#I'm getting a migraine like. it's gonna happen but the pain hasn't hit me bad yet
battywitch ยท 3 months
Cool cool cool cool this is great and definitely totally fine ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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gamergirlshelby ยท 3 years
Tokiya Quirk Drawbacks
Alrighty this is the post where I go over the numerous drawbacks for Tokiya's quirk, Time Displacement.
This will be a very long post, with some images used to help show how the drawbacks work (the pictures may not be very good though) so this will all be under a read more.
Tokiya Quirk Basics
First, I want to do a quick over view of Tokiya's three base abilities. Tokiya has the abillities to make a person or object fast-forward, rewind, or slow down at varying speeds. All three of these abilities are activated when Tokiya makes physical contact with a target while focusing on the exact thing he needs to do. For example he would need to focus on making an object fast-forward to be 5 times its normal speed. Tokiya usually uses verbal indicators to help them focus on what they are trying to activate.
How the quirk acts solely when Tokiya himself is the target.
When Tokiya is using their quirk on themself they are able to fast-forward, rewind, or slow-down themself with little restriction. Tokiya's body is designed to be able to handle the shifting time, so he has grown accustomed to the constant shifts his body experiences when using his quirk.
Tokiya's fast-forward works by causing Tokiya to move slower, even allowing him to defy gravity by slowly falling down to the ground (this effect works on all possible targets).
Tokiya's body has three specific points that it relies on to help keep itself stable when Tokiya uses their quirk. First is the "base time" which is the time that his body will shift back to after it is given the proper time to, since it won't immediately shift back until Tokiya stops using the quirk for a moment (how long it takes to shift back differs between uses).
Second is the "stopping point" for how far Tokiya can rewind before he physically can not take it anymore. If Tokiya rewinds anything and then reaches this point, everything will immediately stop as a reflex to keep Tokiya from rewinding themself into non-existence.
The third is the "stopping point" for the fast-forward. It is similar to the stopping point for the rewind where if Tokiya over exerts himself when fast-forwarding and reaches this point, Tokiya will reflexively stop every affect he has active at that point in time. Since Tokiya is still relatively young during his UA school years, it takes very little rewinding to reach his stop point for the rewind (which is when he is about 4 years old, since his quirk had developed slightly later compared to the average), while the stopping point for Tokiya's fast-forward takes a lot longer to hit (the stopping point is around when Tokiya is 84 years old, which is the average life expectancy for a human in Japan). Below I have a small chart showing the stopping points and base time for Tokiya as of his time at UA.
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Even though Tokiya's stopping point for the fast-forward is when he is around 84, that does not mean he will die at that age, that is just an approximate that his body has made.
The bad part about this is, since Tokiya's body keeps shifting its self through time, it does not get the time to develop any extra mass, whether it be weight or height, so Tokiya is shorter than the average height, and is very underweight, causing even smaller clothes to be oversized. To help counter act this, Tokiya tries to avoid using his quirk as much as possible during long breaks from school to help his body grow, to somewhat mixed results, since he did have a growth spurt between leaving his last school and attending UA, growing about being about 5'2" or about 157 centimeters, and is now 5'6" or 168 centimeters.
How Tokiya's Quirk effects Others (and himself)
When Tokiya uses his fast-forward and rewind, they are also effected by the quirk, but at half of the power as the target, for example if his target is at 4x speed, Tokiya will be fast-forwarded at 2x speed. I have made a visual indicator shown below for Tokiya's fast-forward effecting a separate target. (with a cameo from Ikuto Maekawa)
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Tokiya is impacted differently when using his rewind on someone else. Tokiya's physical body will rewind, but Tokiya will not rewind his position. Tokiya can focus on solely rewinding his physical body, but it takes a lot of concentration, and it usually ends with Tokiya getting a migraine. I have made a visual indicator shown below for Tokiya's rewind effecting a separate target. (with a cameo from Evan Satoru)
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When Tokiya uses his quirk on multiple targets, he experiences an effect he calls stacking, because if Tokiya uses his quirk on multiple targets, they will experience the fast-forward or rewind at half the speed of both targets added together. For example if Tokiya used his fast-forward at 4 times speed on one target and at 6 times speed on a different target, Tokiya would be fast forwarded at 5x speed since 4 divided by 2 plus 6 divided by 2 equals 5 (4/2+6/2=5). I have made a visual indicator shown below for Tokiya's fast-forward effecting 2 separate targets. (with a cameo from Jaye Rokuto and Momo Neko).
