#but great news i havent been able to put it down
eepybogboy · 2 years
guess what girlies (gender neutral) I finally started reading Gideon the Ninth wish me fucking luck
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
literally just zoomed through yalls htp au and i havent seen anyone talk about it but i find it SO interesting how Bravo, who is supposed to be the GOOD overworlder, is rather prideful and honestly just a dick while Tango, supposedly his EVIL counterpart, is just the sweetest guy. i cant imagine how Tango is derived from the worst parts of Bravo, if im understanding hels correctly. Tango is such a good person, while Bravo is rude to everyone with the worst attitude. it was just something i picked up so quickly. if the universe put him in hels in the first place, there must be a reason why the universe swapped his place with his overworld counterpart.
on another note! with the release of secret life, and what we've seen so far, how do you think htp!tango would fare in this new killing game? i cant help but imagine that with the entire gimmick being keeping secrets that he would be rather stressed, knowing he had hidden stuff from his friends already-- lying doesnt make him feel like a good person (but he isnt supposed to be that, some small part of him is whispering, knowing hes from hels, is all of the "bad" parts of bravo)
anyways! this is all i will be able to think of for the rest of the week /vpos and i hope you (and everyone who may be reading this at any given time) have a great rest of spooky month!
well THANK YOU this was a lovely message to receive, and i’m glad you’re enjoying the au ^^
i’ve talked a little bit about this here and there, but i’ll never pass up the chance to ramble more. there are a few key things about bravo and tango that make them different from the average overworld-hels pair.
first off, most of what we’ve seen of tango has been set during double life, which is ten years after he escaped hels, so he’s had ten years of growth. we see very little of him before this, and in those scenes he’s got the benefit of being largely alone. the only player he interacts with is xisuma, who tango immediately realizes he needs to ‘trick.’ so his interaction with x in part one isn’t how tango would’ve interacted with virtually any other player in hels at that time.
we see from the flashback in part five that younger pre-hels tek tango was borderline feral- he chose to attack atlas on sight instead of trying to hide, or leave before he was seen, or even see why atlas was there. now, atlas wins him over fairly quickly because tango is young and naive and secretly craving positive interaction, but even in that brief interaction tango is a bit more prideful than his older self. that, of course, got beaten out of him at hels tek.
bravo, on the other hand, we follow closely during his ten years in hels. when he first arrives in part two, he’s a little snide and privately judgemental, sure, but he starts out perfectly decent towards timmy. he tries to maintain that civility and ‘niceness’ as he interacts with more and more hels players, but gradually loses his willpower as he gets beaten down and frustrated, even losing his temper. and after he fully snaps and gets his first kills, he all but abandons the notion of being ‘nice’, though privately he still thinks of himself as inherently better than hels players (atlas’s manipulation certainly doesn’t help matters, either).
but perhaps the biggest point is to look at what traits tango actually got from bravo, and that would be his rage. bravo is most similar to tango when he’s angry; his first little temper tantrum in part two is where it’s best illustrated, because all instances after that have been influenced by his time in hels. but you’ll notice that we have yet to see tango truly angry in the HTP series (he did revert back to an almost feral mindset when the ranch got attacked, but that was an instinctive defense mechanism. there was no conscious thought behind those decisions, and they were purely fueled by fear, not anger). that will be where his ‘hels’ really shines through.
there’s one other bravo trait amplified in tango that i haven’t revealed yet. it’s something that tango has figured out how to sort of ‘mask’ via other more acceptable coping mechanisms- if you can call it that- and actually forms a fairly significant part of his personality. stay tuned :3
as for secret life, it’d be a complicated situation for sure. on one hand, their goals are less outright malicious- just complete the tasks and try to survive (at least for now). in a way, it almost takes away accountability for their actions if they turn out to be harmful- “i had to, it was my secret task!” so that’s nice to fall back on. but still, tango would be very on edge. not only with the discomfort of having to lie to his friends, but never knowing if they’re lying to him, too. boi’s got them trust issues fr.
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I hear u want to hear about WEIRD ANIMALS yes?
Well have i got a WEIRD ANIMAL for you!!
(i know u know about this cause. Its a bird. And also was in the bracket if i remember right (to be fair ive been just a TAD confused as to wich bird poll blog this is ever since u changed ur url lol), but i dunno maybe i can give u some new info! And maybe not, but hopefylly you'll put up with me anyway!)
I give you-
(Drumroll please..)
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Anyway this is my FAVORITE. BIRD. And more people need to talk about her!!!!
So first of all there's the main thing they're known for - being the ONLY known vertabrate whose diet consists mainly (between 70 and 90 PERCENT!!!!!!) of BONE!!!!!!
ALSO however! This bird is POSSIBLE evidence of non-human animal using COSMETICS!!!! Y'see, they are naturally mostly white in coloration, but they roll in iron-rich mud and dust, thus dyeing their feathers a rich red color! Interestingly, Bearded Vultures, a primarily solitary and somewhat territorial animal, seem to be more respectful of and submissive to others of their species who have more red to their feathers. Though it is worth noting, as these birds live in very high altitudes, that we havent been able to observe them in the wild enough to prove the connection between dyed hue and perceived dominance.
Also i seem to remember in some poll (genuinely cant remember if it was urs or not) the Bearded Vulture was beat by a bird whose main notable trait was commiting fratricide - something that the Bearded Vulture ALSO does! The mother lays two eggs, one egg hatches about a week before the other, and upon the second egg hatching one chick (almost always the older one) kills and eats the other. I dont usually share that bit cause it would turn a lot of folks off from my Favorite Bird Ever but it really bothered me how that poll went down lol (lighthearted) (not actually mad)
Anyway, uuuuhhhh i think thats it -
-WAIT!!!!! I just remembered something else about them!!!!!
So they eat bones right? And some bones are to big to swallow yeah? So, like any strong-legged bird would, they pick up the too-big bones, fly way up high, and then drop them on rocks to break them into edible peices.
Seems pretty normal yeah?
Well (allegedly) they also do that to turtles/turtles to access the meat on rare occasion.
Still not that weird? I completely agree!
However, (allegedly) a Bearded Vulture once killed a greek playwright by the name of Aeschylus by mistaking his bald head for a rock and dropping a tortoise on it from a great height!
Anyway yeah thats all the main things
Except you know, for their apearance
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(Why are their EYES like that? Ive tried to look it up but cant find anything. Some of the PRETTIEST (round-pupiled) eyes in the animal kingdom tho, no question)
Anyways yeah, sorry if this is all stuff u already knew, but, uh. YEAH!!!
Thanks for letting me rant about my funky lil guy!!!
I DID KNOW ALL OF THIS ALREADY BUT I LOVE YOUR ENTHUSIASM AND I LOVED READING ALL OF IT AGAIN!!! Bearded vultures are so darn pretty. Also you can be genuinely bothered with how a poll went down, I’m still a bit upset with the results of my first bracket. (final girl showdown) 😔
I keep thinking of things I could add on but you’ve pretty much said it all! I guess I could say that the bearded vulture is a card in Inscryption? The power is equal to one half of the player’s bones. I like that little detail.
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taldigi · 5 months
why dont you like futaba/gen?
A lot of the persona 5 characters, while colorful and anime-archetype-y- do have a grounded-ness to them- they all have very real issues and very real skillsets... and While characters like Yuuske and Makoto (even Ren, depending on how you play him) could be considered prodigies and/or excel in their fields, Futaba stands out and further forward in terms of that. An infinately brilliant hacker that can basically pull miracles out of their computer? Just as brilliant as Makoto in terms of reasoning and problemsolving? She's mean and "Sassy" which really steps on Mona and Ryuji's area and is later pulled as empathetic like Ann.
