#I'll make a lil plans for next year post when Im back from work or maybe tmr o
one-bunny-a-day · 5 months
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robinisademon · 2 years
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I posted 3,553 times in 2022
That's 2,022 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
3,542 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,060 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#mcr - 858 posts
#g - 705 posts
#art - 469 posts
#ofmd - 256 posts
#sandman - 87 posts
#q - 63 posts
#esc22 - 37 posts
#green dress tm art ref time - 35 posts
#jellycat - 34 posts
#les mis - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but however i have been seeing the trend in university lately that when youre ill the teachers sometimes still exoect you to follow class-
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Blackbeard in art nouveau style, sad edition.
Background inspired by Mucha's "Fox-Land Jamaica Rum" (1897)
Flowers are wild rose, sweet pea, and butterfly weed. All badly drawn at 3 AM.
plus heres a horrendously coloured one! it's muddy and includes really shit bucket fill! enjoy!
See the full post
73 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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quick lil draw,, im hfhsfjsfhjakfajkd so not sorry
(based on "Fruit" by Mucha, 1897)
85 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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okay okay this is still a Sketch so dont scream at me i know the face is like a smiley and the arms are different lengths but shhhhhh. the vision is coming together
EDIT this now has a finished version
138 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Just gonna drop this here...
it's a silly little powerpoint with some outfit images on the slides, sorted by date. not complete, dont come for my throat. working on it though!
Edit 23/09: Completed all shows up to today. Would love feedback on any potential mistakes.
Edit 24/09: it's temporarily down bc onedrive is a bitch. hopefully will be fixed soon! more info on this in the comments of this post.
Edit 25/09: Microsoft. is a fucking. twat. Theyve blocked my account, probably because my powerpoint is seen as spam. Apparently on of their spam policies is "Don’t send content to people you don’t know or to many people at the same time" which is dumb because why do we have a fucking share function then? YeAh pLs sHaRe iT bUT LikE dOnt sHare it ToO mUCh. Bastards. cant have anything fun.
Anyway. I cant get my account back (well, i could but i dont want to give them my phone number), which means its time for the next plan:
Ill replace the link to the powerpoint with a link to a google drive, and I'll upload new versions of the powerpoint on there. Sadly all previous reblogs will keep the wrong link so i really hope they will see this message. Ill also put it in the comment section to make that a little more likely. I might also make a brand new post, additionally to this one.
Sorry for all the inconveniences and i hope we can share a little joy in a new way. fingers crossed.
317 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Alright. I'm just gonna quit painting and post this before I go insane. You can scream at me now.
Background design and colours heavily based on "La Dame aux camélias", Mucha (1896).
Flowers in the background are lily (yellow), honeysuckle (really badly drawn), and thyme (didnt even bother to draw the shape right).
Pose based on "Médéé", Mucha (1898), especially the arms hands and knife situation.
Character is from Our Flag Means Death (2022). Obviously.
1,172 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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noxs-daydream · 11 months
Casually going to be venting / ranting here, will include screenshots
Also, I will not be as active more than likely while I work on cleaning my room and preparing for the move. Initially I was going to talk to my therapist about it but I can't wait for the 22nd to get a second opinion from someone who knows my situation but doesn't have that personal connection to me
For anyone who does decide to read/look, get the popcorn cause you are getting context and screenshots of my in the moment ramblings too And also feel free to put your opinion as if this were an r/AITA or r/WIBTA post! I've always liked those idk why lmao
this is going to be the exact opposite of organized, but I will trY
First, the context:
since 2021-2022 i have babysat my niece when my sister was unable to afford her babysitter, however there started to be long periods where she was unable to pay the money (cheaper than what it is now, which is 10 USD an hour)
march/may of 2022 (don't remember exact month, but i do know it started with an M) i notified her i would be looking to start my GED soon, and months earlier in 2023, i still have not started it as babysitting has moved to full time, 5 days a week with little to no pay to compensate. she claims to have been looking for solutions/alternatives, while- to my knowledge- not having looked into or signed up for any aids/benefits a single mom could have
i have had to message a friend one day, when i made plans for them to come over and spend the next few days with me, and tell them 'so im babysitting my niece'. luckily they adore my niece, so they didn't care about helping me with watching her (note, i've also had plans change last second on days i was supposed to have off via the one watching her being her actual babysitter; i am neurodivergent - ADHD - and hate things changing last second especially when i have plans)
my therapist even agrees that my life is being put on hold so my sister can have a babysitter, and that i shouldn't have to do it. there is no progress so far for being able to say 'no' to babysitting (notice how it's not technical consent, as i have no room to say no without her getting upset?)
months ago, around May/June, i mentioned going down and living with my partner for a month or two in AUGUST, and she started panicking. not only talking bad about how my mom and i react and jump to extremes when i just notified her of the offer my partner ASKING if it would be okay
In general, my life is being put on hold since 17 and maybe even 16 turning 17, years old to accommodate for my sister's financial trouble without a sign I'll be able to further myself.
