#I'll save the butt puns for later
theflybitteneye · 10 months
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To do:
Fix her hand (oopsie I broke it.)
Finish sewing her bloomers.
Finish sewing her blazer.
Finish her stockings (including a stump cover for her leg.)
Make her wig.
Make a hat (bowler or bonnet? Still undecided.)
Make her shoes (booties? Slippers?)
Make her umbrella gun (inspired by the real life Bulgarian Umbrella.)
Here's my thicc, steampunk, WW1 black-and-white, vaguely Silent-Era cartoon, one armed, one legged prostitute-assasine Smart Doll WIP. If that seems like a dense concept, you need to get on my level of neurodivergency, clearly.
The idea behind her is she's like, this "exotic entertainer" in a vaguely turn-of-the-century WW1 steampunk setting. She officially employed under the ruse of being something like an all-in-one, singer, dancer, conversationalist, "professional company and party attendant for high-powered men and women" escort. Soft, feminine, "silly," and physically disabled, she's actually a highly effective contract killer who gets away with it by acting like a helpless empty headed bimbo who uses people's own mysogyny and people's prejudice against her being obviously disabled and a sex worker to her advantage.
The kind of backstory I had in mind was that she managed to survive a bombing of her hometown when she was little that took both her right limbs and caused severe nerve damage. Due to an error in message decoding, her town was reported to be taken by enemy forces. The monarchy, taken by spurise by this development and panicking due to the geographic advantage of the localtion for attack on the capital, opted to hastily bomb it without any other evidence or confirming how the opposition's army could have taken the town without them knowing until now. They didn't know until after the whole area had been leveled they just blew up their own citizens over a mistake. It left her (pun not intended, but welcomed, ha) fighting to balance chronic pain and addiction to painkillers for the rest of her life, and surviving on sheer spite for authoritarian incompetence. She loves destroying the lives of high powered figures as much as she loves being paid for it. Because her ability to feel pain had been altered so drastically, she can take a hit, stabbing, and even a gunshot like it's nothing so long as it isn't lethal. The extreme sports of "when life gives you lemons." Her go-to weapon is her parasole that fires small poison pellets at close range, that can also be converted into a disguised sniper rifle by swapping out attachments. Her signature trick to things going tits up is letting herself get battered up a bit, than crying on command like a helpless girl. Pitiful as possible. She can hold her own in a brawl, but it's often more effective to let her targets attack her and make a big scene. Have them die slow painful deaths hours later when their organs give out seemingly out of nowhere in the company of witnesses after she's long been "saved" by her handlers. Assault being common for escorts in her line of work, no one thinks the wiser. Even if they do, she's just a "poor, simple, crippled girl" who just got beaten up by a client, how would that make them look if they accused her of fowl play?
I'm not really writing a story persay in mind for this character, it's more so just the fun of character development and narrative through character design, but maybe I'll use the idea somewhere someday. Really I just love that contrast of innocently dangerous, and wanted her to physically embody that. As an animator, obviously, that Silent Era aesthetic is something I'm living for. Osamu Tezuka is post-WW2 obviously, but the vibes I'm kind of going for is if he worked for Fleischer Studios. Blackjack, but make it Out of the Inkwell.
Her eyes are handmade and hand painted out of acrylic, and her body's obviously very heavily moded. I gave her much more generous cleavage, and tried to give her the chubbyiest thighs, tummy and butt I thought I could get away with, but, looking at her I think I might have been able to give her some more pudge. For anyone unfamiliar with the issues with trying to mod base dolls into plus sizes, the joints can pose problems when making it look right. I prefer dolls with more extreme figures and bodies and like the challenge and look of making dolls with different body types and fat distributions, so I'm experimenting more and more with doll "mid-sizifying" I suppose you could call it. Eventually I'd like to get to trying to do a full like, proper "plusizification." Taking a thin doll and trying to put like, an approximate 100 lbs on her if nothing for the joy of the logistics of it alone. It'd be cool to try it with a Smart Doll or Dollfie Dream, something with an interior skeleton. I think that'd be the best results. I think I might as well make body parts to fit over those endo skeletons from scratch, though. I only have Smart dolls at the moment to work off of, but if anyone is interested in commissioning some chubby to full plus-size Smart Doll custom option parts, let me know. I'll happily give you a discount while I'm just experimenting with all this.