I'm only a few steps into Palace 5 and already she annoys me from a character implementation standpoint. Instead of her worrying, it should be Ann. Instead of her figuring out what happened, it should have been Makoto or Yuuske.
Her persona is wild in the sense that it feels really... reductive comparative to the others. the "Wow! a persona as a vehicle!" factor from Makoto is absolutely trashed and outshone by Futaba's giant UFO persona. IDK it feels wrong.
Even her character design doesn't match the others. All of them have a.. tangibility. They all look like stylish thieves- even Ann, who does vary... is based off Catwoman! Yet Futaba doesn't mach any of them! Giant goggles, giant shoes. OK astro boy.
She doesn't fit in that brand of "Silly" that P5 has cultivated for me so far. In a game where there is a bobbleheaded cat that fights demons in clown castles, She feels like a cartoon character. Hell, I'd even say that she feels less like a character and more like a... tool. a plot device.
Persona also suffers from severe anime brainrot- and thats bad when she's so little sister coded, which would be fine if you squint... if she wasn't also a romancible character with unavoidable scenes. I KNOW she's the same age/ish as the others but she's also insanely immature, framed as childish, and is literally described as frail. She needs vitamin D and iron supplements stat.
...and for the most part I have been able to grit my teeth through that anime brainrot because it's been offering a really great story with really amazing characters. When Ren looses some of his personality to "Stoic Anime Protag brainrot" or they do something fuckin' weird with the girls as eyecandy. It's fine, it's whatever. But Futaba... she's.. something else. UGH wish I could put it in WORDS.
She's becoming more tolerable the further in I go to the next palace' storyline, but thats because she's not as relevant anymore to make way for the new girl (who I havent met yet but I like her a lot already) so I know it's not.. my ML-induced phobia of character bloat.
...and please don't try and explain her actions cause of her backstory, im talking from a character design and implementation angle. I think.. I think I'd like her more if she was an exterior member of the thieves, an actual child, and slightly less prodigy-ish.
tl:dr: she feels like a fanfiction character and is weirdly out of place.
She was also mean to Yuuske and Morgana for no fucking reason when she should have been mean to Ryuji instead. I want to push her down the stairs. I also want her to stop touching Ren please. I know ppl think it's okay or funny if it's a guy but it's not.
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orchidyoonkook · 11 months
Hi, need to scream. Tumblr seems to listen best. can and please feel free to ignore.
okay so essentially my job has removed all of the things I use and need in order to be able to do my job with my mental disorder. my mental DISABILTY. that i was honest with them and told them about at my freaking trial shift. that i told them i needed certain things in order to do well. nothing drastic. but things that helped me significantly with my performace.
SOOOOOOOOO i am now severely struggling at my job because they've taken those away cuz they were 'annoying' or 'in the way' or 'clutter'. like. im not even leaving shit every where. It's like, maybe at most 3 sticky notes? (for example) and they're written just for me, like just so i can have a list of things i can do and know to go back and look on when i need a task because ive finished the one i was doing. but then my boss reads them and critiques them as if they're for everyone. or says 'okay yeah but we do that every day so i dont see why you have to write it down. you should know to do it by now' LIKE BRO. I forget to put deodorant on some days because of said mental disability. it's something i do and have done every day since i was 12 or 13. thats 12 years. and i still forget some days just cuz my brain wasn't working properly.
AND now due to this they have put me, one of the staff currently with more seniority than 3 other staff, down to one shift a week, while every one else is full time or heavily part time.
In march i was full time and kicking ass, I was the fastest employee on my tasks, i was doing great, the customers loved me and now that all of my things that i need in order to function have been removed for everyone else's aesthetic preferences, I'm suffering, and most likely being silently fired.
like... what do i do with that. I can do my job, with my accomadations - that arent that many btw - i dont expect them to move mountains for me. But dude. I hate this feeling so much because i'm capable, theyve seen me be capable. i was for 1.5 years. like i want to be good at my job. I like and enjoy being good at my job. i've told them that. I want to do good but my ability to be good is being derailed, and i just get told to try harder, just work harder, impress your boss with how hard you work -> for minimum wage, i might add.
and everyone is like "just get a new job, just apply for more jobs you're not applying for enough, literally just apply for everything, even if youre not qualified" and i cant just do that, due to said disability. there are jobs i am unable to do. so i have to be a lil picky otherwise i'll be right back where i am now. and ive been looking for months and applying for months with no luck - no one ever responds. why list jobs if you dont respond?????
it's getting to the point where im debating opening up drawing commissions or writing commissions, or something that i can make to earn a little extra cash here and there while i get over this transition period. And that's a big deal for me because i don't do commissions. I do my art for myself or for when i want to share something i've made already, like the UTWT books. Hell, I did a tattoo design for a friend on here that i put easily 40 hours into, and i felt guilty that they wanted to pay me for it because i'd asked them for the idea. Like, i don't do commissions. so for me to be considering it is really telling for me.
anyways. this is a bajillion words long now, but i already feel better. and I'm posting it in the middle of the night in hopes that the void just consumes it and never lets it see the light of day.
If you read this, thanks and sorry for the bummer of a post. This isnt a pity party or a poor yoon thing. I'm not looking for comfort or any of that. this is a 'i don't have a therapist and my friends and partner and family are sick of hearing me bitch, when i havent been able to fix it in months despite trying my best too' thing. so yeah..
i hope the new year brings me something good.
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taking koga nui outside
(koga-watch diary below, except its all about adonis actually)
i havent been able to find a piercing/charm the right size and shape for his left ear yet, so he has a little bat for now :)
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its almost june, so rose bloom started. heres another image but a spider snug in lol. its an araniella cucurbitina!! their bright abdomens are quite pretty imo.
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sorry if i end up spamming nui images with literally every rose in the garden. maybe with the vegetable patch too.... but first id like to make some matching overalls for him or smth.......
btw happy official adonis center event announcement!! (F to the intern who paid for the accidental leak) i am looki- i am actually terrified of it. since hidden beast was really really ooc and horribly written and multiple levels of offensive. specifically noting this down so i can come back in a week. if its even slightly better than hidden beast, ill count that as a semi-success i guess. but rei is the 4*. so. oh well. a lookback-story makes for a great setup in theory but enstars loves to waste good chances & i think theyre neither comfortable nor able to provide something decent for it.
i feel like undead has had One good center event with nightless city live. bride light was perfectly cute and fluffy and important for kaoru but otherwise without impact... flashback was genuinely alright, but while the topic of undead breaking in two halves was really upfront and present, it wasnt really... discussed or resolved???
the one big thing they all have in common is that they Really undersell adonis and make him a background character who just has to endure whatever happens to him...
his involvement in nightless city live and bride light is cool but limited... he sort of feels like a punching bag in seven bridge... flashback has a really interesting narrative role for him but he only gets to briefly voice his discomfort and everyones attempts of reassurance feel a tad bit like a short afterthought and therefore dishonest. and. well. hidden beast. bottom text. ("Yes, senpai, thank you for putting me in a fake life or death scenario, it really builds character <3" WHERE ARE WE....) the only undead event with adonis in an active role that shows off his competence is sandstorm, i think.... so i really hope the trend does not continue. but, well, enstars writing. baby adonis is the cutest ever though... and i guess an arranged marriage plotline could play out interesting enough, maybe. his family is very famous, so sure, this might as well be a thing. "i hope your fav marries a woman" is funnier to say when its eichi. but you dont want that to happen to your guy. not like this wont be resolved by the end of the story on behalf of gacha idol boy game logic and the inviolability of yume. but i would love some drama.
lets see how that goes........ if nothing else, both 5* cgs are stunning and the song is really nice and the outfits are adorable tbh. AND THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THEY WEAR NAIL POLISH SINCE NIGHTLESS CITY LIVE.... i mean there were the hellsing outfits but hellsing is sort of just a duo lol.
prayer circle for the new koga casual outfit to be really unhinged and for adonis outfit to be..... either really 40yo dad or handsome. either is fine. i dont need them to look good per se. i need them to be funny.
