#//Itachi please hug her
musesofchaos · 1 year
@historias-multorum​ continued from here
He wasn't looking at her, why wasn't he looking at her?
Izumi blinked back her tears, hands pulled tightly to her chest as she tried to read the other Uchiha. She could get an idea as to why. Guilt consumed his eyes, and it broke her heart.  She knew the things he had done. Remembered them... Why? She wanted to say, to yell, to scream at him. Why did you do it? There was more to this, there had to be. 
Panic flared up in the brunette’s chest when he turned away, her feet moving on their own. She didn’t have time to think. “No wait, please!” Izumi slammed into him, her face pressed hard into the back of his shoulder as her arms came around to clutch at the fabric of his clothing with an unmerciful grip. 
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“Please... please don’t leave... not again...” She whimpered. 
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lilacqiqis · 8 months
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naruto, kakashi, obito(non massacre), hinata, itachi(non massacre), sasuke, sai
Scenario: getting casually called darling by their crush
A/N: pls send in Naruto reqs I'm starving to write stuff, also finally decided to give characters specific emojis LMAO last post i made i randomly gave them emojis 😭 Writing this at 3 AM sorry if it's ass -mod Lilac
TW: none, GN!reader
more under the cut
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🌱 Naruto isn't used to romantic affection from people, let alone his crush, so his reaction when you call him "darling" is a huge gaping mouth and stuttering as he tries to process what you said
🌱 "W-wait!! Whuh?! Huhhh?!! Whaddja call me?!"
🌱 Whether it's a joke or not he has a dorky smile after as he laughs, the pet name making him feel warm inside. He probably will try and call you a pet name back afterwards, hoping you'll like it just as much as he did.
🌱 Goes to brag to all his friends the next day. "Hey hey! Guess what?! S/O called me DARLING!!" Nobody really cares too much honestly, they think he's overreacting or even lying.
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🌾 A stoic man he is, that Kakashi. Not much can get him flustered, besides reading Icha Icha of course.
🌾 He usually can keep his feelings hidden away from his crush, treating you like any of his other friends, but when you call him darling? Lucky that he's wearing a mask because you'd be able to see the huge blush forming on his face.
🌾 He'd try not to react too much, his eye slightly widening and body tensing up when the word hits him. It felt so... Natural? The pet name came off your tongue so nicely that Kakashi can't help but want to hear it more.
🌾 Wouldn't comment on it, but may bring it up in the future to tease you. Perhaps to get back at them he'll also call you a romantic pet name... Nah, he's too nervous to do that, if he was that bold he'd go and just confess already!
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🌺 Like Naruto, Obito is flabbergasted. He's liked you for gods who knows how long and you can just casually call him that while he becomes a mess just hugging you?
🌺 His head whips towards you so quickly as he stares at you with wide eyes. How is he supposed to react to this?! Does this mean you like him...? Did you even mean this romantically in the first place? Do you call other people that too?!
🌺 His mind is running and he just kinda... Stares at you in awe. Don't let him down by telling him it was just a joke when he questions you later, he'll be devastated.
🌺 Obito will try and be confident, calling you an affectionate pet name as well but all that comes out is stuttering.
🌺 "Heheh... I think so too, s... S-sweet... Sw-sweethEART OKIMGOINGTOGONOWBYES/O"
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🌻 Goes absolutely red. Hinata already gets embarrassed by little gestures so something like getting called darling is sure to make her pass out!
🌻 Did you really mean that? She hopes so! That small name made her day, and she won't ever forget about it<3
🌻 Of course, she's still too shy to admit her feelings to you. If that was your way of confessing you'd be dumb to not see that she obviously likes you too... You'd probably be dumb to not notice her behavior before, after all Hinata isn't very good at hiding her feelings towards you.
🌻 She wouldn't realize it's a confession of your attraction if that was your motive, so please be more blunt with her.
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🌙 If you think he wouldn't remember, he will. Itachi is a romantic individual, though not as much before a relationship. He takes note of everything S/O says, and will try to hint towards his feelings through small actions and words.
🌙 Absolutely loves it. Itachi will think about the pet name, wondering if you'd mind if he called you that as well. Maybe you'd get embarrassed that you're getting a taste of your own medicine? It's not the humiliation part Itachi would enjoy, but he'd love to see your flustered face.
🌙 Doesn't make a huge fuss when you call him darling, probably doesn't even say anything about it, but has a small smile while thinking about it.
🌙 Will begin to also call you pet names!! It depends on how close you are, but if you two are good friends he'll return your affection. You two probably end up having a lot of romantic tension while everybody suffers watching wondering if one of you two will finally confess or not...
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🪻 Sasuke loves hates it. Do NOT call him that cheesy warm and gooey shit, he will scoff at you then turn his head away. jk he just has an ego to protect
🪻 Hates how it makes him feel. That disgusting ticklish feeling he gets in his stomach and the heat in his face makes him feel weak and vulnerable, so stop that. This is just as bad as a genjutsu and he doesn't like it one bit!
🪻 In reality though, Sasuke adores being called darling. He's just... Really bad at dealing with affection you know? He doesn't know how to react and the feeling of love is so foreign to him, so his only way of reacting is acting like he hates it in hopes of ridding his feelings. (Spoiler alert:it doesn't help one bit.)
🪻 You can catch him with a soft blush and tiny smirk on his face if you can catch a glance before he turns his head. Quit being such a loser and just accept it, Sasuke!
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🪶 This was mentioned in his book, so Sai should act accordingly, right? He'll begin to also call you pet names, and he probably already did before you due to the fact he read a book saying he should...
🪶 Doesn't quite understand the meaning behind the sweet names but he's trying his best
🪶 It makes him happy though, being able to connect with you... Someone he enjoys being around so much, someone who he feels he has a "special" bond with.
🪶It creeps into your twos friendship, and before you know it you two are acting like a married couple with all your affectionate behavior.
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suguru-getos · 11 months
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ Kinktober Day 26﹕✦﹕┈・୧
-> Event Masterlist
Yandere Itachi Uchiha x F!Reader -> Breeding
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Warnings: Dub!con, yandere themes, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of baby trapping, Stockholm syndrome, manipulative Itachi, pregnancy of breeding!kink. Itachi is still soft because yeah >\\< and fluffy if you squint
It's the ridiculously delectable way, her doe-eyed self cowers down beneath him whenever she loomed in his presence. He adores her, watching her fidget every time Itachi says something, every time he glances at her unmomentarily. She is akin to a deer, and Itachi- a lion, a ruthless, sadistic lion wanting nothing more but to tame his prey, but no- he doesn't just want to prey on her, he wants to love her. He wants her to love him, to subdue everything she can for him.
It's the way he always excuses his behavior with the sentence that chains her neck, boiling down her very core. "It's all to protect you, to keep you safe." When he addresses her as an 'Angel' she loses a little faith in god, because no angel's wings should be pinned down as hers, the way Itachi does it.
No, he does not hurt her, but he does make sure she doesn't hurt herself, sometimes confinement and solitude is the most amicable way to stem down the essence of a punishment and a lesson. Treason, if you will.
He still feels insanity grip the very nerves of his self when she approaches him, slouching as if she'd break if she stood tall. He would break her for standing tall & sniveling at him to let her go. "Hmm, maybe bestowing you with some responsibility will help, you've become quite air-headed, dear Y/N."
Oh, it desolates his perfect, controlled mind when he imagines her tiny self inflated with his seed, having trouble pacing around, needing Itachi with every little beck and call, the vulnerability which will come with her last semester, how she will struggle to hold her urine when the little Uchiha would kick and eagerly wait to see Mother and Father... how adoring.
It starts slow, after months of living together with Itachi, she knows how to read him, how Itachi's eyes glint towards the impending, she wouldn't be unjust, Itachi treats her kindly when he demands something, especially when it needs his fragile, male ego stroked and petted.
So she complies, as he spreads her apart naked, pupils visibly dilated as his gaze turns tender, more subtle. As if she'd break under him, a vile part of him wants to break her instantly. Itachi is a paradox, after all. "It's okay, my angelic little thing." You're doing so well for me. His luscious, long hair tickles her tender breasts as Itachi leans in, kissing her neck, scraping at the sensitive, irritated skin & deviously marking her up. "Oh no, don't cry, I'm going to be gentler." He dotes on her being a sensitive crybaby, can't handle his length, can't handle him.
Oh but the little being Itachi owns, is ferocious on her own, knowing most ardently she has him in her grip, "Wa-ant to go out after this." She manages to barely choke out when Itachi's member ravishes her cunt, thrusting, rutting his hips inside, churning them up to his shape. Itachi couldn't say no to that face, the future mother of his kids. "Anything... Angel."
"Will you let me fill you up?" Itachi asks though she doesn't have any choice but to, Itachi is a master, a sorcerer of illusions and to earn her goodness, to pretend she owns the decision of freedom, ever so fleeting choices that are nothing but a mirage; Itachi loves that.
She nods, biting her lip like an anxious child, the background thoughts all super setting the imagery of her being pregnant, she's too far gone now though. Stockholm Syndrome hugs her every night along with the slender arms of her lover. She wants to please him, simultaneously hating herself for the same as she nods, feeling the thrusts slow down, sloppy and then the warmth of his seed deep inside her gummy walls.
"Nothing, Angel, without you... I'm nothing."
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fatkish · 4 months
Hey!!!! Could i please an thank you req headcanons for pro heroes and their kid telling them they like another hero over them??? i just think itd be rlly cute haha
Pro Heroes x Child Reader: Asking Their kid who Their Favorite Hero is
When she asked you who your favorite hero was you happily shouted Present Mic. Although she kinda sweatdropped at the thought of Hizashi, she smiled and still agreed that he’s a good hero.
