Fred. James would have laughed if rage was not ruining him and his already rotten corpse, remembering what Azkaban had done to his lover. 
"The one and only," Sirius nodded in good humour and James shook his head regretfully at Fred's expression. Accepting death was hard, a bitter pill to swallow. He didn't blame Fred for being so shocked.
"Does…does this mean George will be alone now?" 
James winced. This was the hardest part for souls who had unique bonds, strong enough to make one crippled without the other, a blessing and a curse. He chewed on his bottom lip, remembering how he had freaked out when he had died. How he had watched helplessly as a hysterical Sirius was thrown into Azkaban. How desperate he had been to help him through his quest to get Harry.
"No," Sirius' voice was clipped. "He will not be alone. He will be lonely." 
James took over swiftly. He knew Sirius enough to realize his eyes were wet, because the painful experience that George was about to get through was far too familiar for him.
"Every witch or wizard who passes on, has a greeter to help them to recover from shock. We are yours." 
Fred was now looking at him with eyes like saucers and James didn't blame him. "Let me put it this way, we were chosen to be yours, not because you are my son's friend or acquaintances with Sirius but because the bond we share is similar to yours with your twin, not the same notion but just as deep." 
"and of course because you're a legendary prankster like us," Sirius cut through his sentimental speech. "Messrs. Padfoot and Prongs hereby welcome you to the afterlife."
Fred was clearly under double shock now. James threw Sirius a dirty but amused look. "Yes, I'm Prongs, one of the creators of the Marauder's Map along with Padfoot, Sirius I mean. Good job finding the password by the way." He nodded approvingly.
"You can stay with us until it's George's time. It will hurt less with company. We solemnly swear that we're up to no good here," teased Sirius lightly and pushed the coffee mug in between Fred's hands who nodded, still bewildered yet more accepting. 
James grinned and Sirius stole a quick kiss as they both left the kitchen, leaving Fred with his own thoughts for a bit, knowing he needed time to process and ponder.
"Mischief managed, love." 
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shinra-makonoid · 2 years
My long week-end is over and I have some time to get back to normal before tomorrow when I'll be working. It went overall really great, I had almost no issue staying with him the whole time (which is a never seen thing happening). He got sick tho and I got what he got so I'm praying it's not covid but it's only my throat bothering me right now so finger crossed.
Sentimentally I was incapable of saying I love you even one even tho I did want to say it at some point, I just kept pushing it back. I did feel it tho but I'm just anxious as fuck about everything. I feel like if I do say it then it means I need to commit to something that I'm not sure I feel. I felt a lot of guilt for being trans, but not because of him, just because of me and thinking he deserved better, and I felt a lot of dysphoria over it. I found his face weird at first but my body doesn't mind kissing him or anything at all (to the contrary), it's strange af. Usually I'm like super anxious over smell and face and all, here it didn't matter at all, even if everything wasn't perfect I was into him.
I felt super bad when we parted ways, to the point I bought alcohol because I just didn't want to stay sober. It made me freak out and all, I guess it's some unresolved stuff going on. I feel like fleeing like 90% of the time, but I think it'll be like this for as long as my brain is not rewired correctly regarding love relationships. It's really uncomfortable, but I'm not listening to it to the best of my ability.
TMI under cut
Sexually we didn't go very far but it was super hot. I found ways to stimulate myself without being touched directly that really was good. It is a bit shameful and crushing to think that I need to use a tool to get anal sex which he was looking forward to, but the last night he was too sick to do anything. Dysphoria was the main issue with myself tbh, not that it ruins everything, but it did ruin a lot of things for me. :/
I thought about how I didn't feel frustrated even tho I never reached climax at all in any of our sessions (neither did he and that made me anxious af), and how strange it was to naturally be so drawn to being "top" (which was my first time trying it for real). Like it made so much sense to me but my biological body just doesn't follow and that's probably the most painful thing in my existence overall. It really cemented the idea of getting phalloplasty because I don't want to live like that forever actually. I don't think tools will make that feeling go away ever.
Honestly with past relationships being so bad I thought I'd have much more issues with everything, but actually not at all, it was perfect and I felt safe.
