#I'll forgive you wearing black if the outfit is actually fucking cool
bubbarnes · 5 months
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i don't even know what's going on, pls kill me i guess
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Demon Form Ranking
Thanks Tia for the tag!
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I'm not putting an image for each one... sorry. In rough order, from worst to best!
Team 'What the FUCK are you guys wearing'
Satan - this one should surprise absolutely no one, and yet it's personal for me. I love the horns. I love the tail. I even like the boa and the rib tie. But I cannot forgive the fucking... white dots on the pants??? What did you do, Satan? Did you wash them with bleach? Absolutely disgusting. And I know he's covering a bunch of skin, but everyone else has some sort of markings/tattoos. Where are Satan's?
Asmo - Another one where I love the concept but not a fan of the execution. His wings and horns are adorable, and I really like the scorpion actually? But I dislike the weird buckled pant leg (asymmetry is cute, but how many buckles do you need? And grey and black?). I also don't like the bare arms, or maybe it's just the tight cuffs? Points for the hearts though.
Belphie - This one may be controversial but. I think it just looks silly. What are those buckles supposed to connect to, bestie? Why can I see your ankles? Why are you wearing parachute pants???? Belphie does get points, however, for the cutouts on the sleeves echoing the cow pattern on the torso. I can't decide whether I love or hate the horseshoe, so I won't comment further on that.
Also, I always forget how fluffy his tail is... he gets extra points for fluffy tail.
Team 'You made an effort but I can't give you full marks'
Barbatos - The colours are cute, love the tail and the veins on it, and I think the horns are very cute. It feels relatively plain, but I can't bring myself to hate it. Points on for good tailoring, points off for the mindfuck his shoulder ruffles deliver unto me.
Diavolo - Don't get me wrong, I do like this design generally. I like the gold tipped wings and horns, and the gradient on his wings is gorgeous. I also like the fur and all the gold details, it definitely lets you feel he's royalty. Let's just say everything above the waist gets full marks... but the pants just feel insanely visually busy to me. I don't know whether to focus on the white loincloth, the gold sparklies, the gold dots, or just give in and stare at his boots. At least the boots look kinda cool.
Beelzebub - I really like the silhouette here, the tight tank, and Beel's is possibly the only design where the excess buckles don't bother me, because they blend visually with his outfit. The jacket's a little visually busy (love the spikes, I think I'd be fine with it without the little rings?) and I'm not sure how I feel about the boots. I think if there was a little extra pizazz I'd be happy with this, maybe if his wings were more translucent/reflective as they are in fan art?
Team 'Understood the assignment'
Lucifer - I don't know if I can put into words how much it pains me to put Lucifer this high up, but I can't deny his demon outfit is just plain good. I love the balancing of the black/red, I love that it fits his character to have such a grand outfit, the inclusion of the peacock theme, his wings (which I feel should be bigger, but I'm willing to accept he's keeping them partially folded). He's kept from top ranking because if I compliment him too much my soul will shrivel up and I'll die.
Mammon - I guess the eldest bros just brought their A game? It makes sense given that he's a model and all for him to have a good outfit. The horns look delicate but super sharp, and the bone detailing on the wings looks incredible. I like the spikes, the gold accents, and I even like the stupid little dangly bits on the collar. Everything totally suits his character. The only thing keeping it from being my absolute favourite is that I think all the diamonds on the sleeves are a bit too much.
Leviathan - This one might be a bit of bias shining through, but Levi looks so much like an outfit you'd design in your teenage emo phase and it somehow works. The mesh undershirt with the cozy hoodie? The little scales? I don't know if this is intentional, but his horns remind me so much of coral and I love how on-theme that is for him. Also love the recurring scale motif, it's just perfect for him. The only thing that I'm unsure of are the suspenders, which I can't decide if I hate or love.
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dacresslut · 6 years
Back off - chapter five
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: IN THIS EPISODE OF “Back off”: Date night! First dates can ether go really great or very bad. Will the readers first date with the sex god Billy Hargrove go well? Or will the night turn sour? FIND OUT NEXT!
Warnings: fluff, light smut, swearing, and angst. Lots and lots of angst.
Word count: 3,065 (long one for y’all)
A/N: I’m baaaaaack! And hopefully not staying gone! I’m starting chapter six ASAP! This one is a gooooood one! And I’d like to give a special thanks to @dacremontgomerylover for all the help and love, she’s so amazing. Love you girl💕
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Sunday came and gone, you talked to Billy for about 10 mins. And it consisted of him saying it was dinner and a movie. Which was so cliche, but you loved it. “I’ll pick you up at seven, right?” His low voice filled your ear.
