#I'll try to be more Active as i want yo keep myself accountable
cousticks ยท 7 months
Yo! I'm Cou, like in Acoustic! That's where the 'cousticks' comes from (mind blown, yet?) I'm a whole 21 years old, and would prefer they/it pronouns.
This account is my dumping ground for fandom posting, including analysis, aus (which you can find a list of here), writing, doodles, and more! You can find some of this writing on AO3, too.
I follow back from the url 'causticacoustic', as this is one sideblog of several. Please do not be alarmed by a purple Master Chief icon following you out of nowhere, or leaving asks, that's me!
Minors are welcome, but I'd prefer only my 18+ friends DM me. 18+ mutuals are welcome to my discord, too! Just send me a DM.
I encourage talking to me. Be it via asks (anon or not!), comments, reblogs, DMs, whatever, I love conversation, I'm just a little incapable of starting it, usually.
More blog info below!
This is mostly a BSD blog. In the future it may also contain other media. Vanitas no Carte is probably going to make an appearance eventually, who knows what'll come after that.
Other media interests I doubt I'll post about here include:
the Halo universe
FLCL (only the og. we don't talk about the reboots.)
Portal games
Dishonored games
bad action movies in general
and more!
I also have other non-media interests, but I won't clog this up with them. You should totally ask me about them though.
I don't post or reblog anything NSFW. This is 90% because I don't want to forget to tag something, 5% because I'm ace and don't really need that here, and 5% because I don't want to make this blog a place minors can't go.
Honestly, I'm not great at tagging upsetting content. If you need something specific tagged then leave me a DM or ask (anon or not) or something and I'll try my best to keep a running list of what needs tagged and how (I keep a Google Doc for myself for my tagging system and will happily add your needed tags to it). Chances are, you'd be seeing violence or blood. If you're in the BSD fanbase, I'm kind of making a blanket assumption that you're okay with that when you interact around here. If not? Good luck, I guess.
I give all characters their own individualized tags. I'm working on making them all short song lyrics. Please feel free to ask about any tags you see! Characters that haven't been given lyric tags yet are given the tag 'placeholder [character] tag.' If they're an au-specified character, such as from Beast, its specifically 'beast [Character] tag'. I have a handful of AU and/or concept emoji tags. If I ever see it relevant enough, I'll make a key for them.
Drawings are tagged #doodles. 'Personal' not really content posts are tagged #sticky note. More put-together posts I intend to actually circulate in the world are tagged with the fandom and relevant characters / novels, ex. #bsd dazai, #bsd fifteen, etc. People I interact with frequently might find themselves with their own tags as well! Mutuals, please don't think I suck for not giving you a tag or something pretty pretty please. My brain is very tired so I'm limiting it to those that appear often I promise I'm not slighting you personally on purpose.
I love getting asks. They can be actual questions on my thoughts, chain mail, insults, little gifts, whatever. I don't care. I love them and will treat them all with care. I have anon enabled and will always have it enabled. I'm also a big fan of ask games and have a ton of them tagged under #ask games. Those are all active all the time forever (though if its an older one you'd have to specify) I just like having things to talk about. Please talk to me.
This is very long and says absolutely nothing. Please direct all questions, comments, or complaints to the ask box.
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rasp-passion-tea ยท 8 months
A small (big) update/catch-up post for anyone curious on where I've been and where I'll be:
*rides in on a skateboard with sunglasses and a mocktail in hand* yo
The past couple of years, I've been pretty M.I.A. I'd feel bad if I'd have any remaining folks who cared about me are left in the dark (as much as that anxious part of me will try to convince myself otherwise, I did build genuine connections on here ๐Ÿฅฐ). There also just might happen to be old inactive friends of mine who might randomly wonder where that random raspberry girl on tumblr ended up only to come back to see that she might've disappeared,,, or been sold on the dark web ๐Ÿง. There could also be any eventual new people to our small community to wonder that. So yโ€™know what ๐Ÿค” I'll keep a little post up top so people can know (also, it'd be nice to give a speech once more to my imaginary audience c:)
With that said, I'll ramble about sum up under the cut:
So, where ya been, Rasp?