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i forgot that "putting a post under specific tags" leads to "people looking at the specific tags will see your post". so uh, hi! im not great at writing or talking, but i hope those of you who followed will enjoy.
(very long ramble under the cut)
anyways, ive been exploring the east branch the past... week? i think? ive been absolutely enthralled by this area. im such a sucker for strange and nonsensical places. exploring the various random rooms feels like travelling in a dream. id love to get out some graph paper sometime and try recording my path like you would in an old-school dungeon crawler. i think itd be very funny seeing just how lost i can get.
the tape recordings in the vents are maybe my favorite part though. its always a joy clicking on a vent and having the brief russian-roulette moment of "will this be of relevance to what im seeing or will this be smash mouths all star?" ive been caught off guard by the louder version many, many times. it never fails to amuse me. i believe ive seen all of the logs, but with how much there is in this branch i wouldnt be surprised to find a new one.
the memories im still not done with. last i checked i believe i was at... 110 out of 294? im excited to find out if its possible to get all of them, and what happens if you do. it is very difficult to accomplish this im realizing, since the counter depletes seemingly at random. this might be an entirely fruitless endeavor, but im nothing if not always down for a good challenge :)
i think the most eyecatching piece of the east branch is the chatlogs between wodin and the intern. when i first read through the entire thing, and i was meant to descend into the coffin, i declined (there was a vent in the room and i wanted to get the popup out of the way to read the transcript) and was then unable to trigger that dialogue popup again... which left me stuck wandering the rooms until i refreshed. whoops. its alright though, just gave me another opportunity to collect some more memories.
on my most recent venture, the coffin was present in the center from the very beginning, and almost immediately after starting to explore, a window popped up with some messages to wodin from the closer. while i did very much enjoy reading the contents, it did take me... around twenty minutes to screenshot them all? it was slightly nauseating trying to scroll down, since it kept shooting me back up to the top of the log whenever i tried to read the bottom-most message :( i did manage to screenshot them all eventually though, so i was able to actually read them all. im still super curious what it mightve been that triggered those changes in that run! i dont think i did anything different, other than play on a friday. maybe that was it.
god, theres so so much more i could say, this might be my favorite branch thus far. despite how much ive seen, i still feel like i havent even come close to seeing it all!
oh whoof. i didnt realize how long this was, ill need to put all of this under a readmore. hm. tl;dr, ive been having a boatload of fun exploring the east branch. if you havent done so yet, i highly suggest venturing into it for yourself. its like exploring a kaleidoscope maze within a dream. 10/10 experience
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idealspawn · 1 year
i think its probably good that he is on his 2 week europe trip. we made plans for after his trip so i feel secure. he told me he trusts me. i trust him too. i was afraid i dont trust myself not to disconnect w my feelings but i think its fine now. i therapized myself out of it :d. i think we both need breathing room. i also need to get sober for a while, fuck. that has def messed me up. we met up one last time before he left too and he took pics of me w his film camera. he is convinced that im photogenic though im not.... he taught me how to use the camera too! we also visited a local church and listened to the organ music there. it was beautiful. ive been massively inhaling therapy videos on how to self-regulate and allow breathing room in a relationship. also how to maintain a distinct identity whilst being together with someone. it has helped me immensely. i also have actually returned back to my hobbies and read diff essays abt my personal interests like philosophy and religion and the art of translating literature. i rediscovered old video games i used to play w my sister, that is insanely healing. ive drawn a lot and listened to lots of new music and made new cool playlists. i watched some anime too! ive met up w my friends that i havent seen in such a long time and ive been such a great host. i invited my 8 girl friend group over and we made spring rolls together and mojitos and got high and played cool board and card games. it was so refreshing. i also invited my closest friend over and we went riding w bikes at night and climbed on the walls surrounding a manor near my home. not sure if legal but we also jumped in their backyard and ran around. it was so beautiful. we also did lots of other fun stuff. i saw poppies! my fav flower. also bats!!! the reflection of the moon on a river was so beautiful. it was so nice that my sister came over for a day too. i saw two of her friends briefly too and they were so nice to me! today ill be going out of my comfort zone a fuck ton too. my friend is hosting her bday party in her countryside home that is far away and i havent even figured out my transportation back. i will stay there for 3 days. loose ends like that used to freak me the fuck out but i think ill be fine. its an old house so it doesnt really allow me to follow all my insane rituals but i think i need to train myself to be okay w it. most ppl are sleeping in tents but i can be in the house bc i literally dont have a tent but that also probably would make me panic a bit too much. too many new things at once isnt good either i think. im actually doing fine. its nice. surprising that ive done things and im doing things and i havent died although most of my life ive literally feared i would. like not yet discussing why i shut down when the guy im seeing tried to be intimate and postponing it for after his trip.. i used to NEVER be able to do that. like i couldnt for the life of me sit w the uncomfortable emotion. like my entire life used to stop until i could regulate through the other person and vocalize it. but now ive just like. organized my brain. and self-soothed myself and i feel safe that he wont immediately leave me just bc of one difficult situation with an ambiguous meaning. and that the issue can be put on pause and when he returns we can talk about it.
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wawek · 1 year
Could you write something about your dnd character/s? Love hearing about other people's ocs!
hehe i finally have a moment to answer >:3c this is gonna be long so im gonna get a read more involved
my only character thats actually from dnd (my online group plays other ttrpgs) and "active" (we played two sessions 3 months ago ;w; but! might play again) Is Yeshe :3
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Its a mdzs inspired campaign... im pretty sure, i havent watched it... so i based her off of tibetan folk clothes and ofc off of a pallas cat. She hadnt had time to shine as a character yet and her backstory and motivations are bit murky =w= but the gist is that she takes care of her magically gifted little sibling (another player character, my sketch attached), they were raised in a remote commune and are now going to the big city.
Now, the character from a finished campaign of City Of Mist (really cool system!!!) thats been on my mind a lot recently is my beloved Theooooooo
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He was originally an oc completely detached from any specific setting, then I put him with my beloved Rochelle (in the blue dress, she started out as a dnd character but got only like 2 sessions back in 2020 :'3) in my own version of feywild (ill get to it later).
And then!!! I decided to play him in that CoM game and it was the best decision everrrrrrrrrr he was so so so so sos ososoosososos fun :3. CoM is urban fantasy where people become "rifts" for mythical beings and are able to use their power.
Theo was a Detective and a Fey and i really enjoyed playing an absolutely devious, controlling and charming guy =w=. His main motivation was power, he thought most people (except for his wife rochelle altough they have a tomshiv thing going on) are beneath him and mostly there for him to order around like chess pieces. And something that made this campaign insanely fun for me was that in order to get more powerful he had to do a task for the fey queen - kidnap and deliver a singer to her. A singer which also happened to be the person we had to protect during our investigation... dm and me kept it secret.
It was so insanely fun to walk into every scene thinking of how to find an opportunity to do that... in the end I managed to, in a very tense scene (the greyscale sketch at the top, the girl smiling behind theo is one of the fey messangers). The other PCs didnt stop him because they had some trust in him... got away with it completely :3. Tho I agreed not to play him in the next campaign (even tho id love to >_<) bc his jig was kinda up. Great character tho, and thanks to my dm i finally get warlocks, i might play one sometime!
