#I'm doing my best to create quality items that are each uniquely hand made.
dogshit-enchantment ยท 1 month
Just finished Four Swords Adventures and man. I'm glad I finally got the chance to go back and beat it but my god. Some of the later levels were kinda awful. Idk if it's just that I've fallen out of things with puzzle games or what but there were so many puzzles in the last 3 levels where they didn't explain it before hand, give any hints or idea as to what they could be, and never repeated them. Like there's one puzzle where u have to use a boomerang to hit a switch on the opposite side of the wall (like from another room), something I didn't know you Could do and something they never did before and never repeated after. Like most of the more difficult to parse puzzles had a little slab or ghost or something being like 'hey u gotta do smth with This Thing' but this one was stone cold Figure It Out.
I felt like the Tower of Winds was one of the best levels in the game, really utilizing the fact that you got Four Guys and really putting all the previous puzzles' efforts to the test. Really good level. Followed by the Palace of Winds which was fucking dogshit and felt like a slog of running back and forth exchanging items over and over. (Also the tower of winds being a primarily side scrolling level that utilized the Gameboy adapter as the primary way to explore rooms was really well done)
Also the gerudo desert was fucking god awful. I've been through some rough levels before but I fucking HATE the 'oh u gotta pick one of three directions. Oh you chose wrong cuz it's fucking random so we're sending u back!!' like I get it's supposed to be imitating the lost woods but the lost woods has sound and visual clues, this was just At Random and fucking sucked shit oh my god.
The parts I really enjoyed were the sound design, the way it meshed alttp and Minish Cap type graphics together, and the unique puzzle solving for having four dudes in formation. Probably the best puzzle (and one I had to fucking look up the solution for cuz it was a No Clue No Tutorial Final Level puzzle) was one where u have to go into the shadow realm, pick up ur other link from the light realm and carry him across a gap from between dimensions. Exceptional puzzle love that so much, WISH THEY HAD SET UP THE TUTORIAL PROPERLY SO I COULDVE SOLVED IT cuz there was at no other point any indicator that that was a thing you could even do.
Like it felt like they were doing way too much way too late, adding in new mechanics that should have been in earlier, and then reusing the same boss over and over again. I think you fight the fuckin color coded claw mini boss like 4 times, every time it's equally as easy and annoying. Also the gohma enemies were rly annoying, having homing attacks you can't block/dodge and go way too fast, not rly challenging so much as just smth to brute force. Also it never felt like there was real skill required in combat until like, vaati's fight which even that was just timing bomb throws. (And don't get me started on how mad I am that vaati never shows up in his hottie form, he's just in his fuckin balloon monster form and I'm sad about it)
The overall vibe of the game and speed of progression felt nice, the levels that were rly enjoyable (the Village of the Blue Maiden, both Hyrule Castle segments, the Lost Woods, and Kakariko) were huge highlights, the sneaking segments especially felt like a real test of skill and cheese and I really enjoyed it even if they were a bit frustrating to fail. And the segments that were more quest oriented were really good, there's something about a looooong quest line that they did really well.
The difficulty level of this game felt... Strange. It was like they didn't know how to create a difficulty curve. Repeat enemies made things boring and too easy, but since links hp resets with each stage they backed themselves into not being able to ramp it up. Also a lot of the 'unique' (not premade) enemies were... Kinda ugly, tbh. Like not as in monsters have to be cute, but as in the quality of the pixel art was really disjointed. Honestly all of the art was like that. Some assets that were blown up u could see the fuzzy pixel anti aliasing, where as all of the particle effects were Really crisp. Like downright the best part of the game kinda crisp. I fucking LOVE the particle effects in this game, as well as the lighting as a whole it's really pretty in that regard.
Idk this game has been something I've wanted to beat since I rented it as a kid so finally getting that chance I... I don't know. It feels like most of the game (especially the later parts) I was mostly just frustrated, but when it was good it was great.
TLDR; I think I would reasonably give it a 6.5/10, it's fine, it's got some great moments but has a lot of issues that make it frustrating.
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universaladv ยท 1 year
Trying To Find The Top 5 Best Places To Buy Souvenirs In Ladakh And Ending Up With A Bag Full Of Fake Pashmina Shawls
The Importance Of Supporting Local Artisans And Entrepreneurs
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delhi to leh bike trip package
Ladakh, a remote region of the Indian Himalayas, is known for its unique culture, stunning landscapes, and colorful handicrafts. Many visitors to Ladakh are eager to bring home souvenirs to remember their ladakh bike trip from delhi, but finding authentic and high-quality items can be a challenge. This is the story of one traveler's quest to find the top 5 best places to buy souvenirs in Ladakh and the unexpected outcome that followed.
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ladakh bike trip package from delhi
After hearing about the renowned handicrafts of Ladakh, I was determined to bring back some authentic and unique souvenirs from my trip. During ladakh bike tour packages from delhi I had done my research and compiled a list of the top 5 best places to buy souvenirs in Ladakh, including local markets, handicraft stores, and artisan cooperatives. I was excited to explore these places and find some treasures to bring home.
How it Works:
I set out on my journey with my list in hand, ready to explore the best shopping spots in Ladakh. During delhi to ladakh bike trip packages I visited bustling markets filled with colorful textiles, intricate jewelry, and handmade pottery. I stopped at artisan cooperatives where I watched skilled craftsmen create beautiful woven textiles and pottery. I visited specialty stores that sold traditional Ladakhi garments, handmade rugs, and other unique handicrafts.
As I shopped, I was careful to inspect each item closely, looking for signs of authenticity and quality. But as I started to collect my purchases, I noticed something strange. In ladakh bike trip package from delhi The Pashmina shawls that I had bought at a local market seemed too cheap to be true. Upon closer inspection, I realized that they were made of synthetic fibers and not the luxurious cashmere that Pashmina shawls are known for.
Q: What are the best places to buy souvenirs in Ladakh? ๐Ÿ›๏ธ
A: The top 5 best places to buy souvenirs in Ladakh include local markets, handicraft stores, and artisan cooperatives.
Q: How can I ensure that I'm buying authentic and high-quality souvenirs in Ladakh? ๐Ÿค”
A: Inspect each item closely for signs of authenticity and quality, and do your research on the item before making a purchase.
Q: What did the traveler end up with after their shopping trip in Ladakh? ๐Ÿ›๏ธ
A: The traveler ended up with a bag full of fake Pashmina shawls made of synthetic fibers.
Q: What are some tips for avoiding fake souvenirs in Ladakh? ๐Ÿง
A: Research the item beforehand, inspect it closely, and purchase from reputable shops and cooperatives.
Q: What other types of souvenirs can be found in Ladakh? ๐ŸŽ
A: Ladakh is known for its colorful textiles, intricate jewelry, handmade pottery, traditional garments, handmade rugs, and other unique handicrafts.
My quest to find the top 5 best places to buy souvenirs during delhi to leh bike trip package ended up with a humorous twist. Despite my efforts to find authentic and high-quality items, I ended up with a bag full of fake Pashmina shawls. While it was disappointing to discover that my purchases were not what they seemed, it served as a reminder that not everything is as it appears, especially when it comes to souvenir shopping. Nonetheless, I still cherish the memories of my Ladakh trip and the unique items that I did manage to bring back with me.
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