#I'm also a little annoyed because these scrubs are actually like women's scrubs and the ones in the or are unisex and don't fit properly
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I just got my second pair of free scrubs for the hospital and while I love them deeply, I will never wear them again because I already finished orientation
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tulipps-maehem · 7 months
(n) a mystical force present in all people
empowers them to affect the world,
and to change their own lives
This is the Story of how Aris, the red headed demon, and how she meets the loves of her life. This is the story of how Aris carved her place into the blue sees and brought back her ancestors name to reality.
Chapter 2- Inizio
new beginnings
slight trigger warning- vomit and talk of eating disorder
Aris had gotten dressed and scrubbed the excess blood off of her tanned skin, Hip had already come in and given her a change of non-torn to shreds clothes as well as some basic necessities, crutches, and a towel so she could dry off after her shower. 
The clothes were actually quite nice. The outfit consisted of a spiked bra, leather jacket with various little pins and patches and a small leather skirt. There was one small problem though- the clothes were extremely tight the top felt like it would pop, and that the skirt would rip as soon as she sat down.  But thankfully the jacket had a backflap she could make do so her wings could sit comfortably on her back. 
The tattooed woman made her way out of the room on her crutches, they sat uncomfortably under the snowy white of her wings. She followed her nose and the slight sound of chatter over the clicking of crutches on smooth wooden deck. Upon walking in Hip and Hop pulled her into the table of girls that included them Quincy, Emma, and Dive. Aris had to admit she was slightly intimidated by the hoard of punk women pulling her along to their table. She studied each of their faces and their way of dressing. If she was honest envied their confidence.    
  The girls gushed over Aris as yet another girl was to be added to the crew and they were so very excited. They asked her all about Skypia after hearing the news from Killer that the reason for the wings wasn't a Devil fruit but it was because she wasn't human.    
Meanwhile as the girls chatted and slowly got Aris a little more comfortable, at the head of the mess hall sat Captain Eustass Kid, Killer, Heat, and Wire. 
“she looks better as one of us” wire signed
"Wires right she looks way cooler as a punk. that outfit shows more of those tattoos too” 
“Heat it's rude to stare” 
“sorry killer” 
“What do you think about her boss” wire singed
“she's annoying as shit. You said she has a mouth on her too” 
“in her defense I don't think she's ever actually heard anything about us other then we crucify people and you and killers names. So I'm sure waking up and seeing killer would be pretty fucking terrifying. I mean he still scares some crew members..”
”Whatever she better fucking pull her weight if I'm gonna let a goddamned strawhat stay here” 
The four men watched as she warmed up to the girls. Heat and Wire made more small talk, or more singing back and fourth. as the captain and soldier discussed the girl. Killer didn't get why Kid took an immediate disliking to her. She wasn’t much trouble, sure she was mouthy but it was a good way. And he had to admit she was pretty too..l or maybe he just had a thing for redheads..
Eustass stared the girl down as she chatted with his crew. He’d been studying her movements since she walked into the room. The way her hips swung when she walked, how her lips parted ever so slightly even when resting due to the stitches, the golden of her eyes getting smaller when Quincy brought up something of interest. There was just something about the way she glanced back at him with those eyes that he couldn’t stand.
She was too much for him to stand and it annoyed the hell out of him. He grumbled as he stared at her eyes of amber fixated on her movements. Now that he looked she was awfully skinny he could see the indents of her hips and even count a few ribs. He also wondered what her wings felt like. Could he even touch them?
“Killer what do you know about the shandorian race.”
“eh I’ll be honest with ya, not very much is known about them. I think I have a book written by the Mont Blanc Noland guy.i can lend it to ya if you wanna know more about them. It should have things on their wings and cultural studies”
“did they not have much food?”
“I said I didn’t know, but why is that what you ask out of everything I thought you were going to”
“cuz she’s skinny, and not in like the brothel girl way, Kil, I can count her ribs. The dumbass also isn’t eating much either.”
“Talk quieter asshole, she could have an eating disorder or something. I know she was raised to be a human weapon”
“Well if I’m gonna have someone on my crew they better eat no one wastes my partners food. Work with her on it. I’m done dealing with this”
And with that the Captain stood giving a glare before marching away. Grumbling as he passed the redheaded woman. Heat and Wire signed to each other about the whole thing, wondering what his deal was.
Aris was actually having a good time until she noticed everyone around her had finished their meals and had been staring at her to finish her own.
“What’s wrong do you not like it? You could use some more meat on your bones so you should probably eat up.”
Quincy had said, oblivious to the pained look on the winged woman’s features as she spoke. She just sighed and took a small bite before saying
“I’m not really hungry right now.. just a little sick”
the girls shrugged at her words and stood to put their things away as Ari’s sat and stared at her food. The food was indeed delicious, but that was just the problem. Killers cooking reminded her all to much of Sanji’s and thinking about how he gave his life for hers just made her stomach hurt. She felt sick. Thankfully most of everyone had left the room before she stood a hurriedly rushed to the bathroom.