Now, still in the city of mist im playing Valerie :3
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Her mythos is "Vampire" but she refuses to drink blood... she gets all sorts of issues bc of that, has trouble keeping down frineds and jobs ect... Still very early in the campaign but shes pretty fun :3 tho i prefer chracters who are a bit more commanding, i made her more of a follower to let my group breathe after theo but i kinda naturally fell back into organising the party again last session so i think i just need to stick to making charismatic characters next time sidugfsd. shes a nice change of pace tho, im excited for whats in store for her.
My feywild!!! It's a setting ive had in my head ever since i made Rochelle, Its sort of an early modern france mixed with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell which sounds pretty lame and ig it is isudgfsd.
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Theres a lot of ideas and a lot of characters that i dont really have time to develop and am prolly gonna rework a million times =w= but its fun, and its fun to make plalists for random archfey.
Last character I'll mention =w= even tho i never got to play him because the campaign fell apart before the fist session, as they often do, I really love Byk and I wanna show you guys...
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Tadeusz Byk born in 1880 in Poland, Emigrated to the usa (boston then moved near new york) with his mother and grandma when he was 13... Operates a temporary house for immigrants that his mother started. Now 40, works as a tailor and sells moonshine on the side. Depressed, repressed and with a big heart... hope i get to dust him off for something someday...
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buggerzz · 9 months
Was thinking about @shapeshiftersinc 's binders and wanted to review them on here :D
Im gonna be fully honest because. Why the hell would i lie???
They are a great binder company. I fully reccomend buying from them- they have the best chest binders ive been able to find and are extremely inclusive and helpful. If you have the money to get one and are worrying it wont be worth it. Trust me. It is.
Extremely comfortable.
I mean it. I have sensory issues- other binders ive had have been way too itchy and uncomfortable for me to wear regularly. Id always have issues with the tags- even after i cut them out, it always bothers me.
Shapeshifters have been WAY better. I dont know if it's the materials, the construction, or what but they are wonderful to wear. Ive had the occasional issue with the tag, but its small and pretty ignorable. Plus, I'm about 90% sure you could ask them to just not add it to avoid it entirely. Ive had no issues with scratchiness. Their mesh is breathable, not itchy, and stretchy :D half the time i can completely forget that im even wearing a binder, which says a LOT.
Fit & Bind-
Shapeshifters. Amazing once again. Theyre custom sized to your measurements, which avoids unnecessary tightness in the ribs, gaping at the top, or inconsistent/nonexistent binding. Im a 38DD-40DDD depending on brand, and literally no other binders have had anywhere near this level of bind. Obviously it doesnt get completely flat- but it gets as close as possible. Id say its about the same prominence as laying on your back with no bra- maybe a bit bigger. That being said, thats a HUGE improvement from every other brand ive tried.
Plus, if you have issues with things digging in anywhere or not fitting how you want, they do free alterations. WHICH IS INSANELY HELPFUL BY THE WAY.
They have many different patterns and styles and types of binders. It's a lot of different options- undergarments to normal tops, gothic to pastel to flat colors. If youre somewhere hot they have purely mesh binders for extra ventilation, etc.
Plus, if you want a specific pattern you can custom order your own fabric design! Im doing this for my new one and am very excited. (Its the same pattern i have as my banner :>
Customer Service-
Actually wonderful. Eli has been the one talking with me on both of my binders, so i think theyre the main (English) customer service worker! Theyre wonderful and very helpful- straight to the point, speedy, and patient.
I had no clue I needed to upload my pattern to spoonflower and proof it, and they helped me with that even though I could've just. Read the product description 😭
Lots of love to Eli. Also Im so sorry im stupid???? Youre wonderful.
Ease of use-
Im disabled- big shoulder issues. If i angle it the wrong way it dislocates. Bit uncomfy. That being said, most binders are literally painful for me to put on. Especially to take off. It hurts and is a whole mess. However. Shapeshifter's stretchier fabrics make it easier to take on and off. Putting it on is usually completely fine. Taking it off can be an issue. But its way easier than other brands thankfully.
HOWEVER. shapeshifters offers zippers to be built in. Which seems bad because of uneven pressure, but they have stiff inserts in all zipper binders to evenly distribute the bind. When I ordered my 1st binder, i for some reason got the zipper on the side of my bad shoulder?? I usually only use the zipper to take it off, so its fine, but zipping it on is a nightmare. But thats on me because i ordered it stupidly. That being said, zipping it off is actually amazing. If theres any discomfort from the binder, I can just zip it down for a bit. Or i can fully take it off so much easier. 2nd binder from them, i havent ordered the zipper because its not that difficult for me personally to take it off without, but i would recommend it if you need that extra ease!
An old binder had tearing stitching after 2 months of semi-regular wear. Bad. My shapeshifter binder ive been wearing up to 5 days a week for up to 8 hours a day. The only signs of wear it has is some deodorant stains. Need I say more. It also hasnt stretched at all- it has the same bind and comfort and fit as it did the day I got it.
They do take a while to be made and arrive. Because theyre custom made by a small team, it takes a couple months to get one. I ordered one in July and got it in August, for example. I personally do not care about this one because it is such a high quality binder.
Once again, small team making high quality custom products. It gets pricey. My first one was $116 including shipping, taxes, etc. Its important to note that i got a zipper (+$20) and a lot of customization options not everyone will need or want! Once again, i think its worth it as it will probably last me a WHILE. Also they gotta pay their team fairly. WE LOVE PAYING PEOPLE LIVABLE WAGES!
Overall, I do reccomend. In fact I've gotten a friend to get themselves one aswell lmao
Theyre actually an amazing team and i wish them lots of love, appreciation, and success!! Cant wait to get my new binder >:D
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combeauferre · 1 year
hallo :D if you dont me asking, whats your dissertation about? im curious haha
great question that honestly right now i do not have much of an answer to (which is concerning when it's due in three weeks). the official title on my proposal is "manipulation and subjugation of the family unit and community in young adult dystopian literature" but honestly it has taken on a mind of its own.
currently im more looking at mental health - so im looking at the effect of eugenics and lack of autonomy in the giver, divergent as a neurodivergent bildungsroman and the ways it only caters to a small minority of neurodivergent readers, and trauma, particularly childhood and generational trauma, in the hunger games.
ill put some more rants under the cut
ive been working a lot on my divergent chapter today and building up the idea that it can be seen as a neurodivergent coming of age story, but tris really only contributes to the idea of neurodivergency as a "superpower" and the idea that people who are seen as "high functioning" are not in fact disabled - whereas the "low functioning" neurodivergent people in the story are the factionless and their status is so undesirable it's worse than death. it's difficult and im worried about going too far and ending up circling back to "autism bad" by accident but we shall see.
my hunger games chapter is talking a lot about the generational trauma of the games and the ways that katniss is already traumatised by the time we meet her. id also love to talk about the collective trauma of the objectification of children across the trilogy but i havent had the time to reread the other two books so that's on the back burner for now.
in terms of the giver im writing about how the application of real life can impact the way that ya readers interact with the issues in their own world - especially since the giver is aimed at a younger readership than the hunger games and divergent, it offers questions that children can start to consider at younger ages and build up to more critical thinking. i found a great (terrible) essay that claims that the giver is written as a commentary on nazism and communism and im very excited to rip that apart - because although it is clear that it takes a lot of its inspiration from 1984 and brave new world, saying that it writes on the same issues as those books takes away from the fact that eugenics and autonomy were still big issues in the 90s (and now), when the book was first written
i can rly go off about it for hours but getting it down into writing is very very difficult
but thank you for asking! i appreciate being able to go off about it
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dandunn · 2 years
Tagged by @dying-suffering-french-stalkers for 4 albums ive been listening to lately.