Well, to start things off, I'm doing really good :D looking back, I might've given people the vibe I was majorly depressed and that might've woried some people ๐Ÿฅฒ it was never anything major, but I was still dealing with some teenage girl stuff, and this blog and ship and the fanbase I joined because of it became my mini safe spot. Simply put, I didn't have any sources to be able to properly word that to. I have that now and feel much more grounded and capable, and that's all I could've wanted years ago :)
You might've already guessed, but I've been busy lately, with adult stuff specifically. Yup, the fandoms resident little sister is grown now. She's working!! And she's in college!!! Wow!!1! I HAVE BASICALLY NO MORE FREE TIME!!!!!!!11! :DDD That, and a bunch of other reasons have made it harder to focus on one thing at a time, which is why I've been pretty scarce on this app, and online on general.
Soooo how ya been then, Rasp?
Uhhh... good question. Fine, I suppose ๐Ÿ˜— kinda just existing right now. I have a feeling a lot of that has to do with me being unmediacted at the moment, so I haven't been able to do a lot of the things I love the past few years. Sooo... if you're wondering why I never posted those fics I teased in the past, that's why ๐Ÿฅฒ I have a feeling I will one day, though. Just a matter of time. Speaking of, let's go into my last point:
Does that mean you're abandoning this account, Rasp?? โ˜น๏ธ
Mmm not quite. I've been popping in every couple of months, and I might keep doing that. But I definitely won't be as active as I used to. Couple reasons:
I mentioned a lot of reasons why, but I've been. Very busy ๐Ÿฅฒ being online hasn't been at the forefront of my mind lately, so I've decided to not stress about it right now. Like I mentioned before, I'd like to come back to all this one day, but that's not now. Speaking of:
As much as I feel bad saying this, once the show ended, the ship and its fandom got really quiet. For me that makes it harder to participate in things if there's not a large community. I've joined other fandoms cuz of that, but not like this one... this fandom was special...... *looks off into the distance*
Bonus reason that ties into the last one: a lot of my friends are inactive with me not having any way to reach out, and that makes meeee very sadddd ๐Ÿ˜” So if anyone I've met happens to see this:
...heyyy ๐Ÿคช I hope you got something out of this post,,,, like I said before, I'm unmedicated and have been very scatterbrained recently, but I tried to make this as cohesive as possible ๐Ÿ˜ญ guess to end this off I'll link some other socials:
My side blog: rasp-passion-two
(Also pretty inactive on there, but if you wanna see what I've been into lately, that's the spot (๏พ‰โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)๏พ‰*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง I'm pretty sure I never ended up sharing it fsr lol)
My discord: rasp-passion tea#5877
(I'm not active in servers anymore cuz I think I grew out of using discord, but if you wanna chat? Let's chat (๏พ‰โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)๏พ‰*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง we could also do it on here but vsiwjsisvqisgwu)
...that's it lol. I think I'm kind of an enigma on here now, but thats alright. Uhhhh not sure how to "close" this off, so I guess I'll just say: if you read this whole thing?
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^me rn
I'll see you all when I see you, but I'll always be here!!
~Tayah, AKA Rasp (and yes, it's pronounced "Razz" ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ)
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latina4rmbx ยท 11 months
3 Things You Could Never Buy: Respect, Loyalty & Integrity
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements.
Loyalty: the quality of being loyal
Loyal: giving or showing firm and constant support of allegiance to a person or institution
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
The 3 qualities listed above are rare in this day and age. They say the internet is forever, so when I say this "day and age" I'm talking about 2023. That's the year we're in.
The year I was born was 1977. Look how far 1977 looks from 2023? They're definitely not in the same century but it looks so odd to see.
Being born in the late 70's, I was around when the internet was born. Before Social Media and "Likes" and "Followers." I know what it is to look through an encyclopedia and what the Dewey Decimal System is. The Dewey Decimal Classification, colloquially known as the Dewey Decimal System, is a proprietary library classification system which allows new books to be added to a library in the appropriate location based on subject.
I know what it is to take a picture on a camera and not know how it's going to look before the film is developed. Waiting a week for the pictures to be developed at Woolworths.
