#I'm also wondering if part of the interview about friendships wasn't about sebastian stan
wenellyb · 3 years
Uhm. About the Anthony stuff. I don't think people should make it a campaign or something. What bothered most folks had nothing to do with shipping, but with the way he talked about queerness. The "exploiting homosexuality" line or the going to a bar shit. So it's a him problem, and fans should know it is apologize for bad wording, which it is totally on him, or let it die.
Hi Anon,
This is a little bit complicated to explain so I hope I will find the right words... but if some parts are not clear let me know and I will try to explain it better.
I have to disagree with you about what annoyed most having nothing to do with shipping after seeing the response I saw on Twitter, and even headlines from other news outlets.
The "exploiitation" and "bar" part is what annoyed the rational people.... but you and I know that there aren't a lot of those on the Internet.
All over Twitter it was all about Anthony not liking Sambucky together or Anthony saying Sambucky are just friends, etc. Be honest with me here, did you see any headline or any tweet with more that 1k likes or even 500 likes with that story NOT mentionning Sambucky?
Because, I didn't....
So yes, even if it shouldn't have been, the shipping part IS what the general public and other journalists focused on.
I personally didn't care about the shipping but was very annoyed about what he said about the exploitation of homosexuality and the not being able to go to the bar with friends thing.
And if I hadn't known a little bit of Anthony's background I would have been right out pissed... but Anthony is one of the few Hollywood actors, who has admitted that he had been brought up in a comminity where homophobia was present and that he has been learning and growing and showing his support to the LGBT community... So I know he is an actor that will actually listen and adjust if you explain to him what was wrong with what he was saying, because he is already aware that he has still much to learn.
But let's be honest for a minute, if the story had been only about Anthony's comment about how guys can't even hang out anymore...the story wouldn't have blown to the proportions it would have now because let's be honest...70-80% of cis straight guys talk like that... How do I know it wouldn't have led to this level of scandal? Because otherwise the journalist would have let the story as is, and left the comments in the context of the question.... He wouldn't have switched parts to make it look like Anthony had been talking about Sambucky.
Do you think "Anthony thinks guys can't hang out in bars anymore" would have made him trending worldwide? No.
And probably more so because in the context of the actual question, it could be interpreted as him saying he was uncomfortable with people shipping him with real life friends ( Sebastian). Especially his comment about the exploitation of homosexuality... in the context of the real question... that comment wasn't as misplaced.
But no, the journalist linked those answers to Sambucky in the title AND in the article, even though Anthont had said no such thing about Sambucky...except "I don't follow fandom stuff".
And I have said it before, I say it again, because of the actions of that journalist, this goes beyond shipping for me.
I really wasn't involved when the story was about shipping or about Anthony "not liking the ship"... But after listening to the audio... I was seething.
You may not understand this, but personally, I do not have a lot of Black lead characters in big movie productions to look up to... Chadwick passed away last year and we all saw what happened with John Boyega, and a Cyborg movie isn't even in the pipeline anymore.
I'm not a stan or anything, but I feel very defensive when those kind of stuff happens, because Black celebrities are held to different standards which is unfair but also a reality we have to deal with.
I'm not happy with what Anthony said, but I'm even angrier after finding out that the only reason this story got blown out of proportion is because a journalist, who apparently has a story of being unfair to Black actors framed the story and headline to be provocative, even though it could have led to the harrasement of Anthony by Internet mob or even worse, potentially hurt his career. Thankfully Anthony isn't on social media much.
It is fine that you think it shouldn't be a campaign, and I don't think it should be a campaign either... But I do think there is something to be done.
And it is fine if you want to "let it go", I understand that. That's why I said that I wanted to know what "people who want to do something about it" could do....
People who don't want to do anything about it can just ignore it... it is fine.
You are free to let the story die if you want to, but that is not something I feel comfortable doing.
I don't think I would have tried something if the post from that journalist had 1k like or anything... but the likes very very low... so we can actually do something...
Maybe it won't change anything for Anthony... but at least that journalist will think twice before villainzing another actor with no grounds to stand on...
That man knows most people only read headlines and don't even read the article, and even less are those who will aftually listen to the audio...he did this on purpose and I'm seething thinking he could keep doing this in the future because it is working... there story is getting linked everywhere.
I don't want to let it die, because when the story is already too big... it's too late... You can't do anything...I feel like the moment when you can try to do something, as this is the beginning.
Maybe what I'm doing is useless but at least I am trying something and we never know without trying....
And some other users gave great ideas like writing emails to news outlets to let them know how misleading that article was...
It might be a long shot, but it would be an even longer shot not to try anything.
I hope I made it clear, but as I said let me know if I can clarify anything.
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