#insert gross sobbing gif here
lululeighsworld · 6 months
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"Softly, softly, he hummed an old soldier's cadence as her fists balled in his hair by the nape of his neck."
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
Slipping Away ~ Part 27
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This is part 27 of the poly series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader x Robin
Word Count: 4261
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 17 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
!!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc (through episode 307).
Summary: More dangers block your path as the Straw Hats keep pushing to free Robin. Help arrives in unexpected ways.
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Polyamory, Canon Typical Violence, Blood, Injuries, (Including Reader), Pet Names, Cigarettes (they're gross, don't smoke), Swearing, Angst, Fear, Heights, Nausea, Throwing Up (just heaving, nothing comes out), Drowning, Reader is not doing great, Dizziness, Explosions, Fear of Death, Hurt/Comfort
A/N: Hi y'all, I'm so sorry about the wait! These chapters following the arc have been taking me longer, and I got distracted with other stories/requests. But I'm here now! The next update will be out within a week, as well as an extra scene. Thank you so much for being patient with me 🙏🏼🖤
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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Blood splattered on the ground as Usopp dragged himself to all fours, his wrecked body stiff, yet shaking.
“I’m sorry, Sanji,” he coughed, more blood spreading around him. “I tried, but I couldn’t…”
A silent sob left your throat as Nami struggled to guide your pathetic, limp body. Your limbs were dead after clinging for your life for so long, and you hated that you couldn’t help Usopp off the ground.
“You’re alive, that’s what matters,” Sanji declared, his voice rough with emotion. Water dripped from his blonde hair as his eyes flicked to you for a moment, before comforting your friend. “Everyone has things that they can do and things that they can’t.”
The lump in your throat did not help to reduce your frustration at your uselessness. 
“Yeah, but,” Usopp mumbled, the wobble in his voice like a punch to the gut.
“Look outside,” Sanji commanded, Pointing through the gaping hole in the stone wall. The sight of those massive gates fell like a weight on your heart. A weight that stole your breath as it started to open, the huge metal slabs moving slowly, but not slowly enough.
“Robin,” Nami whispered, saying the name that you couldn’t with your dry throat.
“If those gates open up, and Robin goes through them,” Sanji warned, “we won’t have any way to follow her. She’ll cross waters infested with sea kings, then there’s the undersea prison, or the navy headquarters. Everywhere on the other side of those gates is beyond our reach. We’ll lose her forever.”
Sanji came to you, taking you from Nami’s arms to hold you against him for a moment. Your feet were getting a bit steadier, but his warmth was too much. You wanted to push him away as he kissed your temple, the tenderness shoving you closer to that edge of falling to pieces. 
“This is the worst situation, but in every situation, even one as bad as this, there’s always a chance,” he comforted, his eyes on Usopp as he helped you step toward Nami. 
She handed you her Clima-Tact, giving up her weapon for you to use as a makeshift cane before she pulled Usopp to his feet. His blood stained her clothes as she supported some of his weight with his bandaged arm around her shoulders. 
Sanji leaned in close to the sniper, reaching to touch his shoulder, but let his hand fall before gripping the wounded flesh.
“I'm gonna stay here, and do what you can’t do. We’ll get those keys. You need to do what I can’t do.”
“Huh,” Usopp questioned, head tilting toward the cook. 
“Think carefully, read the situation,” Sanji commanded, his rough voice giving you chills as the wolf man stalked ever closer. “As long as we have you there’s still a chance we can save Robin. You hear me, Usopp?”
Your bloodied friend started shaking, his question interrupted by a howl. 
You heard the metal slash of blades as Zoro battled the giraffe man, and in an instant the wolf was on Sanji, your lover yelling for you to leave as he blocked the attack.
“Come on, we gotta go,” Nami ordered with a grunt, fighting Usopp’s struggle to call for Sanji.
“Ow, Nami,” he complained as she yanked at him, “I’m still injured.”
