#I'll probably update with like chabges once mom gets back it seriously fascinates me so much UGH im glad u asked junes :)
viovio · 7 months
vio its junie (i got shadowbanned) can i ask about the vio family lore. Did your grandpa got eaten by a beastie or something i CANNOT help but ask because im both fascinated and terrified
HIIII JUNIE I'm so glad you asked actually, it's a story my mom once recounted years ago that I can't help but be fascinated by. She's not here to help refine my memory but I remember some key details anyway!
It was on her side of the family, it was my lola (her mom)— who was too young to even remember what happened at the time— in her childhood home. Her grandpa (or an elderly relative) was very ill, couldn't remember with that. So a young woman passes by the province introducing herself as a nurse right? (I think mom mentioned exclusively white clothes.) She takes care of lolo, but everyday he seems to deteriorate, his skin was either puss-filled or stripping off. He was worse off by then but she just seemed to grow more lively. Tending to him as a nurse.
Eventually I think the townsfolk grew suspicious, they chased her out of the house when they found her sucking on his skin. So she escaped through the window, and you know how houses back then we're elevated a bit off the ground with short platforms underneath? Like you could crouch underneath and crawl under the house, that was where she hid.
It's fuzzy from here on out but they set out in a wild chase with sharp weapons (makeshift or farmtools honestly), poking the beast and watching her transform into a dog or cat and sprinting towards the farm. Where she blend in with the pigs, I'm not sure if mom mentioned how they figured out which one was her but they killed her.
She was an aswang, it seems very strange to me that she'd feed on someone ill (maybe even on his deathbed) but it's not like I can ask her myself... The way my mom told and concluded this story was very riveting though! I really like how it was passed down because of how much people were witness and participant in it.
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