All Might:
When reporters asked you who your favorite hero was, since All Might is your dad, you happily replied with Endeavor. When asked why, you replied with fire is super cool and he make bad guys pee their pants cause he’s scary. All Might had to hide his frown and cried later that night. Endeavor who has caught the tail end of the interview, laughed at it
Sir Nighteye:
When he asked who your favorite hero was you replied with Gang Orca. This started a long Argument between the both of you on who’s better, All Might or Gang Orca.
He isn’t really the type to care about this kind of thing but when you replied with Fatgum, he wasn’t expecting that. You told him that he’s your favorite because Fatgum is cute and squishy looking.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was, expecting you to say daddy, he was shocked when you said Edgeshot. He regrets asking since you started to argue with him on why Edgeshot is cooler than him.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Mirko since she kicks butt. He laughed and happily agreed seeing you excitedly reenact her fights
Present Mic:
When he had you on his radio show he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Nighteye since he’s smart. If he wasn’t on air at the time he would’ve been crying and explaining to you that your dad’s smart too
When you told Aizawa that your favorite hero was Present Mic, the only reaction you could see was a slight eye twitch, but you giggled and then told him it was a joke and that he’s your favorite since he doesn’t need his quirk to beat a villain. Plus he’s your dad so that automatically makes him the best. He just smiled and gave you a hug and kissed your forehead
Best Jeanist:
When he asked you who you’re favorite hero was you told him you don’t really have a favorite since you think heroes are kinda lame. You told him you liked Nedzu since he could probably bring humanity to their knees. He became kinda worried about you after that answer.
When you told her your favorite hero was Ryukyu because dragons are cool. She smirked and said that she thinks Ryukyu is cool too and asked if you wanted her to arrange a meeting so you could meet your Idol. You screamed in delight and hugged your mom’s leg begging her to do it.
Gang Orca:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you replied with Black Manta. He sweat dropped and told you that 1.) he’s not real and 2.) he’s a villain. You looked at him with a straight face and said he’s cool like your dad. He’s now a little worried about you
When Edgeshot asked you who your favorite Hero was you replied with Itachi Uchiha. He looked you dead in the eye and said that Itachi isn’t real. You then began to explain how Itachi is a better ninja than your dad. Edgeshot listened and was happy that you admired a good person and at least you didn’t favor villains
Kamui Woods:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him Deadpool and Spider-Man. When he told you they aren’t real you told him he didn’t ask for whether they were real or not. You told him you like how they’re funny and that you want to be like Spider-Man.
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ladykissingfish · 8 months
Itachi: Sasuke, are you ready to get going? We don't have a lot of time before you have to go to Kakashi-sensei, and if you want me to practice that technique with you then -- Mikoto: Sasuke's already left, dear. Itachi: What?? *glances at his watch* It's barely 5am! I thought I'd have to drag him out of bed. Why is he gone already? Don't tell me Kakashi is actually having them train this early? Mikoto: I don't think so, but ... well ... he mentioned something about meeting Naruto for breakfast. Itachi: Naruto? That blonde kid on his team? The one he complains about all the time?? Mikoto: That's the one. I think it's cute. I remember YOUR first love; remember that cute little girl who used to give you her dango? I -- Itachi: FIRST LOVE? Are you saying that Sasuke likes this boy or something? Mikoto: I believe so. Itachi: But has he ever said this to you? Mikoto: He doesn't have to, dear. A mother just knows. I mean, look -- *points at the sink* See that mess? He was standing in here for half an hour trying to make "the perfect pancakes" to take to his little friend. That doesn't sound like love to you? Itachi: But ... but Sasuke ... my sweet little baby brother ... Mikoto: He's not a baby anymore, dear. He's eleven, almost twelve. He's growing up, just like you. *chuckles* With as handsome as my boys are, it won't be long before I get to be called "grandma", eh? Mikoto: At any rate, please don't embarrass your brother with this, dear A boy's first love can be an emotional thing, and I don't — *Mikoto looks up; Itachi has disappeared* *a bit later* Naruto: Um ... Sasuke, this may sound paranoid, but, do you get the feeling that ... we're being watched? Sasuke: Watched? Who would be watching us? Naruto: I don't know, I just get the feeling of eyes on me, dattebayo. Heh, I'm probably just tired. *in the trees* Random Anbu 1: Itachi, are you sure this is part of our mission for today? Itachi, masked: Yes. Random Anbu 2: But they're just two kids eating some food ... and isn't one of them your brother?! Itachi: It's the blonde we're more focused on. Watch closely for any suspicious movements, like hugging, or hand-holding, or kissing. Random Anbu 1: And if we see these things? Are we supposed to attack, or -- ? Itachi, voice deepening: Then you leave him to ME. Anbus 1 and 2:
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evartandadam · 9 months
Do you know about the 5 love languages? (Quality Time, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Gift Giving and Acts of Service) What is the order of importance for each Akatsuki member? :)
Note: Physical Touch in this is used non-sexually overall. Like hugging, cuddling, forehead kisses, etc
Im color coding, so you can find what you want faster 👍
Sasori: Words of affirmation above all (and intelligent conversation)! I mean, he dislikes attention in general, so it’s hard to imagine him liking much else 😂 If you can think of a gift he would like, he would very much appreciate that. Under specific circumstances, like AUs, Sasori would also love physical touch (canon 35 year old Sasori really has no interest in relationships in general). He would find acts of service demeaning- he can do it all himself, and in his mind, better. He likes quality time, but also disappears for days on end working on his corpse puppets or killing people to make them into corpse puppets 😍 You gotta be cool with that and tell him they’re awesome.
Deidara: Physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time- he is literally a princess and requires constant attention 😂 There aren’t many services he would expect from you, he just wants you to tell him he’s amazing and rub his back for hours (maybe that’s the act of service lol). He also would love gifts, and definitely enjoys giving them! Very easy to please and validate!
Hidan: Words of affirmation and quality time! He is a dog! He loves physical touch too, but feels religious guilt for it 😂 His religion is founded on worshipping destruction, and I think love and sex are the opposite of that and frowned upon. Hidan wouldn’t appreciate a nice gift enough, so don’t waste your time (unless it’s a trip to the hot springs or pomade). He would appreciate an act of service like cooking meat for him, or converting, so he doesn’t have to kill you 👍
Kakuzu: Acts of service and, if he trusts you, physical touch (he is very deprived of real affection and would dislike it initially). Kakuzu would also appreciate the gift of a good book! He does not require a lot of attention to maintain his interest if you got him, and though quality time is nice, it isn’t something he values much (once a month lol). He values intellectual conversation more than actual affirmation. Note, a hookup with Kakuzu is easy, and I’m referring to vulnerable physical affection, like snuggling.
Itachi: Gifts, quality time, and lastly, physical touch- he will feel more comfortable receiving physical affection after you spend lots of time convincing him he deserves it. Words of affirmation must be used in small doses or he will reject them. He would like giving gifts more than receiving them, same with acts of service. He is emotionally sensitive and considerate, so he will mirror what you give him and more.
Kisame: Quality time and physical touch. Kisame is a good boyfriend who is generally content and if you’re just nice to him, he’ll be ecstatic. Like Itachi, he might need some small doses of words of affirmation before accepting them as truth. Expect lots of bear hugs and being carried around! The only gifts he cares about are good food, and time with you! He expects no acts of service, but would appreciate you caring for him- all of these people have had hard lives and are comfortable doing everything themselves.
Konan: Gifts and acts of service. Physical touch is earned with her. She is a queen, so she already has whatever she wants, so sentimental gifts are best (but she would love designer). Honestly, she would care more about acts of service you offer to others more than herself. She is attracted to people who display character. Quality time is also nice, but not the top. You have to be good in bed to date her, and she likes giving caring touch to her partners, as well as receiving it. Words of affirmation are appreciated, but don’t overdue it. She’s heard it all, and likes action more than talking.
Nagato: Words of affirmation and quality time. Nagato has a god complex, so just nod and agree with whatever he says, and he will feel so valued 😂 He will shower you with gifts, but won’t expect any in return. Like Sasori and Kakuzu, intelligent conversation is also the key to his heart. Nagato would also value acts of service towards his people. Acts of service involving himself would make him feel guilty. If we are going for sickly Nagato, he would struggle with physical touch at first, but accept it gladly after you gain his trust.
Obito: Words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service . Also has a god complex, so just tell him whatever he wants to hear and treat him like a king. Before he went nuts, he was a golden retriever, so he probably loves head scratches and tenderness. A good gift might make him giddy as well. Quality time is not his top, cause he’s too busy trying to plan mass genocide, but of course you will have endless time together in the infinite tsukuyomi, so no worries! I’m throwing shade cause he would be a taker instead of a giver 🤪
Orochimaru: Gifts, of course! Weird taxidermy, expensive wine, statues of snakes for his lair, live snakes, stolen research, etc. You will be favored if you give lots of words of affirmation. He has no time for quality time, and you will always be sad and lonely while he experiments on children. He doesn’t feel like the type care much about physical touch, but acts of service are great!
Zetsu: Gifts (corpses of course!) Quality time feels like a favorite of theirs, they seem content to sit around and chill. Don’t be surprised if they kill you, they aren’t quite human anyway. Acts of service are also appreciated! Perhaps some gossip? Zetsu doesn’t seem like the type to value words of affirmation too much (especially Black Zetsu), and hcs for physical touch can go opposite directions.