“Well, staying here and getting killed will hurt more,” she scolded, their stumbling forms moving past you. 
Your boys. Teetering with the Clima-Tact, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from their fights. Battling agents of CP9, devil fruit users.
Blood, and broken stone, and hits that made you cringe.
They can win. We need to save her. 
Your movements were agonizingly slow, the makeshift cane slipping in your hands. Wiping your blood and dust stained palms on your shirt, you gritted your teeth, following Nami and Usopp out into the center stairway of the tower as fast as you could manage. 
The trek down the stairs had barely started when Usopp pulled away from Nami. He was limping, but practically buzzing with a manic gleam in his eyes.
“I get it!”
“Get what,” you called as he started rushing back up the stairs. 
“We can save Robin. As long as I’m here we can save her, damnit,” he declared with more true confidence than you’d ever heard from him before. Chills ran along your skin as the wounded sniper turned to face you, issuing a command that you had to follow. 
“Let’s go!”
Nami took her weapon back, offering you her shoulder as Usopp’s burst of energy sent him scampering away faster than you could have gone on your own.
“Fuck, I’m slowing you down,” you hissed, fighting for your body to move, your head still reeling from that antler ride you’d like to forget.
“Didn’t you hear Sanji’s speech,” Nami scolded, supporting your sluggish steps. “We’re a crew, Y/N. Helping each other is what we do, stupid.”
Her comforting words pulled a small smile from your lips that was quashed almost immediately as you struggled up the endless stairs. Usopp’s cheerful yells pushed you forward, and your legs were slowly feeling steadier. It seemed your headache was the biggest issue, dizziness staying with you as your limbs relearned how to function. 
Stepping into the sun was brutal. The light gray stone of the tower almost glowed beneath your feet, and you pulled away from Nami to cover your eyes from the glare. She wrapped your hand around her weapon again, moving ahead of you to watch Usopp at the edge.
You couldn’t get too close as your new fear of heights started closing your throat, so you stayed back. The bridge cut across the water in the distance, leading toward that now open gate, those massive metal doors like a gate to hell.
A hell that Robin was being dragged toward. 
“I see her,” Usopp cried out, prepping his new weapon. With Kabuto held in front of him, and his broken mask still showing rays around his face, Usopp's shadow really did look like some mythical warrior.
Nami took your free hand, inching you closer, but you had to take it back. Holding it above your eyes to cut the glare, you stared at the bridge, desperate to see her.
You saw people. Very small people. Marines in white moving across the bridge.
“Watch this,” Usopp commanded, humming his silly Sniper King song as he lined up his shot.
An urge to stop him tore through you. It was too far away, how could he see her, let alone aim to ensure she wouldn’t be hit?
But he was your friend, even if he wasn’t part of your crew anymore. You trusted him, but still held your breath.
Then you saw her. 
Two of those figures weren’t in white. One charged across the stone in a billowing, dark cloak. The other was in gleaming black, being dragged along the ground by the first.
This pathetic fucking man child. This scumbag that already didn’t deserve to open his stupid mouth again.
Spandam was dragging Robin behind him like she was trash. You wanted to rip his mask off, and smash his stupid mouth into the stone until he choked on his teeth. 
“Get him,” you growled.
“On it.”
The terror of waiting was replaced with pride and sick pleasure at the sight of that small, cloaked figure being blown away from Robin. You hoped that the smoke erupting around his head was enough to strangle the air from his lungs. 
Usopp hit him again, Spandam’s body flying down the steps of the bridge. And the sniper didn’t stop, sending blast after blast as those marines in white scattered, their shouts carrying across the water. 
Without meaning to, your voice joined Nami’s, cheering for Usopp as he wreaked havoc on your enemies. The praise seemed to set him on fire, his shots flying faster, laughter on his lips, singing his song while he blew them away. 
“Look,” Nami yelled, pointing toward that figure in black. 
Robin had broken away from the chaos, and was stumbling as she ran away from that gate. Toward you.