(Oh flipping fuckin christ Jesse listen to some NEW GODDAMNED MUSIC CHALLENGE)
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1. Hyper Light Drifter! Yeah this has been on a loop since before xmas. It makes me feel really zen and also has a ton of tracks that inspire me to write. The girl has it all. Literally cant listen to The Abyss without thinking about the last scene in Reset tho rip.
2. Kiltro - Creatures of Habit: This is back in my rotation for some reason even tho i listened to it to death last summer. It fucks. Kiltro i need another album. On my hands and knees pleas.
3. Watership Down (the TV series not the movie): I think ive said many times before that the series ost has no business being so goddamned good and I'm right. Mike Batt u really put your whole pussy into this one. The cover art is epic too.
4. Lisa the Painful rpg: I've only just watched waynetvradio play this game and i havent been able to stop thinking about it. The ost sure has some sounds. Sidenote i think Lisa the joyful has some great tracks too like i know Buddy's theme is on my Jigen playlist.
Tagging: all my moots go.
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xaracosmia · 1 month
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name / alias: Soul age: 23 pronouns: Ze/Zir ooc contact: @sinofodio (twt) other characters in xc: Trafalgar Law
name: Princess Celestia age: +1000 pronouns: She/Her series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon point: Post-Canon app triggers: Minor mention of animal death
personality: There's a very firm divide between the two sides of Princess Celestia. One is the side that usually is shown to the public, mostly out of necessity: a strong, careful ruler with a level head and guidance for everyone around her. She's a figurehead first and foremost, a mentor second, and a pony with a life third. She has a keen eye for the people around her, able to read character and see potential in anyone she meets. Pain comes easy and it comes and goes; responsibility and sanity always comes first over the needs of one. The other side is the real Celestia: a fun-loving, impulsive, excitement-craving daredevil who constantly craves new experiences. She hates the boring and predictable crowds, eager to cause havoc behind the backs of others if it means she can make things more interesting.
something your muse struggles with: Celestia's ultimately still a little alien to regular conventions and how to live a normal life. Being an immortal god-queen creates schisms between one's self and the common folk, and it's all unfamiliar territory for the most part. your muse’s greatest strength: Celestia can see a little bit of something in anyone, be it the youngest children or the most hostile of adversaries. She wants to encourage love and harmony, though she knows when to put her hoof down and step in.
history / background: Princess Celestia has been around for so long that not a lot of people can really remember the mythology of her origins; born in a far away kingdom of Skyros (maybe?) she and her sister, Luna, were trained under a great unicorn mage (who knows) to be the rulers of ponykind, their kingdom formed upon overthrowing the tyrant Discord. Celestia would raise the sun in the morning, and Luna the moon at night. For a while, things were happy. With Luna being the representative of the night, Celestia was the sister who got to bask in the happiness and worship and love of her followers, unfortunately scorning her sister in the process. Luna's feelings of being overshadowed would manifest into Nightmare Moon, a darker alter ego who threatened to cover Equestria in eternal night. With no other choice, Celestia would seal her sister away in the moon with the Elements of Harmony, now ruling Equestria alone for the next thousand years. A lot would happen after those thousands of years were up, to say the least, starting with a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, and Celestia receiving an urgent letter... powers / abilities:
Advanced Magic: Celestia is, at her core, the representative of the sun of her world. Thanks to the teachings of Starswirl, she possesses magic capable of affecting the cosmos and the world around her to a level unachievable by most other alicorns.
inherent abilities: Celestia is an alicorn, giving her the power of flight and untold amounts of magic prowess far beyond regular unicorns.   items / weapons:
Philomena: A phoenix that Celestia has had for untold moons. Every once in a while, she gets very sick, immolates, and is reborn anew.
starting ability: N/A starting item: Philomena extra:
hhh horses hhh
the mlp comics are technically part of her canon but i havent gone through all them yet...
discord id: soleil_regina
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Meet OC (link coming soon) Meet OC's Family (link coming soon) Part One Prologue (link coming soon) Part Two Chapter One (link coming soon) Part Three Chapter Two (link coming soon) Part Five Chapter Four (link coming soon) Final Part Chapter Five the Finale (link coming soon)
pairing: Billy Andrews x Fem OC (East Asian FC | Southeast Asian Fem OC)
warnings/notes: fluff, implied romance, best friends to lovers possible trope, unspecified relationship, possible one sided feelings, historical inaccuracies, slight angst idk how else to describe it, new character introduction, possible oc x oc
Also the entire story was written while listening to the song You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver.
↠ C h a p t e r T h r e e ↞
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Genevieve sighed and closed her eyes as she slid down lower into the bathtub. The water covering the lower half of her face so she had to hold her breath as she thought of the events that had unfolded before her weeks ago. During the picnic she had with Billy she was completely silent as she just kept looking at him concerned. He was now cold and distant. As more time went by he sighed and grabbed her hand then told her everything she missed. How he had been bullying his classmates and even the new girl in Avonlea who was an orphan at some point. He even told her about how he destroyed their club house and fought with Cole ending up with his ear getting burnt against the furnace.
She was now just processing everything as she bathed. She can't believe he told her everything in detail. She can't believe how cruel he had become. Although she knew he must've acted different when he wasn't with her. From her conversations with Jane and Prissy in the past she was surprised that they kept complimenting her for being able to put up with their horrid brother. As much as they love him they didn't really approve of his behavior either.
She shook her head slowly and softly. Her eyes fluttered open gently and she slowly got out of the tub and got ready for her day. It had been at least a week since she had seen or heard from her best friend. She didn't push him away, but was understanding when he told her everything. Although she noticed as he got more cold and distant towards her throughout the weeks they spent together after he had come clean during their reunion day.
Genevieve could never hold anything against Billy, it wasn't in her nature. She knew he had troubles at home with his parents which is why he may have been acting out towards others. His mother had never been as supportive of him in anything he did, as she was more supportive of her daughters becoming independent women and paid more attention to them than Billy. His father on the other hand had always looked down on Billy for his grades and how he spoke. Mr.Andrews was not the ideal man of education either although he was still a great businessman. What Genevieve noticed over the years when she helped Billy with his studies is that he really was a bright mind. He suppressed that a lot whenever they were around his family. No one outside of the Andrews or Brown residence really knew that the Andrews boy had befriended the disgrace of the Brown family. Lord knows how Avonlea would react and retaliate with the two families if anyone knew of their friendship.
⚠️ WARNING: SPOILER ALERT FROM EPISODE ONE OF SEASON THREE. If you haven't watched the show yet and make a big deal of not knowing any details I suggest not reading the rest of this chapter! ⚠️
Today was the day that Billy and Jane told Genevieve that there would be a hockey game for the students in Avonlea. They invited her to attend. Genevieve looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled with her appearance before walking downstairs.
There was a strange knock at the door and no one else had seemed to hear it. Whoever it was knocked louder this time and Genevieve sighed softly. She walked over to the door and opened it revealing a very handsome man.
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He was looking around and almost walked away until he noticed that Genevieve had opened the door for him. She looked up at him to observe him and analyze his features.