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nonbinary-itachi · 4 months
Unity Clause
Fugaku is taking a long lunch from the Police Force when he feels Shisui's chakra flare off in the distance.
When he arrives at the scene, it's just in time to witness Danzo rip out Shisui's eye and Itachi swoops in to rescue him.
He follows Itachi's shushin (it leaves a thin chakra trail that Itachi's not as experienced at hiding) and comes across Shisui about to step over the ledge while Itachi seems frozen in place in terror/horror.
He quickly shushins over and grabs Shisui before he can do anything drastic then grabs Itachi and uses Hirashin (Minato taught it to him shortly after Itachi was born) to get back to the house quickly.
Mikoto drops a plate and slips into a fighting stance when the sudden chakra appears in her house before she realizes who it is.
She's horrified by the sight before her and quickly snaps to attention, directing Itachi to sneakily get Asami. Quickly!
Fugaku carries Shisui into his room (Shisui has had a room at the man houses since Fugaku and Mikoto realized his parents were... debatable at best) and lays him on the bed.
Fugaku isn't a medic nin, but he does know a bit about medical ninjutsu and tries to gauge the severity of the wounds. Obviously the missing eyes are worst, but he knows that os beyond his limited skills and focuses on the lesser injuries.
Itachi, meanwhile, dodges all the cameras in the compound to arrive at Asami's, who is, thankfully, alone. When he explains what happened, she's out of her chair and grabbing the storage scroll that holds all her medical equipment.
Back at the main house, she quickly assesses the scene and starts barking orders at the clan heads, who hurry to obey recognizing her seniority in this situation.
Everyone seems to forget Itachi, standing mutely in a corner still silently crying and highly traumatized by what happened.
At least until Asami orders someone to retrieve the Aburame clan head because she recognizes the poison in Shisui's system and only they have the antidote.
Itachi is once more ordered to leave and find someone.
Shibi is more shocked to have Fugaku's heir on his doorstep than the news that Danzo poisoned someone with his clan's specialty jutsu.
To avoid suspicion, Shibi henges into a bug and rides back to the Uchiha Compound on Itachi's shoulders.
He administers the antidote while Asami works on Shisui's eyes (Itachi having given back the other one somewhere in the chaos) and Fugaku heals the lesser injuries.
Given the situation, Asami decides to induce a coma for a few days to let his body recover and adjust to having his eye back/get the poison fully removed.
Shibi insists on knowing what happened, which now that he mentions it, no one is really sure what happened. All eyes suddenly fall on the visibly shaken Itachi.
For once, Fugaku takes pity on his eldest and uses the Sharingan to retrieve the memory of events.
Itachi falls to his knees in tears as he recount his newest nightmare for his father then has to listen to Fugaku recount the incident to Shibi, Mikoto, and Asami.
(Someone give this poor 11 year old a hug. Please.)
Shock and horror abounds. "What do you mean Danzo stole a kekki genkai?" The Uchihas are less shocked (there's been rumors about Danzo and Kagami for years), but no less horrified.
"Actually, this... this might actually work to our advantage," Fugaku says after the explanations are finished. He explains the Unity Clause (essentially a law written in by Hashirama and Madara that if 3 clan heads (or two if they happened to be the Uchiha and Senju) were ever in agreement that the hokage wasn't doing a good job, they could force a new election).
"If you'll agree that this is a horrifying oversight on Hiruzen's part, we just need to find one more clan head."
I have gotten very attached to the hc of Inoichi being Shisui's genin sensei. Someone points this out and recommends Inoichi for the third.
Fugaku is inclined to agree and sends word via his summons this time (he's finally realized Itachi probably should be resting and not running around the village while in shock).
Inoichi arrives, gets filled in, and immediately agrees to helps. He may have only started training Shisui as a favor to Fugaku, but he's grown to care about the boy. Plus, Inoichi has his own reasons for hating Danzo/disapproving of Hiruzen
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belit0 · 1 year
First of all, I just wanted to say that it's super cool, that you're from Argentina hehe! And that it's winter! I can hardly imagine that with the scorching heat we are having here at the moment...
But anyhow, I saw your prompt post and decided to send you a request!
Could you do prompt 6 with Itachi, please?
I'm a huge sucker for feral Itachi just finally breaking and taking his frustrations out on someone hehe! It's my favourite nsfw thing ever.
I'm looking forward to your great writing and don't forget to take care of yourself too!<33
-bunni Anon♡
6) reader: You don’t have to be so gentle with me. You can hurt me if you’d like. After all, my body belongs to you.
Finally, feral Itachi for you! It took me so long it's embarrassing omg!🙏😭💫
Personally, I think he is one of those who would explode the worst when letting his wild side out because he rationalizes his feelings too much, so letting that take over must be disastrous.
TW: Itachi kinda yandere¿
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(Y/N) feels his hands run down her back delicately, lowering the straps of her dress as they reach her shoulders and uncovering her chest. It's the typical way Itachi always chooses to initiate their intimacy, and there's a delicacy accompanying each movement that drives her to despair.
Of course, she adores how delicate and gentle the Uchiha is, how he takes his time with her and isn't rough, but something inside tells her the ninja holds back completely every time he handles her. Being a glorious man, carrying so much inner power in his body, having so much physical capability, there is no chance for him to genuinely fuck her tenderly because he wants to.
Rather, he goes about it like that because he doesn't think her capable of withstanding his true strength.
During the first few times after her suspicion, (Y/N) began to analyze his muscles' behavior, how he would clench his fists tightly as if trying to restrain himself, bulging veins in his neck like they were about to explode. Itachi was not allowing his true desire to come out, keeping that primitive need under lock inside him.
After catching on to this attitude, she felt insulted, but then realized he was doing it for her sake, to protect her. A certain level of dark curiosity was born from understanding she didn't even know a part of his true urge, and she was mentalized to find out the next time she saw him.
With Itachi living as a fugitive, there weren't many opportunities for them to enjoy themselves like normal couples. (Y/N) would wait for him every week at a particular spot in the forest, where trees provided concealment and the village guard wouldn't reach, to meet in an abandoned barn and spend time together. It may not have been the most romantic thing in the world, but it was necessary.
When this week's meeting came, the girl was determined to break through the barrier keeping him in line, to persuade Itachi into releasing his fierceness and rawness, consuming or taking her as his dark side thought-wise.
(Y/N) adores her sweet and gentle Itachi, but longs to meet the wild and unrestrained one.
The time for their usual meeting draws near, and she sets off. She covers her face with a scarf and heads into the forest, following all the directions the Uchiha gave her. He had spotted an unguarded route, safe ground from the eyes of the village. Following the path she can visualize several crows in the air, staring at her as she paces and circling overhead, indicating he arrived first. In the small ruined barn, her man is already waiting for her.
Sitting against one of the crumbling walls, Itachi looks relaxed with his eyes closed, a small smile on his mouth as he hears her footsteps. He stands to greet her and wraps (Y/N) in a tight hug full of need under his black robe.
Catching up is often more complicated than she would have expected, hating to hear those tales of the terrible missions he must accomplish for that horrible organization. The Uchiha tries to distract her by asking about her day and her work but never has much success against the determined woman, wanting to know about his wanderings.
When the conversation takes a sour turn, Itachi sets in motion his kissing and cuddling plan, managing to soften her under his lips. With the mood heating up, (Y/N) melts into his hands and allows herself to be carried away by his advances, finding herself naked and lying under his robe sooner than she would have thought. He prepares and distracts her with ephemeral pleasure by fiddling between her legs, fingers dancing back and forth, leaving her ready for the moment he awaits each week.
She feels him thrusting into her, and there is no more satisfying sensation than having her man inside. The Uchiha moves slowly, taking his time and caressing every inch of her skin with his fingers. One hand holds him above her while the other moves from her waist to her chest, caressing her neck and then her lips to kiss her patiently.
Rationalizing her state of arousal, (Y/N) remembers the task she set herself before seeing him today, and puts her plan into action. Taking his face between her hands, she whispers between moans, "You don't have to be so gentle with me. You can hurt me if you'd like. After all, my body belongs to you". She can see Itachi's expression change, and how his body becomes paralyzed.
His hips go still, and he gawks at her not knowing what to answer. "I want you to fuck me as hard as you wish, without holding back one bit. Destroy me, Itachi, make me yours." (Y/N) connects their mouths, moving her body under him to resume the rolling of his hips. The Uchiha bites her lower lip to the point of gushing blood, a gesture never seen before. “Aren’t you mine already? What are you trying to do here?”
She is succeeding, there is something awakening in the depths of his being.
"Fuck me so hard I can't remember my name, Uchiha. I'm not asking you; I'm demanding it."
There is a visible change in his eyes, and she can appreciate the doubt inside his mind. "I don't think you can take it, there's no need, I'm fine like this and-" He wants to, but he doesn't dare. "Do you need a formal invitation? Fuck me now or I'll doubt if you really like me." A hand closes over her neck, squeezing with a strength she never experienced from him. Itachi's eyes look menacingly red, and he grits his teeth viciously.
It is a version of him she never had a chance to see, and as she feels the air escape her lungs, she thinks about whether this will be the vision his enemies have before they die. A rabid Uchiha about to devour their hearts with his bare hands.
(Y/N) can only see a man completely out of his mind, driven by his need for violence, taken by his hunger and his raw urge to fuck her desperately. She can feel his hips moving again, but this time at a brutal pace, slamming against her body in a way she knows will leave bruises on her skin. "Is this what you want, (Y/N)? For me to take you roughly and show you what I’m capable of?"