“Seven sounds good to me, Hargrove.” Biting your lips as he chuckled through the phone.
“See you at school, babydoll. Dream about me.”
“You wish.” Hanging up the phone, rolling on to your back, staring at the ceiling, smiling harder than ever before. Until you heard a knock on the door.
”Hey sweetheart.” your door opens up slowly, hearing your father’s voice made your head pop up.
”Dad!” you go and hug him, his arms wrap around you. ”how was the trip?” you pulled away, not wanting to be touched for too long.
”Fun and informational. How was holding up the fort?” he smiled down at you, and you gave him a sweet smile.
”Boring, it wasn't the same without you here.” You pat his arm, walking past him. ”did you get KFC?”
”How could I forget?” he says as you both head down the stairs, you make your way to the bucket of chicken, and fixings. You almost had the balls to tell your family about your date with Billy Hargrove tomorrow. But you held your tongue. And family dinner went on as normal.
When Monday morning came, doing the daily routine. You rushed the twins, trying to get to school faster. To see Billy’s perfect face. Bouncing your leg in the back of the car, you anxiously waited. ”see you after school, guys!” you said to them, and took off towards his blue Camaro.
The twins watch closely as you are escorted into the school by Billy Hargrove. Once you two are out of view of the twins, he slaps your ass once. You chuckled but swatted his hand away. ”quit.”
”make me.” he slaps your butt again, but a little bit harder. You glare at him, then swinging your hand back to smack his perfect ass. The hallway filled with the sound of smack! Really making a scene now. Everyone was staring at Billy and you flirt. ”hey now! That hurt you little shit!” he laughs, and chases after you as run away from him. You screamed as he catches you from behind, spinning you around. Girls were getting jealous of you, getting all the attention from the famous Billy.
As he put you down, you fixed your shirt. ”get to class, Hargrove,” you say then stick your tongue out at him.
”Save that for tonight, babe.” he winked at you, then blowing a kiss at you. Rolling your eyes, heading to class. Daydreaming about Billy all day, until Gym class rolled around. Where you got to see him, you stretch your muscles out as you see Billy taking off his shirt. He was looking right at you as he did so. All the girls sigh in delight as he shows off his perfect body. But his eyes were only on you, still soaking up the attention.
You get on the court, Steve has the ball, dribbling it towards the hoop, where Billy was guarding. Steve tried to push towards the hoop, but Billy was right there to push back. You see talking going on between the two boys. Paying no mind to it, until Steve landed on his back. Try to block Billy but he was to fast, throwing it under his leg, putting it through the hoop.
”Steve!” hearing Nancy yell his name, made you look towards the two walk out of the gym. As Billy took my whole team down. Even you couldn't keep up with him. And that was how the whole class went. Getting your ass handed to you.
”Aw, did I hurt baby's feelings?” Billy said to you as you wipe off your sweaty face, shooting him a glare.
”No, I’ll just tell coach next time that I want you on my team.” Smirking at him as he licks his teeth. He gets close to you and puts his hand on your lower back, pulling you into his chest. That was extremely sweaty. But you didn’t mind.
”I don't do shirts.” he got close to your face, looking at your lips.
”Guess I'll have to be skins then, babe,” you whispered to him, breaking away to walk towards the girl's locker room. All the girls were whispering as you walked in, looking at you. Then giggled. “Y’all got something to say or what?” You confront them, they all look down at their feet and not saying a word. “Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought.”
[billy’s pov]
(Y/n) said I had to tell the twins before we went on this date. And of course, I wait until the last hour of the day to tell them. “Jack! Daniel!” I yell for them in the hallways.
“Hey, Billy.” They say in unison, fucking twins.
“I wanted to tell you guys something,” I start with, running my fingers over my chin as I think about what to say. “Man to man, I thought you should hear from me instead of someone else.” They both drop their smiles. Giving me a serious look.
“I’m taking your sister out on a date, and before you freak out- I actually really dig her. She’s no one like I’ve ever met before.” They were quiet at first, probably talking telepathically. Jack sighs and nods.
“I’m happy you came and told us first. Would’ve been better to ask for our permission, but better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.” My whole body relaxes. The twins almost approve. “But you hurt our sister, you deal with all of us.”
“Loud and clear. Thanks, guys. I’ll catch ya later.” I say then walk to go give (y/n) the good news.
[your pov]
We don’t have to hide it anymore, but that doesn’t mean you’re shoving your tongue down his throat in the hallways. As the last bell rings, you rush out of class to get to Billy’s car. Seeing him leaning up against his car, smoking a cigarette. You drop your backpack where you stand. Getting a running start, he smirks and braces himself to catch you. Which he successfully does. Spinning you around. You felt so happy, happy with someone. It was a new feeling for you.