'He has a strong jawline, very pigmented and plump lips, and his nose was just cute. I don't know how else to describe it but damn. He's an attractive man. I wonder what he's here for.' Genevieve thought.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when the man smiled at her and handed her the bouquet she failed to realize he was holding. "These are for you as I assume you're Genevieve." She nodded and accepted the bouquet making the man smile even more. Then she realized he was still standing outside. "Oh um, where are my manners. Would you please come inside?" She said as she stepped aside to give him room to walk in.
He smiled at her as she closed the door and locked it behind him. This is when she noticed that he had luggage with him. "Ah, my name is Thomas. Thomas Nilsson" He introduced. She smiled softly and offered to shake his hand which he accepted. "Genevieve Brown."
Arthur and Judith walked out of their study and smiled as they noticed that Roman and Genevieve have been acquainted. "Gen, may I talk to you?"Judith asked. Genevieve nodded and pulled her hand away from Roman as she followed her mother into the study. Arthur took this opportunity to go and show Thomas to his room which was directly across from Genevieve's and around their home.
"Genevieve, you're sixteen years old. You've finished your studies at the age of fourteen. With your sister being different and our family openly accepting who she is. We have decided to arrange a marriage for you. Though we do respect if you do not choose to do so. We invited Thomas here as a suitor for you and we just want you to get to know him before we confirm any information with his parents."Judith explained.
Genevieve sat down in a lounge chair in the study, she slowly digested the information her mother had bluntly laid out for her and sighed. Billy hadn't even been attempting to spend time with her aside from inviting her to the hockey game today. She doesn't even know how to decipher whatever butterflies she got around him anyways. So she looked up at her mother and smiled softly. "Of course mother. I'll do my best and I'll spend time with Thomas. With time I'll give you my answer." She said. Her mother smiled and walked over to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Thank you my darling. I promise we won't do anything without your consent." She said.
Genevieve wrapped her arms around her mother tightly and nodded in response. Once they pulled away from their embrace she looked up at her mother. "I have to get going to a hockey game that the Andrews invited me to, May I go?" She asked. Her mother sighed and thought for a bit. "Yes of course, I'm sure it'll take a bit of time for your father to go over the whole house tour with Thomas. Just make sure you're home before supper" She answered. Genevieve squealed and hugged her mother before racing out the door with her jumper and scarf.
As Genevieve got closer to the location that Jane and Billy has informed her of she noticed a bunch of kids from the school. Due to the town's dismay of her pure existence, she was never allowed to interact with the other kids. The Andrews took years to accept her for her appearance and origin. After getting to truly know the girl they all fell in love with her in secret from the town.
Jane heard the crunching of snow behind her and looked back seeing Genevieve. In Jane's eyes it was like slow motion. The world was just slowed down around the young ethnic girl and the sunshine just created a beautiful glowing silhouette around her. This caused air to hitch in Jane's throat causing Tillie to give her a look of concern which she just waved off. Slowly she looked around then made her way over to Genevieve. "I'm glad you could make it. I know the other kids may say something so you don't have to stand with us" Jane stated. Genevieve looked over at the small crowd and sat on a log. "I'm fine over here Jane. I'll see you after the game. I'll just observe from here" She said.
Jane sighed softly and nodded before returning to her spot beside Tillie. Genevieve smiled softly observing the game and how the other kids interact with each other. She saw Billy which made her smile grow. He noticed her and almost slipped which made her giggle softly. This sudden noise caught the attention of a certain red-head. Anne looked back towards the tree-line and smiled seeing Genevieve and slowly walked towards her. Genevieve looked up at Anne slightly concerned about how this girl was going to approach her. "Hello, my name is Anne Shirley-Cuthbert." She said as she offered her hand to shake. Genevieve giggled and stood up from the tree trunk and shook Anne's hand. "Genevieve Brown, it's nice to meet you Anne." She said softly.
Of course everyone in Avonlea had heard of the Browns but they only ever saw Genevieve's parents and the hired men that care for the land. Occasionally seeing Jennifer and Mrs. Yoon who still stayed with the Brown's even though the girls are all grown. There was nothing that could stop her from teaching something to the girls.
Anne was still smiling as she looked at Genevieve. "I have heard stories in town about your family, although I would just like to say that you truly are a gorgeous girl and I would love to be your friend. Only if you accept that" Anne stated. Genevieve was in shock, she had never been friends with anyone besides her family and the Andrews family before. This made her heart skip a beat and she nodded excitedly. Anne smiled and took a hold of Genevieve's hand leading her over towards where she was standing with Ruby and Josie. Josie looked over at Genevie with pure disgust in her eyes and Ruby only looked with curiosity. "Oh what a surprise, the orphan that the Cuthbert's had taken in is now going to take in the ethnic orphan that made a terrible name for the Brown's estate" Josie exclaimed. Genevieve looked down, hurt by the accusation she knew was not true.
Upon hearing this Jane did not care about her family's reputation, as she only cared for her friend. Billy had been concentrating on the game so he hadn't heard a thing of what Josie had said. Jane walked over towards Genevieve and held her hand and close to her. "Josie, if you had any decency at all. You would just be able to see how gorgeous of a woman that Genevieve is. She has been with the Brown family since she was an infant and she is my friend and has been for years since they first moved to Avonlea. Now I do not care that you are infatuated with my brother and if he may be infatuated with you but, you will not talk to or about Genevieve Brown like that again. You hear me?"Jane asked. At this point all the girls that were around were purely shocked. Genevieve felt her heart break slightly hearing the infatuation that the pair may have.
The girls being so tense caused the boys to stop playing for a bit and look over. Some of the boys noticing Genevieve started to drool slightly and Genevieve just stood there awkwardly with her head down. "I, I'm sorry for causing trouble" She whispered. Diana overheard Genevieve and walked over taking her out of Jane's grip causing Jane to look up at Diana surprised. "You don't have to be sorry Genevieve, Josie is just not used to different. Honestly, a lot of us are not used to different. Nothing is your fault" She explained. Genevieve smiled slightly and thanked Diana with just looking up into her eyes. Diana and Anne walked with Genevieve over to another spot farther away from Josie and Ruby and the boys had continued their game, a bit confused on what had just taken place.
The girls talked for a while and the tension had finally calmed down between everyone. Moody had skated towards Diana and tried to be smooth and tip his hat towards her, only to stumble and attempted to regain his composure as he skated back into the game with one of the boys making a comment for him to not fall. Genevieve giggled slightly and looked over Diana who looked like she was dealing with a dilemma. "Going to take pity on poor Moody?" Josie asked teasingly. "You know my family won't allow it" Diana responded slightly disappointed. "Too rich to be a minister's wife" Josie stated before turning back towards the game. Diana seemed slightly unsettled and gave Genevieve a small smile of reassurance before returning her focus back towards the game.
A taller boy with dark hair skated over towards us and smiled slightly at Anne as she was writing in a notebook. "Isn't Ruby covering the game?" He asked curiously with a slight look of amusement on his face. Now Diana and Genevieve looked at Anne with knowing looks on their faces. "Ruby is pretty preoccupied. With a certain someone" Tillie had commented catching the boy's attention. All the girls giggled including Genevieve as the boy looked over at Ruby who was trying to give him a flirty smile that only turned out awkward. Slightly discomforted he skated away with a nod acknowledging what Tillie had said.