You cried out, ice filling your veins while the marines stood in a line as they faced her. It was hard to see clearly, especially with your head still pounding, but you knew what those movements meant. 
They were going to shoot her down.
Usopp kept shooting, but there were too many. There was no way he could take them all down in time. 
The three of you screamed for her as she fell to her knees.
You couldn’t look. You couldn’t look away. You could only scream her name, and hope that she heard you. That she knew she wasn't alone. 
The moment before the shots were fired lasted a century. A century in which you were trapped in stone, forced to watch and wait, helpless again. 
Your eyes almost shut when the sound of death exploded from that line of guns. But if they had, you wouldn’t have seen it. The moment that filled you with more forgiveness and gratitude than you’d ever felt before. 
The man whose family had stolen from your crew, who’d hurt Usopp. The pervy cyborg whose family was now fighting at your side. 
This strange man that you barely knew was standing in front of Robin, shielding her from the marines. He held his arms out, and took every single bullet that was meant for your love. For Robin.
“Hey! Sniper King? Needy?”
Zoro’s voice called up from what sounded like not too far down, but you couldn’t stick your head over the ledge to find out. 
“We’ve got the rest of the keys. Catch, and send them to Franky,” Sanji commanded as your eyes returned to the bridge. Franky was still standing, still protecting her.
“Can you do that, Sniper King,” Sanji questioned, his voice filled with his belief in your former crewmate. 
“Of course! Just throw the–”
“Catch,” Zoro yelled before a tied up bit of cloth came flying in front of Usopp.
Usopp caught it easily, tossing it in his hand.
“There’s more than keys in this.”
Usopp made you even dizzier as he leaned over to question the boys. 
“We stole a snail off an agent,” Sanji’s voice carried up “You still have one right?”
“Yes,” you choked out, confirming that it had survived the monster ride with you.
“Fucking shoot it already,” Zoro yelled.
Nami untied the bundle in Usopp’s hand, adding the remaining keys before securing it, nodding at the sniper.
Everyone was silent as he aimed. This shot would mean her freedom.
“Franky! Robin!”
You were shouting in the poor snail’s face, until Franky turned to pick up that tied up cloth.
“Oh gods, Robin,” you sighed through your tears. 
Nami took the snail from your shaky fingers as she smoothed her hand along your back. 
“All the keys are in the bundle. Franky, please unlock her!”
“Got it, but how did y’all–”
“Thank you, long-nose,” Robin interrupted. There was joy in her voice. Joy.  “That was wonderful.”
“It was the least I could do,” Usopp declared in that silly, pompous voice. If he wasn’t so close to the edge of the building, you would have hugged him. “The true heroes are those who fought to retrieve those keys from the enemy. The Straw Hats will be proud to have you back. Hold your head up high, and meet them with a smile when all of this has ended.” 
“Right,” Robin agreed, and even from a distance, you could see when she was freed. She stretched her arms above her head before pulling them down in front of her, and you knew exactly what was coming next.
“Seis Fleur.”
That powerful voice echoed through the transponder snail, just as a cloaked figure made its way to the front of the marines. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time to do this,” Robin purred, arms sprouting from his dark clothes as she smacked the shit out of Spandam.
“Fuck yeah,” you cheered, hearing the cacophony of slaps, and the whimpering cries of that sniveling piece of shit. 
The remaining marines scattered, rightfully fleeing in terror from her power. 
“Alright, let’s move,” Franky ordered with a laugh. “Get your asses over here. I’ll get everything ready for ya. We’re gonna bail.”
“Got it,” Nami agreed, storing the snail while Usopp called down.
“Did you guys hear that? Robin’s free, Franky says–”
“Get down here already, Sniper King,” Sanji yelled. 
You were squeezing the sides of your head, trying to relieve some of the pressure. The relief poured through your body, but almost made you feel more off balance. 
“Ha, everything went according to my plan,” Usopp hummed as he limped toward the stairs. He stopped abruptly, making Nami grumble as she almost ran into him. 