The ninja draws his face to the side, holding her pelvis in one hand and marking it with his fingernails. It would seem as if he is trying to fight his instincts, not wanting to let himself be driven by that dark side buried inside him. There is a fierce aura in his posture, and his hand releases her neck only to grab her hair and pull her head back. Overwhelmed by the pace he leads, the shortness of breath, and the pain caused in different areas, (Y/N) feels faint and return to her senses several times. "You ask for it, you got it. Keep up with me."
All the tenderness and gentleness Itachi usually treated her with vanished beneath his true desire, genuine sex drive, and (Y/N) believed to be dealing with a completely different person. Possessed by his raw need and the craving he accumulates for her, the Uchiha is too far into his dark fantasy to hold back.
Without lending any qualms, Itachi continues his destructive session on her body, leaving her full of marks and bruises, vivid skin where his nails drew lines. The girl surrendered under his will, knowing she herself had provoked the situation. Between thrust and thrust, she does not remember when is the last time she made a conscious effort before passing out completely.
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moldy-flowers · 26 days
Here's my Naruto character tier list... please don't kill me.
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going through all my reasons:
My boy: I cannot physically fucking breathe if I am not thinking about him at all times sometimes its genuinely painful how much I love him I love sasuke so FUCKING much
Would kill myself for them to even spare a glance in my direction: Sakura, im gonna be honest I have a pink bias... and also girlboss she's so amazing we love a saviour complex. Hinata, I put here there for more for the nostalgia, when I watched the show at 7 she was always my favourite and i would rant to my friends about her. Sighh what I would do just for a hug :(
They'll always have a place in my heart: what can I say? They're silly little guys :3 I don't think this one is too controversial (uhmm they werent in the tier list I used but Mikoto and Fugaku are here too)
Goofygoober :): put this here last minute cause I liked these ones more than the others but I didn't like them to always keep them in my heart. Karin so high is probably gonna set some people annoyed but eh she's a gal :3 how can you hate a gal :3
Sillys: they're silly. I like the sillys
What an idiot (affectionate): theyre idiots. And i like them. Okay, I know. Kakshi is very low. I just... idk I've never felt that love for him. He's a guy and i like him, but uhm. I think that's it. I've genuinely tried to love him but i just like him.
What an idiot (derogatory): they're idiots. And I don't like them. No strong feelings about them really, wouldn't turn my nose away if someone drew some good fanart of them or if they were in the main plot of a fic. I'm still traumatized from that one comic where hashirama killed tobirama for madara idk I just can think of him the same way again...
Ermm...: what the freak :/... (I'm sorry)
I know what you are: I'm running out of things to say I just feel anger towards them idk.
Get AWAY: I don't think this is to disagreeable.
Im prepared to get burned at the stake I don't care i stand by this tierlist
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gaarasgirlfriend · 1 year
Hello 😊 May I request headcanons for Shisui where he breaks up with his girlfriend because she was cheating on him and his best friend (reader) visits him after a while to cheer him up and it turns into a hot makeout session where they confess their feelings? 💗
comforting shisui after his breakup hcs
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luckily he wasn’t dating the girl for long so he wasn’t too hurt about it, but he was still a bit down in the dumps
he wasn’t sporting his usual grin while greeting you loudly as you walked inside of his home :-(
you of course, try your best to cheer him up bc he always manages to cheer you up when you’re upset
“hey shisui, how you feeling?” you softly asked, taking a seat next to him on the couch
he sighed, “okay i guess, we were only dating for like a month and i barely saw her because of all the missions i was on. guess that got to her and she decided to do something about it.”
you frowned as you watched him stare up at the ceiling, “i brought some ice cream. cheesy as it is, it really is the cure to any sadness caused by relationship troubles.”
he chuckled lightly, “alright, please tell me you got chocolate!”
you rolled your eyes, “i have no idea why you’ve decided to like the worst possible ice cream flavor, but being the good friend i am, i did.”
he pouted at you, “why would you say that, it’s so good!”
you only smiled lightly while getting up to get utensils.
“let’s dig in.”
you looked up to see shisui smiling amusedly at you
his eyes held mirth while looking at your face
“you have ice cream on your cheek.”
you felt your cheeks slightly redden at this comment as your hand flew up to wipe the sweet treat off of your face
“i’ll get it for you.” shisui said before leaning towards you
oh god, was he going to kiss you? you were a wide-eyed mess, unable to speak coherently because of your malfunctioning brain
until he suddenly wiped the ice cream off with his finger and licked it clean
your jaw dropped, “shisui! what the hell?”
he only laughed as you hit him on his arm, “are you disappointed?”
you sputtered at this, pointing a finger to his chest, face burning hot from embarrassment, “h-huh? what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing really. well i guess it was in reference to this.”
“to wha-” before you could even utter the last letter, you were interrupted by shisui pressing his soft lips to your own
you were frozen, unable to move and comprehend what was happening before shisui pulled away with a small smile
“you know, usually you’re supposed to kiss back.”
your jaw dropped at this, lips sputtering before finally stringing a sentence comprehensible enough, “y-you just kissed me!”
“yeah, usually you do that to the person you like.”
the white of your eyes became more visible as you widened them, your heart pounding in shock
“you like me?”
he gave a small smile before nodding, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear before gazing into your eyes with such a loving look that was almost capable of suffocating you
“yeah, i have for a long time.”
“but what about your ex?”
he sighed, “can’t say that what we had was very serious, we rarely saw each other because of my missions. i reckon that she had enough of it and took matters into her own hands. not complaining though. look... i’ve liked you for quite some time and i can promise you that you’re not a rebound. i just... needed to take my mind off of you because of how crazy you drive me sometimes. you’re always on my mind and itachi suggested that i try to date someone for a change. of course, it didn’t go well because she wasn’t you. i only want to be with you.”
his words slowly turned into whispers as he pressed his forehead against your own, weighing your reaction to his sudden confession.
“i-i like you too! kind of pissed at itachi for suggesting that you date someone else though...” you trailed off
he chuckled and wrapped you in a hug, “or maybe this was his plan all along.”
after a minute you suddenly pulled away from the hug, looking at shisui expectantly
he only raised a brow in response
“i think it’s time i repay you for that kiss earlier.”
he smiled at you, hands gripping your waist, “i agree.”
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yowyowyaoi · 2 years
*Kakuzu walks into living room to find Itachi, Tobi, Deidara and Hidan huddled under the giant couch quilt, looking nervous*
Kakuzu: What’s wrong with you guys?
Tobi: Mommy and Daddy are fighting again!
Kakuzu: Mommy and daddy —?
Deidara: Listen, hm. You can hear them!
Kakuzu: *cocks his ear; can very faintly hear what sounds like Konan and Pein arguing*
Kakuzu: So, first of all, and I can’t stress this enough … Konan is not your mother, and Pein is not your father. Second, what goes on between two adults is their own business, not every single person in the house. And —
*Konan comes out of the room, looking annoyed*
Konan: I’m sorry, boys, but Papa said ”No” to each of you getting a puppy for Christmas.
Hidan: That shitty old man! Never lets us have any fucking fun!
Itachi: Are you okay, Mother? We know that arguing with Father puts you in a bad mood …
Kakuzu: Konan. Please tell these boys that you are NOT their —
Konan: *sits down on couch between them all* My children are so sweet … don’t worry, mother will continue to work on father. Perhaps I can talk him into kittens instead.
All four: *hug Konan and cuddle against her*
Pein: *comes out of his room; all four give him death glares*
Kakuzu: Leader … please help correct this mass delusion and tell them that you are not their —
Pein, to the boys: So that’s how it is, eh? Giving the silent treatment to your old man?! You kids always side with your mother, it’s not fair!
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venerawrites · 5 months
I'm sending you the biggest hug right now 😘 I had the WORST day today, but I came on here tonight and saw you'd written my Neji request. I went straight to read it and let me tell you, I haven't stopped smiling since 🥹❤️ It's flawless, I can't tell you how happy you made me. Thank you so much for making it an Uchiha!reader too, and her being Sasuke & Itachi's sister was perfect! That's exactly what I hoped for. And the added details you put in about reader's history of deception and Hiashi's concern over their children getting Sharingan / Byakugan were amazing, better ÿ
I'm blown away by how well you wrote it, seriously 'thank you' isn't enough. I'm so glad you liked my request, please don't ever apologise for the length, I loved every second. Thank you, thank you, thank you! (And I love that we both support Neji surviving the war 🥰). I hope you have the most amazing week 💕
This is such a beautiful message to wake up to! Thank you so much for taking your time to write it and for the kind feedback!
That one request has to be my absolute favourite so far and I am really glad it was what you expected! Neji is one of my absolute favourite characters and I often think he is overlooked by the fandom.
Hope you have a lovely weekend and take care <3
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Uprooted - Chapter 2
Ao3 | FFN
Previous Chapter | Next (Final) Chapter
First Chapter
Chapter 2: Put on a Happy Face
As Sasuke opens his front door, Hinata feels frozen in place.
She hadn’t been in this home in well over a decade.
When he tugs her hand and it’s stiff, he looks back at her with raised eyebrows. “Don’t be nervous. My mom’s excited to see you.”
“She…is?” Hinata asks, carefully. He nods as if it’s obvious and she lets out a breath.
“Ohhh!” Hinata whips around at a voice she hadn’t heard in quite a while. “It’s true! Itachi wasn’t bullshitting!”
“Shisui,” Sasuke breathes out with an eye-roll and she sees him suck in his cheek as his father does. She finally relents to him tugging her in.