I know I'm making myself sound older than I feel, but these are facts, not something I'm conjuring up in my brain.
I activated my first social media account "AIM" when I was maybe in my early 20's. I had a Juno email address, LOL. who remembers Juno?
With the advent of The Facebook, I had it when I had a college extension
Side Note: Facebook was originally known as "The Facebook" and you had to have a college email address to get in. Mine was @lehman.cuny.edu. (I wonder if it's still active?)
With the invention of Facebook, The Facebook's predecessor, then came other socials like MiGente, MySpace, BlackPlanet, etc. I might've mentioned these before in past posts. A few were "hook up" sites, but I never really understood that, until (dare I say it) more recently.
Things got wild when Instagram came into the picture. Let me tell you right now, Instagram is my most favorite of the socials, but even my most favorite is tiring me out.
Here's the thing, the internet was to keep people connected. Even this Tumblr's purpose was to originally keep people connected in a way that's more a newspaper and less magazine.
Instagram came out and it was a happy free-for-all. You know damned well, no one is happy 100 % of the time. If they are, they are on good drugs and I need to be signed up for that!
No one is happy 100% of the time, however the perception of these social medias was...I putting my best foot forward. You're only going to see me at my best.
Mind you, I say perception, because all anyone really wants to post is the happy thought.
Side Note: I once told someone I have an tumblr account and he said "what are you an emo teenager?" Should I be offended? Should you?
If everyone is only posting the good sides of themselves, those who have grown up (or are growing up) and will never know what MySpace or The Facebook is. Their entire lives there was always an IG, when their minds are forming and they're trying to figure themselves out what is going to happen?
You emulate what you see the most. If everyone around you is seemingly always happy, but that's not how you feel, what happens? You end up feeling conflicted and lonely and like no one understands you (sounds like a regular teenager to me). If the people you look up to glamorize guns or drugs or partying and not having any responsibilities, what will you aspire to be?
I promise I'll get back to the quote.
Please understand that this is all perception. You're perceiving this person to not have responsibilities. That MAY be the truth. They may be struggling too, but that's not what they're showing you.
Back to Social Media...It was invented to keep people connected. Look at your friends/followers list. Shoot, look at mine? I have people from Cali to PR to Turkey on my page. People I actually know in real life.
If not for social media, I wouldn't have seen my nephew (California) in his prom attire. If not for Instagram, I wouldn't have known the O Twins are going to 3rd grade (Turkey).
I wouldn't have found my sister that I hadn't seen since I was 7 years old. So I'm not saying there is not GOOD in socials. There is a lot of good. Here's where the floor gets sticky.
I respect every and anyone's beliefs as long as they're not trying to shove those beliefs down my throat nor bringing harm to anyone.
People lose their damned minds when it comes to social, political and religious issues. There are somethings I have to draw a hard line at.
Trans/Queer hate, I won't have it. They are people. Who gives a flying flag who they sleep with or who they present as. They want to be respected as much as anyone else.
Political Belief systems are great, if you know what you're talking about. A lot of time someone is repeating what someone else said because it aligns with what they feel. Doesn't make it truth.
Religion is hard one. Some people believe in something. As a matter of fact, all people believe in something. Even if it's the belief that they believe in nothing. No higher power, no reincarnation, we just live and die. That's great. You believe in yourself and that's good enough for me.
However, social media has given us, it's users, the platform to word vomit (how ironic huh?) all of our thoughts for other people to see and acknowledge. That's ok. What is NOT ok is the lack of respect and boundaries. Why am I blaming social media? I'm actually not trying to. It's people. PEOPLE RUIN THINGS!
Before SoMe, no one dared speak of political leanings. You were Republican or Democrat or Conservative and you cast your vote and came out and no one knows you voted for Nixon.
Now, every blanket thought that comes to some peoples brains are put up and like I said before...they say the internet is forever people. So all of those rants and raves you have vomited off your tongue are saved somewhere and sometimes it will bite you in the ass.