“What’s that,” he wondered, almost under his breath. “I swear I heard something.”
“Come on, we’ve gotta–”
Nami’s demand was cut short, all of you hunching and covering your ears as an explosion went off. It was easy to spot, a huge plume of black smoke rising from the metal fence surrounding the island. A marine ship firing on it’s own base. 
“These psychos are really going to destroy their own fucking island, and kill all their own people because some dumbass pushed a button,” you seethed, hearing the boys calling for you. 
Nausea rose as you neared that ledge again. 
“Things have gotten serious, Needy,” Zoro urged, making you bravely peek down at him on the balcony below while Nami held your hand. “Hurry up, and jump down from there. We need to go now.”
“Jump,” you choked, glad that Usopp cut in to be cowardly for you.
“Is that supposed to be a joke? I don’t have the same kind of freakish superhuman strength that you guys have, alright. And my bravery is not the life risking kind. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a normal super hero not a super super hero–”
“Don’t be babies,” Nami teased. “We’re almost home.”
Nami called down before leaping off the edge. 
“I’m fine,” she shouted as you looked over to see Sanji setting her down on her feet. “Come on, it was fu–”
At first you thought your body was fucking with you, all the looking down bringing that terror up. The crushing sound, the slipping of your unsteady feet, until there was nothing. Nothing holding you, nothing touching you, just you hanging onto the Clima-Tact as you spun. 
The rough scrape of broken stone flying across your legs tore your eyes open, but you closed them immediately. 
All that clinging, all that hell you went through to keep yourself from falling, and now you were falling to your death.
At least you got to hear your boys one last time, your name screamed from their lips.
It wasn’t stone.
The dreaded moment of impact came, along with the deep groan of whoever had caught you. 
“Needy, are you–”
The Clima-Tact clattered to the stone of the balcony, and the top of the tower finished crashing to the ground while you fought to crawl away. Zoro’s warm hands were just another sensation too many. 
But those hands held your hair back while you tried to throw up, soft voices floating around you as your head fought to split open. You whimpered as nothing came out, just spinning nausea, and your memory failing you as you tried to recall the last time you ate. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” he soothed, pulling you against his chest after your empty retches had turned into frantic breaths. “We have to go now, Needy.”
As he pulled you to your feet, Nami was there, rubbing your arm as she checked on you. She offered you her weapon, but Zoro shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Needy, but we need to go faster than you can walk. Do you want me to carry you in my arms, or do you wanna ride on my back?”
Nausea rolled in at the thought, but you bit the inside of your cheek, motioning for his back. You saw Sanji and Usopp having the same debate, Usopp wincing as he moved. 
“If you hadn’t torn my bandages–”
“If I hadn’t caught you, we would have had sniper crepes for lunch. Just get on,” Sanji demanded, until the five of you moved on three sets of feet. 
Down those endless stairs, the sky burned through the roof that was no longer there. The rhythmic bouncing of Zoro’s body had you clenching your teeth, closing your eyes to fight the spinning.
I’m going to be dizzy for the rest of my life.
If we survive.
You only knew that you had made it to the bottom as the downward falling motion of Zoro’s steps on the stairs shifted to a steady up and down that was still just as bad.
“Please don’t ever pick me up after this, you groaned against Zoro’s shoulder. “I don’t want to be carried anymore. Ever.”
His chuckle was cut short as a familiar voice called out. 
“This way, kiddies,” Kokoro ordered, and you opened your eyes just a bit to see her pointing down a dark corridor. Chopper was back in his normal, small form, his mouth hanging open in sleep as she had him strapped to her hip like some living purse.
“This leads to the bridge, come on!”
There was no time to argue or question. Just heavy steps echoing down the stone hallway that seemed to get colder with every step the swordsman took. 
“Try to pick up the pace, we’re in a hurry here,” Usopp rushed over Sanji’s shoulder.