Then, Shisui’s face is in hers, beaming. “Hey, little Hinata! It’s been a while!”
“Shisui,” Hinata repeats, leaning away from his face. His demeanor reminds her of Hanabi’s, so she’s not fully taken aback. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Shisui chuckles and pulls her into a hug. Sasuke releases her hand and stands awkwardly to the side as Hinata does her best to return the embrace. When he pulls away, he sets his hands on her shoulders and eyes her carefully, making her frown. “I am so sorry for your loss.”
“My loss?” she questions, scanning his serious expression.
His mouth splits into a grin once more. “Of your sanity. You know, since you’ll have to be married to this little shit.”
“Oh…” Hinata’s hands fall to her side, tugging at the hem of her shirt uncomfortably.
“Back off, dumbass.” Sasuke pulls Shisui by the shoulder away. “If you must know, she’s incredibly happy to be marrying me.”
Shisui looks from Sasuke back to Hinata, tilting his head in mock questioning. “That right?”
Hinata blinks, pausing a second too long before she nods her head enthusiastically. She moves to Sasuke and lets him wrap an arm around her shoulder, hers finding his waist. “I am…so very, very happy.”
“Oh?” Shisui continues, a suspicious look taking over his face.
“It’s a dream, really,” Sasuke comments loftily, gaze peering off to the side.
“A wonderful dream.” Hinata nods agreement as enthusiastically as she can muster.
“Huh.” Shisui cups his chin, still suspicious, but relaxes, regardless. “If you say so.”
“Are we free to go?” Sasuke asks, tilting his head, “or do you feel the need to grope my fiancée further?”
Shisui smirks and turns around, waving a hand to summon them.
“I just can’t believe it,” Shisui continues as he leads them down the hallway.
Hinata feels a small swell of panic at the voices coming from the other room. Sasuke clicks his tongue. “What’s not to believe? Do you think so little of me that I can’t find love?”
“Oh, not at all.” Shisui’s tone is sarcastic. Hinata finds it hard to focus on any particular thing as they near the dining room.
And there it is. Fugaku at the end of the table, Mikoto next to him, and Itachi on the other end.
“Oh!” Mikoto calls brightly as Hinata’s led in by Sasuke’s hand. “Hello, dear.”
“Hello, Ms. Mikoto.” Hinata bows respectfully, stopping in front of the seat Sasuke is pulling out for her. “Mr. Fugaku. Itachi.”
“Hello again,” Fugaku greets her, and she looks at Itachi, who is offering a smile. Shisui finds his seat between Mikoto and Itachi, leaving the other side for Sasuke and Hinata. Slowly, she takes her seat. “I’m pleased to see you two are finding each other acceptable, it seems.”
“More than.” Hinata looks up at Sasuke speaking for them, scooting his seat so close that their legs are pressed up against each other. “In fact, I’ve fallen in love.”
A choked sound comes from Itachi, and Mikoto, despite her similarly shocked expression, checks on him first. “Honey, are you okay?”
“Yes.” Itachi waves a hand, pulling a napkin to his mouth. Then he cast his suspicious gaze on Sasuke, much like Shisui did. “Perfectly fine. Continue, Sasuke.”
Mikoto begins doling out servings of dinner, eyeing Sasuke warily. Seemed this entire development was new to them, too. “Gladly. Hinata here,” he starts as he sets an arm around her shoulder, “has swept me off my feet.”
His other hand cups her chin, as it did before, and turns her face to him, all while her blush deepens, and he leans in to kiss her. A snort is heard from across, courtesy of Shisui, and a little gasp from Mikoto, too. A hum of disapproval from Fugaku and dead silence from Itachi.
She can’t do this. How on earth is she supposed to make out with Sasuke Uchiha?
In front of his family?!
She pulls away, grasps his wrist, and forces a giggle. “Please, Sasuke. Not in front of your lovely family.”
Her eyes land on his bottom lip as it pouts out and—oh no, is that cute? Is she finding something Sasuke is doing cute?
“Yes, please,” Shisui calls over to them, pointing his finger at the back of his throat.
“Well, I think that’s just wonderful,” Mikoto chimes in, settling back into her seat. “Please, eat.”
“Thank you for the food.”
“So…Sasuke.” They both look up at his older brother calling for him, and Sasuke tilts his head forward. “Why don’t you regale us with the tale of how you two found yourselves in love?”
“Hey, hey—” Shisui interrupts, waving his hand in the middle of the table, “Hinata hasn’t officially declared herself in love yet, have you, Hinata?”
“Oh—” Hinata locks up with the question, and Sasuke’s hand settles on her thigh, squeezing. Not quite gentle, but it’s not meant to harm, either. She straightens her pose. “Yes, I am in love with Sasuke.”
Those words sound ridiculous from her lips.
Shisui thinks so, too, when he snickers, looking back at his food.
Sasuke’s grip loosens as he looks back at Itachi. “I suppose it was when…” Sasuke looks up as if in thought, then returns his head down to take a bite. He swallows, clearly buying a little time. He continues, “when I caught her dancing.”
Hinata stares down at her plate, wondering where on earth this is going to go. Itachi hums, softly. “Dancing?”
“Yep, Hinata’s a talented dancer, in fact.” Was he making this up on the spot? “It was a full moon, and she was stunning.”
“Oh, my,” Mikoto gasps faintly, clearly in wonder at her youngest’s new-found knack for romantics.
Hinata wonders if Sasuke knows more about her than she realizes.
“Interesting.” Itachi’s tone remains suspicious. “I never thought you one to indulge in such things as watching a woman dance.”
“Don’t assume to know me so well, older brother,” Sasuke retorts, taking a purposefully harsh bite of his food.
“And you, Hinata?”
If Hinata was less ladylike, she’d curse Shisui under her breath.
Sasuke may have been able to come up with fantastical stories on the spot, but Hinata wasn’t quite as skilled, unfortunately.
His squeeze on her thigh returns. She moves her hand from her plate to set it atop his, her index fingernail digging into a knuckle. Sasuke scoffs, speaking for her, “is it so hard to think maybe she’s just always been in love with me?”
Hinata nearly chokes on her food.
“Don’t be shy,” he presses, bringing her hand up to kiss the back of her knuckles. The sweet action is so very, very strange from Sasuke. Hinata parts her lips as if to speak, but nothing comes out. “It’s alright to admit it out loud, Hinata, just like you did on that night.”
Her mind tells her to agree with him, nod her head, do something. But her body feels stuck. That’s when Mikoto recalls her, “Hinata, dear? Are you alright?”
“Yes!” Her volume comes out higher than she intends, but she leans into it as she turns her attention to Mikoto. She leans against Sasuke, pressing her shoulder against his chest. “It’s true, I feel so silly for it.” She’s surprised at how easily the words fall out of her. “But I’ve been in love with Sasuke for a very long time. He’s…” She turns her head up to look up at him, and he looks at her expectantly. The warm smile on his face does not look quite right on him. Back to Mikoto. “He’s wonderful. Truly a perfect man.”
Her mind lights up with all of the snarky things she wishes she could say out loud.
Mikoto clasps her hands together, eyes high with a smile. “My Sasuke is wonderful, isn’t he?”
“Wonderfully, fantastically, exceptionally stupid—OW!”
Shisui hisses when Sasuke’s foot connects with his shin.
“Well,” Fugaku cuts in after a long drink, “it is good that you two are finding the arrangement acceptable. But please, Sasuke, none of this…display of affection at dinner.”
“You gonna stop me?” Sasuke asks, tilting his head to dare him. Hinata inhales sharply when his lips land on her cheek. She turns her head and her nose is brushing against his now, but he’s not looking at her, he’s looking at Fugaku, eyelids hung low. Then his eyes are on hers again and he slides his hand around the back of her head like he’d done earlier, pulling her in for another kiss. She gasps quietly, completely torn on whether to play into it, really irritate his father like they were supposed to be doing, or to tear away out of sheer embarrassment.
“Sasuke!” Fugaku snaps, sighing aggravatedly. That’s when Hinata decides yes, she must pull away or else she might melt into the ground out of pure shame.
“Restroom!” Hinata squeaks out, already out of her chair and bolting out of the dining room without anyone having the chance to give her directions.
She stumbles through the hallway, pushing at doors until one opens and reveals a restroom. She quickly shuts it behind her and presses her back up flush against it.
Slowly, she brings a hand to her face and counts.
How many times have I kissed Sasuke today?
Fingers peel upward as she attempts to recall. Before she has a chance to finish and regain her composure, a harsh knock from the other side vibrates through the door.
“Hinata?” Sasuke’s voice comes through, but it’s quiet. She decides to open the door, and he pushes his way inside.
“Hey—” he cuts her off, pointing a finger at her nose. Her eyes cross as she looks down at it, lashes fluttering downward. When the finger freezes there, she looks up to find him looking pink in the cheeks, eyes locked on hers. She furrows her brows, taking a step back from him, though there isn’t much room and now she’s pressed against the wall. She wonders what brought the color to his face and why it looks like the cogs are turning more slowly than normal in his mind. “Stop doing that.”
She swallows, confused. “Doing what?”
“Crossing your eyes like that—trying to be cute—” He drops the hand, and his blush goes deeper.
He shakes his head as if to snap out of whatever it was he’d been thinking and continues without letting her properly respond, “anyway, we talked about this. We have to make it look over the top.”
“To be fair, Sasuke,” she breathes, trying to push out the ‘cute’ comment, “we didn’t really discuss it very…in depth before you were devouring my face.”