She had barely made it to the little room she had been kept in before she burst, not even making it to the toilet before grabbing on the notch of the bed and doubling over. First to get spat up was the little bit of dinner she ate. God she hated how sick she sometimes would get. Just when she thought her stomach had cleared its contents it decided to empty everything until the odd orange color of stomach bile showed.
She hadn’t even notice herself collapsing to the floor into her own sick. She panted in a mess of drool and tears as she lie there feeling another warm liquid drip from the seams of her stitches. She didn’t even notice the door to her room opening.
Killer stood in the doorway. He had decided to check in on the girl after Wire has pointed out her running away. He stood in shock as he walked in on the mess. He rushed forward and sat the girl up
“Ya doin ok doll face? The fuck is this”
the masked man’s words were painful like an arrow to the heart. She let out a strangled sob at the nickname
“Je t'aime doll face, Je t'aime tellement..” sanji said as he held the girls body close to his, peppering her face in kisses as they lie under the stars on the deck of the sunny. “I promise to show you all the amazing things in the world- as a thank you for showing yourself to me as not even drowning in the all blue could ever be as breathtaking as you.”
The girls fingers traced over the stitches in her lip as Killer snatched the girl into his chest at her cry. That cry was something he knew he never wanted to hear again. It reminded him of the first time he heard his partner cry, and how it struck his chest so deep it felt like knives raining down. He stroked the girls hair ignoring the chunks of half digested food encrusting it.
“I’m sorry angel I won’t call ya that again, let’s get you cleaned up yea?”
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
could you do hcs for like if ramsay had a crush on wylla and wynafryd’s sister(born between them)? maybe during like anywhere in the canon timeline or when they were kids or both if that’s cool :))
con: pt 2 to the ramsay req bc i totally forgot to say this in the og ask but like i said a manderly crush specifically bc of the donella manderly/hornwood situation and how that would add a shit ton of some drama and whether or not that would work out in ramsay’s favor is up to you
Oh this is very interesting. I adore the Manderlys so any excuse to think about them is a good one lol. I'm annoyed the Manderlys, Lady Hornwood AND Barbrey Ryswell weren't in the show... but I also feel like the women would've been screwed over or written badly somehow, so 😒
Childhood friends is generally a pretty wild idea for Ramsay because it was specifically his "friendship" with First Reek that sent him on an even worse path, so like ... what if it was different???
I might be wrong on this, but I don't think the show ever addressed if Ramsay lived with his father all his years or if he spent most of his childhood with his mother and First Reek at the windmill, like in the books. Honestly I prefer show!Ramsay (sue me) and this ask got me thinking, so we're going with him being at the Dreadfort from around ~10 years old, and I'm not gonna touch much on Lady Hornwood. Yes, I'm doing the most sacrilege thing and mixing show and book canon. Yall should expect this by now, sue me.
THAT BEING SAID... let's think about stuff.
If he was brought to the Dreadfort around that age, not only would he see Domeric regularly, he'd observe the lords coming and going. I don't think Lady Bethany would ever allow him to be out in the open during feasts and such, so it's just when lords and their men are passing by. That's when he might stumble upon the Manderly girls.
It's possible Roose and Bethany didn't want Ramsay anywhere near the guests, especially if they knew how he was. Most likely, he was already displaying his awful colors at a young age. While her sisters were giggling over Domeric, I feel our young middle!Manderly might wander off into the forest, and come across another boy with eerie white eyes. How strange, she didn't know Domeric had a little brother... ...
He might actually be charming. He isn't dressed like a lord, but he can talk like one, somewhat. He has a bow that he's talented with, and a cute hound following him about. She learns his name, but doesn't catch how he doesn't add Bolton after it. They spend a whole afternoon together, only noticing the time and returning when it becomes dark.
That's when she sees her sisters running at her, and her worried parents, and she doesn't understand why they're so afraid. She sees Roose all but drag Ramsay off, then slap him for being disobedient. That evening, her mother makes her bathe and scrub her skin so hard, it burns red.
"You shouldn't be around the likes of bastards, little one, especially Bolton's bastard. How could you do this? What were you thinking?"
Now, listen. As children, we've all had that one person we didn't spend much time with, but we still think about them now. Maybe you only played with them for a day, or a week, or a summer before you were separated, but the memories are both vivid and distant, fresh and nostalgic. And unlike most people ... Ramsay is an obsessive, fixating sort.
So the next time he sees her - which might be years later - perhaps it's when they're more grown. Perhaps Domeric is looking for a wife amongst all the ladies visiting for a feast. Perhaps it's after his half-brother's sudden death, when the lords are gathering for King Robb's war, and the Manderly host has to march past the Dreadfort. Lord Manderly brought his granddaughter for a marriage to someone else, or perhaps she's a fighter in her own right. You can see the various ways this would play out.
It's hard for him to contain his manic grin when she recognizes him. Those eyes are a dead giveaway, even if he tried to disguise himself as some peasant boy. Now, she may have heard the strange rumors surrounding the Dreadfort and the Bolton bastard, but ... ... wasn't he so nice to her when they met ... ? Those stories couldn't be true ... ...
