#I'll stop the ramblings on tags now jfhjg
reginrokkr · 1 year
◟༺✧༻◞ Teyvat chapter storyline preview: Travail —Chinese translation script—
The war has already begun— a continuation of the previous war. The gods encase the outlines of "desire" in seven types of brilliant light. With this, they demonstrate that their authority can be exceeded. Yet smoldering remains lie buried underneath the foundations of reality as a warning to those who overstep their bounds:
"That divine throne in the high heavens was never a seat reserved for you from the start."
But oh, you who oversteps your bounds, do not stop walking here. For none can watch the fire burn from the other side of the river. Watch...
—Act. Prologue: Mondstadt. Mea libertas meus canor (My freedom is my song)—
For the giant dragon who guarded the city of freedom for thousands of years. Doubts about [the concept of] "freedom" have begun to surface. A "freedom" that was ordered by a god— can it still be called freedom?
—Act. I: Liyue. Ruat caelum fiat pactum (Let the contract be made, though the heavens fall)—
In an audience of many, the God of Contracts was assassinated. At the very end, he shall sign a contract to end all contracts.
—Act. II: Inazuma. Perpetua perennis impervia (Perpetual, perennial, impervious)—
Under the immortal Shogun, the era of the Sakoku Decree ordered by the Shogunate sees no end. The god who pursues "Eternity"— What kind of eternity does she find within the eyes of ordinary mortals?
—Act. III: Sumeru. Sub floreis lumen sagacitatis (Under the flowery light of sagacity)—
Wisdom is the enemy of the God of Wisdom. Knowledge is a bait floating on the surface of the sea of ignorance. In the city of learning, the scholars are pushing for foolishness, and the god's wisdom has raised no objections to this.
—Act. IV: Fontaine. Iustitia omnia vincit (Justice defeats all)—
The God of Justice is an ardent admirer of all the farces that take place in the courtroom, even yearning to judge her fellow gods. But one thing is very clear to her: the Heavenly Principles are the one thing she cannot make her enemy.
—Act. V: Natlan. Surge vir fortis I natam victoriam (Rise, O strong man, and go to your destined victory)—
The rules of war are carved into the bodies of all living things: The defeated become embers of the fires of war, while the victors will reignite. The God of War confides this secret with the Traveler, because she has reasons for doing so.
—Act. VI: Snezhnaya. Ducam regina mea gloria haud pluribus impar (Let me lead my queen to near unmatched glory)—
She is a god whom no one will love ever again; She is a god who will never love anyone again. The reason why people follow her Is because they believe one day she will finally be able to raise a flag of rebellion against the Heavenly Principles.
In an eternity with neither beginning nor end, humans shall live a peaceful life without dreams. But in the blind spot of the gods' gaze, there are still people who want to dream.
—Act. ▇▇: Khaenri'ah. The dream yet to be dreamed—
All humans have that innate quality which makes them human; We are not the residue left behind from filtering out those who were "chosen by the gods." From beyond this world, we will obtain the power to reject this world.
Now, you who have traversed heaven and earth— Your travels and journey have ended, But you have yet to cross the final doorway. If you have understood the purpose of your travels, then come forward. Defeat me, command me to step aside, and prove to me that you are more suitable than me to rescue her. After that, go forth spin all the threads of fate anew.
My memory has already suffered too much erosion, but I will always remember, that she also loves these flowers.
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