"He noticed me. He looked right at me and smiled" Ruby said as she looked over towards Anne and Josie. Genevieve rolled her eyes playfully and Diana whispered to her filling in information that she knew Genevieve was missing. "You're delusional" Josie said to Ruby playfully. "Ruby, Blythe." Ruby said excitedly in a dreamy state. Genevieve just giggled along with the other girls and then walked over to Jane and Tillie. "Tillie this is Genevieve, Genevieve this is Tillie" Jane introduced. The two girls exchanged very happy smiles towards each other and then the boy talk started. Billy had heard Genevieve giggle as she was talking to the girls and he turned his head looking at her with a slight smile. Josie had took slight notice but shook off the feeling of jealousy she had in her heart, knowing if she threatened Genevieve in any way that Jane would have her head. Genevieve noticed some figures walk from the other side of the forest and saw that Moody had paid some 'Indians' for a longer hockey stick. She observed as Gilbert had made an order for one and how Anne walked over to the people making some conversation, she couldn't hear the conversation but her curiosity still took the best of her focus ability.
She then noticed that Billy skated over to them and tried to order a stick but his approach was very inappropriate and disrespectful. Instead of trying to pay for it he threw a piece of fabric at them probably trying to say he would trade that for a stick. This made Genevieve's heart drop with the sight of his behavior firsthand. He was truly like a different person. She shook her head and bit her lip in disbelief as she heard that he called them savages. She looked down at her skin that had a slightly similar tone to theirs before looking at Billy with pure disgust in her eyes. He had been too preoccupied with the game to even notice. Jane did notice though and she held Genevieve's hand which made the girl look over at her. Jane gave her a look saying 'I tried to tell you who he was outside of the world he goes into when he's with you'. "I think I'm going to head home, I suddenly feel dizzy" Genevieve said to Jane. "Would you like us to accompany you on your walk home?" Tillie and Jane offered. Genevieve just shook her head and gave the girls a look of reassurance that she would be okay before she said her goodbyes to the other girls and walked home.
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Originally Written October 4th 2019, finished writing on October 6th 2019. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one.
Word Count: 2663
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Jade Harley, Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas
Candy, page 19
JADE: how cute do you guys think johns baby is going to be
JADE: like on a scale of 1-11???
DAVE: i dunno
DAVE: i still havent come to terms with the fact that johns gonna be a dad
JADE: you dont think hell be a good one?
DAVE: i didnt say that but ok since you asked
DAVE: i mean think about it if you were gonna rank us in order of maturity based on all the years weve known each other
DAVE: about where would you put john
DAVE: yeah exactly
DAVE: now hes all married and pregnant and hes got a mustache
JADE: why not he looks so good!!
DAVE: yeah he looks disturbingly good
DAVE: i almost cant talk to him anymore it looks so good
JADE: ohhhhh?
DAVE: jesus jade dont fuckin read into it
DAVE: a bro can appreciate how attractive his bro has become and maybe get a little breathless at the sight of his chiseled jawline and manly facial hair without being gay about it
DAVE: ive just been thinking lately everytime i see him that hes
DAVE: ok dont make fun of me for saying this but its like
DAVE: johns a Man
DAVE: not a lowercase m man but a fully grown up legit fuckin Dude with a leather briefcase and a suit that he only wears on special occasions
DAVE: i know right
JADE: hmmmm...
JADE: well...
JADE: ive actually been thinking lately about how since rose and kanaya had a kid and jane and jake had a kid and john and roxy are gonna have a kid.......
JADE: what would you think if maybe...
JADE: ....we had kids???
JADE: no stupid all three of us!
DAVE: uhhh
JADE: what??
DAVE: uhhhhhhh
JADE: look i know there are “issues” to sort out in terms of um....... feasibility
JADE: but i think there are a lot of options to consider!
JADE: maybe someone can help us out
JADE: like.... someone we know?
JADE: or i dont know! what about adoption!
JADE: that could be cute! adopting a little grub!! aww...
JADE: or a human! whatever! im not picky
DAVE: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
DAVE: jokes on them ive never seen you tear into anything more complicated than a microwave dinner
DAVE: i mean on the other hand if we adopt a kid young enough it would totally fit in the microwave
DAVE: yeah dude i know
DAVE: youre probably like closet dad of the fuckin year
DAVE: just waiting for his moment to shine
DAVE: i bet youd whine and complain about getting a kid til we actually brought junior home
DAVE: the moment you saw his chubby lil cheeks your face would light right up
JADE: oh... i can imagine the look on karkats face right now
JADE: heheh
DAVE: yeah you know exactly the one
DAVE: like how he looks when his hot pocket finishes cooking in the microwave
DAVE: which he understands is an instrument of food preparation
DAVE: and not some sort of grim infant warming device
DAVE: oh
DAVE: cause i had more jokes to make about the subject
DAVE: whatever you love it
DAVE: anyway
DAVE: on the baby in the microwave front
DAVE: id be more worried about me being the one whod do the deed so to speak
DAVE: i mean its not like ive got a great demonstrative background in child rearing or anything
DAVE: considering all the places i got left as a kid i wouldnt be surprised if id just put our baby in the toaster by accident or something
DAVE: like if you tally up the amount of hours i spent locked in the fridge compared to the amount of hours i spent in the american school system learning how to be normal and do polynomials
DAVE: just sayin it looks dire
JADE: .....
DAVE: yeah so anyway im gonna stick to hot pockets i think
JADE: dave
JADE: you really think youd make that bad a father?
JADE: even with me and karkat helping you?
DAVE: eh dont take this personally but im an evidence based hypothesis kinda guy and so far three way relationships in our friend group attempting parenthood...
DAVE: the record aint so lookin so good
DAVE: just saying
DAVE: a clown a fascist and a male sex icon walk into a bar sounds like the start of a bad but funny joke
DAVE: but when its the start of a family thats when it gets a bit less funny to me
DAVE: poor little dude gonna be fucked up
JADE: oh come on dave
JADE: tavros is a cute kid!
DAVE: the moment cognitive function starts firing off in that kids head hes gonna be scarred for life
JADE: we dont KNOW that
DAVE: jade i know jakes like your bestie
DAVE: and also your grandfather
DAVE: and also kinda your grandson
DAVE: oh also your fucking dad i guess
DAVE: but his relationship is bad
JADE: hey... thats...
JADE: ...its not like i dont know that
JADE: john never shuts up about it
JADE: i mean, he and jane used to be close back when we all first met but last time i talked to john he....
JADE: well, he accused her of “raping” jake
DAVE: oh shit
JADE: its not like i dont worry about jake but come on!
JADE: were all adults
JADE: what am i supposed to do? show up at his window dressed like the blue fairy and whisk him away from his terrible life??
JADE: maybe that would work for a few days, but one thing i learned from dating around a lot in my youth is that no ones going to leave a bad relationship until its THEIR idea to leave
JADE: its...
DAVE: holy shit
DAVE: uh
DAVE: good question
DAVE: idk but we should probably get her some help
DAVE: well we cant just leave her in this fuckin hole man
DAVE: come on gimme a hand
DAVE: hey jade you hear us
DAVE: jade???
