#I'm always going to be bummed that I accidentally deleted my blog a few years ago
zackmartin · 2 years
Gif makers deserve so much love, i tried making gifs, they were meh (i used a phone app so it wasnt really a good gif) but when i see other gifs it blows me away the talent the skill the patience
Yes!! Thank you!! (I know my gifs are also pretty meh a lot the time so i'm honestly mostly just annoyed on behalf of other gifmakers) But like. I used to pay for photoshop because I used it for school/work, so it was really irritating when someone would steal my gifs and repost and then when I'd politely ask them to delete, I'd get something like "they're just gifs 🙄" but it was like. I basically paid to make those lmao and I mean. If you like them enough to go to the trouble of downloading them and reposting then. just reblog!! that's what that button is for!!
sorry, that happened a couple times a few years ago, but I'm still mad about it lol
And honestly, I'm super super meticulous about my gifsets, so the more complicated ones usually end up taking me a couple weeks to complete. (Like, I know it's annoying that I reblog my purple and red max thunderman set every few months, but I spent literal weeks on it)
But, again, I know mine are pretty meh anyway and I gif for super niche/small fandoms, so I've made peace with the fact that my sets will usually only have a few reblogs but like. I was looking at the notes on one of my friends edits the other day cause I'm nosy and I like to see the nice things people put in the tags and I was so bummed to find that it had like, 20+ likes but only a few reblogs. And this was for a relatively big fandom!!
sorry for going off a tangent, I just feel passionately about this cause you're right. But, thank you also for saying it. It's just nice when people send asks like this because it's a nice reminder that there are people that still appreciate content creators and also it's just sweet of you to say <3
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