#one of the greatest mysteries to me
reginrokkr · 1 year
◟༺✧༻◞ Teyvat chapter storyline preview: Travail —Chinese translation script—
The war has already begun— a continuation of the previous war. The gods encase the outlines of "desire" in seven types of brilliant light. With this, they demonstrate that their authority can be exceeded. Yet smoldering remains lie buried underneath the foundations of reality as a warning to those who overstep their bounds:
"That divine throne in the high heavens was never a seat reserved for you from the start."
But oh, you who oversteps your bounds, do not stop walking here. For none can watch the fire burn from the other side of the river. Watch...
—Act. Prologue: Mondstadt. Mea libertas meus canor (My freedom is my song)—
For the giant dragon who guarded the city of freedom for thousands of years. Doubts about [the concept of] "freedom" have begun to surface. A "freedom" that was ordered by a god— can it still be called freedom?
—Act. I: Liyue. Ruat caelum fiat pactum (Let the contract be made, though the heavens fall)—
In an audience of many, the God of Contracts was assassinated. At the very end, he shall sign a contract to end all contracts.
—Act. II: Inazuma. Perpetua perennis impervia (Perpetual, perennial, impervious)—
Under the immortal Shogun, the era of the Sakoku Decree ordered by the Shogunate sees no end. The god who pursues "Eternity"— What kind of eternity does she find within the eyes of ordinary mortals?
—Act. III: Sumeru. Sub floreis lumen sagacitatis (Under the flowery light of sagacity)—
Wisdom is the enemy of the God of Wisdom. Knowledge is a bait floating on the surface of the sea of ignorance. In the city of learning, the scholars are pushing for foolishness, and the god's wisdom has raised no objections to this.
—Act. IV: Fontaine. Iustitia omnia vincit (Justice defeats all)—
The God of Justice is an ardent admirer of all the farces that take place in the courtroom, even yearning to judge her fellow gods. But one thing is very clear to her: the Heavenly Principles are the one thing she cannot make her enemy.
—Act. V: Natlan. Surge vir fortis I natam victoriam (Rise, O strong man, and go to your destined victory)—
The rules of war are carved into the bodies of all living things: The defeated become embers of the fires of war, while the victors will reignite. The God of War confides this secret with the Traveler, because she has reasons for doing so.
—Act. VI: Snezhnaya. Ducam regina mea gloria haud pluribus impar (Let me lead my queen to near unmatched glory)—
She is a god whom no one will love ever again; She is a god who will never love anyone again. The reason why people follow her Is because they believe one day she will finally be able to raise a flag of rebellion against the Heavenly Principles.
In an eternity with neither beginning nor end, humans shall live a peaceful life without dreams. But in the blind spot of the gods' gaze, there are still people who want to dream.
—Act. ▇▇: Khaenri'ah. The dream yet to be dreamed—
All humans have that innate quality which makes them human; We are not the residue left behind from filtering out those who were "chosen by the gods." From beyond this world, we will obtain the power to reject this world.
Now, you who have traversed heaven and earth— Your travels and journey have ended, But you have yet to cross the final doorway. If you have understood the purpose of your travels, then come forward. Defeat me, command me to step aside, and prove to me that you are more suitable than me to rescue her. After that, go forth spin all the threads of fate anew.
My memory has already suffered too much erosion, but I will always remember, that she also loves these flowers.
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little-pup-pip · 4 months
This isn't a request, just a really round bird!
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I love him.. He is... so round! I needed to know more about him, so I looked him up and he's a bearded reedling!! Apparently they all just look like that!! Amazing!
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0utpost-alpha · 4 months
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Are you fucking kidding me?
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silviakundera · 3 months
Is it true that the wet paper towel came back too? I haven't read the novel
I love arbitrarily assigned character nicknames, we all should keep using this one as much as possible thx \o/
when reading the story, the first time i went oh. he's back too is in the confrontation over Li Rong kidnapping the Qin prisioners. The entire tone and behavior of SRQ wasn't that of a young nobleman with little political experience and no prior relationship with LR. Plus, in both novel and drama his expression visibly changes when LR references the ~hypothetical~ conviction of the Su family.
The moment in the drama when you should be certain of it is when we see wet paper towel actively align with Consort Ruo (and thus the other prince's camp) and demand to be the one giving direction. Taking sides in the fight for the throne like this and that level of competence & confidence is all completely out of character for a young Su Rongqing. Why would he pick this side and plot against Team Crown Prince... unless he's seen the future?
Honestly, the way we are forced to consider the different clues to try to guess wtf is up with this bitch is why I find him such a compelling character.
What misleads at first is that initially, when first reborn, wet paper towel is working harder to Act Normal and Be Cool. And so we all think, oh he isn't into her. That can't be future SRQ!
Yet that's deceptive, because both LR and PWX discuss that the emperor would totally murder her if he thinks she was aligning herself with the Su family (because that would avail her and thus the crown prince with more resouces & power). Showing active interest in her and snatching her marriage would be incredibly dangerous.
ah HAH! you say. But future towel was pro-murder! Isn't he her enemy? ??? Well, clearly yes and no. Logic dictates that some factor must have existed in that alternate timeline that doesn't exist today. 🤔➖➗➕✖💯🤔
If we accept that this damp towel does love LR and would prefer her to be well, beside all the other machinations he has going on, then his pretence to not be interested in her in the early episodes makes total sense.
