museeofmoon · 8 months
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Thurs,1st feb | Feburay started with thunderstorms for me, and im not complaining. It feels so weird to make a post after more than a year. i have completely forgotten my ways, regardless im more than happy to be back on here!
Day 1 of 30nym: What are your main goals for this challenge?
I struggle with having the discipline i want so i hope this could somehow peer pressure me into pushing a bit more? Also i wanted to make a comeback on here lol
🎧: Love wins all _IU
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upside-down-uni · 7 months
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22.10 // another day of starting work way later than I wanted to... I would actually commit crimes for decent sleep that does not have me wake up with a headache. 2h podcast episodes on stupid airport books and chai lattes from my fellow suffering flatmate are the things that keep me going right now
today's vibe: Sugar Rush - BIBI (her entire discography is on shuffle rn)
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ben-learns-smth · 6 months
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trying to linger in the comfortable happiness that is a day spent reading, next to a friend and with the loveliest view before I get caught up in to do lists again
currently reading: ponyboy - eliot duncan (4☆ so far!)
listening to: fly it back to me - freddie lewis
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anurennero · 1 year
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13.07.23 // exams in july are just brutal
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alicewritten · 1 year
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virtual journal, 11/10
i spent my day writing out uni notes while having calming youtube videos on journaling in the background, which was the most relaxing thing!
last night, i updated my lil commonplace with some quotes that really resonated with me 🪴🔑 i’m excited to update my system and test new things for the new year !
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randomstudyblr · 2 years
Konjunktiv in German
This is part of the Langblr reactivation challenge! This is day 9 :)
Write an explanation on a grammar rule in your target language (such as verb tenses, exceptions, word order, etc). Include sentences to show how and when it is used.
Sooo Konjunktiv, we finally meet.
Aka this is the Konjunktiv post that nobody asked me to write and yet I did. This is the English version, but you can also find the German version here (I can't promise that it will be more understandable tho) :)
Konjunktiv I is used for indirect speech. There are also some fixed situations in which one always uses Konjunktiv I. The main verb is only conjugated in the present tense; the auxiliary verbs are conjugated for the other tenses.
The verb sein is regular in Konjunktiv I: ich sei, du seiest, er sei, wir seien, ihr seiet, sie seien.
The rest of verbs are conjugated with the following pattern:
The third person singular is the most used, because it's the most frequent form in indirect speech. In order to conjugate it, one must remove the -n from the infinitive form: haben - er habe.
The modal verbs are also regular in the 1st and 3rd person singular: ich/er/sie/es müsse.
2nd person singular and plural are different from the indicative only by an -e: du gehst - du gehest/ihr geht - ihr gehet.
The 1st person singular and 1st and 3rd persons plural are the same as the indicative, so one must use the Konjunktiv II for situations when these persons are needed.
One can build sentences in the past, present and future with Konjunktiv I :
Simultaneity. The main and subordinate clauses occur at the same time: er sagt, sie lese ein Buch.
Anteriority. The subordinate occurs before the main clause: er sagt, sie habe ein Buch gelesen.
Posteriority - Futur I and II. The subordinate occurs in the future of the main clause: er sagt, sie werde ein Buch lesen/er sagt, sie werde ein Buch gelesen haben.
To speak about things that are impossible or unlikely, we use Konjunktiv II, but also for indirect speech and other situations:
Wishes and hopes.
Unreal statements or conditional sentences.
As previously explained, indirect speech (when Konkunktiv I isn't possible)
Particularly polite or careful requests or statements
There is one pure form of Konjunktiv II, for the present, and several forms with auxiliary verbs.
For the present, only strong verbs are conjugated in Konjunktiv II, because the subjunctive form in weak verbs is the same as indicative Präteritum. In order to conjugate strong verbs in Konjunktiv II, one must add the subjunctive endings (-e, -est, -e, -en, -et, -en) to the Präteritum root. Additionally, the verbs that have an a/o/u receive an Umlaut:
ich fände, du fändest, er fände, wir fänden, ihr fändet, sie fänden.
The modal and auxiliary verbs are also conjugated in Präteritum in Konjunktiv II:
ich wäre/ich hätte/ich würde/ich könnte/ich dürfte/ich müsste/ich sollte/ich wollte...
But many people already know these forms! They are the ones used for polite requests: ich hätte gerne...
The other tenses are conjugated with auxiliary verbs:
For situations in the future, but also for those in the present, one can use würden + infinitive. This is also the only form can be used for the present in weak verbs: ich würde warten.
Plusquamperfekt is constructed with haben or sein in Konjunktiv II + the participle of the verb. It's the past tense: ich hätte gefunden/ich wäre gegangen.
There is a second future form, Futur II, which is built with würde + participle + haben/sein: ich würde geträumt haben.
Thank you very very much to @dreamofghosts for the corrections and help in making sense of this....... interesting topic lol!!
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notes-by-saher · 2 years
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12 Nov 2022 | How's your November going so far?