Her head is of course also moded. I wanted her to look like she was punched, so her cheek is swelling a bit. She's a Smart Doll Journey if I remember correctly.
Her leg is a mixed media. Fabric, wire, metal, a pen. Those interior skeletons make Smart Dolls fantastic to put robotic limbs on--- extremely easy to attach. I wanted it big and cartoonish, the foot looking like a big heavy oversized metal boot, and also to look like a highly engenieered peg leg instead of a proper prostetic. Vaguely inspired by Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon's leg, which the suggestion it's spring operated. You know, antiquated but advanced as most fantasy steampunk is.
Her tattoos are all flowers that have some meaning in Victorian flower code. The big one on her chest being an anemone. It represents a warning or notes something as "forsaken." Used to ward off evil spirits, disease, death, and bad luck. So it's kind of an omen of bad shit happening. A protection and a bad sign. Because I'm trash I'm tempted to name her "Anne Amie." "Amie" is the feminine word for "friend." It also sounds both like "anemone" and "an enemy" when run together out loud. That might be a play on words, punny name so loaded it might rip a fabric in the universe, haven't decided yet, but there you go. I might just decided I accept my crimes against the English, French, and flower-based languages. We'll see.
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legobiwan · 3 years
FATWS: Episode 1 Recap, "New World Order" (1/3)
Okay, I promised an in-depth review of Falcon and the Winter Soldier so here we go:
Episode 1: "New World Order"
So the opening sequence for FATWS is not necessarily the most original. Pick up the bad guys (this time they seem to be Tunisian/French base-jumping terrorists, which for some reason amused the hell out of me) and save the day. Generic hero stuff, although it does set up Sam Wilson as a) being very competent at what he does and b) agile in his maneuvering of Beggar's Canyon, making him super-eligible for the Boonta Eve Classic (uh, I mean...I'll try spinning, that's a good trick?)
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Anyway. My favorite part of this whole scene was the three layers of French (read: international, aka non-English) communication, as per the subtitles - you can translate French (understandable), speak in French, or swear in French
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Speaking of (ha! that's a pun) linguistics, I feel not enough attention is paid to Sam's Arabic abilities (I have no idea if he does this well, however. Arabic tumblr, feel free to weigh in on this):
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Torres is all over this, however. (And check out Torres filming Sam on his phone. This is a theme that will repeat again and again in this series, with Bucky being caught kicking the shit out of people on Madripoor and Walker (aka Dollar Store Captain America) being caught murdering a guy at high noon. Which is...a fascinating social commentary on the ubiquitous nature of our cell phone cameras, which can be used for both good and ill. And are we defined by those few extemporaneous moments captured in the small square of a phone and what does this say about the surveillance state? Anyway, I have no answer for this except to move to the desert and become a hobo, which is a long-standing career goal of mine.)
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Torres asks Sam if he took Steve Rogers to the moon and honestly, the only thing I could think of was an Umbrella Academy crossover with Luther and Steve doing "moon stuff" and how awkward would that be?
That scene at the Smithsonian? With Sam giving up the shield that had its origins in Wakandan materials and was intended for him, as per Steve? Anyway, I got some massive Killmonger vibes from that sequence.
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Rhodey: "People are looking for someone to fix the world." Sam: "Ain't gonna happen." Rhodey's a little older, from a different time. The Blip happened (Covid happened) and nothing is going back to the way it was. Steve couldn't save the world, the Avengers couldn't fix the world, they could mitigate as best they could (when they could, which didn't always turn out so well, as Zemo will point out later.) Sam might not be able to fix everything (and as a counselor, he should know that) but he can help and try to do the right thing. Which, I think, will become his defining feature later on.
MEANWHILE. ON A SMALL FARM IN KANSAS. (10 points to anyone who gets that reference.) Bucky is in therapy and LYING HIS CYBORG BUTT OFF.
Rule #1: Don't do anything illegal
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Bucky, no. You hijacked the Senator'ss car through likely illicit technology and then gave them the hellride of the century. First strike.
Rule #2: Nobody gets hurt.
That dude's nose (whoever the Senator was with) you just punched begs to differ.