“I could probably run faster if you were unconscious,” your cook threatened, and you were shocked to feel a weak smile on your lips. 
“How could you talk to your hero that way? Especially when I've been so seriously injured in the line of duty. All six of my ribs are broken!”
“You have more ribs than that,” Zoro huffed, pulling up beside them, “but if you don’t shut up, we’ll break the rest, and make you run. Got it?”
You smiled at Usopp from your carried positions as he kept complaining. Slowly, the feeling of a hammer hitting your brain was starting to lessen.
Not distant enough explosions had you tightening your body around Zoro’s back. 
“We’re almost out.”
His whispered comfort almost sunk in.
“What’s that?”
“I hear something weird down the tunnel.”
Usopp and Nami had spoken at once. The group stared down that cold corridor as you kept heading toward freedom. 
“We don’t have time to go worrying about weird sounds. We’ve gotta make those government jerks pay,” Kokoro said with a cough, still sounding drunk as if she’d been at the bar while you all fought for your lives. 
“Is that–”
“It’s water,” Usopp cried out, cutting Nami off. “Don’t you hear it? We need to run!”
No one stopped. You couldn’t hear anything over the rhythmic slap of feet against stone, and Zoro’s heavy breaths as you rested your head against him.
“We have to turn–”
“We’ve got nowhere else to go,” Sanji huffed, “we need to keep moving no matter–”
“Holy shit,” Nami cursed beside you, her voice breathy as everyone stopped running.
“Hang on, Needy.”
You cracked your eyes open, the horrifying sight matching the sound you could finally hear.
Zoro slashed at the stone wall, but even his swords couldn’t break through. 
“We’re underwater, dumbass,” Sanji spat as the group started running the other way.
Running for your lives. 
The stone walls made that rushing sound echo, surrounding you even before the cold death touched your skin.
“I’ve got you,” Zoro promised through gritted teeth while he sprinted ahead.
As he passed your friends, you saw the terror burning through them, sweat dripping from their faces. 
Your mind went hazy, just a little outside of your body as yet another chaotic force threatened those you loved. 
Zoro flipped around as the sound roared too close, gripping your knees against his waist as he took the brunt of that liquid force.
You wished you had stayed dissociated, stayed out of your freezing body. Zoro’s rapid turn had shaken you enough that you took a deep breath, but it took every scrap of energy in you to keep your mouth closed, to not scream into that watery void.
Slipping, slipping away. The spinning torture through the rapid water had you reaching for your aching head, releasing your hold around his shoulders.
Zoro never let go. His hold started to slip, but he clamped down on your legs until they ached.
At least we’ll die together.
Your tears never had a chance, they just mixed with the wave that would drown you all. 
“It’s alright. Just hang in there. I’m not going to let you die.”
A soothing voice washed over you, clear and calm through the flood. All you could do was fight to keep your mouth closed, letting yourself drift to wherever you might end up. 
But something pulled at you, interrupting that chaotic drift. Your eyes opened, but the water burned, the world nothing more than a painful blur. Something had snared you, tugging you closer to Zoro, and you could feel another wriggling body against your side. 
At least we’re all together. 
“I’m swimming as fast as this tail will let me! None of you are gonna die on my watch!”
Kokoro’s voice carried through the water, and you almost cried out, managing to clamp your hands over your lips as the bodies around you seemed to writhe against the shock. 
What the fuck?
But it was too long. You couldn’t hold it. 
The choking pain tore through your chest, the struggle to stay finally fading. 
Just cold.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
Too many hands rolled you onto your side as scorching water tore through your throat. 
Your stinging eyes watched the water that left your lungs as it spread across wood, staining the black clothes of the person holding your hair back.
The person whose many hands held your body, whose voice cracked as she repeated your name. 
She let out a cry of relief, pulling your body gently as she held you against her chest. 
“Is this real,” you breathed, managing to move your arms to wrap around her.
“It’s real. You saved me.”