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birdbrainstudies · 7 months
Hi!! 💜 I track - akastudies! Hope you have a lovely day<3 bye
hi!!! I am sO sorry for getting to your blog rate so late! ~life happened~
URL l idgi / nice / amazing / heart eyes / can I pay u to steal it ICON | cute / pretty / i really like it/ so beautiful / gorjus THEME | default / messy / okay / soo good / looks at ur theme credit…. MOBILE THEME | okay / nice/ wow i really like it / ur making me rethink my whole color scheme. ORIGINAL CONTENT | good / pretty / beautiful / aesthetic / teach me ur ways! POSTS | they are alright / on point / really helpful/ pretty / brb queueing every 1 of your posts FOLLOWING I no but ily and you’re doing a great job! / now i am / #always OVERALL | 10/10 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS | i am in love w ur icon it's so pretty!!! also adore your pictures in general - one thing to take good noe photos (which u do) but i love how ur original content has such nice pictures of your surroundings too!!!!
want blog rate? look here!
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pumpkinstudylatte · 2 years
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this textbook will be the death of me… i have to get through my particles revision to get to the bits i don’t know at all but it already feels like i’m running out of time
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museeofmoon · 8 months
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Saturday, 3rd feb | my feb spread is still in progress, so enjoy mast august's one till. Insta peeps might have to act like they're seeing it for the first time tho
(2&3/ 30nym) | share a picture of your study space! / what does your ideal study plan look like this week?
Setup pic soon ig? / in this week im dwelling on chemistry so i ideal composition is 5-6 hours of chemistry and 2-4 hours for revision of bio and phy all spread throughout the day in 50-10, 90-30 pomodoro cycles :) [<- face of smone dying inside]
[🎧]: Asleep among endives_Ichiko Aoba
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upside-down-uni · 7 months
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01.03 // guys I'm soooooo fuckening tired
Public transport in my city is striking, so I had to cycle to my orthopedics appointment and back on top of sleeping abysmally bad (essentially not at all) yesterday. The dramatically oversized park I cycled through was an entire vibe though! If I tell you it wiped me OUT.... 1½h nap, still tired, almost fell asleep at my work meeting, I'm taking bets now how well I'll sleep tonight! But I found out what's wrong with my wrist finally! The game night I went (cycled rip) to yesterday was fun and I'm meeting a friend for [insert hot beverage] tomorrow!
The mood right now is [squinting suspiciously at my life for going so well]
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ben-learns-smth · 7 months
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good things recently: lots of reading and interesting sequels, new cafés that have favourite potential, managing a 3hour walk with a new friend, getting invited for game night, deep breaths, cuddling my big sheep plushie, movie nights with friends
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anurennero · 2 years
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05.02.23 / utter chaos both on my desk and in my brain, but at least i'm trying. the pragmatics exam is in two days— i'm afraid that's not enough time but i'm going to work hard until then and hope for the best
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alicewritten · 1 year
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journal notes, 05/07
i’m home for a few days and have a long list of tiny project i want to pursue:
crochet a leaf sprout for my bf
complete a html basics course
finish my clinical psych notes
finish a book (ideally the art quake one but i started four so whatever i feel like)
figure out this documenting thing i’m doing on tumblr n how it mixes with my physical journaling
i also want to: go out w my friends at least two other times (doing it this evening!), visit my grandparents (x2), journal about my birthday, revisit and share my writing
main things today: get back into the morning routine of yoga+journal, read, htlm course, notes
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randomstudyblr · 2 years
Langblr reactivation challenge #1
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Create an introduction post about yourself. What's your name? What languages are you studying? What languages do you hope to study? What do you hope you'll get out of this challenge?
Hallo zusammen! Ich bin Al, aus Spanien, und lerne gerne seit Jahre Deutsch: ich habe ein Jahr in der Schule Deutsch gelernt, dann habe ich vier Jahre lang nur selbstgelernt, später bin ich nach Deutschland umgezogen... aber jetzt bin ich wieder in Spanien und möchte es nicht verlieren, deshalb nehme ich sehr gerne an dieser Challenge teil :) Im Moment promoviere ich in Biochemie und studiere die letzten zwei Semester English Studies, deswegen habe ich leider keine Zeit, um mich für einen Sprachkurs anzumelden. Neben Deutsch sollte ich vielleicht auch mit Französisch anfangen, da ich die Möglichkeit hätte, für eine kurze Zeit in ein französisches Labor zu gehen...
Hi everyone! This is Al, from Spain, and I've been learning German for quite a few years now: I took one year in high school, then did some self-studying for four years, and later I moved to Germany! But now I'm back in Spain and I don't want to lose all those improvements. That's why I'm so excited to take part in this challenge :) right now I'm doing my PhD in biochemistry and I'm also studying the last year of English studies, so I sadly don't have time to sign up for a language course. Besides German, I might have to start (re)learning french, because I just got the opportunity to go to a french lab for a short time...
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studyingwithsky · 2 years
|| 01.07.2022 ||
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“Experientia docet”
So… it’s already July and I’m just uploading June’s spread? Yes, yes I am.
A couple of existential crisis later and here I am! Still here!!
I’ll be starting the clinical part of university soon, there’s a meeting next week to see if we’re gonna be able to finally take in person classes or if we’re gonna stick to the zoom meetings for a little more time. Wish me luck!
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