Let's add onto the fact that I make money where I can via my art, and I pay my own phone bill. That's it. That's the only bill I have to pay. And I can't even do that when I also want to help my mom out with the bills of where we live.
My last proper stretch of time off had been when my father died. Just 2 weeks of time off. Then back to the weekend being my only day off (except for today because I had to babysit today too ontop of watching her on my sister's day off to clean the house my dad lived in and the trailer i live in because of some spiritual culture stuff)
I'm also gonna point out that she had said 'tr@nny' and did not apologize, just stared at me, when I said 'that is a slur' - i'm trans and she has been transphobic to me before (i doubt her views have changed just because she is getting involved in her culture)
She's also the one who kept acknowledging what happened with the spiritual stuff, after tearing into me a lil bit about "after this is over don't talk about it, don't acknowledge it, etc" and now because of her acknowledging it and asking me about it bcuz IG IT DIDNT STOP, I think IM starting to feel whatever the fucker's effect on people is
Now the screenshots (names will be blurred):
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hello ! this is my first time sending an ask and i had to say i love your writing and im excited to see where deep sea is going <3 the world youre building is so interesting and i cant wait to see whats going on with maiko darling!! i wanted to ask, whats your planning process like for longer fics like this, or how do you normally write fics in general? ive been lowkey wanting to get into writing fanfic, but im not sure how to start, especially since i worry abt writing a character wrong 😭
OMG this ask,, thank you so very much!!! deep sea ended up turning into more of a lengthy project than i originally anticipated, not that i'm complaining. i think there's a lot to explore there and i'm excited to get to everything that i have planned. as for my writing process... i learned a lot from hell within reach, which i started last year, since it was my first venture into novel length territory hrjtmkg (i still need to finish the last chapter but i'll get to it eventually). i think the main thing i learned is that organization, my greatest weakness, is vital for long fics/stories in general.
deep sea's development has been a touch cleaner than HWR since i've been trying to apply what i learned. to give some insight into the process, it looked like:
early early planning phase: getting a rough idea of what i wanted, mostly the reader’s story and how it relates to scaramouche. not very structured. just lots of ideas that didn’t even play off each other yet. i messed around with various possibilities, just kinda throwing stuff at the wall to see what would stick. brainstorming and such. 
research phase: basically what i talked about in this post! i did reading, watched interviews, the like. took a bunch of notes, made a vocabulary list, the works. this is also where i came up for the name of deep sea’s okiya, shinju-an. i ran the name through a good friend of mine who is fluent in japanese to see if my research on naming teahouses was correct, which it apparently was. phew.
plot outline 1.0: a bare bones outline. breaking down every character’s motivation, how that would move the plot along, etc. i ended up scrapping like 80% of plot outline 1.0, but the core elements remained the same. 
writing chapter 1 and crying: basically what it sounds like... kinda a rough test to see how well i could (or couldn’t) pull all these various concepts together into something coherent. 
plot outline 2.0: at this point certain things go on the chopping block. i shed a tear for each idea i liked that i must get rid of so the story makes literally any sense to anyone who isn’t me . this is where i changed misato’s role in the story (very drastically), started fleshing out maiko darling’s backstory more, along with how keiko and ishioka would impact the overall narrative rather than making them like. forgettable background characters. it was mostly the very middle of the story/the end that gave me trouble... i’m still slightly undecided on the specifics of the ending, but the general idea is figured out.
back to chapter 1 with Mostly everything figured out: most of the first chapter was finished, i just went through and cleaned it up. added lil hints that made me feel sneaky. started wondering why i put so much effort into yandere genshin impact fanfic and not my schoolwork. 
some important things to note — every time i felt discouraged or blocked by not knowing where the story should go next, i forced myself to take a break rather than soldiering in. this was kinda a new technique for me. i normally like to have everything Nice and Clean and Finished as soon as possible. i feel as if this mindset helped me a lot in the long run! a good night’s sleep is sometimes the best remedy to feeling frustrated when the story isn’t coming out like how you pictured. there’s nothing wrong with taking breaks. 
as for how i write my regular, non multi-chaptered fanfic... i kinda... just wing it. 😭 i’m sorry that probably sounds very disappointing. i wanted to challenge myself with deep sea, but for my other fics, i consider it more of a fun outlet. i’ll get an idea i like, start writing without ceasing, get to the end, and then look back/edit through the mess i just typed. it’s a lot more simple. 
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