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chemistink · 3 years
Happy New Year
This year [and last year honestly] have been weird for me. I remember being so hyped about my 2019. I accomplished a huge milestone by attending 19 concerts in the year. I got to see one of my favorite bands that next January. And then 2020 turned into this fever dream that I never thought I would wake up from. We managed though. The spouse bought his dream car, I got him a specialty plate for it... That's all I remember. 2021 had been about the same until one fateful day in the summer when I decided to finally bite the bullet and watch an anime from the early 2000s. I think I made it all the way through Second Stage of Initial D before I decided to rabbit hole on AO3 and Tumblr. But what a wonderful place to be, finding the fandom here and just... finding all of you. I consumed every bit of IniD fics out there, I even got into writing some [current count of drafts is 94 but they're not all exclusively IniD] and I found myself again. I wish this were like discord, where I could @ everyone and let you all know that I'm thinking about you guys.
But truthfully, @steakrogers @loonatic-moon @twilighthomunculus @dentixvoxel @fadefromthelight @bellygunnr @akaashiscupofwater @haikyuuublog @indigolily117 @gaysuke-takahashi @marferino-fd @fangcyclonelunaheat @toffiendfee @koushisawamura09 @aliens-took-my-iwa-chan
Seeing your names come across my notifs on my phone on the regular and getting to go through them when I'm at work makes the day better. I get to laugh, I get to show my coworkers, I even quote little things throughout the day [even though no one else gets it but it makes me laugh]
You guys have made the entire year of 2021 worth it by just being there for these last three months. You brought me back to myself, back to my writing, back to what I enjoy the most. I even gave up all the other social media to come back to the hellscape of Tumblr because why bother trudging through the nonsense of facebook when I could be here, having fun with you. I'm endlessly grateful for you and I hope that the new year finds you with the same wonderful gifts you guys have blessed me with. [But I've seen your art, your writings, your talent. You guys are absolutely phenomenal so I just hope the new year provides you with the strength and energy to continue doing what you do! That way I get to enjoy all of the wonderful content you create.]
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Canyon Moon = Joni Mitchell's Carey
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This kinda became a bigger than anticipated Harry's Fine Line x Joni Mitchell collection, but with emphasis on Canyon Moon x Carey. A lot of bits have been posted before as part of a bigger Canyon Moon analysis but I just wanted to extract the Carey bit because it's been a while and I still just love it so so so much. I'm also gonna go as far as my brain will let me to attack you with as many parallels with her music as possible (it's a lot)
Canyon Moon lyric breakdown x Joni Mitchell (mainly Carey), how Harry has talked about it, and more parallels under the cut:
Someone else can pay close attention and come back to tell me how beautiful this all is and how the sentiments all nicely align and stuff, I'm just gonna go what I do best and dumbdumb point at similar keywords instead and you can see the beauty in the words as we go without my describing it because I do not know how have fun:
You gotta see it to believe it Sky never looked so blue
Okay keep cloudless skies in mind, I'll go over it later
We're not starting off strong here, because this is generic af to mention blue skies or even just a color, but if he's really channeling Joni Mitchell's Blue and her being the lady of the Canyon in here, which I think he is, the mention of Blue not just here but in 2 contexts with the "doors yellow broken blue" later on in the song is a nice little nudge right? Blue is full of blue (girl you're going in circles). Most of her songs mention blue, often to describe feeling low.
With these parallels I'm keeping in a lot of surrounding text just because I love it all too much. "blue" (word) lines in Blue (the album):
Then we both get so blue (followed by: I am on a lonely road and I am traveling) - All I Want
We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall keeping us tied and true. My old man keeping away my blues. He's my sunshine in the morning, he's my fireworks at the end of the day - My Old Man
He went to California hearing that everything's warmer there so you write him a letter and say, "Her eyes are blue" He sends you a poem and she's lost to you. Little green - Little Green
[interestingly no Blue in Carey]
Just the entirety of the song Blue but: Blue, songs are like tattoos, You know I've been to sea before, Crown and anchor me or let me sail away // Blue, I love you - Blue
And the streets are full of strangers, All the news of home you read just give you the blues - California.
And that's just side 1 of Blue.