Rule #3: "I am no longer the Winter Solider. I am James Bucky Barnes."
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Do you really want this man "smiling" at you after he's co-opted your car and pushed the shit out of your compatriot? (Yes, she's corrupt as hell and likely deserves all of it, but...if we're going by the rules of therapy...)
Mind you, this is how Bucky's reintegration campaign is going before all this Walker/Sam/Zemo nonsense goes down. He's lying to his therapist from Day 1. And I mean, yeah, compared to his Winter Soldier persona, this is an obvious upgrade (no one is dead) but holy hell, Bucky, you are playing fast and loose with the rules here, and no wonder you are spiraling by Episode 4.
(continued in next post as apparently tumblr is restricting the number of images I can upload in a text post)
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sleeping-incubus · 4 years
#21 I say "mangy mutt". She says I'm an ignorant butt. She calls me an ass. She think I'm a goof. But she looks like a dog. I say hi to her "Woof!" "Wipe off your face - It's covered in ugly." Smerking and staring, as I'm holding her snuggly. I wink, and say "I'm bringing sexy back" As I stretch out my legs and grab at my sack. She rolls her eyes, and huffs at the sky. Puts her chin in the air, and tells me goodbye. She'll be back. She knows I'm kind hearted. Butt too many jokes about how I farted. Not quite a genius, but I have my moments. But I'll act like a fool, and say "I look homeless". Man these bad jokes, and puns are so corny. Thinking of them every night until the next morning. Maybe she'll like this one, I'll save it for later. I'll make that "Bish" laugh so hard Ron will need a respirator. The truth of it is, my efforts worthwhile. She doesn't know; I'm only here for her smile. If she needs it, I'll give her a piece of me Because without her, I'd waste away peacefully. Joke thats she's ugly, The most beautiful girl. Tease her she's nothing, When she my whole world.
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britishbountyhunter · 7 years
Florida and Wyoming?
(( I like it and it can be a fun ship, but I think I’d like it more if there was an actual interaction between the two in some form rather than one nonchalant response to Florida getting back up again. I’d take an inaudible conversation in the background or a nod to acknowledge something they have to do together just to have something more than “they stood in close proximity a few times”.  And while that department is absolutely one point away from zero in canon, I do like the interpretation of the ship by the fandom most of the time. Overall they do have potentially great chemistry, both being assholes with weird senses of humor. And of course they’re both good at manipulation, so they’d definitely be better off than some people. ))
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sillygurl1021 · 6 years
Plance Mega Meta
Attention all Fellow Gardeners! LOOOONNG Post Ahead!!!!
This was a pain in the butt to make but well worth it! It's all over the place but it still presents my point of the many reasons why Pidge and Lance is most likely Endgame. Some may be a stretch but most of them have meaning! I know I missed some but it was hard to fit all this together and still remember everything lol
Ofcourse, whether your for Plance or just scrolling around, it's your opinion to agree or disagree! It's fine! This is just an analysis of mine and other gardeners of why Plance may be endgame in our eyes! :)
Alrighty Then!
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Okay, I’m starting off with all the comics of them that I know of!
“Lance’s Guide To Falling in Love” explains that you need activities that you both like to do each other. That sounds a lot like Pidge and Lance with the Game Console they both got! That’s a similar activity they always do! “Love is about feeling vulnerable. [. ] finding your best friend. That’s why you have to create opportunities to fall in love.” That whole line pretty much explained Lance and Pidge’s relationship. They are pretty much best friends and I’m so sure they have been vulnerable towards each other in many ways that I will explain later on as well.
That second image on the right is just so cute because Lance is holding her shoulder for reassurance as she plays that chess game they’re lives depend on!
The second two images I put an arrow on so u guys can see which scene starts first. On these two panels, first, Pidge had forgotten a lot of things when she put on that crown. I think it was that it gave her too much knowledge that it made her forget things or something but slowly started remembering and the first thing she remembered was Lance. If that doesn’t show she cares about him, aside from her actually saying she’s glad he’s not dead, then I don’t know what is! I'll also add that the last bit where he said "I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me" and she replies "Is that true?" maybe made her question herself because maybe she thought, Why would I be mean to him if I know I like him? Who knows. Lol.