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
[Only for when you feel like it/have time to] The dreaded time of the month has come. Idk what monsters, but their reactions to their s/o going through their monthly period anguish. [I'm way too embarrassed to come off anon, sorry.]
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He’s read about this in a human anatomy book, so the first time he comes over and finds you curled up in comfy pajamas, writhing from painful cramps, he isn’t alarmed.  Instead, he starts to sweat a little.  He also happened to read that this time of the month comes with mood swings.
He treads carefully; this explains why you’ve been much testier than usual about his puns and general shenanigans.  He brings you back greasy food from Grillby’s and doesn’t know how to do much more than just let you lie on the couch with your head pillowed in his lap.  While he’s a little curious about the details, he wisely decides not to ask you; he’ll just consult the Undernet later.
Papyrus only finds out about this when the Annoying Dog happens to dig through the trash, and welp, this is beyond disgusting but your bloody feminine product has been strewn throughout the bathroom floor for Papyrus to discover.
He does the only logical thing and assumes you’re dying, of course.
You’re mortified.  
“I’m fine, Papyrus!  Geez!  It’s normal– it’s just something that happens to women,” you attempt to reassure him through your bright blush.  He’s gingerly touching your face, your arms, your sides, carefully looking for any sign of bleeding.  
The sweetheart looks like he’s on the verge of tears, he’s so concerned.  You don’t want to explain it to him, so you just tell him it’s something private and keep reassuring him that everything’s fine.  For the rest of the day, he treats you like you’re made of glass and refuses to let you out of his sight.    
Sans eventually explains it to him so you don’t have to.
Red realizes that you seem to be more irritable than usual, when he’s teasing you and you happen to bite his head off because dammit, your stomach hurts so much.  He scoffs and flippantly says, “what?  ya got that weird human period thing goin’ on?”
It’s the wrong thing to say.
Red’s done his research.  He understands what it means, but he’s bad about keeping his mouth shut.  The two of you end up fighting, he huffs away to his room, and you scowl at the TV and lie on the couch for a while.  
Eventually, Red comes in with some Sea Tea and hands it to you wordlessly.  Once you drink it, you actually do feel a little better, so he motions for you to sit up.  You put your head back in his lap, and he rubs your lower abdomen while you both watch shitty MTT re-runs.  
Right now, it’s best that both of you just enjoy it in silence.  
(*Someone also sent me a request for the s/o getting their period and staining a couch, but I can’t for the life of me find the ask.  Sooo, that couch that gets stained happens to be Edge’s. Enjoy. )
You stand up from watching TV at the Underfell brothers’ house, intent on getting something to drink from the kitchen because man you’re thirsty.  As soon as you do, you hear Edge shoot to his feet, his expression filled with concern.  “HUMAN, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!” he snaps, coming to your side.  Red’s eyesockets are completely dark, and he starts sweating.  
“Did what?” you ask in confusion.  
What are they freaking out–
Edge turns you around by the shoulders for a better view, and that’s when you spot the stained couch.  Mortification rises to your cheeks.  Your gaze locks with Red, and in an instant, he nopes right out of there and shortcuts away.  
That traitor!
“Oh god, I’m sorry about the couch.  Lemme get something to clean that off!”  The words tumble out of your mouth so fast that you’re not even sure it was intelligible.  
You attempt to dart away–preferably to the bathroom, even though you’re certain by the way Edge is staring at your ass that your pants are ruined–but Edge catches your arm and turns you to face him again.  
His expression is filled with undisguised rage, and his grip is slightly painful.  “I’LL KILL WHOEVER HURT YOU, SO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!”
“I’m not hurt!”
“That’s just something that happens!”
“Yes, it is!”
“WHERE IS THE BLOOD COMING FROM IF IT ISN’T A WOUND?”  He leans forward, looking so pissed that you feel indignant anger trump your mortification.  You’re already embarrassed as hell; what do you have to lose?
“My vagina, Papyrus!  MY VAGINA!”  
Shock courses through him, mostly from the fact that you just shouted such a cold, proper term in his face.  “YOUR…”  He trails off as it starts to click.  You can see confusion there, then a darker sense of anger begin to wash over him.  “WHO?”  The question is bit off and clipped, ground out from between his clenched teeth.  
Oh hell, now he thinks…?  “No one!  It happens every month!  It’s natural!  It’s a reproductive human thing!”  
“OH.”  He finally lets go of your arm.  He even starts to look a little embarrassed.  “I KNEW THAT!  I WAS JUST TESTING YOU!”
“Testing me?”  You can’t help but give him a hard time.
At this point, you don’t even care.  You end up wearing Sans’s shorts home to change (after kicking the bottom of his shoe while he laid on his bed and complaining about the fact that he left you down there to deal with that), and by the time you return, the stain is already gone.
Edge does, however, toss you a towel to sit on.  
(* Mobile Imagine Masterlist  )
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