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Lastly is Tokiya's Slow Down. Tokiya is unaffected when using the slow down on a separate target, but is handicapped by Tokiya not being able to use his slow down with his support items, which I will get into in the section about Tokiya's support items and how they work.
Tokiya's Support Items
Tokiya has a few useful support items that he had help developing from UA's support course students. Tokiya has two support items, first off being his outermost coat, which has a clock design on the back that will have the hands move clockwise if Tokiya is fast forwarding and counter clockwise if Tokiya is rewinding. This is beneficial to his allies who will be able to see if Tokiya is fast forwarding or rewinding, but it also helps any villains Tokiya might be fending off. The clock on Tokiya's jacket does not change if Tokiya is using his slow down.
Tokiya also uses a bow and arrow as a way of dealing with foes that are a great distance away or in the air. Tokiya usually carries two types of arrows, the first type being arrows with sharp edges that can cause physical harm, while the second type of arrows with a soft arrow head that also allows Tokiya to transfer their fast-forward and rewind a long distance. However the arrows can only transfer the set fast forward or rewind speed, and are only in effect for a short period of time. The arrows also do not work with Tokiya's fast-forward.
What would happen if Tokiya loses his Quirk?
This one is mostly for a hypothetical, since I don't plan on ever writing it so Tokiya permenantly loses their quirk, but if it where to happen, whether it be by Aizawa using his quirk on Tokiya, or some other sort of in universe means, here's what would happen if it was a permanent thing.
First off, Tokiya would have their lock of grey hair in their bangs fade to black. Since it was the unique visual que that could help show Tokiya's age once it was effected by his quirk.
Next Tokiya would immidiatley smack back to his base time, causing him immense physical pain, since his body would usually need to take its time when getting back to that resting point. Because of this Tokiya would probably scream and then pass out from the shock, since his body just immediately snapped back into a specific position in time it was not ready for.
Next, once Tokiya wakes up, Tokiya will be very out of it for a decent period of time since his body is experiencing time as the average person would, and Tokiya hasn't really experienced that since before his quirk initially developed, and would likely need to be hospitalized for a short period of time while he readjusts.
Lastly, once Tokiya is fit again for school, they would likely be transferred to UA's general studies course from the hero course, but would still likely be in class 1-Y since it is a mixed class.
Now if it was a quick, non permanent thing, Tokiya would still have the grey hair fade to black, and still pass out from the shock of immediately snapping back to normal time, depending on how long Tokiya's quirk is gone for determines how long they would need to stay at the hospital.
If it was Aizawa using his quirk it would probably be the whole day at MOST, maybe staying the night, and at the very least would have him stay an hour or two after waking up.
If it was one of the quirk dampening drugs used in the Shie Hassaikai Arc, Tokiya would likely need to stay in the hospital a bit longer so the doctors can analyze the drug since it was in his system, and wait for its effects to ware off. If I ever write angst about Tokiya losing their quirk (and knowing me I probably someday will), this would probably be the route I go down, since its not permanent, and it correlates with a concept shown in canon.
Final Thoughts
Hey, if you're reading this that means you finished the fricking essay I wrote about how much Tokiya's quirk sucks, and I really appreciate it. I was gonna put this in the tags but I don't know how long I will ramble with this section so I might as well keep it all in the same part of the post. I'm a little surprised that I actually wrote this much, since I thought this would be a quick thing, but it took me about 2-3 hours to write all of this down. If you have any questions related to this please send an ask or comment on the post, and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. Anyways that's it for now, and thanks again for reading all of my ramblings.
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