JADE: yes dave i heard you
JADE: i need to talk to jane
0 notes
spicy-tomato · 3 years
Can i pls req dream being reader's sugar daddy :O - 🌼
sorry this took a hot sec ive been working on this one for a while cause i really liked the idea, so here you go :)) it ended up being like 2k words so im sorry
You had it all, anything you could want and more. Wanted to go to rome? Done, your plane leaves tomorrow. Dream absolutely spoiled you and you couldnt be more happy about it. It started off as a thing to help you with rent, but the longer you did it the more you enjoyed being able to get what you wanted when you wanted. Today was your weekly lunch with dream, you had both agreed that at least once a week he would take time off to get lunch with you, it made you smile to see him take time for you. As the tease you were, you decided to wear something a little revealing to tease him since he had cancelled your shopping trip with him the day before. You put on a low cut crop top and some shorts that show a little too much before fixing your hair. You hear you phone ding, getting a text from dream,
Daddy dream <3
Hey baby, i'm out front whenever youre ready to go
You smile and put your phone in your pocket before walking out to his car and getting in. you kiss his cheek quickly “hi daddy” you giggle and smile at him
“Hi sweetheart” he looks you up and down before smirking “like the outfit, all for me?” you giggle and nod before he starts to drive to the restaurant, one hand on your thigh. “Do you know what you want? You know the rule, anything you want no matter the price. And after that we can go shopping to make up for my cancelling yesterday.” you smile at him
“I know, and we dont have to dream, we can just hang out. Its been a while since we did that. Maybe we can go somewhere for you to make it up to me instead” he smiles and squeezes your thigh as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Anywhere you want baby, only the best for you.” you look down and blush, moving over to lean your head on his shoulder as he moves a hand to pet your hair. “Ill take you anywhere anytime and get you anything you want.” you cant lie, at times you had thought about being more than just his sugar baby, having a real romantic relationship, but he was always so busy that it made it seem almost impossible. Sure he took time out to be with you but it was never a lot unless you were traveling. He didnt tell you a lot about his job either, just knew that he had a large following and that he didnt want anything serious and put his partner in a bad situation, but damn if you havent thought about him coming home to you and calling you his.
“Baby? You okay? You zoned out.” he waves a hand in front of your face and you blink back to reality.
“Yeah, sorry i just got a little distracted. Lets go get some food!” you pull away from him and he gets out, walking around to open your door for you and holds a hand out to help you. “Thank you” you smile and take his hand as you step out, he closes the door behind you and puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as you both walk up to get a table. You get seated immediately and he pulls your chair out for you. “Is there a single flaw with you?” you ask genuinely, he just laughs and shakes his head.
“Theres a bunch you dont know about me, sweetheart.” you roll your eyes as the waitress comes back with your mimosa and his water, asking for your orders. He orders for you and him before she walks off to put them in. He always knows what you want and orders it for you. It makes you smile that he likes to take care of you. You shake that thought away and go back to mindlessly talking with him, waiting on the food. It comes shortly and you both start to eat. “Where do you want to go? Japan? Italy? Oh we havent been to paris in a while, maybe there.”
“I think paris would be great, its always so pretty this time of year, maybe we can have dinner on the eiffel tower again!” your eyes light up at the thought of going back to paris. Last time you went was last spring, you both walked around and had the most wonderful time people watching and shopping. You take another bite and he looks like hes about to say something before he stops himself and looks down. “What is it? Is something wrong?” you look at him concerned, scared you messed something up.
“Its nothing darling, dont worry.” you both finish up lunch and he pays before helping you up and leading you back to the car. “I have something id like to ask you when we get to paris if thats okay, its nothing bad i promise its just something ive been meaning to ask for a while is all.” you nod as he opens the door for you and helps you in. “now, a pretty girl like you needs pretty new clothes for the trip, lets go get you some.” he smiles at you as he gets in, resting a hand back on your thigh as he starts the car, leading you both to the mall.
You spend hours in there going to different stores and trying things on, him getting you whatever you wanted without any hesitation. You walk back to the car with armfulls of bags and a couple new suitcases. “Thank you so much daddy, youre the best.” you kiss his cheek and he turns a little red.
“Its no problem baby, why dont you stay over tonight and we can leave in the morning to head to the airport. I can help you pack and we can watch a movie.” you smiles and nod, putting your bags in the back of the car and your new suitcases in the trunk.
“Id like that…” you think for a second about how nice it would be to wake up next to him every day and how nice it is to fall asleep next to him when it happens, even if when you did wake up after he wasnt next to you. The cold bed always made you remember that you would never be more than this, not that this was bad in the least its just sometimes you wish you could be more. He drives you both back to his apartment building and helps you out, grabbing most of your bags, only leaving you to grab the suitcases as you enter the building. He lived on the top floor in the penthouse, expected for how much money he had. You set your stuff down in his room, your new clothes already laid out nicely thanks to him. He walks up behind you and hugs you from behind.
“Youll look so good in all of those baby, gonna be the prettiest one in paris.” he kisses your neck softly before pulling away and taking your hand, leading you to sit on the part of the bed not covered by clothes. “Let me go run you a bath and you can pick out a movie.” you nod and he walks to the bathroom, leaving you alone on the bed. You turn on the tv and start scrolling through netflix looking for a movie, finally deciding as he walks back in and picks you up. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your head to rest on his chest as he carries you to the bathroom. He sets you on the counter and takes your shirt off carefully, leaving kisses down your neck and chest and he moves down to take your shorts off. You lift yourself gently to help him take your shorts off. He takes them off quickly before nipping and kissing your inner thighs, ghosting over your core. You whine and try to move closer to him before he presses your hips down into the counter.
“Stay still baby, dont wanna have to punish you. Daddy just wants his desert.” you nod quickly and stay still, his head diving to softly kiss your clit, causing you to whine. He chuckles and starts to slowly eat you out, almost at a teasing pace. You whine and grip the counter, trying to keep from pulling his hair. He pulls away and smiles, “good girl, being so good and not pulling my hair. Just letting daddy eat you up.” after he says that his hands move down to your thighs open as he starts to eat you out like a man starved. You let out a loud moan and throw your head back, your hands moving to his hair and tugging closer. At this point he didnt care about you pulling his hair, to blissed out by hearing your sweet moans and tasting you. Your cries became louder as he dragged you closer to the edge. as you were almost there he stopped, causing a loud whine from you as he moves up to face you. He looked like heaven like this, face covered in your slick with eyes dark from lust.
“Now my good little girl, i want you to get off the counter and bend over for daddy.” you quickly move off the counter and do as your told. “Such a perfect little girl, i want you to watch as i make you feel good, got it? You look away and i stop,” he chuckles and grabs your neck after you nod. His hand moves from your neck to your hair to hold you in place, making eye contact with him through the mirror.
“Such a precious little pet for me, arent you?” you whine as he lines up with your entrance, teasing you, causing you to press your hips back against him. He smacks your ass roughly and pulls you against his chest by your hair. “Thats not very nice bun, its almost like you want me to leave you all worked up.’’ he smirks at you before pulling you roughly back against him, ripping a scream from your throat. He sets a brutal pace, leaving no time for you to adjust to him. He keeps the pace, your legs starting to shake as he brings you back to the edge of your orgasm before quickly throwing you over it. You let out a cry of his name, trails of tears starting to run from your eyes as he keeps going.
“Pretty little bunny, always so good and tight for me. Gonna breed you so good. Fuck you until i know it takes.” he tugs your hair roughly and starts to bite and suck at your neck, leaving marks in his wake. You whine and cry, moving your hands to tug at his hair. “So close princess, gonna fill you up so good.” he moves a hand to your clit to punctuate his statement, causing a louder cry to come from you as you tip over the edge once again. His hips start to stutter as he fills you up, riding out his high with shallow thrusts letting out a few more quiet moans before pulling out of you carefully. You whine and tug at his hair as he does so. He picks you up carefully as he pulls away.
“i figured we could take a bath and then cuddle before we pack and figure out what time we should leave for the airport.” you nod and he carries you carefully over to the tub, setting you down carefully in it before getting and sitting behind you. He starts to wash your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep. You wake up briefly as he lifts you from the tub and carries you to the bed. He moves the blankets back and sets you down gently before crawling in next to you , pulling the blankets back over you.
“Be my partner,” he says as you turn towards him
“Only if we can still go to paris” you giggle and he nods, kissing the top of your head before you both drift off.
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