So the third row of two pictures with Pidge, we all know she super smart and loves intelligent puns and Lance, well he tries to catch on. On the second picture he made a pun that Shiro caught onto so what is his reply? To not tell Pidge lol That just shows how much of an influence she’s become in him!
The fourth picture going down, we have Lance and Pidge saying some sort of jokes where they switch it up the next time they use those phrases again but I just love how close they seem and how gentle of expressions they seem to give each other on the second half of the panels!
As for the famous picture where Lance and Pidge are playing their game, well, Lance says that after seeing his family and so on that the next thing he will do is be with Pidge, and not just that! Take her her favorite cookies as well! That’s a great boyfriend right there! ;)
The last picture all the way on the bottom left is just cute banter and oh gosh. They are so cute!
Now, the final picture on the bottom-right, we have a page of Kaltenecker. But wait, his name is colored in a shade of Cyan… Cyan is a greenish-blue color, the color of the two Paladins who own her! Pidge and Lance! That’s just so darn… ugh! And the fact that Lance replied “Moo” for all the answers and the part where he said “we presume” only means they did all this together! That’s just so boyfriend/girlfriend of them!!! Lol
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I’m sorry ahead of time if this gets confusing. I added what season/episodes some are in that I remembered.
The first four I want to talk about (First Two Screen Caps on the first and second row) are from 1x1 (Season 1 x Episode 1) where they are talking about a ship entering earths atmosphere. The fact that they didn’t say spacecraft or shuttle but chose SHIP makes it feel that DW (DreamWorks) did this on purpose because as soon as Pidge says it’s a ship then Lance snatches the goggles, that she is still holding, and uses them! And then she says “We gotta see that ship!” and Lance FOLLOWS! Only Lance! Hunk stays behind!
Top Right>> Okay so now I’m doing this to make it easier lol. This SC (Screen Cap) is Lance noticing that the Kurboros Mission is a touchy subject for Pidge. He’s been close to her since they met so that only makes their bond stronger. That and Lance has amazing Intuitive Skills that we all know of which I will bring up again later!
R2 SC3 (Row 2 Screen Cap 3)>> Pidge is annoyed of Hunk touching her equipment. You know who she isn’t annoyed of touching her things? Lance. 😏
R3>> This whole row is just dedicated to their lack of personal space towards each other! Just a few from many SC! This has to be another foreshadowing man lol
R4 SC1-2>> 7x6 The episode that gave us all heart attacks lol I’m sure you all have heard this already but this episode had so much Plance/Kallura. The cinematic perspective of this whole episode just yelled Plance and Kallura. In these two scenes both couples specifically grab onto each other, there being SC of only when Keith grabs Alluras hand and Lance grabbing Pidge's. The shot where those light creatures come around them, you see Pidge, while holding Lances hand in the sweetest way in the back and same with Allura with Keith. Its just so… so… cinematically pleasing if you go for either ship lol
R4 SC3>> This was just a cute shot of them I put in to fill in the gap lol but its great!
R5 SC1-3>> 1x4 This episode was when Lance saved Coran from the explosion the fake Rover made. When Shiro and Lance are captures by Sendak, Pidge goes to save them only to be captured by him but Lance suddenly woke up from his unconscious state to shoot Sendak and save Pidge. He then falls back to the floor. I think this shows so much. Sure, he has yet to know Pidge was a girl at that time but he’s so close to her that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, even when he’s unconscious lol.
R6 SC1-2>> 1x1 Going back to this episode. I had seen this since I started watching the series but didn’t think much of it until I really put attention to the scene the second time around. Lance was showing off to Pidge, calling himself “The Tailor” and what not. Pidge in response gave a small blush, even of he did fail the simulator test. Sure, he obviously has yet to know she’s a girl but whose to say that’s just how their relationship has unknowingly built up? ;)
R6 SC3>> 2x6 This is interesting because Lance made fun of Pidge first saying her fancy Galra Finder didn’t work, then her showing her annoyed face. It then changes the scene to Shiro talking to one of the Aliens telling them the Galra were there only to change the scene back to Lance and Pidge, Pidge saying “So the Galra were here, Lance.” With a smug expression causing Lance to blush. Why would DW go back to this scene? It’s just playful banter BUT playful banter of them hinting us of a relationship to be maybe!
