#I'm at 'surprise my tenebrous overlord! ghosts and you might die is my middle name"
eepybogboy · 2 years
guess what girlies (gender neutral) I finally started reading Gideon the Ninth wish me fucking luck
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incorrectmemes · 2 years
Alyona: Come on. How bad could it be?
Lazzaro: Down there resides the sum of all necromantic transgressions. The unperceivable howl of ten thousand million unfed ghosts who will hear each echoed footstep as defilement. They would not even be satisfied if they tore you apart. The space beyond that door is profoundly haunted in ways I cannot say, and by means you won't understand; and you may die by violence, or you may simply lose your soul.
Alyona: Knock it off. We're not in chapel now.
Lazzaro: It's not one of mine, Alyona. I'm repeating exactly -- to the word -- what Sallos said to me.
Alyona: Sallos said that the facility was chocka with ghosts and you might die?
Lazzaro: Correct.
Alyona: Surprise, my tenebrous overlord! 'Ghosts and you might die' is my middle name.
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