(what's clever is that once we figure out he's reborn, our instinct is to stop interrogating his behavior and assume his sole objective is murdering the crown prince in revenge for his family & penis (rip). at least in the novel, it's more complicated than that. which I won't spoil and it's probable the drama will replace the ending arc anyway so we'll just have to see what happens)
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deus-ex-mona · 8 months
worming out of awkward conversations l i k e
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#accidentally partially traumadumped on my coworker earlier auaaaaaa im so sorry#literally all she asked was ‘are you gonna be spending cny with your father?’ and cue the rant (sadge)#i didn’t really have to tell her that the dude tried to burn our apartment down during a certain rampage#(said fire was extinguished by my then-11 year old bro with water from the sink though. good boi)#the topic was successfully changed after that yeayyyyyy#but. m a n n n n . cny is not a good time for me lmfaooooo#i swear i have at least one bad memory for all of the years that i’ve gone housevisiting for the season#like there was that time when i,as a kindergartner,was deemed to be the cause of breaking apart the family’s bonds#over a can of cola at a reunion dinner bc i cried when my evil aunt scolded me for daring to want a drink other than water#i think my father still blames me for that to this very day lmfaoooooo#g o d. manifesting my hopes and dreams for that prick to not contact me this year im begginggggg#he’s. like. the one person i hate more than myself. 3rd place on my hatelist is his father ofc. no clue who 4th place would be though…#hmmmmm ok i think that’s enough traumadumping for one cny season lmao#tune in next year as i once again wonder what tf the name of one of my cousins is#bc despite how bonkers that side of the family is… i’m sure that the dude’s parents weren’t deranged enough to name their son ‘colour’—#his name is seriously one of my greatest unsolved mysteries. i mean. he has siblings with names like dylan and vivian/valerie/vanessa(?)#and yet everyone calls him something that sounds like ‘colour’.#like damn did his parents decide to skip giving just one of their children a first name or something? guess i’ll never know
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The fic I’m currently focusing on is so fun and that’s because my most used sentence is “she glared at him”
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camellcat · 11 months
sorry this came to me like a vision in that I could not ignore the thought but garden of eden era aziraphale and crowley are soo "you ever wonder why we're here?" coded
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
So the people at orange are sneaky little bastards, we know this. So vash's hair getting darker from ep 8 to ep 9 is intentional. They could have added that cuz age or because of the manga.
Ok so if they go with the manga "it gets darker every time vash uses the angel arm" we should see vash with darker hair in season 2. But before that it was already getting dark: why?
One could say that it would be after healing a shit ton of plants and I would buy that but what about when he opens his gate in ep 9? Wouldn't that be an example of a moment he used too much of his powers? But his hair stayed the same after that
I'm excited to see if orange uses the hair concept, and if they do how they plan to use it
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heyitslapis · 10 months
yknow, its been years since i first saw people use it, and yet i STILL have no idea what the easter island head emoji is supposed to convey
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metrixnos · 2 years
today i found out ur younger than me wtf. i thought you were like 19
LMAOOO how many of you thought i was old, come on, fess up, reveal yourselves
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waffulaa · 1 year
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
okay so i put the dazai and ranpo ais in a room with the prompt Strategy Meeting bc i wanted to well. Strategize and just see what theyd come up with IT TURNED GAY???? I DIDNT EVEN GET A WORD IN
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travisdermotts · 2 years
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quietasfire · 5 months
idk how ppl r polyam bc i get jealous when my friends dont pay attention to me every second of our encounter
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allramnostorage · 7 months
i catastrophically failed at making a cohost account twice now so i think it's just not meant to be
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somanywips · 4 months
Zoro calls Sanji his wife normally. It started as a joke, because Sanji sometimes acts like a 50s housewife (cooks, cleans, takes care of the children strawhats), but it just stuck after a while, so whenever he goes somewhere to run an errand for Sanji he's like "my wife wants this shit *hands list to whoever*" so everyone is like Who Is The Mysterious Wife of The Greatest Swordsman. The marines, some old enemies and some rookies want to find out in order to kidnap the "wife" and it use "her" as leverage against Zoro. Some people try to follow him home, but he has yet to acquire a sense of direction (the Baratie has stood in the same place in the All Blue for the last 15 years, no one has any hope left that he will learn the way back), so people start coming up with weirder and weirder ways to trick the Wife to come out from wherever she's hiding, but all they get is a sword in the ass. But one day, when Sanji's came to collect Zoro to take him back home, some spy disguised as a merchant just goes and asks Zoro who the fuck is his wife and Zoro like, puffs up and smiles all proud of himself before pointing at Sanji and saying he's Zoro's wife (Sanji rolls his eyes even if his face is really red, cause damn the Marimo is such a lame old man). The spy goes like Well Fuck and tells the people who wanted to know to think of another plan, cause the "wife" is actually Blackleg Sanji, who Will put down an entire fleet of marines without even breaking a sweat (Sanji's wanted poster gets updated later to Roronoa "Blackleg" Sanji and he goes "fucking finally! It's been almost 20 years!").
(when Zoro's mad at Sanji he calls him husband and Sanji goes like 🥺 Husband don't love me anymore? Husband divorces me😭🥺🥺? No booze for husband 😡! No booze for husband for a thousand years!!😡😡😤🤬)
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