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R1 SC1-2>> It’s cute how Lance is all excited telling Pidge “That’s my thing!” when she didn’t believe he was a good shot haha like he gets excited telling her things!
R2 SC1-2>> These both are from different episodes but are of both Lance and Pidge blushing. Lance from him acting cocky and Pidge from seeing Lance in a body suit (at least that’s what I think) where she can see all the toned parts of his body ;) She is a teenager after all lol
Top Right Down Three>> All these SC are symbolic to me. A foreshadowing because these are a few of many where it shows them together in a single scene or doing the same. This shows me that they can’t be any more similar than they already are! They are one in the same honestly.
Last Three Down>> 5x6 This scene is one of my Favorites! Allura and Lotor had left to check out where Altean Alchemy is held along with the knowledge of Alteans and Lance is freaking out talking to everyone asking if she will be alright or if they are doing anything as Pidge and the rest try to turn the Castle back on. This whole time Lance interrupts them as Pidge works on the castle. Sure it sounds that she’s simply annoyed but if you listen to the tone she sounds more than annoyed! It’s like she’s annoyed, not just because he’s interrupting them, but because he’s over exaggerating about Allura. Obviously everyone is worried but Lance just goes overboard causing Pidge to also go overboard as everyone just stares at both of them back and forth. Haha.
Last 3 Second Row Down>> These three shots are from different episodes but you can see that it’s Hunk and Pidge doing their Team Punk Bump as Lance watches. I don’t exactly remember the order of it and some scenerios are different than others but you can see that he’s not always keeping a big smile. Almost like he’s jealous that they have a ‘Thing’ while he doesn’t have one with either of them *cough* Pidge *cough*.
Last 3 Third Row Down>> This could kind of be related to the last point. 6x3 When they are done playing M&M, Pidge and Hunk got out of their stump from what they are doing, make an explanation of what to do next and run off. Meanwhile Lance looks somewhat annoyed, saying that he doesn’t understand the science words as much as the fantasy ones but his expression from looking at them then look away seems to show otherwise!
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R1 SC1-2>> These two scenes have Lance with Pidge’s stuff! Her headphones and some of her pillows! Strange that she’s okay with Lance getting her stuff but not Hunk lol
R1 SC3>> 1x6 Where Pidge reveals she’s a girl and everyone BUT Lance knew. It’s weird that he didn’t know because he has amazing intuition. It kind of feels to me that maybe he’s playing dumb? Maybe he DID know? That’s why he’s always been ‘show offy’ with Pidge. Maybe… just maybe… that’s a big stretch right there but an interesting thought lol.
R2 SC1-2>> These two are a little different. The first one, Hunk and Pidge are teasing Lance because Allura is with Lotor but Pidge is kind of teasing in a ‘Haha she won’t return your feelings’ kind of way because she likes him. In the next one Lance and Pidge are teasing Hunk with Shay but her expression is more playful. Hmm. Interesting. ;)
R2 SC3/R3 SC3>> 7x1 “Wow. They’re a lot uglier than I thought they’d be.” “I think it’s cute. You know, in a creepy hideous sort of way. Like you Lance.” The fact that Pidge acknowledged Lance was even remotely cute shows she likes Lance! C’mon y’all! The look that Coran gives Pidge after that comment just kills me haha. He’s like “Ahhh. I see you Numbah five.” 😂 but really. The fact that Pidge says that right after Lance talks shows it even more!
R3 SC1-2>> So I actually have these two flipped wrong but the one with him by himself is when Pidge calls him the goofball of the team. At first it seems like he didn’t care much, since it’s their usual banter but then when Lance talks to Allura, it seems that Pidge’s words do somewhat get to Lance. Not in a mean way but Lance is vulnerable when it comes to Pidge.
R4>> 2x4 It’s taken me a while to figure this scene out because it was always strange to me how Pidge’s tone is. (Also, sorry I cut off some of the subs 😅) Pidge is amazed by how beautiful the tech is while Lance replies saying “It’s not a sunset Pidge” because maybe he loves sunsets. In that, Pidge replies “Your right. A billion sunsets just happen every day” with a kind of somber tone. Maybe she’s never really cared for sunsets? But in that third SC in the row, there is a small picture of a sunset on a beach on her wall. Maybe she’s coming to enjoy sunsets because of Lance? Maybe he’s talked to her about it? Maybe it reminds her of him? Interesting. There is also one more piece I will bring up in the next set of SC’s.