“Hello, my pretty girl.” He says as he puts you down, you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Since when am I your pretty girl, huh?” Giving him a little attitude. That was your specialty
“Since I stepped foot in this school, that’s when.” He pulls me into his arms, and you rest your head on his chest to listen to his beating heart. Seeing all the people stare, you roll your eyes. Backtracking to get your backpack, he checked you out as you bent over to take it off the ground. Then trying to think of a thought that kills his tent he had going on for you. He was about to walk over to the other side and open the door for you, but you stopped him.
“No need, Hargrove. I don’t need chivalry, I need my bad boy that smokes a pack a day.” You say as you light your cigarette, and get in the car yourself. He stood there, with a smirk on his face, then seeing Max, got a little irritated but kept his cool for you, not wanting to mess it up. She got in through your side, sitting in the back.
“Hey, you! How was school!?” You smiled at her as Billy pulled out of the parking lot. Max smiled at you.
“It was okay, but you know, school sucks either way.” She shrugged her shoulder as you laughed, Billy stayed silent. Trying to drop you as soon as possible. Pulling into your driveway, he leans over, grabbed the back of your neck and pulling you into a rough kiss. You loved it, but not in front of Max, who was completely disgusted. You pushed on his chest.
“Save that for tonight, Casanova.” You smirked and got out of the chair, letting max out to get in front.
“I’ll be here at 7:00, doll!” He yelled to you, “don’t make me wait!” He teased you, but you turned around to flip him off playfully. Walking up the steps, and sighed once you got into the door. Where the twins were waiting for you.
“When were you planning on telling us about Billy?” Dan said with his arms crossed over his chest, giving you a brother look. You roll your eyes as you took off your shoes and put down your backpack.
“I was waiting for Billy to tell you, it would've been a hard no if I asked,” you start heading up the stairs to your room, as the boys just groan. It was worrisome for them, afraid you were going to get your heart broken. Daniel shrugged, drinking his water.
“Just be careful, sister. I don’t want have to use my wrestling moves on him,” you laughed a little, he sets the cup back down on the counter.
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much! Now, I have to get ready for my date,” you say as you make your way towards the stairs.
“Don’t give it up on the first date!” Jack calls out to you, making you roll your eyes on instinct.
“It’ll be none of your business!” You yell back, closing your door. Trying to look perfect for him. Just for him.
Seven rolled around quickly, and you finished your little black dress off with his brown leather jacket that he lends you. It felt right to wear, with the whole outfit. Then you hear a loud roar of a certain Camaro out in the driveway, peaking your head up, you race down the stairs and answer the door before he even has time to knock. “You’re early, I have five minutes,” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“I thought it’d be nice to meet the folks-“ he tries to say but is cut off by the sight of my dad, still in uniform, and gun in tacked.
“One folk, her mother is no longer with us, she would’ve loved to meet you.” Billy stuck his hand out for him to shake, thank the lord, he shook it. “Nice grip,” letting go of his hand. “Now time for ground rules, she’s back by 10:00, on the dot. Not a minute later, or you’re in for a wild ride. No drinking and driving, no drugs, no fast driving, and be very sure I’ll have people watching-“
“Dad, please. I think I know the run down by now. Can I go now?” You pout a little, not really wanting to deal with the whole dad explaining rules.
“I suppose, have fun, be safe, don’t do anything your mother wouldn’t do,” he kissed your forehead and you walked out of the house hand in hand with Billy. He opened the door for you even though you had already told him he didn’t have to. It made you blush the whole way to the restaurant.
After the dinner and the movie, you sat in his car with his hand on your thigh as he drove. “Can you please tell me where we’re going? For all, I know you could be taking me out to my grave that you dug before our date. I noticed you were sweaty-“ billy shot you a look, shutting you up immediately.
“Patience, babe,” he says as he squeezed your thigh. “You’re going to love it.” He brought his hand to the back of your neck to pull you close to his face so he could kiss your cheek.
“Watch the road,” you warned as you returned the kiss. His hand found your thigh again, just a little high this time. Your hand rests on top of his as the ten-minute drive went on. When you got there, it was an open field, you frowned at him. “Okay, really are you going to kill me or-“
“(Y/n), shut your trap about me killing you. You’re watching too many scary movies.” He pulled a soft blanket from the back. “Come on, ya serial killer.” You both got out and he laid the blanket over the hood of the car, lifting you up by your hips onto the car, he followed after. Cuddling close to you, both of you look up at the stars. It was perfect. “I brought you up here because this is the place I come when I need to get away from my house, and I wanted to share it with you.” You peek your head up to look at him as he told you this, smiling a little.