So hard to leave it That's what I always do
Oh, you know it sure is hard to leave here, Carey But it's really not my home - Carey
So I keep thinking back to A time under the canyon moon
(+You gotta see it to believe it, sky never looked so blue)
Rows and floes of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons everywhere I've looked at clouds that way But now they only block the sun They rain and snow on everyone So many things I would have done But clouds got in my way I've looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down, and still somehow It's cloud illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels The dizzy dancing way you feel As every fairy tale comes real I've looked at love that way - Both Sides Now
Colors up the sunshine hours Pouring music down the canyon Coloring the sunshine hours They are the ladies of the canyon - Ladies of the Canyon
But there's also just Carey again, as if Canyon Moon is thinking back to the time described in Carey:
The night is a starry dome. And they're playin' that scratchy rock and roll Beneath the Matala Moon - Carey
The world's happy waiting Doors yellow, broken, blue
Okay I'm gonna go a bit cray here, but a parallel is a parallel... so on the album Ladies Of The Canyon you got Blue Boy, that ends in standing in a door, followed by Big Yellow Taxi, with a yellow door:
Lady called the blue boy, love, she took him home // He will come a few times more till he finds a lady statue standing in a door in her door, oh - Blue Boy (I kinda just removed all the context of the song here and I hate it but this post is a book pretty much with all the lyrics my god)
Late last night I heard the screen door slam And a big yellow taxi took away my old man - Big Yellow taxi
I heard Jenny saying "Go get the kids from school"
(there really isn't a parallel here but I'm doing it anyway)
Just a little green like the color when the spring is born There'll be crocuses to bring to school tomorrow - Little Green
I'll be gone too long from you
Maybe it's been too long a time - Carey
Staring at the ceiling Two weeks and I'll be home
Last night I couldn't sleep (Oh, you know it sure is hard to leave here Carey but it's really not my home) - Carey
Carry the feeling
or is it Carey the feeling hmMMMm yeah
im good
Through Paris, all through Rome
Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam or maybe I'll go to Rome - Carey
And I miss my clean white linen and my fancy French cologne - Carey
Sitting in a park in Paris, France // But I wouldn't wanna stay here // Oh, but California, California I'm coming home - California
(I'll copypaste a bunch of Paris lyrics later on)
I'm going, oh, I'm going I'm going, oh, I'm going I'm going, oh, I'm going home
Oh, but California, California I'm coming home - California
Quick pause in conversation She plays songs I've never heard An old lover's hippie music Pretends not to know the words
And rent me a grand piano and put some flowers 'round my room But let's not talk about fare-thee-wells now The night is a starry dome. And they're playin' that scratchy rock and roll Beneath the Matala Moon - Carey
Colors up the sunshine hours Pouring music down the canyon Coloring the sunshine hours They are the ladies of the canyon - Ladies of the Canyon
This really reminds me of this live version of Carey:
But besides her quick pauses in conversations, playing her old lover's hippie music pretending not to know the words lol, I just think this is a nod to maybe the people he's met on his journey chasing his inspirations and maybe even more specifically that dulcimer (mentioned in the Rolling Stone bit below) and you know.. all that. If you read the rbit below, it looks like he also brought up Stevie Nicks in regards to this song, and I can't help relate this bit to her as well.
I'm done making links of which half are probably just not it and are effectively drowning out the bits that very much are it, sucks to be them, anyway, now we're going to the part where he just told us Canyon Moon is Carey's baby. You can hear it, you can see it, but he also pretty much said it. He’s described being obsessed with Blue as being “in a big Joni hole”, and talked about it specifically relating to Canyon Moon. Or at least, it's implied in this Rolling Stone interview as its under that heading there(pasting paste all the mentions here but it's a bit repetitive):
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I do think he called Canyon Moon "Crosby, Stills, and Nash on steroids" because of its sound and not necessarily because of the following, but I find it very very interesting how Carey is the only song on Blue with Stills credits:
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Some more Joni related rambling:
His Joni hole seems to date all the way back to at least 2013, with the famous tweet:
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Also the way the song’s called Canyon Moon. Even without her mentions of Canyons and Moons in her lyrics I’d of course place my bets on that referring to the Laurel Canyon because of its link with an old lover’s hippie music from the Laurel Canyon and Ladies of the Canyon’s Joni Mitchell.
And man don't you just love the tracklist of Blue, Carey there between My Old Man + Little Green and Blue all fine ALL FINE:
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And I just want to point out that Blue is in itself doing this whole trick with colors (blue, green, black, silver and white, and perhaps more notably the lack of others), with the color blue (mostly used to describe loneliness) mentioned in all songs on side 1 with the only exception being Carey.