He stops, eyes growing with her words. The snark isn’t intentional, it’s just something she’s gotten used to, being around Hanabi and Kiba so often. He squints and drops the hand. “You have to step it up. Stop getting so embarrassed.”
“Forgive me.” The words come out before she can stop them. “But it seems you are the one that is embarrassed right now.”
The way his mouth drops open makes her want to laugh out of pure discomfort. Then his jaw snaps shut before he speaks again, “I’m going to ignore that stupid remark.” She’s actually relieved when he says that. He clears his throat. “The point is disgusting my father until he’s begging us not to get married.”
“I know that,” Hinata sighs, eyes drifting away.
Then, the sound of footsteps approach, and Sasuke’s body is pressed right up against hers and—
Oh my, oh my, oh my.
His hands find purchase on her waist and he’s already bending in to take her for what seems like a truly greedy kiss. She wills herself to return it, arms coming around his neck. She’s unsure of who’s approaching but knows whoever it is will be greeted with an unfortunate sight.
“Oh—come on—” Shisui stops at the door, reaching in to pull it closed. “At least close the damn door!”
With that, the door is shut and the footsteps retreat, and yet, Sasuke is still here. Pressed up against Hinata, lips on hers, fingertips digging into the skin of her waist.
“Sas—” She tries to interrupt, but it’s smothered by his mouth. So, she brings her palms to his chest and pushes lightly, and that’s when he finally relents. Breathless, she pants and brings her wrist to her lips to wipe, looking up at him, bewildered. “Why didn’t—”
“Realism.” He shrugs, bringing a finger up to her lips. He pokes at them, and she raises a hand to brush against them. She looks over her shoulder at her reflection in the mirror and sees they’re red and swollen. She glances back at him and his are red and swollen, too. Her eyes follow his hand as he reaches up and roughs through her hair. She shudders at the touch, and he rolls his eyes at her. “What, never been touched before?”
“Well—” she responds, offended, “not like this!”
Sasuke clicks his tongue and then turns away from her to inspect himself in the mirror. Hinata watches as he does a poor job of messing up his own hair—he’s almost meticulous about it, pulling a strand of hair to sit just out of place. That’s just not fair, she thinks, so she steps forward and pulls a hand through the neat strands. “Hey—” She’s surprised to feel his shiver. Was her touch making him nervous, too? She further experiments, bringing her other hand up to join in tangling into his hair. “Watch it!”
“Realism,” she repeats back to him, smirking over his shoulder at his reflection. His eyes lower at hers as she continues pulling her fingers through his hair. “When people…make out, they run their fingers through each other’s hair. Don’t they?”
“I mean…” Sasuke coughs into his fist, averting his eyes. “I guess.”
Hinata pauses. Sasuke seemed nervous as he answered that question. A funny thought enters her mind. “Sasuke…have you never…”
Her eyes grow a centimeter as he pulls from her hands, making way out of the restroom. She follows him, curiosity getting the better of her. “Sasuke Uchiha?” she chirps behind him, getting some pleasure out of this—finally, “never…made out? With a woman?”
“Hyūga,” he growls under his breath as he tries to get back to the dining room. When she hears chairs scraping, indicating the rest of the family getting up from the meal, she’s feeling a little bolder now. She grasps at his forearm to stop and turn him, and his eyes are both irritated and curious.
Then, something she’s never once in her life thought she’d be doing.
Especially with Sasuke Uchiha.
She shoves him against the wall of the hallway and grabs the collar of his jacket, and now she’s pulling him down to smash his lips against hers.
Hinata knows how unbecoming of her this is, but she can’t help feeling satisfied that he’s the one who is freezing under her this time. As the footsteps grow nearer, she makes an even bolder move. She pulls herself from him just a few centimeters to whisper, “play your part, Uchiha.”
She gives him a smile, actually somewhat admiring the dumb-founded look on his face. She begins to think this is the expression that suits Sasuke best. The footsteps are just around the corner and she’s pulling him back in, and this time, he plays his part. His arms wrap around her shoulders and she’s flush against him now.
“Oh for the love of—” Fugaku was heard, along with another gasp and giggle from Mikoto.
Hinata lets it go a little longer before officially ending the kiss. She looks up at Sasuke’s parents in mock surprise, wiping at her lips. She bows, deeply. “Mr. Fugaku! I apologize—”
“I think that’s enough for tonight,” Fugaku snaps, tired irritation on his face.
“Oh, but it was a delight,” Mikoto adds sweetly, contrasting her husband’s tense demeanor. She gestures Hinata to her, “please, come collect leftovers.”
Hinata looks at Sasuke for a moment and he nudges his head. She nods and joins Mikoto. “I sincerely apologize, Ms. Mikoto.”
She really is sorry. She doesn’t think a mother should have to watch her son be devoured by another.
“Oh, don’t worry.” Mikoto’s laugh is delicate. “I’m just happy you two seem so happy together! I must admit, I was fairly worried as the time came near.”
Hinata doesn’t respond, because she really isn’t sure how. Mikoto collects two plastic bins and sets them in Hinata’s hands, who bows her head, slightly. “Thank you for dinner, Ms. Mikoto. It was lovely.”
Mikoto smiles as she leads her back to the front of the home. “And many more to come.” She winks at Hinata. “And soon it’ll just be ‘mom’.”
Hinata swallows thickly as she nods. Her eyes find Sasuke’s, who is looking at her expectantly, and she feels Fugaku’s on her back.
“Uhm—goodbye.” Hinata bows again, unsure of herself as Sasuke grabs her hand again and pulls her out of the home definitively.
It’s completely dark outside now, except for the illuminating glow of lanterns around the district, and she looks up at Sasuke. He’s already looking down at her and she wonders what’s going through his mind.
“That was…convincing.” Sasuke clears his throat between the words, gaze shifting away. She tilts her head.
“I hope so,” Hinata responds, clutching the bins to her chest. “What’s next?”
“I’ll pick you up from the compound the Saturday after next,” he responds immediately, snapping back to her.
Another day with Sasuke. She wonders how long she’ll have to keep this up.
A pause sits between them as she wonders how to conclude this interaction. She peers up through her lashes at him and settles her eyes on the way his jet-black hair shimmers under those lanterns, streaks of light dancing in the loose locks. It’s almost sparkly, as if he’s some treasure underneath the shine. Her eyes trailed further: sharp cheekbones, faint white skin that was nearly as pale as her own, and of course, those obsidian black eyes that all Uchiha shared. So different from her own, polar opposite. Just as they had always been.
“Getting a good look, Hyūga?” he whispers, and her eyes land on his lips as he speaks those words.
Hinata ponders a moment. She activates her byakugan and finds both Itachi and Shisui’s chakra networks perched atop the Uchiha household. Sasuke tips his head curiously at her, and she darts her eyes to her right briefly before looking back at him. He raises his eyebrows, mimicking the action.
They both understand. With that, they press together and meet their lips as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
Hinata hears Shisui chuckle in the distance, and Itachi’s quiet voice murmuring something to him.
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In front of her mirror, Hinata fidgets with her hair. She’s unsure of how to dress for something like this.
Whatever this was, anyway.
She had taken off quickly after they parted the kiss, and he told her he’d be there around noon.
It wasn’t the last time she saw Sasuke, however. Since that day at the Uchiha’s, she’s seen him in passing a few times, and he’s certainly…dedicated to this role he’s created for himself. Sometimes, he sneaks up on her and takes her into a passionate kiss. Others, someone points her out, and he charges right up to her as if he’s laying some sort of claim. He even came to the compound right before he set out on a short two-day mission to ‘say goodbye.’ After he was done bruising her lips with his own, he had whispered to her, “it’s what couples do when one of them has to leave, to show them they’ll miss the other.” She had to bite back a laugh at the way he described it. So incredibly pragmatic.
It was a strange crossroads of ‘romance’—fervent, yet clinical. As if they were two aliens trying to figure out how humans show love.
Honestly, Hinata feels like an alien sometimes when it comes to amorous love. If she’s an alien, Sasuke would have to be from another dimension. The way he explains in almost technical terms that his actions are ‘romantic’ and ‘normal’—well—she can already see Sakura and Ino in stitches about it.
She flits her eyes up to the clock on her right. 11:50.
Hinata’s always been punctual, and so had Sasuke. So, she lets out a sigh, tucks her hair behind her ears, and rises. Usually, Hanabi is laying on her bed this time of day, flipping through a magazine and pointing out how red a woman’s lips are, or the bulge in some celebrity man’s pants. She giggles quietly as she thinks of what she said the other day while showing the magazine to her, held open to a page with a beautiful woman, scantily dressed in some strappy black dress that leaves little to the imagination.
“You ever wonder how women with these gigantic boobs manage to pull on their sandals? Poor things.”
Hanabi is out today, on some sort of date of her own. Konohamaru had approached Hinata a few days ago to seek advice on how to ask her little sister out, and Hinata happily obliged. All this nonsense with arranged marriages had her thinking ahead to her sister’s future, so she was doing her best to figure out a different path forward for her. So today, in secret, Hanabi is supposedly out on a mission with Konohamaru, Hinata having taken it upon herself to draw up a fake scroll that said so. Their father didn’t need to know, just yet.
She offers polite smiles to all those she passes on her way to the main entrance of the compound. Before she reaches it, Sasuke is already turning a corner, walking through the halls as if he owns them. She doesn’t even have time to greet him before he’s sweeping her up into another kiss.
Hinata’s surprised to find she’s actually becoming somewhat accustomed to it. She meets him easily, arms finding a home around his neck, his similarly looping her waist.
This time, she decides to focus on the kiss, because she’d been so flustered by them since that day.