You felt the warmth of her cheek against your temple, and if you’d had the energy, you would have wept.
“I didn’t do–” 
“You came for me, Y/N. And you saved me,” Robin countered before you could finish your thought. Many arms held you up so that she could look at you, and tears managed to fall from your tired eyes at the sight of her beautiful face. Stunning, even marred with dirt and blood. 
“I love you too,” she confessed, a wave of fear filling those eyes before she cried it away, laughing before she kissed your cold lips.
It didn’t matter where you were, or how much danger you were still in. Robin was holding you, kissing you. The two of you laughed and sobbed as voices moved around you, orbiting your perfect world. 
“Sweethearts, are you okay?”
Sanji’s rough voice moved closer, and you finally looked around to find yourself on a ship. An empty marine ship, whose deck was covered with your crew, and all the water they’d ripped from their lungs. 
Your cook crawled over, seeming hesitant to get too close. 
Robin reached out, and you smiled at that sweet look of awe on Sanji’s face as he gazed at her. 
“I love you, Robin,” Sanji cut her off, racing to touch both of you, a gentle hand on your cheeks. 
“I love you too, Sanji,” she said with a laugh, and your heart melted as they shared their own salty kiss. 
Cannon fire and shouting were distant as the three of you held each other, laughter and tears like a shield from the danger that remained. 
But it wasn’t complete. 
A shiver ran up your neck, a warm vibration pulling your eyes away from Robin and Sanji. 
Zoro sat with his back against the railing, giving you a small smile as you caught him staring. He shook his head when you held out your hand. 
A frown pulled at your smiling lips as he mouthed, ‘it’s okay,’ nodding his head toward your other lovers.
“Please,” you whispered, hoping he could see how much you wanted him too. 
How much you needed him. 
He coughed, wiping more water from his brow before he crawled across the deck.
You and Robin clung to each other, laughter and tears still spilling from you. Sanji poured out streams of praise and words of love as he hugged you both from behind Robin’s back.  
Your swordsman came to you, and his soaked body warmed yours as he wrapped his arms around you. He joined the group embrace without flinching away, pressing a wet kiss against your shoulder.
It was all worth it. You’d go through all of that again, just to have this perfect moment. 
All of your lovers holding you close. Safe, if only for the moment. 
All of your crew on this stolen ship, ready to escape this hell.
All of your…
Zoro’s body went rigid, leaving you cold again as he leapt to his feet. 
His words cut through it all. No more laughter or tears could be freed until his question had an answer.
“Where’s Luffy?”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: I love them all so much 😭😭😭
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Tag List: @vinsmokesangio | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass | @egos-r-life | @shewrites02
Part 28
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rumanc3k · 7 years
Demolition Lovers
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Requested: Yes; Hey could you do a Gerard Way smut with desolation row Gerard where you have a fight over him always getting into fights and then he storms out then comes back and sexy times happen sorry if this is too specific XD I love your writing so much! 💜💜💜❤❤❤💜💜💜 Pairing: Gerard Way x reader Warnings: Angst, smut, fluff Word Count: 1,609
  “Stop fucking putting so much pressure on it Jesus Christ y/n.” Your boyfriend growled. You dropped your head and sighed.
  “Maybe if you weren’t such a dickhead all the fucking time you wouldn’t get in as many fights. And stop blowing that fucking smoke in my face.” You retorted removing the cloth from his face. He leaned back against the bathroom counter and scoffed. He took an especially long drag and blew it directly in your face. You threw the rag in his lap and swatted at the air. “You fucking asshole. You can clean yourself up.” You said throwing your hands up in frustration.
  "You know y/n you’re being a royal bitch. I don’t see why you’re so uptight all the time.” Gerard said picking up the rag and standing up straight. You whipped around and glared at him.
  “I’m the one being a bitch? You’re the one coming home at 3 am bloody and drunk expecting me to fix it. This is third fight this week and it’s only fucking Thursday. I can’t keep fucking doing this.” You said rubbing your temple. He threw the rag down on the counter and grimaced.