Remember that the next time you upload a picture of yourself in Bunny Pajama's (I'm talking about myself because I surely did that)
We have forgotten what it means to be loyal in todays society. We live in an era where communication is instantaneous. Almost everything and anything we want can be found in the palm of your hand. I can be delivered or waiting for you. Instant gratification has made us forget what it is like to wait in anticipation for something.
I will admit, I am guilty of this. I'll Instacart some shit. I pay for the convenience of not having to see commercials (or have someone else pay for it lol).
We realize that there are plenty of fish in the sea who share the same stupid ideals as we do. Maybe the same sense of humor. Maybe the same family members. Then it gets "hard" to be loyal because there's that over there and I want that but i should stay here.
Now, loyalty has it's cons. You can not be loyal to a fault. Where you see someone doing some dumb ass shit and allow them because you want to support them. No honey. That's not loyalty. Loyalty is unwavering in your support, but you don't support the dumb shit. You are able to tell your friends, that is some dumb shit and you shouldn't do it, but if you do I need video. That, to me, in loyalty.
To be able to have all of these options, but still remain where we are because i build you up when you're down and you build me up when I'm down and we love each other in spite of our stupidity.
That to me is loyalty. Not forgetting that this person has stuck by me through thick and thin and has loved me through the best of the best of me and through the worst of the worst of me. That to me is loyalty.
We need to instill that beefing with your friend just because your other friend is beefin' with them is blind loyalty. This is the loyalty people crave, but it diminishes the one emitting it. I'm not going to follow you off of a cliff just because you think it's fun. That is NOT my idea of fun.
The definition states CONSTANT support, not TOTAL. There's a subtle but most notable difference. I can constantly support you without being in total support of you. I am your person (be it family, significant other, friend) and I'm always going to be here for you. That is my loyalty to you. I will tell you when you playing dumb and being dumb, but won't dumb you down in front of other people (unless you trying to play me like I'm dumb in front of other people) because it's not their business and I'm loyal to YOU.
Being honest and having strong moral values. The three, respect, loyalty and integrity, definitely go together. You lose one, you lose all three.
Be honest with people. Don't be honest to the point you're hurting them. I know some truths hurt and that's ok. Just don't be mean about it.
Having strong moral values will keep you from hurting those you respect and are loyal to. You eventually learn right from wrong. Cheating is bad, whether it's on a test or on a person.
This one is a bit harder for me. Here are the Values of the Wise:
Honesty: talking straight, being genuine and ethical (these may have to get broken down a little more but I don't want to insult whomever is reading this)
Courage: taking accountability for results, being up front about. mistakes and taking considered risks
Fairness: treating people justly and equitably
Respect: treating individuals with dignity
Caring: listening carefully to others, working together to achieve shared goals
Trust: keeping our promises
Please know that I am NOT high and mighty. I have faults because I am a spirit having a human experience. I don't think I'm better than anyone, even if my demeanor states otherwise. These Integral Values are the core of any society, but we lack them in the world.
We bullshit our ways out of everything. Trying not to hurt someone or as to not get in trouble of our own. We like to place blame on others and never say we're wrong. We don't treat anyone equitably. Go back a few paragraphs and re read my "I won't stand fors." We don't listen to learn anymore. We listen to respond without even considering how the other person may feel.
Please take a breath before you come for me. This went way longer and in depth than I originally anticipated.
Please recognize who you are and what you say and how it impacts the world. I am not perfect, not by any measure. I am perfectly imperfect. This is what my experiences have made me and I love every imperfect inch of myself for it.
Be back soon
Thanks for reading
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museeofmoon ยท 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
๐‘ป๐’–๐’†๐’”๐’…๐’‚๐’š, 15๐’•๐’‰ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’“๐’„๐’‰โ€ข this month been crazily busy and all over the place, I'm trying my best to not fall behind, hope I will be able to manage it all. I'm also looking forward to see my friends later this month after 2 years!
๐ŸŽง: ๐’Š ๐’๐’Š๐’Œ๐’† ๐’Š๐’•_๐‘ฉ๐‘ป๐‘บ (๐’†๐’๐’‰๐’š๐’‘๐’†๐’ ๐’„๐’๐’—๐’†๐’“)
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