#I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour (itachi and Izumi)
musesofchaos · 1 year
@historias-multorum​ continued from here
He wasn't looking at her, why wasn't he looking at her?
Izumi blinked back her tears, hands pulled tightly to her chest as she tried to read the other Uchiha. She could get an idea as to why. Guilt consumed his eyes, and it broke her heart.  She knew the things he had done. Remembered them... Why? She wanted to say, to yell, to scream at him. Why did you do it? There was more to this, there had to be. 
Panic flared up in the brunette’s chest when he turned away, her feet moving on their own. She didn’t have time to think. “No wait, please!” Izumi slammed into him, her face pressed hard into the back of his shoulder as her arms came around to clutch at the fabric of his clothing with an unmerciful grip. 
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“Please... please don’t leave... not again...” She whimpered. 
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musesofchaos · 2 years
@historias-multorum​ from here 
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Izumi let out a huffed sight, but smiled.  “Well, hello there Coco~ You’re very adorable, aren’t you?” She leaned down a bit to meet the chickens gaze.  “You really have a thing for birds, huh?” Amber eyes looked back up at Itachi, the female Uchiha letting out a soft laugh. 
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musesofchaos · 2 years
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“Awwww, Itachi!” “Now it only feels fair if I do the same. Hmmm... I’m going to have to say Sunflowers. With how the crows bring them to you, hehe!”
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