R5>> These! 1x4 Lance sees Rover but right away wonder where Pidge is because he knows she’s close to it. 7x4 The third SC is from The Feud when Lance is trying to remember Rolo's name. Interesting that right after trying to remember Rolo he says “Yeah. Pidge loved that Robot.” Not “Nyma was awesome.” Or “They tricked us”. He could have said any of that but chose something that reminded him of Pidge!
R6>> 2x2 Lance mentions he likes mermaids (maybe because he’s always loved the beach) and in 4x2 in Pidge’s room, she has a stuffed Mermaid!
Out of context but I just realized that for the whole Rover thing, its on Ep 4 of S 1 & 7. For the mermaid thing it’s on Ep 2 of S 2 & 4. What a weird coincidence lol.?
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R1 SC1>> 6x2 Chulatt and Chuchule making a heart with their cute little mice tails! This scene is where the mice tell Allura Lance’s secret of him liking her. What I feel gives away plance, and is ironic, is that those two specific Space Mice create the heart! The little one (Chulatt) is Pidge and the pink one (Chuchule) is Lance. We know this because there was a photo of the mice in Paladin Armor and they were in those specific colored armors. If anyone wants to add that picture in the comments, knock yourself out lol.!
R1 SC2-3>> 2x7 Hey look! Another sunset! And not just that. In the store they got a game console that they worked hard to get together, along with their Moo Child, Kaltenecker! 😏 Lol. This episode really brought out the relationship they have in full bloom! First! Lance was originally going to go with Allura and get her something pretty and shiny BUT instead, he stopped flirting to go and help Pidge get something she really wanted! Plus, had a blast doing it! The tender look he gives her when she’s holding the game is so heartwarming and he’s just as excited as she is to start the console up! Remember what he said is a point to falling in love? “Love is about finding your best friend.” Welp. There ya go Lance.!
R2 SC1-2>> 4x3 Before this scene Matt had complimented Pidge for being smart, so she responded with a goofy smile. Lance also compliments her intelligence right after Matt. She gives him this soft look. I rest my case. Lol.
R3 SC1-2>> 7x9 The Paladins arrive back on earth where their loved ones await them. The most anxious is Pidge as she jumps to her mom and who, you may ask, does it change to right afterwards? Lance. The shot has Lance and Hunk but it’s more zoomed in on Lance with the gentlest look that I believe he’s ever gave honestly. He then gets interrupted by his family running to him, him in tears of the joy in seeing them. THIS is another reason why I believe they are endgame because both love their family so much, who reside on earth. I can’t imagine them wanting to stay in space once the war is over. They are made for each other honestly haha.
Top Right going Down SC 2-3>> These two scenes are parallels. They both have strong feelings for eachother and are extremely protective of one another. 7x3 First Lance with his “Don’t you touch her!”. His choice in words just scream I’ll kill you! Because of how protective of her she is. Knowing he is tired up and unable to do much, he still tried to rescue her. 2x10 Pidge’s “Lance! No!” Just tells me she has liked him for so long. Her feelings were already strong since the beginning. This scene didn’t need to emphasize on her wanting to save Lance and showing emotion but DW did it this way on purpose! ;)
R4>> 6x3 Ahhh. Monsters & Mana again! You know how we’ve all found out that the filler episodes aren’t actually fillers but a foretelling of future things? Well, look at these cuties once again having lack of personal space! And then the second SC is of Pidge looking up at Lance instead of looking at the view like the others but still enjoying herself with her big smile! The third SC is now of Lance giving her that gentle look once again. Instead of looking at the view, he looks at Pidge as she is having the time of her life!
R5 SC1-2>> 5x1 I kind of messed up on my choice of SC but I’m sure you all will still understand. This episode is when Matt and Pidge failed in saving their dad. Pidge is there hugging her legs from the thought of her dad not being around anymore. Lance is the first to turn to see her and then Hunk. What I see though is Hunk having a worried expression and Lance looks a little worried for her as he is turning but once he is standing and looking her way, he looks more determined. Determined for her to get her father but for her to also be safe maybe? Last thing is that on the SC where it shows her hugging her legs, Lance is still in the shot. I would say that this is a vulnerable scene for Pidge because she is so in distress because of her father.