It feels…nice, to kiss someone like this, she thinks.
A silly thought she’s having a hard time beating back as she thinks about the way his lips feel on hers. Like she thought before, they’re soft, and the way he moves them against hers is skillful. She wonders if it is true, that he’s never engaged in kissing such as this before because she has a hard time believing it. Or perhaps her own inexperience betrays her. Perhaps he’s in fact terrible at kissing, and anyone who sees them right now thinks they look like two horny preteens, fumbling against one another as they figure out each other’s lips and limbs.
As has become custom, they are interrupted by another. That is the point, after all.
The throat clearing in the distance is a clear sign that someone would like them to stop, and she decides to let Sasuke be the one to end it. She shouldn’t be surprised at this point when he doesn’t, and in fact, pulls her in tighter. She can feel the heat of his chest radiating out into her own.
Now, her back is against the wall. She feels one of his hands trail down, then his fingers are hooking under her knee to pull her leg up around him.
How scandalous.
Another clearing of someone’s throat, this time very loud, very intentional, and closer than before. Hinata’s mind is foggy, however, and she barely registers it. She’s ashamed to admit to herself that she’s actually enjoying this kiss with Sasuke. “Hinata.” This is when he finally draws away from her, intentionally sucking so that their lips would part with a popping sound, and he shoots an angry glare to the side.
But Hinata is too focused on Sasuke’s flushed face. His lips are parted for air, he’s cherry red from his ears to his neck, and his collar around that neck is rumpled. That scowl is back on his face, and again, it suits him. But she’s beginning to think it suits him even better when it’s directed at her father for interrupting kissing her. Accompanied by a blush, of course. And swollen lips.
Without thinking, she threads her fingers into his hair, like she had talked about a few days ago, and gets on her tiptoes. She’s pulling him back down, and his shocked eyes meet hers for only a second before her eyes are fluttering closed once more. His lips meet hers eagerly, and they’re back at it.
Hinata knows she should be ashamed, of acting so tastelessly in front of her father, but truth be told, it was actually bringing her some excitement. The feeling that he has so little control over her in this instance.
It only lasts a few seconds before he’s ending the kiss again, and she pops her eyes open, his dark ones already on hers. “Missed me, huh?”
“Very much,” she breathes out and tries not to think about how easy it was for her to say that.
“Hinata,” her father repeats, tone brimming with irritation. Finally, she turns to meet milky eyes to milky eyes. She tilts her head curiously, as if she hadn’t just been partaking in such a vulgar act. “You are causing a scene.”
And cause a scene they had. Hinata looks over Sasuke’s shoulder to find dozens of her clansmen gawking at them, hushed whispers around the room.
Sasuke’s the one that speaks first, releasing her leg and her waist to turn to the elder. He folds his arms, that cocky smirk tugging his lip up. “Aren’t you happy for us, Lord Hyūga?”
The way he says Lord Hyūga always makes Hinata want to giggle, even before this.
Hiashi falters, forehead creasing. He clears his throat again. “All that matters to me is that you two see this marriage through. I do not need you pawing at each other, especially within the compound. Please take this elsewhere.”
“Oh,” Sasuke chuckles, dipping his head as he takes a lazy step forward, “is that permission to ravage your daughter, Lord Hyūga?”
Hinata’s throat tightens with the words, her gaze on her father turning fearful.
“Not in the slightest,” Hiashi responds, tautly.
“Just not here, right?” Sasuke reaches back to take Hinata’s hand, and she lets him. “Maybe in the forest? Or better yet, maybe in that back alley, behind Sunny’s Café—”
“Enough,” Hiashi interjects, the frustration in his voice boiling over. It was unusual to see outright anger from her father, and despite the growing tension in her chest, she can’t help but find it amusing.
“Been a while since a new Uchiha was born.”
Now that…is a hypothetical thought turned existential spiral waiting to happen.
Sasuke taps his chin, looking up as if in thought. “No time like the present, right, Hiashi?”
Hinata decides now is the time to end this. “Sasuke, we should be going.”
“And where is it you two are going?”
Sasuke scoffs. “Pretty sure it’s my business what I do with my soon-to-be wife, don’t you think?”
Hiashi’s lips thin in a line as Sasuke swiftly pulls Hinata behind him, intentionally bumping his elbow into the older man’s as they pass. She offers her father a small smile, clearly fake, as she follows.
She’s quiet as they exit the compound. That interaction had her thinking far more than she’d like.
Hinata might have been considered a prude by her sister, but she wasn’t immune to invasively sinful thoughts. Flashes of Sasuke bare-chested were running through her mind, and it was making her feel hot all over, in a way that made her pull at the collar of her shirt. It’s not a visual she’d ever conjured in her mind outside of the occasional gossip session with Sakura and Ino (read: Sakura and Ino gossiping while Hinata listens quietly). It’s hard to settle with the fact she’s not even slightly disturbed by the thought. The only thing that disturbs her is the way it makes heat coil in her stomach.
So, when she looks up to find him looking questioningly down at her, she turns away, feeling like the shame is written all over her face for him to behold.
“What?” he asks as he so casually pulls her close enough that their elbows are touching above their laced fingers. She shakes her head and is saved from his questioning when a pair of long arms yank her away.
“Oh, Hinata!”
Hinata turns her head, cheek wedged against Sakura’s burgundy dress as she’s gathered into her arms.
“I’m so sorry you’re going through this,” Sakura continues, pulling away to look her in the eyes, “that you’re betrothed to this jerk.”
“Ah, Sakura,” Naruto’s voice calls from behind her, and Hinata peers over her shoulder to see, “don’t be so harsh on the guy. Not like it’s his choice, either.”
Hinata smiles at the way Naruto phrases it. He’d always been one to lighten the mood.
“Besides,” Sasuke cuts in, wedging an arm between the two women to separate them, “you don’t have to be sorry for her. She’s perfectly happy to marry this jerk.”
“Doubtful,” Sakura scoffs, turning her nose up.
Hinata realizes her part must come into play now. “No, no, it’s true, Sakura.” She gestures towards Sasuke. “I am very happy to marry this…sweet…erm…m-man?”
Naruto chuckles, coming up beside the three as Sasuke and Sakura gape at her poor attempt at sweet talk. In a hushed voice, Naruto says, “yeah, you don’t have to play pretend in front of us, Hinata.”
Hinata breathes out, looking up at Sasuke whose jaw is flexing. “Oh…”
“It was my plan, anyway!” Naruto brightens up, pointing his thumb at his own chest.
She feels Sasuke tense up next to her, and a giggle escapes her for it. “This was your idea, Naruto?”
“Alright, anyway.” Sasuke's eager attempt at redirecting the conversation is noted. “If it’s gonna work, we have to keep it up everywhere. Even here.”
He gestures out towards the street, several people traversing it, making a show of the fact that they are in fact in public, and that he is indeed right.
“Right, right.” Naruto nods enthusiastically as Sakura rolls her eyes next to him. “Don’t want all that effort going to waste, y’know?”
Hinata wonders if Naruto is a little too excited about all this.
“Now…” Naruto’s tone turns devious, a mischievous grin splitting his lips apart. “Go ahead and give us a kiss.”
“Naruto!” Sakura gasps indignantly, her palm already smacking him upside the head. “Don’t put pressure on Hinata like that!”
“No, he’s right.”
Sasuke saying Naruto is right is like jumbled noise. It makes no sense.
Hinata’s finding herself memorizing the curvature of Sasuke’s lips, and the feel of his fingertips on her chin.
A whistle is heard near them, and Hinata pops one eye open to find it coming from Shikamaru, who has his hands shoved in his pockets, a lazy smirk on his lips.
“Oh wow!” Ino exclaims, skipping over as Sasuke drags himself from Hinata. “When did this become a thing?”
“Oh, didn’t you hear, Ino?” Sakura settles herself next to Ino. Something about Ino and Sakura being put together brings the worst out in each other. The two fed off each other when it came to things like this. Sakura’s mischievous smile matches Naruto’s. “Sasuke and Hinata are engaged.”
Ino’s jaw drops, and so does Shikamaru’s. It’s a funny look on him.
Chōji gasps, but it’s with a smile. “That’s wonderful! Sasuke’s found love! Who would have thought?”
“Yeah…” Ino’s suspicious now, her eyes squinting with the feeling. “Who would have thought?”
“It’s arranged,” Sakura clarifies, and that makes Ino’s face relax, though it’s closer to confusion. “But look at them, they’re so in love!”
Hinata feels very uncomfortable with this influx of attention, and it seems Sasuke’s picked up on it. “You two enjoy your gossip without us.”
“Where are you going?” Sakura calls with her hands on her hips as Sasuke drags Hinata away. Seems to be the most natural position for the two.
He ignores her, but Hinata isn’t comfortable leaving so abruptly without at least a goodbye. “We’ll see you all soon!”
And so they went.
To her surprise, Sasuke has a whole day planned out for them.
First, they stop at the same café he had accosted her at with Naruto’s grand plan, and he buys her a cinnamon roll and her favorite hibiscus tea.
Next, he takes her into the Yamanaka’s flower shop and makes a grand show of buying her a full bouquet of flowers, all of which she recognizes as ones she enjoys most.
Then he takes her to dinner, a sushi restaurant near the outer gates of the Leaf, specifically asking for the booth up against the window that leads out to the street, where most people see them, and orders two simple plates of sashimi, nothing fancy.
After, he leads her to the dango shop next door and before she can even get a word out, he’s requesting the green tea flavor for her. It’s a flavor she’s not sure she’s ever ordered in front of anyone else as it is one she had just recently discovered she enjoyed about a year ago.