  “Sorry taking care of me is such a burden.” He mumbled turning to look at himself in the mirror. He ran a finger over the bruise on his cheek. 
  “That’s not what I’m saying.” You huffed. He put out his cig in the sink and ran the water. 
  "Yeah? Then what is it?” He said looking over his shoulder at you. 
  “Do you still even care about me? Like genuinely? Because it feels like you don’t anymore. You come home whenever you feel like it. You’re always drunk. You basically only sleep here and we only fight now. You’re always yelling at me for stupid shit. And not to mention sometimes I catch a whiff of someone else’s perfume.” You said crossing your arms. He scoffed and turned to face you. 
  “So what? Now I’m a drunk verbally abusive cheater who doesn’t care about you huh?” He said raising his voice.
  “Stop putting words in my mouth!” You yelled stepping closer to him. He clenched his jaw and frowned.
  “So you’re not accusing me of cheating? Or not caring anymore? Even though you know damn well I wouldn’t cheat and that I love you.”  He said stepping face to face with you. You groaned.
  “I wish I wasn’t but I am. But I just don’t know about you anymore.” You said dropping your gaze to the ground. He chuckled bitterly and threw the cigarette butt into the sink. He ran the water a little and turned to you. 
   “Fine. I’ll give you some time to think. I’m gonna get a drink.” He said pushing past you and out of the bathroom. You groaned and followed after him. 
   “Really Gee? While fighting about your drinking you decide to run away and get a drink? You’re unbelievable. What an asshole.” You yelled as he slipped on his leather jacket and headed to the door. 
   “You know it baby.” Is all he said, shooting a kiss towards you over his shoulder and leaving. He closed the door behind him and you screamed. He could be such a dick sometimes. You stormed off into the bedroom and dropped down on the bed. You snuggled up to one of the pillows and sighed. You could smell Gerard’s cologne and cigarettes. You let out one sob followed by endless crying. You cried for what felt like an eternity but could have really only been an hour. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You felt gross. You got up and trudged to the shower. You wanted to take a shower more than anything now. Fights with Gee always left you feeling disgusting. You grabbed the towel hanging on the back of the door and walked in. You closed the door and set the towel on the counter. You grimaced at the sight of the cig butt in the sink. You picked it up and laughed dryly. What a funny guy. That’s why you fell for him, wasn’t it? His humor. When you’d met him at, oh would you look at that, a bar, he made you laugh nonstop. Yeah. A funny guy. You threw it away and wiped your hands clean. You began to run the water and strip. You get the water just under scalding and hopped in. You scrub at your skin until it was raw.  
   When you felt satisfied and clean you shut off the water and got out. You wrapped the towel around yourself and left the bathroom. You looked yourself over in the full-length mirror and gasped when you saw Gerard standing behind you. You frowned. 
   “Didn’t hear you come back.” You said flatly and turning to face him. He stepped closer to you and smirked.
   “You’re beautiful you know that kitten?” He purred getting mere centimeters from your face. The absence of whiskey on his breath surprised you. You put your hands on his chest and tried to push him away. He grabbed one of your hands and held it to his chest and used his other hand to hold himself up against the wall. You rolled your eyes.
   “Get away from me.” You said sighing and ducking away from him. He pulled your hand back to his chest and dropped his gaze for a moment, chuckling. You watched him carefully as he dragged his lip between his teeth. 
   “You know, I don’t think you really want me to. In fact, I think you want more. See I know you y/n. And I can tell that right now, you want me.” He said whispering the last part. You took a shaky breath mental cursing yourself because you both knew he was right. No matter how mad you were at him you couldn’t resist him. He danced his fingers across your exposed shoulder. He ran them down to the edge of the towel and gave you a lopsided grin as he pulled on it, letting it drop to the floor leaving you exposed. You leaned up and initiated a sloppy, needy kiss. He placed one hand on your hip and the other on your neck. You pulled him close by his leather jacket and let him take control. He let his hand wander from your hip down, down until it was just between the apex of your thighs. Your breath faltered and you bucked your hips a little egging him on. He smiled against your lips and took the hint. He slipped one finger into you making you moan. He pulled away from the kiss leaving you both panting. He watched your face contort as he went faster. 