R5 SC3>> 6x7 Just a simple SC of Pidge looking back at Trash Lance as they get ready to leave the Castle of Lions. Trash Hunk is there too but she looks over Trash Lance lol.
R6>> 4x3 This whole row scene is just so cute. Lance and Hunk run to Pidge as she lands. Lance being the first one to get to her just smile at seeing his girlfriend back lol. She gives them all a smile as she holds her little space mouse.
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R1 SC1 Down First Two SC>> 1x10 I don’t think many think much of this scene but how can you not? The first SC Pidge messed up the robot and said “Whoops” but the second one was after Lance was asking about Allura, giving off a goofy smile until Pidge’s robot smacked him in the face. Afterwards she said “Whoops” again but in a more sarcastic tone. That’s jealosy at its finest lol.
R1 SC2 Down First Two SC>> Lance is showing off the pictures of him with the alien girls but to Pidge. I sometimes wonder if he did it on purpose to get a reaction from her because she was smiling before he showed her the picture. Jealousy moment numero dos! Lol
R1 SC3 Down First Two SC>> 1x10 I love this scene because as soon as Keith leaves after Lance told him to not leave, he glances over to Pidge who is very unimpressed. Afterwards he turned his head with a smug expression saying “I think I told him” and Pidge responding with the most sarcastic “You are the paragon of leadership, Lance” with him still being all proud. Its all just ugh. I love their relationship hahaha.
R3>> Dancing buddies? I think Yes! Lol how much more perfect can they be for eachother? Hahaha
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R1>> 2x4 Yet another scene I love because in this scene Lance and Pidge are kind of moving in sync. Lol. It’s so them haha.
R2&3 First SC>> 7x10 This is another scene that I don’t think that a lot of people take too in depth but Allura and Lance just had a moment where they both blush. Afterwards, all the paladins head out to their destination as they concentrate but Pidge looks like the only one that’s a little… sad? Distressed? The little lines under her eyes show a different emotion than the other paladins. She looks like she’s just thinking. I think she may have seen Allura with Lance and now is torn by her feelings because Allura might reciprocate his feelings. Right after her shot of the green Lion arriving to her, it turns to Lance who is calm and ready but we all know that scene that red showed up just in the Knick of time. I think red knows that Lance is meant to be with another, not with the one he wants but someone he will need.
R2&3 Second SC>> 6x2 This is where Lance is trying to get Alluras attention but she’s too into Lotor to care. Lance says “She’s smart, courageous, and makes me want to be a better person”. Adding on that aside from being an alien princess, she’s those things but that he isn’t a prince like Lotor so what does it matter. The first SC he honestly explained Pidge so if that’s what he is looking for in someone then maybe that was a hint to us. And then he goes on saying that Allura won’t take his feelings seriously and that he has nothing to offer. Maybe this is another foreshadowing that Pidge is going to take it super serious and he doesn’t need to offer anything with her because the way is is already everything she wants ;) That is a stretch though lmao.
R2&3 Third SC>> I’m just going to show you guys and not explain to much with this haha The Plance Nebula! We all know it but I don’t think we all yet know that it’s been in front of our faces all this time! In the intro of every episode when the screen pops up. That’s the nebula just on its side! Now answer me this. If it wasn’t important then why would it be right after Pidge’s Nebula in the trailer for S8???? That’s the only different nebula aside from all the others being the Paladins themselves!
I’m telling Y’all that alllllll this is what makes me think that Plance is Endgame!
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This I needed to add alone because they are so cute! They are the only onea that did this lol
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7x13 If these scene itself isn't enough to have you think they are foreshadowing them together then man. I don't remember seeing any other two Paladins do this when they use their bayards at the same time on voltron. Its just such a powerful scene for a super power couple!!!
Omg guys I can't believe I finished this. If you read all this then kudos to you! Please let me know what you guys thought or what your opinion is because I put alot of work into this for everyone to have their plance super watered lol
Thanks for the help guys!!! :) @callmesath @ohfishwall @truegryffindorforever2 @gracekogane
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