Finally, he’s walking her to Senju Park, where he guides her to sit on a bench next to the pond. It’s dark now, and the only light available is a few lampposts and the radiance of the moon. The weather out is acceptable, not cold at all, but she still shivers at his touch. He grunts, taking that to mean she’s cold and pulls off his jacket. He forces it over her shoulders before she can object.
Hinata is blown away by the end of it.
Had she just been taken out on a thoughtful date by Sasuke Uchiha?
Throughout it, he made a show of pulling her in for sporadic kisses, had his arm around her waist or shoulders, fixed her hair behind her ears, tugged at her shirt from behind to cover her skin, straightened the pendant around her neck, all things that a normal couple might do for one another. But they were for her, and they were not a normal couple. Engaged, but nowhere near normal.
He had also been periodically checking a notebook he’d kept in the breast pocket of the jacket that was now around her shoulders.
Curiosity would get the better of her, and while he’s busy staring off into the distance, she slowly reaches up until she feels the metal coil. Gently, she tugs it out and, as quietly as possible, opens it.
She scans it, and her eyes grow.
Before she can reach the next line, the notebook is snatched out of her hand. She purses her lips and clutches the hand into a fist, unwilling to meet his eyes, knowing they were probably upset.
Cinnamon rolls
Hibiscus tea
Tulips, Azalea, Peony, Iris
Sashimi – tuna, salmon
Green tea dango
“Snooping,” he says, simply, folding the notebook closed.
“Sasuke…” she whispers, twisting her lips to one side. It’s a little odd, to feel so natural with her arm pressed up against his side, his arm draped around her shoulders. “How did you find out all those things about me?”
He’s quiet, doesn’t respond. She wonders if he’s embarrassed, so she lifts her head up to see his face. She’s surprised to see a hint of pink on that otherwise pale skin. He’s looking the opposite direction from her, but she can see it on his ears. Again, it’s not cold out, so she can only assume it’s a genuine blush.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed,” she tries at comfort. Still, silence on his end. She breathes out, contemplating the best way forward.
It really is sweet, she thinks. Even if it’s for show, the fact was that he actually took her interests into account for it. He could have just forced random food and gifts on her, and she would have still acted happy as a clam to receive them. Because this is all for show. Isn’t it?
Sasuke being embarrassed to silence is somewhat funny, she thinks. But it also makes her feel a little bad. And they’re still playing a part, so she tilts her head up and places a chaste kiss on his cheek.
The way his arm stiffens around her shoulders makes her wonder if she’s done something wrong. Kisses to the cheek are something couples do.
“It’s…uhm…” Hinata searches for the right words, placing a cautious hand on his chest. “It’s thoughtful of you, Sasuke.”
He grunts, quietly. Then, he responds, “don’t get used to it. This’ll be over soon.”
Hinata frowns at that, involuntarily.
She nods.
“Anyway,” he continues with an exaggerated sigh, pulling his arm from her, “I’ll walk you back.”
For this, she’ll smile. She gets up next to him and lets him take her hand. The familiarity of it is pleasant, she thinks.
Somehow, Sasuke had managed to keep his snarky comments to himself for the day. She can tell it pains him when she does something silly, like saying ‘cimannon’ instead of ‘cinnamon’. His determination is commendable.
When they come to the front gates of the compound, he leans down to give her an innocent peck on the lips, and admittedly, this takes her off guard, because there’s no one around to give a show for.
That must be why, as he pulls away, that blush is on his cheeks again. Because there was no reason for the goodbye kiss.
Sasuke clears his throat, straightens his shoulders, runs a hand through that glossy black hair. “See you soon, Hyūga.”
He turns on his heel and begins a swift stride away. She tilts her head curiously, feeling something like heat blooming in her chest.
Hinata couldn’t be…feeling something for Sasuke, could she?
No, how ridiculous. How silly. How…how…
“Oh no,” Hinata breathes out as his figure disappears.
Next Chapter ->
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
Ok hi I know you don’t write for itachi but this idea I came up with needs to be in the hands of a actually good writer and you are it, ok let me set the sene, reader is on a mission to find out info in the akatsuki and she runs into ✨itachi✨ and then she’s like “no I can’t fight you” and hugs him and he lets her and then he’s like “you should be trying to kill me right now” and she says “just let me pretend” and then maybe stuff will get spicy or it can just stay fluffy angst
*sorry if this is outlandish but I needed a good author to see my ideas lol*
you don’t have your age visible on your blog and it says in my pinned post that i don’t take requests……. furthermore, i can’t really recall seeing you ever actually interact with my work before.
thank you for calling me a good writer, i’m flattered, but i sadly won’t be writing your request cos like i’ve stated before, i’m not taking any atm.
also, please don’t interact with me anymore if you’re underage. thanks!!
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ladykissingfish · 2 years
Hidan: Hey, blondie, have you seen that map I was carrying around yesterday? The old bastard needs it.
Deidara: Yeah. I picked it up from the floor; it’s in my room on my dresser, hm. 
Hidan: *goes to get it; comes back out a couple minutes later with something else in his hands*
Hidan: Deidara? What the fuck is this?!
Deidara: Oh! That’s my marriage license, hm.
Hidan: *reading it* You got married to puppet-dick, THREE MONTHS ago?!
Deidara: Yeah, when we were coming back from that one mission when Pein sent us to get those old scrolls.
Hidan: Why didn’t you tell anyone?
Deidara: We didn’t want to make it a big deal, hm. *shows Hidan the wedding ring he wears on a chain hidden under his shirt* But we love each other so we figured, why not? 
Deidara: But you can’t tell anyone, okay? Sasori doesn’t like people making a big fuss over things. He prefers privacy. Alright?
Hidan: Sure; whatever makes ya happy, blondie. *walks away*
*two hours later, on their way to dinner*
Sasori: You’re sure Hidan understood about us wanting to be discreet?
Deidara: I think so, hm. He —
*they walk into the dining room and pause; there are colorful streamers and floating balloons everywhere, flowers strewn around the room, and a big banner across the archway that says Congratulations Newlyweds; there’s also a huge 3-tier wedding cake being set on the table by Konan who’s crying so hard her mascara is running down her face*
Itachi: Congratulations, you two!
Kisame: *hugs them both* We were so delighted to hear the news! 
Pein: Please accept a late wedding present: two weeks off to go on a proper honeymoon.
Kakuzu: *gruffly hands them an envelope* We took up a collection; it’ll help pay for expenses such as hotels and food.
Deidara: W-what is … Hidan!! I told you that —
Hidan: Don’t scream at me, Dei! This was puppet-dick’s idea!!
Deidara: Danna, what …
Sasori: I overheard you talking to Hidan earlier. You do everything to try and please me, love. But as your husband, it’s my honor to try and make YOU happy as well. And I know keeping this a secret was hard for you.
Sasori: *gently takes Deidara’s hands* And I never, ever want you to think that I’m not incredibly proud that we belong to each other. *kisses his cheek*
Deidara, tears in eyes: Ahhhh … Danna …
Hidan: Yeah, yeah; enough of the gay shit; I want some of that cake!!
Tobi: Yeah! Cake is yummy! Let’s cut it!
Sasori: I wouldn’t just cut into it; it’s a cake for Deidara, after all.
Deidara: What do you —
Sasori: *whispers into Deidara’s ear*
Deidara: *grinning* Really?
Sasori: Really.
Deidara: *raises his fingers* KATSU!!
*the cake explodes, covering everyone with berries and frosting*
Deidara: *kisses Sasori* Second best day of my entire life, hm.
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Team 7 taking the difficult person test (shippuden)
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-She does actually care a bit about innocent civilians, and will do small favors for the elderly and children in the villages team taka visits to pick up supplies (only if they deliberately ask her or her team though.)
-She doesn't have it in her to care about the people that mess with her, her team, or people that talk bad about her clan, naruto, or itachi though; those people r gone gone lmao
-She'll be gentle with those kids and elderly but with everyone else she's very aggressive
-She's a good person but does she treat everyone nicely? Does she give everyone second chances? No
-Takes her a LONG time to actually trust people
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-Her callousness is non-existent.
- She's that person that will notice that u feel left out in a convo and ask what u think. And she'll listen. She will care and she will show u she cares.
- still very out going; not very shy at all
- can't sit still when she's excited or nervous. Like she literally can't her adhd says no
-doesn't like lying. She feels bad when saying white lies (still says them though)
-she's very emotional, even though she doesn't get sad easily she still feels emotions very strongly
- if she's comfortable around someone she'll sometimes forget about personal space
- Like she won't run up to hug new people that she's comfortable with (that's too much in her opinion), but she WILL lean on them, nudge their shoulder or occasionally ruffle their hair
-very friendly very approachable wbk
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- He actually really does try his best when on missions, and feels really bad about himself when he barely contributes
- Cares a lot about his family and friends well being and wants to protect them
- Sweet and gentle with kids and elderly and when meeting new people
- Pretty aggressive with people he's known for a long time though
-lies as much as the average person
-except when it comes to white lies
- the amount of those he tells is ridiculous
- not very self-aware
- very support of his friends and family and trys to help them achieve their goals in any ways he can
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- She's chill
- like reallyyyyy
- Very kind. Very polite to everyone
- Needs more confidence. Like please start being more sure of urself babe. Please.
- manipulation looks high cause youknow comparisons but it's average
-cares about others and will help people if they ask, but unlike Naruto if she just happens to overhear that ur having trouble and you don't specifically ask HER for help you're not getting any
-very self-aware
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