As for other parallels with this album and Fine Line, there’s loads, perhaps California being second closest to Canyon Moon besides Carey, and also this recurrent mention of café’s (and the way it’s mentioned [in relation to a relationship going (not) well and (not) meeting there kinda thing] just makes me think of the beachwood café line). Then in terms of sound I’d say Canyon Moon comes close to Carey (yep again) and Big Yellow Taxi, which Harry covered:
If you're not sick of the parallels and being all over the place yet (man you got some spare braincells there if you're not) let's just drag in all of fine line:
1. Fine Line x Both Sides Now is a big one.
2. You're something to hang up in a gallery or something:
Tired eyes are the death of me, Mouth full of toothpaste, Before I got to know you, I've got your face, Hung up high in the gallery, Out of this shade - Sunflower vol 6
vs (sorry I'm having a hard time not including any of these lyrics I know it's a lot a lot:)
When I first saw your gallery I liked the ones of ladies. Then you began to hang up me, You studied to portray me, In ice and greens and old blue jeans and naked in the roses, then you got into funny scenes that all your work discloses // "Lady, don't love me now I am dead I am a saint, turn down your bed I have no heart," that's what you said You said, "I can be cruel but let me be gentle with you" // I gave you all my pretty years then we began to weather and I was left to winter here while you went west for pleasure // When I first saw your gallery I liked the ones of ladies but now their faces follow me and all their eyes look shady - The Gallery
3. Golden but we're also caught in a devils bargain requiring an antidote and also we gotta get back to the sunlit garden bro:
Golden, golden, golden, As I open my eyes, Hold it, focus, hoping, Take me back to the light // I can feel it take a hold, I can feel you take control, Of who I am and all I've ever known, Loving you's the antidote - Golden
We are stardust, Billion year old carbon, We are golden, Caught in the devil's bargain and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden - Woodstock
4. Cafe's used as a physical place to describe how a relationship is (no longer) going well:
And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you, And the coffee's out, At the Beachwood Cafe, And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say - Falling
He brings me songs to play. He sees me when he pleases I see him in cafes and I only say hello and turn away before his lady knows how much I want to see him, She removes him like a ring to wash her hands, She only brings him out to show her friends, I want to free him - Conversation
Come on down to the Mermaid Café and I will buy you a bottle of wine // Oh Carey, get out your cane I'll put on my finest silver, We'll go to the Mermaid Café Have fun tonight I said, oh, you're a mean old Daddy, but you're out of sight - Carey
And I said, "Constantly in the darkness Where's that at? If you want me I'll be in the bar" - A Case Of You
I don't want nobody comin' over to my table, I got nothing to talk to anybody about, All good dreamers pass this way some day, Hidin' behind bottles in dark cafés, dark cafés, Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away, Only a phase, these dark café days - the Last time I Saw Richard
/ being free:
I deal in dreamers and telephone screamers Lately I wonder what I do it for If I had my way I'd just walk through those doors And wander down the Champs-Élysées Going café to cabaret Thinking how I'll feel when I find That very good friend of mine I was a free man in Paris I felt unfettered and alive Nobody was calling me up for favors No one's future to decide You know I'd go back there tomorrow But for the work I've taken on Stoking the star-maker machinery Behind the popular song - Free Man In Paris
Downtown The dance halls and cafes Feel so wild you could break somebody's heart Just doing the latest dance craze Gail and Louise In those push up brassieres Tight dresses and rhinestone rings Drinking up the band's beers Young love was kissing under bridges Kissing in cars Kissing in cafes - In France They Kiss On Main Street
5. Just songs that scream Harry?
Blue? the song? in its entirety? I absolutely see him drowning himself in this treasure:
Blue Songs are like tattoos You know I've been to sea before Crown and anchor me Or let me sail away
Hey, blue There is a song for you Ink on a pin Underneath the skin An empty space to fill in
Well, there's so many sinking now You gotta keep thinking You can make it through these waves Acid, booze, and ass Needles, guns, and grass Lots of laughs
Lots of laughs
Everybody's saying that Hell's the hippest way to go Well, I don't think so But I'm gonna take a look around it, though Blue, I love you
Blue, there is a shell for you Inside you'll hear a sigh A foggy lullaby Thеre is your song from me
And CONVERSATION? Don't imagine these songs comforting Harry man I'm crying in a corner. And again, this song has loads of parallels to Canyon Moon. I think, besides Carey, this one's has got to be a huge inspiration as well.