   “See babe? I knew I was right? Now I think we should take this to the bed.”He said removing his finger and pulling you to the bed. You dropped on your back with him above you. He attacked your neck and inserted his finger roughly. You grabbed at his shoulders and moaned. 
   "I don't think I’ll last. Please fuck me.” You whined. He grinned. 
   "Happy to.” He said standing up and shrugging off his jacket. He turned away to kick his boots off. You got an idea. You began to rub your clit making sure to moan loudly. He turned around to see you and groaned. 
   “So that’s the game you wanna play?” He growled. You went faster and shut your eyes as you felt yourself come close to an orgasm. Gerard threw off his pants and rolled on a condom. Your hand was roughly yanked away and you watched as Gerard climbed over you. He hovered over you for a moment. He slowed inched himself into you and you both cried out. He thrust slowly letting you adjust. As soon as you were comfortable he went harder and faster. You clawed at his back and screamed his name as he hit your g-stop. He felt you tense underneath him and reached between you to rub your clit. You arched your back and he let out a shuttering moan. 
   "I don’t think I can hold off much longer baby.” He said propping himself up and losing his rhythm. You clenched around him and came screaming his name and every profanity you could think of. Gerard gave one last thrust and came shortly after. He sat back for a second and pushed his sweaty hair out of his face. You smiled up at him. 
   “God I missed that.” He said rolling off the condom and throwing it into the trash next to the bed. You nodded in agreement and he got next to you. "I’m sorry. I’ll try and get better. And monitor the drinking. And I’ll try to come home before 12. And I never cheated. Girls throw themselves at me when I go to the bar but that’s only because they’re drunk. But I don’t do anything. Occasionally I get them a cab if they can remember their address but that’s it. I swear.” He said cuddling up to you. You kissed him softly. 
   “Yeah, I know. You’re an asshole but you’re not that bad. I just worry.” You said running your hand up and down his chest. He sighed. 
   "I’ll get better I promise.” He said quietly. You nodded. 
   "I know you will.” You said laying your head on his chest and closing your eyes. He played with your hair to help lull you to sleep. He smiled as he watched you sleep. He couldn’t wait to show you he could change and do better. And most of all be the man you deserved. 
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oh i am NOT going to be normal about qcellbit now that i know the full extent of his backstory. kid who was in survival games and ate people to survive, ended up in prison for terrible heinous crimes and hurt countless people while in prison, somehow found his way to love and communication island and met the guy he used to know way back as a teenager and ended up with a family and a husband and a son and so so many friends and maybe he can put his dark past behind him and and and
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nomina-verus · 3 years
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me: ahh, yes... of course.
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khaotic-kitsunes · 4 years
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I'm mad bc I really, really wanted him. My absolute favourite character and I can't get any merch for him 😭😭😭
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okobe-art · 9 years
**Screaming internally bc i have to wake up at 3 am on saturday
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janinakins · 9 years
Today I learned not to look at puppies or kittens during my time of the month. Many tears were shed in the bathroom.
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vampurism · 10 years
it's senior ditch day but guess who's sitting in class waiting for my second period to start ; -;
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jager-der-freiheit · 10 years
Excuse me while I...
go finish cleaning, while grossly sobbing, because of the gorgeous Asian men that appear on my dash. I'm certain that I've found my weakness now.
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brokeyourstupidcrap · 11 years
Ragnar said his goodbyes to Gyda on the beach.
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pencilstab · 11 years
I don't want to do the French
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bearfootscar · 11 years
the first song that comes up on trntbl.me for my blog is "I was lost without you". 
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can i just evaporate into the air plz
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