#I'm convinced that the “let's exploit the gift of the seer” idea came from him
calcedon79 · 5 months
Ohhh, could I beg for 6 for the ask game? :D
But of course. As requested, a small excerpt from a WIP. (Sorry, not from the Sith AU 😁)
It's a section from the third part of the "Butterfly Effect". I've been tinkering with it for over a year, but somehow the story has gotten completely out of control... ...
Smiling, Plagueis picked up the scalpel that Sifo-Dyas had cut himself with a few moments ago. He held it up to the light and looked at it for a moment. Some blood was still on it.
"Interesting creatures, these Midichloriana, aren't they?" the Sith continued in a conversational tone. As if they were sitting together having a nice little chat. "They are a part of the Force and a part of reality. Allow us to influence its energy. Do you know what else they can do?"
Sifo didn't know and didn't want to know. (A fact the Sith was completely indifferent to).
He continued calmly: "I have conducted various experiments in recent years and have achieved some remarkable results. These few drops of your blood, for example, are enough to give me access to your Midichloriana and thus access to your Essence. Remarkable, isn't it?"
Remarkable? Sy became dizzy. Remarkably disturbing was more like it. He didn't need a mirror to notice how his face lost all color. Time to end this. Igniting his sword, he moved into an attack stance.
"Oh, don't. How impolite of you." Plagueis shook his head in amusement, adopting the posture of a crèche master who had caught his charges in a harmless prank. "Do me the pleasure of taking part in a little demonstration."
The Force tugged warningly at his consciousness, but he had no time to act before
Plaguei's fingers closed around the medical blade. Nothing happened for a moment, but then the temperature plummeted even further. The cold crept into his body on invisible spider legs. It seemed to carry nettle poison with it, causing his nerves to flare up. It burned, it hurt. Tears ran down his face.
"This process is not very pleasant, as you can see." The Muun watched pitilessly as his opponent collapsed to his knees. "... and you don't need this anymore, Master Dyas."
To Sifo's horror, his lightsaber twitched and strode towards Damask. What had been his trusted and loyal companion since childhood was changing. The kyber crystal's harmony was changing. This could not be! Dissonances made the hilt vibrate, intensifying the pain in his hand, making his skin clammy with the effort of holding the saber.
Sy was barely able to hold on to it as his trembling body began to strive forward. An invisible power pulled and tugged at him, demanding that he bow down, crawl on all fours to his new master.
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