“Does Billy Hargrove have a soft side?” He rolled his eyes, then looking up at you. Brushing your hair behind your ear, his face was serious.
“For you? Definitely.” He leans up to kiss your lips, holding your cheek in his hand. You were right, he was a great kisser. He pushed up more, putting you on your back. You look up at him as he hovered over you, his eyes scan your body. “You look hot in my jacket and on your back, just for me,” his lips were on yours again, rougher this time. Your lips moved with his in perfect harmony, as he laid his body more between your legs, pushing your dress up. His hands find your thighs, pulling the end over your hips, showing off your pink lace underwear. You wanted this, so so badly. You could feel it building up in the pit of your stomach. The want for him.
He pushed his crotch up against your heat, it made you open your mouth more, which gave him the opportunity to slide his cigarette flavored tongue into your mouth, moved it to touch yours in all the right ways. His hard-on made you even more turned on for him, he pulled away and putting his hand between yous, his thumb found your clit over your panties, rubbing it in slow little circles. Your mouth opened a little and small moans came out, “oh shit-“ closing your eyes and tilting your head back as his went faster.
“Look at me, (y/n), or I’ll stop,” he looked down at you with such intensity, he was dead serious. He loved the way you looked while he touched you, he could cum in his pants by just the sight. But he held it back, not wanting to deal with the mess and be embarrassed in front of you.
You looked up at him, “please don’t stop-“ he then smirked and slipped his cold hand on your nub. He was faster and knew how to touch you. Then it hit you, sex. This leads the sex. But this feels so good! Sex must even feel better. But it’s also your first date! but a little longer wouldn’t hurt… your moans got louder, then your climax was close. “Okay, okay! No, stop!” You pushed him off and slide off the car. Fixing your dress, right away. Your legs shook as he slides off the car too, you could see his boner, and it made your legs shake even more.
“Baby- what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough-“ he tried to ask you but your hands reached for his jacket, pulling him closer to you.
“Absolutely not, you’re so good- so so good-“ you take in his scent, looming up at him. “But,” your hand touches his cheek, looking into his beautiful blue eyes, “I’m not going to losing my v-card on the first date, you have to work for that shit.”
He looks at you, but you can’t read his face, “so you’re really going to make me wait? After all that?” He pushes your hand off his face, “why?”
“Why? Are you really asking me why?” The heat starts heading to the tip of your ears, anyone could see the smoke coming from them, “because my mom always told me, I only get this one fucking time, and then it will always be imprinted in the back of my mind. I will always remember it, and I have to trust you still,” tears ran down your cheeks, you were so mad you were crying, this never happens, ripping the blanket off the car, and throwing his jacket at him. “That’s why you fucking asshole,” you turn to him, giving him one chance to save this. Save this possibly great relationship, the great love of your life.
“You can’t trust me? Why would I go out of my way to do all of this, for just a lay? I could get any girl in that fucking school. But I chased you, and trust me, I don’t chase. I’m the one who gets chased, sweetheart-“ Billy’s tone was hurtful, and mean. He fucked it up. The chance was gone.
“Don’t. Save it. Now you don’t have to chase anymore, we’re done. Bring. Me. Fucking. Home.” Your voice was serious and very angry sounding. “Before I steal your fucking car, Billy.”
“Fine, get in the goddamn car then.” He lights up a cigarette and gets in the car. Slamming his door, as do you. The car ride was quiet and tense. You could cut the tension with a knife.
When you got into your driveway, you didn’t say anything to him, even after he calls your name. Trying to fix this, he couldn’t fix this. He fucked up.
“Hey sweetheart, you’re early-“ your dad tries talking to you, but you shoot him a death glare. Then giving Jack and Dan the same look. The twins stop what they were doing to look at you, standing up and trying to see what happened. They knew that look. But you stopped them,
“We’re not talking about it, so don’t ask me about it. We never speak of it, ever.” Kicking your shoes off, and heading upstairs. Straight to the bathroom, turning it on and sitting in the tub, the shower covered the sounds of your sobs. You couldn’t cry in front of your family about it, that would be bad. Very bad.
All you could remember was crying before you finally fell asleep.
Tags: @dacremontgomerylover @httperrornicole @missblasphemy @abbyed @kingsteve011 @hopperhargrove @1moom-girl1 @sarcasticemmalol @ijustwantahugfromtennant @livinglike-jimmorrison @casuallydeliciousbiscuit
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