Conversation (from Ladies of the Canyon)
He comes for conversation I comfort him sometimes Comfort and consultation He knows that's what he'll find
I bring him apples and cheeses He brings me songs to play He sees me when he pleases I see him in cafes
And I only say, "Hello" And turn away before his lady knows How much I wanna see him She removes him like a ring To wash her hands She only brings him out to show her friends I wanna free him
Secrets and sharing soda That's how our time began Love is a story, told to a friend It's second hand
But I'll listen to his questions I'll give my answers when they'rе found He says she keeps him guessing But I know shе keeps him down
She speaks in sorry sentences Miraculous repentances I don't believe her Tomorrow he will come to me And he'll speak his sorrows endlessly And he'll ask me why Why can't I leave her?
He comes for conversation I comfort him sometimes Comfort and consultation He knows that's what he'll find He knows that's what he'll find
I'm almost done but, CALIFORNIA? Another one man, really:
Sitting in a park in Paris, France Reading the news and it sure looks bad They won't give peace a chance That was just a dream some of us had Still a lot of lands to see But I wouldn't wanna stay here It's too old and cold and settled in its ways here
Oh, but California California, I'm coming home I'm gonna see the folks I dig I'll even kiss a sunset pig California, I'm coming home
I met a redneck on a Grecian isle Who did the goat dance very well He gave me back my smile But he kept my camera to sell Oh, the rogue, the red, red rogue He cooked good omelets and stews And I might have stayed on with him there
But my heart cried out for you, California Oh, California, I'm coming home Oh, make me feel good rock 'n roll band I'm your biggest fan California, I'm coming home
Oh, it gets so lonely When you're walking And the streets are full of strangers All the news of home you read Just give you the blues Just give you the blues
So I bought me a ticket I got on a plane to Spain Went to a party down a red dirt road There were lots of pretty people there Reading Rolling Stone, reading Vogue They said, "How long can you hang around?" I said a week, maybe two Just until my skin turns brown
Then I'm going home to California California, I'm coming home Oh, will you take me as I am? Strung out on another man California, I'm coming home
Oh, it gets so lonely When you're walking And the streets are full of strangers All the news of home you read More about the war And the bloody changes
Oh, will you take me as I am? Will you take me as I am? Will you? Will you take me as I am? Mmm, mmm Take me as I am, mmm
So yeah, Joni Mitchell, man. Good stuff.
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syubub · 4 years
Now, I know I've already done an energy check up on yoon but I wanted to see how he was doing now that he's gotten his shoulder surgery!
Disclaimer time: tarot is not to be takes as fact and is my interpretation if the cards :) entertainment purposes only~
SHIT IS STRANGE (it is Yoongi though so I'm not too shocked)
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So. For starters, his energy is pretty calm and chill. He's also a bit more quiet?
I wrote a note that tomorrow is exciting... idk I wrote it down and I'm not sure if its exciting for him or for us? Maybe its just a general like, "tomorrow is a good day" type thing.
Now. 11... I wrote this down and I'm not sure why though I believe that he might be seeing 11:11 on the clock or possibly that something exciting is happening for him at 11:11 (I just checked and thats in like an hour and a half from when I'm writing this down(( update i just finished writing the whole post and it is about 11 minutes away)) idk. I make no promises but I wrote it down so there you go.
I also kept seeing plants and I'm not sure if people got him flowers or plants as a "get well" type thing or maybe he's stressing bc someone has to water his plants lol
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Black bean noodles. It popped into my head and I was told to write it down but I'm also really hungry so take that with a grain of fucking salt. (I even pictured a nice elaborate bowl that was red as well as the take out container. Yum. Send me noodles)
Here's the actual reading lol. He is bored.
Thats all. Thank you for coming.
I joke. The cards give me a kind of frazzled feeling? Its the struggle of knowing hes done something good but it comes at a cost. Yoongi works. A lot. All the goddamn time. So what now? He's having this shake up thats forcing him to deal with stuff. Him having this surgery also may have brought back some less than favorable memories/ feelings that hes being forced to deal with now. Over all though he feels like its good. The 6 of wands makes me think that he's thinking of our response when he comes back. Its like he's gonna be so much more confident in himself and his dancing and he can finally move on from the car accident? It happed so long ago but he literally carried this burden with him. Its good. The wheel of fortune and is about a change and the 8 of swords is about self imposed restriction, imprisonment and over all bad/ negative feelings. I pulled the wheel of fortune first and asked what was changing and that was the 8 of swords. This surgery is helping to free him from this restricting, painful thing that may have been reminding him of the past! YES HEALING
Now. For this section I just kinda asked "whats up?" And got, easy does it, divine life purpose l, balancing masculine and feminine energies and uplift your thoughts. He may be resting but he's got his mind working on 3,000 my dude. Its the regular "yoongi is woke af" bullshit but damn. The cards say what they say. He's preparing. I'll come back to this.
Now the 7 of cups and the 3 of swords. I asked how he felt about missing out on promoting. He's heart broken with the 3 of swords. It genuinely pains him. And with the 7 of cups he might feel like there's a lot of ways this can play out and he's considered a lot of options.
I was curious how he felt about me coming into his energy so I asked him what he thought of me. Lol. These each came out separately. We got, 2 of cups, four of wands, the empress, justice, the magician, the sun and the lovers. Ha
So. To add to the mood setting my guide said "he's a drama queen" lol yeah he is.
So so so so so. I was confused? Still am a little confused but I'm like 80.9% sure that he isn't bothered by me poking around in his energy n shit. In fact my theory is that he's using this connection to his advantage? Lol sounds dumb but my best guess is that home boy sees my energy/ what I'm doing as a way to figure out his own shit? Idk maybe he thinks I'm his energetic therapist. Maybe even a matchmaker (I mean... I have been putting a lot of energy and work into finding/ connecting with his soulmate so maybe he's letting me do all the dirty work) I really don't understand but I got no further explanation.
Oki oki oki. Now. I was drawn to 2 books. The kybalion and the prophet. I asked yoon if there was any messages that we wanted to point out through the books and I got a number for each book so I took it as page numbers. 28 for the prophet and 54 for the kybalion
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Take what you will from these if it calls to you. I haven't read these since I was around 13? The sentiments for each felt important to me so I'm curious what you all might think/ feel when reading these? ( I also get the feeling that Yoongi has read the prophet idk why)
Okay. At this point I was like cool, let's wrap this up but I need to talk about his pjs? Green/grey? Plaid pj bottoms don't ask me don't ask me don't ask me I don't know but It wouldn't go away so I had write it down? Help.
I had written yoongis brother down too. Theres something about him? I'm not sure what but thats all I got lol
I was very strongly told that I needed to remember 7, that its important. Got it. Worth it down.
Oki. As I was going back to the platform blah blah blah the string turned blue too. The cord is usually white or silver but it was blue so that was a fun thing and then I was like "nice. Cool. Thanks. This was awesome, get healthy blah blah" and go to leave/ end the connection but the cord wouldn't go away.
Then the string (idk if I said but that string shit is like on the third eye? Its connected to my forehead and his too.) Kind tightens.
I'm like, "oh shit."
Listen. Usually everything is smooth and nice and I just leave.
All is well though bc my guide is like, "stop being a little bitch" so I just let it happen.
Yoon shoves me back off the edge of the platform. Why he gotta be like that?
Now. This is strange. I had dropped down into a library.
I almost shit my fucking pants. Dear god.
He started walking me around until he found a blue book. His mother fucking book.
Home boy brought me to his fucking Akashic fucking blue fucking book.
I was big mad. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER! YOUVE KNOWN ABIUT THIS SHIT?" And he was like, "duh"
I've never felt more disrespect lol
Also the way the library was presented was way way way different from how it looks to me. So thats an interesting note. Looking at his book, on the base of the spine is a number 7...
Oki. Cool. I asked if I could look and he said, "Sure, when you can find your way back."
This mother fucker threw me out of a meditative state. Have you ever woken up just before you hit the ground in one of those falling dreams? THAT WAS THE FEELING.
?? I'm not sure what the fuck just happened or if it holds actual significance.
Anyway. After cursing the fuck out of yoobi I started thinking what else 7 ment.
I was specifically told to remember 7 and it was on his book. Then It popped into my head (I want to say its because I'm smart and thought of it all by myself but I think that was my guide wanting me to keep my last brain cell safe). What is yoongis life path number?
Now I don't know shot about life path numbers but imma read up on them tonight. I used a life path calculator on Google. HIS LIFE PATH NUMBER IS 7 Y'ALL.
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Maybe I'm dumb as fuck but yoobi never disappoints.
Conclusion: Yoon is fine. Hes just being a yoongi and a yoongi does.
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⬆️Me after this reading⬆️
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⬆️ Yoongi rn playing 12D chess⬆️
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